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顯示具有 天狼星 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


0:00 影片開頭
0:38 《1》更高頻率正發送給你們 (20131114)
4:47 《2》不要讓自己感到混亂 (20131127)
#SaLuSa #madad #來自天狼星的FRANK #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan

























< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/ >

譯者:Nick Chan



















< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/ >


0:00 影片開頭 0:39 《1》不要緊抓住不開心的事 (20131019) 4:30 《2》你所選的現實將完美的在你面前呈現 (20131026) #SaLuSa #madad #來自天狼星的FRANK #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan














SaLuSa 18. 10. 2013

The feelings of Oneness and blissful joy are surrounding you with such intensity never experienced before, and we are enjoying your amazement when they are entering your beings so powerfully, as your intentions and wishes are set very high and allowing you to experience ever deepening and more fulfilling feelings of Unity with All. The more you are aware of these energies, the more you want to be immersed in them, as they are of pure Love and Light and help you to clear yourselves completely from all of the old energy patterns. In this phase of your final clearing you might experience a sudden change in your mood and feelings due to some old issues being cleared away suddenly, without getting through the usual process that you all are very well aware of. This is because of your strong will, intent and choice that you have manifested this final clearing happening in such beautiful way, with feeling very strong presence of Angelic Realm and your Guides, and this is allowing us to share so very much more with all those of you who wish to experience our connection at this moment.

We feel this great change within you and we know that it is creating great influence on all others that are around you or meeting you, and many of them are realizing and sensing that there is so much more to the life they are experiencing. It is this awareness that will lead them to their own changes and to the collective change of all aspects of living on your planet. We are here to help you with this change and with our powerful connection with you, the awareness of our presence is also part of this influence, because you are sharing also our energy with your own and once there is the right moment to introduce ourselves openly with that very dearly expected moment of Disclosure, those unaware of our presence will feel this very energy and will accept our coming more easily, because this energy will be known to them. So be aware of the great power you are carrying within, as it is moving you towards the experience of your higher reality and adding more intensity to everything that you do.

Keep focusing on that what you desire to experience and watch how all is transforming and changing within you and around you in accordance with your wish. Right now it is the moment of your own great shift and we know that you feel it very intensively, and you are spreading your growing Light to all others as you are fully awakened to your desire to be of service to others, and your whole being is expressing this desire in communication and behavior towards all others. Know that they feel it although they might not speak about it, as you all were not used to express your true feelings and kept them hidden inside, but now they are free to flow from within you, unchanged with illusion that once surrounded you. Illusion is quickly disappearing from your collective consciousness and soon there will come that moment when you as society will be ready for another movement towards the new Golden Age for Earth Nation which shape and ideals just being formed.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and feeling your powerful upliftment and your joy of being aware that you truly raised yourselves above all the old and experiencing true understanding of Being and Oneness that is so powerfully flowing through your own energy and keeping you in a blissful state of mind for most of the time. Remember you do not need to hold onto anything that is not making you happy. You are free!   

Channeller: MADAD

< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/ >

譯者:Nick Chan















SaLuSa 25. 10. 2013

We are always present and sending you our loving energies even if you are busy and need to focus on activities that are requiring your full physical attention. We know it is not very easy to maintain your calmness and your higher perspective of reality when the situations and people around you are of lower vibrations, and are creating stressful atmosphere and sending out these energies that are influencing also you. It is good to take only if a short moment break, and realize that your presence at the place you are currently in is necessary, and it was your choice to help others and influence them with your higher energies now. This short moment of realization will help you to be aware of your own energy field, which will give you comfort and feeling of joy.

Your energy field is much stronger now because you are accepting all incoming higher and uplifting energies constantly and do not need longer time to prepare yourselves for their coming, so they can be continually spread among you and create great influence on all of Humanity. The moment when all the people will be able to see it is quickly approaching and none of your current „time“ is wasted. The reality of your choice will be so beautifully placed before you, and all those that are wishing for more upliftment and more joy and happiness will be amazed how much of it all is there for them to feel and experience. The words cannot fully describe, but your visions and dreams carry the right energy feeling that will greatly intensify, once you reach the perfect point for stepping into the higher level of experiences.

We hear your thoughts about how the perfect point, or the right moment will feel and what will exactly happen. We could let you know more, but we do not want to influence your expectations of that moment, because it is part of your whole experience of Ascension and it is upon you to find out how perfectly it was all designed and arranged. We are influencing your visions and dreams and also your current reality the way you have wished for, and we are always respecting your free will. And if you wish to be influenced more just call us and express this desire with your focus on all that you want to experience Now.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and want to assure you of the perfection of each step that we all are taking towards our own growing and knowing. You can see it and feel it in everything that you experience, every single detail in your own life is created for the highest potential of learning the Truth about Creation, because that is what we all were created for. We are One and we are about to experience this Oneness even in the deeper, or shall we say, higher level.   

Channeller: MADAD
< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/ >


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:38 《1》薩南達-在周身建立起保護 (20210530) 4:43 《2》天狼星-對他人懷有同情心 (20210530) #TheaGraceSirius #JahnKassl #NickChan #耶穌 #約書亞 #Sananda #薩南達 #Jesus #耶穌基督

傳導:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved people,
God is revealing Himself to you in these days. While the pressure outside is increasing, God is settling in your hearts. Slowly you are beginning to realize that the turmoil in the world is only a reflection of your own thoughts and emotions. To come to peace, to become still inside – that is what it is all about now.
So I invite you to daily introspection, daily meditation and daily prayer. In this way you will strengthen the bond between you and God, and through this you will become more and more firm in your faith, and in your trust in God you will remain constant.
The difficulty that many people face today is that they keep “tipping out” of their center and are caught up in the maelstrom of this time. As soon as you leave your own four walls, it is important to be awake and aware. It is important to be mindful and attentive to the whole environment.
So I urge you, please protect yourself when you leave the house. As soon as you step outside, build an energetic protection around you.
I, (state your name here), AM PROTECTED!
Keep saying this until you feel it is so. This short and simple phrase creates an energy field of protection that is more urgent today than ever.
The turmoil on the outside continues to increase, a big storm is coming and it is important to be prepared for it – and this is the aspect we want to focus on now. The best preparation for life lies in a good connection to the spiritual light and to the HIGH SELF.
The HIGH SELF lives detached from the earthly heaviness and is nevertheless connected with you in the closest way. It is omniscient, it accompanies you and directs you in the right direction. A constant connection with the HIGH SELF is elementary and existential.
Through an intact connection to your HIGH SELF you never go astray. You can only fulfill your tasks as a human being through this.
People who are cut off from their HIGH SELF feel alone and always reach the point of despair at some point.
Therefore, open yourself to this transcendent perception of your existence. The more present your relationship to the HIGH SELF is, the more oriented you are and the less events can frighten you. Only those who do not establish a connection to themselves or to God lose the thread of life and must despair of the world as it is now.
In all external activities to which you feel obliged or urged, be aware: the constant connection to your inner “soul guide”, to the divinity within you, is the key to get through this time sane and healthy.
What makes you, human, is much more than you think – and it leads to trouble if you disregard this fact and roam the energetic jungle of these days on your own.
God is with you and your HIGH SELF sets the impulses in your life, which you need for your spiritual growth.
So that you can experience tomorrow and survive the upheaval unscathed, an intimate cooperation with your HIGH SELF is urgently necessary today.
Take up the contact in meditation or in prayer and thereupon stay connected forever – with your HIGH SELF.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Thea Grace Sirius
譯者:Nick Chan

Dearest Ones it is time now for you all to learn to have some compassion for those humans, who you think have not woken up yet, so to speak. The dark agenda on the planet have been using mind techniques as a weapon to keep many humans in a matrix of lies and control. Many of you as workers of the LIGHT have indeed woken up to what has been happening to the human race for millennia. As you have woken up, so will others, but they may need more time. It is your duty now to proceed into the 5th Dimension in your own world and to let others, including your friends and family, follow you in your wake so to speak.
You have all done an amazing job of informing others of the TRUTH of what has been happening and have helped to awaken some of those around you. However do realise that the souls who have not already awoken, will do so in their own time and it may be less than helpful for you to now labour the point. They will have heard what you have said and may not have understood or actually disagreed with you. However it might be that others say to them exactly what you have said and the Time will be right for them to finally understand. Do not be resentful about this, for you will have opened up a chink of LIGHT in them for others to proceed to open them up completely to that LIGHT. Remember your own awakening Dear Ones.
Many of you are concerned for the health of your nearest and dearest. As always there are many stories of the damage that some of the "va"s might be having. Listen not to these stories, Dear Ones. We have often told you that we can neutralise any damage being intended on the planet by the dark agenda but you as LIGHTWORKERS are now more than able to counteract any of this damage for yourselves.

BELIEVE this Dear Ones, go within to find the TRUTH of this and send your LOVE to all those who you know may have taken the "va" and no harm will come to them. Imagine that they are placebos Dear Ones and indeed if you have this belief many of you could actually take the "va" yourself and come to no harm. BELIEF is such a powerful force Dear Ones. Indeed you can actually BELIEVE that the "va"s are actually a stimulus to help awaken humans from their slumbers.

Having said this Dear Ones some souls will have decided to leave the planet at this time and are leaving having had the "vi "or the "va". It is their own free will to do this and there will be nothing that you can do to stop it. Have no Fear Dear Ones for as LIGHTWORKERS your friends and families will not generally be in this category. You will have all incarnated together to help the planet ASCEND but some will have agreed to awaken before others. Those with a good LOVING HEART will of course be moving up into the 5th dimension.
We have said before that as you proceed along the timeline of moving into the 5th Dimension and move up the rungs of the ladder, so to speak, others will be able to step up onto the rung you have just vacated. It may be frustrating for you if you are the only one amongst your friends and family who knows that they are on the path to ASCENSION and you may feel alone. Remember Dear Ones that you are NEVER alone and that you have so much help in the higher realms. You just have to ASK.
Keep sending your LOVE and surround those around you in LIGHT and in time they will also be in the know, so to speak. Find your connections instead of divisions. Divide and control is part of the dark agenda. Do not be conned into believing that you are in any way different to others, even if they have not yet seen the LIGHT. It is just that others may not have realised their own inherent Divine powers yet but they will.
Keep LOVING others around you and have COMPASSION for them. Your own awakening may have taken quite a long time but theirs may well be sudden and painful. Much evil is coming to LIGHT in the next few months that will shock many and you will be very much needed to soothe the waters, having woken up yourselves, and already come to terms with this evil. Many of you have been working long and hard for this time and Dear Ones the time is IMMINENT.
As LIGHTWORKERS you may not realise how POWERFUL that you all are and that you are more than able to neutralise any harmful effects intended to humans and the planet. As LIGHTWORKERS it is your duty to come to terms with this POWER, to harness it and to use it for the good of humanity and GAIA. This is why we say to you to have COMPASSION for others who you may well have felt are less than you. You are all ONE and you need to learn this NOW.
Those who have intended evil on the planet are trying desperately to hold onto their power but this is futile Dear Ones. Their Time is up and they know it. They will have to transform to LIGHT or will leave Earth and continue their journey on another planet. They will not be allowed to enter the 5th Dimension on this planet. The time has come for those souls to make this decision NOW.
Be assured Dear Ones that whatever you see to the contrary there is so much LIGHT on the planet that the darkness cannot survive. The LIGHT has won Dear Ones. BELIEVE this.
Your task now Dear Ones is to work on having so much COMPASSION for yourself and others that Evil will not exist on Earth. This COMPASSION must also be felt for the so called Evil ones who are only souls who have not yet learned this for themselves. Even the evil ones are a part of the ONE and are still very much LOVED. Again we say to you that if you cannot accept this concept you need to work on this for yourselves. It may help to imagine that you are all players on the stage of life. You may be pretending to fight others in a battle on the stage, so to speak, but when you come off the stage, you are all friends together.
YOU ARE ALL SOULS on a journey and some are further on that journey than others.
As always we are here to help and we send you much LOVE and many BLESSINGS.
We are SIRIUS.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


【天狼星】有些近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔 編譯者:來自天狼星的FRANK 0:00 影片開頭 0:39 《1》讓你的意圖專注於你要的 (20131012) 4:26 《2》要完全相信你所做的一切 (20131016) #SaLuSa #madad #來自天狼星的FRANK #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan


















< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_2603.html >

譯者:Nick Chan

















< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_7109.html >


0:00 影片開頭 0:38 《1》聖哲曼-解放你的心智(20210513) 7:26 《2》天狼星-暴風雨前的寧靜(20210514) 13:35 《3》加百利-你是流動的存在(20210514) #JamesMcConnell #TheaGraceSirius #ShelleyYoung #NickChan #Amber

傳導作者:James McConnell

Saint Germain: Free Your Mind

I am your Saint Germain. I am here, as always, to continue to assist you and guide you as one of your guides, while there are many guides that are working with you. Guides that are working alongside and within you, as well as your Higher Self, certainly. And all of this is coming together to bring the oneness within you. To bring you back to who you are. To bring you back to the knowing and the understanding that you are one with your multidimensional selves. And all is coming together as you are moving through this ascension process.

And as you are moving through this ascension process, you have already moved into the higher vibrational frequencies and higher dimensions.  It is not something you are moving to, the fifth dimension.  You are already there.

The only thing that is not there, that is what continues to trap you within the illusion.  That would be your ego mind, that lower consciousness within you that still holds you trapped, still believes that you need to be within that illusion, and that is where you belong.

But your higher knowing self within you, that collective consciousness within you, is pulling you upward, pulling you forward, pulling you out of the illusion, pulling you further and further into higher dimensional frequencies that, again, are already here on the Earth.

Gaia has already raised herself up.  She has already gone back home into those higher vibrational frequencies.  And she only holds a place for you now, holds a place for your mind, your mind that must be freed.  Just as in the Matrix:  free the mind.

That is what you need to do, you need to free the mind.  The mind.  The mind that continues to hold you down.  But your heart, your heart has already moved on.  Your heart is just waiting for the rest of you to catch up.

And the body, the physical body, the physical body that holds light is holding more and more light, anchoring more and more light.  So that you can be able to freely lift up in the ascension process in that first wave of ascension that you are already in now.  You have already found yourself in that ascension wave.

And all is coming together, as freedom is coming back to this planet.  Even though it may not appear to be so that you are free, but you are!  Just think about your every day that you go through and how free you really are, especially in this country, in the United States.

Even though there are those that attempt to take that freedom away, they cannot.  You will not allow it.  You, the collective you, will not allow your freedom to be taken away.  It cannot happen, and will not happen, because consciousness itself is free.

And you are consciousness.  And in that consciousness, freedom resides.  So always know that no matter what those of the darkness, those of the dark forces, attempt to do, they cannot overcome your free will to be free.

That is something they have attempted to do and something they have been successful at doing with some people on this planet, actually many at this time.  But those many at this time, even though they appear to be capitulating and appear to be controlled, many of them will yet awaken.

Because as the ascension process continues as the vibrations continue to increase, that will help to awaken.  As the truth is revealed, that will help to awaken so many of those that still yet seem to be asleep.  But they will not be asleep much longer, because there are those things that are about to happen, that are coming, that are going to bring major revealings to the planet, and certainly to this country which will reverberate around the entire planet.

As those of the Forces of Light, which you call The Alliance, are working diligently behind the scenes to bring the freedom to this country and to the entire planet, there are those that you would not even know that are in the control process now, that are in the control process of taking over those of the cabal forces.

Because the cabal forces cannot hold on any longer.  They cannot hold on to the dark, as the light is streaming forth.  They cannot be in those shadows, as they are completely illuminated by the light more and more, by truth, by understanding, by revealing.  It is not possible.
因為陰謀集團的力量無法再繼續保持下去。 當光線不斷射出時,它們無法保持黑暗。 它們不能處在那些陰影中,因為它們越來越多地被光,真理,理解,啟示所完全照亮。

So they have come out of the shadows and are revealing themselves for what they are.  And as they are revealing themselves for what they are, you, the collective consciousness of mankind, are beginning to see what they have held back.  All that they have held back.  All of the darkness they have held within them is coming forward now.

And it must be so, it must happen in this way.  So that those of the Founding Fathers of this county, what they set out to do is now about to be revealed much, much more than what it has been up to this point.  And nothing, no thing, can stop it at this time.  For it is destined.

You are destined to be free.  To be free to not only move anywhere you want in this world, on this planet, but to move throughout the stars.  You came from the stars.  And you are returning back to the stars.  And it is not something that can be held back.  It is not something that can be stopped.

Held back, yes.  They have held back it back for some time.  But it is not something that can be stopped.  For all is to be revealed.  The truth shall indeed set you all free.

I am your Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.  And that the Violet Flame continues to purge out all that is of the old, all that is of the old programmed illusion that continues to hold your minds—but, free your minds.

Peace and love be with all of you.
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121069138 >

傳導作者:Thea Grace Sirius
譯者:Nick Chan

Dearest Ones it is time for you all to retreat from the pressures of the outside world now, to go within and to clear the last vestiges of negativity from your mental, physical and spiritual selves. Many of you may be feeling sad, depressed, disorientated, angry, irritable, unloved, alone and suffering from many different physical symptoms. All of these feelings and symptoms are coming to the fore now, to be finally cleared from your system as you move from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension. As way showers you are now being challenged to heal and perfect your own lives.
We have given you meditations and much advice as to how to achieve your own peace but the real advice as always comes from within you. As way showers you are being asked to be your perfect self and this is why all of these challenges are coming to you now. You may find that you feel that you are the only one in your own world who feels as you do. You may find that friends and family who you used to get on with, may start to annoy and irritate you.
Remember Dear ones that the energies that are being beamed upon your Earth at this time are powerful energies and are affecting every single one of you now. The energies are stirring you up, so to speak, and they are bringing to the surface, all that is needed to be cleared. Know that these times are temporary and the more that you go within to meditate on your so called imperfections the sooner you will be able to clear them, to become more of your perfect self.
It may seem as if you are the only ones who are having these hard times, feeling as if you are on a roller coaster, happy one minute and sad or angry the next. All sorts of feelings, emotions and bodily symptoms are being stirred up inside of you. Do not berate yourself when these symptoms or feelings come to you, know that they are being shown to you to make you stronger and more able to live as a perfected soul in these uncertain times.
Meditating and going within is so important for you now, as you navigate the stormy waters of your own emotions. Meditating and being happy within your own selves without resorting to help from others will indeed bring you to a calm and peaceful presence and make you stronger and more able to ride the waves. There will be stormy times ahead for others, when many truths come out and they will have to come to terms with what has been happening on your planet for thousands of years. As way showers you will already have known much of this information, come to terms with it and have calmed your own selves. You will be there for them as they have to go through the storm that is to come.
It is time now for you to work on yourselves, to be the best that you can be and to not worry about your friends and family. Do not try to persuade them to be as you are, they will have their own awakening soon enough. Those friends and family members who are still asleep, will be waking up with a jump so to speak and you will be there to calm them as you have been calmed yourselves.
Have no Fear the future is assured. We have said before that those dark souls who have no intention of changing and upgrading themselves to live in the 5th Dimension of Peace Harmony and Love will NOT be able to stay on the planet. Do not fear how they will leave but leave they will. Prepare yourselves Dear Ones. Keep yourselves calm in your own craft for there will be stormy waters ahead as the mass awakening happens. Many dark souls will be leaving the planet, fear not how this will happen. Gaia knows each and every single soul on her planet and is well able to rid herself of any dark creatures who would wish to harm her or her inhabitants.
Fear not for your own friends and families, for you have all come together as souls at this time to ride out this storm. You may have woken before them but they too will find their way. Be prepared for Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Massive winds, Floods and strange weather patterns in the storm that is to come. Keep yourselves calm and you will weather the storm and be able to come home to a safe harbor.
We say all of these things not to cause concern but to prepare you for your future. You are all well able to ride the storm that is to come and to manifest that new Earth that you all so desire. Much change is coming to your planet. Those of you who know of the Tarot, know of the Tower card. Look into this card and see its real meaning. Two people are seen falling from a Tower that has been hit by lightning and it is being ravaged by fire. The Tower is the World and The Tower has been built on unstable ground. It is time now to knock down the Tower and build a new World on stable ground. Look now to the Star card to bring in all that you wish for and the World card to bring in that New Heavenly Earth for you all to live in Peace, Harmony and Love.
我們說這些東西不是為了引起擔憂,而是讓你為未來做好準備。你們都能夠駕馭就要到來的風暴,顯化你們都如此渴望的新地球。很多改變正在到來。你們那些瞭解塔羅牌的人。可以去看看Tower card,看看它的真正含義。兩個人從被雷擊中的塔上落下,塔被火破壞。塔就是世界,塔建立在不穩定的地面上。是時候擊倒塔,在穩定的地面上建立一個新世界。現在看向Star card,帶來你希望的一切,然後World card,帶來新的天堂地球來讓你們都生活在和平、和諧、愛中
As always we are here to help you on your journey but as Powerful Sovereign Beings and a part of the One true God the future does indeed start with YOU to co-create your own Heaven on Earth.
We send you Much Love and Many Blessings.
We are Sirius.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1842945575865155&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

If part of your anxiety could actually be excitement, and you know you don’t get excited about unpleasant things, perhaps you can settle into the idea that the experience of anxiety/excitement is a sure sign of wonderful new potentials that are now close enough that you can feel them energetically. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving. We have spoken of this before many times. One reason why people have trouble receiving we haven’t spoken of before is having a distrust of ease.
Do you distrust when things start to come together with ease? Do you immediately wait for the “other shoe to drop”? Do you think if things come together easily for you they will fall apart, others will judge you, or you will pay for it in some unpleasant way in the end?
This is all very tied into the martyred service paradigm, a paradigm you are in the process of evolving beyond. Do you feel you have to struggle to be worthy? Do you cling to expressions like, “no pain, no gain”? Are you afraid of being deemed not deserving enough for your gains or being perceived as lazy?
Dear Ones, ease is simply moving with the flow. It is deciding to move with the energies instead of exhausting yourself working against them. It is allowing yourself to be sustained, loved, and guided by the energies of Source. It is not about cutting corners or taking the easy way out of anything. It is deciding to trust and go with what is being supported for you willingly, and that is a glorious thing, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
As you continue forward into the new, you will feeling the energies whether you realize it or not. One thing we highly recommend is making an energy journal that highlights your experiences and any correlating factors. By educating yourself on what is going on astrologically and energetically, you will start to recognize your feelings and reactions are very normal and will shift out of resistance with yourself. Further, if you keep track you will come to realize that your body is such a reliable indicator of what is happening, external sources of information will only be confirmation for what you already know. You are a truly magnificent dance partner with the universe, profoundly interconnected with each other, expanding and evolving in the most wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you are beings of flow. You are always in motion. It may be gentle or rapid, internal or external, intangible or tangible, but it is always there. Resisting whatever stage you are in will only create discomfort because it would amount to trying to work against both yourself and the energy conditions that are showing up that are custom designed to support you and your evolution. Do you see? Embracing the flow means finally accepting who you really are and the bigger system you are an intrinsic part of, and that is at the core of the shift you are in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you have stepped firmly into new energies and this can require taking a moment to get your bearings. It is much like a video game, where you have gone through a particularly challenging stage, which upon its completion, opens up an entirely new level to you. You are in the process of learning what the features are in this stage, exploring the landscape, your new tools are, and the best application of them. There is much to discover and learn in this new level as it contains many new potentials that you could not have accessed previously, and we urge you to find wonder and joy in the process as you have worked so hard to arrive here. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1842945852531794&set=a.806388119520911 >


譯者:Nick Chan
《1》造物能量-你就是你 (20210506)
《2》天狼星-超然的觀察者 (20210506)
《3》耶穌-愛是你的本質 (20210506)

《1》關於 你就是你
傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
This is not a time to worry about what will happen next or when for you are on a unique trajectory that has little to do with others.
Of course, there will be shifts that affect all or most of those in your cohort, for you are in a similar action zone. Much as puberty affects a certain age grouping and has little to do with those, not of that age.
We, of the Universes, are now going to address those beyond 4D. If you do not feel you are of the 5D or beyond cohort, you might wish to ignore this channel.
Those of you of 5D are youthing. For as you relax and explore your interests, most of your stresses will fade away. Allowing you to be the center of your world for the first time while of the earth.
That last statement might appear self-centered or egotistical. Instead, it is your new reality. For you no longer need to pass your thoughts, interests, or actions through the filter of others or your society. You are you in all your glory.
Perhaps it is difficult for you to understand why such actions will cause you to feel and act more youthful. Once you fully become you, you do not have to waste – and waste is the correct word – energy worrying or even thinking about how this action or that word will impact someone else.
In 3D, you utilized less than half your totality for your earth experiences – so you aged quickly in mind and body. Before claiming your body’s health, you focused on how a situation might impact your life and others. You were not free to explore personal healing options, for what-ifs and what will happen to you and others pushed your self-healing thoughts aside. And the same was true for your emotional and spiritual healing.
Much of your 3D energy was devoted to “how will this play in main street?” Only after processing those thoughts and fears were you able to devote attention to healing. That fearful 3D energy is disappearing or has disappeared.
You are a new being in a new land.
Even though you will remain in earth communities, those communities will encourage, perhaps even demand that you devote as much attention to yourself as you do to the needs or concerns of others.
No longer do you need to ask permission to care for or love yourself. For even though you might not have noted such 3D needs, they permeated your every thought and move.
Even though you have heard the phrase, “We are one,” over and over, it is likely you do not fully understand what that phrase means now. Yes, you are part of the earth community. But that community no longer limits your being. Your new earth community encourages all to be who they are.
In 3D earth, everyone wanted to sing soprano – it was a one-part choir. In 5D and beyond, your choir is full range from the highest to the lowest voices – just as is true for the birds who harmonize outside your windows.
You are part of a beautifully harmonizing choir. To create that choir, each entity must sing their unique musical part.
Your 3D choir was flat and lifeless – as if there was one bird species in your area. Even though that bird species might have a beautiful chirp, the same one-note chirp day after day would become monotonous.
Your new 5D choir has so many more options of joy, sound, and fun.
So it is, “We are one” has a different meaning than believed by most of you. You likely believe that phrase means you will all think and act similarly. The opposite is true.
But then, the new concept for that phrase should not surprise you, for in your new world up has become down, and this way is now that way. This is a new world, and you are a new being in this new world. Nothing is as it was and will never be again.
Allow yourself to accept that and then relax, decompress, or do whatever you need to ensure that you are you. You are not Amy down the street or the president of a corporation you might admire. You are you in all your glory.
As you accept that “you are you in all your glory,” you will start youthing in ways you cannot yet imagine.
You are you. And they are they: no more or no less. You are a new being in a new world. So be it. Amen.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1837109383115441&set=a.806388119520911 >

《2》關於 超然的觀察者
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings dear ones. We are the Sirian High Council. We come forth a day late, but none the less, the message remains the same.
Our messages to you are always going to be about growth and forward movement. Even at times when it may feel as if you are going backwards, you are still growing. Sometimes backwards steps are needed. They are needed at times when you must observe something in your life that has been hindering you. You must take a step back into what is not serving you, and really observe what is occurring in the moment and see if it is a place that you want to be, or a situation you really need be involved with.
What we wish to share with you today is about becoming the detached observer.
What is a detached observer?
A detached observer is when you can place yourself in situation whether it be with work, friends, family or a lover, and you are able to look at the bigger picture from a perspective of non-attachment and observation. This requires great trust and confidence. You must trust and be confident that you can enter this situation and remain the observer, for it is once you become emotionally involved, you are no longer an observer, you are now the experiencer.
What we suggest to those of you reading these words, who may realise a situation, habit or relationship that requires attention, we ask that you go into it with the intention of detaching and observing. What you must understand is, you need to set this intention when you know you are headed into one of these moments.
Once you realise that a moment that requires your attention is to soon occur, for you can all sense when they are about to arise, say to yourself –
“I intend to only observe in this moment, I choose not to react, but watch, listen and observe.”
Then, when the moment arises, you must focus on only observing it. This means listening carefully to all involved, paying close attention to the tone of their voice, body language and what they are communicating. Observe what feelings are involved for all parties. Observe what feelings and thoughts may be arising within yourself. It is ok for you to have thoughts and feelings arise, but you must stay detached from them, not react from them. This is especially important. You must only observe your thoughts, feelings and emotions that arise and not react from them. It is once you react, you are no longer the observer. Then, if necessary, you must also communicate from this place of observation.
Why we ask you to do this is, so you can remain in a place of neutrality during these moments. You are then able to leave it with much more information than if you become emotionally involved. You can then gather all the information related to a situation, then process it with clarity and understanding. This allows you to learn and understand whether it is serving you to continue in this way, or if there needs to be changes made.
There are far too many outcomes to explain here, but we will give an overall view on how you can navigate this process.
Once you have been the observer, you will easily know how it feels to be involved with whatever it may be. You can see, instead of experience, all the pros and cons that arise. This means you can clearly evaluate the information gathered, then decide how you must proceed. It is when you continue being emotionally involved, that your vision is foggy, and you struggle to gain clarity. Because the emotions are directly involved, they sway your consciousness back and forth and make it much harder to think clearly or make rational decisions.
Once you have gathered the necessary information, you can then ask yourself questions such as – “Does this person have my best interests at hand?” “Are they helping me grow?” “Do I feel fulfilled and happy?” “Is this healthy for my body, mind and spirit?”. Once you receive the answers to these questions, you must then evaluate them, then take the necessary steps.
If you have situations that keep arising in your life, that you struggle to gain clarity around, this tool is the solution. You may not become the observer on your first attempt, but that is ok. Because what this teaches is, neutrality. Neutrality does not simply occur in an instant, it requires practice and discipline. But like everything; practice makes perfect.
We are the Sirian High Council. We trust that many of you will benefit from these words, as there are many currently facing these situations. The less emotionally attached you become, the more you observe and gather information, greater is the clarity you gain and the clearer your guidance becomes.
Peace, love and blessings from Sirius and beyond.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1837109459782100&set=a.806388119520911 >

《3》關於 愛是你的本質
傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

We are approaching the Grand Finale of this stage in your awakening process. It is not the Magnificent and most Wondrous Event of the Great Awakening in all its glory, but it will be the most exciting and uplifting event that humanity has ever experienced. You may be wondering what I mean here, because we have for quite a long time been talking of Humanity’s Great Awakening, and I have not previously mentioned that it is happening in stages. Initially, in order to encourage and uplift you all, as the awakening process commenced a number of decades ago, those of us communicating with you from the spiritual realms did not mention that there would be stages in that process. This was because you were only starting to come out of an extremely deep and eons long sleep, where the dream reality, the game of separation in which you had been engaged, still seemed very real, and so a very major event that was to occur very soon was necessary to start you enthusiastically on your awakening path. NOTHING has changed!
The Great Awakening is moving forward beautifully, just as divinely planned, and will be the last stage in humanity’s awakening process, when all make the final choice to terminate the human separation game which has led to so much pain and suffering for all who chose to undergo it. To fully awaken to Reality, your complete and full knowing, understanding, and experiencing of what it is to be One – knowing and experiencing the Oneness of being Mother/Father/God – requires much preparation because your choice to be human was a choice to experience the most intense form of separation that you were able to conceive of, and it has at times, as you will doubtless agree, been extremely intense.
The choice to experience separation by seemingly moving away from that divine state, even though actual separation is totally impossible and did not occur, was a choice that is so completely alien to Reality that it could not possibly be reversed until all that it entailed – the ‘stuff’ that so many of you are now experiencing, acknowledging, thanking, and releasing – was utterly dissolved so that not even the slightest memory of that experience was retained. That is what karma is all about – an acknowledgment of an unreal but extremely intense alienation from Source, and from one another, which is then completely dissolved from your memories, leaving absolutely no trace whatsoever. Karma has been part of the separation experience from the beginning, and in each life time the karma that you have built up over numerous previous lifetimes is presented to you for recognition, acknowledgment, and release. Unfortunately, frequently recognition does not happen because your egos are not very fond of having their failings brought to their attention for rectification, which is why you have undergone so many incarnations as humans.
The Grand Finale is humanity’s much longed for move into heart-centered conscious awareness, and out of the mindless state that your egos have been dreaming for you in an unreal environment of form and matter that has lasted for eons. The joy of realizing that it was only a dream and unreal will be far greater than anything – while cloaked in this dream state – that you might have imagined possible, when you perhaps attempted to conceive what it might be like to be in Heaven, in the Presence God and all the Heavenly Hosts. Heart-centered consciousness is the state in which, as humans, you feel only love for all life, knowing that you are one with all life, and in which you love and accept yourselves in your human forms without any reservations whatever, knowing, as you most definitely will, that you are following your divinely guided path Home to Reality, and that all that occurs is part of the grand design you planned for yourselves before incarnating into form. Knowing this, and also knowing that you are constantly being sustained and assisted by your support team in the spiritual realms, with whom you can communicate clearly and easily at all times, dissolves all the fears and anxieties that being in human form had previously involved.
The Grand Finale is very close. Time is unreal, but seems extremely real to you as you live life in your human forms, even though you have all experienced it as moving sometimes at great speed, and at other times as though it was not moving at all. This, if you chose to be aware, would indicate to you very clearly that time is what you make it, what you imagine it to be. In fact you do manipulate it regularly, you just choose to believe that it maintains a constant linear flow that you can measure extremely accurately with your atomic clocks, that it is completely irreversible, and this is what the vast majority of you experience, thus proving to your satisfaction that you do understand it and its inevitable constant rate of flow in only one direction.
Knowing this, you can understand how difficult it is for us to offer you time-lines, accurate points of reference in time by which you can know when the Grand Finale will occur. Very soon, very close, sooner than you can imagine, are all, from our perspective, very accurate and true statements. And of course, as we have told you so often, in truth There is only Now! However, to tell you that the Grand Finale is occurring NOW would not be very helpful, so we choose to say ‘soon,’ or ‘very close,’ or ‘in a little while,’ so that at a deep level of your being its imminence registers very positively and encourages you to continue setting the intent daily to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily human lives.
We keep reminding you to do this because Love is your nature, but, living as humans in form with egos that would like you to believe that they are your sole source of intellectual brilliance, wisdom, and knowledge, it is difficult for you hold that truth in your hearts with complete certainty. You do need encouragement, and so whenever you call on us – whoever in the spiritual realms you personally feel a close affinity with and choose to address – answers immediately so that you know that you are not alone, can never be alone, and in that knowing find the continuing motivation to lovingly maintain the intent to be constantly on your path to awakening. By doing this you are, of course, assisting all of humanity to awaken, which is why you each chose to be incarnate at this point in the awakening process.
Know that you are most highly honored in the spiritual realms for the work that you are doing, even though it may frequently, or even most of the time seem that you are doing nothing at all, as you get very little positive feedback. So I want to assure you that your loving intent, even if you seem to lose it at times and move briefly into fear, anger, or judgment, is powerfully assisting humanity toward its divinely promised and ordained awakening. You cannot fail in this task that you set yourselves with divine guidance before you incarnated, so trust yourselves, knowing as you do that you are at all times divinely guided. Intend to enjoy the life that you are presently experiencing, by focusing most of your attention on the fact that you are always precisely where you are meant to be in every moment, and by refraining from placing too much attention on those aspects that you dislike, the ‘stuff’ that is arising for you to release.
Remember, All will awaken because it is God’s Will, and nothing can forestall or circumvent the divine Will.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1837109576448755&set=a.806388119520911 >