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譯者:Nick Chan、U2 心無為
0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》天使-請記得,給你自己放一個假! (20210604) 9:19 《2》光之議會-照顧好自己,親愛的 (20210605) #AnnAlbers #AiliaMira #NickChan #U2心無為

傳導:Ann Albers
譯者:U2 心無為













有許多的人不僅深愛並尊重著地球母親,他們也都一直在努力的提升自己,進行著不同的靈性功課和練習 - 他們已學會回歸內在,感受心靈的力量,並致力於把良善和美好帶給這個世界。為此,地球母親非常的感激進行著這些工作的你們。正在進行這些工作的你們每一個人都是引領的先鋒,只是,你們中的有一些人卻也忽略了另一個重要因素。











這個世界非常需要你綻放出的光芒,但只有處於和平與寧靜之中,在這種平衡的狀態你才能放射出美麗的光彩!所以,請記得 - 給你自己放一個假!知道你擁有所需的一切支持,並請信任永遠不會欺騙於你的內心智慧的純粹指引!

< 原文:U2靈性的實相-微信號U2awakening777 >

傳導:Ailia Mira
譯者:Nick Chan 

Beloved Ones,
The light within you grows and grows. Even while the world is going through in so many ways transformation, evolution, deep change, and also death, there is the expansion of light. Inner light also expands as the infinite oneness expands and you can benefit from returning to an inner focus and allowing that vaster light to inform you.
This moment of embodiment is challenging. All life includes challenges and challenges help you to grow, focus, evolve, come together. All moments have opportunities. How do you play?
How do you relate to life, now?
The grief many of you feel is natural given all you’ve experienced recently. The isolation, and loss of many things that you took for granted and loved, things that gave you a sense of stability and comfort, and even those things which gave you meaning which you may no longer be doing. These losses have been many and ongoing. It is natural that you would feel perhaps shaken up, and feel more emotional than you usually think of yourself feeling.
Feeling is wonderful. Allowing yourself to feel as you do is a great gift. We encourage you to breathe deeply into your feelings and let go of trying to change them. Rather, simply let them flow. Remind yourself that they are temporary, as all experiences are, and enjoy the richness of your humanity.
This is true no matter what the feeling is. You can empower yourself to realize the temporary nature of its and also allow it to move through you without resistance and therefore, let Life flow.
You can respond to yourself and how you’re feeling with tremendous care and love, just as you would another person who is dealing with big or challenging feelings. So often you save your compassion for someone else. We encourage you to bring it home now, and often, realizing you — each of you — have been very challenged and may still be, by all that is going on and how you are being affected.
Dare to be open to your feelings and also? Dare to be open with one another! This is a time for connection. For caring. For kindness. To you, and others. Every person in the world is going through big changes right now. The planet is going through big changes right now.
Change is quite hard for most of you, and most of you are being challenged by the changes in your own life and the world around you. The combination of all this change makes you feel less stable if you’ve relied upon external things to give you a sense of security — and most of you quite naturally do.
So, realize that new forms are arising. New possibilities lie in chaos and the changes can lead to better things. It may be bumpy. It may be uncertain and hard. You might find your life taking turns you did not expect. See if you can refrain from being certain it won’t work out for you, or won’t serve you — whatever is going on and just be especially caring and generous with yourself. And anyone else that you feel you can also offer that kind of loving-kindness.
Gentleness is the most valuable quality right now. We’d like you all to cultivate peace, but we know in times like this, that may be challenging to foster or sustain. But gentleness, and then, secondarily, a sense of humor, a willingness to be touched and smile at the smallest things that bring you joy — these things will serve you.
Recognize the improvements that are taking shape, no matter how small. See if you can focus on incremental steady change that is more loving, more open, more inclusive, more caring…more of the world you want to create and experience. See if you can notice those moments. More smiling. More kindness. More warmth.
Give friendly appreciative feedback to others when you have the energy and ability to genuinely do so. Be part of bringing about a new kind of humanity and a planetary shift into greater openness, inclusivity, and kindness. This future is arising in so many ways. We see it and we are also supporting it. You can consciously support it too.
Bring yourself into a state of openness and faith. For you can tap into your sincere faith in Life, in the universe, in the angelic, in God, in the divine, in nature, in the kindness of your true friends or even a beloved pet — that can give you strength now. Remember to do this often and you will feel renewed.
Learn to lean on the inner domain of energy that is eternal. To give you strength for life and courage for hope. Don’t bypass anything in the world, but do pay attention to when you are overloaded and simply need quiet and rest. When you’ve taken in all you can, for now, stop. Learn to stop before things wear you down, if possible. Learn to notice how you are doing and to take even better care of yourself.
Give generously to yourself, nourish your body-mind with time outdoors, with feelings of simple joy and the mantra of knowing: this too shall pass, while also believing and noticing the good things taking form in your world, each moment.
Let the recognition of these good things give you strength to endure the difficulties, to be present rather than look away from those in need and also? To love yourself, immensely.
We are with you now and always. Know beloved ones, that there are always choices that serve you even when you are weary, scared, feeling beaten, in pain, or just can’t see the way forward. The way forward is unfolding without you doing a thing. Just exhale. Sit and let life flow for a bit.
Receive it. It’s a gift. It’s yours to behold.
Open and let us love you.
We are with you, always.
I AM Archangel Michael with the Galactic Dragons and the Council of Radiant Light.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


#NatalieGlasson #AiliaMira #NickChan 

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Lord Melchizedek greetings and welcome to all beings, I extend my light, truth, and my love,
I am Lord Melchizedek. I am a collective energy and yet you may see me as a single source, a source of light that oversees the Universal Level and brings forth wisdom, love, knowledge, and the divine plan from the Creator. It is an honor to be in your presence today and I wish to speak of abundance, abundance in its true form.
What Is Abundance?
You may be able to clarify what abundance is within your reality as different products or objects, experiences, or situations that you might have or wish to have. These are known as creations, abundance can be known as creations, the creations that you recognize in your reality.
Abundance is the product of creations, the manifestation of your creations. Now abundance is so much more than this because if it is creations, it also is energy, thoughts, feelings, perspectives, and beliefs. In truth abundance is who you are, everything that you create, and everything that draws certain scenarios and outcomes into your reality. You are the energy of abundance, you are the essence of abundance, the form, and the experience of abundance. You are the one who creates abundance in your reality through your body, being, energy body, soul, thoughts, emotions, and your intentions.
Therefore, you are abundance.
As we again ask what abundance is, we recognize that abundance is a frequency and energy, a sensation, a flash of light or a sound, anything that is the Creator because the energy of abundance flows from the Creator. You are the Creator; you hold within your being and express the vibrations of the Creator, and your body like a machine creates.
You receive and embody the energy of abundance and your body like a well-oiled machine creates this abundance. You can recognize abundance in all areas of your reality maybe spring flowers blossoming, or maybe leaves growing upon the trees, ore children laughing as they pass you by. Abundance in those forms may seem impersonal because it may seem as if it does not belong to you and that it belongs to others, it belongs to the flowers, the trees, the children. However, you created that abundance, you created that you were present to experience the abundance, therefore you are in co-creation of the abundance and yes, you can claim that as abundance in your reality.
How Does Abundance Make You Feel?
If you imagine yourself experiencing the flow of abundance through your being, allowing it to manifest within your reality. What would you feel? Would you feel complete, would you feel full, would you feel delighted, overjoyed, excited? You may say that these feelings are only because you are experiencing abundance, however, these feelings are the abundance itself. If you manifest money for yourself and this money allows you to do whatever you need to do in your reality, you have beautiful, delightful feelings within you.
Is the money the abundance or are those feelings within your being the abundant energy?
It is an interesting question. We could say that both are abundance, the money is the abundant energy in form and the feelings, the delight, the joy, are the abundant energy flowing through your being, expressed through your body and your being. However, you can create the money, the abundance and maybe not have those abundant feelings within your being as maybe the money does not fulfil you. You can create those feelings within your being without the money. Therefore, we can recognize that the true abundance are the feelings within your being and yes, it can manifest into forms that fill you with delight. You can create abundance within your being, the feelings, sensation, and experience of abundance without the outer objects, experiences, situations.
What Is The True Form Of Abundance?
If these emotions, energies, experience within your being are recognized as abundance of which you are the creation or creator of these abundant feelings. This signifies you are the energy of abundance. Every cell, thought, energy body of your being is the energy of abundance.
This means you can access the energy of abundance whenever you want.
You can access it always if you wish and it also means your inner experience is so important, more so than your outer experience, your experience within you will impact your outer experience.
It is so important to cultivate those inner vibrations, intentions, feelings, and thoughts, to create abundance, aligning with the abundant nature of your being. It is as if you have so many different coats to where, you could wear the coat of love or the coat of abundance, the coat of peace and it is all your choosing. You can wear them all at once if you create within you peace, love, abundance then it will automatically manifests into your reality.
If You Are Creating Within You A World Of Abundance What Does This Look Like?
An inner world of abundance could be described as self-love, loving thoughts, forgiveness, truth, honesty, peace, harmony with oneself and supporting yourself.
A inner world of abundance could be nourishing yourself, energetically and physically with nourishing food, nourishing exercise, nourishing thoughts and nourishing feelings. It is all about creating your inner world as a place of abundance and the greatest energy you can give yourself is forgiveness.
As you dissolve disagreement within your being, dissolving blame, dissolving any form of harm thus you begin to align with your true nature, the vibration of the Creator that you are. Your inner world becomes harmonious, it becomes abundant, and you feel within every aspect of your being that you are abundant. You are the energy of abundance. Thus, you recognize that you are whole, that you are complete, you are fulfilled, that you are aligned and connected with the Creator. You are the Creator.
Within your being there is no need to want for anything. When you meditate and focus your energy within you, do you lack things? Do you feel that you need things? If this is the case then call upon healing, you may call upon me, Lord Melchizedek and my Universal Medical Healing Team or the Universal Healing Team.
Ask us to fulfill you so that lack and hurt dissolve so that you experience a vibration where your inner world becomes so abundant, loving, and peaceful that you enjoy being in meditation. You enjoy gazing at yourself in the mirror, you enjoy who you are when you are with other people, you enjoy who you are when you are alone. Thus, you become an overflowing fountain of abundance, a fountain that gives abundant energy and the Creator’s love and peace and harmony to all beings and everything.
This is abundance in its true form, it is eternal forever and continuous. This is what I, Lord Melchizedek, wish to share with you because it is so important now and will create such healing across the entire world and within your being. The more you can be in a space of peace, abundance, and love within your being the easier your reality will be, the more you will be able to create what you want.
Take time to contemplate the true form of abundance, you may explore deeper. When you connect with the energy of the abundance of the Creator know it is your true form, you are an expression of abundant energy and you can create whatever you wish.
Your inner world requires to be abundant and nourished before you recognize it in your outer world.
I thank you,I am Lord Melchizedek

傳導作者:Ailia Mira
譯者:Nick Chan 

Divine Ones,
We greet you in love. We are happy to be here with you and we look forward, as you think of it, to each opportunity to consciously connect.
When we are consciously connected, the expansion in your life, is an expansion of consciousness. Your consciousness expands.
And when you do this, you transmit internal messages to your DNA, activating and changing, over time with repetition, the physical expression of your own body. Evolving form to hold more expansive consciousness.
Part of this is experiential and part of this has to do more with processes in your life. So some of this expansion is felt as it occurs, and some of it? Changes the way your body works – translating and receiving, perceiving Life Itself in expression.
What we wish to offer you today is the realization that all inner knowing is a manifestation of Love. You receiving it, is you allowing yourself to be loved.
Life Itself so wants you to thrive. And is always providing your with the clarity that will serve you in the present and this clarity? Comes as inner knowing. The deep quiet steady feeling and understanding that is beyond words. The knowing that comes prior to you being able to express something in words.
This knowing, is always love, emanating to you and being translated by your physical form into that which you think of as clarity and gradually altering your body-process, evolving your capacity for Light.
Love, beloveds, is fueling the expansion of the Universe. In a very direct and wonderful way.
Your form evolving, is an expression of the very basis of spirituality in life. The evolution of your embodied presence, is the foundation for understanding the meaning and purpose of your Life and your embodied relationship with Life Itself.
This truth is the great gift of unconditional Love, meets, Oneness.
Can you feel this? The realization of this. That you, are the realization of this? Made possible?
Oh, dear ones. The world is exquisite and magnificently beautiful.
Let all of this sink in and feel who you truly are.
The realization of that, is heaven.
We love you very much.
I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light


#Galaxygirl #AiliaMira #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan

I am Miranda, Pleiadian Commander Intergalactic fleet 57. Humanity, you are so loved. You are not forgotten. All that was lost is being found. The upheaval is to continue but that only hastens the healing, the quickening of resolution. I am one of many commanders guiding the friendly ships in your skies towards providing an offensive and protective fleet in your atmosphere. We have been mitigating various threats that present as feeble whimpers from the dark ones. They will not be allowed to escape, the light is closing in. We have been in your skies for some time and we have been visiting your world since the beginning. We have offered the higher dimensional friendly and healing modalities that have peppered your stories and legends of old. We are some of the Star People that the Hopi mentioned, but there were others. I am telling you these things because it is time that your history be relearned in its entirety. Many civilizations have risen and fallen throughout your history. This is the sixth attempt at ascension. Many beautiful chapters have been long forgotten. There were many beautiful eras of peace. This has been a war torn, highly controlled and fought over sector because it is near the intergalactic portals. Actually there are many portals that are near in close proximity to Earth which makes this realm a highly desirable spot for landing and basing other explorations. This truth has been long hidden from you as well as many other truths that are common knowledge for the others. Humanity has been long controlled. This will change. We Pleiadians are here to see to a peaceful transition. Gaia’s ascension is assured through divine decree and timing. All is well.
I am Miranda. We welcome you aboard our ships for healing and training purposes. Many of you visit while you sleep. The star network that we are showing this one is vast. Creator is vast. Your adventures will be never ending. This brief moment of your human experience is but a drop in the ocean of possibilities for your own intergalactic adventures. Do not be down hearted. Be at peace in this moment and know that you have the support of the stars and your Pleiadian family who are both around you, ever near.
I am Miranda. The timing is tight, execution precise. Have faith, continued faith, in the decree of the divine. This world is ticketed for ascension and it shall be so. Many are undergoing their own dark night of the soul. It is darkest in the caterpillar’s world before it breaks through the cocoon of its own making and is transformed for all to see. Humanity has been enshrouded within a cocoon of deceit and lies of the dark that has in turn created a web of uncertainty and confusion, a weakening that has lead to complacency. It is time for this cocoon of humanity’s own creation to be broken as well. It is time to be strong in your sovereignty. It is time to stand in your light. You are light embodied, you are the breath of the stars and the fingerprints of God. Know this. Feel this. Breathe this. You are in the process of becoming your higher aspects. Expansion expanding. We watch, we assist. We are ever near. I am Miranda. Peace, bothers and sisters on ascending Gaia. Peace.

傳導作者:Ailia Mira
譯者:Nick Chan 

Hello Divine Ones; We greet you, in love. We are happy to have this opportunity to communicate with you.
We are always with you, but you are not always aware of our presence. We surround you always, with love and are here to assist you in fulfilling your higher potentials; the intentions of your soul and the reasons for your embodiment.
You each came here intent upon specific things — experiences you wished to explore and creation in domains that were of interest to you. We join you as the angelic is always present in human life — as an emanation of the Infinite Oneness and a way to know your own wholeness, directly and personally.
We are here to help you remember the truth of your being – you are One with All Life. It is one thing to conceptualize this, another to know it. We wish for you to know it and so, we are here with you, as emanations of Infinite Oneness, as Light, to remind you of how loved and adored you are and of your freedom.
Do you see how these things relate to one another? That you are innately free here, and that you are loved. The loving of you is a given. It is not based on how you live or what you do. Of course your fulfillment is – connected to how you live and what you do. But the love that is here for you, is not. This love is given unconditionally and surrounds you always.
We encourage you, today as you receive this transmission to contemplate this: how loved do I feel? How easy is it for me to receive love? How much do I ask for?
Each of these questions can help you to know more fully the truth of your being: you are one with Life Itself – the Infinite Oneness. And your belonging, simply IS. It is not earned, or taken away, it simply is. It is a fact of your being-ness. You belong!
As emanations of Divine Light incarnate, you are here to expand upon life as we all know it and have the potential in your embodiment to be immensely creative! Your freedom gives you the opportunity to make things that can live on beyond your life and that have never been seen or experienced before. Your presence itself is one such gift! A never-before seen or felt or experienced creation of the Divine Wholeness. How beautiful that is! How magnificent you are.
Do you know this about yourself? Do you feel a sense of loving care and appreciation for yourself that is not based on anything? But simply is? Then you are in harmony with Life Itself — who loves you deeply and consistently.
We know that for most human beings, you have been taught, conditioned and learned to believe that your value must be earned, proved, and can only come about when you are so very perfect, having an extremely good day and not at that time, messing up, or looking less than spiffy. Etcetera.
We hope that the word “spiffy” made you smile a bit, for our intention here is to help you to lighten up about all this. To smile and realize the silliness of trying so hard to get something that is already YOURS — LOVE.
Love is the nature of your being. It is a natural state of expression for you. Human beings were made to LOVE. This is a LOVE-Universe and all the beings here have a naturally tendency to LOVE. To adore. And it’s not that you’re unconditional in your loving — no, you’re frankly not. Here, where there is free will you love some things and other things? Not. So. Much.
But our love for you? Unconditional. And Life Itself regards you with the utmost pleasure and joy, at all times. No matter how you are doing, being or what you have recently considered, thought about or done.
Since so much of what you do is to earn love, you often feel disconnected from your larger purpose. To feel your larger purpose, see if you and come into harmony with who you truly are — a beloved being created by Life Itself. Not an apology. Not a mistake. Not something which needs to be fixed, healed, or saved.
You Divine One, are whole. Always are. Always will be.
You may not feel it. You may practice feeling inadequate or not-enough, but that does not change what is within you and what can be, reclaimed – your Infinite and entirely natural belonging in the Oneness that is All.
Feel for a moment how good life could be, how you might feel, if you felt this kind of never ending love for yourself? Or even, if you realized that even just one person loved you this hard, and with this much uninhibited appreciation.
This is how some of you feel about a parent in your life. Or someone who when you were young gave you an unconditional feeling of acceptance and welcoming. Just talking with that person immediately made you feel good. About yourself. About life.
We would like you to consider that you have that kind of relationship still, now, or if you’ve never felt it – to discover it. And tap into it regularly as a way of orienting and allowing yourself then to live focused upon a different agenda.
For once your life is no longer about earning or getting love or approval, then you might consider and become curious about what calls to you…
And that, friends, is a new beginning of a very wonderful sort. One that could change things for you in a very short time, in very big ways.
So, today we speak of this — your place in the Infinite Oneness. The way LOVE is always here for you. How the angelic realm is here to assist and remind you of your true potential and the immense support and love that is always here underlying everything and which, if you allowed yourself to feel it, to know it, you might find empowered you to be bold and courageous in charting a new path for your human experience. One rooted in your true interests and the passions that you unique embodiment was designed to explore, participate and contribute to…
How, you might wonder, can you feel this more fully? More often? Or even — for the first time?
We beloved ones, cannot interfere in your life. Free will makes that so. But we can assist. We can remind you. We can connect, communicate and support you. We are not here to fix things for nothing need be fixed. Although we are often thought of as protectors, this is not in the terms you might realize – we are not here to rescue you from difficulties for challenges are often arising in your life and this is part of being here. But we are here to love and comfort you, to remind you of who you truly are, to help you use your own inner gifts to navigate and create your life and to amplify that within you which KNOWS, how to live here, as the infinite light you truly are.
We are here as emanations of the Infinite. Reminding you always that the unseen world — your ultimate nature — is real and present and that Life here can be lived, multidimensionally. Meaning — you can live here aware of that which is invisible and doing so, might help you to feel like the real you — peaceful, spacious, open, eternal, infinite and free.
Call upon us, the angelic realm, beloved friends. Ask us to make our presence known. We can do that and in fun and repetitive ways that begin to make it very hard to believe we’re not here. How fun might that be?
To feel your own angelic realm, your own creator realms, coming online from within, because you’ve asked. Because you’ve opened. Because you’ve dared to consider you might be so much more than what you see when you look in the mirror.
We love you very much.
We are complete.
I AM Archangel Michael with the Legion of Light and the Council of Radiant Light.
We bid you, good day.


傳導作者:Ailia Mira、Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》大天使麥克-內在的接納波浪 (20210313)
《2》光之議會-保持和諧的頻率 (20210313)
#AiliaMira #AsaraAdams #NickChan

傳導作者:Ailia Mira
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, Beloveds,
It is good to be with you again. At this time, we notice in your world a tremendous wave of inclusivity arising. This momentum of empathy has long been anticipated and although there is much conflict and change going on, we invite you to notice the emergence of this momentum too.
Inner acceptance and a sense of self-significance is the beginning of this new way of being. More and more people are considering that potentially they might allow themselves to be with themselves in a state of harmony and allowing. If one does make this kind of shift, what follows is the possibility for self-curiosity and self-romance! The possibility of noticing who you truly are, already, your uniqueness and gifts, which are not about purity or negation, but wholeness and embracing Life. This shift is a very beautiful and significant shift in living in higher levels of consciousness. It is something we inspire in you whenever possible.
內在的接納和自我價值感是這個新存在方式的開端。越來越多的人在思考他們可以讓自己處於和諧和允許的狀態。如果一個人確實做出了這樣的轉變,接下來就會是自我珍惜和自愛!注意到你真正的所是,你的獨特性和天賦,不是關於純潔或否定(purity or negation),而是完整性和擁抱生活。這個轉變是一個非常美麗和重要的轉變來生活於更高的意識水平。這是我們在儘可能啟發你的
The light within you knows how to live here. You emanate into this physical form from a vast Infinite Oneness. This Infinite Oneness is the sea of All Life and from it All Life arises. You, Beloved One, came forth whole. Came forth with deliberate intention and unique potentials for expression. You are welcome, needed and significant. We celebrate you!
The way human beings have lived for some time now has created inner conflict. The emphasis has been on the material and the notion of material accomplishment and acquisition being the means by which you become valuable. This perspective is disempowering. It is also distracting, for when one is consumed by consumption, by feeling a need to accomplish and earn their value, one is practicing feeling inadequate.
This feeling so many have of not being enough, is it possible to realize that this is simply a practiced way of being? That your true self, is perfect; Divinely Inspired and available to you?
We know that these words may seem like just words. But we invite you to realize they are also doorways. Invitations to new ways of being.
We inspire, guide and support you in all the ways you are receptive to us. We offer these words as a way of knowing you are not here alone, and you are always being guided by angels and beings of light, to reorient and discover the more expanded possibilities for your experience.
Life on Earth is challenging. Of late, the global pandemic, the political upheaval, the polarization of those awakening to a more inclusive, empathetic way of being and those who do not understand or yet value this — all of these things can give you an immense feeling of despair, loneliness, discouragement, frustration, fatigue and even? Hopelessness.
We understand this. We are here to encourage you. To remind you that there is more. That the Life within you from which you arise, is a vast and unified field of Infinite Oneness. That this reality can be lived here — felt and known — and that remembering from which you come and that you will, again, return, can help you to make decisions, prioritize your time and orient to that which serves you.
Embodiment is an opportunity to expand the potentials for consciousness in human life. Each emanation, each presence here now, is exploring the potentials for consciousness in embodiment. Each of you do this differently and by following your heart, honoring your inner truth, loving what you truly love and expressing yourself sincerely, you discover the capacity within your own body, your own embodiment, for Light.
As you allow Light to flow forth in your presence, without restriction, with a sense of harmony and understanding, you begin to be a presence of Light here, welcoming others and reminding them, too, of the possibilities for embodiment.
One of the greatest challenges of Life on Earth is simply the incredible spectrum of choices! Taking time to center yourself, to focus upon that which you value and love. Taking time to care for your body-mind, by relaxing, resting, nourishing and also being open — spending time doing nothing — these ways of being can help you to participate here, from a more grounded stable center.
You are always being guided from within. There is always the clear, true awareness within you that can tell you, make known to you, the next step. And provide you too, with the support and courage to take this next step. And in truth, dear ones, living in the moment and taking the next step in your unfolding Life, is really the most free and effortless way to live.
We invite you to learn how to live from within. To discover that you do not need to figure Life out or plan it. But rather that Life Itself loves you deeply and is benevolently caring for you and for All Life.
The mystery here may be grasped by realizing that how things look in the material is not the main event. The main event is the inner expansion of consciousness and this is empowered by self-acceptance, self-love and ultimately? Self-discovery.
We are here to remind you of this empowered way of being and to also share in this experience with you, for we are One and all of this, and especially you, are precious to us.
We love you very much.
I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light
We bid you, a very good day.

傳導作者:Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan

We are Here NOW.
We LOVE you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Things are rapidly Shifting NOW, and it is important to remain very Open and Flexible when your incoming experiences are completely different from what you are used to.
Everything is Speeding up NOW and the Earth's Energy Field is changing profoundly as your planet it going through its Ascension process.
With the Energy Field gaining speed, so are your experiences reflecting your Beliefs, Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions faster and faster.
Maintaining your Inner HARMONY is Key.
When you start your day creating the Energy Field of HARMONY, it is easier to maintain it as you go throughout your day.
When you start your day quieting your mind and allow for HARMONY to enter your BEing, you are opening the door for the DIVINE LOVE of SOURCE to flow through you.
This will allow for all Good things to come in faster for you.
Every Positive experience can be added to your Momentum of a HIGH Vibrational Reality.
As we said, things are Speeding up NOW.
BEgin by collecting the little things in your immediate experience.
Eventually, the Bigger things will BEgin to SHIFT, and you will BE amazed by the way the entire world is changing.
The Galactic Federations of Light are simply an expression of SOURCE Energy and we are Here to support you on your Ascension journey, amongst the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Realms, and the Inner Earth civilizations of LIGHT.
Our support responds to the request of Individuals and the Collective Consciousness.
The more the Frequency of HARMONY is held by Humanity, the more we are able to assist as the extension of SOURCE to bring you the HIGHER Dimensional Experiences.
We are holding the vision of the DIVINE NEW EARTH with you and from our vantage point it is Glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are Loved beyond measure.
We are with You... always. We LOVE You.
WE are YOU.

【大天使麥克】授權簡單的方式;關於 我們想要談談如何讓你的生活更加輕鬆,選擇輕鬆的道路,你授權輕鬆的生活方式,專注在目標上

傳導作者:Ailia Mira.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2017年8月4日.

Dearest One,


We love you and are happy for this invitation to connect. Today we want to talk about how to allow your life to have even more ease.


If you did what felt right to you, without trying to do things that are seemingly at odds with your own energy you would simple be true to yourself, aligned and flowing in the present and your life would feel wonderful to you.


When you get excited about things you want, and are in alignment, often you’ll receive ideas. We want you to start to practice noticing that ideas are manifestations you’ve allowed to happen. An idea being received IS a manifestation. Notice when you get wonderful ideas that you’re flowing, you’re allowing yourself to receive. If you flow naturally into action on ideas your receive, wonderful! If not, if action feels overwhelming, or somehow hard, then know that it’s not time to act. Enjoy the idea. Savor the idea. Feel the promise of the idea for as long as it feels good to you.


We want you to realize, to really grasp in a way that sticks, that your divine wholeness, KNOWS the path to all you desire. And not just any path, but the best path. The easiest way, the action, the mode of being, the movement that will work, for you, reliably, right now.


When you allow yourself to be in harmony with who you are in the present you empower that path. When you get ideas and can glimpse how that path might be brought into being with action too, that can be celebrated. Clarity in and of itself can be enjoyed and it does feel good to get ideas and be clear.


Seeing your way, your role in things coming about IS fun. If taking action on those things requires of you energy you don’t feel right when you get the idea, then it’s not time to take action.


Your timing is perfect when you know to act. When you cannot help but act! If you’re not feeling an enthusiastic, unstoppable drive to act, then don’t. Instead and whenever you think of it, whenever you can, do what does feel unequivocally YES to you.


Choose the easy way and you empower the easy way of life.


Sometimes you see how you might act, you get clear about possible action, a way you might play a role in collaborating, in bringing it about, but don’t feel inspired to act now. Enjoy that! Enjoy the clarity and the manifestation of the ideas, the insight. When it is time for you to act, you’ll feel like acting and it may or may not be that action you glimpsed before. It will be the action that brings things about what you’re ready for, and it will come to you, to act, when the way is open.


You see? We know that things can be easy for you and fun. We want you to learn to let things to be easy for you.


We want you to realize you can have an easy path, and often it means more focus on alignment and how you’re using your attention and less action. More vibrationally focus. Do less, be aware of yourself as a focuser of energy more of the time. Pay attention to how you feel and do what you can easily do, what feels natural and effortless and good. Do what feels good to you! Think in ways that feel good to you. If this is unfamiliar to you, learn how. How? Practice and pay attention. Notice how you feel.


You can spend more time, focusing, on purpose, and learning how to tune into who you truly are and all you’ve become and less time taking action and accomplish more. In fact, if you tip that balance significantly you’ll see your life moving in the direction you want, faster and with more ease.


What we’re suggesting to you is to empower the easy way. Only you can do that.


The easy way is easier! It’s about letting it be easy and for many of you that might be letting go more. Letting go of trying when you don’t feel like trying. Let go of thinking manifestations only happens when you act. Learn to recognize the manifestations of feelings, of ideas and enjoy what feels good to you without needing it to be more, without pushing it beyond what it is.


Enjoying what is showing up in your consciousness, be it ideas, be it knowing that lying down would feel good, be it a sudden impulse to vacuum and more your furniture around. Let what occurs to you and feels right, easy, natural, let that guide you.


All of this is about you learning to trust YOU. Learning to live this way is learning to let the eternal you and the physical you be present at the same time, consciously, on purpose, in unity and in harmony. Each have perspectives and roles and you can empower that unity and flow and it will feel so good to you! Learning how to tune into all that you are and allow your experience to flow forth easily, is an exquisite and entirely realistic way to live.


No one need agree with you for this to be true. What you pay attention to, and how you pay attention to it, create your life. Our suggestion is simply that you learn to feel and trust yourself. Learn how to line up with who you are more often and to experience what comes from this empowered relationship between you and YOU. Ease!


Whatever feels easy and right to you IS beneficial to you and it is showing you, moving you, pointing you into a more receptive state in regards to what you want.


You will know when you’re in sync because when you are you feel good. The more in sync you are, the better you feel. You’ll know when action will flow when you it feels natural to you, effortlessly even.


To empower the easy way pay more attention to how you feel and make that the priority. You can live that way, rather then the more common way of using lots of effort and action to accomplish things. Do this and life will be easier for you. Let yourself experience the easy way; the flow of empowering who you truly are, here.


We are complete.


I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light.
