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顯示具有 SHELLEY YOUNG雪莉·楊 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》巴巴吉-成熟的創造者 (20210603) 5:17 《2》加百利-允許別人擁有自己的信念 (20210603) #JahnKassl #JahnJKassl #ShelleyYoung #NickChan #Babaji #大天使加百利 #揚升大師Babaji

傳導:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan 

People live their lives until they wake up and see who and what they really are. The great circle is completed as soon as man has added his unique experiences to the infinity of God. Then the angelic host rises and travels with you to the world of light, from which you never return to this world.
To perfection you continue to strive and the closer you come to the source, the more you are drawn into the light.
Beloved human being,
this is the path on which you walk – with heavy boots or with light steps.
The Great Transformation is underway on this earth. All entities seeking the Light, longing for the Light, will find the right path and fulfill their Soul Plan.
Before a human being enters the human body, a plan is worked out that defines what you want to experience, with whom you want to experience it and where you want to experience it. The closer you get to your life plan, the more fulfilling your life is, the more right it feels, and the greater your developmental steps toward becoming a fully conscious creator.
If the journey goes there with you, then everything is won.
So now I invite you to no longer attach great value to earthly appearances.
The outside is the mirror of the inside. So turn inward if you want to change the outside.
The spiritual path is a path from the inside to the outside. Move first inwardly and revolt first in your own cause! Where does the shoe pinch and why are the boots heavy?
Your soul knows the life plan for this life – and if you ask yourself, what is my task, this is a sign that you still have to clean up, clear away and dissolve something. The free look into your soul is necessary so that you can recognize your assignments.
Work on yourself in silence, then it will be revealed to you what makes you restless and what every waking person asks for. Have patience, be calm and respect your path.
Do not hurry, do not avoid anything and accept every challenge. Consecrate every step to God.
You are spirit, you have a soul that fills your body with light – and you have a High Self that directs you through your human life from the realms of light.
To recognize this is the task that has brought every human being on this earth, that is, to polish the mirror so that your field of vision of yourself becomes free.
Many people tend to rush into assignments. They rush into work and they seek self-affirmation through activity on the outside. Please develop serenity and patience.
The earth ascends with all people who are of good will. The ascension is a joint project of the people and the Earth Mother.
Although there is no time to waste and although it depends on your diligence – do not hurry!
– Go your way into clarity and joy, into peace and love step by step – but go it.
– Enjoy breaks, but do not rest so long that you find it difficult to get up again.
– Choose detours, but change the path as soon as you realize it is a detour.
– Forgive yourself. This relaxes you and brings joy to the transformation work.
– Welcome the fears, for they remind you where to look and what to resolve.
– Dedicate every undertaking to God and make friends with the heavenly beings. The light wants to reveal itself to you, God wants to reveal himself to you.
Mature into the creator and give yourself time for it. Then everything is done. I am with you.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan 

One of the greatest gifts of being a human being is you get to try on many different beliefs. These beliefs evolve over time as your wisdom and awareness grows. This is a wonderful thing, and yet another way you experience expansion and flow. They key is to allow others the right to their beliefs understanding it is part of their own evolution.
Please be aware, Dear Ones, if you begin to think you are more right than others or start making others wrong for what they believe, you can inadvertently slip into a false sense of superiority which only fans the flames of separation and is quite contrary to your true goal of supporting the shift through the embodiment of acceptance, peace, unity consciousness, and unconditional love.
So when you perceive others as being wrong, please remember you do not know what their soul wishes to experience. The wrongness that you feel is simply that the choice they are making is not the right choice for you. The only thing you need to know at any given time is what is feels right and aligned for you and your journey and we encourage you to honour the divine right of others to make that discovery for themselves, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
When you attempt to challenge someone’s beliefs, it can result in making them dig in and create an even deeper attachment to them. They can become so invested in defending their beliefs that they become unwilling to consider any other viewpoint, even when it becomes clear that their belief is no longer serving them. Because they have defended their viewpoint for so long, they feel they have no other choice but to continue with it.
Dear Ones, you are here to support your own evolution and to hold the space for the evolution of others. By keeping an attitude of acceptance and non-judgment, you allow people to feel safe to grow, expand, and explore many different options. This serves the purpose of not fueling resistance or shame and encourages everyone to allow their beliefs to shift and flow with the unfoldment of their journey. You become easier with each other which supports connection, forward movement, and the freedom of self expression every soul yearns for and deserves. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving. There are multiple reasons for this, but one that is rarely mentioned is that empaths are very uncomfortable receiving from the energies of martyred service. They simply do not want to receive if it comes at the discomfort of another.
This is because they inherently understand they are here to anchor the energy of win/win scenarios where everyone benefits from giving and receiving. At the core of this is joyful service, and that is a major aspect of the shift you are in.
When you are in joyful service people feel safe to receive from you. They do not fear there will be strings attached because they understand your service serves you as much as it serves others. If everyone would simply follow the service path that brings them the greatest joy, there would be someone to happily meet every need and no reason for anyone to feel bad or deny the gifts you have to offer.
Dear Ones, giving and receiving are major aspects of both the flow of the universe and your highest service. Release the old idea that sacrificing yourself is noble and follow your own path of joyful service and you will find giving and receiving will become much lighter and readily accepted by all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings do not need to be on the planet at all. They came because they love, because they had a deep faith in humanity, and because they wished to be part of the great shift that is occurring. Since they didn’t necessarily need to incarnate, many have decided to pick up where they left off from their highest spiritual lifetime and grow it from there.
This means that as you step forward in this next phase of your incarnation, your service may grow and evolve. A knowingness of old skills may suddenly come into your awareness. You may be drawn to express and serve in brand new ways, taking ideas and expanding them in exciting new directions. You will have an opportunity to take your last highest level of embodiment and to grow it exponentially from there.
This is part and parcel of the shift you are in. These are the times you hoped and prayed for and are now so excited to experience! Your growth is your service, your embodiment your gift, and your love in action is what makes it all possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》大天使薩基爾-居中 (20210529) 5:59 《2》大天使加百利-接納 (20210529) #LindaRobinson #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導者:Linda Robinson
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being centered.
Being centered is an important aspect of higher consciousness and greatest good.
Being centered is like a soothing balm to the Soul. It begins in the core of your Being and permeates every aspect of your energy field with peacefulness. It helps you move through daily life and your ascension path with ease and grace.
Being centered is especially important as the higher dimensional energy continues to reach your planet and your personal energy field. This energy is offering you an opportunity to move to a higher dimensional level on your path.
This new energy is presenting you with a time to review your thoughts, actions, and patterns of being. You are being invited to release the energetic patterns that no longer serve you and to incorporate those that lift you to higher levels.
As you move through this process of discernment, you may be aware that your energy field is being adjusted as you incorporate the new, higher dimensional energy.
Being centered can assist you in moving through this process.
It can help you decide what is right for you as you move forward. This allows you to feel more peaceful and self-assured. You are comfortable with who you are and where you are on your path when you are centered.
You are able to view new perspectives with calmness and in a non-judgmental way as you discern whether the new ideas and patterns feel like a good fit for you. You are not pulled from side to side by differing views. You simply observe them, turn inward, and decide what is right for you.
You are centered in your own Being.
When you are centered, you are also able to deal with changes more easily. Because you are secure in who you are, you are able to remain calmer when changes occur, whether they are ones you initiate or are unexpected. You are able to take any necessary actions from your center of calmness.
Being centered also allows you to shift to a higher perspective. When you are calm, you can focus your attention on qualities such as Love, compassion, kindness, and highest good. Your calm center assists you in tuning out the outer noise around you and turning inward to your center of peace.
As you are in your center of peace and calmness, the vibrations of your being centered ripple out to those around you and into the cosmos. This can bring a sense of calmness to others, especially when you are focused on highest good.
Remaining centered begins with a recognition that being centered is important to you. Your energy shifts with this decision, and you begin to incorporate patterns that facilitate this process into your daily life.
You may wish to begin by focusing on what is important to you. This can range from your spiritual practice to spending time with friends and family to any variety of things. It does not have to conform to what others are doing. It is what makes your heart sing. Recognizing what is important to you and focusing your time and attention on those things are part of being centered. This is an ongoing process. What is important to you today may change tomorrow. When you flow and change with this process, you are honoring your Being, and this helps you to remain centered.
Turning inward on a regular basis can help you remain connected with your inner center of peace. You may wish to pause several times during the day, focus on your breath, and feel the stillness within your Divine Spark in your heart center. As you gently breathe in and out, let your attention turn inward to your heart center. As you do this, you tune out the outer noise. You can connect with your inner guidance and the Higher Beings, and you can more easily be aware of their loving presence and calmness.
The more often you pause and turn inward, the more centered you will be.
This pausing and turning inward will become a flowing part of your daily life. It will be as natural as breathing.
Being centered will allow you to rise to higher dimensional levels on your spiritual path.
Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on being centered.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst
…and we surround you with Love.
And so it is.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones, acceptance is an essential element for you as you move forward into the new energies. Acceptance for others. Acceptance for yourself – all aspects of yourself including your tender human parts that are seeking your love and guidance as well as your divinity. Acceptance that there is profound intelligence and purpose in the unfoldment of the shift you are participating in. Acceptance that your body knows exactly what it needs to do to navigate your ascension process if you take the time to listen to its guidance. Acceptance of the unfoldment and the support that is available for you at all times if you are willing to ask and receive. Acceptance is how you can finally settle in to the truth that your beingness is more than enough. Acceptance is the way to your forward movement and how to harness the most out of any energies that are presenting to you. It is how you embrace your growth and evolution.
Acceptance happens when you anchor into your faith and trust. It works with its partner allowing. When acceptance and allowing are employed together it opens the door to patience and peace. And through patience and peace you can finally settle into your beingness. Acceptance is both the doorway and the anchor to the energies you wish to bring forth into your own life expression and the planet.
Acceptance is essential for manifestation. You cannot receive without the energy of acceptance. It is also how you allow your relationships with others to bloom and grow into their greatest potentials. It is how you move forward calmly and with the most comfort possible. It is how you can slow down and enjoy each step of the way. It is how you have more time to see the beauty and wonder that is always there when you have eyes that want to see it. Acceptance is truly how you become a beautiful and empowered partner in a universe that is ever-evolving for the greatest good of all. And last but certainly not least, acceptance is how you finally see how you are a beloved and integral part of it all. Simply put, acceptance is the key to the kingdom. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
We understand many of you are seeking structure to feel safe, but the structure you truly seek should be malleable and support your flow and evolution. Control cannot do that. You wish to make things predictable through your control but the only thing that control will always provide is slowly sucking the vibrancy and flow of what you are trying to hold onto.
As you become more adept at moving with the new energies, you will come to understand that it is the structure provided by the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust that will always bring you the support, guidance, and movement to continue to experience your highest outcomes. It will provide the sustenance your dreams require in order to continue to unfold and evolve. It is the system you can trust to support your evolution and the evolution of all the things that are dear to you.
It is safe to release the old ways of control and micromanagement and see what your soul has always intended for you. More often than not you will be delighted to discover it is so much more than you ever could have dreamt possible. There is a world of wonder waiting for you, and you get there through the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, the unfoldment of your journey is always serving you. If you are in a lull it is because you are in a phase that requires you to rest, receive, and integrate. If you are in fast forward movement, you are experiencing the next level that has opened to you due to the work you have done in your lull period. One serves the other and both serve you, always.
So rather than going straight to resisting the phase you are in, why not start to ask, what is the purpose of this phase and how is it serving me? This will bring much more comfort to your present moment and allow you to harvest the inherent gifts of where you are with much more grace and ease. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Your mind is a wonderful tool for discernment. Your heart’s specialty is expansion and flow. Together they provide everything you need for empowered forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

《1》薩南達 一切都會被照料好;《2》大天使加百利-如何與他人連接(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》薩南達-一切都會被照料好(20210525) 12:15 《2》加百利-如何與他人連接(20210525) #JahnKassl #ShelleyYoung #NickChan #耶穌 #約書亞 #Sananda #薩南達 #Jesus #耶穌基督

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Today I am giving a deeper understanding of what it means to live in the “Will of God. It is an unalterable fact that all of us, on all levels of creation, are based on God’s will.
Nothing comes into being or happens without this divine intention and so we are all eternally connected. I give this wonderful truth today to deepen your understanding of it.
So now let us go back in “time” to how everything began – to the reality of being of the eternally inseparable God-being.
In the beginning there was God and we all were He. A part of the all-encompassing reality of love.
This reality existed before all and truly from eternity to eternity. There was neither beginning nor time. It was and is eternal.
Let me simplify it a bit and say that in the beginning only God existed in His highest expression. And we all were that expression and dwelt in Him. But God began to create levels of experience. So He created the planes of being.
His light manifested very subtle, but also gross expressions of His nature. And while this was happening, a flurry of activity began in the eternal unity.
Finally, the splitting off and detachment from the unity began, and the divine consciousness attained reality in dense matter. Thus, the form of planet Earth became the essential realm for us to experience God. To experience ourselves as divine in dense and solid matter.
Very special “rules” were created for the earth and the great “experiment” began: what happens when gods move away from oneness?
How will these experiences shape the universe? Thus, we have all been born on earth countless times and have come closer and closer to the challenges that have been set for us.
God’s will, which was and is also our will, is being realized, and gradually people are beginning to realize what a great service of love they are performing on earth.
Eternally ago you decided to step into the dense vibrational plane of the earth and earth-like planets.
You all wanted to experience your divinity on this level of creation and so you came to experience, to learn and to grow.
Everything is God’s will.
This will is not a distant dictate to which you should submit, but this is your true freedom! Because your will and God’s will are identical. There is no separation in this regard.
There is only your ignorance of what your will actually is. And the more you surrender to God’s will and His light, the stronger is your merging with Him, the sooner you get back into your primal knowledge about your oneness with God.
It is always your ego consciousness that pretends to fall into willlessness when you choose God. But in fact every step towards Him/Her strengthens your power and your will. Because every step brings you closer to your origin and starting point. The eternal and all-giving will of God. So you only give up your ego, but never your will.
So do not be deceived and do not grant your ego presence this power.
Without God you are nothing, through God everything.
This is also self-explanatory, since you can be everything only through the awareness of your divinity. And without that, you are nothing.
There your ego-consciousness can suggest to you what it likes. You are nothing and you feel it in your body.
Your restlessness is the sign of it. If you are in God, you are in yourself. And in you is God.
Your self knows it and your ego covers this up so that it can live. There is great wisdom in grasping this reality.
If you make it your own, you will lose the chains that prevent you from giving up what your ego makes you believe. Your ego consciousness has no overview and no hair will bend to this will.
But your all-embracing divine consciousness is powerful and omniscient. In the eternal being everything that has been, that is and that will be submits to this power.
From this power you come and even more: This power is you!
God’s will and your will are ONE, as soon as you have found your agreement with your original essence.
You need not fear the steps that lead to the dissolution of your ego, for your reward is immeasurable.
Worry only about the Kingdom of God and everything else will be given to you.
The kingdom of God is in your heart. Make sure that your heart becomes strong and free from delusions.
The more you succeed in this, the more beautiful and fulfilling your existence will be. Your actions bear the signature of your heart.
And truly, once you have reached this point, God’s fullness pours over you and you will never thirst again and your hunger is satisfied forever.
If you go the way to the Father, which is always the way into your heart, this fullness, which takes care of itself, day after day – is certain to you.
It is one of the most fundamental commandments in the Creator’s order that you are taken care of.
Your life is given everything to flourish. No man shall suffer lack if he surrenders to the Father’s will.
Through this surrender you will be transformed and gradually the veils will lift, you will reach the source.
Strive for the Kingdom of God within you and your life will find fulfillment in abundance.
The more you worry about earthly matters, hold on to them or even tense up, the weaker your energy of love can flow. These blockages cause your suffering and every lack.
If you give your being into the hands of the Father in Heaven, into His trust, you relax.
Do not worry about tomorrow. Stay anchored in the now and work from your heart. The Kingdom of God is within.
Trust and surrender to the power and knowledge of your heart. In this way you enable the light to unfold its effect.
Your energies can flow freely again and you experience the constant presence of God.
The feeling of being powerless and at the mercy of God, of losing control, are the signs of your surrender.
As soon as you let go completely, the curtain opens and the harmony of your being spreads out before you in all its majesty.
All fearfulness gives way, powerlessness becomes power. Now you know the why.
All that your ego felt as a threat, your Self experiences as grace. Where your narrowed consciousness felt trepidation, your awakened self experiences – liberation.
Everything is upside down. Up is down and down becomes up. The solutions to all your problems, personal and global, lie in regaining your awareness.
There is no God outside of you. He is within you.
Love is eternally placed in your heart, and in this oneness you are again a fully conscious creature of the divine order.
Please always remember, God’s plans are not known to you, but they were familiar to you.
If you come close to this knowledge, you understand yourself as divine and in unity with the Father/Mother in Heaven.
There is a silent agreement between you and God: He fights for your love and you resist, but he fights until you can no longer resist his wooing, until you succumb to his charm.
You surrender and in this fusion you find – yourself. What is true devotion and how do you attain it? True surrender means to die. To surrender and let the ego go completely. Falling like a mustard seed into the earth to bear abundant fruit. It is the rebirth into being.
The awakening of the heart, the death of your illusions brings about this transformation. Surrender means unconditionality and trust. Your Father in Heaven takes care of you.
This knowledge makes you omnipresent and there is no more adhesion of ego.
Devotion means letting go of everything. Your ideas, opinions, fears, worries and doubts.
Your false programming, brought forth by your many lives. To become whole, who you are, you have to die the last of all deaths.
Everything is taken care of if you surrender, and this last death carries the seed of birth, of your rebirth. To bear abundant fruit, for the benefit of mankind.
This process takes place step by step. Until you suddenly realize that you are another.
Until you realize that the seed you planted long ago has grown into a shady tree.
Your devotion causes the transformation of your issues. Until finally everything is redeemed and until you have accomplished this transformation.
You are in unity with all life, God’s will is now your freedom. Through this freedom you love and radiate your light. Your divinity becomes visible, you have arrived.
Beloved children of man, children of light, you are all of divine origin and we are all eternally connected. Beyond time and space, beyond all your imaginations.
God the Father is calling you back into his arms. You have performed your service of love excellently.
Reflect and free yourselves from the great deception, the reality around you. Summon us, we, the brothers and sisters who have gone before you, will be there whenever you need us to come into your clarity.
We do not need sleep! Whenever you call, you are assured of our company. So that you become who you are. Be ever and from the beginning of time.
Greetings to me and my love accompanies you everywhere, because your heart is my home.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1851434428349603&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

As you continue to shift and evolve along your journey, it may create an energetic gap between where you are and where others around you are. This is quite a normal aspect of the shift. This is where your wisdom comes in. If you wish to connect with others who aren’t occupying the same vibrational space as you are, you must meet them where they are.
Different energetic layers open as you move along your enlightenment journey. This is the natural outcome of evolution. What this means is you all have access to energies you have already evolved beyond. You can dip back into them but you would not find it comfortable to stay there.
But people do not have at will access to higher vibrational energies that they have not yet evolved into alignment with. This explains why others can’t understand you or meet you where you are. Simply put, their layer is open to you but yours is not open to them yet.
So we highly recommend if you are wishing to connect with others that you meet them in the middle. With your love and compassion, feel into the highest energetic point they are capable of and connect with them there. There is always a point, if you approach with understanding and openness and a willingness to simply accept people where they are where you can connect.
We suggest using the universal desires for peace, safety, acceptance, and acknowledgement as your common denominators, for those are the points where hearts can open to each other.~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
We’d like to further yesterday’s message about meeting people where they are and navigating the vibrational layers between you and others.
Imagine a two story house with a basement. The basement could be considered 3D. There is not a lot of light on this layer. It is quite an uncomfortable space to try to thrive in. Many on this layer are in survival mode. The main floor is 4D. It has much more light and provides more comfort, discovery, and sustenance. The upstairs is 5D. This is the layer that is far more comfortable, supportive, and holds the energy of rejuvenation. It is where you can just be. The attic is where the angels, masters, and higher guides reside.
Most people who have not begun their enlightenment journey would be in resonance with the basement. Others who are firmly on their enlightenment journey are spending more and more of their time upstairs.
The people in the basement have some idea that there’s a floor above them. They may even occasionally go up the stairs and explore it a little before the go back to the basement. But they really don’t have much of an awareness of the upstairs or attic because there is too much space between them and that area.
You, on the other hand, remember the basement because that is where you started and you have awareness of both the main floor and the attic from where you are. To meet people in the middle you would go to the main floor and encourage people in the basement to meet you there.
Do you see? It is a layer that you can both access with relative ease and a place where you can see and acknowledge each other. And while there may be some people who aren’t quite ready to come up the stairs to the higher floors of the house, you are all occupying the same building and are equally valued and loved no matter where you are choosing to spend the majority of your time. And rest assured that all beings, no matter how stubborn or stoic, will eventually tire of the lack of support in the basement and will seek out the light. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1851434605016252&set=a.806388119520911 >


【佛陀、大天使加百利】 有些近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔 0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》佛陀-每一個好或壞的體驗都有用(20210524) 4:13 《2》加百利-不要處於恐懼中(20210524) #ErenaVelazquez #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings Dear Ones,
I am Buddha and I am very happy to be channeled today. It has been awhile, since I spoke to all of you. I want to share my wisdom with everyone.
I want to specify that I am here to help humanity with their Ascension Process. Your bodies are in transitional phase and changing to high dimensional ones. What does that mean during your daily life? Your bodies can experience Ascension symptoms such as extreme fatigue, physical pains and etc.
Please, don’t get alarmed by this, it’s nothing new, it has been happening for a while now. I would recommend for you to take it easy by having nice breaks for meditation or naps during the day, as your body requires a lot of rest in this sacred process.
I am bringing this to your attention, so you would have a balance in your daily lifestyle, which has been missing for a while now. Over a year humanity has been living under all of sorts of restrictions, which is taking a toll on everyone mentally and physically. It’s very important to bring a balance back into your presence. Daily meditation, good food and rest are very crucial during your journey into a New Era on Earth.
I spend many hours before my enlightenment under my favorite bodhi tree. Please, understand my dear ones, it requires discipline and dedication. Your daily lives put you under a lot pressure, because of the system your living in, which was created by the Darkness. Most of your time goes toward work that majority of you don’t like. Meditations are going to help you to remove low vibrations and move you to higher energies, what is needed in these transitional times.
Treat your bodies as a temple with love and respect. You need to learn to stay well and happy no matter what is going around you. After all of the suffering and abuse that humanity went through, your well being should be number one on the list.
I learned through my experiences on Mother Earth that I am the only one, who can take care of the physical and spiritual parts of my being. Both parts are needed to be in balance. These are the times, when you need to be a little self centered, to help you to have a quicker and a safer transition to 5D.
It has been a long and a rocky road for the humankind to their freedom, you are almost there. Nothing comes without a price, your sacrifice and hard work is going to pay off. Your near future is going to be amazing and happy without Darkness. You will be only lead by your own Light. Please, never forget that you are Light and Love.
Every experience good or bad counts and makes your soul wiser. I am Buddha and I am grateful to speak to all of you today. Thank you.
Stay in Peace and Light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1850607628432283&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

Many of you are at a point in the integration of the new energies that you will be starting to experience super accelerated flow. This is due to the fact that you have released much of the old and have been poised and waiting for the wave of transformation to sweep you forward into the new. That wave is now catching many of you and carrying you forward.
Despite the fact that many of you have been in a pregnant pause or a lull phase for what feels like a long period of time and have been waiting for forward movement, this sudden movement can come with its challenges. You may feel excitement/anxiety much like riding a roller coaster. You’ve been in line waiting for your turn so you know you are more than willing for the experience but your reactions can be multifaceted once you get into the energy of the ride.
It can be disconcerting to be in a slower energy of a lull for a period of time and then suddenly have to start thinking on your feet because you’ve entered fast flow. Even though you have spent a lot of time in preparation, it is still swinging the pendulum to the other end of the spectrum and it can take a moment to orient yourself. It is much like needing your full awareness after being suddenly woken up from a long, deep sleep.
You can think of the long lull so many of you have experienced as the training period and now you are actually starting the race. There are demands on your body that must be met in order to be able to keep up. Hydration and nutrition are key to support your body, as is tending to your emotional state through the guidance of your inner wise one. You are spiritual athletes! Focusing on taking things one now moment at a time with clear but broad intention is key.
These are the times you have been waiting for. Be ready to move and enjoy what is opening to you, for you have worked hard to arrive at this place. There will be plenty of time to process the nuances and implications of your discoveries when the flow slows again, as it always will, to support your highest good and overall balance. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
A common current message in the collective lately is don’t be in fear. If you understand fear is a contraction and contrary to your flow, you can see that fear is not a forward moving energy. But simply telling others not to be in fear is not necessarily helpful if they do not have the tools to move beyond that fear. In fact, it can put them into a deeper state of powerlessness because they will know that the fear is not helpful but they will feel even worse about themselves for not being able to shift out of that fear. It puts them into even deeper resistance to themselves and their emotions that are simply seeking acknowledgement and healing.
Fear is simply an activation that occurs when a part of you feels unsafe. Berating yourself or others for that natural feeling will only compound the feeling of the lack of safety. You simply cannot resist anything into healing because healing is a flow and resistance is contrary to flow. So what do you do about fear?
The first thing to do is to ground into your present moment. The vast majority of the time your fear is a projection into the future but the reality is you are fine in your now moment. Using your awareness to notice all the things that are working for you in your present moment takes you out of the energies of the wounds of the past and the unknowns of the future. Breathe. Find the things that are supporting you and feel the safety that exists for you in that moment.
When fear rears up it is because there is a part of you, an inner child aspect or fragment, that is desperate for your love, attention, and protection. Imagine that little aspect of self. What does he or she need from you? What did they need that they didn’t get that you are now fully capable of providing as an adult now? Hear them. Acknowledge them. They have had to get really loud to get your attention. Now that they have it the healing can begin. Open your arms and gather them up and feel the relief they experience when they are accepted and reintegrated into your loving care.
Fear can also activate when the future is unknown. The way to settle this fear is to deepen into your faith and trust. Work with your guides. Use the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust to navigate the new energies. Be willing to receive. Start to open to the idea that change can bring in wonderful things for you. Remind yourself that you are a piece of God, and as such, precious and cherished and lovingly guided at all times. Align with higher vibrational energies in whatever ways help remind you of your own wisdom and connection.
The way beyond fear is to lovingly shepherd yourself forward as the wise and conscious adult you have grown into. Big changes don’t have to be done all at once, but rather by making your best choice one now moment at a time. Call on your higher guidance, give the parts of yourself the love and reassurance they need as they need it, and simply take one empowered step at a time and you will be amazed at how calmly and confidently you can start to navigate your world. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1850607901765589&set=a.806388119520911 >


0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》銀河聯邦-臭名昭著的"舒適區"(20210521) 6:41 《2》光之議會-與舊的外在世界故事脫離(20210521) 12:15 《3》加百利-放下約束(20210521) #AuroraRay #RebeccaCouch #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

The frequency of earth is steadily rising and what we are witnessing now on the planet is a frequency divide. Meaning, there are those who have ascended and keep ascending with earth’s new vibratory level and there are those who keep choosing the density of the third-dimensional reality as their preferred place of residency. The infamous ‘Comfort Zone’.
The only place where you exist is here and now. Every dimension has its own definition of here and now. That particular here and now makes up the reality of that dimension.
Two different definitions of here and now cannot exist together here and now. One will not be real to the other and usually, the situation blows up.
That’s when people do not understand each other, do not get along, and even fight. They are each in their own reality -in their own dimension, literally.
This is what’s playing out on earth at the moment.
A great part of the planet’s population is ascending into a higher frequency and then there are those who are terrified by the truth and cling to their cognitive dissonance as if there’s no tomorrow.
This creates the frequency divide I mentioned earlier. And since they are both simultaneously being played out on the same planet, it’s blowing up. Unrests, protests, and scarcity for some while others watch and follow the daily news with excitement, knowing everything is about to change for the highest and best good of humanity.
And of course, we know, there are also those who want to sabotage the people who are at peace… To say the least.
It’s important to know that not all souls have chosen to ascend within this lifetime. They have come for other experiences of which they thought they would benefit in regards to their soul’s evolution.
This planet is inevitably ascending into the fifth-dimensional reality of unconditional love. Mother Goddess Gaia will shake off all that will not match her frequency -her reality of love.
Overnight the mystical creatures that were banned from the planet a long time ago will return to their rightful habitat. The same way Avalon vanished when human frequency had fallen so low that they couldn’t see it anymore, it will reappear and with it the magic, wisdom, and love of 5D Earth.
At the same time, a 3D version of Earth will continue to play out its dramas, fears, and system of control for those souls who need more time for their ascension process. Jesus said, “Many are chosen but only few will hear the call.”
If you are reading this post, chances are high that you belong to the chosen ones. And before you ask, I’d like to emphasize that nobody has chosen you. YOU are the one who has chosen to do this. You’re all sovereign inhabitants of this universe.
But from the choice of participating in the greatest ascension of our universe and actually ascending with earth to 5D, it’s still a long way.
This unprecedented ascension process sets forth that you take your physical body with you, from 3D to 5D.
Being positive and enlightened alone is not enough.
This is the time where you must start to love yourself unconditionally.
How do you do this?
• Breathe
• Meditate
• Laugh
• Listen to high-frequency tunes
• Dance, nobody needs to watch but this is a very high vibration tool
• Sing, nobody needs to listen but this is a very high vibration tool
• Exercise, support your body to be able to hold the higher frequencies
• Eat plenty of fresh raw food
• Educate yourself about nutrition and specifically veganism. I do not ask you to nor do I recommend to go 100% vegan forever but eating more vegan food and less animal products or flesh is a must
• Drink pure Water (find a source or buy source water in glass bottles, do not drink tab water)
• Spend time in Nature with Mother Gaia, connect to her
• Pets are little angels who are already in 5D
• Ground yourself daily, walk with your bare feet, lay with your naked skin on the sand, water, weeds, etc. or take a salt bath
And most importantly:
When you have the chance to love someone, for god’s sake, leave all trickery, all negativity, all doubts, all fears behind and just love.
Love is the essence that facilitates ascension. We all need more of it, not less.
The higher you rise in frequency the more you wish for unconditional love to manifest itself in your life. And at this moment in evolution, we attract our primary soul mates and twin flames. When someone feels special in your heart, they are.
In case you haven’t noticed yet, things have changed on planet earth. Meetings are divinely orchestrated to fulfill their higher purpose…
Grab them, love them, and don’t think so hard.
I love you.
We are family of light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848479801978399&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Aren’t you beginning to feel the excitement in the air? Yes, we know that much must continue to transform before it is overt, but you must already instinctually know that good is coming, do you not? If the emotions of demise are still clouding your vision, then it is the perfect time for the “fake it until you make it” scenario! Look to the horizon for the dawn is coming. Do not focus on what has to fall in order for the new to arrive…as a creator, be the manifester of the new and focus on its presence. It is already born; it is arriving in your experience. And what you are able to maintain in your energy field, makes it possible for others to do the same. Remain excited, hopeful, helpful, mindful, heartful, determined, radiant. This is your most important work right now. You are that powerful and this is your time to shine. Shine the light of infinite possibility and that all that is right and true and good can be rectified or created in your new world. Emanate health and wellness and prosperity and brilliance and youthfulness and ease…all that you need, conjure. All that you require, request. Ask, and you shall receive. It is natural Divine law and it is yours to command. Take command!
Part of the great lesson for you now is to realize how powerful you are – that you are the composition of the universe and you have everything you need inside of you to conjure anything. You greatest hindrance is your mind, and now is the time to overcome this miniscule, yet phantomly powerful overlord. It is time to evict its presence over you and adopt the real presence and that is omnipresent and omnipotent. If you are lined up with Source, what limitation could you ever have except for your own imagining? This is the matrix of the old human plane…now that you have graduated to a higher plane, you must shed the old definitions of yourself and the world so that you can express your true magic and power! It is like arriving at a new destination with old beliefs, perceptions and attitudes. You have arrived in a new land; be willing to adopt a complete new way of being now. Shed the old clothes and begin anew.
Detach from the old narrative of the outside world as it screams itself into oblivion. Let it expire its natural death, all the while you are busy creating the new. Use your magical forces to imagine and create a symbiotic life in harmony with nature, that it can be shared with and made possible for others who have lost touch with Her majesty (the real HRH!). Mother Earth is the real healer and balancer and physical expression of the Divine, so living in tandem with her, and the great power of the Divine Father, will bring about all that you desire. You are their Divine Child, after all. Their progeny in action! Now is the time to show up and express that in every now moment. You break the old system by simply creating a new, better one, that is based on the right and true principles of Divine Law. So bring all that you can into being by imagining and conjuring and building and focusing on it. Be an architect and dream it and draw it and make it happen, whatever it is that is being burst from your heart. It is possible. It is possible. It is possible. It is true. Keep the momentum going, inspired by your dreams and manifesting power. What you create for yourself, in harmony with and benefit of others, will come to pass. Your paradise is their paradise. All is to share with those who seek it and know it to be true for themselves.
Above all, hold your presence in the highest light. Remember who you are and why you are here at this time. Use your power wisely and with complete integrity. Ensure that you have all that you need so you can assist others on their way. Your cup will runneth over to assist all who need a boost, a signpost, a spark of light to go on. Hold your lantern high so that it sheds light for others on their path. It is no long time for rescue or influence, it is simply inspiration now!
Be inspiring for yourself and all that you do, and your energy will be contagious. The best contagion ever…Divine inspiration!
Regardless of any small doubts or wavering, we are always with you,
The Council of Light Within.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848479921978387&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones, you do not need to communicate with spirit to move forward on your spiritual journey. You do not even need to know exactly what your spiritual beliefs are. All that is required is a belief that something more than you exists, acknowledgement that you are intrinsically connected to that something more, and a willingness to move with the flow which is the guidance system of that something more. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
There has been much talk about fear lately. Fear, simply put, is contracting energy. You at your core are beings of love, and as such thrive in expansive energies.
But what we wish for you to understand is that what is fear for one might be expansion for another. For example, jumping out of an airplane might be unthinkable for one person, but the culmination of a dream for another. Interesting how the same activity could make one person panic and another feel so exhilarated and alive!
Whether something feels constrictive or expansive is individual and is how you can tell if something is right for you or not. You are all unique beings with your own soul agendas and personal preferences. Your fear might be another person’s flow, and not only is that perfectly normal, it is wonderful that you all have such freedom of expression.
It is time to honour the free will and innate mastery of each other. It is also time to honour your own free will and settle into the idea that you are the only expert on you. If you stay in your heart, embrace your flow, and follow where your soul is calling you, you can never, ever make a mistake. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, expansion is how you experience more comfort, presence, and engagement in your life. So many of you find yourselves in an alignment that works for you and feels satisfying and then try to hold onto staying in that energy forever. If you understand the universe works in flow, you can see that won’t work.
When you try to keep things the same, you start resisting the natural unfoldment of your journey. If you really dig in, you will start to get more and more uncomfortable because you are creating a gap between where you are and where your soul is beckoning you to go for your next highest experience. You will be trying to thrive in energies that will have less and less energetic support for you.
We understand it is a natural human tendency to find something you like and want to stay with it, but that is actually based on a belief that good energetic matches are rare. In truth, that energetic match is a starting point, not an end point. By allowing its unfoldment you let it grow and evolve and become so much more.
Trust that if you have found something you love the flow will allow it to become everything it can be and more. By giving things the opportunity expand into their greatest expressions of self you will be a willing dance partner with the universe, firmly rooted in your faith and trust, and willing to be led to the discovery of more than you could ever imagine. It is time to drop the constraints and let your lives get as big and beautiful as they want to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848478795311833&set=a.806388119520911 >

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