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顯示具有 Susan Leland 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


傳導作者:susan Leland
#來自天狼星的FRANK #susanLeland


我們站在這裡— 那些導師們和我,阿斯塔,還有所有這個巨大團隊的人們,他們來自於光,來這裡和你們在一起,陪伴你們所是之光!







甚至有些人知道你們確實從地球外其他的行星而來 ---- 你們也會在宇宙其他地方選擇承受痛苦。



你們擁有研究探索的大師— 你們曾經聽說過— 泰拉和拉瑪<http://goo.gl/6ms5d1>。






現在,你們多次聽到我們的傳訊,撒南達明確定義諒解的意義 ---- 缺少一些評判,這就是我們現在要說的。

這需要大家的理解,是的,什麼已經發生了,特別是在前不久,但也需要知道它已經不間斷地在行星地球和宇宙其它地方上演了13,000 年了。








我們要談的就是這些內容— 創造出愛的大氣層,讓每個人都提升起自身的頻率和振動,每個人都走在揚升的路上,沒有這些大氣,個體無法生存!

現在,我們正在經歷這些時期,我們不停地告訴你們這些— 我們知道你們很激動— 而我們也是!!!這被稱作黃金紀元。















因此這裡是有關感受、分享感受的事,是發送你們的愛— 對你們每個人來說!

如果你們處於任何的自我評判當中,那麼現在是認識你們神聖本質的時刻,去愛去滋養自己,當你們這樣做時,你們提升了頻率— 它是可以傳播的!



運用好 ​​黃金時代,帶來無條件的和平 ---- 無條件的愛,無條件的諒解 ---- 喜悅,著隨之起舞,當然快樂當中充滿了諒解!


世界也應如此。這是聖潔之日的季節 ---- 地球歷史上最偉大的時刻,因為地球上所有的存有都有機會團聚一起共同進入這個時代!!!


你們到達了黃金時代和你們揚升路上的臨界點 ---- 不僅僅這個點不會阻止你們前行的腳步,因為它到達如此倉促 ---- 而且你們前進的動力會如此的強烈,我們要告訴你們,我們可以看到這扇門,此門戶,此機會之窗大開!!!

是的,我們正在談論它以及努力的方向,我現在站在你們面前,在愛的圓圈當中,在我飛船的艦橋上,新耶路撒冷號,告訴大家 ---- 就是這樣的事實!!!



因為你們仍然在前行路上 ---- 整個星球都需要到達那裡 ---- 但你們為什麼放慢與我們辛辛苦苦才達到的前進動力? 



你們是信使,你們是光之工作者,你們是阿斯塔的家人,我們支持你,沿著你們的路指導著你們,當你選擇飛翔時我們願意和你們一起飛翔 ---- 所以讓我們一起來吧!!!


一起進入到這個機會之門、機會之窗,機會之門戶 ---- 不管你們想像它有多大,不管你們想像以何種方式穿越。

讓我們著手開始做,因為你們應得,畢竟等待了許久 ---- 不只是畢生,不止是這個世紀,而是已經有13,000 年了!!! 


親愛的家人們,這是我們的使命— 那就是為什麼我們來這裡 ---- 一起向前!



Ashtar: "The Portal is Wide Open to the Golden Age!"*
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - November 12, 2013

"Greetings Beloved Family, and welcome to the Bridge of The New Jerusalem!  We stand here - the Mentors and I, Ashtar, and all of this Grand Company who come from the Light to be with you and the Light that You Are!  And it is indeed so joyful that we are ecstatic, absolutely ecstatic, in our Joy at your coming!!!

"We share with you the momentous news of the moment that you have brought yourselves to - this moment in your time, in what you call your history/herstory of Planet Earth, which is so on the very edge of the ending of all of the trials and the traumas and the tribulations that Planet Earth and, yes, you, Beloved Ones, have volunteered to experience, in order to bring yourselves to this very moment!

"So it is to appreciate, to be in Gratitude for the clearings, the cleansings, and the upward movements, if you will; that is, the raisings of the vibrations of every living being, of Mother Gaia herself and everyone who is currently in residence upon Planet Earth!  And with it will come the raisings and upliftings of other planets and other civilizations - other living beings in other places besides Planet Earth.

"So yes, it is to be appreciative and grateful, but that’s only part of it.  You see, you’ve all suffered, by your choice and by your will.  Even those of you who are knowing that you are indeed from other places besides Planet Earth - you have chosen suffering somewhere out here in the Universe.  The reason for it, as we have said, is to be grateful and to appreciate these changes which are coming now so fast, that it indeed takes a great deal of concentration and focus to even keep up with knowing these changes as they come!  It is more for you to feel than it is necessary for you to be in constant research!

"You have Masters of research - you have heard them already – Masters Tara and Rama.**  And so it is for you to get their reports and let them be the messengers to you, unless you know that it is your calling to also be such.  It is yours to spread the news, indeed.  It is for you to share what you know, whether you do it telepathically, or in your actual expressions of words or deeds, or whether you do both, which is most ideal!

"But as we have said, this Gratitude is only a part of where Planet Earth is right now!  The window of opportunity, as we have already asked you to understand, is wide open, and it is for you to express out through this window, as much as it is for you to create, shall we say, the traveling atmosphere!  So in addition to Gratitude and appreciation, there must come another Love-based message from you, and that is Forgiveness.   Now, you have heard many times in our messages that it is Sananda who has defined Forgiveness as the absence of judgment, and this is what we are speaking of.

"It is for you to be in knowledge, yes, of what has transpired, particularly in your most recent past, but also to know that this has been the ongoing trend for at least 13,000 years here on Planet Earth, and on other places.  And so all of the hatred and all of the corruption, and all of the thievery and all of the lying, and so on, has been real.  It has been experienced, not just by you as a victim or as a receiver, but also by you as a perpetrator. Why?  So you would understand it!

"Why do you need to understand?  So you can be in compassionate Forgiveness, so you can give up your judgments in favor of Love!!!  Clear out whatever there is that you might have in the way of recriminations, or blame, or guilt.  Let’s face it, it is most likely that there is some kind of a combination.  And when you are feeling absolutely forgiving and free of judgment, then extend it out!  That’s your mission!  It’s to share that with the world!!!

"That’s what we are talking about - creating the atmosphere of Love so that everyone can raise their frequency, everyone can raise their vibration, everyone can be on the path to Ascension, because without the existence of this atmosphere an individual cannot ascend!  Now we are having this period of time we keep telling you about – we know you’re excited - so are we!!!  It’s called the Golden Age.

"What is the Golden Age, anyway, except a transition? ,Yes, you go through a portal, you enter into a Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity for all and the feelings must be of Gratitude and Forgiveness. And they are based in Love, and it is to be aware and knowledgeable, but it is to be the compassionate observer!  It is not to get down in the dumpies about anything that has transpired, whether it is in your own personal life or whether it is something that you see in the World.

"Yes, send your compassionate caring, send your Love!  There’s a place on this Planet which is crying out for help, and that is, of course, in the Philippine Islands.  And it is to send your Love and your healing, because Mother Gaia is not incompassionate, but there were things that needed to be cleared in those places.  And be not in sorrow for those who left their bodies.  Many of them were taken up on the ships, as many as who wanted to come!

"That’s what we can do when those who are destined to leave the Planet make that request - and we do it!  There are others who simply need a time out, so to speak, a time away from whatever it is that they have been doing, an opportunity to change directions.  They are not gone, their spirits live on and they will be back in other identities if they choose to do so, or they will move into their Light bodies and be among the Companies in the Heavenly Realms.  Everybody has a choice, everybody can do whatever it is that he or she chooses to do!

"Sometimes even the greatest of teachers, the Masters, choose to come back and try a more, shall we say, earthly life, after they have done their service in the identity of the Masterhood.  So it is to each and every individual to choose what’s next, but we tell you this for Planet Earth – you’re in the realm of opportunity!!! And so it is about feelings, about sharing your feelings, it is about sending forth the Love You Are - each and every one of you!  And if you are in any self-judgment, now is the time to recognize your own Divine Beingness, to love and nurture yourselves, and as you do so you raise your own vibrations - and it is contagious!  You just can’t help but help everyone else on Planet Earth!!!

"So what is the point of all of this?  The point is to usher in the Golden Age, but it is to bring forth the Peace that is unconditional – unconditionally loving, unconditionally forgiving - and the Joy that goes with it, and of course there is Gratitude in that Joy! How can there not be?  It’s time to dance, it’s time to cast off all of the worries, and the woes and fears, and all of the discomforts, the disharmonies and whatever other fears you may have been experiencing, and all of the emotions that are fear-based!

"It’s time for the World to do this.  This is the Holy Days season -the greatest one ever for Planet Earth, because this is when all of the beings on Planet Earth have the opportunity to get it together and to move into this Golden Age!!!  We in the Ashtar Command on the ships, and those of you in the ground crew, see this as the forward momentum that we have been waiting to see. You’ve reached a point in your movement toward the Golden Age and your Ascension - not only where there is no stopping you, because that point was reached previously - but where your momentum is so strong that we can see this door, this portal, this opportunity window wide open and we’re telling you – come on!!! Step through it, fly through it, however you choose, just know the time is now in your history/herstory, as it has never been!

"Yes, we’ve been talking about it and working toward it, and I can stand before you now in this circle of Love on the Bridge of my ship, The New Jerusalem, and tell you - this is it!!!  But it is still for you, Beloved Ones, to continue your work, to continue to move with us.  It is not for you to sit still or to lie down and say, 'Oh good, I’ve done my share and now I’m through. I don’t have to do anything more,'  because it is that you will still get there -the entire Planet will get there - but why slow down the momentum that you’ve worked so hard with us to attain?

"So we invite you and encourage you to continue your missions, to continue your work, if you want to think of it as that.  We think of it as following your contracts and living your passionate Joy!You are messengers, you are Lightworkers, you are Ashtar Family, and we stand with you, and we walk with you along your paths, and we fly with you when you choose to fly - so let’s do it!!!  Let’s not wait any longer and let’s not stop.  Together we are moving through this opportunity door, or window, or portal -however big you want to make it, and however you want to see yourself moving through it.  Let’s get it done, because you so deserve it, after all of your waiting – it’s not just this lifetime, it’s not just this century, it’s 13,000 years!!!

"So let’s bring in the Golden Age, and as they say – let’s ring it in during these Holy Days!  Let there be Peace and Prosperity and Joy to the World!!!  That, Beloved Ones, is our Mission - that’s why we’re here, that’s why you’re here - and let’s move forward together!  And we thank you for being with us, we thank you for all that you have done, for all that you have to do, and most of all we thank you, Beloved Ones, for being the Divine, Wonderful and Radiant Beings You Are!!!  And so it is - Salut!"

* Ashtar was introduced by his chosen song, Come The New Jerusalem
**Tara and Rama's A&A Report
Ashtar was followed by our guest speaker, President JFK
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, November 12, 2013. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 


傳導作者:蘇珊‧莉蘭Susan Leland
#SusanLeland #黎飛翔

我以這樣的喜悅向你們問候 ! 是的,你們是我親愛的孩子,我是母親蓋婭。

在這個地球的上面、下面的所有王國,如你所知,我的王國是浩瀚的,在這個過程中我最特別的地方 - 是我自己的任務過程,你可能會說那是團聚我所有王國中的所有孩子,在純粹的愛中合一。

是的,變化將繼續 ! 是的,世界上仍有恐懼 ! 我給你這份邀請,我知道你已經與我站在一起,這是最大的喜悅!但這個邀請是給我所有王國的成員,因此,也許你會把它帶入你的心靈,提供給你看到在恐懼中或者是無知的人,我們團聚在一起做什麼。

除此之外,我邀請你享受我所說的聖餐,我提醒你,我有很大的治療和恢復力量!想像自己— 也許是在海邊或是躺在深潭上巨大的岩石上,像一個興奮的年輕人潛水,或像一個小孩或青年。把你們自己帶到一個你們能去享受並重新連接的完美時刻,允許自己像孩子一樣的天真!

花朵 - 停下來聞聞玫瑰 ;
樹木 - 給被你吸引的樹木一個擁抱;
大自然裡的動物 - 像一個親愛的家庭成員一樣開始去做;與鳥對話,先模仿,然後很快的理解並實際交談!


電影《星球大戰》的 Chewbacca

讓我們思考一下我多年來隱藏的這些王國,他們這樣做是為了保護自己!我們會特別談到仙女和少數民族 - 你們稱之為“大腳怪”或“大腳野人”他們是溫柔的人,你記得在《星球大戰》中的楚巴卡 (Chewbacca) ,他是一個溫柔的巨人,是的,當他在需要時可以保衛自己,但這些在地球上的溫柔巨人寧願躲藏起來,只能向那些天真的、值得信賴的孩子以及從他們心中閃耀著愛的人顯現!


你認為阿瓦隆 (Avalon) 在哪裡?阿瓦隆是否從地球上消失了?柯萊特 (Camelot) 又如何 ? 這兩個地方現在仍然存在,它們將再次被發現!
 (* 譯註 : 柯萊特 (Camelot) 英國傳說中亞瑟王的宮殿所在之地 )

亞特蘭提斯和利穆里亞的偉大寺廟呢?他們都從地球上消失了 ?


這就是我前來的原因。我美麗的、光芒四射的孩子們!你不僅要在過去的經驗裡播送愛光,也要去品味那些在你記憶中最快樂的事情,放下那些不快樂的事或者去改變它們,讓你意識到你已經從中獲得的智慧,不再需要它們在你的記憶之中,你可以在你的能量場蛻變它們。撼動你自己 !

與花草樹木和森林、海洋等動物甚至與礦物溝通也許是不容易的 - 雖然他們似乎最善於與更多的人類成員在某種程度上溝通,因為他們是大自然中的信使,他們發送和接收!

但你有能力與我所有的王國溝通!這讓你們自己進入更高的領域,放開限制、挑戰和舊的 3D 思想程式,當你想做的時候,提起勁並開始這些對話!

阿斯塔說你可以邀請任何的王國成員聚會! 我的所有王國是由靈性們和梵天 / 天神 (by Spirits and Devas) 為代表。例如你可以邀請胡蘿蔔的梵天來臨,如果你想種植一些胡蘿蔔在你的花園裡,也許可以得到代表他們的智慧 . 培養胡蘿蔔的一些方法。


如果你做出這樣選擇,這是從我的王國加入你的治療團隊。這提供了一個特殊的程序,這是由女性提出的治療過程,這牽涉到我的王國代表。有的人直接把腳裸露在地上,用裸腳觸摸地球或草地,感受到那裡的治療力量 - 接地能力,平衡力量!

有許多人特別利用水晶和植物的治療能力!允許你自己連接。親愛的,一切都在你身邊。 這一切都是為了讓你更靠近,同時也要為自己的幸福負責 ! 如果你摘了一朵花,用感謝來歡迎,並把它拉近你自己 - 你也許是為了裝飾身體或將其治療能量放在你的家裡。



親愛的孩子們,無論你做什麼,歡迎你攜帶著你的神聖之愛做為孩子們的引路者,允許我所有的王國在愛光中與你一起。因為在一起,我們確實在引導世界 - 那就是讓一部分的人類看到光 !

我們應該成為領導者,並說:“請跟隨我們,請跟我們來,我們正在向上移動,這是我們的選擇,那就是我們的命運!”如果你選擇這樣做的話,這是給你的,與我們一起在第三維度的提升當中前進,它 ( 第三維度 ) 不再為人類或蓋婭母親的任何王國服務。

所以,我親愛的孩子們,我祝福你們,我看到你們的光芒,我與你們在愛中 ! 因為我們真的發現很久以前你們自己承諾過的——回家的路,我們地球上所有人的路!

因此我感謝你,讓你的光閃耀的如此明亮,為了讓你們自己更新和恢復,用愛的能量來更新你們自己。我維持你們所有人 - 永遠不再是單獨的或彼此分開的,因為現在,你為真實的自己而閃耀 !


就是這樣 !Namaste


傳導作者:Susan Leland、Natalie Glasson
譯者: 荷光*凱、Nick Chan
《1》.我們互相合作,讓世界走向和平 (20170110)
《2》.理解並轉變缺乏的體驗 (20170728)
#SusanLeland #NatalieGlasson #KuanYin #NickChan #LadyQuanYin

傳導作者:Susan Leland

“I am Kuan Yin and I greet you with allthe Love in my Being.  And I thank you, Beautiful Ones, for being here inthis togetherness of our Hearts.  And I assure you that I have only Loveand all that Love holds and creates for all of you – and most especially,that is Peace.

“我是觀音,我用生命中所有的愛歡迎你,我感謝你,親愛的,我們的心相聚在一起。我要讓你確信,我只有愛,你們所有的人也是被愛所創作和支持著 - 最重要的是,和平。

Consider, if you will, your own beings andall that radiates through your beings from your Hearts, and all that comes intoyour Hearts from the Higher levels where only Love exists – the Realms ofLight, as we call them.  The LoveLight, the Light of Love is indeed theHighest energy in the Universe!  And it has the power to prevail, notbecause it makes war, but because it brings a Peace that goes beyond whateverproblems, whatever challenges, even whatever battles you may be struggling with.And as one member of Humanity comes to that Peace, and then another, and thenanother, it becomes the prevailing energy on the Planet!


“Now, I am seen most often as a gentlebeing, and I am seen as a feminine being.  But I am more than that. I have the masculine within me as well and that is what you might call the‘action;’ the feminine is the ’emotion.’  The masculine is the action, orthe thinking of what to do.  And in that respect, I am a warrior as muchas any of you are or have ever been in any of your lifetimes!  And so,when they come together, you will find that gentle Peace, that loving Peace,and you will find the Passion to do all within your power to share that Peace,to express that Peace, and to encourage others to form communities of Peace andeventually countries of Peace!

現在,我經常被看作是一個溫柔的存在,我被視為一個女性的存在,但我還有其他面,我內在還有男性的一面,這個你可以稱為“動力”; 女性的一面的體現是“情感”。男性是行動,或行動力。在這方面,我是一個勇士,就像你任何人在你的生命裡體驗的一樣!因此,當他們聚在一起時,你會發現溫和的和平,那種愛的和平。你會發現你內在的力量,有動力去尋找分享和平,表達和平,鼓勵他人建立和平的社區並最終成為和平國家!

“Now, as Ashtar said,* we are here topartner with you, and we are doing exactly that.  But we ask you to plantthe seeds even more.  More planting is needed.  More spreading of thePassion for Peace, more demonstrating by every expression that you do and, ofcourse, each of you beginning within your own sacred beings!  The Worldneeds Peace and Peaceful cooperation in order to continue on its journey.


“It is as Ashtar said,* the ‘Peace ThatPasseth All Understanding.’ Does this mean that there can be no debate, nodialogue?  No, of course not!  It is for everyone to speak theirPassions, but with the overall consensus in the Higher consciousness already inplace that there must be Peaceful means of expressing whatever the ideas are,whatever the Passions are.  NO MORE WARS!!!  No moremoving to the battlefields, no more fleeing from the battlefields, particularlythose who are least empowered to watch over each other and watch outfor themselves – the women, the children, the old ones.

 正如阿什塔所說的,“互相理解建立和平”。這是否意味著沒有爭論,沒有對話?不,當然不!他是每個人都說他們的觀點,但在更高的意識層次必須達成集體的共識,必須用和平的方式表達所有的想法,無論什麼樣的意見。  不再有戰爭!  不再有殺戮,不會有戰爭的逃亡,特別是那些人,他們很少能得到彼此的照顧,甚至不能照顧他們自己 - 婦女,孩子,老人。

“It is for all tocome together and recognize the Love in each other!!!  It is forall to strive together to reach the perfect solution for every community. It does not have to be the same as what is arrived at by the neighboringcommunity.  It only needs a banding together, a joining together in theCOMMON goal – to arrive in Peace and to maintain that Peace!

必須團結起來,發現彼此之間的愛! 這是所有人一起努力讓每個社區變得完美的解決方案。不必與鄰近社區有相同的模式。它只需要聯合在一起,一起加入為了共同的目標 - 達成和平和維持和平!

“Now, there are many whom you respect, whoare already working for this from the perspective of their human bodies as wellas the guidance from their Higher Dimensional Selves and their guidance teams.You have heard that President Obama, for instance, is overlit or inconstant Oneness with El Morya.  You all have guides.  You allhave ascended masters, angels and others from the Realms of Light withyou.  The truth of it is, we’re all One in the Lighted Realms and ourOneness is even more in our awareness.


“And so it matters not who you call upon,who you meditate with, who you pray to, so long as you understand that this isa Peaceful partnership, a sharing of Love and its Light to energize all ofPlanet Earth, below, on and above – and beyond!  Be not threatened,be not fearful.  Peace is already prevailing.  And the end road toall of your efforts, or I shall say, the end of the road of all of what youhave been working for – of all that you have been praying for and thesolutions that you already know about, are coming to you, for they are alreadyin existence.  It’s a matter of bringing them into thereality for the entirety of the World!!!

所以你召喚誰並不重要,不管你默想的是誰,你向誰做祈禱,只要你懂得,這是為了一個和平的目標,為了行星地球分享愛和它的光。親愛的,一起提升和超越!不要膽怯,無需害怕。和平已經盛行。你所有付出的結果,或者我應該說,所有你一直以來努力工作的道路的終點 - 你所有祈禱的和你所知道的解決的答案,正呈現給你,因為他們已經存在。這是把它們在全球全部顯化成現實的事件!!!  

“So I ask you, Beloved Ones, to keep thePeace and to build upon it, to share it with your neighbors, your community,with the stranger down the road, with the person across the World whose storyyou might read of, with the child who is a victim of war or hunger ordiseasements, the old person who no longer has a home, the worker who no longerhas the means to support his or her family.  Spread the Peace, so thateveryone will be able to lift up into it and know that all is well, because theWorld is returning to that great Love and that by bringing Peace into everyHeart, that will energize that great Love and all that it creates!


“And speaking of Love, it is for me totell you how loved you are and how appreciated all of your efforts are.  Ionly ask you to focus even more upon partnering.  Let us help you and easeyour way that you may pay it forward, as you say, for all others on PlanetEarth.  And I thank you, my Beloved Family, that you are here and that youhave opened your Hearts to my words, and to the words of those who speak herein this forum.** And I invite you to see us all together, in one community, inthe Peace That Passeth All Understanding!  And so it is.  Namaste!”


傳導作者:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan

It is with compassion and grace that I, Lady Quan Yin, come forth to greet you. I bring to you the energies of the Goddess, Ascended Masters and the loving healing of the Board of Karma, my energies are integrated within all of these aspects of the Creator. Today I come forth to guide you to recognise core issues, energies or perceptions within your being which require to be transformed in order to assist you in continuing your ascension process on the Earth. It is a time when the energies anchoring into the Earth are extremely potent and powerful. Therefore, it is easier for all to look deep within their being to create necessary healing and transformations. Gazing within your being to observe your truth and what requires to be realigned with the Creator is the most beautiful process that encourages accelerated spiritual growth.


All who are observing my words now are powerful light beings. Each of you have remembered your inner light, connection with the Creator and have also accessed your spiritual power. You are becoming more radiant as each day passes and your connection to the Creator within you is deepening. Many of you are feeling the presence of the Creator, your soul and guides within and around you. However, some people recognise that there are areas of lack within their reality especially which equal the strength of their inner spiritual light. Many feel that they try many practices to release and heal the lack and yet it still remains. Examples of the lack I, Lady Quan Yin, am speaking of are a lack of abundance and prosperity, lack of good health, lack of a romantic partner, lack of like-minded friendships or lack of a home. Some people are experiencing a lack of the manifestation of their goal or what they feel their mission is on the Earth. Others may be experiencing a lack of energy, drive, clarity, determination or action in their realities.

所有閱讀我話語的人是強大的光之存在。你們每個人都憶起了內在的光,並與造物主連接,還訪問了你精神的力量。每一天你在變得更加明亮,內在深處你與造物主的連接在加深。你們許多人正感到造物主、靈魂和指導的存在,在你之內和周圍。 然而,一些人認識到他們現實中有著缺乏的領域,尤其等同於他們內在精神之光的力量。許多人感到他們嘗試了許多練習去釋放和療愈缺乏,但它依舊存在。缺乏的例子,我,觀音,正談及的,是豐盛和繁榮的缺乏,健康的缺乏,浪漫伴侶的缺乏,志同道合夥伴的缺乏或家的缺乏。一些人正體驗自己目標顯化的缺乏或使命的缺乏。其他人也許在體驗精力、動力、明晰、決心或行動的缺乏。

Many lightworkers believe that it is these areas of lack which are holding them back from experiencing fulfilment on the Earth as a spiritual and physical being. It is true that it is through these areas of lack that you are blocking yourself from unfolding into your truth and essence in the present moment. It is valuable to acknowledge that you have all you wish for and desire within your being. You are not broken, damaged or lacking in any way. All that is the Creator exists within you. Therefore, even the energies, experiences and actions you feel are lacking in your being and reality are already within your being simply waiting to unfold. The key is to recognise that each area or feeling of lack within your reality and being is a gateway, opening and portal that can guide you to accept the abundance and fulfilment of the Creator within your being. Each area of lack guides you as to where to place your focus, how to remember your truth and how to manifest into the wholeness and totality of your being. Often it is easier to concentrate on the lack rather than the message it is bringing forth to you and the part of yourself it wishes you to acknowledge. When you allow yourself to see beyond the experience of lack that is at the surface, then you encourage yourself to recognise the truth of your being. Healing, transformation and remembrance will then flow with ease and perfection.


I, Lady Quan Yin, wish to offer some small as well as focused understandings about each area of lack to assist you in understanding why the lack is present in your life or the lives of others as well as how you can transform this to recognise the truth of your being.


Lack of Abundance and Prosperity


There is a need to acknowledge the fruitful, abundant nature of the Creator and your role within the ever-flowing fulfilment and plenty of the Creator. You are a valued part of the plenty of the Universe of the Creator, which means you have a divine right to receive, e·x·press and ground all that is the Creator, constantly co-creating with the Creator to manifest the reality you desire. Allow yourself to comprehend whether you trust in the Creator to provide for you, whether you believe yourself to be deserving, if you need to develop giving, receiving or grounding the plenty of the Creator.

有必要認識到造物主豐盛,富有成效的本質以及你在不斷流動的造物主豐盛中的角色。你是造物主重要的一部分,意味著你有神聖的權利去接收、表達和穩固一切萬有造物主, 恆常地與造物主共同創造來顯化你渴望的現實。讓自己去明白你是否相信造物主會為你提供,你是否相信自己值得擁有,如果你需要發展付出、接收或穩固造物主的豐盛

Lack of Good Health


There can be many reasons for lack of good health as emotional pain and mental chaos can manifest in the physical body to attract your attention. However, if you experience lack of good health first comprehend your relationship with your body, do you love and honour your body? Recognise also that you may not be fully grounded into your body and therefore not fully accepting your body and existence on the Earth. There is a need to honour your body as a sacred temple, to accept all parts of your body and to ground yourself fully into your physical body and earthly reality. This can be achieved with intention or visualisations.


Lack of a Romantic Partner


The desire for a romantic partner with the lack of manifestation of a partner in your life symbolises that there is a need to work with your heart chakra. Greater self-love, self-support and self-healing is required. There is also a need to balance your masculine and feminine vibrations within you, to learn to trust yourself and the Creator as well as recognising that you are worthy of being loved. This is to recognise that you are worthy of not only being loved by another human being but also being loved by the Creator completely and absolutely. When you allow the Creator to love you then everything else will fall into place. Breathe in the love of the Creator, know that the Creator has more love for you than you could possibly receive.


Lack of Likeminded Friendships


When one feels alone in the world they have not fully accepted the presence of the Creator within them and the support the Creator naturally and eternally gives. There is also a need to realise that every human being is the Creator, life is for enjoying and having fun e·x·pressing and receiving the Creator. If you are not ready to give of yourself truthfully then it is unlikely that new friendships will enter into your reality. Focus upon connecting with the essence and truth within your being and expanding your energy beyond boundaries and limitations. Give your energy and truth to the world knowing that the Creator’s abundance flows through you.

當一個人感覺獨孤,他沒有完全接納內在的造物主以及造物主自然永恆的支持。還有必要認識到每個人都是造物主,生活是用來享受的,快樂地表達和接收造物主。如果你沒有準備好變得真誠,那就不見得新的友誼會進入你的現實。專注於和內在的本質與真理連接, 擴張你的能量超越邊界和侷限。把你的能量和真理給予世界,知曉造物主的豐盛流經你

Lack of a Home


Lack of a home or the home you desire to live in can often stem from not feeling at home in yourself. If your parents and previous generations also lacked a home or a home they felt comfortable in then the issues did not begin with you. However, you have chosen to accept the same patterning. To manifest a home or the home of your desires there is a need to focus upon grounding your energies into the Earth, into the positive, loving, blissful and divine energies of Mother Earth, allowing these to become your foundations. There is a need for you to acknowledge that you are worthy of being safe in the world, to have comfort and a sacred space of your own. It is beneficial to recognise whether you believe in the plenty of the Creator as described in Lack of Abundance and Prosperity.


Lack of the Manifestation of Goals or Mission on the Earth


When you focus and use your energy to create what you desire to experience on the Earth, and it does not manifest there is first a need to acknowledge that divine timing always plays a role. Maybe there is something that needs to be first acknowledged, experienced or achieved? If your goal still does not manifest, then there is a need to observe why do you wish to remain as you are now rather than achieving and experiencing your goal? If this is recognised and still there is no manifestation contemplate your trust in co-creating with the Creator, whether you believe you are worthy to receive and whether you have fully grounded the energy of your goal into your being and reality. Further exploration can be achieved by asking to align with the core, essence and truth within your being. Sit with this energy feeling that you are completely aligned with it and embodying your truth. Then say, ‘Please guide me to achieve my goal in the most appropriate way for me or reveal to me the goal that is most appropriate for me to achieve instead.’ Allow yourself to acknowledge any insights or understandings that dawn within you.


Lack of Energy, Drive, Clarity, Determination or Action


Grounding is essential in this matter, grounding yourself into the Earth while also asking to ground your divine essence and truth into your being and reality to heal and transform all that is hindering you in your reality. It is often when you experience lack of energy, drive, clarity, determination or action you are ignoring or rejecting the presence of the Creator within you. When you acknowledge the presence of the Creator within you and joyfully radiate the Creator’s light from your being so everything within your being is harmonised and balanced.


The summaries that I have shared with you are general while encouraging you to gaze deeper into your being, to question, comprehend and acknowledge the truth and the illusion within.


I am present as a loving companion always,


Lady Quan Yin
