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譯者:Nick Chan、U2 心無為
0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》天使-請記得,給你自己放一個假! (20210604) 9:19 《2》光之議會-照顧好自己,親愛的 (20210605) #AnnAlbers #AiliaMira #NickChan #U2心無為

傳導:Ann Albers
譯者:U2 心無為













有許多的人不僅深愛並尊重著地球母親,他們也都一直在努力的提升自己,進行著不同的靈性功課和練習 - 他們已學會回歸內在,感受心靈的力量,並致力於把良善和美好帶給這個世界。為此,地球母親非常的感激進行著這些工作的你們。正在進行這些工作的你們每一個人都是引領的先鋒,只是,你們中的有一些人卻也忽略了另一個重要因素。











這個世界非常需要你綻放出的光芒,但只有處於和平與寧靜之中,在這種平衡的狀態你才能放射出美麗的光彩!所以,請記得 - 給你自己放一個假!知道你擁有所需的一切支持,並請信任永遠不會欺騙於你的內心智慧的純粹指引!

< 原文:U2靈性的實相-微信號U2awakening777 >

傳導:Ailia Mira
譯者:Nick Chan 

Beloved Ones,
The light within you grows and grows. Even while the world is going through in so many ways transformation, evolution, deep change, and also death, there is the expansion of light. Inner light also expands as the infinite oneness expands and you can benefit from returning to an inner focus and allowing that vaster light to inform you.
This moment of embodiment is challenging. All life includes challenges and challenges help you to grow, focus, evolve, come together. All moments have opportunities. How do you play?
How do you relate to life, now?
The grief many of you feel is natural given all you’ve experienced recently. The isolation, and loss of many things that you took for granted and loved, things that gave you a sense of stability and comfort, and even those things which gave you meaning which you may no longer be doing. These losses have been many and ongoing. It is natural that you would feel perhaps shaken up, and feel more emotional than you usually think of yourself feeling.
Feeling is wonderful. Allowing yourself to feel as you do is a great gift. We encourage you to breathe deeply into your feelings and let go of trying to change them. Rather, simply let them flow. Remind yourself that they are temporary, as all experiences are, and enjoy the richness of your humanity.
This is true no matter what the feeling is. You can empower yourself to realize the temporary nature of its and also allow it to move through you without resistance and therefore, let Life flow.
You can respond to yourself and how you’re feeling with tremendous care and love, just as you would another person who is dealing with big or challenging feelings. So often you save your compassion for someone else. We encourage you to bring it home now, and often, realizing you — each of you — have been very challenged and may still be, by all that is going on and how you are being affected.
Dare to be open to your feelings and also? Dare to be open with one another! This is a time for connection. For caring. For kindness. To you, and others. Every person in the world is going through big changes right now. The planet is going through big changes right now.
Change is quite hard for most of you, and most of you are being challenged by the changes in your own life and the world around you. The combination of all this change makes you feel less stable if you’ve relied upon external things to give you a sense of security — and most of you quite naturally do.
So, realize that new forms are arising. New possibilities lie in chaos and the changes can lead to better things. It may be bumpy. It may be uncertain and hard. You might find your life taking turns you did not expect. See if you can refrain from being certain it won’t work out for you, or won’t serve you — whatever is going on and just be especially caring and generous with yourself. And anyone else that you feel you can also offer that kind of loving-kindness.
Gentleness is the most valuable quality right now. We’d like you all to cultivate peace, but we know in times like this, that may be challenging to foster or sustain. But gentleness, and then, secondarily, a sense of humor, a willingness to be touched and smile at the smallest things that bring you joy — these things will serve you.
Recognize the improvements that are taking shape, no matter how small. See if you can focus on incremental steady change that is more loving, more open, more inclusive, more caring…more of the world you want to create and experience. See if you can notice those moments. More smiling. More kindness. More warmth.
Give friendly appreciative feedback to others when you have the energy and ability to genuinely do so. Be part of bringing about a new kind of humanity and a planetary shift into greater openness, inclusivity, and kindness. This future is arising in so many ways. We see it and we are also supporting it. You can consciously support it too.
Bring yourself into a state of openness and faith. For you can tap into your sincere faith in Life, in the universe, in the angelic, in God, in the divine, in nature, in the kindness of your true friends or even a beloved pet — that can give you strength now. Remember to do this often and you will feel renewed.
Learn to lean on the inner domain of energy that is eternal. To give you strength for life and courage for hope. Don’t bypass anything in the world, but do pay attention to when you are overloaded and simply need quiet and rest. When you’ve taken in all you can, for now, stop. Learn to stop before things wear you down, if possible. Learn to notice how you are doing and to take even better care of yourself.
Give generously to yourself, nourish your body-mind with time outdoors, with feelings of simple joy and the mantra of knowing: this too shall pass, while also believing and noticing the good things taking form in your world, each moment.
Let the recognition of these good things give you strength to endure the difficulties, to be present rather than look away from those in need and also? To love yourself, immensely.
We are with you now and always. Know beloved ones, that there are always choices that serve you even when you are weary, scared, feeling beaten, in pain, or just can’t see the way forward. The way forward is unfolding without you doing a thing. Just exhale. Sit and let life flow for a bit.
Receive it. It’s a gift. It’s yours to behold.
Open and let us love you.
We are with you, always.
I AM Archangel Michael with the Galactic Dragons and the Council of Radiant Light.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》銀河聯邦-臭名昭著的"舒適區"(20210521) 6:41 《2》光之議會-與舊的外在世界故事脫離(20210521) 12:15 《3》加百利-放下約束(20210521) #AuroraRay #RebeccaCouch #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

The frequency of earth is steadily rising and what we are witnessing now on the planet is a frequency divide. Meaning, there are those who have ascended and keep ascending with earth’s new vibratory level and there are those who keep choosing the density of the third-dimensional reality as their preferred place of residency. The infamous ‘Comfort Zone’.
The only place where you exist is here and now. Every dimension has its own definition of here and now. That particular here and now makes up the reality of that dimension.
Two different definitions of here and now cannot exist together here and now. One will not be real to the other and usually, the situation blows up.
That’s when people do not understand each other, do not get along, and even fight. They are each in their own reality -in their own dimension, literally.
This is what’s playing out on earth at the moment.
A great part of the planet’s population is ascending into a higher frequency and then there are those who are terrified by the truth and cling to their cognitive dissonance as if there’s no tomorrow.
This creates the frequency divide I mentioned earlier. And since they are both simultaneously being played out on the same planet, it’s blowing up. Unrests, protests, and scarcity for some while others watch and follow the daily news with excitement, knowing everything is about to change for the highest and best good of humanity.
And of course, we know, there are also those who want to sabotage the people who are at peace… To say the least.
It’s important to know that not all souls have chosen to ascend within this lifetime. They have come for other experiences of which they thought they would benefit in regards to their soul’s evolution.
This planet is inevitably ascending into the fifth-dimensional reality of unconditional love. Mother Goddess Gaia will shake off all that will not match her frequency -her reality of love.
Overnight the mystical creatures that were banned from the planet a long time ago will return to their rightful habitat. The same way Avalon vanished when human frequency had fallen so low that they couldn’t see it anymore, it will reappear and with it the magic, wisdom, and love of 5D Earth.
At the same time, a 3D version of Earth will continue to play out its dramas, fears, and system of control for those souls who need more time for their ascension process. Jesus said, “Many are chosen but only few will hear the call.”
If you are reading this post, chances are high that you belong to the chosen ones. And before you ask, I’d like to emphasize that nobody has chosen you. YOU are the one who has chosen to do this. You’re all sovereign inhabitants of this universe.
But from the choice of participating in the greatest ascension of our universe and actually ascending with earth to 5D, it’s still a long way.
This unprecedented ascension process sets forth that you take your physical body with you, from 3D to 5D.
Being positive and enlightened alone is not enough.
This is the time where you must start to love yourself unconditionally.
How do you do this?
• Breathe
• Meditate
• Laugh
• Listen to high-frequency tunes
• Dance, nobody needs to watch but this is a very high vibration tool
• Sing, nobody needs to listen but this is a very high vibration tool
• Exercise, support your body to be able to hold the higher frequencies
• Eat plenty of fresh raw food
• Educate yourself about nutrition and specifically veganism. I do not ask you to nor do I recommend to go 100% vegan forever but eating more vegan food and less animal products or flesh is a must
• Drink pure Water (find a source or buy source water in glass bottles, do not drink tab water)
• Spend time in Nature with Mother Gaia, connect to her
• Pets are little angels who are already in 5D
• Ground yourself daily, walk with your bare feet, lay with your naked skin on the sand, water, weeds, etc. or take a salt bath
And most importantly:
When you have the chance to love someone, for god’s sake, leave all trickery, all negativity, all doubts, all fears behind and just love.
Love is the essence that facilitates ascension. We all need more of it, not less.
The higher you rise in frequency the more you wish for unconditional love to manifest itself in your life. And at this moment in evolution, we attract our primary soul mates and twin flames. When someone feels special in your heart, they are.
In case you haven’t noticed yet, things have changed on planet earth. Meetings are divinely orchestrated to fulfill their higher purpose…
Grab them, love them, and don’t think so hard.
I love you.
We are family of light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848479801978399&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Aren’t you beginning to feel the excitement in the air? Yes, we know that much must continue to transform before it is overt, but you must already instinctually know that good is coming, do you not? If the emotions of demise are still clouding your vision, then it is the perfect time for the “fake it until you make it” scenario! Look to the horizon for the dawn is coming. Do not focus on what has to fall in order for the new to arrive…as a creator, be the manifester of the new and focus on its presence. It is already born; it is arriving in your experience. And what you are able to maintain in your energy field, makes it possible for others to do the same. Remain excited, hopeful, helpful, mindful, heartful, determined, radiant. This is your most important work right now. You are that powerful and this is your time to shine. Shine the light of infinite possibility and that all that is right and true and good can be rectified or created in your new world. Emanate health and wellness and prosperity and brilliance and youthfulness and ease…all that you need, conjure. All that you require, request. Ask, and you shall receive. It is natural Divine law and it is yours to command. Take command!
Part of the great lesson for you now is to realize how powerful you are – that you are the composition of the universe and you have everything you need inside of you to conjure anything. You greatest hindrance is your mind, and now is the time to overcome this miniscule, yet phantomly powerful overlord. It is time to evict its presence over you and adopt the real presence and that is omnipresent and omnipotent. If you are lined up with Source, what limitation could you ever have except for your own imagining? This is the matrix of the old human plane…now that you have graduated to a higher plane, you must shed the old definitions of yourself and the world so that you can express your true magic and power! It is like arriving at a new destination with old beliefs, perceptions and attitudes. You have arrived in a new land; be willing to adopt a complete new way of being now. Shed the old clothes and begin anew.
Detach from the old narrative of the outside world as it screams itself into oblivion. Let it expire its natural death, all the while you are busy creating the new. Use your magical forces to imagine and create a symbiotic life in harmony with nature, that it can be shared with and made possible for others who have lost touch with Her majesty (the real HRH!). Mother Earth is the real healer and balancer and physical expression of the Divine, so living in tandem with her, and the great power of the Divine Father, will bring about all that you desire. You are their Divine Child, after all. Their progeny in action! Now is the time to show up and express that in every now moment. You break the old system by simply creating a new, better one, that is based on the right and true principles of Divine Law. So bring all that you can into being by imagining and conjuring and building and focusing on it. Be an architect and dream it and draw it and make it happen, whatever it is that is being burst from your heart. It is possible. It is possible. It is possible. It is true. Keep the momentum going, inspired by your dreams and manifesting power. What you create for yourself, in harmony with and benefit of others, will come to pass. Your paradise is their paradise. All is to share with those who seek it and know it to be true for themselves.
Above all, hold your presence in the highest light. Remember who you are and why you are here at this time. Use your power wisely and with complete integrity. Ensure that you have all that you need so you can assist others on their way. Your cup will runneth over to assist all who need a boost, a signpost, a spark of light to go on. Hold your lantern high so that it sheds light for others on their path. It is no long time for rescue or influence, it is simply inspiration now!
Be inspiring for yourself and all that you do, and your energy will be contagious. The best contagion ever…Divine inspiration!
Regardless of any small doubts or wavering, we are always with you,
The Council of Light Within.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848479921978387&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones, you do not need to communicate with spirit to move forward on your spiritual journey. You do not even need to know exactly what your spiritual beliefs are. All that is required is a belief that something more than you exists, acknowledgement that you are intrinsically connected to that something more, and a willingness to move with the flow which is the guidance system of that something more. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
There has been much talk about fear lately. Fear, simply put, is contracting energy. You at your core are beings of love, and as such thrive in expansive energies.
But what we wish for you to understand is that what is fear for one might be expansion for another. For example, jumping out of an airplane might be unthinkable for one person, but the culmination of a dream for another. Interesting how the same activity could make one person panic and another feel so exhilarated and alive!
Whether something feels constrictive or expansive is individual and is how you can tell if something is right for you or not. You are all unique beings with your own soul agendas and personal preferences. Your fear might be another person’s flow, and not only is that perfectly normal, it is wonderful that you all have such freedom of expression.
It is time to honour the free will and innate mastery of each other. It is also time to honour your own free will and settle into the idea that you are the only expert on you. If you stay in your heart, embrace your flow, and follow where your soul is calling you, you can never, ever make a mistake. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, expansion is how you experience more comfort, presence, and engagement in your life. So many of you find yourselves in an alignment that works for you and feels satisfying and then try to hold onto staying in that energy forever. If you understand the universe works in flow, you can see that won’t work.
When you try to keep things the same, you start resisting the natural unfoldment of your journey. If you really dig in, you will start to get more and more uncomfortable because you are creating a gap between where you are and where your soul is beckoning you to go for your next highest experience. You will be trying to thrive in energies that will have less and less energetic support for you.
We understand it is a natural human tendency to find something you like and want to stay with it, but that is actually based on a belief that good energetic matches are rare. In truth, that energetic match is a starting point, not an end point. By allowing its unfoldment you let it grow and evolve and become so much more.
Trust that if you have found something you love the flow will allow it to become everything it can be and more. By giving things the opportunity expand into their greatest expressions of self you will be a willing dance partner with the universe, firmly rooted in your faith and trust, and willing to be led to the discovery of more than you could ever imagine. It is time to drop the constraints and let your lives get as big and beautiful as they want to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848478795311833&set=a.806388119520911 >

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.

【光之委員會】20210428成為整體;關於 太陽非常活躍,並發出大量的等離子體、正視極性導致人類形式的不和諧

傳導作者:Jenny Schiltz

Council of Light: Becoming Whole
Posted on 04/27/2021 by EraOfLight

council of light eraoflightdotcomThe intensity of things have really sped up. The sun is very active and sending in lots of plasma to assist us with these deep changes. The Schumann Resonance is, the heartbeat of the Earth is speeding up as well.

I shared with my Aura Cleanse members that I was told and shown that Earth has been moved back on track. It seems we were going off in left field. They showed me an image of a lasso pulling the Earth back into alignment with the universe and this is exciting good news! Even though the process of uncovering and working through all that was not in alignment in our inner and outer worlds is a challenge. It is still good news.
我與我的Aura Cleanse成員分享了我的經歷,並向他們展示了地球已重新回到正軌。看來我們要離開左側區域了。他們給我看了一張套索的照片,它拉動地球回到與宇宙對齊的狀態,這真是令人興奮的好消息!即使在我們內心世界和外在世界中、發現和解決所有不統一的過程都是一個挑戰。這仍然是個好消息。

I was recently in a meeting with the Council of Light. It was the largest meeting I have ever attended. It was as if all the smaller councils had gathered and there were many, many spectators.

In this meeting it was explained that the earth is getting ready to go through tremendous change. It was likened to a pregnant woman that moved from contractions like Braxton Hicks to full active labor.
在這次會議上,人們解釋說地球正準備經歷巨大的變化。就像一個孕婦從布拉克斯頓·希克斯(Braxton Hicks)這樣的宮縮轉變為積極的分娩。

Here is what was said:

“With this labor is a mass exodus of energies that no longer will be able to sustain themselves in the increasing frequency. With each contraction the vibration on Earth and within humans will rise.

Each person at a soul level is being given the option to leave or continue forward. There are those that have reached their goal of moving from one vibrational frequency to the next or who have anchored in what was needed and this is enough.

Contracts are ending. Some are being rewritten but those that are being rewritten often have end dates attached. This gives each person the opportunity to evaluate all in their lives and choose what is appropriate for them.

No longer will one be caught in a never ending loop that keeps a person locked into a pattern of behavior and thoughts. This is very important as we would like you to understand that all taking place energetically on your planet is so that the unconscious is made light and in that moment there is a choice.

The Earth is heating up as is the human form. There will be changes made to the landscape of your world in the next 5 years. This change will be used to induce fear and manipulate free will. It does not have to be this way.

If one feels the urge to move to a different location, we urge them to follow that push. Each person that follows their deepest urging must know that all will be fine, they will be provided for. However, we do not want people leaving a location because of fear of what may come. Rather, we want them moving towards something, somewhere, even someone with great excitement.

Fear will overshadow, cloud, even corrupt the messages your heart gives. For this reason, we ask each one to examine their fears and do their best to not react from that space.

What is happening in the Human form is the braiding of polarity. Particularly the masculine and the feminine as this was the first split. As the masculine and feminine within braid together, no longer acting in opposition, an activation takes place and the polarity within will change.

For some this braiding may aggravate mental health issues, depression and an overwhelming sense of the need to leave. We advise that each person look at their personality traits and think of what is the opposite.

What is the polarity of what they are holding? Can they then make themselves whole by bringing in the opposite trait? If one is holding sadness can they then also hold joy? If they are holding rage can they also hold peace?

It is the polarity, the either or, that causes much discord in the human form. It makes them susceptible to programming, to be pushed and pulled in whatever direction the world would like the person to go.

While this may seem counter-intuitive, it is not. It is through the duality, the polarities that one is vulnerable, one is susceptible to manipulation. As soon as one says I can hold love and I can hold hate and I CHOOSE which way to act, then at that moment there is immense healing.

Healing will not take place by denying or pretending to not be the all. Rather healing takes place when one understands that You Are the All choosing to act in the light.

There has been much damage done to the Divine Feminine and Masculine on your planet, yet the healing cannot begin until all the traits are seen, recognized, and understood. It is the shadow aspects within that are coming to light.

For many this will be a time of challenge. To not get lost in the fear that is being drummed up on your planet. To not get caught up in the outer reality and miss the transformation that is happening within.

The braiding of the Divine feminine and Divine masculine within the DNA will shift each person and could cause many symptoms as mentioned before particularly in the realm of mental health.”

At this point, questions were able to be asked.

Me: How do we assist ourselves and others through this next stage whether it is the braiding of the masculine and feminine, the first split into duality or the understanding of wholeness? Do you have any suggestions?

“You assist by really seeing yourself. For the good, for the bad. Can you then see that you also hold the opposite characteristics. For one who is not routine based, can they also hold discipline? For one who is lazy they can also hold motivation? That each moment is a choice.

When you have an emotion that could be considered undesirable, do not try to clear it, as it is part of the all, rather bring in the opposite characteristic. Each word has its own frequency, its own opening into your field.

I ask you where do you hold war?”

Me: I hold it between my solar plexus and my heart chakra, it feels as if it is clenching. But I also have pain in my lower back.

“Very good. Now examine the meaning or archetype of that chakra and what the meaning of lower back pain”

Me: Solar plexus is the place of the me, the human, heart is the place of the soul and lower back pain can be from feeling unsupported, taking on the world type energies.

“Yes! Now bring in peace into your lower back and your chakras

Now if I say to you where do you hold joy? What area of your body activates? Which chakra?”

Me: It is my higher heart and the area between my shoulders and around my head but it’s outside the body there.

“This is very good to see. For you see where you are holding joy outside of yourself not within, it must be called in. Not simply residing within the higher heart chakra of your soul. Invite it in.”

Me: I invite Joy now to every cell of my being may it make a home within me.

“Now look at the opposite of joy. We would call it sorrow or malaise. Where do you hold that?”

Me: Immediately what comes up is my intestines.

“Yes, now specifically invite joy into those spaces.

Me: I invite Joy into my stomach, my large intestine, my small intestine, my duodenum, my colon, I invite joy into the way that I absorb life. I invite joy in now.

“This is a very valuable teaching tool. Use it with yourself and those that you assist. Help them to see where they are holding one frequency but yet they can also hold the other. It is not about getting rid of one emotion It is about inviting in the opposite and then choosing.

Me: Thank you for your help.

“It is our deepest pleasure to assist humanity in this way.”

I hope that this information and tool helps you to work with the intense emotions that we are all feeling. May we love ourselves completely as we come into a place of wholeness. Be easy on yourself and others.
我希望這些信息和工具能夠幫助你應對我們都感受到的強烈情感。 願我們在成為整體之地時完全愛自己。 對自己和他人要放鬆。

Thank you to all that share and support this work. You are very appreciated. If you have not already done so, please join my mailing list so you will receive this blog and other things via email. Social media has become quite unreliable for disseminating information.
感謝所有分享和支持這項工作的人。 非常感謝。 如果你尚未這樣做,請加入我的郵件列表,以便你通過電子郵件收到此部落格和其他內容。 社交媒體對於傳播信息已經變得非常不可靠。



#RebeccaCouch #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved One,
The times they are a-changing! Much about you has already changed; it will just become more and more clear to you as you pay attention. Things are not as they seem. The swirl and effluvia of change is all around you at many levels, so staying in your own calm centre is best, for there is your dominion, your control. And in that place your truth will be known and from that place your truth expressed. Stay strong in your convictions, immense in your purpose and intent and contained only in your sovereignty, for it is yours and yours alone. Be still and know that you are God. Be still and know that all will always be well with this place, even when it is not on the external. For the external will continue to boil and spin, for it must in order to shake the old false control structures out of their place, that the new, true organic ones can grow from the hearts of mankind. The true kind. The meek ones, so that you can inherit the Earth again for the first time. You will come to know what your heart has always yearned for and that is the truth, the real, the authentic, the right and true and correct. Do you know how you have always yearned for home or meaning or purpose? This is it. This is the time that your heart has yearned for millennia…and you are here to create and experience it now. Piece by piece, moment by moment, manifestation by manifestation, you are creating it as you awaken to the powerful creators that you are!
Focus only on your light. Focus on your true power and ability to make things happen. Know that you are not alone. You are supported beyond measure and you have come here for this divine purpose. You have everything you need to defend and create. You have everything you need to thrive and prosper and do what you came here to do. You know more deeply and intimately that you are a powerful creator and built of the same stuff that you have been seeking. You are creator light. You are sound and vibratory frequency. You are organic super beings comprised of all that is divine, galactic, universal. From this place of knowing and power comes your ability to handle anything that comes your way on any level. Ask for help. Ask for learning and downloads for any new information you require to deal with any situation, whether material, moral, legal, physical, intellectual, etheric, galactic. There is nothing you cannot access by intent. There is nothing you can’t ask for help for, even if you don’t know exactly what you need. Ask for it anyway. Ask for clarity. Ask for help as if you were entering the largest resource library in the universe and your guides and librarians will ensure you have what you need! Trust that it is given. Ask and you shall receive. Know that you have the largest army of light with you, the greatest advisors ever designed especially for you, strength and protection beyond measure, emotional support, mental clarity and information and spiritual back up unlike ever before. The only thing that you are in charge of is your personal will. No one or no thing else can influence that, for it is a law of the Earth plane.
So choose. Decide. Commit. Stand up for what you know is right and true and good and do not waiver. All of this must be done within the intimate confines of your sacred heart…and from there all radiates without boundary in return to Source. Do you see that there is no interference once you lock into your value, your honour, your sacred choice to serve the All? Do you see that there is full support no matter what and that your purpose is simply to exercise your free will to choose? Are you here for yourself in your small mind to survive through the inspiration of fear or are you here as a spark of the All, connected to Divine Mind for the inspiration of Love? Simple choice; it is each One’s prerogative to make it. The consequences of each are unique to the individual and yet assured. There is not judgement for either; all is as designed. It is just time, that is all. It is the time to choose your team and your true power from the core of your being, knowing that your integrity will ensure right action from there. No one or no thing outside of yourself determines your fate. You alone have dominion over that. Choose.
Stir up the warrior within; the warrior of light that does not waiver from its honour and convictions. Donned by the Armour of God, the warrior stands strong in support of all that is true and good against all that is not. The warrior is wise and stands for the innocent. The warrior knows the cause and carries the truth of it by heart with unwavering conviction. Be that. Know that. Act from that place.
The time of deep strength and conviction is at hand. Binding together in unity is both the cause and the effect. Be there for your fellow man, encompassing all, one small act at a time. The immensity of your work will happen in the privacy of your own heart and home. Do not underestimate the power of your light from this pure and sacred place. You need not expose yourself to radical and dangerous energies by racing into the street wielding a sword. Your sword is your choice, your light, your intent, your conviction, your strength, your wisdom and especially, your love. The Love. The Big Love. Stand in Love.
Have we told you how incredible, how strong, how magnificent we know that you are? It is true. In this, and in our abiding love for you, we do not waiver.
The Council of Light Within.

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan 

We have spoken about the idea of growing your skills. Today we would like to discuss growing your capacity to experience love.
Do you allow yourself to feel love? To really feel it? To surrender into it? Are you open to receive love from Source, from your guides and angels, from the earth, from the cosmos, from animals, from others, and from yourself?
Are you willing to acknowledge that love always exists for you, it is your allowing of it that dictates how much you are experiencing? If you are holding yourself separate from the experience of love, why? Connect with the part of you that thinks it is not safe to love, and give it love. Give it consistent, true, unconditional love and watch it bloom.
Do you allow yourself to be the love? To spread love with no thought of receiving anything in return other than the joy that comes from expressing yourself as the love you truly are?
Can you imagine being an endless wellspring of love, with it effortlessly flowing to you and through you?
Most of you are only allowing a fraction of the love that is available for you. Grow your capacity for love, Dear Ones, both to give and receive, for that is one of the greatest opportunities you have on the planet – to anchor and expand the experience of love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
If you have a persistent theme or wound that is coming up for you that you don’t seem to be able to shift, it can be helpful to ask the following:
How am I perpetuating the aggravation of this wound? Are you showing up for yourself or are you attempting to sweep your needs under the rug? Are you making poor choices that keep the wound active or are you creating a safe space for healing to occur? Are you pushing against the issue or are you compassionately approaching it from a space of acceptance, healing, and love?
What am I yearning for that only I can give myself? It may be that the one thing you want more than anything is your own love and affection. By denying that you could be keeping abandonment/worthiness issues active. Love yourself enough to be there for any wounded aspects of self as many times as it takes for them to settle into safe attachment with you as you assume the role of your own guide, parent, and trusted friend.
Am I holding onto victim consciousness/powerlessness? We are not suggesting you negate what has happened to you in your past. You can absolutely acknowledge that what happened to you was not right or appropriate or deserved and still decide to drop the rope that keeps you tethered to that old story so you can finally embrace the full potential of your Now moment. Is it time to move out of pushing against your past so that healing can truly occur in the present?
Do you identify yourself more through the challenges and/or what’s happened to you or do you identify more with your wholeness and pure potential? Pay attention to what you talk about. If you keep referring back to something in your past, there is something that is still active there that is looking to be acknowledged and soothed by you. It is absolutely possible to gently and lovingly explore what that is until it receives exactly what it needs from you. Are you ready to move beyond the energy of surviving the past into the energy of thriving in the present?
You are doing such a magnificent job of moving through the rapid shifts you have been experiencing on your planet. Creating the sacred and safe space as the empowered facilitator of your own healing is the final frontier you have entered, and from there all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Some human beings don’t allow themselves to fully heal from past hurts because they feel like that is letting the person who hurt you ‘off the hook’, or it is saying that what happened to you was ok. This simply isn’t so. What healing does mean is you love yourself enough now as an empowered adult to untether yourself from what doesn’t honour you once and for all.
Putting off your healing to teach someone a lesson or to try to hold someone accountable hurts no one but yourself. Let the universe provide the checks and balances necessary for the other person’s soul growth and evolution, and allow yourself to move forward, shining in your wellness and truth, filled with wonder for your own resilience and innate wholeness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#RonaldHead #JohnSmallman #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導作者:Ronald Head
譯者:Nick Chan

For several years we have been giving you messages that have been meant to prepare you for great change. Our last message was no exception.
Now the time has arrived to tell you that the “things behind the scenes” and “soon” stages, the necessary preparation, are behind you. What has been done will now begin to be revealed. It will be absolutely necessary that you be prepared to remain calm. This alone will serve to help many who are unprepared to weather the storm that will be unavoidable.
Everything must and will change. The promised world, the world you have prayed for will appear. But such massive change will shake many to their cores. Do not be of that number. You have been prepared. The light will be. The dark will not. But much will be hard to acknowledge. Truth must be known.
Great joy will follow. This was and is our promise. We do not promise what cannot be delivered. Your everyday will come to resemble what you call science fiction. You will receive all that has been kept from you and all that has been taken from you.
The “strongest of the strong” came to weather the worst of the worst. And your reward will be the best of the best.

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

There are, as you cannot avoid noticing, enormous changes of a most impactful nature occurring worldwide at present – of course, there is only the Present/Presence – that are a major aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. The good news of Love is flowing into people’s awareness as never before in your human history, partly as a result of the massive increase in cognizance worldwide of the Oneness of humanity and of all life forms on your beautiful Planet Earth, which your modern travel abilities and electronic means of communication have made it increasingly possible for you to observe, study, and enjoy far beyond any way that was previously possible. Knowing other nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, philosophies, and the multitude of various ways in which these can be expressed and lived, has brought about a great openness to the wonder that is life.
Awareness is the key. Before mass travel and mass communication was possible, the vast majority of humans lived in rather closed societies, distrustful of strangers – who often came in war or conflict – and viewed other living styles or practices as wrong! The right way to live was the way you were brought up, other upbringings were wrong and dangerous. This very narrow set of belief systems was very divisive, which was of course the precise intent when the separation experience was constructed. When the collective chose to construct, enter into it, and engage with it, God instantly provided the means for you to bring it to an end, but, of course She had given you free will, and what God gives is never withdrawn. So She has been lovingly waiting for you to collectively change your mind about your desire for separation, and then choose to awaken into Reality once more. This has been ongoing for a number of centuries – although even a long number of centuries are like but the briefest of possible moments, merely an almost totally invisible speck – and the results are clearly visible now to those who choose to look and see.
And people are looking, and are seeing! Humanity is now fully engaged in its most magnificent awakening. It is a process that has been chosen very decisively by the human collective, and it is irreversible! Your progress through this process has accelerated enormously since the beginning of the year 2021, and will continue to do so simply because it is the collective intent, and that intent is intensifying daily.
As more and more humans let go of their doubts about the Reality of our infinitely loving Source, Mother/Father/God, any uncertainty they may have nurtured or clung to about their inseparability from Source is diminishing. Truly awareness is also growing that absolutely no-one is, or ever could be, in any way at all unworthy of God’s infinite Love for them. And this makes total sense, because, as you know deep within yourselves, there is only Love. As a result, many who have been going through an abundance of “stuff” over the last year or so, particularly since the start of this year – and setting the intent to acknowledge, thank and release it – are now feeling far, far freer within themselves, and are most wisely choosing to treat themselves with love, honor, and respect, thus making it finally possible for them to truly honor and respect others, instead of just attempting to do so, perhaps even grudgingly and resentfully.
You are opening your hearts to Love on a massive scale worldwide, and, as I told you before, the evidence of this is most clearly visible to those who choose – and you are never without choices – to look, see, and then rejoice in the wonder of It.
This is the most significant moment ever for one to be incarnate on Earth assisting in the awakening process. There is no-one presently incarnate who did not sign up precisely in order to participate most fully in this magnificent unfoldment of Love. It is an unfoldment that has been in place since the moment in which the separation experiment was initially engaged with, ready to initiate in the instant in which the collective made the choice to terminate the experiment, finally realizing that it had never, even for the initial brief moment in which it was constructed, been a sensible or sane idea.
You are all now in the process of uncovering your awareness, your full awareness of your true nature, and this is inspiring, uplifting, and empowering you vastly, because your are indeed VAST BEINGS of Love, of Light, fully and completely integrated with Source, eternally. Joy is yours, and you are rightfully claiming it NOW!
Your loving brother, Jesus.

譯者:Nick Chan 

As we continue our series on presence, we wish to point out to you that presence is an essential aspect of fun. You simply cannot be energetically absent and have fun at the same time. Presence and fun are a dynamic duo. So if you wish you had more fun in your life, find more things to do that bring you to a state of full presence. If you wish to have more presence in your life, seek things to do that you find fun and it will naturally occur. They support each other beautifully in your enjoyment of the Now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young、
Dear Ones, you can’t have presence without being willing to feel. Feeling allows you to have the full experience. Feeling doesn’t need to be overwhelming. If you are uncomfortable with diving into feeling fully, you can slowly enter and explore your feelings, much like you would if you were entering a body of water and you were unsure of the temperature.
Allowing yourself to fully feel is a skill many empaths have shut down due to their sensitivities. It doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Start where you are, right now. Are you warm? Are you cold? Tired or energized? Are you comfortable in your body? From the space of your inner wise one, ask your human self how you are feeling. How about your inner child?
Feeling gives you information. It puts you in your body, with awareness, in the Now moment. You can grow this skill, like any other. And you have worked so hard to have a body and and be present on the planet at this time. Isn’t it time to allow yourself the full experience? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
For our last message in our week-long series on presence, we wish to offer you this. Your presence – bringing as much of your true essence, into your body, fully engaging in the Now moment, is embodiment and from there all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, if you have an old memory come up of an experience that hurt you, you now have a wonderful opportunity to merely sit with that part of you and receive them with your complete acceptance and love. You don’t have to try to counsel them, or attempt to change what happened – your love and acceptance is the only healing balm required. Whenever these remembrances or emotions come up into your awareness, it is not anything you have to resist, but rather an opening to be the love for yourself, which will immediately start to shift your energetics in the most profound and soothing ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, instead of using the phrase “I want” as you think about what you would like to experience, which in its essence holds an energy of absence and lack, why not use “I embrace”? “I embrace” indicates it is a choice that is already available to you now and that you are willing to receive it whole-heartedly. It opens up many new pathways and possibilities because it is a much more empowered declaration. If you pay close attention you will feel the energetic difference between the two phrases. What will you embrace today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


#RebeccaCouch #DancingDolphin #KjerstinSisilla #NickChan

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan


Creative One,
What times are these that challenge you from every direction? They are the ones that you have been preparing for millennia! The time is nigh. There is no greater test for these times than to test your resolve in the fire. We do not make light of the depth nor import of this, but we do know how powerful you are and how victorious you will be in this task! Stay strong, Stay clear. Stay vigilant for the light. Use all of your faculties, physical and extrasensory. Trust your instincts and your promptings. Ask for help on all fronts and know that it is given. You are not alone in this; you are guided and protected by legions. If you only knew that you are Generals of the Light each in your own right, leading the charge for all who share your conviction as a Light Warrior.
Collect all about that you that is right and true and good. Remember the magic of life, the power of the light and the goodness of all things. Inherent in creation are all aspects and it is the master’s perspective that knows it requires all expressions to be complete. Do not fear the darkness, for it is just the absence of light, and you are warriors for that purpose too. You are divine alchemists and warriors for the cause of high vibrational creation now. It is your sole (soul!) purpose to represent what is of the miraculous, dynamic, extraordinary, in-depth, spectacular, all-powerful, emanation of the purest and highest light. The choice point is now. Humankind no longer requires the opposite in order to learn, that aspect of its journey is complete. For those who answer the call, it is now the time to eradicate that aspect of creation from their experience in order to evolve into higher expression and creation. This is a grand graduation! It is those who have come to this point in their evolution that are responsible for creating the next phase. That which is no longer in service to higher evolution must be dissolved by nonconsent, and that which is in honour of the higher opportunity must be manifested!
This is not the time to be sitting and waiting for someone or something outside of yourselves to make things right. It is YOUR time to make things happen at the metaphysical level! Yes, you are that powerful. It is vital that you come to this full innerstanding and action. Start wielding your power to create all that you desire. Use it for its highest good to create a magical world of higher everything: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, Earthly, Godly, universal! If you really let yourself go to the highest heights of creative expression and you were really a fully expressed God of Creation, what would you create? Do that. Just keep going. Keep dreaming. Keep manifesting. Keep calling in assistance from the higher realms. Keep talking to your ancestors and angels and ascended masters and galactic family and to God. Remember, you are a co-creator…keep talking to your divine colleague: God. How can you co-create without working directly with Creator?
This is the time for the most intimate connection and relationship of all…for it will only deepen and evolve from there. Like any relationship, it starts publically and goes into deeper and deeper inner intimacy and eventually is expressed at every level of your being that you are able to sing and dance and shout this KNOWING from every aspect of your being. This is the relationship you must have with Creator, so that you are living, breathing, being, thinking, loving, seeing, feeling, knowing, acting, deciding, choosing in complete tandem. You are a powerful, dynamic, active agent of the Divine in all that you do…how could anything about that be or go wrong?! This intimate relationship is the only way you know that…and this is what you take with you into the New Earth. The one you are creating as a divinely-inspired creator, being an experience of creator being creation. Get it?
There is nothing more important for you to be being right now than this.
We are with you all the way.
The Council of Light Within.

傳導作者:Dancing Dolphin
譯者:Nick Chan 

母神-您的解放日快到了!(Your Liberation Day is Almost at Hand!)

Dearest Diana, thank you for contacting me on this auspicious day. I AM your Mother God, the Divine Mother to All. Your Father, the Divine Masculine is here with me and of course, is represented in my words to you. For yes, I would love to give a message to my Children on Gaia.
Dear Children, time is running short. The great cosmic clock has been set and is counting down to your sweet liberation from tyranny!! You are just seconds, minutes away from your freedom!!!!!
Things will begin to change in a very short time and you may be stunned. It is because much has been going on behind the curtains, much has been hidden from you and now you need to see the truth. This refers to the truth of such things as what your “leaders” and others have told you. You have been deceived these many millennia.
You may ask why your Father and I would allow this to happen. Why would we allow your “leaders” to lie to you? We set up Gaia as a “free will” planet from the start and as such, we have not interfered with the affairs of our children...until now. We did step in recently (in the last 50 years or so) after hearing the cries from our children and from Gaia for assistance. We cannot and will not give you all the deep, dark details. However, those who have been controlling you have had their way for much too long and we decided that it must be stopped so that Gaians could have their chance to Ascend.
Gaia herself called to your Galactic Family who has been monitoring her for thousands of years. She asked for their help and we gave our blessing. In turn, your Galactic Family formed what has been called “The Alliance” which is another name for a group of good hearted Souls who wished to free Gaia’s inhabitants, our children. The Alliance is comprised of both Gaians & Galactics who have been working together these many years to upset the apple cart of the dark ones who have been in control. Things are not always what they seem, dear hearts. Life on Gaia has been much for difficult for you than was intended by us. These dark ones love fear and they used it to manipulate you for centuries.
The Alliance is very intelligent and they used their minds and hearts to craft a plan to break up the power of the dark ones. They have been very patient and determined in their work. Many, many, many lives have been lost in this battle for your freedom, dear hearts! Please send those Souls who gave their lives your gratitude and love. These are not the ‘Veterans’ of the military that you know and love. These are the ones who have been working behind the scenes and under-ground, fighting a war that 99% of the world’s population does not know about. Your loved ones are indeed also loved and appreciated for their service! But at this moment, I AM telling you about those who also sacrificed themselves in their dedication to the Light.
In the coming weeks and months you will be shown things that you had no idea existed and tales that you will be shocked to hear. Please know that I and your Father are with you and will assist you get through this difficult time. And as always, our Angels are on call for assistance also. This time will pass quickly! It is necessary to clean out the cupboards and sweep up before moving to a lighter, brighter plane, do you see? The dark deeds, lies and betrayals all must be exposed for healing. Only then can you as a collective YOU, our children, move on and Ascend.
Again, please give thanks to The Alliance and those who have worked so diligently on your behalf. These Souls number in the billions over many years. Even if they sacrificed their lives, they will still feel the love of your gratitude if you send it.
I AM your Mother God. I love you all more than you can ever imagine. Call on me. Call on your Father God too! I leave you now with our love and with our joy that your Liberation Day is almost at hand!! Be in JOY!

傳導作者:Kjerstin Sisilla
譯者:Nick Chan 


Hello all wonderful earthlings – no one mentioned and no one forgotten. Tim here. As always, I am grateful to reach this channel. Beloved Brothers and Sisters. You all know why you chose the, sometimes very difficult, tasks that you have chosen to perform in this mortal life. You are the ones who NEVER GIVE UP.
Because you all knew that you would be able to carry out your assignments, you really wanted in your heart to be born into this very life, in this time, in this place and in the family that you have chosen. Sometimes you have all asked yourself why you did not choose an easier life. But as you know by now (I just want to confirm it for you) everything has been adapted to your own wishes to be able to develop for EVERYONE’s best – including your Beloved Mother Earth of course.
You are the empaths, you are the future / returning Masters, you are the most Beloved of nature and the earth. You are the ones who worked for the return of Light in many lives. You are the ones who have gathered the darkest, heaviest experiences and the deepest wisdom. Everything is now transformed into Light and you begin to see the Whole more and more, see the Source / God’s purpose with Gaia’s development.
More and more people wake up every second, rub their eyes and wonder why they did not have eyes to see. Only now, in this time, is everything revealed. The truth goes straight into the hearts opened by the Light.
You Lightworkers, it’s time now to step forward and confirm the discoveries of these newly awakened souls. Confirm the Light and Love that has always been there. Tell us that you have now all left the power of darkness and that you are FREE.
The time of joy is NOW. Celebrate, dance, play and enjoy this fantastic transition phase.
The frustration, the vacuum and the feeling of stagnation / that nothing happens, that you all probably feel sometimes – it is an illusion, a last remnant of slower energies. Follow the flow of Light, enjoy the NOW. Have confidence that EVERYTHING GOES ACCORDING TO GOD’S PLAN.
Beloved Brothers and Sisters, we will soon meet again in the physical. Until then, we maintain contact through messages in various ways.
Pay attention to what your Heart and thus your intuition tells you. You know; there you all carry your Truth. The Truth About Everything, Unity.
Learn from the kids. As our friend Jesus said, “Be like a child.”
Learn from Mother Earth, from the four elements. Be in the elements. Grow, swim, light candles and fires, be out in nature, in the air and in the Sunlight. See the message of nature and animals. Listen with your heart and you will get the encouragement and the confirmation you need to be able to move forward in the moment, in the NOW in your heart.
I love you, all Earthlings.
With Love, admiration and respect. See you later.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.