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0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》米迦勒-敞開你的心扉 (20210524) 3:46 《2》銀河司令部-契約變更 (20210529) #AsaraAdams #BethStormont #pfcchina

傳導:Asara Adams

Greetings,Beloved Ones,


We are sending you blessings of Love and Light,in this Now Moment,and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…


Things are shifting rapidly and many are feeling unsure as to where they are in this process and how this will all turn out.


Beloved Ones,as you are going through your moment-to-moment experience,you are creating each experience from within your feeling state.


At the center of your creation is the vibrational signal that you are radiating and which then returns the energy back to you in form of an experience.


Your environment and everything around you is prompting thoughts,feelings and most importantly the desire for improvement.


Your asking with your feelings and thoughts is instantly creating the answer and it is then on its way to you.


The only way it can then enter your experience is by your maintained state of harmony.


The longer you are able to maintain your state,or return to the state of harmony,the faster you are able to experience your desired reality.


So,how do you do that?


Start your day with appreciation,meditation and connection to your I AM Presence of God.(Your I AM Presence is the individualized aspect of God that is assisting you in your Ascension.)


As you are going throughout your day,pay attention to the way you feel and what you are thinking.


If you think and feel anything less than harmony,take a moment and ask for your I AM Presence to return you back to Divine Harmony.


Place your hand on your heart center,breathe a few deep and slow breaths and allow for Divine Harmony to enter your heart…


After a few moments,you will begin to feel more at peace and in Divine Harmony.


Then all the experiences you have asked for can begin to reach you and enter your experience.


Even if you are not consciously asking for something specific to manifest,when you are in Divine Harmony,your I AM Presence is able to bring you many blessed experiences and move you upwards into your Ascension.


Know That All Is Well,Beloved Ones.


Welcome Home.


We are walking beside you,every step of the way.


Dear Ones,you are loved beyond measure.Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


Thank you,Archangel Michael!

< 原文及來源:
https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/51731.html >

傳導:Beth Stormont

Greetings,Dear Ones on our beloved Earth planet!We wish to share with you at this time something that you may already well know,but we feel it bears repeating.


As more information is being revealed concerning the truth of COVID19,there have been statements made about the needless deaths of countless millions because of incorrect procedures for containment,etc.You have heard the stories,and so we shall not recount them here.

隨著有關 COVID19真相的更多信息的披露,有人發表聲明說,由於不正確的遏製程序等,無數人不必要地死亡。你們已經聽過這些故事了,所以我們不在這裡講了。

What we wish to bring to your attention–whether already known or not–is the reality of those deaths.


We here wish to correct the'needless'part of those deaths,for–as many of you know–death was chosen by the soul of each of those who supposedly succumbed to the virus.It was indeed by such means that they passed to another realm.But the choice was theirs to continue their schooling on another earth planet–one more pleasant and easier to handle–or to experience life in another existence.Some felt they could better serve the processes of the Awakening and Ascension by joining the forces on the other side of the veil—and some have already graduated and arrived in the 5D realm of existence.


These deaths–(actually by contracts made)–were chosen by both young and old,and by those in poor health and in good health.COVID19 provided–(and still does provide)–an unprecedented opportunity for those in human incarnation to choose a more wonderful life than that in which they had currently found themselves.Therefore,in our mind,it would be difficult for us to call these deaths'needless'.


We would also like to add something further regarding life and death on this Earth planet.As you know,there has been a great toll of lives in the 3rd world countries.Many of these are young souls who wished to experience this last time ever in the experimental 3rd dimension of this Earth planet,even if only for a short time.They knew,when they came into incarnation,that it would be a short and difficult life—but they willingly chose it nonetheless.This was true also of those seeking quick karmic work-throughs;but that was okay with them,and so they were allowed this incarnation.The resultant death was expected(and chosen)in the case of each of these described.


Whether seen through the eyes of 3D or 5D makes all the difference in the world as to the reality of life and death.COVID19 was not created by the Higher Beings–nor by the Creator of All–but its evil creation and purpose has been transmuted and utilized for an ultimate good.And so does the'good'continue!

無論是通過3D 還是5D 的眼睛看世界,對於現實生活和死亡來說都是不同的。COVID19不是由更高的存有創造的,也不是由萬物的創造者創造的,但是它的邪惡的創造和目的已經被改變,並被用於最終的善。好事還在繼續!

We hope this little commentary about the reality of the seemingly'tragic deaths'of so many thousands of lives might find a resonance within your hearts,Dear Ones…and bring less suffering of sorrow and grief at the loss of your loved ones.May you find an inner peace from knowledge of the Truth


We love and bless you on this courageous journey you are on.And please know you are ever held in the Light and Love of the Cosmic Christ.



< 原文及來源:
https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/51898.html >


0:00 影片開頭 0:38 《1》大天使麥克-處於神聖的和諧(20210523) 3:31 《2》昴宿星-愛的力量還是恐懼的力量(20210523) #AsaraAdams #Sophia #NickChan

傳導作者:Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, Beloved Ones,
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…
Things are shifting rapidly and many are feeling unsure as to where they are in this process and how this will all turn out.
Beloved Ones, as you are going through your moment-to-moment experience, you are creating each experience from within your feeling state.
At the center of your creation is the vibrational signal that you are radiating and which then returns the energy back to you in form of an experience.
Your environment and everything around you is prompting thoughts, feelings and most importantly the desire for improvement.
Your asking with your feelings and thoughts is instantly creating the answer and it is then on its way to you.
The only way it can then enter your experience is by your maintained state of harmony.
The longer you are able to maintain your state, or return to the state of harmony, the faster you are able to experience your desired reality.
So, how do you do that?
Start your day with appreciation, meditation and connection to your I AM Presence of God. (Your I AM Presence is the individualized aspect of God that is assisting you in your Ascension.)
As you are going throughout your day, pay attention to the way you feel and what you are thinking.
If you think and feel anything less than harmony, take a moment and ask for your I AM Presence to return you back to Divine Harmony.
Place your hand on your heart center, breathe a few deep and slow breaths and allow for Divine Harmony to enter your heart…
After a few moments, you will begin to feel more at peace and in Divine Harmony.
Then all the experiences you have asked for can begin to reach you and enter your experience.
Even if you are not consciously asking for something specific to manifest, when you are in Divine Harmony, your I AM Presence is able to bring you many blessed experiences and move you upwards into your Ascension.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849897811836598&set=a.806388119520911 >

譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings Earth beings. We are messengers of light from the Pleiades. Attune yourselves to the greater universe in which you dwell, beyond the limitations of your Earth-bound consciousness! We address you from our higher hearts and invite you into the space of your own higher heart, where your mind can take a “back seat”, so to speak. We bring you the presence of joy, of strength, and of clarity.
Many of you have called to us and are already communicating with us, seeking our higher perspective on the affairs of planet Earth because of the confusion about the events happening around you. You have been hearing from many messengers of light that we are already here on your Earth plane.
Though we may be invisible to you, by no means does that imply that we are not fully present within the higher dimensions of Mother Earth. For we have received your call, and as we have told you before, Mother Earth also called us many years ago in Earth time to assist in her ascension and to assist in the restoration of well-being for all life that she sees as her sacred responsibility, including Humanity.
You have heard the question: “Are you surviving, or are you thriving?” So, we offer a treatise to you this day. We are here to assist you in moving beyond the lower levels of consciousness on planet Earth in which most are concerned with survival, and which are caught in a web of debilitating fear.
This makes it most difficult for those ones to rise above to a higher consciousness where they may have clarity about the way forward. That is, how to rise above the consciousness of fear so that they and the Human race may not only survive, but also may thrive.
We are asking you to picture another reality, different from the one that you see now with your physical eyes on planet Earth. The consciousness of fear limits your viewpoint and limits your clarity of what is possible. That is how fear works. So, if you pull back the veil that is thinning between you and us, you may witness the probability of a New Earth unfolding before your eyes.
Imagine this:
The world where you live, the ground upon which you walk, now emanates health and well-being. No more toxicity exists within the soil, the plants, the trees, the sky or within your own bloodstream. The waters of the Earth are now flowing free and pure. The skies are open, and the rain that falls upon you is cleansing. The air you are breathing is refreshing and health-giving. The streams, rivers and oceans, are full of sea beings and healthy plant life. All beings living in the waters joyously share their love and their sustenance for your well-being.
Many people already communicate with the whales and the dolphins and the other Earth kingdoms. You may see other life forms as messengers of light, assisting Mother Earth and assisting you in shifting your focus away from the suffering and the torment that some people feel defines the existence on Earth during this time.
The ruination that many believe is occurring to the environment, to the Earth, to the air, to the sky, to humanity, is a gradual consequence of humankind’s long-term loss of faith in their Creator and in the divine Creation of which you are an integral part. Your ancient ancestors thrived because they knew that all things are connected, and they lived in balance with Mother Earth and with Creator Source.
We are here to tell you that a new age is arising and that the well-being of all life forms is already shifting, including Humanity. The consciousness of Mother Earth IS shifting into a higher creation. This creation is one of sacred partnership between Humanity, the higher light beings and Creator Source, so the renewal of planet Earth now becomes possible.
We are in partnership with Mother Earth, with Gaia. We call to you to elevate your understanding, to shift your vision from a planet that you think has little hope of restoration, to one that can be fully restored into the planet of divine love, which was its origin and is its destiny.
We hear you say, “How is this possible?” “How can we assist in restoring life on our planet when it seems the dark ones have made so much progress in bringing forth death and destruction, especially during this time of the pandemic?”
We would address your questions. From our perspective, the current widespread view of the disease, that is dis-ease, represents fear and destruction of life. The treatment offered represents a response to the fear of Humans who are grasping for answers: What is the truth? Where is the light? Are these measures our only recourse to healing ourselves? Is this a bowing to what may be passing illusions, the only “truths” we have to cling to?
We know many of you who are listening to our words already have found a higher wisdom, a higher vision of what is possible. You understand that this requires a change in your consciousness and a willingness to understand who you are as a spiritual being. The darker forces are already receding in power, and they know they are losing both the battles and the war.
Believing that this is true may be a difficult task of overcoming for any Human Being subject to fear from the dark one’s projections: “Listen to us and you will be safe.” These are the ones who would control you, who would choose power over you instead of love, and instead of choosing partnership with you. Partnership in love is what is required in order to help Humanity and this planet thrive again. New ways of healing and living in complete health and well-being for all will be possible with new technologies.
So, you see, the destiny of your planet is one of thriving, is one of partnership with all beings and all life forms…a partnership of love. We are bringing forth greater light energy to your planet and to you now. We bring it to those of you who have your hearts and minds opened to seeing the higher vision of what is possible, beyond the deception of many who claim to be your leaders who, in truth, have subjugated their own wills and their own hearts to the power of fear.
They are choosing the power of fear over the power of love. You often name this fear as greed or corruption. And as you know, this can be hidden and take many forms that can fool you. It can take on the appearance of wanting what is for your well-being, when in truth, if you remove the masks, you see their true motives are based on fear and desire for control.
So, beloveds, we suggest it is a time to develop your intuition, if you have not done this already. It is time for you to ask your soul and your higher self to step forward and to show itself to you, so you may listen more deeply to what is the truth for you. Ask what truth you may trust in this world of 3D appearances and a limited understanding of the Universal Law of Love.
We are here with a higher view of the vision, of the possibility that is coming forward for you to be partners with Mother Earth, to be partners with us, the Star Nations. For we are present with many of you now, and assisting you in raising your frequency and consciousness. Many light beings are here: the Angels and Ascended Masters are here assisting all those of you who are open in your heart-minds to receiving their presence.
Despair not! There is an abundance of Light on your planet at this time of rapid transition. We are here to assist you in raising your eyes to the skies. We are here to help in raising your eyes to see the truth of who you are as a being of light, and remembering who you are as one of us, possibly even as a master in a former lifetime.
You can return to those memories and to the strength of spirit that you have achieved in former lifetimes. For these are also part of who you are. We are asking you to see beyond the limited world in which appearances tell you that what you see with your physical eyes is all there is…that the three-dimensional world you witness is all there is!
Open your eyes to the canopy of light, to the vastness of the universe of light in which you actually live! This is the truth. We are asking you to enlarge your vision to embrace the truths we are sharing with you this beautiful day. For there is great wisdom within you which you can access as you begin to look within for strength and for the truth, rather than looking in the external world where you imagine you will find “the truth.”
We love you, we support you, and we are here for you. You may call upon us. We are not leaving you until the greatest chorus of Light and Love begins to arise from Humanity, transforming the reality in which you now live, into the planet of Divine Love.
It is so, It is so, It is so!
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849897958503250&set=a.806388119520911 >

特別感謝♡ 背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ. 藝術家ID:#SHIROTAE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfnNNMYxxfg


譯者:Nick Chan
#RebeccaCouch #AsaraAdams #JahnKassl #NickChan

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved One,
There is so much happening on the outer world, but what is taking place in your inner world always takes precedent. The outer is a reflection; the inner is your truth. So, in all manner of cases, your internal landscape is your peace, your source, your navigation and your pathway of ascension. You have come to learn that everything is inverted, and you are the master correctors of the inversions, taking back your rightful indicators, one at a time. With each gesture, you correct the errs and soon you reach critical mass and the whole thing flips. We know, the suspense is hard to bear! But the important thing is to continue to focus on each correction, each taking back of your One True Power, one step at a time… With each correction, you heal it for yourself, and consequently for the collective, for you are that. For now, the cave is dark and there appears to only be the smallest of light in each task, but when enough are returned to the light, it will be the most incredible explosion of quantum light that you can’t even imagine from your current perspective. Prepare yourself; let that be the goal. You are acting in great faith to keep excavating, keep reclaiming, keep gathering the fractals of light…trusting that their power in unification will be the outcome you seek. It will be exponentially magnificent! And it is not that far away, energetically or in linear time. Keep on keeping on…one reclaimed fractal of light at a time, consciously returning it to its rightful association and alignment.
Because so much has been inverted in your experience, it is important to clear yourself first of limiting paradigms and strengthen your intentions to expect miracles, for they are on their way to you. Any aspect of your programming that does not allow for this must be cleared. If you don’t know how to do this, ask for it to be shown to you in a way that speaks to you. It begins with intending to release the old…the old everything, as you have already come to know on your spiritual path. You can only have it all when you release it all…another paradox on the path! Release attachments, release expectations, release limitations, release unworthiness, release lack. Now it is time to put it all in the out basket and press delete. It is done. Be willing to sit in the peace of no-thing-ness and allow all that is true and good and right to show itself to you. There is nothing outside of you that is more beautiful, more miraculous, more multi-dimensional, more creative, more magnificent than what is inside of you. Do you know this to be true? It is time.
When you have come to know this through inner journeying, presence, meditation, reflection and command, then the magic of creation begins. When you are finally emanating as your greater truth in a deep, real, humble and connected way, your true gifts and talents will emerge unlike ever before. You will experience how powerful you are once your integrity and true alignment is locked in, for then you are truly co-creating with Spirit. Remember, God needs a body now expressed in physical form, alive with conscious creation and able to serve the whole now that the long journey of oneself has become the One Self. And in this way, all fractals of light are gathered until in one instant, they experience a collective quantum flash (again further healing the inversions) and return closer to Source. See how it works? That which it is not comes to know itself for what it truly is and so returns back to its origin, fractal by fractal in the Great Hologram.
And so you asked what your role is in this? Isn’t it clear now that you are a miner of light so that you can experience that which you are not in order to know what you truly are and help all others as they find their way from the dark? A compassionate heart knows that it has become so by being that which it is not, and so is able to embrace it all. It also knows that there is no separation, and that the collection of each spark of light is an aspect of themselves. One for All. All for One. A compassionate heart knows every emotion, every thought, every fear, every aspect of the darkness in order to know itself as the light.
How better to experience yourself as a Great Master than to send you into a deep, dark, damp, scary, murky abyss of a cave to collect small fragments of light, one by one, until there is enough light for all to find their way out of the cave back into the Great Light?
Know that all you are doing as part of this rescue mission is of great value. Each fractal of light matters and the growing consciousness of the mission and the methods of accomplishment through unconditional love is magnifying by the moment. We encourage you to be without doubt and to remain stalwart in your purpose. Nothing less than true freedom, joy, abundance and peace are assured!
We remain, ever your loving companions and supporters,
The Council of Light Within.

傳導作者:Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you...
The latest Influx of Energies has brought up and transmuted vast amounts of old Karmic Energies that have been stored in your Emotional Body and the Cells and DNA of your Physical Body.
This clearing of Energies and Integration of HIGH Vibrational Frequencies will continue on, but on a more gentle pace.
Planet Earth is moving through the Photon belt and with that, the orchestration of Energy Pulses to assist in the Grand Ascension continues.
This means that you are stepping more and more into HIGHER Dimensional Realities, because you have transmuted the third dimensional legacies of your DNA and Emotional Body .
It also means that your Experienced Reality is able to respond faster to your Thoughts, Emotions, and Beliefs, because they have Shifted HIGHER and will continue to do so.
You are NOW in the Driver Seat to create your reality on a more Conscious level based on your Beliefs.
The question is: "What are your Beliefs about your life?"
We invite you to take a moment and write down your Beliefs about your Health, your Relationships, your Work, your Abundance, your Purpose, and your Spirituality (and any other area that is important to you.)
As you are writing them down and read them, you can then decide to keep or change your Beliefs.
If you decide to change a Belief, we recommend to re-state your initial writing.
Sentence by sentence, you can work yourself into a New Belief.
At the end, you can choose to formulate a sentence or Mantra that represents this New Belief.
Place this New Mantra wherever you can see it to remind you of it.
This will re-pattern your Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions.
Soon, things will enter your life that haven't been there before.
Before you know it, you have entered a NEW Reality.
You are indeed the Creator of your Reality.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking BEside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved beyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Go the way of the love persistently further! Remain determined and be wise, because a system that is going down and a power elite that is in dire straits are lashing out and destroying everything that stands in their way.
So I invite you to exercise prudence and wisdom. Practice your spiritual exercises, always bring yourself to the center and in connection with God.
The pressure in the cooking pot of the world is increasing and it is up to you to keep this pressure away from you.
Meditation, silence and digital fasting are particularly suitable for this.
In these days it is of great importance that you stay clear in your head and with yourself in your feelings.
It is very easy for the chaos in the world to be transferred to you and your whole life seems hopeless, hopeless or even pointless.
The destructive energies, which are released now, have it in itself! Once again the dark elite wants to cement its rule over mankind. Under this premise everything is to be seen and everything is to be understood, which shows up today at negativity on the upper earth and discharges at destructiveness.
Have you noticed that the dark elements are trying to suppress the light with all their might?
The actions of suppression of people, deprivation of freedom and manipulations have reached such an extent that more and more people must notice it! The dark forces have mobilized everything to thwart the spiritual awakening of mankind in the last moment.
Therefore they try to inoculate not only the people, but also the clouds. The light of the Earthly Sun and the light of the Central Sun are to be blocked in this way.
Be full of self-confidence and courage, because the spiritual light cannot be blocked and the earthly sun will not be darkened.
Also for the dark forces there is a “RED line” which they must not cross! The fact that they repeatedly do not keep to it shows their despair. Therefore the powers of the light clean up there, where the human being cannot go on and the mankind does not know how to go on.
Every day unbelievable machinations are neutralized in the background.
The destruction of mankind cannot and will not happen anymore, the destruction of the earth cannot and will not happen anymore and the global control over mankind will fail.
Too many people long for peace, justice, unity, happiness, joy of life, freedom and love! This train can no longer be stopped!
What you are experiencing now is that all dark actions have been unleashed almost simultaneously. This shows the pressure that the powers of darkness themselves have and opens the possibility for every human being to awaken.
Use this pressure for positive! Do not let the negativity infect you. Stay positive and light oriented. It is best not to meet a wild and injured animal at all.
But if it is unavoidable, then you let it rage, until it loses the strength, you approach it mindfully and try to heal it or you end its torment. No situation is the same as another!
Therefore, always be ready to react very flexibly and be completely free to choose the appropriate remedy for a situation.
The destructive forces that are now unleashed are best met by the attitude of refusal – resistance through denial.
Just don’t go along with the things that seem wrong to you! Reject what feels wrong to you.
Day by day you have the choice to go along or to face the ideas of the self-destructive dark forces with refusal. Give vent to your displeasure, say NO and be ready to renounce temporarily.
Define the essential! Define your own RED line!
Do not let this matrix deceive you into thinking that you could not live without certain “blessings”. Get out – in silence, audibly or inaudibly.
What mentality do you have and what missions do you want to fulfill? In what way do you want to fight – or do you not want to fight at all?
Be aware: there are many ways of fighting. A hermit can be a greater warrior than a general. It depends solely on the inner orientation and what issues a person wants to work on and redeem in a lifetime.
Don’t condemn someone who calls himself a warrior, and don’t condemn someone who completely rejects fighting. How do you know what role a person has come to fill? Have you ever worn the shoes that someone else wears?
For you alone is important: work with the tools God has given you and increase the talents you were born with – everything else is secondary.
唯獨對你來說重要的就是 :與神給予你的工具共事,提高你與生俱來的天賦---其它的都是次要的
We are at the end of time. Many people who know this earth from many lifetimes have chosen embodiment now in full awareness of the challenges.
You have entered this life fully consciously and are at the right place at the right time! Possibly you come closer to the final truth or you reach the mastery in this life. Certainly this is for every human being: From the light you came and into the light you return!
On the day that is granted to you, you complete the circle on this world. The veil will be lifted and you will return home to God.


傳導作者:Ailia Mira、Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》大天使麥克-內在的接納波浪 (20210313)
《2》光之議會-保持和諧的頻率 (20210313)
#AiliaMira #AsaraAdams #NickChan

傳導作者:Ailia Mira
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, Beloveds,
It is good to be with you again. At this time, we notice in your world a tremendous wave of inclusivity arising. This momentum of empathy has long been anticipated and although there is much conflict and change going on, we invite you to notice the emergence of this momentum too.
Inner acceptance and a sense of self-significance is the beginning of this new way of being. More and more people are considering that potentially they might allow themselves to be with themselves in a state of harmony and allowing. If one does make this kind of shift, what follows is the possibility for self-curiosity and self-romance! The possibility of noticing who you truly are, already, your uniqueness and gifts, which are not about purity or negation, but wholeness and embracing Life. This shift is a very beautiful and significant shift in living in higher levels of consciousness. It is something we inspire in you whenever possible.
內在的接納和自我價值感是這個新存在方式的開端。越來越多的人在思考他們可以讓自己處於和諧和允許的狀態。如果一個人確實做出了這樣的轉變,接下來就會是自我珍惜和自愛!注意到你真正的所是,你的獨特性和天賦,不是關於純潔或否定(purity or negation),而是完整性和擁抱生活。這個轉變是一個非常美麗和重要的轉變來生活於更高的意識水平。這是我們在儘可能啟發你的
The light within you knows how to live here. You emanate into this physical form from a vast Infinite Oneness. This Infinite Oneness is the sea of All Life and from it All Life arises. You, Beloved One, came forth whole. Came forth with deliberate intention and unique potentials for expression. You are welcome, needed and significant. We celebrate you!
The way human beings have lived for some time now has created inner conflict. The emphasis has been on the material and the notion of material accomplishment and acquisition being the means by which you become valuable. This perspective is disempowering. It is also distracting, for when one is consumed by consumption, by feeling a need to accomplish and earn their value, one is practicing feeling inadequate.
This feeling so many have of not being enough, is it possible to realize that this is simply a practiced way of being? That your true self, is perfect; Divinely Inspired and available to you?
We know that these words may seem like just words. But we invite you to realize they are also doorways. Invitations to new ways of being.
We inspire, guide and support you in all the ways you are receptive to us. We offer these words as a way of knowing you are not here alone, and you are always being guided by angels and beings of light, to reorient and discover the more expanded possibilities for your experience.
Life on Earth is challenging. Of late, the global pandemic, the political upheaval, the polarization of those awakening to a more inclusive, empathetic way of being and those who do not understand or yet value this — all of these things can give you an immense feeling of despair, loneliness, discouragement, frustration, fatigue and even? Hopelessness.
We understand this. We are here to encourage you. To remind you that there is more. That the Life within you from which you arise, is a vast and unified field of Infinite Oneness. That this reality can be lived here — felt and known — and that remembering from which you come and that you will, again, return, can help you to make decisions, prioritize your time and orient to that which serves you.
Embodiment is an opportunity to expand the potentials for consciousness in human life. Each emanation, each presence here now, is exploring the potentials for consciousness in embodiment. Each of you do this differently and by following your heart, honoring your inner truth, loving what you truly love and expressing yourself sincerely, you discover the capacity within your own body, your own embodiment, for Light.
As you allow Light to flow forth in your presence, without restriction, with a sense of harmony and understanding, you begin to be a presence of Light here, welcoming others and reminding them, too, of the possibilities for embodiment.
One of the greatest challenges of Life on Earth is simply the incredible spectrum of choices! Taking time to center yourself, to focus upon that which you value and love. Taking time to care for your body-mind, by relaxing, resting, nourishing and also being open — spending time doing nothing — these ways of being can help you to participate here, from a more grounded stable center.
You are always being guided from within. There is always the clear, true awareness within you that can tell you, make known to you, the next step. And provide you too, with the support and courage to take this next step. And in truth, dear ones, living in the moment and taking the next step in your unfolding Life, is really the most free and effortless way to live.
We invite you to learn how to live from within. To discover that you do not need to figure Life out or plan it. But rather that Life Itself loves you deeply and is benevolently caring for you and for All Life.
The mystery here may be grasped by realizing that how things look in the material is not the main event. The main event is the inner expansion of consciousness and this is empowered by self-acceptance, self-love and ultimately? Self-discovery.
We are here to remind you of this empowered way of being and to also share in this experience with you, for we are One and all of this, and especially you, are precious to us.
We love you very much.
I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light
We bid you, a very good day.

傳導作者:Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan

We are Here NOW.
We LOVE you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Things are rapidly Shifting NOW, and it is important to remain very Open and Flexible when your incoming experiences are completely different from what you are used to.
Everything is Speeding up NOW and the Earth's Energy Field is changing profoundly as your planet it going through its Ascension process.
With the Energy Field gaining speed, so are your experiences reflecting your Beliefs, Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions faster and faster.
Maintaining your Inner HARMONY is Key.
When you start your day creating the Energy Field of HARMONY, it is easier to maintain it as you go throughout your day.
When you start your day quieting your mind and allow for HARMONY to enter your BEing, you are opening the door for the DIVINE LOVE of SOURCE to flow through you.
This will allow for all Good things to come in faster for you.
Every Positive experience can be added to your Momentum of a HIGH Vibrational Reality.
As we said, things are Speeding up NOW.
BEgin by collecting the little things in your immediate experience.
Eventually, the Bigger things will BEgin to SHIFT, and you will BE amazed by the way the entire world is changing.
The Galactic Federations of Light are simply an expression of SOURCE Energy and we are Here to support you on your Ascension journey, amongst the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Realms, and the Inner Earth civilizations of LIGHT.
Our support responds to the request of Individuals and the Collective Consciousness.
The more the Frequency of HARMONY is held by Humanity, the more we are able to assist as the extension of SOURCE to bring you the HIGHER Dimensional Experiences.
We are holding the vision of the DIVINE NEW EARTH with you and from our vantage point it is Glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are Loved beyond measure.
We are with You... always. We LOVE You.
WE are YOU.


傳導作者:Ronna Herman、Asara
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.寬恕的禮物 (20180314)
#NickChan #Asara #RonnaHerman #爪子

傳導作者:Ronna Herman
















當你提升自己的意識,回到內在的和諧,你向外發射出更多精煉的頻率原型,因此,你會吸引那些發散同樣層級光譜且處之泰然的人。重新連結的過程伴隨著重新結合由地球家族構成的靈魂家庭層級和多重面向,包括你的太陽、銀河和宇宙家庭,以及許多「自我」的面向,甚至你最終的「我是」(I AM)整體。



譯者:Nick Chan.



























傳導作者:Asara Adams、Victoria Cochrane
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.反攻看不見的敵人 (20201231)
《2》.選擇你的現實 (20210112)
#NickChan #VictoriaCochrane #AsaraAdams

傳導作者:Victoria Cochrane.
譯者:Nick Chan.

The world is under attack – we acknowledge your concerns about the Corona Virus and the rampant spread of Covid 19. If you feel helpless, that is understandable, but the energy you send now is more powerful than you can imagine. Lightworkers, starseeds and those who are awakening, you can all make a difference to the world by sending energy to transmute the corona virus in your country or other parts of the world.
We ask that, when you pray for the world that you do so from the 5th Dimension only. Go to your pyramid and then to the World Pyramid and call in the masters of light, the angelic real in its entirety and the starseeds from Pleaides. They are the ones who best know the encoded knowledge to thwart these continued attacks.
The world is being alerted to the ‘truth’ that no-one is save unless they can be isolated. This may be so on the Earthly Plane in the face of a pandemic, but connection to the unconditional love of the Universe is the only way to stay above and immune from the fear plaguing humanity and keeping it mired in the 3rd dimension. Daily meditation is a recommended practice for those of you who find it more difficult to ignore the lower energies that can so easily disrupt Divine flow.
There are terrible things happening on the Earth, that is true, but if you allow your energy to become enmeshed in them then you cannot be of any assistance. Sending love and the Violet Flame is always a powerful thing to do but, with the world in the grips of a particularly virulent virus, we offer this strategy for you. If you do it at a particular time every day and invite others to join you, you will be activating the Law of Group Endeavour, making the healing particularly powerful. Make sure, to avoid intervening on anyone’s free will, that you are sending energy into the Human Collective Consciousness or to the virus itself, not to any particular individual or group of people.
Visit the World Pyramid daily and write down the information given to you by the masters. It will entail a specific country or region and alphabetic and/or numeric codes that will transmute the virus in that area to harmless. The energy will be sent to areas without specifying individuals, but always ask for it to be done for the greater good in the highest and best way with Divine ease and grace but for your highest and best (so your energies are protected). Ask the masters to witness it if you cannot. If you do not know how to go to the World Pyramid, hold the intention that you are taken there and it will be so.
I AM Archangel Michael.

傳導作者:Asara Adams.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you...
The world is undergoing a Massive Change.
The separation between the "Matrix" (lower vibrational third dimensional world) and the NEW Divine Earth of the HIGHER Dimension has BEgun.
It is NOW up to each individual in which world you wish to reside.
You have Free Will to choose...
How do you Consciously move towards the world of your choice?
Your Focus and Attention is Reinforcing your Reality.
Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions are Reinforcing your Reality.
You can choose, which pieces you wish to allow into your Reality and which pieces you wish to leave out.
Perhaps, you might be experiencing a reality that is less enjoyable.
NOW, you can BEgin to choose what you Think, Feel, Read, Watch, and Talk about with others.
Each time you make a choice, you are either moving closer to your desired Reality or further away.
When you BEgin to choose one direction consistently, you will create a Powerful Momentum.
"What about world events?" you might ask.
We would like you to try an experiment to leave the "Matrix":
For a moment we invite you to imagine a Bubble of LIGHT around you and your immediate world.
What if, you BEgin to focus only on your Bubble of LIGHT and stop reinforcing what is not in your immediate world and not in your control such as world events.
What if you would stop watching the news and social media posts that are designed to keep you in fear and stress?
What if instead, you would Meditate more to turn the power over to GOD?
GOD has All the Power, not humans and circumstances...
As long as you are giving all the power to humans and circumstance in your world, you will be disappointed.
But, if instead, you are giving All the power to the Almighty GOD, you are employing Powerful Forces to assist you BEyond BElief...
That takes consistency and after a while, your connection to GOD will BEcome unshakable and your world, humans and circumstances will follow the command of GOD, who is Divine LOVE only.
What if you would do this for just one day?
Would you feel a little bit better?
Would you be a little less anxious and stressed?
Your vibrational Frequencies would BEgin to Raise.
Your Energies would BEgin to BEcome more Positive.
NEW Solutions and Ideas would BE able to enter your world because you would BEgin to BEcome a vibrational match to them.
Before your experiment, you would be a vibrational match to the problems you are interacting with and more problems would be able to enter your reality...
But NOW, you would BE a vibrational match to the solutions, ideas, and the Almighty power of the Loving GOD, to bring you All the Blessings you are asking for.
You can continue this experiment for as long as you wish.
For many it has BEcome a way of life and what a life they have created, together with all Loving GOD...
KNOW That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking BEside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved BEyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.


傳導:Ann Albers、遇見雪莉·楊MEET SHELLEY YOUNG、Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.我想要把什麼帶入新的一年 (20201228)
《2》.你說的話就是有一天你會成為的人 (20201228)
《3》.在平和的方式中響應 (20201225)
#AnnAlbers #MEETSHELLEYYOUNG #AsaraAdams #NickChan 

傳導:Ann Albers .
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much, As you approach the end of a year unlike any other, ask yourself, “What do I want to take with me as I move forward into a new year?” As challenging as this year has been, the gifts have been many.
If you focus on what you are vehemently glad to be leaving behind, you will energetically take it with you. If instead you focus with appreciation upon what you have learned, how you have grown, and all the gifts of grace that have emerged from the seeming chaos, then you take those gifts with you. You can pick up the gifts of 2020 and bring them into 2021, or you can carry the baggage and bring that forward.
For all its challenges, this year has changed humanity’s future for the better in ways you cannot yet see or imagine. At the beginning of this year, you lived upon a planet where many people were becoming increasingly disconnected, texting more than talking, rushing instead of taking time to relax, be, contemplate, and create from the inside out.
You lived on a planet where Mother Nature was taken for granted by a large portion of the population, as were many of life’s simple pleasures. You lived on a planet where a large number of people who support your society remained the quiet and unsung heroes while those who amassed wealth and celebrity were celebrated. You lived on a planet that had become apathetic about racial injustice, and where many remained unaware of the preciousness of their own neighbors.
And then along came covid – a thoughform introduced by a group of scientific beings from another dimension, in the hopes they could stir up enough energy to maintain themselves. Long ago they lost their experience of love and connection with the Source. Nothing, of course, can be disconnected from the Source, but when an individual, or a race of beings, ceases to feel emotion and ceases to love, the connection to source cannot be felt. They became parasitic, able to live only upon the energy of others – a virus so to speak. And thus covid-the-thoughtform was introduced into certain minds upon your planet who were seeking to understand such things, and who had no idea what they were playing with.
As the virus of fear was propagated, the thoughtform became a thing, and infested both minds and bodies. Your planet became obsessed with death, but in reaction, a light began to shine brightly within you as you also became obsessed with coming to life. In your separation you craved connection. You no longer took relationships, toilet paper, groceries, delivery people, clerks, or even your own breath for granted. You sent out signals unto the heavens that your hearts truly wanted to be #inittogether. And then, all that separates you began to surface, for when you send a cry for light it cannot help but shine upon the darkness. Your racial divisions became too obvious to be swept under the rug, and millions more sent out a cry for an appreciation of diversity – a cry that has been heard and responded to, and has initiated movements in human hearts that will create change for decades to come. Most of you will live to see a world where differences are celebrated.
You will see a world in decades to come that harnesses the forces of nature to create clean energy, has cleaned up the former messes created, and has come together to value the planet upon which you live. You will see cities with far more greenery in, and between buildings. You will see people coming together to create more old-fashioned communities, parks, gardens, and neighbors assisting neighbors. The world will become your neighborhood.
Your world is changing for the better, even though you can only see the seeds of change. Believe in these seeds dear ones. Believe they will grow. Believe in the better world to come. We see it in your future.
So as you move into 2021, know that the seeds are still germinating beneath the soil in the cells and souls upon your planet. The tilling of the soil is still in progress; the birthing of your world, still in stages of contractions. There will be great and sometimes vehement disagreements about what constitutes freedom. There will be clashes between people who believe their solution to the world’s problems is better than others. Through all of this, dear ones, you will start to realize as a human race that each one of you has an inner compass that guides you like the Christmas Star to the Christ within.
There is no one right solution to any problem.There is only one right for you.
So as you move forward into the New Year, take the time to review 2020 and all the ways in which you’ve grown, changed, learned, and felt your ever beating hearts. No parasitic energy will ever claim dominance over the human race, because parasites need lower vibrations to live and thrive, and with your ever beating hearts you are still strongly and dearly connected to the Source of all love, all creation, and all that is good and growing in grace.
Happy Near Year dear friends. We are holding the vision with you for your unimaginable and amazing future.
God bless you. We love you so very much.— The Angels

譯者:Nick Chan.

You are in a potent energy window that exists between your solstice and Christmas day. This is an opening of profoundly supportive energies designed to assist you in your embodiment and creation. We highly recommend you take the time to be clear about the core essence of what it is you wish to experience and create and wrap yourself up with that energy as a prevalent aspect of who you truly are. This is embracing your preferences and beingness, Dear Ones, and exactly how you can set the tone moving forward. You are so loved and assisted in all your hopes and dreams because you are the ones who are leading the way forward, with your tender hearts and optimism, into this grand new age on your planet. Keep letting the beautiful luminosity of your soul shine the way forward, for your truth and essence is what is lighting the way into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, relationships are a prevalent theme for you right now. Relationships – your family relationships, your love relationships, your friendships, your relationship with power, your relationship with spiritual and government leaders and their followers, your own relationship with God, and your relationship with yourself – all have been up for review.
You are in the throes of moving beyond co-dependency into healthy inter-dependency. You are seeking new ways to dove-tail together in order to support each other in your highest expressions of self and to be stronger as a whole. This has required the awareness, examination, and release of any belief systems that made you feel powerless or supported you in the continuation of victim consciousness.
While this can feel most uncomfortable because it touches on the things that are most important to you, and requires the dismantling of a lot of old conditioning, this focus will serve you well moving forward. You will be better able to show up in your truth, to allow your heart to lead the way in far more empowered ways than ever before, to create safe attachment, and have far more satisfying relationships both with yourself and with others. This is what will knit together the fabric of unity consciousness and beautifully serve you and the whole as you move forward in this dawn of a new age. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you are most powerful when you are operating in full flow. Be open to the highest potentials that are available to you that exist beyond what you can see and be willing to be led into their discovery. By releasing any pre-conceived ideas or constraints, you make it possible to move into your greatest expansion and experiences. It is safe for you to fully surrender with your faith and trust into the grand unfoldment of the new age you are stepping into and allow your life expressions to become as big and beautiful as they want to be. Let the magic of the times you are in point the way to the highest outcomes that are now fully available to you due to the incredible amount of work you have done over the past year. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Your holidays are always focused on higher vibrational energies – giving, receiving, gratitude, peace, joy, love, and connection both with each other and with the divine. Our wish for you on this holy day is that you will come to know these elements that exist at the core of each and every one of you, as constants in your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, the idea that you were ever not enough is a complete fallacy. Your continued trouble-shooting with yourself and your enlightenment journey is a continuation of that theme. Your beingness is more than enough. You are more than enough. You always have been and you always will be. In fact, your journey is not meant to be unearthing how you are not enough but rather discovering and celebrating your more-than-enoughness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, what you talk about is who you would like to be one day. What you put action to becomes part of who you are. What small action steps can you take towards your dreams today? More than that, what can you embody today, for that is exactly how you support your becoming. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

傳導:Asara Adams.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we are inviting you to open your Heart to our message for you...
Dear Ones, you are about to enter a New Era.
More and more Cosmic Christ Energies are being sent to Earth, as you are continuing your Ascension journey.
The Great Ascended BEing Jesus the Christ was a profound conduit of the Cosmic Christ Energies and for the past few weeks and until January 6th, he is on a special assignment to work very closely with those who invite his Presence.
The Cosmic Chris Energies are designed to ignite your Divine inner LIGHT to remove all old energies and to uplift you to your rightful place as a Divine expression of GOD.
You are IT.
With every Thought, Feeling, Word and Action, you are expressing either your alignment with this Truth or your separation from it.
Consider this:
What if, for just one day, you would consciously only Think, Feel, Speak and act like a Divine expression of GOD?
Begin your day in complete alignment with GOD by Meditating in Stillness.
Then purposefully express LOVE and Appreciation for everything in your life.
If life throws something unpleasant your way, pause for a moment before you respond, connect with your Heart, say in your mind:
"I AM Divine Peace and Harmony at all times!" and then, reply in a Peaceful manner. This might startle some people for a moment, as they are used to engage a certain way with you. Give it a few minutes and continue to hold the Energy of Peace and Harmony and repeat the statement "I AM Divine Peace and Harmony at all times!"
Any tension will subside and Harmony will enter...
At the end of the day, before you are going to sleep, hold the vision for what you wish to create in your life, just as the Creator and expression of GOD that you are.
Try this just as a playful experiment...
Just for one day...
Watch what happens.
You might chose to do this for another day... and another day and so forth...
Soon, you are bridging the gap between your human experience and the experience as the Divine expression of GOD.
KNOW That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved beyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.