
顯示具有 阿斯塔(Ashtar)、銀河聯邦、銀河超級聯盟、銀河指揮部 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 阿斯塔(Ashtar)、銀河聯邦、銀河超級聯盟、銀河指揮部 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》米迦勒-敞開你的心扉 (20210524) 3:46 《2》銀河司令部-契約變更 (20210529) #AsaraAdams #BethStormont #pfcchina

傳導:Asara Adams

Greetings,Beloved Ones,


We are sending you blessings of Love and Light,in this Now Moment,and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…


Things are shifting rapidly and many are feeling unsure as to where they are in this process and how this will all turn out.


Beloved Ones,as you are going through your moment-to-moment experience,you are creating each experience from within your feeling state.


At the center of your creation is the vibrational signal that you are radiating and which then returns the energy back to you in form of an experience.


Your environment and everything around you is prompting thoughts,feelings and most importantly the desire for improvement.


Your asking with your feelings and thoughts is instantly creating the answer and it is then on its way to you.


The only way it can then enter your experience is by your maintained state of harmony.


The longer you are able to maintain your state,or return to the state of harmony,the faster you are able to experience your desired reality.


So,how do you do that?


Start your day with appreciation,meditation and connection to your I AM Presence of God.(Your I AM Presence is the individualized aspect of God that is assisting you in your Ascension.)


As you are going throughout your day,pay attention to the way you feel and what you are thinking.


If you think and feel anything less than harmony,take a moment and ask for your I AM Presence to return you back to Divine Harmony.


Place your hand on your heart center,breathe a few deep and slow breaths and allow for Divine Harmony to enter your heart…


After a few moments,you will begin to feel more at peace and in Divine Harmony.


Then all the experiences you have asked for can begin to reach you and enter your experience.


Even if you are not consciously asking for something specific to manifest,when you are in Divine Harmony,your I AM Presence is able to bring you many blessed experiences and move you upwards into your Ascension.


Know That All Is Well,Beloved Ones.


Welcome Home.


We are walking beside you,every step of the way.


Dear Ones,you are loved beyond measure.Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


Thank you,Archangel Michael!

< 原文及來源:
https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/51731.html >

傳導:Beth Stormont

Greetings,Dear Ones on our beloved Earth planet!We wish to share with you at this time something that you may already well know,but we feel it bears repeating.


As more information is being revealed concerning the truth of COVID19,there have been statements made about the needless deaths of countless millions because of incorrect procedures for containment,etc.You have heard the stories,and so we shall not recount them here.

隨著有關 COVID19真相的更多信息的披露,有人發表聲明說,由於不正確的遏製程序等,無數人不必要地死亡。你們已經聽過這些故事了,所以我們不在這裡講了。

What we wish to bring to your attention–whether already known or not–is the reality of those deaths.


We here wish to correct the'needless'part of those deaths,for–as many of you know–death was chosen by the soul of each of those who supposedly succumbed to the virus.It was indeed by such means that they passed to another realm.But the choice was theirs to continue their schooling on another earth planet–one more pleasant and easier to handle–or to experience life in another existence.Some felt they could better serve the processes of the Awakening and Ascension by joining the forces on the other side of the veil—and some have already graduated and arrived in the 5D realm of existence.


These deaths–(actually by contracts made)–were chosen by both young and old,and by those in poor health and in good health.COVID19 provided–(and still does provide)–an unprecedented opportunity for those in human incarnation to choose a more wonderful life than that in which they had currently found themselves.Therefore,in our mind,it would be difficult for us to call these deaths'needless'.


We would also like to add something further regarding life and death on this Earth planet.As you know,there has been a great toll of lives in the 3rd world countries.Many of these are young souls who wished to experience this last time ever in the experimental 3rd dimension of this Earth planet,even if only for a short time.They knew,when they came into incarnation,that it would be a short and difficult life—but they willingly chose it nonetheless.This was true also of those seeking quick karmic work-throughs;but that was okay with them,and so they were allowed this incarnation.The resultant death was expected(and chosen)in the case of each of these described.


Whether seen through the eyes of 3D or 5D makes all the difference in the world as to the reality of life and death.COVID19 was not created by the Higher Beings–nor by the Creator of All–but its evil creation and purpose has been transmuted and utilized for an ultimate good.And so does the'good'continue!

無論是通過3D 還是5D 的眼睛看世界,對於現實生活和死亡來說都是不同的。COVID19不是由更高的存有創造的,也不是由萬物的創造者創造的,但是它的邪惡的創造和目的已經被改變,並被用於最終的善。好事還在繼續!

We hope this little commentary about the reality of the seemingly'tragic deaths'of so many thousands of lives might find a resonance within your hearts,Dear Ones…and bring less suffering of sorrow and grief at the loss of your loved ones.May you find an inner peace from knowledge of the Truth


We love and bless you on this courageous journey you are on.And please know you are ever held in the Light and Love of the Cosmic Christ.



< 原文及來源:
https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/51898.html >


0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》麥基洗德-不帶期望和條件地發送愛(20210522) 4:30 《2》銀河聯邦-當前的故事(20210522) 7:59 《3》米拉-前方的時光是快樂的(20210522) #AuroraRay #MarleneSwetlishoff #ErenaVelazquez #NickChan

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love to have discourse on the great and grand opportunity that is now before you. The cosmic Light of the love of God that never fails is pouring down upon the Earth and an awareness of its presence in the atmosphere around you, will assist you to bring this greater Light into your very cells to assist in the further transformation of your human-multi-dimensional operating system. Take time each day to acknowledge this Light that is flowing from the invisible realms and call it down upon you.
There are many channels through which dispensations of Light activations have been given in order to assist humanity to gain more Light quotient into their human-multi-dimensional operating system in various ways. These are now coming into greater prominence and activity. It behooves you to discern which particular method given is the most resonant with you. The most important consideration is that you avail yourself of these opportunities as they come to your attention. By doing so, you assist your multi-dimensional self to more gently come into your energetic field and complete the merging with you, the outer manifestation of your soul.
The winds of change are now fully upon you and this fresh breeze is bringing forth the time that you have all been waiting for, the shifting from one age to another. There are many cycles ending and your place in these times has played a significant role. As we move through these changes, all the ancient human patterns of expression that no longer serve human evolution into the higher dimensions of consciousness will continue to be cleansed and changed through transmutation and transformation to a higher way of living.
We ask that you, our Beloved Lightworkers, daily direct the energy of love to the collective human consciousness, for it is this energy that can grow into a mighty flame within the hearts of all and enable them to rise up to a greater frequency of vibration and understanding of the higher realms by being receptive to it. As you receive this greater energy of cosmic love, in turn you direct it to anchor into the crystalline core of the Earth and to the energetic bands of collective consciousness streams that encircle the planet.
You do not have to take control of the energies of love you send to these, just LOVE all your sisters and brothers without any expectations or conditions, knowing that you are all connected to the same Source, by whatever name is most comfortable for you. You, as the emissaries of Light, now move into the next level of your service to humankind, the Earth and all her inhabitants. Envision the energies of love that you send forth in this way as helping to dissipate all discordant energies that rise to the surface to be looked at and faced.
This daily practice can help awakening humanity become free from all the distractions and illusions of the old cycle so that they may begin to remember their Divine origin and dream a new dream - the beginning of the Golden Age so long foretold. As you hold this focus of unconditional love, see all discord dissolving within the collective consciousness and a brighter Light take its place. Then see great Light burst forth from within Mother Earth's crystalline core and radiate out into the atmosphere and then out into the Universe.
This practice done by many Lightworkers will help set the new Template of Divinity in a way that will facilitate a mass awakening across the entire planet. Your Light will be magnified by the higher realms as we work in unison to achieve victory and success. Attune to the Earth and give thanks for her coming resurrection into greater Light and consciousness. Take on the mantle of co-creator with God with the utmost devotion and integrity and know that we are with you always.
I AM Melchizedek.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849207605238952&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

We would like to emphasize the importance of not letting yourself get pulled into the current narrative. As usual, things are not as they might appear at first glance.
It is so easy to be dragged down into worry and despair about the events on your planet. This fear should not be your “place of residence”…
The dark forces are trying everything to regain their power and they will stop at nothing. Everything is designed to keep you stuck in the 3D matrix construct of fear and control.
And yet it is crucial for your own good and specifically for your ascension vibes to keep vibrating higher.
If you succeed in raising your frequency and keeping it you will quickly see that beyond the lies and web of illusions.
You can imagine it like a puppet theater in which actors play different parts. Some are the bad guys and others pretend to be the good guys while the actual good ones are absent from the scene.
The dark forces have always used holographic inserts, staged events, and all kinds of trickery supported by the mainstream media outlets that they own and control to create a reality for you that would bind you to their magic spells. Literally.
Do not buy any more tickets to this show.
Be peaceful, be kind, be compassionate, and be patient.
If you have trained yourself and evolved in the past years, now is the time to put your loving talents to work.
Many are in fear right now. They need your stability and loving support.
We have communicated this to you many times before and we think that only ow the time has come for you to truly understand what we have meant by those words.
You must become the keepers of frequency. This means that you not only raise your vibration but you keep it high no matter what.
This is how you can make this frequency accessible to others.
You cannot go around dragging people to 5D. You cannot force humans to awaken and you do not know what their souls have chosen to experience within this lifetime. You cannot violate their free will.
But you can make your life an example that invites others to follow, to partake in your beautiful experience, to share your wisdom, and to find peace in yours.
Do not believe what the media tells you. Not for a moment. Turn off your TVs and spend more time with Mother Nature.
Sit under a tree, breathe deeply, and know that all is divine order.
They cannot win and they are fully aware of it. They just want to cause as much pain and fear and chaos as long as they can to get one last kick out of it.
This is the victory of light.
So, today we ask of you to stay grounded and to keep the faith in the divine plan so that others too may feel more at peace.
We love you. We are here with you.
We are the family of light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849207915238921&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mira from the Pleaidian High Council, and I have a new message for humanity. The situation on Planet Earth is changing daily as the veil between dimensions is getting thinner and thinner with each day. The Darkness created a huge gap between our world and yours in order to keep you in low vibrations.
If you look around and observe your reality very closely, you are going to notice that everything in your surroundings is carrying a specific energy to keep you in a survival mode, so you don’t have any time to analyze what is the truth and what is really going on.
Since day one, when you were born in the human body, you were introduced to false and controlled truth. Now, your existence is changing as the shield separating us from you is dissolving quickly. Your planet is constantly receiving high energies send from the Central Sun.
The dirty tricks by the controllers are not working anymore in slowing down the process of destroying this 3D Matrix. The transition from low vibrations to New Earth continues and getting closer and closer to completion of the Ascension Process.
The Ground Crew and Alliance are continuing the cleanup on Mother Gaia. The Awaken Human Population can see very clearly now with their own eyes of all the betrayals, corruptions and dishonesty by their governments, who never served their people only their own pockets. They can’t hide anymore and their greed is becoming too visible.
The part of the humankind, who follows and still believes that the governments protect their best interests, are going to be very disappointed and dishearten, when they find out the truth. Humanity needs to go through this process in order to move to higher dimensions, unfortunately there are no shortcuts.
The long overdue changes are finally coming and the Ascension approaches now faster as the time lines are moving in accelerating speed since last year. Your population is leaving places and moving to cities or towns with now more relaxed rules, after being over year told how to live your personal lives.
Many around the globe are speaking up and demanding their freedom. You are gaining a realization that nobody has the right to push you around. Each of you represents knowledge, unique experiences and different abilities, which you received during your soul journey.
You are here to accomplish specific missions and soon you will be able to fulfill them. Everyone is going to be very busy as the New Earth will require to built a happy, prosperous and a free society.
As I mentioned in my previous message, my team and I are going to help you to set up globally the Light Centers to help to heal humanity. Happy times are ahead of you, please stay strong and don’t forget that you are Powerful Multidimensional Beings.
I am Mira and I am grateful to speak to all of you today. Thank you.
Stay in the Light.Mira
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849208075238905&set=a.806388119520911 >

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》銀河聯邦-臭名昭著的"舒適區"(20210521) 6:41 《2》光之議會-與舊的外在世界故事脫離(20210521) 12:15 《3》加百利-放下約束(20210521) #AuroraRay #RebeccaCouch #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

The frequency of earth is steadily rising and what we are witnessing now on the planet is a frequency divide. Meaning, there are those who have ascended and keep ascending with earth’s new vibratory level and there are those who keep choosing the density of the third-dimensional reality as their preferred place of residency. The infamous ‘Comfort Zone’.
The only place where you exist is here and now. Every dimension has its own definition of here and now. That particular here and now makes up the reality of that dimension.
Two different definitions of here and now cannot exist together here and now. One will not be real to the other and usually, the situation blows up.
That’s when people do not understand each other, do not get along, and even fight. They are each in their own reality -in their own dimension, literally.
This is what’s playing out on earth at the moment.
A great part of the planet’s population is ascending into a higher frequency and then there are those who are terrified by the truth and cling to their cognitive dissonance as if there’s no tomorrow.
This creates the frequency divide I mentioned earlier. And since they are both simultaneously being played out on the same planet, it’s blowing up. Unrests, protests, and scarcity for some while others watch and follow the daily news with excitement, knowing everything is about to change for the highest and best good of humanity.
And of course, we know, there are also those who want to sabotage the people who are at peace… To say the least.
It’s important to know that not all souls have chosen to ascend within this lifetime. They have come for other experiences of which they thought they would benefit in regards to their soul’s evolution.
This planet is inevitably ascending into the fifth-dimensional reality of unconditional love. Mother Goddess Gaia will shake off all that will not match her frequency -her reality of love.
Overnight the mystical creatures that were banned from the planet a long time ago will return to their rightful habitat. The same way Avalon vanished when human frequency had fallen so low that they couldn’t see it anymore, it will reappear and with it the magic, wisdom, and love of 5D Earth.
At the same time, a 3D version of Earth will continue to play out its dramas, fears, and system of control for those souls who need more time for their ascension process. Jesus said, “Many are chosen but only few will hear the call.”
If you are reading this post, chances are high that you belong to the chosen ones. And before you ask, I’d like to emphasize that nobody has chosen you. YOU are the one who has chosen to do this. You’re all sovereign inhabitants of this universe.
But from the choice of participating in the greatest ascension of our universe and actually ascending with earth to 5D, it’s still a long way.
This unprecedented ascension process sets forth that you take your physical body with you, from 3D to 5D.
Being positive and enlightened alone is not enough.
This is the time where you must start to love yourself unconditionally.
How do you do this?
• Breathe
• Meditate
• Laugh
• Listen to high-frequency tunes
• Dance, nobody needs to watch but this is a very high vibration tool
• Sing, nobody needs to listen but this is a very high vibration tool
• Exercise, support your body to be able to hold the higher frequencies
• Eat plenty of fresh raw food
• Educate yourself about nutrition and specifically veganism. I do not ask you to nor do I recommend to go 100% vegan forever but eating more vegan food and less animal products or flesh is a must
• Drink pure Water (find a source or buy source water in glass bottles, do not drink tab water)
• Spend time in Nature with Mother Gaia, connect to her
• Pets are little angels who are already in 5D
• Ground yourself daily, walk with your bare feet, lay with your naked skin on the sand, water, weeds, etc. or take a salt bath
And most importantly:
When you have the chance to love someone, for god’s sake, leave all trickery, all negativity, all doubts, all fears behind and just love.
Love is the essence that facilitates ascension. We all need more of it, not less.
The higher you rise in frequency the more you wish for unconditional love to manifest itself in your life. And at this moment in evolution, we attract our primary soul mates and twin flames. When someone feels special in your heart, they are.
In case you haven’t noticed yet, things have changed on planet earth. Meetings are divinely orchestrated to fulfill their higher purpose…
Grab them, love them, and don’t think so hard.
I love you.
We are family of light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848479801978399&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Aren’t you beginning to feel the excitement in the air? Yes, we know that much must continue to transform before it is overt, but you must already instinctually know that good is coming, do you not? If the emotions of demise are still clouding your vision, then it is the perfect time for the “fake it until you make it” scenario! Look to the horizon for the dawn is coming. Do not focus on what has to fall in order for the new to arrive…as a creator, be the manifester of the new and focus on its presence. It is already born; it is arriving in your experience. And what you are able to maintain in your energy field, makes it possible for others to do the same. Remain excited, hopeful, helpful, mindful, heartful, determined, radiant. This is your most important work right now. You are that powerful and this is your time to shine. Shine the light of infinite possibility and that all that is right and true and good can be rectified or created in your new world. Emanate health and wellness and prosperity and brilliance and youthfulness and ease…all that you need, conjure. All that you require, request. Ask, and you shall receive. It is natural Divine law and it is yours to command. Take command!
Part of the great lesson for you now is to realize how powerful you are – that you are the composition of the universe and you have everything you need inside of you to conjure anything. You greatest hindrance is your mind, and now is the time to overcome this miniscule, yet phantomly powerful overlord. It is time to evict its presence over you and adopt the real presence and that is omnipresent and omnipotent. If you are lined up with Source, what limitation could you ever have except for your own imagining? This is the matrix of the old human plane…now that you have graduated to a higher plane, you must shed the old definitions of yourself and the world so that you can express your true magic and power! It is like arriving at a new destination with old beliefs, perceptions and attitudes. You have arrived in a new land; be willing to adopt a complete new way of being now. Shed the old clothes and begin anew.
Detach from the old narrative of the outside world as it screams itself into oblivion. Let it expire its natural death, all the while you are busy creating the new. Use your magical forces to imagine and create a symbiotic life in harmony with nature, that it can be shared with and made possible for others who have lost touch with Her majesty (the real HRH!). Mother Earth is the real healer and balancer and physical expression of the Divine, so living in tandem with her, and the great power of the Divine Father, will bring about all that you desire. You are their Divine Child, after all. Their progeny in action! Now is the time to show up and express that in every now moment. You break the old system by simply creating a new, better one, that is based on the right and true principles of Divine Law. So bring all that you can into being by imagining and conjuring and building and focusing on it. Be an architect and dream it and draw it and make it happen, whatever it is that is being burst from your heart. It is possible. It is possible. It is possible. It is true. Keep the momentum going, inspired by your dreams and manifesting power. What you create for yourself, in harmony with and benefit of others, will come to pass. Your paradise is their paradise. All is to share with those who seek it and know it to be true for themselves.
Above all, hold your presence in the highest light. Remember who you are and why you are here at this time. Use your power wisely and with complete integrity. Ensure that you have all that you need so you can assist others on their way. Your cup will runneth over to assist all who need a boost, a signpost, a spark of light to go on. Hold your lantern high so that it sheds light for others on their path. It is no long time for rescue or influence, it is simply inspiration now!
Be inspiring for yourself and all that you do, and your energy will be contagious. The best contagion ever…Divine inspiration!
Regardless of any small doubts or wavering, we are always with you,
The Council of Light Within.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848479921978387&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones, you do not need to communicate with spirit to move forward on your spiritual journey. You do not even need to know exactly what your spiritual beliefs are. All that is required is a belief that something more than you exists, acknowledgement that you are intrinsically connected to that something more, and a willingness to move with the flow which is the guidance system of that something more. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
There has been much talk about fear lately. Fear, simply put, is contracting energy. You at your core are beings of love, and as such thrive in expansive energies.
But what we wish for you to understand is that what is fear for one might be expansion for another. For example, jumping out of an airplane might be unthinkable for one person, but the culmination of a dream for another. Interesting how the same activity could make one person panic and another feel so exhilarated and alive!
Whether something feels constrictive or expansive is individual and is how you can tell if something is right for you or not. You are all unique beings with your own soul agendas and personal preferences. Your fear might be another person’s flow, and not only is that perfectly normal, it is wonderful that you all have such freedom of expression.
It is time to honour the free will and innate mastery of each other. It is also time to honour your own free will and settle into the idea that you are the only expert on you. If you stay in your heart, embrace your flow, and follow where your soul is calling you, you can never, ever make a mistake. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, expansion is how you experience more comfort, presence, and engagement in your life. So many of you find yourselves in an alignment that works for you and feels satisfying and then try to hold onto staying in that energy forever. If you understand the universe works in flow, you can see that won’t work.
When you try to keep things the same, you start resisting the natural unfoldment of your journey. If you really dig in, you will start to get more and more uncomfortable because you are creating a gap between where you are and where your soul is beckoning you to go for your next highest experience. You will be trying to thrive in energies that will have less and less energetic support for you.
We understand it is a natural human tendency to find something you like and want to stay with it, but that is actually based on a belief that good energetic matches are rare. In truth, that energetic match is a starting point, not an end point. By allowing its unfoldment you let it grow and evolve and become so much more.
Trust that if you have found something you love the flow will allow it to become everything it can be and more. By giving things the opportunity expand into their greatest expressions of self you will be a willing dance partner with the universe, firmly rooted in your faith and trust, and willing to be led to the discovery of more than you could ever imagine. It is time to drop the constraints and let your lives get as big and beautiful as they want to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848478795311833&set=a.806388119520911 >

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.

【阿斯塔Ashtar】新人類範本;關於 人類進化劃分點、釋放範本、內在美的重要性、內在美、新身體看起來怎樣?

傳導作者:Steven Rother
影片章節概要: 0:00 影片開頭 0:56 【人類進化劃分點】 2:44 【釋放範本】 6:32 【內在美的重要性】 9:01 【生死間的線】 11:02 【內在美】 13:36 【新身體看起來怎樣?】





























< 原文:https://blog.xuite.net/kkay666/hkblog/90891411 >


0:00 影片開頭
0:38 《1》Ashian-如何駕馭這個困惑(20210508)
6:13 《2》光之銀河聯邦-顯化和豐盛的秘密(20210508)
9:39 《3》光之銀河聯邦-新的代碼(20210508)

譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved hearts, we reach out to you in great and infinite love, as you feel your worlds crumbling around you. Every truth you thought was unassailable, inviolate, and true will seem to crumble too. You imagined that the purity of intent would protect you, now this appears to false. You are being shown to be victims too. You are being shown to be powerless too, although you stood in your power. None of this is the truth. The truth will emerge and there will be a cleansing of distortions.
There is much afoot with words and counter words; ideas develop power and traction, but that does not mean that they are pure or true.
So where should you focus? What is Truth?
Focus on your inner knowing, on following your intuition. Focusing on your intuition will separate the wheat from the chaff, which is what this is about…
It is not about ‘who’ is right. Will you give away your power to someone outside or will you hold strong? Will you trust your inner knowing?
Whether your intuition is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ does not matter, what matters is that you go within and trust your intuition.
Your intuition is your road map, your soul map to your greatest vision for this lifetime; each one of you will intuit something different, depending on what lessons you are to learn, what karma you have chosen to rebalance, what soul learnings you desire to experience. Your intuition will bring you to the right understanding for you, the right place for you, the right timing for you, the right people for you.
You cannot skip a step; you cannot side step your soul journey. It is your divine and sacred marriage, inside, you to your soul and your soul to you. That is the only marriage that matters, that is the only truth that matters. Follow this and your inner compass will bring you where you need to be.
The focus in the chaos needs to be your inner marriage, you and your higher self, your soul, your knowingness of what is right for you. That will be your best, your truest guide and compass. That is the spiritual lesson of this time – not to listen to this or that, but to go within and to find your truth. And then live that truth.
When you are aligned with the truth of your inner marriage, your soul, you automatically align with divine grace and synchronicity, you are automatically on your soul’s fast track.
If you try to bypass life experience, or ‘jump ahead’ or second guess what is down the line, you will distort your journey and create unnecessary rebalancing, or karma. To move through your intuitive knowing with grace and love for all is truly the easiest path, the path that is most open to divine grace flowing in and through you.
J: What about when our loved ones make choices that are the opposite of our beliefs?
A: Sweet child, don’t be upset. Come into your sacred knowingness. Where do you exist? In the divine field. What is your intuition? It is the map you created through that divine field for your highest good. Follow that pathway, all will unfold in perfection. You are not lost. No one is lost. You have not been abandoned. No one is abandoned.
There are no mistakes, for even when you try to chose something that may be a distortion for your soul, you will be brought back to your soul again, and allowed to realign.
Time is an illusion. Reincarnation is even an illusion, as is death. You are divine essence in experience.
The compass is your inner knowing. Follow that compass and it will bring you to the perfect place for you.
J: But what if these are ‘tests’ in sovereignty?
A: Follow your intuition. Follow your inner knowing, your sense of what is right for you, not what others say or think, for so much of that will be shown to be partial or flawed. Sure, you may listen to everything, but ultimately, let your decisions flow from your inner knowing, that is your sacred journey, the road map that your higher self determined was the best path for you through this now moment.
That is the quantum leap. That is the return to Source, to your Source, your essence. That is your divine power.
J: What if I don’t know?
A: Then wait. It will become clear. It will awaken within you.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1838492489643797&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear ones,
You must not forget that the great ascension of humanity is at hand and that you shall begin to prepare your body, mind, and soul for this process.
If you follow the news and world events you inform yourselves and we salute your willingness to look at darkness and learn about the evil that exists in our world.
Knowledge is power.
But we would also like to remind you that the continuous flood of this third-dimensional information will lower your vibratory level. It will arouse your anger, sadness, and in the worst-case scenario, for those extremely sensitive empaths amongst you, it can even leave you feeling powerless.
You must balance the information you look at.
What you look at is where you send your energy to and what you send energy to you create more of.
As the fight over Gaia’s territory continues, we’d like to emphasize the importance of rest, grounding, and simply distracting yourself with what uplifts your spirits.
Disconnect from the media and electronic devices for a few hours each day. Go for walks, spend time in nature, play with your children and pets.
Listen to music, move your bodies, and relax your minds.
The Earth’s frequency is rising and your physical bodies will learn to match this new vibratory level but you must be determined in supporting this sacred journey diligently.
Drink plenty of fresh water, eat raw fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed foods, sugar, and alcohol as much as you can.
In your world, you were taught that you have just one body. The physical body. Whereas in truth, you have 5 sacred bodies. The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and astral bodies are the reality of your quantum existence within the third, fourth, and fifth-dimensional realities.
These bodies have a direct correlation with one another. Therefore, the mental body is directly connected with your physical body. If your mind is focused on too much negativity your body will show symptoms of fatigue, aches, allergies, and more. A stressed mind is of no help to an ascending physical body.
This is the first time in the history of the universe that you as a species are ascending with your physical body…
Meditate, relax, let go, and let love flow.
Have you heard your human saying: “What you resist persists, what you let go flows.”?
This is what we want to remind you of today.
Envision a happy outcome and look more at things that excite you and make you happy. This is, after all, the great secret to all manifestation and abundance.
We love you dearly.
We are your family of light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1838492676310445&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

We have transmitted new codes to the cells of your being while you were sleeping, dear ones. You are empowered and have all the necessary tools to bring forth the liberation of Gaia.
We have given you the means to “beat your enemies with their own weapons” as you could say in your human language.
There’s a lot going on on your earth star Gaia at the moment. It is the final battle between dark and light.
Remember, that light is information and therefore darkness is the lack of it.
As you become informed your enemy loses power.
This light has altered your frequency. It is now up to you to hold this frequency and become “The Keepers of Frequency” so that others may access this frequency easier.
Many are still in disbelief but they are seeing their world and their beliefs crumble in front of their eyes.
Share your light with them. Inform them.
We do not ask that you go about this kicking and screaming.
Your task is to do this peacefully.
Leave the information there for them to reference when they are ready to receive and then move on.
You have signed up for this. You are prepared for it. The time is upon you now.
The moment a human starts questioning their reality and the motives of those who are holding the reigns, they begin ascending from the third-dimensional matrix system into 4D. The astral realm.
This process is what we call awakening.
This is what is happening to Gaia’s peoples at the moment.
This is the mass awakening we have anticipated.
The 3D Matrix that has kept you enslaved is crumbling and losing its very fundament of deceit, lies, and control.
The system is falling. And there’s no more turning back.
You are great warriors of light, truth seekers, way-showers and the children of the sun who will bring forth a new dawn.
This is your time.
Do not fear.
We are here with you.
You can see our lightships in your night skies and you can feel us in your hearts. We have begun contacting you. Open your hearts to see the signs. As the liberation of Gaia proceeds, we shall come closer.
This is the victory of light over darkness.
We love you dearly. We are your Family of Light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1838492836310429&set=a.806388119520911>


0:00 影片開頭
0:39  《1》烏列爾-在和諧中和宇宙一同聯合創造(20210501)
11:08 《2》銀河聯邦-新的代碼(20210501)
#AuroraRay #NatalieGlasson #U2心無為 #pfcchina

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson
譯者:U2 心無為

















*  以臣服的內心接引聖愛的真知和智慧,並願意遵照內心的指引去採取行動。

*  確保你的覺知清晰而通透,以敏銳的覺察處於當下臨在的接收狀態。為保證你自身意識的清晰與通透,你還可以祈請神聖存有們的協助,協助你接引宇宙的智慧並激活你內在的力量。

* 觀想,一股明亮的源頭光柱把你籠罩,並與你的頂輪連接,貫穿你全身,讓你存在的所有面向都被照亮,變得通透無比。隨後,觀想它從你身體中輻射開去,在你的身體周圍建立一個發著光的圓形場域能量,完全與神聖臨在的智慧校準,並對應著你內在轉變的所有需求。

*  集中精神,聚焦意圖,想像你自己此刻正不斷接引你需要的智慧,靈感或真知。

*  觀想,來自神聖臨在的能量與你完全融合,源源不斷的支持並激活你內在轉變所需的元素。並且記得放鬆並且允許,這股能量是你最親密且智慧的朋友,它非常非常的瞭解你。

*  留意是否有任何內在的聲音試圖與你交流,對應著你所提出的可能問題或疑惑。

*  在接引智慧信息的同時,靜靜感受,敞開並接納,即便所接受的信息你此刻還無法完全理解。如果智慧的信息未能降臨,也請同樣接納,也許是時機未到,或是與你靜心的程度有關,總之,勤加練習會有更深的連接。

*  重要一點是:保持流動,和平與寧靜,不執著,不粘附!





你也可以抽出一些時間,與神聖臨在一同沉思 - 到底什麼才能對你起到最有效的服務。讓你自己平靜安坐,把精神集中在呼吸上並開始這個過程,邀請神聖臨在的能量進入,從你內在激活並完全環繞你。









< 原文:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIyMzQ3MDExMA==&mid=2247496900&idx=1&sn=b27084bb2b64985638c6761939419dc6&chksm=e81f03b5df688aa3042702ba0d3a393b5359072724193b35139e1d33c1145e9507eb249b3639&scene=105#wechat_redirect >

傳導作者:Aurora Ray

We have transmitted new codes to the cells of your being while you were sleeping,dear ones.You are empowered and have all the necessary tools to bring forth the liberation of Gaia.


We have given you the means to"beat your enemies with their own weapons"as you could say in your human language.


There's a lot going on on your earth star Gaia at the moment.It is the final battle between dark and light.


Remember,that light is information and therefore darkness is the lack of it.


As you become informed your enemy loses power.


This light has altered your frequency.It is now up to you to hold this frequency and become"The Keepers of Frequency"so that others may access this frequency easier.


Many are still in disbelief but they are seeing their world and their beliefs crumble in front of their eyes.


Share your light with them.Inform them.


We do not ask that you go about this kicking and screaming.


Your task is to do this peacefully.


Leave the information there for them to reference when they are ready to receive and then move on.


You have signed up for this.You are prepared for it.The time is upon you now.


The moment a human starts questioning their reality and the motives of those who are holding the reigns,they begin ascending from the third-dimensional matrix system into 4D.The astral realm.


This process is what we call awakening.


This is what is happening to Gaia's peoples at the moment.


This is the mass awakening we have anticipated.


The 3D Matrix that has kept you enslaved is crumbling and losing its very fundament of deceit,lies,and control.


The system is falling.And there's no more turning back.


You are great warriors of light,truth seekers,way-showers and the children of the sun who will bring forth a new dawn.


This is your time.


Do not fear.


We are here with you.


You can see our lightships in your night skies and you can feel us in your hearts.We have begun contacting you.Open your hearts to see the signs.As the liberation of Gaia proceeds,we shall come closer.


This is the victory of light over darkness.



We love you dearly.We are your Family of Light.


**Channel:Aurora Ray

Ambassador of The Galactic Federation



< 原文:https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/51111.html >

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


傳導作者:susan Leland
#來自天狼星的FRANK #susanLeland


我們站在這裡— 那些導師們和我,阿斯塔,還有所有這個巨大團隊的人們,他們來自於光,來這裡和你們在一起,陪伴你們所是之光!







甚至有些人知道你們確實從地球外其他的行星而來 ---- 你們也會在宇宙其他地方選擇承受痛苦。



你們擁有研究探索的大師— 你們曾經聽說過— 泰拉和拉瑪<http://goo.gl/6ms5d1>。






現在,你們多次聽到我們的傳訊,撒南達明確定義諒解的意義 ---- 缺少一些評判,這就是我們現在要說的。

這需要大家的理解,是的,什麼已經發生了,特別是在前不久,但也需要知道它已經不間斷地在行星地球和宇宙其它地方上演了13,000 年了。








我們要談的就是這些內容— 創造出愛的大氣層,讓每個人都提升起自身的頻率和振動,每個人都走在揚升的路上,沒有這些大氣,個體無法生存!

現在,我們正在經歷這些時期,我們不停地告訴你們這些— 我們知道你們很激動— 而我們也是!!!這被稱作黃金紀元。















因此這裡是有關感受、分享感受的事,是發送你們的愛— 對你們每個人來說!

如果你們處於任何的自我評判當中,那麼現在是認識你們神聖本質的時刻,去愛去滋養自己,當你們這樣做時,你們提升了頻率— 它是可以傳播的!



運用好 ​​黃金時代,帶來無條件的和平 ---- 無條件的愛,無條件的諒解 ---- 喜悅,著隨之起舞,當然快樂當中充滿了諒解!


世界也應如此。這是聖潔之日的季節 ---- 地球歷史上最偉大的時刻,因為地球上所有的存有都有機會團聚一起共同進入這個時代!!!


你們到達了黃金時代和你們揚升路上的臨界點 ---- 不僅僅這個點不會阻止你們前行的腳步,因為它到達如此倉促 ---- 而且你們前進的動力會如此的強烈,我們要告訴你們,我們可以看到這扇門,此門戶,此機會之窗大開!!!

是的,我們正在談論它以及努力的方向,我現在站在你們面前,在愛的圓圈當中,在我飛船的艦橋上,新耶路撒冷號,告訴大家 ---- 就是這樣的事實!!!



因為你們仍然在前行路上 ---- 整個星球都需要到達那裡 ---- 但你們為什麼放慢與我們辛辛苦苦才達到的前進動力? 



你們是信使,你們是光之工作者,你們是阿斯塔的家人,我們支持你,沿著你們的路指導著你們,當你選擇飛翔時我們願意和你們一起飛翔 ---- 所以讓我們一起來吧!!!


一起進入到這個機會之門、機會之窗,機會之門戶 ---- 不管你們想像它有多大,不管你們想像以何種方式穿越。

讓我們著手開始做,因為你們應得,畢竟等待了許久 ---- 不只是畢生,不止是這個世紀,而是已經有13,000 年了!!! 


親愛的家人們,這是我們的使命— 那就是為什麼我們來這裡 ---- 一起向前!



Ashtar: "The Portal is Wide Open to the Golden Age!"*
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - November 12, 2013

"Greetings Beloved Family, and welcome to the Bridge of The New Jerusalem!  We stand here - the Mentors and I, Ashtar, and all of this Grand Company who come from the Light to be with you and the Light that You Are!  And it is indeed so joyful that we are ecstatic, absolutely ecstatic, in our Joy at your coming!!!

"We share with you the momentous news of the moment that you have brought yourselves to - this moment in your time, in what you call your history/herstory of Planet Earth, which is so on the very edge of the ending of all of the trials and the traumas and the tribulations that Planet Earth and, yes, you, Beloved Ones, have volunteered to experience, in order to bring yourselves to this very moment!

"So it is to appreciate, to be in Gratitude for the clearings, the cleansings, and the upward movements, if you will; that is, the raisings of the vibrations of every living being, of Mother Gaia herself and everyone who is currently in residence upon Planet Earth!  And with it will come the raisings and upliftings of other planets and other civilizations - other living beings in other places besides Planet Earth.

"So yes, it is to be appreciative and grateful, but that’s only part of it.  You see, you’ve all suffered, by your choice and by your will.  Even those of you who are knowing that you are indeed from other places besides Planet Earth - you have chosen suffering somewhere out here in the Universe.  The reason for it, as we have said, is to be grateful and to appreciate these changes which are coming now so fast, that it indeed takes a great deal of concentration and focus to even keep up with knowing these changes as they come!  It is more for you to feel than it is necessary for you to be in constant research!

"You have Masters of research - you have heard them already – Masters Tara and Rama.**  And so it is for you to get their reports and let them be the messengers to you, unless you know that it is your calling to also be such.  It is yours to spread the news, indeed.  It is for you to share what you know, whether you do it telepathically, or in your actual expressions of words or deeds, or whether you do both, which is most ideal!

"But as we have said, this Gratitude is only a part of where Planet Earth is right now!  The window of opportunity, as we have already asked you to understand, is wide open, and it is for you to express out through this window, as much as it is for you to create, shall we say, the traveling atmosphere!  So in addition to Gratitude and appreciation, there must come another Love-based message from you, and that is Forgiveness.   Now, you have heard many times in our messages that it is Sananda who has defined Forgiveness as the absence of judgment, and this is what we are speaking of.

"It is for you to be in knowledge, yes, of what has transpired, particularly in your most recent past, but also to know that this has been the ongoing trend for at least 13,000 years here on Planet Earth, and on other places.  And so all of the hatred and all of the corruption, and all of the thievery and all of the lying, and so on, has been real.  It has been experienced, not just by you as a victim or as a receiver, but also by you as a perpetrator. Why?  So you would understand it!

"Why do you need to understand?  So you can be in compassionate Forgiveness, so you can give up your judgments in favor of Love!!!  Clear out whatever there is that you might have in the way of recriminations, or blame, or guilt.  Let’s face it, it is most likely that there is some kind of a combination.  And when you are feeling absolutely forgiving and free of judgment, then extend it out!  That’s your mission!  It’s to share that with the world!!!

"That’s what we are talking about - creating the atmosphere of Love so that everyone can raise their frequency, everyone can raise their vibration, everyone can be on the path to Ascension, because without the existence of this atmosphere an individual cannot ascend!  Now we are having this period of time we keep telling you about – we know you’re excited - so are we!!!  It’s called the Golden Age.

"What is the Golden Age, anyway, except a transition? ,Yes, you go through a portal, you enter into a Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity for all and the feelings must be of Gratitude and Forgiveness. And they are based in Love, and it is to be aware and knowledgeable, but it is to be the compassionate observer!  It is not to get down in the dumpies about anything that has transpired, whether it is in your own personal life or whether it is something that you see in the World.

"Yes, send your compassionate caring, send your Love!  There’s a place on this Planet which is crying out for help, and that is, of course, in the Philippine Islands.  And it is to send your Love and your healing, because Mother Gaia is not incompassionate, but there were things that needed to be cleared in those places.  And be not in sorrow for those who left their bodies.  Many of them were taken up on the ships, as many as who wanted to come!

"That’s what we can do when those who are destined to leave the Planet make that request - and we do it!  There are others who simply need a time out, so to speak, a time away from whatever it is that they have been doing, an opportunity to change directions.  They are not gone, their spirits live on and they will be back in other identities if they choose to do so, or they will move into their Light bodies and be among the Companies in the Heavenly Realms.  Everybody has a choice, everybody can do whatever it is that he or she chooses to do!

"Sometimes even the greatest of teachers, the Masters, choose to come back and try a more, shall we say, earthly life, after they have done their service in the identity of the Masterhood.  So it is to each and every individual to choose what’s next, but we tell you this for Planet Earth – you’re in the realm of opportunity!!! And so it is about feelings, about sharing your feelings, it is about sending forth the Love You Are - each and every one of you!  And if you are in any self-judgment, now is the time to recognize your own Divine Beingness, to love and nurture yourselves, and as you do so you raise your own vibrations - and it is contagious!  You just can’t help but help everyone else on Planet Earth!!!

"So what is the point of all of this?  The point is to usher in the Golden Age, but it is to bring forth the Peace that is unconditional – unconditionally loving, unconditionally forgiving - and the Joy that goes with it, and of course there is Gratitude in that Joy! How can there not be?  It’s time to dance, it’s time to cast off all of the worries, and the woes and fears, and all of the discomforts, the disharmonies and whatever other fears you may have been experiencing, and all of the emotions that are fear-based!

"It’s time for the World to do this.  This is the Holy Days season -the greatest one ever for Planet Earth, because this is when all of the beings on Planet Earth have the opportunity to get it together and to move into this Golden Age!!!  We in the Ashtar Command on the ships, and those of you in the ground crew, see this as the forward momentum that we have been waiting to see. You’ve reached a point in your movement toward the Golden Age and your Ascension - not only where there is no stopping you, because that point was reached previously - but where your momentum is so strong that we can see this door, this portal, this opportunity window wide open and we’re telling you – come on!!! Step through it, fly through it, however you choose, just know the time is now in your history/herstory, as it has never been!

"Yes, we’ve been talking about it and working toward it, and I can stand before you now in this circle of Love on the Bridge of my ship, The New Jerusalem, and tell you - this is it!!!  But it is still for you, Beloved Ones, to continue your work, to continue to move with us.  It is not for you to sit still or to lie down and say, 'Oh good, I’ve done my share and now I’m through. I don’t have to do anything more,'  because it is that you will still get there -the entire Planet will get there - but why slow down the momentum that you’ve worked so hard with us to attain?

"So we invite you and encourage you to continue your missions, to continue your work, if you want to think of it as that.  We think of it as following your contracts and living your passionate Joy!You are messengers, you are Lightworkers, you are Ashtar Family, and we stand with you, and we walk with you along your paths, and we fly with you when you choose to fly - so let’s do it!!!  Let’s not wait any longer and let’s not stop.  Together we are moving through this opportunity door, or window, or portal -however big you want to make it, and however you want to see yourself moving through it.  Let’s get it done, because you so deserve it, after all of your waiting – it’s not just this lifetime, it’s not just this century, it’s 13,000 years!!!

"So let’s bring in the Golden Age, and as they say – let’s ring it in during these Holy Days!  Let there be Peace and Prosperity and Joy to the World!!!  That, Beloved Ones, is our Mission - that’s why we’re here, that’s why you’re here - and let’s move forward together!  And we thank you for being with us, we thank you for all that you have done, for all that you have to do, and most of all we thank you, Beloved Ones, for being the Divine, Wonderful and Radiant Beings You Are!!!  And so it is - Salut!"

* Ashtar was introduced by his chosen song, Come The New Jerusalem
**Tara and Rama's A&A Report
Ashtar was followed by our guest speaker, President JFK
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, November 12, 2013. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 