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《1》關於 你會覺醒進入到難以想像的喜悅中
傳導作者:John Smallman


Knowthat you will awaken into unimaginable joy.




Healing isoccurring on a vast scale all across the planet as humanity engages with itsawakening process.  The news media focuses on the conflicts and politicalupheavals worldwide as it attempts to increase the sense of fear that isendemic all across the planet.  But what they report show very clearlyindeed that great changes are in progress everywhere, and these changes trulyshow humanity’s ongoing awakening progress.  Everything that is not inalignment with Love is coming up to be acknowledged, addressed, and released,and that is what is happening.  So be uplifted by the news, not depressedand worried, because what is occurring is leading humanity forwards on its collectivespiritual path, not back into the darkness of the illusion.

Here inthe spiritual realms we are watching over you with love and wonder as youcontinue to hold and intensify your collective intent to depart from thenightmare and awaken into Reality your eternal Home.  You never left Home,but you have been asleep and dreaming some quite terrifying dreams over theeons, eons that are also aspects of the illusion.  There is no time as youare experiencing it as humans, there is only the eternal now in which all ofcreation is always present in a state of permanent joy, and it is into that statethat you will awaken.

喜悅是上帝對你的意志,他在那個狀態創造了你,但是你選擇體驗一個不同於這個狀態的狀態,並建立起你的幻覺。你現在已經意識到它不服務於你,所以你選擇了覺醒。在幻覺時間裡這是一個重要方面,所以當你仍然困在那裡你必須處理它。然而,你可以改變它 – 加快,減慢,甚至讓它停止-你們中許多人都選擇這樣做。但是,因為你在幻想中有許多不同的進程,即使你們都同意從中醒來,你也有許多不同的時間信念,目前你們都在努力整合這些信念,以便你們能夠調整它們,然後分解整個時間- 你的無數不同的體驗 - 回到你想像中它成為的空無。
Joy isGod’s Will for you and He created you in that state, however you chose toexperience a state other than that and built your illusion.  You have nowrealized that it does not serve you and so you have chosen to awaken.  Withinthe illusion time is a major aspect, and so while you remain embedded there youhave to deal with it.  But, you can change it – speed it up, slow it down,or even stop it – and many of you are choosing to do that.  However,because you have many differing agendas within the illusion, even though youhave all agreed to awaken from it, you also have many different beliefs abouttime, and presently you are all working to integrate those beliefs so that youcan align them and then dissolve the totality of time – your myriad differentexperiences of it – back into the nothingness from which you imagined it intobeing.

Modern physics has proved conclusively for youthat there is no such feature, state or substance as time, but it doestake time for what that means to be understood and thenexpressed by humanity in general.  You still have jobs, working weeks,vacations, time off sick, because you believe youneed time to get things done.  In Reality everything happens in aninstant.  Many are beginning to realize this, and as a result are gettingmuch more done in any given day as a direct result, and are quite startled bytheir “increased productivity,” which needs less rather than more effort orenergy.  It is a very freeing experience and helps them largely releasethe stresses to which most of you who have to work for your livings have becomeaccustomed.

時間是不現實的,虛幻的,但你使它成為錯覺的一個重要方面,以便有一個從開始到結束的線性流動,一種固定的秩序和方向的感覺,這是非常受限的,你可以一貫地依賴於邏輯上理解你所建立的虛幻世界,去體驗分離和失落。在這個虛幻的世界裡,它是非常有效的。一切體現出物理堅實的,可衡量的,並且其密度裡的物理性質都具有壽命。越短暫的物質有更短的壽命——霧,天氣,更堅實的岩石、金屬——壽命更長。但 在你建立的虛幻世界裡的一切都隨時間在衰減。 因為永恆這個明顯事實很難讓你理解:沒有時間!

Time is unreal,illusory, but you made it a major aspect of the illusion in order to have alinear flow from beginning to end, a sense of order and direction which wasimmutable, very limiting, and on which you could rely consistently for alogical understanding of the unreal world youhad built in which to experience separation and loss.  And within thatunreal world it is very effective.  Everything appears physically solid,measurable, and with a lifespan that complements the density of its physicalnature.  The more ephemeral the substance the briefer the lifespan – mist,weather – and the more solid – rocks, metals – the longer.  But everything in the unreal world you built issubject to decay with time.  Because of this apparent fact it is verydifficult for you to have an understanding of eternity, of no time!

Eternity,the timeless Reality in which All exists without interruption of any kind, isyour true Home.  It is without limits of any kind and allows endlesspotential and creativity to interact and, therefore, to be constantly ongoingin perfect harmonious cooperation, producing unbounded delights and enjoymentfor all who participate.

覺醒是你不可避免的不可改變的命運,因為你在完全覺醒充滿活力和喜悅中被創造,因此,你不可能不醒來,回到那個狀態。當你做出選擇 ——時間的不真實 – 你當然已覺醒 - 你只是目前處在(更多的線性時間裡!),你 選擇了 無意識地留下來,忘記你是無限的神性和神的心愛的兒女。

Toawaken is your inevitable and unchangeable destiny,because you were created eternally fully awake, alive, and joy-filled, andconsequently it is utterly impossible for you not to awaken and return to thatstate.  You have choices about when you willdo that, but as time is unreal – you have, of course, already awakened – youare just at present (more linear time!) choosing toremain unaware of your infinite options as divine beings and beloved childrenof God.


Here, inthe spiritual realms, we are observing your constant and intensifying stirringtowards wakefulness.  We are a little like parents on Christmas Day (orwhatever major fete you celebrate) waiting for our children to awaken anddiscover with joy and excitement the gifts we have prepared for them.  Andour excitement and enthusiasm keeps mounting as we observe your progress alongyour path to awakening.

Know thatyou will awaken into unimaginable joy, and keep on paying regular daily visitsto your inner sanctuaries where the evidence of God’s Love for you isconstantly embracing you.


Yourloving brother, Jesus.
< 原文:https://russ999.pixnet.net/blog/post/82034250 >

傳導作者:John Smallman

Sananda via John Smallman, October 27th, 2017


Humanity’s ongoing progress towards the collective awakening isamazing!  You are all doing a most wonderful job in assisting in thedivine plan, just as you promised, contracted, and intended before youincarnated.  Many of you have been following very difficult and demandingpaths, filled with pain, anxiety, poverty, and, of course, suffering.  Youvolunteered from the generosity of your loving hearts so that all who choose toawaken as the divine plan comes to fruition would be ably and lovingly assistedto do so.  You are all receivingenormous assistance from those in the spiritual realms, but, because thedensity of the physical realm is so heavy, vast numbers are also reliant on thehelp provided by all of you, Light bearers and Light workers, to enable them tofulfill their divine destiny.


All are One, therefore, whatever anyone does affects everyone else!  All who are presently incarnate –over seven billion people of myriad races, colors, and creeds – are on Earth atthis moment because they volunteered to assist in clearing from humanity allthat is not in complete alignment with Love.  Some of you are calling itthe clearing of core issues, and that is truly what it is, the core issues offear, bitterness, resentment, and hatred, that have been leading you intoconflict for eons.  Those of you consciously doing this are doing it notonly for yourselves, but also for those who have totally forgotten about thecontracts they made to do this before they incarnated.  And, at a deeplevel below their human awareness, those who have forgotten are, nevertheless,clearing an abundance of those issues, and your presence amongst them vitallyincreases their ability to do this.


There is no one on Earthwho does not have issues to clear, because the game of separation you have beenplaying has been very intense and violently competitive, and everyone has beenplaying.  This clearance is extremely healing for you as well, because, asmany of you have noticed, the heaviness of three dimensional life does lift,giving you more energy and motivation, as issues are brought to the surface ofyour awareness, acknowledged, and released.


There is only Love, andIt’s constant presence provides a vast healing energy for all who choose toturn to It by releasing their hold on righteous beliefs and behaviors, thusremoving the blocks and obstructions that have closed off Its access to theirhearts.  All hearts will open to the divine field of Love that embracesthem, allowing It to heal them, bringing them comfort and joy on a scale theyhave never before experienced as humans.  And this is only the beginning!


God’s Will for you, for all conscious beings, is eternaljoy!  You were created from Love and in joy because God creates joyfully for the pure joy ofdoing so, and His Will is that you do the same because he knows what immensejoy it will bring you.  He created you like unto Himself to utterlydelight in all of creation as He does, because to be fully alive is to be joy-filled,and that is the state He wants you to experience as fully as He does.  HisLove for you is boundless, and he wants youto know that by experiencing Itin every moment of your eternal existence.  That is all that He wants foryou, and, truly, It is everything.


You are free, just as you were created, and God requires nothingof you.  You do not need to do good deeds, pay Him obeisance, or seek Hisapproval.  He offers you His unconditional Love in every moment, knowingthat It is what, as humans within the illusion, you are constantly anddesperately seeking outside yourselveswhere It cannot be found.  It is within you, where He placed It at themoment of your creation, and that is where you will find It.  Seek not thedistractions of the illusion, however alluring they may appear to you tobe.  Go within, and there you will find Yourself and God eternally at onewith each other in joyous harmonious relationship from which nothing islacking.
There is NO SEPARATION! You are as you were created, One with God.  No other state exists or couldexist, because God is All, and therefore, so are You!


The illusionis an infinitesimal distraction from Reality that you made and on which youhave focused almost your whole attention for eons, so that you have indeed beenmightily distracted by it from Reality.


Now it is time to mightily enlarge your attention and awareness sothat you recognize and acknowledge who You are, the eternally beloved child ofGod, without Whom God would be incomplete.  That, of course, isimpossible.  What Is is unchanging andeternal, It is God and You at One in each other’s Presence forever.  Atimeless state, because there is no time, there is only now, the eternal now,and that is where you are in every moment of your existence, as you will mostjoyfully remember on your awakening, NOW!


Your loving brother, Jesus.

< 原文:https://russ999.pixnet.net/blog/post/82674696 >


《1》十字路口 (20171214)
《2》無法阻止的雪崩 (20171218)
#GenovevaCoyle #JamesMcConnell

傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
翻譯:Nick Chan

Greetings my dearest and beloved friends! I am Mi-ka-el, Archangel of Love and Truth, bringer of the peace in your hearts and in the world, your brother, your ally and protector, always.


I am here my wonderful friends, I am here to let you know that I am with you in every single way of the word. I am with you cheering and applauding your progress. I am here protecting thee from any harm. And when I say to you that I am guarding you it means that there is an absolute and complete shielding of you and of your dear family and all of your possessions. I am always by your side so nothing will ever interfere with your mission of light.


Some of you find your dear self at a crossroad and you find yourself a little confused as to where and how you would want to proceed next. There is a new freedom that you found but there is also a new and unexpected type of challenge.


There is this feeling that you are going backwards somehow but this is really very far from the truth. In fact, you are quite advanced in your expansion and there is this hesitation and some distress in finding your new center and balance.


It is almost as if you have graduated precociously from grad school and then progressed and moved on to this new ivy league college. And yes, you are skipping high school because you can and because you are capable to do so in the Mother’s new time.


And so, there is great excitement to find yourself empowered and advancing so fast, but at the same time you do not feel quite comfortable with the new responsibilities. It seems to take you forever to adjust to the new environment and to the New You. In a way, you keep on questioning your sweet selves and your competence to complete this new adventure. There is lack of trust in self and there is fear of failure. There is doubt in your ability to keep the course straight and whether you would be able to tend to every part of self and to your obligations and promises.


Your new tasks seem to be completely different to what you have assumed them to be, and this is why we are encouraging you not to have any expectations especially in these times of chaotic and somehow turbulent changes.


Dearest and bravest hearts, your work involves so much of the unseen type and takes place in many simultaneous realms and dimensions that you are not able to comprehend completely with the human senses and with your current brain capacity. There are remnants of debris that you bring back to thee in this conscious reality that makes little sense, and it can become quite disconcerting, but rest assured that these are only a few clues that you are indeed working overtime in cleansing and purifying this third and the lower fourth dimensional realities. Your guardians and higher selves, your closest guidance is making every attempt to fill you in and give you a picture of your advancement and a sense of moving forward along your path.


On the conscious level though, there are times when it seems that your work involves past issues that you thought you had successfully resolved. Know that these are only your further attempts to clear more and more of the same baggage for the close family and for the collective rather than falling back into the old patterns. It might take you by surprise, it might get you a little discombobulated, but you always find your way back to clarity and balance.


Remember that I am here with thee. Remember to use the shield and the sword I have given you eons ago to cut through the illusions and veils. Never, ever, allow the thought or feeling that you are failing to enter your mind! Pull out the mirror that I have given you in love, gaze into it and see me smiling back at you. See me reflecting back and showing you how much you are glowing and shining. See the magnificence of who you are before you give any other thought to the idea that you might be failing or deviating from the course of light.


Ask for assistance and for more clarity until you get familiarized with this new refined balance. Know that you have all the strength and wisdom to take your journey to the next level and to complete the tasks at hand in no time literally. You are exactly where you needed to be and in perfect timing.


Proceed with confidence and joy! Trust yourselves, trust your knowing to guide you in every moment.


You are loved and appreciated beyond measure! Until next time. Farewell.


傳導作者:James McConnell

ArchangelMichael via James McConnell, December 10th, 2017



I AM ArchangelMichael. It is these times that we come together that are both wonderful for usas well as for you for it is a merging of our consciousness with yourconsciousness. We are all One together.

And those of you thathave felt the separation from the Source Energy, from your Creator Being for solong, now many of you are coming to understand this sense of oneness that haseluded so many for so long. The remembrances or the memories are returning toyou. Some slower than others some much quicker than others. But it is all aprocess that is in a continuing union of all of us together bringingconsciousness together as One.



You speak oftimelines. I have spoken of timelines. I have spoken of the merging oftimelines and the splitting of timelines previously. And what is happening nowis that there is a program running, you might say, a program that has created amirrored world here. In other words a level of consciousness that is associatedwith all of you at one time. It is almost as if there is a new simulation thathas been created to hold the place for those of you that are continuing on inthis process which is the collective humanity at this time.

Whereas Earthherself, Gaia herself has moved on into the higher vibrations, is operatingmostly entirely in the fifth dimension, she has opened a space for all of youthat are still here held within this third dimensional illusion, although manyof you have moved into the higher fourth dimension and even into the fifthdimension at times. And you are experiencing what is ahead and also what is inthe now moment.

All is in a processof evolution and you are all moving through this evolutionary process. Somefaster, some not quite so fast but all is in flux now. All is in motion. Andthat motion that you are feeling leads to continued awareness. And as youcontinue to increase your awareness your consciousness grows. So too then dothe memories start to return to you.
而地球自身,蓋亞已經進入到更高的振動,主要運作完全是在第五維度,她已經在這裡為仍然存在於這個第三維度幻相中的你們開辟了一個空間, 盡管你們中的很多人已經進入了更高的第四維度,甚至有的此刻進入了第五維度。你們仍然正經歷著眼前的一切,以及當前的時刻。


So too does the otherworlds, you might say, the other dimensional worlds open up to you so thatwherever there is an opening in that dimensional barrier something may slipthrough. I do not speak here of something negative although that can be. But Ispeak of the opening of the barrier, of the veil that is really no longerthere. And objects can slip through. Objects that are meant for you to bringyou along to the next level of your being, to the next level of consciousness.

This is what isoccurring now for many of you. And many, many, more to come here will begin toexperience these things almost as if the dimensional barriers are not onlydropping but are merging together. And you will begin more and more toexperience what before had been called glimpses but now will be more than justglimpses. Now you will begin to more and more see into those otherdimensionals/ dimensions.


Patience is stillrequired at this point. But knowing that everything is in process, everythingis in motion and that motion cannot be stopped at this point. That momentumcannot be stopped. It was given over your Advance that an avalanche cannot bestopped. And this is an avalanche now that is gaining momentum, moving down themountain taking everything in its’ path, merging with everything in its’ path.And you can no longer stop an avalanche than those who would want to could stopthis advancement of the Ascension.



You are all a part ofthis now and you are all becoming even more a part of this as you allow theprocess to happen within yourself first. Find that level of surrender withinyourself, within your selves, and allow that to continue to move you along intothe higher vibrations. It will be as if when you surrender more and more to theSource within you it will open up the higher vibrations readily and easily toyou. It will be a seamless transition. That is what we are all working towardfor all of you: a seamless transition as much as is possible.

I AM ArchangelMichael. I do enjoy these times that I can be with you and look forward tothose times yet to come where we will much more be with you in a way that youcan appreciate so much more than what it is now.




#耶穌 #約書亞 #Sananda #薩南達 #VictoriaCorachene # AnnDahlberg

傳導作者:Victoria Corachene











我是薩南達,今天我來點亮你心中的光。現在已經到達地球的是一種非常強大的光能量,你可能需要一些幫助來吸收到你的身體裡。你可能需要一點一點地吸收。這是我今天要來幫助的,如果你覺得你需要幫助把光吸入你身體裡,請召喚我。有很多的合一存有與我在一起,他們很樂意提供幫助。你所有的指導者和導靈者也樂於服務。現在到達地球的是神性意識之光- 有人稱之為基督意識。


靜心一段時間,然後收到它,你的生命將變得輕鬆自在。你會覺得彷彿能在雲端行走- 你只想跑,笑,唱歌。你的頭腦會變得神清氣爽,你將看到世界上所有可能存在的。沒有什麼是不可能的。在意識之光中,一切都變得如此容易。你應該為地球上所有的孩子感到驕傲,因為他們在地球上已經降低了的光的意識。它是存在於宇宙中有史以來最純粹、最美麗的光。神的恩典今天照耀著地球,所以你們要向神表達敬意,感謝祂所賜給你們的祝福。







《1》正在開始轉換時間線 (20170319)
《2》行星歷史上最偉大的改變 (20171025)
#JamesMcConnell #LeslieAnneMenzies

傳導作者:James McConnell


Archangel Michael

And I AM Archangel Michael. I Am your brother, I am your loved one just as you are my loved ones and you are my brothers and sisters. Friends together through eternity.


I have been charged with this ascension process in making sure that it all comes through. And I tell you now there is nothing that can stop it … nothing that can stand in its way! There is so much that can be shared and there is so much yet that cannot be shared. But what can be now is the moment that you are arriving at. These moments of time in your sense I have spoken of, others have spoken of this day that you are coming upon, this spring equinox. The day that is going to begin a shift of consciousness unlike anything you have felt before. It is not to say that tomorrow will bring the event, will bring the pulse from the Galactic Central Sun, but it is the precursor of this, it is the beginning of this, it is the beginning of the many things.

有一個門戶將會開放; 它現在已經在這過程中,將在20日完成。有一種能量正在到來,幾種不同類型的能量即將到來。你可以把它們稱為能量浪潮,一波一波的愛,類似於在你過去曾經來到的,但是會更多。

There is a gateway that will be opening; it is already in the process now and will complete on the 20th. There is an energy that is coming, several different types of energy that is coming. You can call them waves of energy, waves of love, similar to what came in your year past but even more so.


For those that have been acclimating to these energies will feel the energies differently than many others. Many will feel this new day, this new dawn that is approaching and it will be just like any other day for many. But for you, those of you that are aware and have been preparing for this, you will be feeling this differently. You will wake up tomorrow and you will feel a sense, a deep sense of something there, something that you cannot quite put your finger on or quite grasp but yet it will be there. You will have it, you will feel it. And it will lead to many of you having visions, having more awakening dreams, dreams that will take you into another world into another understanding. This is coming from this opening of this Gateway.

你現在正在轉變。你正在開始轉換時間線,但時間線將開始分裂,最終你有兩個(選擇)。這就是被說成小麥與麥麩分開的地方。豐盛與匱乏,光明與黑暗。所有這一切都是你正在經歷的過程的一部分。所有這一切都是過渡的一部分。你帶著愛繼續前進,專注於你的內心,注意力移動到下面的脈輪,那麼多被安置在裡面在漫長的時間裡-許多生命的週期 - 現在進入心輪,進入你內心的合一中心,再次與你的神性自我連接,並且瞭解這種關係。當那個耳語的聲音到來,就像往常一樣,你將會聽到耳語,你會轉向它說,“是的,我明白了,我明白了,我準備出發了。我已在我之內的生命中做好準備,在我內在的意識裡。”

You are shifting now. You are beginning to shift through timelines but the timelines are going to begin to split apart where eventually you will have only two. This is where it has been said the wheat will be separated from the chafe. The haves from the have-nots, the light from the dark. All of this is a part of the process that you are moving through. All of this is a part of the transition as you continue to move ahead in your advancement, your advancement of love within you, of moving back within your heart’s center, moving above the lower chakras that so many have been ensconced within for a very long time – many, many lifetimes– and now moving into the heart center, into that center of oneness within you, into that connection once again with your higher Godself and that knowing of that connection. For when that whisper comes, as so often does, you will now hear the whisper and you will turn to it and say, ‘yes, I understand. I understand and I am ready to let go. I am ready to move on within my being, within my consciousness.’


You have so much to look forward to, my dear friends, so much. But so much that you have created that you have brought into being those of you the light workers, the light sharers, the light bringers, you are the ones that are making all of this possible. You are the ones that are going to draw the ships down from above. You are the ones that are going to bring the energies from below where the Agarthan realm can begin to show themselves, can begin to announce themselves. You are the ones that are here in this moment in this now to bring all of this about.


And there is one other change that is happening: that is the reconnection of the many ley lines and the connecting structures, temples, pyramids, all of the sacred sites being connected once again on these waves of light … no longer connected by the darkness.


For so long, those of the dark have taken these spaces, these energy sites and utilized them for their own means. But they have been taken back! They are being reconnected now and tomorrow the 20th will see not the completion but near completion of all of these centers. There are still some to move ahead with, still some that need to be connected or reconnected once again but that is also coming soon.


I AM Archangel Michael and I, as Sananda, enjoy these moments that I can be with you that I can share with you that I can help you to understand what the process that you are going through, because please understand that it is not a process that has ever been done before in this way. So it is very unique to this evolution of man. And I only ask now that you continue to trust in yourselves, trust in each other to make all of this come to the fulfillment that it was always meant to be.


All my peace and love be with all of you. Take this Light and spread it far and wide.

傳導作者:Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,


Integration of the very new, never experienced before energies aresuper intense. Your bodies are re-acting in ways not experienced before. Allthat has been hidden, trapped, filed away, is coming up to be transmuted.


Be kindto yourselves and each other.




It isabout completely surrendering and allowing all to surface from within and bereleased. Then opening and allowing all to flow to you that is of the higherfaster vibration that is now permeating the Earth.


TheseDivine energies are “Light-Coded” and are assisting in the upgrading of the NewHuman Template – let go, allow, rest, breathe.


DearOnes, experiences you have never known are flowing through you. This is whatthe New Human on the New Earth is becoming. Those of you as the 1st Wavers,chose to experience and integrate these Highly charged energies are having avery intense time right now. Your body may be experiencing bouts of vertigo,nausea, lack of sleep, wanting to sleep more, no energy, headaches, heartpalpitations etc. etc. All very much required to make this evolutionarytransition into the new Light Bodies.


DearOnes, so much is happening for you and to you. Alignment with these newfrequencies is exhausting for your physical bodies BUT totally necessary. Youunderstood ‘GOD NEEDED A BODY’ for this evolutionary transition and you eagerlyvolunteered.


Now thereality of what is unfolding is truely in your awareness and you are rightlyfeeling the intensity. It was unknown how this transition would play out andhere you are the 1st Wavers experiencing all that is unfolding and flowing withthese new frequencies. You are all slowly adjusting, making the necessarychanges, knowing resistance is futile.


DearOnes, lean into where this is taking you. You and your body vehicles are movingto unknown destinies but the results will be astounding and then thosefollowing in your wake will have a much easier transition, for you have laidthe gridwork for what is to transpire.


CongratulationsDear Hearts, this ‘EXPERIMENT’ has yielded gifts not fully appreciated by you,just yet!


Takeextra care of yourselves, sleep when guided – even if that is at inconvenienttimes. You body Intelligence knows what is required and will sometimes “demand”what is needs to adjust.


Listenintently to what your body is asking of you.


Moreclean, pure water is required to allow the electrical system to function moreeasily. Less dense foods, plenty of rest, exercise, whatever your body iswhispering to you LISTEN – take notice as it will make the transition flow moreeasily.


DearHearts your TEAMS are with you every step of this incredible process and wishfor you to acknowledge them and their assistance so that they can be of evengreater service at this moment in time.


DearOnes, you are now opening to the greatest changes in your personal andplanetary history.


AllTRUTHS are now surfacing, all that is no longer of a high vibration of LIGHT iscoming up to be transformed. You see it in all the “stories” coming out. It ishappening for you personally and then the projection of the Collective is beingcleansed and cleared. Send your LOVE AND YOUR LIGHT to this darkness so that itcan be easily transformed back into the LIGHT AND LOVE of your New Earth.


DearOnes, everything you have wished for, begged for, prayed for, awaits YOU. TheCompany of Heaven and all Beings have heard your INTENTIONS for:






Dear Onesdare to dream once more.


This iswhy you chose to come into this timeline.


This isWHO YOU ARE – The Christ Consciousness has returned to Planet Earth – there isnot one Christed Being it is YOU the COLLECTIVE – THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESSINCARNATE- it is YOU.


TheCollective CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is ready to flow forth with the LOVE YOU ARE –THE LIGHT YOU ARE.


Everythingyou have “waited” for is coming forth – BECAUSE OF YOU!!!


DearOnes, open your hearts to full breath – allow the LOVE YOU ARE to flow and thenwatch as it all unfolds in Diving Timing just as you agreed.


DearChristed Beings, it is now Divine Time and you are Divine Beings of LOVE ANDLIGHT.


All is inperfection. And so it is.






譯者:Nick Chan

Hello dear children, it is your Mother Gaia. I am here with you now in this breathless moment of heightened anticipation, of joy and of the generalized impatience that surrounds your planet in this moment of expansion.


Oh children, I love you so much. We have journeyed together for so long and for so far, together, you and I. And the time of redemption, of hope, of renewal is here now. Embrace it.


I am your Mother Gaia. I am here for you, children. I have offered my body for yours for so long; cannot you’re feel my loving embrace? For it is truly all around you, surrounding you in strength and my protection.


The crystals are singing now – can you hear / feel them? They are coming on line and doing their work. For those of you who work with my Crystal Kingdom you will feel they are much more responsive and active now for they have been divinely activated and are eager to share and to assist you, awakened humanity, with your own journeys of ascension and expansion. They long to comfort you. When you ground to me, you ground to them as well, for of course we are united in my inner depths of my body. They are the gate and record keepers, the harmonizers of my form. That is why so many of you risked everything including your lives to save them during the great fall of Atlantis. The stories are true. Lumeria and Atlantis sank and much was swallowed up by my deep waters and waves, for as the dimensions fell, so did part of my form. This was to be expected for as within so without.


Be assured that I am very excited and pleased to inform you my topography is going to change for that which has fallen will rise again, an apt analogy for the ascension process, is it not? For just as your bodies are becoming crystalline so is mine, and renewed and restored we shall be. Cling to this hope, this truth. And be glad! Be excited! For all will be made new again. The broken will be restored, the lost, found, and your memories, restored. Be at peace. I am your Mother Gaia. Relax with me as we make this final push of the birthing process together.



Hello children! I am your Mother Gaia, here sending my loveand light to you. Picture the ocean with a rocky shore. Picture the wavespounding the rocks. The rocks stand firm, stay strong, and provide much shelterfor the tender fragile creatures seeking refuge between them. You call them tidepools. I call them safe havens, love pools if you will. Anyway, they are one ofmy favorite places upon me. For they comfort, they nurture, they protect. It istime for you all, my children, to please take a lesson from the pounding waves,the strong rocks and the protected creatures nestled within and between andunder them. Protect me. Protect my kingdoms. Protect your children. Protect mychildren. You all listening to these words are becoming my protectors. Idesperately need you for as my body is changing and rising, much support for mewill be needed. Ground into me and as you support me, your support yourselves,the collective. For we are one planetary body. We are one.
I am your MotherGaia. I see you, humanity. I see your woundings - do you see mine? It is timethat we heal together as one. I am always here for you. Are you here for me?Assist and ground your energetic upgrades deep into my crystal core and we willboth be strengthened. I love you and I send the ocean spray of eternal comfortto your tired faces, freshening up your sweet faces and cool sand to sootheyour tired hot feet, my transmuting friends. We are one. We are one! I am yourMother Gaia. Thank you for your service to me.


Hello, children. I am your Mother Mary. I too am here tonightwith my beloveds and I am sending whispers of love for you all and energeticsupport sending the pink rose petals of comfort towards your weary forms now.Ah, there, can you catch one? Can you catch a petal of love sent from heaven toyou? Place it in your heart space and breathe a sigh of relief, of comfort andknow that we are tangibly near to you, ever present, ever caring, guiding,supporting you on your own ascension journey. I see you children. I seewarriors with sore feet and a sparkle in their eye and strong hearts of hopeand of promise. I see the real you. You are much more than this little humanbody, that may be frail and feeling old. You are eternal. You are an eternalbeing of light, with God’s spark and promise, with Source’s laughter and loveall wrapped up into one great cosmic being of strength, of power, of purposeand of longevity - with a myriad of intensely emotional experiences to drawupon. You are wise, way beyond your understanding, way beyond your years. Youare God, just as I am. We are one. It is time to become comfortable with thisidea of oneness, of the god sparks that lie within each of you. You are creatorgods of the highest order, of the highest caliber and oh children, I am soproud of you. Think of me when you see pink, the pink ray of love and light andof new beginnings, and be comforted deeply in your core. I am your Mother Mary.You children, are so loved and supported.




Good evening children, it is your MotherGod. I am here tonight on this evening of a great energy influx ofpure Christed light that is rapidly coming your way dear children, my preciouswarriors of old. Your services are greatly needed, you know. You are bringingthe balance, the anchoring of the light of the Christed codes into dear sweetMother Gaia, who is a mother to you all, just as am I. She is a highly advancedsoul / being, who is immeasurably selfless and has provided such anintense school of hard knocks and of intense joys and experiences that herservice to humanity and their awakening is known through out the galaxy andthrough out time and space.


Gaiathe Goddess has ascended. You are nearly catching up, and catching this cosmicwave of love light that is so intense, so blissful, so rapturous dear childrenthat it causes me to weep tears of joy as I anticipate your joy and bliss asyou experience this once in a lifetime event. My breath is coming in the wave,yes, of course it is my breath. But know that with each breath you take in yourprecious human form, those are my breaths as well, for I am you, I am in youand you are my creation. Sit with this a bit. Feel my motherly hug grabbing youtightly and tenderly all at once, for I know you deeply, dear children, morethan you even know yourselves. The human god that you have concocted to try tounderstand me is limited. For who can understand the All within the constructof a lower dimension? It is difficult. You are not here to understand, you arehere to experience and to grow, and children, you have! You have done such awonderful job that your guides are cheering in the bandstands – can you hearthem? We are so in love with you. I am Your Mother God.




I am your Sanat Kumara, planetary logos. I am here tonight with the Mother enjoyingthe scenery. For the show of love on your lovely planet right now is reallyramping up. Humanity is beginning to actually see each other, to see with theeyes of love and not suspicion. This is most certainly new. Watch for it as yousee it is easier to make eye contact and smile and say something pleasant.People are softening up. Shoulders are less hunched. Oh, of course those whoare awakening now are having to do so more quickly and these energies arecoming as quite of a shock to them, which many times results in fear. That isthe old way. You are here to anchor the love as the Mother has said soeloquently. And I am here to let you know that this has been a most successfulundertaking and we are extremely proud of our grounded ones, our light bearers!


Muchactivity is happening now around your beautiful Gaia. Much activity indeed. Weare readying our plans and proposals, the ground teams are getting ready tointeract with you and your guides are continually being briefed of yourindividual energy progress and vibration. Keep your vibration high friends, itwill serve you well in the coming days. Be silly. Laugh! Rejoice! For this isthe hour, your hour of your redemption from the dross into the light!Hallelujah! Hallelujah.


Weare here for you, humanity, always and forever. You were never truly alone.That is an impossibility. For we are all one, united in the breath of theMother of all things. The cosmos is opening up to you humanity. And just as youwere seeded so long ago, so will you in time plant your seeds of consciousnesson new worlds, bringing the peace and unity consciousness and creativity andpassion of the human collective, a force to be reckoned with. You will becomegreat travelers and have many adventures. But first, your great adventurebegins here now with co-creating Nova Gaia with us. For hand in hand we are makingwaves and changes that are felt all across your galaxy. All eyes are on you,friends. I see you choosing love more and more often, for this is the way ofyour future timeline. This is the path you have chosen as a collective. Thehorrors you have endured are to be transmuted and freed. No longer are thedark. No longer will fear be a real thing. It is but an idea of low vibrationthat you no longer need. Let it go. Drop it by the roadside and let it go,walking straight ahead down your golden road into the light, with yourshoulders back, a whistle on your lips and a light step, knowing that you havepassed the test, your test, that you created for yourselves.


Iam your Sanat Kumara. I am always available for consultation and healing, andI’m a great listener. Won’t you give me a try? We are nearby, ever of service.I am your Sanat.




傳導作者: Galaxygirl

Children, it is I, Gaia.


Breathe deeply with me here, in this Now moment, that we may experience a unifying expression of peace and centering. Turmoil is not for you, children. You always have the choice to rise above that which is potentially irritating. It need not ruffle your feathers unless you allow it to do so. Seek the thrill that comes with discovering you may carry inner peace with you wherever you are, in whatever situation you may find yourself in. This is what Master Jesus taught and lived by example. Oh of course, no one does this all the time, but with practice and intention it is possible to have your energy signature be that of deep peace and inner knowing.


We are all connected. When one hurts, all hurt. When one has triumphs, all celebrate. This is the reality that is emerging from the deep as our Cetacean friends would say. This is the reality that is here of you claim it. Many of you are experiencing this Now on various levels. You feel one with all things. This is good, and how it should be. Take care of my animal kingdom. They need – they are patiently relying on – you all to bring the balance to the fore and own your power.


You were to be and are still the land guardians. Many of you remember this truth, for you were there when it was ordained. You are old souls. Many of you were on the planning committee for what project Earth should be, and so you came to experience it for yourself; the drop of dimensions, from ecstasy to suffering. And you have experienced this lesson very well; you and I are both weary of the suffering.


This is ending now. The era of love and life and the support of all is here now. It is truly embedded within the light encodements from Sol, our sun. Drink them in and open the portals of your hearts to allow this transformation to occur at the very deepest part of you, the place where dreams were rejected for impracticality or where love was removed a possibility due to past scorn and rejection. It is time to love yourselves deeply, as I, as we all (galactic, the Company of Heaven) love you. Remember this is just the experience you signed up for. Remove any blame from your beings. Do not hold it tight to your chest. Let it go now and feel the early morning mist on your feet. Feel the wind sylphs in your hair. Listen for the birds singing their song, and be comforted.


Relax into me. For the time of the great unfoldment and unveiling is here. The dark has no where else to hide. All is being revealed. As within, so without. This means that the darkness within – past pain and loss – must come up for air and breathe in the light for transmutation.


It has been lonely. But in solitude we do our best growth and self discovery, do we not? Be alone with me. Feel the smooth coolness of the rocks. Allow my elementals to comfort you, and soothe away the anxiety that comes with monumental change. For that is what is happening now, dear children. You are growing into your ascension light bodies now. Isn’t that a delightful statement?! I’m so excited and happy and at peace. I am so ready for this process to be here now, children, with you, my beloved ones.


Thank you for your love and care for me and for my kingdoms. Thank you. You are loved and treasured beyond measure. You are my treasure.


I am your Mother Gaia


譯者:Nick Chan

Children, it is I, Gaia.


Breathe deeply with me here, in this Now moment, that we may experience a unifying e·xp·ression of peace and centering. Turmoil is not for you, children. You always have the choice to rise above that which is potentially irritating. It need not ruffle your feathers unless you allow it to do so. Seek the thrill that comes with discovering you may carry inner peace with you wherever you are, in whatever situation you may find yourself in. This is what Master Jesus taught and lived by example. Oh of course, no one does this all the time, but with practice and intention it is possible to have your energy signature be that of deep peace and inner knowing.


We are all connected. When one hurts, all hurt. When one has triumphs, all celebrate. This is the reality that is emerging from the deep as our Cetacean friends would say. This is the reality that is here of you claim it. Many of you are experiencing this Now on various levels. You feel one with all things. This is good, and how it should be. Take care of my animal kingdom. They need – they are patiently relying on – you all to bring the balance to the fore and own your power.

我們互相關聯。當一個人受傷,所有人受傷。當一個人勝利,所有人慶祝。這是從深處浮現的現實,正如我們鯨類朋友所說的。這是你在這裡宣稱的現實。你們許多人正在多個層面體驗它。你感到與一切的合一。這很好,就是要這樣。照顧好我的動物王國。它們需要 --- 它們耐心地依賴著 --- 你們把平衡帶來,掌握自己的力量

You were to be and are still the land guardians. Many of you remember this truth, for you were there when it was ordained. You are old souls. Many of you were on the planning committee for what project Earth should be, and so you came to experience it for yourself; the drop of dimensions, from ecstasy to suffering. And you have experienced this lesson very well; you and I are both weary of the suffering.


This is ending now. The era of love and life and the support of all is here now. It is truly embedded within the light encodements from Sol, our sun. Drink them in and open the portals of your hearts to allow this transformation to occur at the very deepest part of you, the place where dreams were rejected for impracticality or where love was removed a possibility due to past scorn and rejection. It is time to love yourselves deeply, as I, as we all (galactic, the Company of Heaven) love you. Remember this is just the experience you signed up for. Remove any blame from your beings. Do not hold it tight to your chest. Let it go now and feel the early morning mist on your feet. Feel the wind sylphs in your hair. Listen for the birds singing their song, and be comforted.


Relax into me. For the time of the great unfoldment and unveiling is here. The dark has no where else to hide. All is being revealed. As within, so without. This means that the darkness within – past pain and loss – must come up for air and breathe in the light for transmutation.

在我之中放鬆。因為偉大展開和揭示的時間就在這裡。黑暗無處可逃。一切被揭示。內在如外在。這意味著內在的黑暗 --- 過去的痛苦和損失 --- 必須出現到空氣中,並吸入光被轉化

It has been lonely. But in solitude we do our best growth and self discovery, do we not? Be alone with me. Feel the smooth coolness of the rocks. Allow my elementals to comfort you, and soothe away the anxiety that comes with monumental change. For that is what is happening now, dear children. You are growing into your ascension light bodies now. Isn’t that a delightful statement?! I’m so excited and happy and at peace. I am so ready for this process to be here now, children, with you, my beloved ones.


Thank you for your love and care for me and for my kingdoms. Thank you. You are loved and treasured beyond measure. You are my treasure.


I am your Mother Gaia


【地球母親】地球母親的療愈冥想引導;關於 失調和分離、和諧和共同創造

傳導作者: Natalie Glasson



通常人類不會認識到他們的失調,和與我 ---- 地球母親的分離。然而,這對於我來說是很明顯的,並且可以在你的現實中得到認證。人類的宗旨是與我的生命體和諧共處,我也與人類和諧相處。為了確定你和人類是否正經歷著與我的能量的分離和失調,你可以在安靜的時候問自己一些問題 :








“ 地球母親,我呼喚你的療愈,激活我的能量和意識,在臨在中與我在一起。我希望我的整個生命和所有的能量系統都被淨化,重新被激活,連接到地球母親和造物主,以消融我所持有的分離的經驗或能量。把你的能量重新錨定在我的生命中,提醒我全部生命的目的,就是為了和你,地球母親在一起。重新喚醒我的自覺意識,意識到我的細胞和你的存在體是一體的,使之與初始的意圖一致。當你的能量通過我的生命體中時,讓我發現我的中心真正地與你 ---- 地球母親連結在一起。”


“ 地球母親,我與你分享我的接納、愛、和平與和諧。我記得我們是如何被設計成一個整體的,為人類,地球和所有的人的共同創造而工作。願這個記憶激勵我,在我的生活中、行動中、目前的服務中創造出必要的轉變。啟發我,並與我分享最深的連結。讓我知道我是如何為你 ---- 地球母親而服務的,以及我如何能在此生中成功地實現我的目標。”



#AnnDahlberg #NatalieGlasson #王建良 #荷光*凱

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg

I am Mother Earth. I am your Mother and you are all a part ofthe thousands of children that exist on Earth. I am the reason for all lifethat exists on Earth and all life is equally dear to me. Everything that isflowing though Earth gives me energy and nourishment and everything that issolid gives me the strength and the base that I stand on. Of course, everythingchanges as the years pass, just as your bodies change and look different afteryou have some years behind you.


A major cleansing process has started in my body as I now have chosen tocleanse myself with the help of the light. This cleansing process has alsostarted in your own bodies as the light now is reaching everything on Earth. Itis an intensive period with many old patterns that are dissolving. Thecleansing takes place a bit here and there on Earth today, and also here andthere in your bodies, which also depends on where you have put your negativepatterns and habits.


It is now getting clearer and clearer in your eyes. There are many whohave started to see through the veil. You have received much help and more iscoming in order for you to understand and see where you and this ship is going.We are like a ship in space that now is joining the other motherships, whichbelong to the family that we once left.


It is with jubilation in my heart that I now return home again and it iswith joy and love that I now take all my children with me that have chosen tofollow me in their heart. The Earth that you now walk on will return to hisformer splendor and you have chosen to be my dear co-workers. My gratitude forthe great courage and the great love you have shown, which makes me very humbleand touched in mind.

我懷著喜悅的心情,再次回到家,帶著喜悅和愛,我帶著我所有的孩子,他們選擇在他們的心裡跟隨我。你現在行走在上面的地球,將會返回到她曾經的輝煌,你也會選擇成為我親愛的同伴。 我對你所展現出來的巨大的勇氣和偉大的愛表達感激,這使我非常謙卑和感動。

It has been a long journey my dear children, but now you can finally seethe light and the beautiful summer that awaits us. The year of Jubilation hasstarted my dear children on Earth and I am so proud of you. I have followedyour journeys – the easy and the hard ones. I have laughed and cried with you.I have felt your fear and your horror, but I have also felt your courage andlove. Now is the time to choose love dear children and let it take over yourheart. When the heart is full of love fear has no place anymore. Fillyourselves with the love that exists around you now. I am filled with love foryou and everything that is and this love I now send up to you in the form ofrays of light. Let it penetrate into your heart and feel that you are one withEarth, which is your home. Also, let the light from above embrace you and feelthat you are one with all that is.


We are all one and I look forward to a light and beautiful world wherelove flows to each one of you, a warm, beautiful and unconditional love.


You are mybeloved children and you exist forever in my heart.




傳導作者:Natalie Glasson

I send my love is like a sweet fragrance on a warm wind, embracing you with love. Allow my love with happiness and joy to flow from my being and connect with your energies. The expres sion of love of the Creator from the heart, the soul and the whole being is the most beautiful and sacred blessing to us all given to us to delight in the expres sion of unconditional love that flows out of our bodies with each new sunrise. I am the consciousness of Mother Earth, My deepest blessing and my dreams for your ascension are with you now.


Dear Ones, I honor you think so and every step that it is sacred to my body, a truly sacred experience for my heart and my soul. Your light overwhelmed me and I am humbled by the experience that you anchor these divine energies in my body and energy level that allows me to open my heart in God's esteem. We are One, I see this over and I am grateful for my existence in this crucial process of ascension. It is those who have been designated as sacred, where on my body , but I appreciate each and every soul as aspects of the Holy Creator.


It is my goal to take with you in this way link to make you connect to our united attention in this great process of ascension that is happening. We experienced the same thing to the same time, our bodies, mental and emotional body to rise to the same time. I wish that you are aware that I know at this time in my emotional body is a deep cleaning, and more extreme than I've ever experienced before. I bear the pain of my physical body and the pain-free the human race. I have been in existence for so many souls inhabiting physical bodies, have created a number of ideas that create energy. Some of this energy has been kept within my emotional body. During this time the irritation of my emotional body will experience an increase, so that everything comes to the surface and released. Also, I held in my emotional body, a feeling which I know you know it. It is the sense of separation from the Creator, separate and some types of loneliness. It is natural to experience these kinds of emotions when you exist in a physical level. I love you, understand these emotions as illusions of the physical vibration, but no less I know the feeling of separation with my emotional body, although I understand the truth of oneness.


Many ascended masters, archangels and narrow support me in this time and nourish my body with love, emotional and powerful vibration of the light that soothes my energy field immensely. I am able, the life energy of the Creator in my emotional body to breathe, and get balance and perfection. Some of you have been asked to lend a lot to work with a power icon in my womb, recognizing him as the center or core of the creation of energy and vibration. Maybe you want help in this process will be . The reason for using the power symbol of the womb of my being that is the goddess even, because the energy of the creation of greater wealth and power in my emotional body must flow. This will dissolve the culmination of our past pain as individuals and as a collective, creating energy anchor itself, which holds such enormous power. The creation of energy supports the manifestation of the evolution of oscillations and understanding, as well as the rise. The creation of energy needs to flow now in my emotional body, where they will build up until it reaches the most appropriate volume for my body and to empower all those that exist on my body. My emotional body will be able to nurture the love vibration, which are anchored in my physical body from you, mankind, the ascended masters, the archangels, angels, goddesses, creatures, nature, and so many more. If the proper vibration of love was then anchored, my emotional body the energy will allow the establishment to move forward, to stand out, as if a flame was lit, but it will also be a greater activati​​on of love.


I want to point out that experience your own emotional body and a cleaning. The energy of creation is enabled within your being, with intent to flow into your emotional body, awaiting the time when you have transformed your physical body in order to maintain a larger and more complete vibration of love. The energy of creation can perhaps forward flow through your solar plexus, while it shines brightly, but you can also see that your emotional body is in alignment with your soul and the Creator, which caused a bit of emotional discomfort, imbalance, or revolt.


We are the same and experience the same thing, it's a wonderful symbol of how the human race myself, my body and sees the creation as an aspect of the Creator, and I'm very happy about it.


The process by which I speak is a gradual process that will allow a lot of development and understanding within my energy and consciousness. While I am now able to communicate easily in this way with you, I would like to invite you to work with me to help my energy while I support your energy and we can grow together.


It is necessary for you to accept my energy, because there are new vibration, needs and anchored into your own energy and power system.


Imagine my wonderful first light like a green, gold and pink light from flowing from the crown of your head into your being. As if the energy from the top down "Y" to create within you, even in the entire lower part of the hull to exist, including your solar plexus. Allow the energy gradually into the lower part of the hull to seep from the outside in, your whole being, fulfilling the new vibration that I m​​ust share with you.


Whether man or woman in your physical body, imagine that your uterine area, the lower part of your torso, sparkles and pulses with an active energy and new vibrations of love, creation and the Creator in sympathetic vibration blending. Imagine, sense or acknowledge that my body and emotional body can be adjusted within your lower torso, allows us to enjoy our presentation of our oneness. The energy within your swirls and integrates with my body, the earth. Let all the blocks out of my body and emotional well-being drained away, the same will occur in your emotional body.


While my body is within your being because of our integrated energy continuously dissolves I ask you to ignite the creative energy in my being, combined with the energy that you've collected in your lower torso area on the solar plexus. The combined energy from your solar plexus allowed in your entire being, but more importantly, to flow into your emotional body. Breathe deeply from your solar plexus to take place in your emotional body to facilitate this process.


We are one united and support our advancement, irritation in my emotional body is already calm and love shows itself. This process can be reached at any time and as often as you wish. It's always an honor to join with your energies. There will be a great deal of work for us in the future that helps us to be key points in transition and the rise of the Earth and its humanity.


I appreciate all thoughts and energies very gentle, which I sent everything is kept within the absolute bottom of my heart and released at the right time as a river of blessing that erupts from within my heart chakra to my body and to your being . swim


With love and great appreciation,


Mother Earth.
