

傳導作者:susan Leland
#來自天狼星的FRANK #susanLeland


我們站在這裡— 那些導師們和我,阿斯塔,還有所有這個巨大團隊的人們,他們來自於光,來這裡和你們在一起,陪伴你們所是之光!







甚至有些人知道你們確實從地球外其他的行星而來 ---- 你們也會在宇宙其他地方選擇承受痛苦。



你們擁有研究探索的大師— 你們曾經聽說過— 泰拉和拉瑪<http://goo.gl/6ms5d1>。






現在,你們多次聽到我們的傳訊,撒南達明確定義諒解的意義 ---- 缺少一些評判,這就是我們現在要說的。

這需要大家的理解,是的,什麼已經發生了,特別是在前不久,但也需要知道它已經不間斷地在行星地球和宇宙其它地方上演了13,000 年了。








我們要談的就是這些內容— 創造出愛的大氣層,讓每個人都提升起自身的頻率和振動,每個人都走在揚升的路上,沒有這些大氣,個體無法生存!

現在,我們正在經歷這些時期,我們不停地告訴你們這些— 我們知道你們很激動— 而我們也是!!!這被稱作黃金紀元。















因此這裡是有關感受、分享感受的事,是發送你們的愛— 對你們每個人來說!

如果你們處於任何的自我評判當中,那麼現在是認識你們神聖本質的時刻,去愛去滋養自己,當你們這樣做時,你們提升了頻率— 它是可以傳播的!



運用好 ​​黃金時代,帶來無條件的和平 ---- 無條件的愛,無條件的諒解 ---- 喜悅,著隨之起舞,當然快樂當中充滿了諒解!


世界也應如此。這是聖潔之日的季節 ---- 地球歷史上最偉大的時刻,因為地球上所有的存有都有機會團聚一起共同進入這個時代!!!


你們到達了黃金時代和你們揚升路上的臨界點 ---- 不僅僅這個點不會阻止你們前行的腳步,因為它到達如此倉促 ---- 而且你們前進的動力會如此的強烈,我們要告訴你們,我們可以看到這扇門,此門戶,此機會之窗大開!!!

是的,我們正在談論它以及努力的方向,我現在站在你們面前,在愛的圓圈當中,在我飛船的艦橋上,新耶路撒冷號,告訴大家 ---- 就是這樣的事實!!!



因為你們仍然在前行路上 ---- 整個星球都需要到達那裡 ---- 但你們為什麼放慢與我們辛辛苦苦才達到的前進動力? 



你們是信使,你們是光之工作者,你們是阿斯塔的家人,我們支持你,沿著你們的路指導著你們,當你選擇飛翔時我們願意和你們一起飛翔 ---- 所以讓我們一起來吧!!!


一起進入到這個機會之門、機會之窗,機會之門戶 ---- 不管你們想像它有多大,不管你們想像以何種方式穿越。

讓我們著手開始做,因為你們應得,畢竟等待了許久 ---- 不只是畢生,不止是這個世紀,而是已經有13,000 年了!!! 


親愛的家人們,這是我們的使命— 那就是為什麼我們來這裡 ---- 一起向前!



Ashtar: "The Portal is Wide Open to the Golden Age!"*
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - November 12, 2013

"Greetings Beloved Family, and welcome to the Bridge of The New Jerusalem!  We stand here - the Mentors and I, Ashtar, and all of this Grand Company who come from the Light to be with you and the Light that You Are!  And it is indeed so joyful that we are ecstatic, absolutely ecstatic, in our Joy at your coming!!!

"We share with you the momentous news of the moment that you have brought yourselves to - this moment in your time, in what you call your history/herstory of Planet Earth, which is so on the very edge of the ending of all of the trials and the traumas and the tribulations that Planet Earth and, yes, you, Beloved Ones, have volunteered to experience, in order to bring yourselves to this very moment!

"So it is to appreciate, to be in Gratitude for the clearings, the cleansings, and the upward movements, if you will; that is, the raisings of the vibrations of every living being, of Mother Gaia herself and everyone who is currently in residence upon Planet Earth!  And with it will come the raisings and upliftings of other planets and other civilizations - other living beings in other places besides Planet Earth.

"So yes, it is to be appreciative and grateful, but that’s only part of it.  You see, you’ve all suffered, by your choice and by your will.  Even those of you who are knowing that you are indeed from other places besides Planet Earth - you have chosen suffering somewhere out here in the Universe.  The reason for it, as we have said, is to be grateful and to appreciate these changes which are coming now so fast, that it indeed takes a great deal of concentration and focus to even keep up with knowing these changes as they come!  It is more for you to feel than it is necessary for you to be in constant research!

"You have Masters of research - you have heard them already – Masters Tara and Rama.**  And so it is for you to get their reports and let them be the messengers to you, unless you know that it is your calling to also be such.  It is yours to spread the news, indeed.  It is for you to share what you know, whether you do it telepathically, or in your actual expressions of words or deeds, or whether you do both, which is most ideal!

"But as we have said, this Gratitude is only a part of where Planet Earth is right now!  The window of opportunity, as we have already asked you to understand, is wide open, and it is for you to express out through this window, as much as it is for you to create, shall we say, the traveling atmosphere!  So in addition to Gratitude and appreciation, there must come another Love-based message from you, and that is Forgiveness.   Now, you have heard many times in our messages that it is Sananda who has defined Forgiveness as the absence of judgment, and this is what we are speaking of.

"It is for you to be in knowledge, yes, of what has transpired, particularly in your most recent past, but also to know that this has been the ongoing trend for at least 13,000 years here on Planet Earth, and on other places.  And so all of the hatred and all of the corruption, and all of the thievery and all of the lying, and so on, has been real.  It has been experienced, not just by you as a victim or as a receiver, but also by you as a perpetrator. Why?  So you would understand it!

"Why do you need to understand?  So you can be in compassionate Forgiveness, so you can give up your judgments in favor of Love!!!  Clear out whatever there is that you might have in the way of recriminations, or blame, or guilt.  Let’s face it, it is most likely that there is some kind of a combination.  And when you are feeling absolutely forgiving and free of judgment, then extend it out!  That’s your mission!  It’s to share that with the world!!!

"That’s what we are talking about - creating the atmosphere of Love so that everyone can raise their frequency, everyone can raise their vibration, everyone can be on the path to Ascension, because without the existence of this atmosphere an individual cannot ascend!  Now we are having this period of time we keep telling you about – we know you’re excited - so are we!!!  It’s called the Golden Age.

"What is the Golden Age, anyway, except a transition? ,Yes, you go through a portal, you enter into a Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity for all and the feelings must be of Gratitude and Forgiveness. And they are based in Love, and it is to be aware and knowledgeable, but it is to be the compassionate observer!  It is not to get down in the dumpies about anything that has transpired, whether it is in your own personal life or whether it is something that you see in the World.

"Yes, send your compassionate caring, send your Love!  There’s a place on this Planet which is crying out for help, and that is, of course, in the Philippine Islands.  And it is to send your Love and your healing, because Mother Gaia is not incompassionate, but there were things that needed to be cleared in those places.  And be not in sorrow for those who left their bodies.  Many of them were taken up on the ships, as many as who wanted to come!

"That’s what we can do when those who are destined to leave the Planet make that request - and we do it!  There are others who simply need a time out, so to speak, a time away from whatever it is that they have been doing, an opportunity to change directions.  They are not gone, their spirits live on and they will be back in other identities if they choose to do so, or they will move into their Light bodies and be among the Companies in the Heavenly Realms.  Everybody has a choice, everybody can do whatever it is that he or she chooses to do!

"Sometimes even the greatest of teachers, the Masters, choose to come back and try a more, shall we say, earthly life, after they have done their service in the identity of the Masterhood.  So it is to each and every individual to choose what’s next, but we tell you this for Planet Earth – you’re in the realm of opportunity!!! And so it is about feelings, about sharing your feelings, it is about sending forth the Love You Are - each and every one of you!  And if you are in any self-judgment, now is the time to recognize your own Divine Beingness, to love and nurture yourselves, and as you do so you raise your own vibrations - and it is contagious!  You just can’t help but help everyone else on Planet Earth!!!

"So what is the point of all of this?  The point is to usher in the Golden Age, but it is to bring forth the Peace that is unconditional – unconditionally loving, unconditionally forgiving - and the Joy that goes with it, and of course there is Gratitude in that Joy! How can there not be?  It’s time to dance, it’s time to cast off all of the worries, and the woes and fears, and all of the discomforts, the disharmonies and whatever other fears you may have been experiencing, and all of the emotions that are fear-based!

"It’s time for the World to do this.  This is the Holy Days season -the greatest one ever for Planet Earth, because this is when all of the beings on Planet Earth have the opportunity to get it together and to move into this Golden Age!!!  We in the Ashtar Command on the ships, and those of you in the ground crew, see this as the forward momentum that we have been waiting to see. You’ve reached a point in your movement toward the Golden Age and your Ascension - not only where there is no stopping you, because that point was reached previously - but where your momentum is so strong that we can see this door, this portal, this opportunity window wide open and we’re telling you – come on!!! Step through it, fly through it, however you choose, just know the time is now in your history/herstory, as it has never been!

"Yes, we’ve been talking about it and working toward it, and I can stand before you now in this circle of Love on the Bridge of my ship, The New Jerusalem, and tell you - this is it!!!  But it is still for you, Beloved Ones, to continue your work, to continue to move with us.  It is not for you to sit still or to lie down and say, 'Oh good, I’ve done my share and now I’m through. I don’t have to do anything more,'  because it is that you will still get there -the entire Planet will get there - but why slow down the momentum that you’ve worked so hard with us to attain?

"So we invite you and encourage you to continue your missions, to continue your work, if you want to think of it as that.  We think of it as following your contracts and living your passionate Joy!You are messengers, you are Lightworkers, you are Ashtar Family, and we stand with you, and we walk with you along your paths, and we fly with you when you choose to fly - so let’s do it!!!  Let’s not wait any longer and let’s not stop.  Together we are moving through this opportunity door, or window, or portal -however big you want to make it, and however you want to see yourself moving through it.  Let’s get it done, because you so deserve it, after all of your waiting – it’s not just this lifetime, it’s not just this century, it’s 13,000 years!!!

"So let’s bring in the Golden Age, and as they say – let’s ring it in during these Holy Days!  Let there be Peace and Prosperity and Joy to the World!!!  That, Beloved Ones, is our Mission - that’s why we’re here, that’s why you’re here - and let’s move forward together!  And we thank you for being with us, we thank you for all that you have done, for all that you have to do, and most of all we thank you, Beloved Ones, for being the Divine, Wonderful and Radiant Beings You Are!!!  And so it is - Salut!"

* Ashtar was introduced by his chosen song, Come The New Jerusalem
**Tara and Rama's A&A Report
Ashtar was followed by our guest speaker, President JFK
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, November 12, 2013. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 


