

#RonaldHead #JohnSmallman #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導作者:Ronald Head
譯者:Nick Chan

For several years we have been giving you messages that have been meant to prepare you for great change. Our last message was no exception.
Now the time has arrived to tell you that the “things behind the scenes” and “soon” stages, the necessary preparation, are behind you. What has been done will now begin to be revealed. It will be absolutely necessary that you be prepared to remain calm. This alone will serve to help many who are unprepared to weather the storm that will be unavoidable.
Everything must and will change. The promised world, the world you have prayed for will appear. But such massive change will shake many to their cores. Do not be of that number. You have been prepared. The light will be. The dark will not. But much will be hard to acknowledge. Truth must be known.
Great joy will follow. This was and is our promise. We do not promise what cannot be delivered. Your everyday will come to resemble what you call science fiction. You will receive all that has been kept from you and all that has been taken from you.
The “strongest of the strong” came to weather the worst of the worst. And your reward will be the best of the best.

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

There are, as you cannot avoid noticing, enormous changes of a most impactful nature occurring worldwide at present – of course, there is only the Present/Presence – that are a major aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. The good news of Love is flowing into people’s awareness as never before in your human history, partly as a result of the massive increase in cognizance worldwide of the Oneness of humanity and of all life forms on your beautiful Planet Earth, which your modern travel abilities and electronic means of communication have made it increasingly possible for you to observe, study, and enjoy far beyond any way that was previously possible. Knowing other nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, philosophies, and the multitude of various ways in which these can be expressed and lived, has brought about a great openness to the wonder that is life.
Awareness is the key. Before mass travel and mass communication was possible, the vast majority of humans lived in rather closed societies, distrustful of strangers – who often came in war or conflict – and viewed other living styles or practices as wrong! The right way to live was the way you were brought up, other upbringings were wrong and dangerous. This very narrow set of belief systems was very divisive, which was of course the precise intent when the separation experience was constructed. When the collective chose to construct, enter into it, and engage with it, God instantly provided the means for you to bring it to an end, but, of course She had given you free will, and what God gives is never withdrawn. So She has been lovingly waiting for you to collectively change your mind about your desire for separation, and then choose to awaken into Reality once more. This has been ongoing for a number of centuries – although even a long number of centuries are like but the briefest of possible moments, merely an almost totally invisible speck – and the results are clearly visible now to those who choose to look and see.
And people are looking, and are seeing! Humanity is now fully engaged in its most magnificent awakening. It is a process that has been chosen very decisively by the human collective, and it is irreversible! Your progress through this process has accelerated enormously since the beginning of the year 2021, and will continue to do so simply because it is the collective intent, and that intent is intensifying daily.
As more and more humans let go of their doubts about the Reality of our infinitely loving Source, Mother/Father/God, any uncertainty they may have nurtured or clung to about their inseparability from Source is diminishing. Truly awareness is also growing that absolutely no-one is, or ever could be, in any way at all unworthy of God’s infinite Love for them. And this makes total sense, because, as you know deep within yourselves, there is only Love. As a result, many who have been going through an abundance of “stuff” over the last year or so, particularly since the start of this year – and setting the intent to acknowledge, thank and release it – are now feeling far, far freer within themselves, and are most wisely choosing to treat themselves with love, honor, and respect, thus making it finally possible for them to truly honor and respect others, instead of just attempting to do so, perhaps even grudgingly and resentfully.
You are opening your hearts to Love on a massive scale worldwide, and, as I told you before, the evidence of this is most clearly visible to those who choose – and you are never without choices – to look, see, and then rejoice in the wonder of It.
This is the most significant moment ever for one to be incarnate on Earth assisting in the awakening process. There is no-one presently incarnate who did not sign up precisely in order to participate most fully in this magnificent unfoldment of Love. It is an unfoldment that has been in place since the moment in which the separation experiment was initially engaged with, ready to initiate in the instant in which the collective made the choice to terminate the experiment, finally realizing that it had never, even for the initial brief moment in which it was constructed, been a sensible or sane idea.
You are all now in the process of uncovering your awareness, your full awareness of your true nature, and this is inspiring, uplifting, and empowering you vastly, because your are indeed VAST BEINGS of Love, of Light, fully and completely integrated with Source, eternally. Joy is yours, and you are rightfully claiming it NOW!
Your loving brother, Jesus.

譯者:Nick Chan 

As we continue our series on presence, we wish to point out to you that presence is an essential aspect of fun. You simply cannot be energetically absent and have fun at the same time. Presence and fun are a dynamic duo. So if you wish you had more fun in your life, find more things to do that bring you to a state of full presence. If you wish to have more presence in your life, seek things to do that you find fun and it will naturally occur. They support each other beautifully in your enjoyment of the Now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young、
Dear Ones, you can’t have presence without being willing to feel. Feeling allows you to have the full experience. Feeling doesn’t need to be overwhelming. If you are uncomfortable with diving into feeling fully, you can slowly enter and explore your feelings, much like you would if you were entering a body of water and you were unsure of the temperature.
Allowing yourself to fully feel is a skill many empaths have shut down due to their sensitivities. It doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Start where you are, right now. Are you warm? Are you cold? Tired or energized? Are you comfortable in your body? From the space of your inner wise one, ask your human self how you are feeling. How about your inner child?
Feeling gives you information. It puts you in your body, with awareness, in the Now moment. You can grow this skill, like any other. And you have worked so hard to have a body and and be present on the planet at this time. Isn’t it time to allow yourself the full experience? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
For our last message in our week-long series on presence, we wish to offer you this. Your presence – bringing as much of your true essence, into your body, fully engaging in the Now moment, is embodiment and from there all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, if you have an old memory come up of an experience that hurt you, you now have a wonderful opportunity to merely sit with that part of you and receive them with your complete acceptance and love. You don’t have to try to counsel them, or attempt to change what happened – your love and acceptance is the only healing balm required. Whenever these remembrances or emotions come up into your awareness, it is not anything you have to resist, but rather an opening to be the love for yourself, which will immediately start to shift your energetics in the most profound and soothing ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, instead of using the phrase “I want” as you think about what you would like to experience, which in its essence holds an energy of absence and lack, why not use “I embrace”? “I embrace” indicates it is a choice that is already available to you now and that you are willing to receive it whole-heartedly. It opens up many new pathways and possibilities because it is a much more empowered declaration. If you pay close attention you will feel the energetic difference between the two phrases. What will you embrace today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


