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顯示具有 Victoria Cochrane 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:39 《1》麥基洗德-每個人都要做出一個選擇 (20210605) 6:12 《2》昴宿星-情況更新 (20210605) #ValerieDonner #VictoriaCochrane #NickChan #Melchizedek #Mira #昴宿星 #麥基洗德

傳導:Victoria Cochrane
譯者:Nick Chan

There have been many deaths in the past 18-24 months across the globe. Many are due to the viral infection of Covid 19, but there have also been a larger number of suicides, deaths by illness and accident as well as people passing suddenly and unexpectedly. The question could well be asked why so many people have left the planet? The answer lies in vibrational frequency and depths of consciousness.
All human souls have a life contract that pertains to their soul journey, the depth of their spiritual understanding up to the last lifetime and how far they have come, or have grown spiritually, in all of that time. While all souls come from the light and are all connected to the Supreme Source, the wheel of reincarnation is fraught with the danger that, once the soul has anchored their spirit again in human form on Earth, indoctrination, trauma and abuse could see it deviate from its divine plan ̶ one can lose their spiritual perspective and connection to their higher self very quickly in the dense vibrations of Earth. In addition to this, all human sous travel along their path with soul families that can become fractured over time if there has been a lot of trauma, karmic intervention or deep loss of connection to Source to one or more souls within in between lifetimes.
The vibration of a person’s consciousness can be steeped in human misery for many lifetimes, keeping their soul imprints trapped in lower levels of the spirit world after each death, causing their oversoul to keep reincarnating again and again. It is only when their soul can release some of the trauma accrued over those lifetimes, resolving karmic debt and limiting soul contracts that their vibrational frequency can rise enough for them to begin awakening to their divine blueprint.
There are many circumstances behind the passing of souls around the globe in recent times, many of them seemingly before their time. As upsetting as losing a loved one is, we wish to assure you that their passing was always assisted and supported in the most loving way. To choose to take the death door offered before one’s soul contract is completed is always a risk due to the fact that the wheel of karma could be activated, the soul may become stuck in a lower level of the fourth plane or, their reincarnation to finish their soul’s contract will result in the realities of life being harsher the second time around. However, many people who have died recently have stayed beyond their time and have been called ‘home’ to allow the ascension of the planet without as much resistance and negativity.
All angelic and higher realm frequencies MUST be grounded through a human body in order to make a positive impact on Earth. Accordingly, only those people who have begun the process of awakening or whose soul has achieved a level of mastery in a previous lifetime (and agreed to assist humanity as part of their soul evolvement) can withstand the energy of etheric beings without becoming frightened, unwell or misled.
So, people are now finding they need to make a choice, to either awaken or leave this lifetime, because the gap between the first, second, third, fourth and fifth dimensional frequencies are becoming too vast for people caught in the three lower dimensions to comprehend what is happening around them. The more people that awaken, the higher the vibrational frequencies become in the human collective consciousness, in the universal mind and in the many sub-levels between the dimensions. This causes much disequilibrium in the subconscious states of humans stuck in the density of third dimensional physical realities, because their physical bodies cannot withstand the heightened energies being absorbed by their etheric bodies.
All of you are on your own journey. The human psyche will judge and condemn those not seen to be doing the ‘right thing’, while the Creator of All That Is will lovingly allow free will to determine the outcome one’s life will ultimately take. Be aware that no man is an island and all in the Universe is energy that is connected through the energy of unconditional love. There are many lives that could potentially be saved simply by accepting the person as they are, leaving judgement and advice behind and simply holding the space for them. However, should people choose to leave now, whether it be of their own volition, because it is their time or because the energy on Earth no longer matches theirs,
please know that they are never alone, no matter how low or advanced their consciousness is.
Send love to the planet, dear hearts. Deploy God’s army, the Elohim, to spread love, the Violet Flame of Transmutation and the Christ Consciousness gold ray into the Human Collective Consciousness, to nature, to Mother Earth’s diamond core and to innocent people whose energies are being intervened upon. Ask it be done in the highest and best way, with Divine ease and grace and by the law of Grace and it will be done.
I AM Lord Melchizadek.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am also placed in the Earth Council for the exact purpose of this Ascension process occurring now with your planet. As most of you know, we assist other planets with their Ascension process. We have a precious and vested interest in the earth. We are here to assist humanity, all of life on the earth, as well as the earth herself.
We are dear friends with the earth. We know love and respect her immensely. We celebrate her ascension for she deserves this graduation from the enormous and atrocious forces of darkness. Some of you may be feeling lighter frequencies due to the dark ones’ isolation and removal from your beloved planet. You might be feeling as if you can breathe again.
Right now, you are at a critical juncture in this grand shift. There has been a deep drilling down and taking out of the forces of darkness. Even though they know they are done with the earth, they are fighting tooth and nail to the very end. We want to assure you that this is nearly over and that Source has the upper hand.
Please focus your attention as much as possible on the light and the beauty of this unfolding. The plan is a brilliant one and the resources are many. Hold the light and keep your hearts open to each other.
We understand that many of you are challenged and struggling. It takes courage and strength to participate in the end of so many years of darkness. You are right there at the threshold of light. You can feel it and see it. The light is real. You are nearly Home. In fact, we already have many celebrations and reunions planned for you. Of course, these will all be the unmasked version where we can see your fully beautiful faces, read the light in your eyes, and feel the love in your hearts. You will indeed see the same with us.
Promises and prophecies have been made throughout the ages. It is now time for them to come to fruition. Beloved ones, you shall inherit the earth.
We always want to thank you for your good work, prayers, love, and devotion to your ascension. Each one of you make the world of difference to us and to the planet.
In deep love and devotion, I am in Mira.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


#耶穌 #約書亞 #Sananda #薩南達 #VictoriaCorachene # AnnDahlberg

傳導作者:Victoria Corachene











我是薩南達,今天我來點亮你心中的光。現在已經到達地球的是一種非常強大的光能量,你可能需要一些幫助來吸收到你的身體裡。你可能需要一點一點地吸收。這是我今天要來幫助的,如果你覺得你需要幫助把光吸入你身體裡,請召喚我。有很多的合一存有與我在一起,他們很樂意提供幫助。你所有的指導者和導靈者也樂於服務。現在到達地球的是神性意識之光- 有人稱之為基督意識。


靜心一段時間,然後收到它,你的生命將變得輕鬆自在。你會覺得彷彿能在雲端行走- 你只想跑,笑,唱歌。你的頭腦會變得神清氣爽,你將看到世界上所有可能存在的。沒有什麼是不可能的。在意識之光中,一切都變得如此容易。你應該為地球上所有的孩子感到驕傲,因為他們在地球上已經降低了的光的意識。它是存在於宇宙中有史以來最純粹、最美麗的光。神的恩典今天照耀著地球,所以你們要向神表達敬意,感謝祂所賜給你們的祝福。







傳導作者:Victoria Cochrane







這是最高的能量,它表示你生活中所有良好和積極的方面。在這種能量裡你必須注意你的想法,因為任何你所想的將會到來,所以保持你的意圖正向,並且總是最高和最好的。現在是時候顯化豐盛了!請記住,豐盛有多種形式,不僅僅是金錢,所以你必須非常清楚你想要的是什麼。始終堅持的意圖是,所有豐盛正在進入你的生活,以最高和最好的方式,以你希望的一個接一個的形式 - 有一個很好的工作,生活在你的夢想的房子,駕駛一輛漂亮的車,吃美妙的食物 - 看到每一個願景,並感謝你的豐盛,要求它以最高和最好的方式來到你身邊,然後讓你的願景充滿光,直到它成為那個光。當你每一步都完成了,表達你的感謝,然後說“就是如此,就是如此,就是如此。”





傳導作者:向光之羽、Victoria Cochrane
譯者:Nick Chan
《2》.蝴蝶效應 (20180406)
#NickChan #VictoriaCochrane #向光之羽
















後記 :


傳導作者:Victoria Cochrane.
譯者: Nick Chan.

The butterfly has long been the symbol of change, both in the scientific and spiritual worlds. Butterflies begin life in a form that bears no resemblance to their eventual appearance. The beauty that eventuates after the change happens is both breathtaking and spectacular and the sight of a butterfly inspires joy and happiness in people in a way that a caterpillar does not. While a caterpillar will usually repel people with its perceived ugliness, a butterfly will attract attention because of its delicate structure and stunning colours.

蝴蝶一直都是改變的象徵,在科學以及精神世界中。 蝴蝶在和它們最終外表並不相似的形態中開始它們的生命。改變發生之後的最終之美是驚人的、壯觀的,看見一隻蝴蝶會激起人們心中的喜悅和幸福,在毛毛中無法做到的方式中。毛毛蟲通常會因它的醜陋被人們排斥,一隻蝴蝶會因為它精美的構造和驚人的色彩得到關注

In the same way a butterfly attracts positive reactions in people, so too can a spiritually awakened person who sees the blessings in everything around them. This kind of person accepts people for who they are and has a kind, warm and welcoming nature that makes people feel comfortable and at home. The way a spiritually awakened person thinks, speaks and acts will generally be of a much higher vibration than an unawakened person. People who have not yet awakened to their own spiritual self are generally a lot less aware of the impact that their negative thoughts, words and actions may have on the world around them. Like attracts like, so people who live and interact with harsh words and actions will bring about a reality that is stark in comparison to that of a person who is kind-hearted and generous to others without expectation or need of reward.


To become awakened, one must raise their consciousness to a higher level; to do this one must be mindful of their thoughts, words and actions and work hard to temper their ego. The awareness of self and of how one reacts to others is a necessary step to allow one to see the world with love and compassion rather than with judgement and condemnation. When one can see the journey of another as spiritual growth rather than human transgression, the absence of judgement will lead to an ability to see the world with unconditional love. Awakened souls hold a willingness to serve others for the greater good that transcends their own needs. In treating others with love and respect, the flow on effect is to inspire gratitude and appreciation from those with whom they interact and a lightness of heart that is infectious. These people will find others drawn them because their hearts are full and radiate a love and warmth that attracts people like a moth to a flame. They are likely to meditate and to practice mindfulness and be spiritual practitioners, but they are just as likely to be Chri·stians, Bu·dhists, Mus·lim or Hi·ndu or other of relig·ious faiths. Whatever their race, creed or relig·ion or lack of it, an awakened soul is one who has learnt to love and accept themselves and, in doing so, needs no other recognition of self.


Every thought goes out into the human collective consciousness and the ratio of negative to positive emotions can have either wonderful or catastrophic influences on the events of the world and on the way people interact with one another. Every positive change a person makes to the way they think, act and react has a direct affect on other people through our connected consciousness. The power of a thought can never be underestimated. Every thought creates form and enlightened or awakened people are generally more able to temper their thoughts and to recover from disappointment and dramatic interactions with others more easily.


As the light in one person’s heart grows to allow them to operate from a place of love and service to others, those who have not yet reached this state will find themselves attracted to and influenced by these people’s non-judgemental ways and positive attitudes. They may even begin to find that their interactions help them to see the other side of the coin and to see the blessings in life rather than always focusing on the negative aspects. They begin to emerge from their caterpillar state into a butterfly and then their demeanour begins to rub off on others. What a wonderful cycle to perpetuate for the ascension of the world.


Be that person. Be the beautiful butterfly who, by changing your thoughts from negative to positive, can create happiness and harmony around you instead of drama and tears. Be kind and grateful instead of blaming others for your misfortunes. Take responsibility for the choices you have made and begin to think more carefully about the ones you make in the future. Learn to accept others for who they are instead of criticising and judging them…. and soon you will find that they will do the same for you. Bit by bit, thought by thought, create change in your world. Read, meditate, grow. Find a butterfly and become one yourself. That is how it works.

成為那個人。成為美麗的蝴蝶,通過將你的思想從消極轉變成積極,可以在你周圍創造幸福與和諧,而不是戲劇與眼淚。友善且感恩,而不是因你的不幸責備他人。為你所做的選擇負起責任,開始更加細心地思考你將要做出的選擇。學會接納他人的所是,而不是批評並評判他們 ... 很快,你會發現他們也會像你一樣這麼去做。一點一點地,一個想法一個想法地,創造你世界中的改變。閱讀,冥想,成長。找到一隻蝴蝶,成為一隻蝴蝶。它就是這麼運作的

I AM Archangel Michael.


【大天使麥克】用心去愛,依心而活;關於 愛有許許多多的層面,但最高愛的振動總是來自於心,它連接宇宙間的所有萬物,也連接造物主的光和聖愛

傳導作者:Victoria Cochrane.
譯者: U2 覺醒.
#U2覺醒 #VictoriaCochrane



這也說明,愛有許許多多的層面,但最高愛的振動總是來自於 “ 心 ” ,它連接宇宙間的所有萬物,也連接造物主的光和聖愛。當一個人感覺到和宇宙的連接,他們便能接通這無限巨大的愛,為他們所用,即便這並非來自與他們直接互動的源頭。


“ 心輪 ” 的顏色是綠色這是有原因的,當愛被感受,或是從一個人的內心送給另一人,以心交心,療愈會隨即發生。

如果一個人因為愛受到情感上的傷害,或是源於他們童年的體驗和經歷遭受虐待,當他們真正去愛並原諒自己時,因愛而生的最強大療愈力量也能出現,而這最強大療愈能量的初始之地便是來自 “ 心 ” 。

“ 心輪 ” 擁有能力延伸它的能量把身體所有其他脈輪都含納其中,如果算上你們身體全部的脈輪,其數量超出 300 還多。當一個人總是以他 / 她的 “ 內心空間 ” 作為其行為的基本操作,他們的振動將提升到相當之高,他們流露出的能量也將自然而然把其他人吸引過來。

當一個人把自己的焦點集中在內心空間,經常感恩,而非總是埋怨或後悔自己所錯失的 “ 好事 ” ,這時,這個人便是與宇宙的 “ 吸引力法則 ” 處於校準和對齊,讓一切美好都向他 / 她敞開。

愛吸引更多的愛,因為 “ 心輪 ” 的作用,使得此人操作在宇宙之愛的層面,頻率的校準也處於完美符合。
一些人會自然而然的根植於他們的 “ 內心空間 ” ,這也許是因為他們已選擇成為一位 “ 引路人 ” ,為其他人展現道路,或者是他們自然的天性。而對於更多人來說,把焦點集中在愛,而不是塵世的戲碼,就必須經歷學習和練習。


還有一些人則可能根本不願醒來, 但縱觀你們的世界,放眼望去,有更多人正處於覺察自己的狀態,他們看著周圍,開始明白自己的有愛或無愛,對其他人有著怎樣影響。

記住,你們身為人,注定要學習課程,也不會要求你們凡事都能正確無誤!不過,一旦你能夠清楚知道 - 你的想法創造你的現實,你的話語和行為影響著他人和你周圍的世界 -  那麼改變就會發生。

知識和覺知都是為改變準備的強力工具,你們都能運用它們改變你們的現實和圍繞著你們的世界。當你們開始這普遍存在的 “ 頭腦中的頑皮猴子 ” 遊戲 - 過度反應,過多擔憂或極度困擾時,停下來!深呼吸!!同時把你的覺知帶入到你的 “ 心輪 ” 。
把出現的問題觀想為某種色彩,並對你自己說, “ 我已準備好知曉答案,而它必然在愛的引領下獲得解決! ” 。隨後,放空你的頭腦,安靜的坐落於聖愛與覺知的能量中。




聆聽你的內心,親愛的朋友,且永遠記得 - 愛的所有最偉大品質,都必須先從你自己開始。滿則溢,愛己者,方能愛人!


傳導作者:Asara Adams、Victoria Cochrane
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.反攻看不見的敵人 (20201231)
《2》.選擇你的現實 (20210112)
#NickChan #VictoriaCochrane #AsaraAdams

傳導作者:Victoria Cochrane.
譯者:Nick Chan.

The world is under attack – we acknowledge your concerns about the Corona Virus and the rampant spread of Covid 19. If you feel helpless, that is understandable, but the energy you send now is more powerful than you can imagine. Lightworkers, starseeds and those who are awakening, you can all make a difference to the world by sending energy to transmute the corona virus in your country or other parts of the world.
We ask that, when you pray for the world that you do so from the 5th Dimension only. Go to your pyramid and then to the World Pyramid and call in the masters of light, the angelic real in its entirety and the starseeds from Pleaides. They are the ones who best know the encoded knowledge to thwart these continued attacks.
The world is being alerted to the ‘truth’ that no-one is save unless they can be isolated. This may be so on the Earthly Plane in the face of a pandemic, but connection to the unconditional love of the Universe is the only way to stay above and immune from the fear plaguing humanity and keeping it mired in the 3rd dimension. Daily meditation is a recommended practice for those of you who find it more difficult to ignore the lower energies that can so easily disrupt Divine flow.
There are terrible things happening on the Earth, that is true, but if you allow your energy to become enmeshed in them then you cannot be of any assistance. Sending love and the Violet Flame is always a powerful thing to do but, with the world in the grips of a particularly virulent virus, we offer this strategy for you. If you do it at a particular time every day and invite others to join you, you will be activating the Law of Group Endeavour, making the healing particularly powerful. Make sure, to avoid intervening on anyone’s free will, that you are sending energy into the Human Collective Consciousness or to the virus itself, not to any particular individual or group of people.
Visit the World Pyramid daily and write down the information given to you by the masters. It will entail a specific country or region and alphabetic and/or numeric codes that will transmute the virus in that area to harmless. The energy will be sent to areas without specifying individuals, but always ask for it to be done for the greater good in the highest and best way with Divine ease and grace but for your highest and best (so your energies are protected). Ask the masters to witness it if you cannot. If you do not know how to go to the World Pyramid, hold the intention that you are taken there and it will be so.
I AM Archangel Michael.

傳導作者:Asara Adams.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you...
The world is undergoing a Massive Change.
The separation between the "Matrix" (lower vibrational third dimensional world) and the NEW Divine Earth of the HIGHER Dimension has BEgun.
It is NOW up to each individual in which world you wish to reside.
You have Free Will to choose...
How do you Consciously move towards the world of your choice?
Your Focus and Attention is Reinforcing your Reality.
Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions are Reinforcing your Reality.
You can choose, which pieces you wish to allow into your Reality and which pieces you wish to leave out.
Perhaps, you might be experiencing a reality that is less enjoyable.
NOW, you can BEgin to choose what you Think, Feel, Read, Watch, and Talk about with others.
Each time you make a choice, you are either moving closer to your desired Reality or further away.
When you BEgin to choose one direction consistently, you will create a Powerful Momentum.
"What about world events?" you might ask.
We would like you to try an experiment to leave the "Matrix":
For a moment we invite you to imagine a Bubble of LIGHT around you and your immediate world.
What if, you BEgin to focus only on your Bubble of LIGHT and stop reinforcing what is not in your immediate world and not in your control such as world events.
What if you would stop watching the news and social media posts that are designed to keep you in fear and stress?
What if instead, you would Meditate more to turn the power over to GOD?
GOD has All the Power, not humans and circumstances...
As long as you are giving all the power to humans and circumstance in your world, you will be disappointed.
But, if instead, you are giving All the power to the Almighty GOD, you are employing Powerful Forces to assist you BEyond BElief...
That takes consistency and after a while, your connection to GOD will BEcome unshakable and your world, humans and circumstances will follow the command of GOD, who is Divine LOVE only.
What if you would do this for just one day?
Would you feel a little bit better?
Would you be a little less anxious and stressed?
Your vibrational Frequencies would BEgin to Raise.
Your Energies would BEgin to BEcome more Positive.
NEW Solutions and Ideas would BE able to enter your world because you would BEgin to BEcome a vibrational match to them.
Before your experiment, you would be a vibrational match to the problems you are interacting with and more problems would be able to enter your reality...
But NOW, you would BE a vibrational match to the solutions, ideas, and the Almighty power of the Loving GOD, to bring you All the Blessings you are asking for.
You can continue this experiment for as long as you wish.
For many it has BEcome a way of life and what a life they have created, together with all Loving GOD...
KNOW That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking BEside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved BEyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.


《1》.鏡子中的面具 (20201104)
《2》.我們守護著你 (20201109)

傳導作者:Victoria Cochrane.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年11月4日.

Imagine before you there is an immense mirror. It is gilded in gold and shows your full-length reflection. You stand before it, unmoving and your reflection does the same. When you move, it moves, when you smile, it smiles, when you cry, it reflects your sorrow back to you.
All humans are mirrors for each other. In any personal exchange, what one gives out, the other reflects back in equal measure. It may not be with the same words, but it will be on exactly the same frequency and setting the tone of the exchange for its entire duration. So, if a greeting is met with a frosty response, then the first person is likely to retreat or pull away. However, if the response is friendly and jovial, the exchange between the two, even if they are strangers, will most likely go for longer and leave both parties feeling happy and fulfilled.
The same principle applies, even when the emotions and feelings of a person are not visible to the person/s within an interaction. A person’s belief system will always underlie what they project out to the world and consequently will be reflected back to them, albeit unsuspectingly, by the people around them. Nothing can remain hidden in the world of energy, because everyone and thing in the Universe is connected energetically. Therefore, any feelings for oneself or others such as weakness, inferiority, lack of self-worth, disrespect or arrogance will be detected and reflected by all within the person’s interactive circle.
The message here is that it is not others that you need to blame for their seeming rejection, lack of interest, disrespect or rudeness towards you in your relationships and interactions, particularly if there are patterns of behaviour towards you over a length of time. Look within to how you feel about yourself, for you are being mirrored by others, reflecting how you see and feel about yourself directly back to you. What do you truly believe about yourself and how well does your life path sit with you? If others make you feel a certain way, it is only because you judge yourself so. See yourself in all reflections and begin to take responsibility for your reactions and responses to what is being shown to you in the behaviour of those with whom you are living and working with.
So, stand in front of the mirror that is yourself and see what God, the Creator of All That Is sees: a wondrous, being of light experiencing the harsh lessons of life on the Earthly plane. Amongst the obvious or perceived flaws, what can you be proud of? What are you ashamed of that you should be celebrating? How are you judging yourself when there is no need to? In the energy of the Universe, there is only love, so strip back the layers, Dear Hearts, and find the truth of yourself, who you truly ARE. A being of love. That is all.
I AM Archangel Uriel.

譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年11月9日.

Greetings beloved humanity. This is Archangel Uriel. This one has been surprised to have been thinking of me as we have not knowingly connected within this incarnation before. You will find that past relationships, alliances and spiritual causes unite within these end of times. These are times of new beginnings upon your Gaia. Joys are to become expected. Currently fear is the expected experience and we see this heavy layer of fear is dissipating in this now. (I am seeing a thick smog around earth with pinpoints of light coming up through the fog from deep within). You are like these small pinpoints of light that affect the All around it. The light cannot be stopped. Your light shines out into the cosmos much farther than you could imagine. Your light is impacting the whole. I Uriel am proud to be of service to Humanity in this time of tumultuous change where confusion seems to surpass wisdom. It is not the case. Inner wisdom is such to be received not searched for. Humanity must look within for there will deep nurturing take place.
I am Archangel Uriel. You are deeply held within the eye of the beholder. You will come to understand that all that you see around you are extensions of the vastness of consciousness that makes up all things. In truth the all is affected by itself for the All is One. When the out-of-balance occurs as the light stretches further into experience, when this occurs and there is disharmony it opens a way for more negative of the same vibration to enter. Know this. Portals are being closed. Exits are being strictly locked down. The light has won.
I Archangel Uriel work mostly with the red ray. It is symbolically linked with the base chakra where one is compelled to serve. We archangels are serving you in this moment as we have been for many eons. We wish to ask the Archangelic Collective to join in a positive meditation of rainbow light. For when one focuses on the blending of the energies and intentions with the light of the rainbow, all is in balance, perfectly, an apt example of balance and love, of harmony and connection. Because of this power those that would wish to create dissension have utilized this symbol for their own purposes. It need not be divisive. In Nova Gaia there is no room for division. It is a realm of unity consciousness where the chakras are expanded and clear, where all truths are seen keenly. We invite the Archangelic Collective to serve with us in this now moment of clearing and energetic upgrade.
We are the Archangelic Collective. We are stationed around various portal points upon your planet in this now, each offering our preferred ray of light. (I am seeing angels surrounding Gaia at key Ley lines and energy points, at earth’s chakra points, offering their color to amplify the earth’s energetic balance). We wish for you to feel the balance of the rainbow energies. For only those who are at peace with themselves are able to see with clear sight. There is so much current stress and strife within your world view of what is and what is not. Humanity must be redeemed from its own self judgement and perception of lack. There is no lack. There is plenty. To see this as so is to see with the ascended vision that is being offered to you now. (I am seeing pillars of light filled with rainbow hues saturate the bodies of the light workers). Do not let the outer chaos disturb your inner sanctuary. All is well. We are the Archangelic Collective. We serve the light, ever, only, always, we honor the light in all forms. We are near you. We love you. We offer you our rainbow light of balance, furthering your crystallization transformation. We are the Archangelic Collective.
I am Uriel. I guard many of you. You are well watched over. Rainbow frequencies of harmony and balance will become the new norm for they proliferate in Nova Gaia, whose beauty is unmatched, unparalleled. You are worthy inhabitants of her form. Her flora and fauna are balanced. Her societies will be as well, creating a perfect example in the universe of the power of the light, the supreme love of Archangel Gaia to allow and to become the planetary example for the All, of one whose supreme compassion and love propelled her higher within the dimensional realms than ever thought possible. Peace and joy, brothers and sisters. Feel these energies and be at peace and be in joy. I am Uriel.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


傳導:Victoria Cochrane、Jim 
譯者:Nick Chan、U2 心無為
《1》.人類正處於十字路口 (20200910)
《2》.和諧音律的療愈作用 (20201021)

傳導:Victoria Cochrane. 譯者:Nick Chan.

Earth has existed for many millions of years and has undergone many changes through that time.These include ice ages, polar shifts, land mass shifts, extreme weather events and mass animal extinctions which have occurred over long periods of time and brought new life to the planet in waves of evolution.

The planet Earth has continued to evolve in ways that have brought many challenges to the human race. While animals, insects and plants have adapted to harsh environments and extreme conditions through physical and bodily changes, the human has traditionally adapted its behaviour, rather than its body, in order to exist in challenging environments.

As time has worn on, the effects of human habitation on the Earth has become very evident, with climate change a prime example. It is well known by wayshowers and the spiritually awakened that Earth is the stage in which awakening to one’s lightbody is the most beneficial in terms of spiritual evolvement towards mastery, because the lessons, environment, emotional, mental and physical challenges and the cost of living in duality are the hardest in the Universe. Once humans are awakened, the bounty of the Universe becomes available to them and people begin to feel empowered to change their lives for the better.

Humanity now finds itself at the crossroads of Ascension. While living things, with the exception of humans, and non-living matter exist in symbiosis and harmony, allowing animals, plants and insects to evolve and adapt to any natural changes, humans have largely remained unevolved and stuck in the dimension of ego and materialism.

There have been many chances for humans to awaken to the own divinity but none more so than now. Humanity is literally at the crossroads as thousands die from Corona Virus, climate change is a real and constant threat, the global economy is at its knees and the grip of fear keeps most people trapped well and truly in the third dimension. What must change? What can you do, as one individual, to make a difference to a world that seems to be killing itself minute by minute, day by day? There is plenty you can do, because you are much more powerful than you think. It is time to stop living in fear and step into your right as a co-creator and take back your power.

As the world sinks lower and lower into the depths of despair, seemingly crumbling under the weight of fear, corruption, violence and anger, the souls of humanity are awakening and rising in vibration and consciousness. It has taken the consciousness of Man to hit rock bottom in order to awaken to the possibilities that life beyond the physical body provides. It is therefore with much love and hope for you all that we, the masters of light, implore you now to look beyond your own bubble of trouble and think, not globally, but universally.

The soul within a human body has reincarnated many times, but Earth is not the only planet that sustains life. Most souls have experienced life on other planets in distant solar systems and galaxies. It is one reason why so many people find life on Earth too hard to continue and leave much earlier than their soul contract allowed. It is also the reason that the Earth has been flooded with the birth of little Masters for the past century, in particular the last three decades.

These evolved souls have agreed to incarnate one more time to lead Humanity into the New Age of Aquarius, the Goddess, to balance out the masculine energy that has dominated Earth for so long. Many babies are so balanced in the masculine and feminine energies that predicting their sex is difficult! Whether they are a boy or a girl, these gifted and sensitive souls are bringing a new, evolved energy to the planet that older generations are finding difficult to understand. Their alternative views, empathetic and loving nature, along with the urge to protect the natural world is challenging those who are still not in touch with their own divinity. In short, the newest generations are the newest wayshowers and the oldest souls.

The willingness of masters of light to reincarnate, as well as the awakening of masters already on the Earth at their agreed time, is the only way humanity can evolve past the human ego in the physical body without taking another eon to do so! Although the plan has always been for souls to work their way back into their lightbodies, the lure of materialism, wealth and power has led many souls to deviate from their path and to keep humanity in the darker, lower energies for much longer.

The price of awakening too early, that is, in childhood, is high if the master-child does not have parents or adults who can guide and protect them. Enlightened masters living in a human body can experience high anxiety as their psychic gifts and strong spiritual connections enable them to see, feel and hear etheric and spirit energy at a very early age. Infants may be so connected to the angelic realm that their sleep and eating patterns may be severely disrupted, and as they grow older their gifts may be interpreted as mental or emotional illnesses. They may have severe allergies, be extremely sensitive to harsh words, chemicals, unnatural foods and preservatives.

Treat your children kindly and listen to their voices, for they are the future leaders of the planet. Their concern for others and the environment is WHO THEY ARE, not just a passing fad. They are the teachers and wayshowers of the future but must be nurtured in the present to allow them to believe in themselves and to stay on the path they have chosen. Those masters who have already matured and awakened are now helping others to do so. They are also assisting parents of young masters who don’t understand what is ‘wrong’ with their children.

In the meantime, if you are reading this, I speak to you now. By working on yourself you help raise the energies of the world, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Life will change for the better when you believe that it can. Help will arrive when you ask for it, perhaps not in the way you expect, but it will come in the best way when you allow the Universe to help you. The Universe will always answer your call, no matter what you ask for: positive or negative, good or bad, dark or light, to help or to hinder. Your mind is a powerful creator and what you put out to the universe as thought and intention is delivered back to you in the same frequency of energy.

The power of the mind is amazing; all you need to do is to focus on what is important, what you need and want and and create them through positive intention. So now is the time to be diligent and vigilant in monitoring your mind so you can become a beacon of light for the world through the generation of positivity, hope and inspiration that will ripple out to others and assist the Earth to fully embrace the New Age of oneness, tolerance and unity.

Love and light will always override the darkness and hatred. At the moment it may seem very difficult for you to see any way out of the energies that are keeping the world in fear. We understand your grief and your pain at the losses you have suffered and at the anguish you feel, but now is the time to create, dear ones, despite the realities you face. We want you to know we are always with you and will always answer your calls for help. All you need to do is ask.
愛與光總是會戰勝黑暗與仇恨。此刻可能難以看到離開將世界困於恐懼的能量的方式。我們明白你對你所遭受的損失感到的悲痛,但現在是創造的時間,親愛的,不管你面對著什麼樣的現實。我們想要你明白我們總是與你在一起, 總是會回應你對幫助的呼喚。你所需要做的就是請求

There is hope when you believe it to be so. There is always love and God is within each and everyone of you. Embrace His/Her light and bring the Earth into the New Age. Whether you follow or lead, Humanity needs you.

I AM Master Kathumi

傳導:Jim. 譯者:U2 心無為.







背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


《1》.關於:返回幸福的旅程 .
傳導作者:Victoria Cochrane.
翻譯:Nick Chan. 

When is the right time to admit that you are not happy? When will you finally face the elephant in your mind that promises to trample over the nice, comfortable illusions that you have put in place to keep yourself safe? I am here to help you to overcome your fears, Dear Ones, to lift the veil and to help you to find your true self – Who You Really Are. It is time to come out of the closet of your mind and shine your inner light to the world. But, before you can do that, you must shine it inward and bask in the sanctity of your spiritual self.

The outer world will always be unhappy if your inner world is at war with itself! One can only mask inner turmoil for so long before the walls come crashing down around you and you finally need to admit that your heart is broken, you despise the person you are or that you can no longer stay in a marriage that is a sham. Whatever issue the ‘elephant’ is, there is no room in your spiritual body for lies! Camouflage can work only for so long before the true colours are revealed. The sooner the facts are on the table and the fears are faced, the truth is told and the unpleasantness is weathered, the sooner a better reality can be created for all involved.

Go within, into the safety of your heartspace and speak to your soul. Surround yourself in white light and breathe deeply. Admit how you feel and about yourself and why you continue on this path of unhappiness, sorrow and pain. What are you really afraid of? Once you admit your fears, then you can face and begin to overcome them. Take a pen and paper and write down your feelings, your fears and your struggles. Acknowledge them, then begin to strip away the illusions around them by digging deeper. What do you have to gain by staying in a safety net that keeps you trapped and stops you from moving forward? What are the dangers of breaking free of the net? What will you lose? Conversely, what will you gain?

Then go deeper again. Staying in an unhappy situation indicates a lack of love for oneself? Why do you dislike/hate/devalue yourself? What will it take to forgive and love yourself again? What is the first step you can take to loving yourself and taking back your power? Go back to the past now and ask me, Archangel Uriel, to help you to forgive and cut ties. Pour love into your inner child and allow yourself to grieve. Then give yourself permission to exist in the world, to be free of pain, to embrace life and to be happy.

Imagine a radiant golden light blazing up through you now, burning away the sorrow, hardship and pain of the past. Feel the chains of self-loathing drop away and feel the empowerment of self-love sweep through you. Now is the time to break free of self-slavery and reclaim your light.

It is recommended that you repeat this meditation every day for two weeks. It may take longer, or the effects may be much more rapid. Be patient and persistent, for peace in the outer world can only be achieved when every living soul on Earth is at peace with Who-They-Are.

I AM Archangel Uriel.

《2》.關於:進入森林 .








《1》.量子能量的連結 (20200911)
《2》.無盡的創造球體 (20200911)

《1》.關於:量子能量的連結 .








傳導:Victoria Cochrane.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Beloveds, imagine if you will, that the Universe is a giant sphere. It is every colour of the rainbow but radiates pure, white light. Within this sphere there is nothing! No people, no things, no thoughts….there is only potential for creation.

When you enter this sphere, you immediately feel loved. The sense of peace and tranquillity envelops you as you find yourself immediately calm, peaceful and at one with this beautiful light. As you begin to think, the colours around you immediately change. A thought may be blue, but the intensity of the thought and the intention behind it will create a darker or lighter hue of colour. If you think about a person, their image immediately appears and attaches to the thought. If you think about the past, it immediately gains form and, even if you have let it go, attaches to you again. Whatever you think or say creates form in this sphere of light.

The vibration of these thoughts and words have a dramatic influence on the creations and realities that are formed. The colours of the world you are creating reflect the depths of love, hatred, joy, despair, humility, ego, negativity or positivity on which they are based. The love you at first felt may strengthen or it may weaken extensively, depending on the frequencies of light contained within the colours of your creations. If the creations multiply themselves on negative frequencies, you may soon feel lost within a world of darkness and illusions, eventually feeling so hemmed in that you find yourself with no room to move, no choices, no possibilities and no hope.If you have been able to keep your thoughts and words positive, or to monitor your creations and transmute them to higher frequencies, the sphere around you will remain bright and you will find more opportunities to expand your horizons within this positive reality you have created.

This, dear ones, is how the Universe works. You are all cocreators born of the Sphere of Creation, which is Source. The energy within this sphere is unconditional love, meaning that everything created in the universe has stemmed from this source and is therefore one with it. You are one with the light and create with every belief, thought, word and deed. The realities of your world are a direct consequence of the vibrations of the energies you emit because creation within the Universe happens as soon as energy is given to it. The energy then multiplies, creating in the same frequency of its ‘source’ of origin.

Think now, how your world is right now. Are you struggling with relationships, finances or hardships? Are you ill, in pain or suffering in some way? Write down the thoughts and words you have been thinking and reflect on their vibration. What are you creating in your Sphere of Light, and how heavy or light does it feel?

Think now about your beliefs about your reality? Do you believe your life can change? Do you believe you can be abundant, or that you are worthy of being loved or even that you are a good person?

Try this experiment. Sit in your sphere of light and say, “I am broke. I never have any money.” What is the colour of this sentence? What feelings and emotions do you feel when you say it? How much opportunity exists for you within this reality.

Now say, “I cut and cancel that last thought and send it back to the Sphere of Creation to be cleansed and healed. I am abundant. Thank you for my gifts and for the abundance of money in my life. Thank you for the flow of financial abundance coming into my life. Thank you for the opportunities that are being presented to me.”

How does your sphere of light change? How do you feel now, in comparison to your negative words? What realities are suddenly available to you that were not there a minute before.

This is what creation is, my Loves. It is a constant flow of energy, an endless sphere of creation, that ebbs and flows, grows dark and light, or darker and darker, lighter or lighter, depending on the consciousness on which it is based. As we archangels say, thought creates form. What you believe and focus on, you create. When you change your focus, the creation will expand or contract, depending on the vibration of your consciousness at the start of the creation. It is that simple.

I AM Archangel Uriel.