

0:00 影片開頭 0:39 《1》不要緊抓住不開心的事 (20131019) 4:30 《2》你所選的現實將完美的在你面前呈現 (20131026) #SaLuSa #madad #來自天狼星的FRANK #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan














SaLuSa 18. 10. 2013

The feelings of Oneness and blissful joy are surrounding you with such intensity never experienced before, and we are enjoying your amazement when they are entering your beings so powerfully, as your intentions and wishes are set very high and allowing you to experience ever deepening and more fulfilling feelings of Unity with All. The more you are aware of these energies, the more you want to be immersed in them, as they are of pure Love and Light and help you to clear yourselves completely from all of the old energy patterns. In this phase of your final clearing you might experience a sudden change in your mood and feelings due to some old issues being cleared away suddenly, without getting through the usual process that you all are very well aware of. This is because of your strong will, intent and choice that you have manifested this final clearing happening in such beautiful way, with feeling very strong presence of Angelic Realm and your Guides, and this is allowing us to share so very much more with all those of you who wish to experience our connection at this moment.

We feel this great change within you and we know that it is creating great influence on all others that are around you or meeting you, and many of them are realizing and sensing that there is so much more to the life they are experiencing. It is this awareness that will lead them to their own changes and to the collective change of all aspects of living on your planet. We are here to help you with this change and with our powerful connection with you, the awareness of our presence is also part of this influence, because you are sharing also our energy with your own and once there is the right moment to introduce ourselves openly with that very dearly expected moment of Disclosure, those unaware of our presence will feel this very energy and will accept our coming more easily, because this energy will be known to them. So be aware of the great power you are carrying within, as it is moving you towards the experience of your higher reality and adding more intensity to everything that you do.

Keep focusing on that what you desire to experience and watch how all is transforming and changing within you and around you in accordance with your wish. Right now it is the moment of your own great shift and we know that you feel it very intensively, and you are spreading your growing Light to all others as you are fully awakened to your desire to be of service to others, and your whole being is expressing this desire in communication and behavior towards all others. Know that they feel it although they might not speak about it, as you all were not used to express your true feelings and kept them hidden inside, but now they are free to flow from within you, unchanged with illusion that once surrounded you. Illusion is quickly disappearing from your collective consciousness and soon there will come that moment when you as society will be ready for another movement towards the new Golden Age for Earth Nation which shape and ideals just being formed.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and feeling your powerful upliftment and your joy of being aware that you truly raised yourselves above all the old and experiencing true understanding of Being and Oneness that is so powerfully flowing through your own energy and keeping you in a blissful state of mind for most of the time. Remember you do not need to hold onto anything that is not making you happy. You are free!   

Channeller: MADAD

< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/ >

譯者:Nick Chan















SaLuSa 25. 10. 2013

We are always present and sending you our loving energies even if you are busy and need to focus on activities that are requiring your full physical attention. We know it is not very easy to maintain your calmness and your higher perspective of reality when the situations and people around you are of lower vibrations, and are creating stressful atmosphere and sending out these energies that are influencing also you. It is good to take only if a short moment break, and realize that your presence at the place you are currently in is necessary, and it was your choice to help others and influence them with your higher energies now. This short moment of realization will help you to be aware of your own energy field, which will give you comfort and feeling of joy.

Your energy field is much stronger now because you are accepting all incoming higher and uplifting energies constantly and do not need longer time to prepare yourselves for their coming, so they can be continually spread among you and create great influence on all of Humanity. The moment when all the people will be able to see it is quickly approaching and none of your current „time“ is wasted. The reality of your choice will be so beautifully placed before you, and all those that are wishing for more upliftment and more joy and happiness will be amazed how much of it all is there for them to feel and experience. The words cannot fully describe, but your visions and dreams carry the right energy feeling that will greatly intensify, once you reach the perfect point for stepping into the higher level of experiences.

We hear your thoughts about how the perfect point, or the right moment will feel and what will exactly happen. We could let you know more, but we do not want to influence your expectations of that moment, because it is part of your whole experience of Ascension and it is upon you to find out how perfectly it was all designed and arranged. We are influencing your visions and dreams and also your current reality the way you have wished for, and we are always respecting your free will. And if you wish to be influenced more just call us and express this desire with your focus on all that you want to experience Now.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and want to assure you of the perfection of each step that we all are taking towards our own growing and knowing. You can see it and feel it in everything that you experience, every single detail in your own life is created for the highest potential of learning the Truth about Creation, because that is what we all were created for. We are One and we are about to experience this Oneness even in the deeper, or shall we say, higher level.   

Channeller: MADAD
< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/ >


