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0:00 影片開頭 0:38 《1》聖哲曼-解放你的心智(20210513) 7:26 《2》天狼星-暴風雨前的寧靜(20210514) 13:35 《3》加百利-你是流動的存在(20210514) #JamesMcConnell #TheaGraceSirius #ShelleyYoung #NickChan #Amber

傳導作者:James McConnell

Saint Germain: Free Your Mind

I am your Saint Germain. I am here, as always, to continue to assist you and guide you as one of your guides, while there are many guides that are working with you. Guides that are working alongside and within you, as well as your Higher Self, certainly. And all of this is coming together to bring the oneness within you. To bring you back to who you are. To bring you back to the knowing and the understanding that you are one with your multidimensional selves. And all is coming together as you are moving through this ascension process.

And as you are moving through this ascension process, you have already moved into the higher vibrational frequencies and higher dimensions.  It is not something you are moving to, the fifth dimension.  You are already there.

The only thing that is not there, that is what continues to trap you within the illusion.  That would be your ego mind, that lower consciousness within you that still holds you trapped, still believes that you need to be within that illusion, and that is where you belong.

But your higher knowing self within you, that collective consciousness within you, is pulling you upward, pulling you forward, pulling you out of the illusion, pulling you further and further into higher dimensional frequencies that, again, are already here on the Earth.

Gaia has already raised herself up.  She has already gone back home into those higher vibrational frequencies.  And she only holds a place for you now, holds a place for your mind, your mind that must be freed.  Just as in the Matrix:  free the mind.

That is what you need to do, you need to free the mind.  The mind.  The mind that continues to hold you down.  But your heart, your heart has already moved on.  Your heart is just waiting for the rest of you to catch up.

And the body, the physical body, the physical body that holds light is holding more and more light, anchoring more and more light.  So that you can be able to freely lift up in the ascension process in that first wave of ascension that you are already in now.  You have already found yourself in that ascension wave.

And all is coming together, as freedom is coming back to this planet.  Even though it may not appear to be so that you are free, but you are!  Just think about your every day that you go through and how free you really are, especially in this country, in the United States.

Even though there are those that attempt to take that freedom away, they cannot.  You will not allow it.  You, the collective you, will not allow your freedom to be taken away.  It cannot happen, and will not happen, because consciousness itself is free.

And you are consciousness.  And in that consciousness, freedom resides.  So always know that no matter what those of the darkness, those of the dark forces, attempt to do, they cannot overcome your free will to be free.

That is something they have attempted to do and something they have been successful at doing with some people on this planet, actually many at this time.  But those many at this time, even though they appear to be capitulating and appear to be controlled, many of them will yet awaken.

Because as the ascension process continues as the vibrations continue to increase, that will help to awaken.  As the truth is revealed, that will help to awaken so many of those that still yet seem to be asleep.  But they will not be asleep much longer, because there are those things that are about to happen, that are coming, that are going to bring major revealings to the planet, and certainly to this country which will reverberate around the entire planet.

As those of the Forces of Light, which you call The Alliance, are working diligently behind the scenes to bring the freedom to this country and to the entire planet, there are those that you would not even know that are in the control process now, that are in the control process of taking over those of the cabal forces.

Because the cabal forces cannot hold on any longer.  They cannot hold on to the dark, as the light is streaming forth.  They cannot be in those shadows, as they are completely illuminated by the light more and more, by truth, by understanding, by revealing.  It is not possible.
因為陰謀集團的力量無法再繼續保持下去。 當光線不斷射出時,它們無法保持黑暗。 它們不能處在那些陰影中,因為它們越來越多地被光,真理,理解,啟示所完全照亮。

So they have come out of the shadows and are revealing themselves for what they are.  And as they are revealing themselves for what they are, you, the collective consciousness of mankind, are beginning to see what they have held back.  All that they have held back.  All of the darkness they have held within them is coming forward now.

And it must be so, it must happen in this way.  So that those of the Founding Fathers of this county, what they set out to do is now about to be revealed much, much more than what it has been up to this point.  And nothing, no thing, can stop it at this time.  For it is destined.

You are destined to be free.  To be free to not only move anywhere you want in this world, on this planet, but to move throughout the stars.  You came from the stars.  And you are returning back to the stars.  And it is not something that can be held back.  It is not something that can be stopped.

Held back, yes.  They have held back it back for some time.  But it is not something that can be stopped.  For all is to be revealed.  The truth shall indeed set you all free.

I am your Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.  And that the Violet Flame continues to purge out all that is of the old, all that is of the old programmed illusion that continues to hold your minds—but, free your minds.

Peace and love be with all of you.
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121069138 >

傳導作者:Thea Grace Sirius
譯者:Nick Chan

Dearest Ones it is time for you all to retreat from the pressures of the outside world now, to go within and to clear the last vestiges of negativity from your mental, physical and spiritual selves. Many of you may be feeling sad, depressed, disorientated, angry, irritable, unloved, alone and suffering from many different physical symptoms. All of these feelings and symptoms are coming to the fore now, to be finally cleared from your system as you move from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension. As way showers you are now being challenged to heal and perfect your own lives.
We have given you meditations and much advice as to how to achieve your own peace but the real advice as always comes from within you. As way showers you are being asked to be your perfect self and this is why all of these challenges are coming to you now. You may find that you feel that you are the only one in your own world who feels as you do. You may find that friends and family who you used to get on with, may start to annoy and irritate you.
Remember Dear ones that the energies that are being beamed upon your Earth at this time are powerful energies and are affecting every single one of you now. The energies are stirring you up, so to speak, and they are bringing to the surface, all that is needed to be cleared. Know that these times are temporary and the more that you go within to meditate on your so called imperfections the sooner you will be able to clear them, to become more of your perfect self.
It may seem as if you are the only ones who are having these hard times, feeling as if you are on a roller coaster, happy one minute and sad or angry the next. All sorts of feelings, emotions and bodily symptoms are being stirred up inside of you. Do not berate yourself when these symptoms or feelings come to you, know that they are being shown to you to make you stronger and more able to live as a perfected soul in these uncertain times.
Meditating and going within is so important for you now, as you navigate the stormy waters of your own emotions. Meditating and being happy within your own selves without resorting to help from others will indeed bring you to a calm and peaceful presence and make you stronger and more able to ride the waves. There will be stormy times ahead for others, when many truths come out and they will have to come to terms with what has been happening on your planet for thousands of years. As way showers you will already have known much of this information, come to terms with it and have calmed your own selves. You will be there for them as they have to go through the storm that is to come.
It is time now for you to work on yourselves, to be the best that you can be and to not worry about your friends and family. Do not try to persuade them to be as you are, they will have their own awakening soon enough. Those friends and family members who are still asleep, will be waking up with a jump so to speak and you will be there to calm them as you have been calmed yourselves.
Have no Fear the future is assured. We have said before that those dark souls who have no intention of changing and upgrading themselves to live in the 5th Dimension of Peace Harmony and Love will NOT be able to stay on the planet. Do not fear how they will leave but leave they will. Prepare yourselves Dear Ones. Keep yourselves calm in your own craft for there will be stormy waters ahead as the mass awakening happens. Many dark souls will be leaving the planet, fear not how this will happen. Gaia knows each and every single soul on her planet and is well able to rid herself of any dark creatures who would wish to harm her or her inhabitants.
Fear not for your own friends and families, for you have all come together as souls at this time to ride out this storm. You may have woken before them but they too will find their way. Be prepared for Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Massive winds, Floods and strange weather patterns in the storm that is to come. Keep yourselves calm and you will weather the storm and be able to come home to a safe harbor.
We say all of these things not to cause concern but to prepare you for your future. You are all well able to ride the storm that is to come and to manifest that new Earth that you all so desire. Much change is coming to your planet. Those of you who know of the Tarot, know of the Tower card. Look into this card and see its real meaning. Two people are seen falling from a Tower that has been hit by lightning and it is being ravaged by fire. The Tower is the World and The Tower has been built on unstable ground. It is time now to knock down the Tower and build a new World on stable ground. Look now to the Star card to bring in all that you wish for and the World card to bring in that New Heavenly Earth for you all to live in Peace, Harmony and Love.
我們說這些東西不是為了引起擔憂,而是讓你為未來做好準備。你們都能夠駕馭就要到來的風暴,顯化你們都如此渴望的新地球。很多改變正在到來。你們那些瞭解塔羅牌的人。可以去看看Tower card,看看它的真正含義。兩個人從被雷擊中的塔上落下,塔被火破壞。塔就是世界,塔建立在不穩定的地面上。是時候擊倒塔,在穩定的地面上建立一個新世界。現在看向Star card,帶來你希望的一切,然後World card,帶來新的天堂地球來讓你們都生活在和平、和諧、愛中
As always we are here to help you on your journey but as Powerful Sovereign Beings and a part of the One true God the future does indeed start with YOU to co-create your own Heaven on Earth.
We send you Much Love and Many Blessings.
We are Sirius.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1842945575865155&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

If part of your anxiety could actually be excitement, and you know you don’t get excited about unpleasant things, perhaps you can settle into the idea that the experience of anxiety/excitement is a sure sign of wonderful new potentials that are now close enough that you can feel them energetically. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving. We have spoken of this before many times. One reason why people have trouble receiving we haven’t spoken of before is having a distrust of ease.
Do you distrust when things start to come together with ease? Do you immediately wait for the “other shoe to drop”? Do you think if things come together easily for you they will fall apart, others will judge you, or you will pay for it in some unpleasant way in the end?
This is all very tied into the martyred service paradigm, a paradigm you are in the process of evolving beyond. Do you feel you have to struggle to be worthy? Do you cling to expressions like, “no pain, no gain”? Are you afraid of being deemed not deserving enough for your gains or being perceived as lazy?
Dear Ones, ease is simply moving with the flow. It is deciding to move with the energies instead of exhausting yourself working against them. It is allowing yourself to be sustained, loved, and guided by the energies of Source. It is not about cutting corners or taking the easy way out of anything. It is deciding to trust and go with what is being supported for you willingly, and that is a glorious thing, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
As you continue forward into the new, you will feeling the energies whether you realize it or not. One thing we highly recommend is making an energy journal that highlights your experiences and any correlating factors. By educating yourself on what is going on astrologically and energetically, you will start to recognize your feelings and reactions are very normal and will shift out of resistance with yourself. Further, if you keep track you will come to realize that your body is such a reliable indicator of what is happening, external sources of information will only be confirmation for what you already know. You are a truly magnificent dance partner with the universe, profoundly interconnected with each other, expanding and evolving in the most wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you are beings of flow. You are always in motion. It may be gentle or rapid, internal or external, intangible or tangible, but it is always there. Resisting whatever stage you are in will only create discomfort because it would amount to trying to work against both yourself and the energy conditions that are showing up that are custom designed to support you and your evolution. Do you see? Embracing the flow means finally accepting who you really are and the bigger system you are an intrinsic part of, and that is at the core of the shift you are in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you have stepped firmly into new energies and this can require taking a moment to get your bearings. It is much like a video game, where you have gone through a particularly challenging stage, which upon its completion, opens up an entirely new level to you. You are in the process of learning what the features are in this stage, exploring the landscape, your new tools are, and the best application of them. There is much to discover and learn in this new level as it contains many new potentials that you could not have accessed previously, and we urge you to find wonder and joy in the process as you have worked so hard to arrive here. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1842945852531794&set=a.806388119520911 >


傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl、James McConnell
《1》最後史詩般的戰鬥 (20131009)
《2》希望 (20210507)

薩南達sananda 信息:
傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan














< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_1141.html >

薩南達sananda 信息:
傳導作者:James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan

Sananda: Messages of Hope
Posted on 05/07/2021 by EraOfLight 

sananda image eraoflightdotcomI am Sananda. I am here at this time to continue to help you develop, help you work through all of the changes that are happening in your lives and those lives around you. Everything that is occurring is happening exactly as it needs to. And that is what you need to come to understand, even though it does not appear so. Even though it appears to become darker and darker. It is not—it is becoming lighter and lighter. The light is shining through more and more.

This time, this awakening is all about hope. Hope eternal. Hope continues on eternally. And for those that have lost hope, they lose their lives. They become stagnant in their life. Once they have lost hope, they no longer want to continue on.

So that is why those of us, the Ascended Ones, the Galactics, and the Agarthans that are working with all of you, that is why we continue to bring these messages of hope to you, to continue to help you to rise up, rise up into the light.  Rise up into your awakening and into your ascension process.  Because if you lose hope, you lose everything.  You must continue on.  And those around you that are losing hope, do what you can when you are able to raise their aspirations, to bring their hope back to them.

Because everything that we have been sharing with you is a part of this hope.  It is a part of this continuing on, preparing you.  Preparing you for this great day that we have spoken of.  These great moments that will precede your ascension.

And everything that we have shared with you are promises.  We have been saying for some time, ‘this is the Great Awakening.’  This is, indeed, the darkness before the dawn.  But the dawn is approaching.

Even now, those of you that have the eyes to see and see that dawn approaching now, you can feel it within you.  You know it. Because many of you have felt it before in other lifetimes, other planets, other galaxies.  You have done this before.  So you know you feel something is in the air.  Many of you say, “I feel it!  I feel there is a great change coming!”  And indeed there is a great change coming.  Even now, as I speak to you, there is a momentous change that is about to occur.  What you might call the domino that you have all been looking for is about to fall.  That first domino will lead to many more following after that.  Some bigger, some smaller.  They will continue on, and on to fall, until the culmination of this first wave of ascension happens.  Then, of course, the waves after to follow.  For you, each one of you who chooses, will be a part of bringing that next wave forward.  Just as we are a part of bringing this first wave forward.

This is what you came here for, my friends, to be a part of this expression.  To be the expression itself of the continuation, the momentum that is needed to continue to bring this whole process forward, this whole awakening forward.

And then, awakening, it is.  Many, many, many across the planet are awakening.  Not maybe as fully as you have.  But they are beginning to awaken.  They are beginning to wonder.  They are beginning to remember themselves what they are here for, what this is all about.

And if they are not remembering, they are asking the question now, “Why am I here?  What is this for?  What is my mission?”  Just as you all asked those questions previously in your beginning awakening process.  And as they ask those questions, guess who will be there to answer them for them?

You!  Each and every one of you, who are willing to be a part of the awakening expression of your neighbors, your brothers, your sisters.  That is what you came here to do.  That is what you volunteered for.

So as the vibrations continue to increase, as that finish line is right there in front of you, many of you can see it; if not see it, you can feel it.  You know it is there.

So as The James said earlier with our prompting, feel that adrenalin push now.  Feel it coming up within you.  Feel the light rising within you, the Violet Flame expanding with you.  Feel it all coming up and pushing you forward to reach that finish line.  For it is right there in front of you.  Do not shy back. Do not fall back.  Move forward–inch by inch, if you have to.  Keep moving your feet (figuratively speaking).  Keep moving ahead.  Allow that commitment that you came here for so long ago:  let it push you, and push you, and push you to move to the finish.

因此,正如本篇傳導者詹姆斯在我們提示較早時所說的那樣,現在感覺腎上腺素的推動作用。 感覺到它在你體內。 感覺到你內在升起的光,紫羅蘭火焰隨著你而膨脹。 感覺到一切,並推動你前進到終點線。 因為它就在你面前。 不要害羞。 不要退縮。 如有必要,逐英吋向前移動。 繼續移動腳(象徵性地講)。 繼續前進。 允許你很久以前就來到這裡的承諾:讓它推動你,推動你,並推動你前進到最後。 

I am Sananda.  I leave you now in peace, love, harmony, joy, and oneness.  And that you will continue to remember who you are throughout even the deepest darkest that might befall you.  Know that even as that darkness is there, the light is right there ready to shine, and will completely illuminate all the darkness.

我是薩南達。 我現在讓你處於和平,愛,和諧,歡樂與合一的狀態。 並且擬將繼續記住自己,即便可能跌落至最深的黑暗中。 要知道,即使那裡存在黑暗,光也在那裡準備照耀,並將完全照亮所有黑暗。 

Peace and love be with all of you.

< 原文:< https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121063310 >

【大天使米迦勒與揚升大師】服務問答:你們很快將“下載”資訊恢復全意識;關於 指導靈、源頭太一、地球母親、振動和頻率、光之工作者、銀河系中心

傳導作者: James McConnell



















“我聽說地球母親出了點小事故,因為不能處理銀河能量而未完全校準,12月21日 到來時,她並未完全校準,這是為何地球母親未完全揚升的原因。是這樣麼”?

























< 原文:https://blog.xuite.net/kkay666/hkblog/90982779 >


#耶穌 #約書亞 #Sananda #薩南達 #CamillaNilsson #JamesMcConnell #NickChan

《1》關於 從心說話
傳導作者:Camilla Nilsson
譯者:Nick Chan

My Dear Friends,


It is me again, Jesus-Sananda, who is coming through this channelCamilla. I and other members of the Council would like to give some, let us call it, opinions. We are observing you, Mankind of Mother Earth and sometimes, if not often, we fall silent seeing the way your words differ from your actions.


When you are speaking from your heart, you possess an enormous amount of power. Your words can fill up your being entirely, and your conviction is total. That is when you are well connected with All That Is. You can see what is happening on your planet. You know.


But what’s next?


What are you in fact doing to make a change?


You let yourselves be overshadowed by the deeds of the non-believers– The non-believers, who rob you of your convictions. It is the same non-believers who raise questions, and who often e·xp·ress themselves in judgmental ways.


When I say ‘non-believers’, I mean those who do not look beyond time and space. Those who do not see the whole of humanity, but who just see everything in a flat way. What matters is the now, and the individuals heading straight forward. Often with big egos, which help them, they elbow their way forward. It is no matter of this one of you, and that one of you, or that you should change these people, it is a matter of not letting yourself get pushed aside.


It is not a matter of convincing anyone else but yourself.


It is a matter of you working within your power in your unique way. To dare to stand up for what you believe in. Your words may plant a seed of inspiration in someone else. To plant a seed means to spread the light. When you are planting a seed, you are showing us that you are walking on our mutual path. The more of us we become, the stronger we will get. Our mission is to spread light and illumination to those who are willing to receive it. Accept the light, and the illuminations, and make use of this in your life. Use those physically, and not just within your body.


Make use of the assets, to become the best of you and what you can contribute in these times, when the population of Earth is shaken up. Things happen so that you will be shaken up, to open your eyes. Not because you should live in fear, but because you will come to an understanding that many of your ways of living are not sustainable in the long run. Mother Earth and your physical bodies are raising their frequencies and you, within your consciousness, need to do the same. Your consciousness can manifest physical actions.


Dear Earthlings. You are not shaken up in order to live in fear, you are shaken up in order to discover how life on Mother Earth needs to be governed. The power needs to be distributed and given to those who can handle it. The power needs to be distributed to many people. You can never get away from the fact that some people are chosen to lead the way. Let them do their job and let yourselves become inspired.


My words today might have seemed harsh, but all I have said is spoken with love. Do not let the light remain inside your heart. Spread it out and let it loose.


With gratitude for having had my voice heard, I will now withdraw.


With Love to all of you, Jesus – Sananda


傳導作者:James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan

I AM Sananda. Always wonderful to be with you.


As these energies continue to rise continue to accumulate across the planet and all of you feel these energies in different ways. Some of you are feeling the bliss, some of you are feeling the doldrums that come from this at times for it is a tax, you might say, on your central nervous system. It begins to work on your body as you have not been used to before. But as I have said many times and others you are acclimating to these energies. You are working through them and being a part of the change, the shift that is going on across the planet.


You are those ones: the catalyst for all of this. And these energies are now beginning to shift and change and morph into other energies that are going to bring about a shift and a change in those external things you see here as well. You hear of events you hear of many mini events that are going to happen and are beginning to already happen. You hear of the dominoes that are going to fall or have already begun to fall. All of this is in process now. All of this is in motion. And you are going to begin to hear certain announcements that are going to come forth; certain things that are what have been said for a very long time here that are going to begin to climax now, come to a shift, a change that is going to move you and all of the planet to the next level. All of this is in motion. You are the ones that are bringing this about.


You are the ones that have been anchoring this energy and are now spreading this energy more and more.


And it is all about energy folks. It is all about energy and shift and change and consciousness and love.


Love is all that there is; all that there ever was; all that there ever will be… and you are the love. You are the ones that are spreading this love.


So as this love continues to spread, people across the planet will also begin to change and shift their consciousness. And as their consciousness begins to shift more and more, it will overtake the consciousness of the dark ones — those ones that have been attempting to hold this back as much as they can, attempting to hold on to the old paradigm because this is what they’ve known. This is what they’ve always known. This is what they always thought they would have.


But even they are beginning to realize that their time is up. The jig is up you might say. And they know this and are preparing for this as well. But they are not going out without a struggle. They’re not going out with a whimper. They are doing everything they can to hold on and go out with a shout.


But go out they will and go out they are because it has been determined, it has been decreed that this is the end. This is the end and the beginning of the next Golden Age. And there is nothing anyone anywhere can stop it now because it has been decreed by Prime Creator by Source Itself, has been decreed that this is to be so.


So all of you now sit back, relax, but do not take your foot off of the pedal. And we say this purposely now so that as you can continue to know that you are the ones, you are the catalyst, you are the ones that need to continue this whole process, this awakening process. This is all about helping more and more people to awaken to who they are, to realize that this is just an illusion, has been an illusion for so long.


And, as my dear consort Lady Nada has said, there is no veil. It has not been there for a very long time and it is only in your mind yet, only in the programmed mind that the veil still exists. So let it go now. Let it all go and realize that you are moving into the higher dimensions now. You are moving into the higher vibration. And as you continue to move into the higher vibrations all that has been a part of the old illusion will be gone.


I AM Sananda. I leave you now in all of my love and peace and tell you now to share wherever you have the opportunity to share and help others grow just as you have.


All of my peace and love be with all of you.



《1》十字路口 (20171214)
《2》無法阻止的雪崩 (20171218)
#GenovevaCoyle #JamesMcConnell

傳導作者:Genoveva Coyle
翻譯:Nick Chan

Greetings my dearest and beloved friends! I am Mi-ka-el, Archangel of Love and Truth, bringer of the peace in your hearts and in the world, your brother, your ally and protector, always.


I am here my wonderful friends, I am here to let you know that I am with you in every single way of the word. I am with you cheering and applauding your progress. I am here protecting thee from any harm. And when I say to you that I am guarding you it means that there is an absolute and complete shielding of you and of your dear family and all of your possessions. I am always by your side so nothing will ever interfere with your mission of light.


Some of you find your dear self at a crossroad and you find yourself a little confused as to where and how you would want to proceed next. There is a new freedom that you found but there is also a new and unexpected type of challenge.


There is this feeling that you are going backwards somehow but this is really very far from the truth. In fact, you are quite advanced in your expansion and there is this hesitation and some distress in finding your new center and balance.


It is almost as if you have graduated precociously from grad school and then progressed and moved on to this new ivy league college. And yes, you are skipping high school because you can and because you are capable to do so in the Mother’s new time.


And so, there is great excitement to find yourself empowered and advancing so fast, but at the same time you do not feel quite comfortable with the new responsibilities. It seems to take you forever to adjust to the new environment and to the New You. In a way, you keep on questioning your sweet selves and your competence to complete this new adventure. There is lack of trust in self and there is fear of failure. There is doubt in your ability to keep the course straight and whether you would be able to tend to every part of self and to your obligations and promises.


Your new tasks seem to be completely different to what you have assumed them to be, and this is why we are encouraging you not to have any expectations especially in these times of chaotic and somehow turbulent changes.


Dearest and bravest hearts, your work involves so much of the unseen type and takes place in many simultaneous realms and dimensions that you are not able to comprehend completely with the human senses and with your current brain capacity. There are remnants of debris that you bring back to thee in this conscious reality that makes little sense, and it can become quite disconcerting, but rest assured that these are only a few clues that you are indeed working overtime in cleansing and purifying this third and the lower fourth dimensional realities. Your guardians and higher selves, your closest guidance is making every attempt to fill you in and give you a picture of your advancement and a sense of moving forward along your path.


On the conscious level though, there are times when it seems that your work involves past issues that you thought you had successfully resolved. Know that these are only your further attempts to clear more and more of the same baggage for the close family and for the collective rather than falling back into the old patterns. It might take you by surprise, it might get you a little discombobulated, but you always find your way back to clarity and balance.


Remember that I am here with thee. Remember to use the shield and the sword I have given you eons ago to cut through the illusions and veils. Never, ever, allow the thought or feeling that you are failing to enter your mind! Pull out the mirror that I have given you in love, gaze into it and see me smiling back at you. See me reflecting back and showing you how much you are glowing and shining. See the magnificence of who you are before you give any other thought to the idea that you might be failing or deviating from the course of light.


Ask for assistance and for more clarity until you get familiarized with this new refined balance. Know that you have all the strength and wisdom to take your journey to the next level and to complete the tasks at hand in no time literally. You are exactly where you needed to be and in perfect timing.


Proceed with confidence and joy! Trust yourselves, trust your knowing to guide you in every moment.


You are loved and appreciated beyond measure! Until next time. Farewell.


傳導作者:James McConnell

ArchangelMichael via James McConnell, December 10th, 2017



I AM ArchangelMichael. It is these times that we come together that are both wonderful for usas well as for you for it is a merging of our consciousness with yourconsciousness. We are all One together.

And those of you thathave felt the separation from the Source Energy, from your Creator Being for solong, now many of you are coming to understand this sense of oneness that haseluded so many for so long. The remembrances or the memories are returning toyou. Some slower than others some much quicker than others. But it is all aprocess that is in a continuing union of all of us together bringingconsciousness together as One.



You speak oftimelines. I have spoken of timelines. I have spoken of the merging oftimelines and the splitting of timelines previously. And what is happening nowis that there is a program running, you might say, a program that has created amirrored world here. In other words a level of consciousness that is associatedwith all of you at one time. It is almost as if there is a new simulation thathas been created to hold the place for those of you that are continuing on inthis process which is the collective humanity at this time.

Whereas Earthherself, Gaia herself has moved on into the higher vibrations, is operatingmostly entirely in the fifth dimension, she has opened a space for all of youthat are still here held within this third dimensional illusion, although manyof you have moved into the higher fourth dimension and even into the fifthdimension at times. And you are experiencing what is ahead and also what is inthe now moment.

All is in a processof evolution and you are all moving through this evolutionary process. Somefaster, some not quite so fast but all is in flux now. All is in motion. Andthat motion that you are feeling leads to continued awareness. And as youcontinue to increase your awareness your consciousness grows. So too then dothe memories start to return to you.
而地球自身,蓋亞已經進入到更高的振動,主要運作完全是在第五維度,她已經在這裡為仍然存在於這個第三維度幻相中的你們開辟了一個空間, 盡管你們中的很多人已經進入了更高的第四維度,甚至有的此刻進入了第五維度。你們仍然正經歷著眼前的一切,以及當前的時刻。


So too does the otherworlds, you might say, the other dimensional worlds open up to you so thatwherever there is an opening in that dimensional barrier something may slipthrough. I do not speak here of something negative although that can be. But Ispeak of the opening of the barrier, of the veil that is really no longerthere. And objects can slip through. Objects that are meant for you to bringyou along to the next level of your being, to the next level of consciousness.

This is what isoccurring now for many of you. And many, many, more to come here will begin toexperience these things almost as if the dimensional barriers are not onlydropping but are merging together. And you will begin more and more toexperience what before had been called glimpses but now will be more than justglimpses. Now you will begin to more and more see into those otherdimensionals/ dimensions.


Patience is stillrequired at this point. But knowing that everything is in process, everythingis in motion and that motion cannot be stopped at this point. That momentumcannot be stopped. It was given over your Advance that an avalanche cannot bestopped. And this is an avalanche now that is gaining momentum, moving down themountain taking everything in its’ path, merging with everything in its’ path.And you can no longer stop an avalanche than those who would want to could stopthis advancement of the Ascension.



You are all a part ofthis now and you are all becoming even more a part of this as you allow theprocess to happen within yourself first. Find that level of surrender withinyourself, within your selves, and allow that to continue to move you along intothe higher vibrations. It will be as if when you surrender more and more to theSource within you it will open up the higher vibrations readily and easily toyou. It will be a seamless transition. That is what we are all working towardfor all of you: a seamless transition as much as is possible.

I AM ArchangelMichael. I do enjoy these times that I can be with you and look forward tothose times yet to come where we will much more be with you in a way that youcan appreciate so much more than what it is now.



【昴宿星的卡拉】現在就創造你的自由;關於 自由就是在更高的振動頻率中存在的一切

傳導作者:James McConnell

I am KaRa.As always,it is a pleasure to be the emissary,to be the one that comes from the Pleiadian civilization,the Pleiadian councils,to be able to be here with you.But know that as I am here with you now,you yourselves,many of you,have done the same experience with other planets,other civilizations,other galaxies even.


You have been the emissaries,many of you.Even have been the Pleiadian emissaries to other worlds,just as I am to your world now.This is the connectedness of all of us,the consciousness,the one consciousness that we all share together.For we have all been that,done that,and we will do it again,and again,and again.


Will you volunteer at a later time to enter another illusionary process to play another game?Maybe.That would be your choice.Your discussion earlier was about freedom.Freedom is so important.Freedom is all there is in the higher vibrational frequencies.In the higher dimensions,there is nothing but freedom.There is no such thing as holding control over another being,none whatsoever.So all of you are destined to return once again to that freedom.To be free.Free to make whatever choice you want to make.


If you want to travel the galaxy,you will be able to do that.Like your Star Trek,you will be able to go where no one has gone before.Although that will be quite difficult,because we have explored the entire universe,so it would be difficult to find a place where no one has gone before.But,you yourselves,many of you,have been to those places long,long ago.You have experienced much that you will much,much that you will become reacquainted with once again.


But in order to do that,first you have to find the freedom here on this planet.But more than find it,you have to make it.You have to create it.You have to be a part of creating that for yourselves.And once you have created that for yourselves,then you can go about creating it for others around you.


And all of you are in that process right now,in this moment.You are in that process of finding the freedom within yourselves so that you can reach out to others and share that with them.Share that light with them.That is what you are here to do,and have been working on.Many of you have been working on this diligently,having been listening to your Higher Selves reaching out to you,and sharing—"do this,do that,do something that will bring about change to the world."


You are the change that you want to see in the world.Be that change now.And as you do that,as you become more and more involved,involved in working with your fellow brothers and sisters in whatever way that is.It can be in simply a way in reaching out and talking to one another.It can be a way of reaching out and talking over your internet.There are many ways to share the light,many ways to share the expression of oneness and freedom.That is up to you how you want to do that.


If you find yourself wanting to be in meditation,and going deeply within yourself and finding that one connectedness,that one consciousness within yourself,then do it.If you find that your expression of your Higher Self is telling you to reach out to your brother and sister in some way,then do it.


But do something.Have some sort of action.Do not just sit back any longer.It is not for you to do that.You are not the ones that came here to do that.You are not the ones to sit on your couch and to let the world revolve around you.You are the ones to bring the world to you,and to bring the world out to others around you.


You are the ones that are here to take this part of the game and make it your own.And in so doing,you will bring an end to this game.And once you have done that,then we will be able to experience with you.We will be able to show ourselves.Because as I said earlier,you will have raised up into higher vibrational frequencies,more to be able to match with our frequency.We will not come down into your illusion.We have done that before.We have been in those situations before.We do not need to relive that again.So we are waiting for you to rise up.And rise up,all of you are doing now,in one way or another.


And we ask you to just continue to listen to that inner voice,that wee whisper within you that tells you,"this is the next step that you need to take."And then take it.Don't sit back,take it.


Take the steps,whatever they might be.If they are simply,as you have been talking from your discussion,if they are simply to take the masks off and say"NO More",if they are simply to clasp hands and hug each other once again and say no more distancing?


What does distancing and what does mask-wearing bring you?Nothing.It brings only fear.It brings only a continuation of that fear,that fear that you cannot be near another person because you will catch what they have.How ridiculous is that,when you really get down and think about it,when you really do use your common sense to understand what is real and what is part of the illusion.Do not be a part of the illusion anymore.Be aware of it,as it affects your brothers and sisters.But do not be a part of it any longer.


I am KaRa,and I enjoy these times that I can be with you.And so long for those times when we,we as brothers and sisters of the stars,can be together once again.All of us.Breathing the same air.Feeling the same connectedness and the oneness with each and every one.


Peace and love be with all of you.


**Source 1 2**Channel:James McConnell




#耶穌 #約書亞 #Sananda #薩南達 #JamesMcConnell  #NickChan

傳導作者:James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan

I AM Sananda.


And as always it is wonderful opportunity to be with you to share with you to experience with you. For as you experience all of this so do we. Although we may seem as higher than you, we’re only higher in consciousness, higher in vibration and frequency but no better than you. Always remember this.


For in those moments when we come together as brothers, and sisters, as friends, know that we come together in that way. We do not expect you to supplicate yourselves in front of us. We expect you to embrace us as friends, as brothers and sisters. For we are you and you are we. All of us are one through all of this.


Many times I as Sananda are with many of you at various times. Many of you know me directly, know my vibration, and you know by experience, how we are one together.


Those memories will come back to you in that moment when that energy comes into the planet as the ‘event’, or as the ‘changeover’, that pulse of energy, many of you will have your memories returned to you; memories of those moments, of those times when we have been together frolicking in the field, swimming in the ocean, whatever it might be. We have experienced many of these things together. Not always in the three-dimensional world but in the higher vibrations, in the higher dimensions. There you knew me and I knew you as well, as I continue to know you now, each and every one of you.


You are all near and dear to my heart and my love. And we share that love together because, as together, we are moving through this entire process. You have never felt alone and you never will be alone through this. We are always only a whisper away from your doorstep, your consciousness.


So many things are happening and there are many small events that are about to trigger, about to begin. As you have heard many times nothing can stop this process now. It’s only been delayed momentarily. All is in flux and all is already happened at the higher levels, it only needs now to manifest through the veil into this three-dimensional experience. But as it materializes in this three-dimensional experience, know that this three-dimensional experience is dissipating. It is moving away and you are moving beyond it. For eventually there will be no three-dimensional experience here any longer. All will be fourth and fifth and even higher at that time.


But as you know there is no time. All time is one. Past, present, and future are all one. And you are coming to understand that more and more as your time is seemingly speeding up, is it not? All of it.


And you will feel at times powerless to make the changes, to bring about the changes to the world that you seek, that we all seek. But I tell you now as Sananda, you are making those changes each and every moment of your life as you continue to operate within the ‘now’ within your consciousness, within the ‘now’ of the collective consciousness, because that is all there is is the ‘now’. You take away the time which is the past and the future all that’s left is the now so that when you have moved into those higher vibrations permanently into the full higher fourth and into the fifth dimension time will seemingly standstill.


As I mentioned briefly there are many small events about to trigger. Specifically you are going to see more and more of what are called, have been called, the mass arrests. They are imminent. In many respects they have already begun. You will see these becoming more and more prominent. As more and more of the cabal is dismantled in all the different ways: financially, emotionally, religiously, militarily, all of it is coming down. For it must come down. The old must fall away before the new can be born again. I say ‘again’ because you have had Golden Ages here on the Earth before and you are about to move into a new Golden Age.


You are the catalyst for this new Golden Age. You are the ones that are bringing this about. With our help, yes, with our guidance, yes, but it is you that must do the act. You must take action and as the warriors, as the light warriors you have been taking more and more action whether it is working directly within yourself to move yourself along through this process, or if it is working outside of yourself, as well, to assist in any way that you can. You are the warriors in this mission.


Soon, very soon, at your next Advance I will be sharing much more about those missions, and you at the council tables, and how all of this will come together.


I leave you now with all of my peace and love be with all of you. I will turn this over to our dear brother Aramda. Peace and love be with all of you.


傳導作者:James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan

I AM Sananda. Although I did not announce myself to this one, James, I Am here.


And I Am here as each time to bring you closer and closer to all that you know within your selves; to help you to remember who you are. For this is what this entire process is all about; this entire ascension process.


The transition that you are moving through is all about remembering. Remembering where you come from and who you are in the process. Remembering that you are the light, you are the oneness, you are the Source within you just as I Am the Source within me. All of us are the Source together.


There is nothing separate from the Source. Your minds still yet being programmed in many ways pull themselves away from the Source, unknowing most of the time, yet feeling that sense of separation in certain moments where you feel you are not loved; where you feel there is no hope; where you feel there is nothing changing. But yet I tell you as Sananda, as the one who has brought you here, many of you here, I tell you that everything is changing: changing within yourselves and changing outside of yourself. Because as you change within yourself you change everything outside of yourself as well.


As you change, another one changes next to you. And as that one changes another next to them and so on and so one. And as you begin to spread the light the light spreads to the next one and to the next one and to the next one. And soon all feel the light. All experience the light within them.


And even those deepest levels of darkness become illumined by the light. And as they become illumined by the light, if they are not ready for this they have a difficult time with these energies, these energies that you are acclimating to, that you are feeling the changes.


You are feeling the consciousness shift that is happening both within you and within the collective consciousness of man. For you are the collective consciousness of man and the collective consciousness of man is you. This is what you have to come to understand: that you are your brother and your sister. And your brother and sister are you as well. You are all in this together, my friends, all of us. No one is at a higher level than anyone else. Please come to understand this as well. Even though I may vibrate at a higher level than you, I may experience at a higher level than you, at this time my consciousness may be at a higher level, I am no better or worse than you in any respect. All of those of my brothers and sisters all the ones that you revere as the Company of Heaven: Archangel Michael, St. Germain, Ashtar, Sanat Kumara, and on and on, Lady Nada certainly, Lady Portia, on and on with all. We all know that although we appear to be in a higher level of consciousness it does not mean that we are. You do not yet remember who you are, who you have been. As those memories come back all of this will begin to make complete sense to you.


When you begin to look at the idea that there are no accidents and everything is being orchestrated, then you will come to fully understand.


I AM Sananda. I so enjoy these times I can be with you. And as all of us are saying we are all looking forward to times when we can be more personally with you, for you are aware of us as much as we are aware of you.


All of my peace and love be with you.
