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顯示具有 galaxygirl 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》源頭-讓我愛的陽光帶走你的寒冷 (20210601) 10:11 《2》聖哲曼-接納你自己的力量 (20210601) #Galaxygirl #NatalieGlasson #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan 

I am Source. I am the all and the in between. I am the energy that began this creative process and I am the thought, the love that will continue for eternity. I am never ending. I am always beginning. Gaia will have her always beginning again moment. Ascension energies are growing. (I am seeing germinating seeds, sprouting plants.) Gaia is becoming her higher, highest self. This temple of higher dimensional codices has already been seeded. You will continue watering it with your good intentions to create growth of the new. Do not be aghast at that what is coming. Be prepared to anchor the light. Many of you are already firm strong anchors of light and I thank you for keeping your promises to me, to yourself and to your oversoul collectives who all sent many aspects who could best hold the light at a higher frequency in such a low form. Your lower dimensional forms are morphing and increasingly holding more and more light. You feel alone but you need not. You are all cells of myself, by me, in all forms and spaces. You are surrounded by yourself as you are a part of me. Your families of light are also aspects of me.
We are all one giant thought, one wave of love, of light. Fractals fight and feel cut off and separated in the lower dimensional realms. The whole point is to realize that all are created and all are me and all are one. Just as all of the cells of your body make up you, so too are you my cells, my aspects, my lights, serving, living, breathing, experiencing. One cell in your big toe may not feel connected to a cell in your heart but it is all you. Your body is all one massive universe, of trillions of you, experiencing what you see, feel, taste, touch, love, hate, it is all your experience. Are you sending light to your cells? I am sending light to you, a cell of my lightened vibration upon Gaia. Gaia is being bathed in the highest quality multidimensional light and she is radiant. You are radiant with this light when you choose to absorb it. Are you meditating? It is the best way to feel connected to me, to breathe me in most seemlessly. Many of you are already at the point of daily meditation and having achieved a meditated mind when you go about your day.
I am Source. You will see and feel the shifts of multidimensionality. You will experience a gradual lifting of the surrounding vibration. Your cells are all ascending with you, just as you are ascending within this field, so your cells are ascending within your field. (I am seeing teammates lifting up the player who just scored that winning point and seeing that player being carried joyfully on their shoulders.) Your galactic, your star families of light who have seen you through many obstacles are carrying you. You are being supported in many unique ways through various creative resources. You are being carried by those who love you, who are not so invisible as you may think. (I am feeling that many Pleiadians are already embodied and nearby.) You are being carried in these dreams of love, of light. Your cells are all supported, just as I am supporting you and all of the cells of my earthly experience. The dark ones have had their moment of experience. The light has fully anchored, has fully exploded into yet more joyful expressions of further light and love. I am further increasing my love daily, moment by moment as I am always in a state of expansion. When humanity stops expanding energetically, they age faster, they become brittle, hard, stooped. Stand up tall and feel these energies of wavelengths of pure love and light that are bathing you. Just as a mother bathes her infant lovingly so too am I bathing you. Rinse away all that no longer serves you. Rinse away the memories of the lower dimensional earth timelines that you have experienced. Heal them. Forgive them. Release them. Wash them and fill them with cleansed light and they will remain as a balanced memory within your field of memory.
I am Source. You all have many many fields of memories. (I am seeing a vast field of red poppies. Every flower is a memory of a lifetime. They are all bright and shining and facing the sun overhead. They have absorbed the light and are whole, complete.) I am Source. I showed this one a field of red flowers for red is a representation of base fear, an emotion that many have faced and are facing and will face. Fear is an absence of the understanding that I am in all things, a hard lesson. But if your toe is stubbed and hurting, the nerve receptors do not only remain in the toe, do they? No, the whole body is alerted to the injury. The whole body feels the pain. I feel your pain. I feel your loss. I feel what you feel. We can heal whatever it is together. We are now healing the earth experience, elevating it up into the heavenly realms of understanding, of peace, of balance, of deep internal and external joy. The painful memories will be healed. (I am seeing people in med beds I am feeling that those who need additional help for internal balancing will have everything that they need to achieve what their soul contracts deemed necessary.)
I am Source. I wrap you in my love, my light. I wrap you in my joy, my deep purpose, my sense of belonging. You belong here. (I am seeing an angel walking towards icy dark water. I am seeing the wings becoming invisible, their white clothing becomes average human clothing. They wince at the cold water and look back at their soul family waving at them as they continue to walk in.) Much like the angel who has forgotten they can fly, you have been in service to this icy realm where love has been diminished. But you are never cut off from me. I am in the icy water realms as well. I am in all things. Those who refuse to evolve into more light and heal will be managed. They are no longer allowed to create havoc and pain.
I am Source. The angels serving are you. You have brought the light with you and are lighting up this realm and grounding it from above. (I am seeing the dark water become filled with light. I am seeing pillars of light pierce the water and the bedrock beneath the ocean and the light workers acting as conduits of light.) You are doing your assignment with flying colors. I am so proud of you all and your efforts. We are all making a tremendous effort. You are not alone. We are all expanding together in this multidimensional ride of joy of expansion. Peace. I am surrounding you with my light, with my love. This universe is but one cell of me, just as you are so much more than just your physical body. The mysteries of eternal expansion and infinite creativity of potential both await you and are within you simultaneously. Gaia is expanding. All is one.
I am Source. You are infinitely loved. You will feel better soon. You are serving a much greater purpose than you can fully know and understand in this now moment of your humanity. Humans are getting their humanity back and balance will be achieved. It is already done in the higher echelon. Allow it to already be done with you. Allow the balancing energies that surround to fill you, allow the sunshine to warm you up from your adventures into the icy water of the lower dimensional experiences. Allow the sunlight of my love to take away the chill. The light is coming, is here, it is within you. You are already home, for I am your home. Home is all around you. Feel this love and ultimate acceptance and belonging. Peace.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings and love, I am Saint Germain. It is a joy to be in your presence today and to bring forth information and guidance. I wish to inspire you to focus upon your own personal ascension. I wish to bring to your attention that there is a need for you to focus upon navigating your personal ascension, creating intentions and focus points, creating thoughts or contemplating what you wish to experience in your ascension. Connecting from deep within your being, guided by your soul, your intuition, your truth, the aspect of the Creator within you.
問候以及愛,我是聖哲曼。很高興今天來到你的面前,帶給你信息和指引。我希望激勵你去專注於個人的楊升。我希望讓你注意到你需要去專注於航行個人的楊升,創造意圖和焦點,創造想法或凝視你希望在你的楊升中體驗的東西 。來自存在深處的連接,由你的靈魂、直覺、真理、造物主面向指引
What Are The Next Steps Of Your Personal Ascension?
I, Saint Germain wish to encourage you to navigate your personal ascension. This means I wish for you to write down or to document in some way what you wish to achieve in your ascension, as well as your ultimate ascension goal. This can be explored by asking yourself:
‘If I were in a place of fully embodying and completing my personal ascension in this lifetime, what would I be experiencing?
What would my actions be?
What would my thoughts and emotions be like?
Where would I be living on the Earth and with who would I be living?
What would my daily routine be?
I encourage you to explore this. It is not to create concrete ideas of what ascension is, what it means or how you live a life of ascension upon the Earth. I simply wish to encourage you to focus on experimenting, to recognise what it could be like completing your ascension in this life and remaining upon the Earth, living as your ascended master self. I encourage you to focus and to discover what this might be like. It is very much like imagining or wishing to have a new coat or jacket and so you imagine what a new coat or jacket would look like. What type? What colour? What thickness? When would you wear it?
Imagining and exploring your ascension is the same. To navigate your ascension, your personal ascension, I first wish to encourage you to think, explore, and to imagine the steps that are required to achieving your ascension. What would your complete ascension be like? If you are unable to register the steps then simply imagine, sense, acknowledge what complete ascension, living as your ascended master self on the Earth would be like for you. Once you have imagined this, almost tried it on, and experienced it energetically, I wish to encourage you to move on to the next stage of navigating your personal ascension. Each day in the coming days, I invite you to either imagine a pathway before you or a pathway within you going deeper into your being, you can imagine them as stepping stones. You do not necessarily need to know the steps of your ascension. Simply imagine you are stepping on one stone and then the next one, either before you or going within your being, deeper and deeper, whichever feels most appropriate. As you take a step on the stepping stones, you are reaching your goal, you are reaching complete ascension. As you imagine this, each stone will represent a transformation that will take place within your being, allowing you to recognise a remembrance of the Creator, a greater opening and expansion of your being and a shift in your physical reality. Each stepping stone allows you to absorb and engage with a transformational experience. Take time, even if you only achieve and absorb one stepping stone a day or you may be able to achieve the entire pathway. It is the goal to imagine, sense, or acknowledge that you are stepping on stepping stones that lead you to complete ascension within your being. Each stepping stone is the transformation that is needed, becoming the recognition and remembrance for you to remember yourself as an ascended master.
You already are an ascended master. You already have everything that you need and desire, that is appropriate and necessary, you already embody it, it already exists within your being. So, this process of imagining stepping stones is your awakening. You are remembering, you are collecting your remembrance of the Creator and yourself as an expression of the Creator, allowing yourself to embody it. You will notice that you may be able to count, maybe there are 10 stepping stones to complete ascension, existing as your ascended master self on the Earth, maybe there are more, maybe there are less. Gradually each day as you achieve this practice, using your imagination, you will embody more and more, and you become more settled, more comfortable, more grounded into your ascended master self, more able to open to it, to remember it, to experience it. Thus, you will find yourself experiencing the transformations in your reality with greater ease because energetically, you have already embodied them. It is simply a realisation with the mind or an action in the physical body or your reality. Then you will discover that you are more often sitting in the energy of your complete ascended master self and therefore it is easier to act and react from this space of your ascended master self.
Thus, you become your ascended master self, and as you become your ascended master self, you may recognise glimmers of what you imagined it would be like in your reality. Things entering your reality and things falling away. However, existing as your ascended master self may not be as you imagined it and that is also fine. It does not mean you completed it incorrectly, that you failed or have not completed your ascended master self-embodiment. As you grow and transform your perspective changes and alters, know that when you exist in your ascended master self, which you can do right now, you have everything you need. You have everything that is appropriate and necessary, the key is to bring this into expression in your physical reality, through radiance, sharing, emanating your light and your love, and accessing your truth.
This technique, I am entitling Navigating Your Personal Power, because you are instigating the navigation, you are in control. You are guiding yourself; you are achieving your personal ascension, and this is a practice that you can use at any moment, even when you are confused, experiencing chaos, when healing is needed or when you are experiencing low vibrations. Using this technique to navigate your personal ascension will shift your energy, aligning you to your truth and the Creator, which are essentially the same.
Why Am I Bringing Forth This Technique To You?
There is a need for you to accept your personal power regarding your ascension. There is a need for you to delve deeper, to dive into a greater understanding and embodiment of your own ascension pathway. Sometimes when you are embarking upon your ascension it feels unknown. Therefore, when it feels unknown, it feels unobtainable. By using the stepping stones you are allowing yourself to engage and embody the energy. It will feel familiar, you will be embarking upon your ascension and gaining the inspiration and understanding that you desire. It is a process of embodiment, accessing greater knowingness, of accelerating, making it easier for you to achieve your ascension in the physical reality while empowering you as you know you are the leader of your own ascension process. This is immensely powerful currently. It is something that is required because as you achieve this process, we, the beings on the inner planes, will be able to assist you, anchor more energy, wisdom, and everything you need as well as everything Mother Earth needs for ascension. You are the anchor not only of your own ascension process but the ascension process of all and Mother Earth.
We are grateful to you that you are on the Earth now as an anchor of the ascension process, and we thank you for this.
Please know that I, Saint Germain, I am with you supporting you and guiding you. Please receive my technique of navigating your personal ascension.
I love you always. I thank you.
I am Saint Germain.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


【水晶模板與母神、織女星的Ivo】 有些近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔 #編譯者Amber 0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》水晶模板與母神-DNA流體 (20210517) 12:15 《2》織女星的Ivo-情緒煉金術 (20210517) #Galaxygirl #譯者Amber #SharonStewart


Crystalline Human and Mother God: DNA Streaming

We are the Crystalline Human Template. 

DNA is streaming through the cosmic waves from your sun activating that of the internal sun. The light within us is that of the Christed Consciousness, prism-light of the universal, filled with the breath of creation and the love of Mother-Father of this universe and beyond. We contain the codes for ascending humanity.
我們內在的光是基督的意識的光,普世的棱鏡光,充滿了創造的氣息以及對這個宇宙、乃至更廣闊世界的父神母神之愛。 我們包含了提升人類的準則。 

We are the Crystalline Human. We are the template of life from the future beyond into the present here and now. Humanity is ascending. We offer the codes of light, of love. We are these codes to be contained within the human form of the ascending ones. Many are ascending. Many will see and will understand. Many will not see and will be oblivious to what is in front of them under their noses. They will fade away into an alternate reality. They will not notice for they are closed off to it. Many have chosen to ascend, have chosen our form to house their eternal spirits on a most wonderful journey.
我們是人類的結晶。 自此刻當下,我們都是從未來到現在的生命模板。 人類正在揚昇。 我們提供光、愛的代碼。 我們將這些代碼包含在揚昇代碼的人類形式中。 許多正在上升。 許多人會看到並且會理解。 許多人看不到他們的鼻子下面的東西,而將其遺忘。 它們將逐漸消失為替代現實。 他們不會注意到,因為他們被關閉了。 許多人選擇了揚昇,選擇了我們的形式以在一個最美好的旅程中容納他們永恆的精神。 

We are the Crystalline Human Template. The sun contains our codes for activation. Eat lightly and hydrate to support us. We embody peace within surrounded by light manifesting with ease, graceful footsteps, on air or on land. (I am seeing this body form is us but lighter. We will be able to flow or walk on the earth grounded.) It is an internal grounding that will occur for you will be grounded deep within your own spirit-truth of your universal beingness and your connection to Source will be your grounding. Much joy awaits humanity. Many ascension symptoms you are feeling in this now and so rest and hydrate to allow. Be in joy and deep knowing that all is proceeding as it should and that you are in the divine embrace of the All. Universal light surrounds. Soon it will pulse within as your bodies morph into further conductors of light and codes. (I am seeing the crystalline matrix of Gaia in new earth. I am seeing the crystalline matrix of the animals, the plants. 
我們是人類的水晶模板。 太陽包含我們的活化代碼。 少量飲食並補充水分以支持我們。 我們在空中或陸地上以輕鬆、優美的腳步體現的光明包圍著和平。 
這是內部的接地,因為你將深深地接地在自己普遍存在的精神真相之內。 你與本源的連接將成為你的基礎。 人類充滿了歡樂。你現在在此過程中會感覺到許多揚昇症狀,因此請休息並補充水分。 充滿歡樂和深刻的了解,知道一切都將按計劃進行,而你正處在萬物的神聖懷抱中。 通用光環繞。 不久,當你的身體變形為更多的光和代碼導體時,它將在內部發出脈衝。 

 Everything is glowing and alive, totally balanced and in peaceful joy. Everything is glowing from within, glowing with inner peace, balance and seeming to be lit from within.) Claim this inner light and this switch will further turn on your ability to morph into the divine crystalline form of you that is not only leading the way for the others to follow but leading you on your own way, your own path. Leading you on your sacred journey. You have been on many sacred journeys but none like this. We would state that all of your human incarnations have had sacredness embedded within for they have been your own soul’s journey towards inner truth, discovery and enlightenment. But it has not been easy. Self discovery is not for the faint of heart. Ascension is the ultimate in self-discovery and knowing for all past and current debris must be sifted through and forgiven. All must be forgiven for the ascended crystalline form to fully bloom. We ask why you are holding on to that which creates pain? Anger and turmoil do not belong and create opportunity for disease to grow. Be aware that the stakes are high and you are in the final stages of this process. Self discovery, inner quietude is essential.

We are the Crystalline Human form template conversing with you now. We wish for you to know your upcoming abilities will be rich, delightful. Your lives will flow, will be much easier for the crystalline essence knows itself and there will be no longer any vibrational discord. We are showing this one the ease of interaction between the crystalline matrix and inhabitants on the new template that you will be forming and inhabiting. You will be easily creative within it. Creator is one who creates continuously, as you. Humanity was destined for the stars, but first must create peace and harmony within. As within so without. Nova Gaia will reflect the inner balance of a higher vibrational mind matrix which will be wholy positive and loving. The dark ones will not be able to reside for they are of other vibrational alignment. We encourage you to flow within this feeling of balance in this now as it will assist you and bring more joy and peace to your existence on topsy-turvy earth. You are feeling the vibrations sift.
我們是與你對話的人類水晶模板。我們希望你知道你即將到來的能力將會豐富,令人愉快。你的生活將會流動,因為晶體本質知道自己會容易得多,並且不再會有任何振動不和諧。我們向你展示了這一點,即你將要形成和居住的新模板上的晶體基質、與居民之間的相互作用的簡易性。你將很容易在其中發揮創造力。創造者是像你一樣不斷創造的人。人類注定要獻給星星,但首先必須在其中創造和平與和諧。新星蓋亞(Nova Gaia)將反映出更高振動的思維矩陣的內在平衡,這將充滿積極和愛心。黑暗的一體們的將無法駐留,因為它們具有其他振動取向。我們鼓勵你現在就在這種平衡感中流動,因為它將幫助你,並為你在混亂的地球上的生存,帶來更多的歡樂與和平。你感受到振動的精鍊。 

(I am seeing sand go through a sieve). You are feeling the sifting. But you know this. We suggest you see things now through a crystalline pair of eyes and a crystalline heart-mind that are fully aligned with your destiny and future as you are constantly creating it. See your current reality through the eyes of the crystalline and more will be activated, more will flow into light. Further codes of all you see and touch will be increased in intensity and vibration. You are truly the masters of this universe for being able to undertake such a task. We bow and we serve. The crystalline will continue to expand and nourish as nothing is stagnant in creation. Your abilities will continuously expand and un-tap more joyful experiences. The crystalline human will be able to be a leader and example of love-light and conquering of ego for those who are entrapped and for the other many who wish to lend a helping hand to other universes and sectors who have been filled with lower dimensional realities.

The black hole of this galaxy will be flipped from dark to light allowing more light and crystalline codes. It is a flooding of light that has never been seen or appreciated before that will occur for this universe that was thought to be lost. All is found. The light finds its own and embraces the whole of it. We suggest that you do this with your lives, with your experiences and with your hearts. Allow the deep inner embrace of light to fill your own black holes of pain, of doubt, of loss. This will expand you into yet more crystalline and more of your higher-self embodied. We encourage to remind that your higher self is you, but in higher vibrational alignment with truth and love which is what is occurring to you now, with this transmission, with meditations, with your own internal deep forgiveness. You are becoming yet more of the universal ascended you in its many forms and graces and what a blessing we see this as being. We are eager and excited, deeply honored to be a part of this co-creative process. We are divinely alive in our template for we pulse with the life breath of the Mother of All Things. The Universal Mother gave birth to our crystalline vibrational reality matrix and she extends us to you in this marriage of light.

We are the Crystalline Human. We are your future experience. We are sending DNA light encodments to you now for deep inner healing and peace. Feel your abilities, your memories come online and bless what arises. Bless what you feel. The painful memories were lessons to help catapult you into the higher dimensions. There is no pain and loss truly all is simply in a different form. We are the crystalline template. (I am seeing the human genome expand into very solidly strong crystalline, pulsing plasma like twisting ladders of DNA.) DNA is divine. Divine Nucleic Acid. We are infusing you with a furthering of us. Sit with this light. (I am seeing the old world fade away, mist in the rain. I am seeing rainbows of light codes piercing through this current experience filled with such love, it is overwhelming.) You will embody love of the divine. It will be second nature to you. That is why it was so challenging, so brave, to choose to leave that environment of love, of light to come here to assist those who were lost in their own pain and darkness. This web of the power dimensional pain matrix is crumbling. We are sending yet more crystalline to it in every moment that you as embodied divine humans are walking around living your daily lives thorough it, in the midst of it. You are crumbling this as your codes interact with the others.
我們是人類的結晶。我們是你未來的體驗。我們現在向你發送DNA光之編碼、給你深深的內在療癒及和平。感受自己的能力,你的記憶就會在線上,祝福所發生之事情。祝福你的感覺。痛苦的回憶是可以幫助你將自己提升到更高維度的課程。沒有痛苦和損失,實際上所有的一切都只是一種不同的形式。我們是結晶的模板。 (我看到人類基因組擴展成非常堅固的結晶狀,脈衝狀的血漿,就像DNA的梯子一樣。)DNA是神聖的。神聖的核酸。我們正在為你提供進一步的支持。立於光中。 (我看到舊世界消失了,雨中的霧氣瀰漫。我看到光代碼的彩虹刺穿了這種充滿這種愛的當前經歷,這是壓倒性的。)你將體現出對神的愛。這將是你的第二天性。這就是為什麼選擇離開那種充滿愛與光的環境、來援助那些在自己的痛苦與黑暗中迷路的人如此具有挑戰性,如此勇敢的原因。權力維度痛苦矩陣的這一網正在崩潰。每當你身為神化的人類走過它的日常生活時,我們都會發給它更多的水晶。當你的代碼與舊矩陣交互時將使之崩潰。  

We are the Crystalline Human form. You may fully interact with us now. You may communicate with the crystalline aspects of your cells. Program them with light and love. Program them with hope and they will communicate, they will heal, they will listen. This is a partnership of love and we are most eager to firmly establish this connection as we are your future form, an aspect of your ascended being. We are your future vehicles of light form embodied. Peace and love.
我們是人類的結晶型態。 你現在可以與我們充分互動。 你可以與細胞的結晶方面進行交流。 用光和愛來編程。 對他們編程充滿希望,他們會溝通,他們會康復,他們會傾聽。 這是愛的伙伴關係,我們最渴望牢固地建立這種聯繫,因為我們是你未來的形式,是你揚昇的一個面向。 我們是你未來光體載具的體現。 和平與愛。 

Children, this is your Mother God speaking. Did you enjoy conversing with your crystalline cellular matrix? We are so thrilled with your progress and I am so in love with you. Children, climb into my lap and let me sing you a song of creation, of healing, of light. The song of my love is all around you, is within you. This crystalline DNA is my love song for you. Let your shoulders relax, let me wipe the tears for your eyes. Peace. You are divinely loved and protected. Nothing can touch you here in this space of light. The light is growing on Gaia moment by moment. You are all doing wonderfully. Your Father and I are so proud! We love you.
孩子們,這是你的母神在說話。 你喜歡與晶體細胞基質交談嗎? 我們為你的進展感到非常興奮,我也深深地愛著你。 孩子們,爬上我的腿,讓我為你唱一首創造、療癒和光的歌謠。 我愛的歌在你周圍,在你內心。 這顆晶瑩剔透的DNA是我送給你的情歌。 讓你的肩膀放鬆,讓我擦拭眼淚。 和平。 你被神聖地愛著並受到保護。 在這個光明的空間裡,沒有任何東西可以觸碰到你。 光芒在蓋亞閃耀。 你們都做得很棒。 你的父神與我為你們感到如此驕傲! 我們愛你。 
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121073310 >

傳導作者:Sharon Stewart 

Ivo of Vega: Emotional Alchemy

Sharon: Ivo, can you describe the process of emotional alchemy, please, as opposed to something like mental alchemy if there is such a thing, and physical alchemy which is what St Germain loves to do – to create things out of thin air.
Sharon: Ivo,你能描述情緒煉金術的過程嗎,而不是像精神煉金術這樣的事情,如果有的話,以及聖哲曼做的物理煉金術-就是憑空創造事物。

Ivo: I will. Thank you for this opportunity.

Me: Folks, I love what Ivosaid today. I was looking at one of those programs about demonic entities haunting houses and other places, and somehow the idea of an angel came up. The place in question was a bar/pub and so I asked Ivoif there are any angels that drink beer, and he replied: “Yes, all of you.” So there you go folks, I know some of you are clean and sober, and more power to you, I hope this isn’t a trigger, but he was referring to everyone on earth.
我:朋友們,我喜歡今天Ivosai所說的。 我當時正在研究其中一個關於惡魔實體在房屋和其他地方出沒的程序,以某種方式出現了天使的念頭。 有問題的地方是一家酒吧/酒館,所以我問Ivoif,有沒有天使喝啤酒,他回答:“是的,你們所有人。” 所以你們到了那裡,我知道你們中有些人清醒冷靜,給你帶來了更多的力量,我希望這不是觸發因素,但他指的是地球上的每個人。

So, emotional alchemy. Is there such a thing as mental alchemy, Ivo?

Ivo: There is. The entire universe is mentally based. It is based on thought. So the entire universe is mental alchemy. You must think of something first before it happens. This is the electrical part of the human being, that is thought. The magnetic part is emotion.
Ivo:確實有。整個宇宙是基於精神(mentally )上的。它基於思想。因此,整個宇宙都是精神煉金術。你必須先考慮一些事情,然後再發生。這是人類的電氣部分。磁性部分是情感。 

You realize, in the Law of Attraction, you can think you want to have a lot of money, for example, and if your frequency is low you will attract $10. If your frequency is high, you will receive greater abundance, perhaps much greater. It depends upon your vibrational level.

Me: Yes. So why do we have to have emotions? Why don’t we just have an existence based upon thought?

Ivo: Because it is more limited, for starters. There are beings who do not have emotions.
Ivo: 因為它比較有限,所以對於初學者來說。有些人沒有情感。

Me: Not just Data on Star Trek, or the Borg.

Ivo: Yes, there are many beings who have little or no emotional capacity and they do function rather mechanically.
Ivo: :是的,有很多人的情緒能力很少、甚至沒有,他們的機能相當機械。

Me: Can they go through ascension?

Ivo: To some degree. By and large they are either born or created by others, to hold a particular frequency. You can have your Terminator type bio robots, for example, that hold a low frequency. And then you can have biology that can be born with little emotional capacity yet it will hold a higher frequency.

Me: I’m stretching my brain.

Ivo: Yes, it is difficult to understand when you are only aware of your own biology and how it works. But there are many types of life forms in the universe at varying levels. You have met some. You met the two beings in the ship who were not very emotional.
Ivo: 是的,當你僅了解自己的生物學及其運作方式時,很難理解。但是宇宙中有許多類型的生命形式處於不同的水平。你遇見了一些。你遇到了船上兩個不太情緒化的人。

Me: So when we have a light body that’s basically all levels, there can be beings with some levels missing or not very well represented?

Ivo: Yes. The most well known to you are the greys. Some have a larger emotional capacity than do others. Some are emotionless.
Ivo: 是的。 你最了解的是小灰人。 有些人比其他人具有更大的情感能力。 有些人沒有感情。

Me: So they basically put out energy but don’t attract much back?

Ivo: They are not working on the karmic system, no.
Ivo: 沒有,他們沒有在業力系統上工作。

Me: What system are they working on? Do they have another system?
我:他們正在使用什麼系統? 他們有其他系統嗎?

Ivo: Yes.
Ivo: 是的。

Me: And it’s part of God’s creation?

Ivo: Yes.
Ivo: 是的。

Me: Interesting.

Ivo: I have described mental alchemy. Physical alchemy you are all familiar with through hearing of feats that appear to be super human, such as St Germain’s creating gold out of thin air. This is physical alchemy and absolute proof that your mind creates your physical circumstances.
Ivo: 我已經描述了精神煉金術。大家都通過聽到似乎是超人類的壯舉而熟悉了物理煉金術,例如聖哲曼用稀薄的空氣製造黃金。這是物理煉金術,並且是你的頭腦創造了身體狀況的絕對證明。

Me: He’s really a master.

Ivo: Yes. And he has many students who are also very adept. The basic point is that thought is a part of everything. Nothing can exist and not have consciousness, or think. What other attributes the being has depends of course, on what type of being it is, and to what extent it is capable of thought and emotion. There are universes which encompass other alchemical forms that utilize other forms of thought manipulation or physical manipulation in order to create.
Ivo: 是的。而且他有很多學生也很熟練。基本要點是思想是一切的一部分。什麼都不會存在,沒有意識或思考。當然,存在的其他屬性取決於其存在的類型,以及在多大程度上能夠思考和表達情感。有些宇宙包含其他煉金術形式,這些形式利用其他形式的思想操縱或物理操縱來創造。

Me: Like what?

Ivo: For example, another universe we know of uses different ethers merging with the, yes, entity in order to manipulate the ether.
Ivo: 例如,我們知道的另一個宇宙使用不同的以太與實體合併以操縱以太。

Me: So like a third party type of manipulation?

Ivo: Of sorts.
Ivo: 有點。

Me: So if there’s none of this ether, then creation wouldn’t be possible?

Ivo: Yes. However there is no lack of it. There are universes that have several forms of differing ethers and what is created is either a results of each form and thought or a combination of forms and thought.
Ivo: 是的。但是,它並不缺乏。有些宇宙具有幾種不同形式的以太,而創造出來的東西是每種形式和思想的結果、或是形式和思想的組合。

Me: Interesting. So what we’re doing, though, is emotional alchemy. Maybe we’d better discuss this.

Ivo: Yes, this is emotional alchemy. Your emotions indicate where you are in frequency, and what needs to be changed. When you change your emotions, you change your physical state as well as your experience of all levels of your light body.
Ivo: 是的,這是情感煉金術。 你的情緒表明你在頻率上的位置以及需要更改的內容。 當你改變情緒時,你會改變自己的身體狀態以及對光體各層次的體驗。

Me: Interesting. So be angry and you lower all levels of your light body, you shut them all down. Chakras close so that higher levels of beingness can’t be expressed. That’s what the Matrix is about: keeping us in the lower levels of emotion, so that we can’t access or express our higher being.

Ivo: Correct.
Ivo: 正確。

Me: It’s interesting to know that there are many expressions of life in the multi-verse and beyond. That how they express life is maybe even more complex than the way we do it. It seems to involve more interaction with energetic elements.

Ivo: Yes.

Me: So when we’re done with this universe we can move on to another universe that expresses life differently, and learn to master that. What’s at the very top?
我:所以當我們處理完這個宇宙後,我們可以進入另一個以不同的方式表達生命的宇宙,並學習掌握它。 最頂端是什麼?

Ivo: I do not believe there is a finish to this. It goes on indefinitely.
Ivo:我不認為有完結。 它會無限期地繼續下去。

Me: Pretty cool!

Ivo: Yes, we can always be together.

Me: That’s what I want.

Ivo: As do I. I would be with no one else but you.

< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121073290 >


#Galaxygirl #BethStormont #BrendaHoffman #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan

Dear children, this is your Mother God. I love you. This one has needed rest and she has allowed it. It is important to listen deeply to the needs of the body-spirit and return rejuvenated. Many are the needs of the ascending form, especially in this moment of heat and change as the crystalline structures begin to unwind and twist, move and stretch. (I am seeing tulip bulbs grow from the viewpoint of underground, the roots stretching deep, and the plant bursting forth climbing towards the sun.) You are doing this, children. You are doing this and so you are so weary! Rest in my embrace of flowers, of love. Today is Mother’s Day on your sphere, a painful day for many - many mothers have already joined my embrace on this side of your experience and are not with you now, many partners have longed for a baby and have not been able to conceive. Remember you have all been mothers and grandmothers in your many sojourns. You have all been fathers and brothers, you have all been many aspects of your divine self. Today it is the aspect of the divine birthing female that is honored but let us expand it. Let us expand it into love, into inclusivity for the divine is all things. Yes, we honor those who are mothering. (I am seeing a hen with her chicks, a mother owl with her owlets tucked under her wing. I am feeling the protection of being under Mother’s wing.) Yes, you are so well loved, protected, nourished and understood. The Divine Feminine aspect of love is awakening upon your world and it will change everything. Today is another catalyst for this change. You are seeding the divine feminine, you are causing these roots of my love for you to go deeper into the soil of Gaia into the hearts of mankind. Just be. Just be this love. Just be my love. Just radiate the heat of passion of my love for you and it will heal, it will balance, it will uplift.
I am Mother God. For too long the divine feminine has been squelched and all have suffered. Balance is returning. The divine is a balanced, even love, covering all woundings of inequality and soothing the pain of loss. Your world is focusing on inequality right now, and the pot is being stirred. Do not assign ‘good or bad’ to this observation, for that is yet another form of a dualistic viewpoint, and divine looks objectively, neutrally, through the eyes of love. People are waking up. It is part of the waking up process to sift through all of the layers of inequality and pain that being embodied in a masculine-dominant and controlled sector has wrought. You are all my children. You are all tremendously loved. (I am feeling her tears.) These sufferings were never intended but it was known that you would suffer when you embodied, and you chose to come. You chose because you were and are so very, very strong. Strong in my love. Strong in your determination for healing of the realm, and strong and bold enough to carry this through - no matter what obstacles would face you. You saw that YOU could make that difference and so you volunteered to come. And I bless you, we are all sending you our tremendous love and blessings and we hope that you can feel them, open your heart enough to feel them. (I am seeing a barreling St Bernard running towards me, filled with joy and excitement.) Be healed. Accept our kisses, our love.
The divine feminine has returned and it is through you. It is through your hands and feet, through your enhancement of the understanding of love, of balance, of harmony. The divine feminine holds space. We - I have been holding space for you. That space is my love, my lap of space. Climb into my lap in any moment. If you need to cry because the world seems too much, then cry. Let it out. Let out the waterfall of tears, for dams create blocks energetically and are not healthy for flowing systems. Do not allow blocks imposed by others. Now is the time of free-flowing love to course through your chakras and nourish them. (I am seeing a waterfall of light extending from Mother cascading down around the earth, covering the people in waterfalls of light, unblocking the chakras. I am seeing that now the chakras are less distinct points of color but prisms of free flowing rainbow light within the ascending human form. I am feeling a rainbow in my spinal column now.) Rainbows come after the rain. It has rained on humanity long enough.
I am your Mother God. Children, happy divine feminine day. All have the divine feminine within. All have this power, this nurturing, this love, this passion for expansion into yet more love. That is me. You have me within you. I love you with a never-ending love. Sit with me in my rainbow of waterfall light and let your sadness, the overwhelm be washed away. Know that you are strong enough for this task and you have been chosen to lead. Lead the charge, my beloved ones. Feel my light pulse within you and be at peace. I am ever with you. I am your Mother God.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1841458132680566&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan

A blessed greeting to you Dear Ones who are serving on Planet Earth at this most important time! We wish today to address something that may be of concern to you, as has it been to this channeler.
You of course receive varying messages from each channel – (of whom there are now many) – with some of the messages actually contradicting one another. This can lead to considerable confusion and sometimes guilt when the advice is the opposite of what you have been following.
Please remember that channelers are expressing through their own communication system that which in essence comes from a stream of thought from a Higher Authority… usually basically telepathically; (there are also other ways of receiving channeled messages, of course.) The channeler’s innate means of expression and thoughts are a natural part of what comes through in a channeled message, and so there is naturally great variation in the messages brought forth on an almost daily basis.
That which creates the greatest concern for you dear readers is when you are told that you need to be DOING something to alert the ‘sleepers’ about the realities of the evils besetting the planet, along with other negative 3D realties.
We shall here show by example what we mean by that statement: Recently our channel was with a small group of church friends celebrating at a restaurant after having attended a special meditative-type service. After more than a year of not being together or even seeing one another, the natural question to ask was how they were doing. The woman sitting very close and maskless next to our channel replied that all her family members and friends have received their vaccine, and so their lives can now return to normal. This, of course, was not the time to try to correct her thinking with the truth of the vaccines and the fact of never ‘returning to normal’.
If you find that you only meet with extreme resistance if you send or say anything about the realities connected with these channeled messages and the Awakening/Ascension process, we would suggest a different approach that works just as well… if perhaps not better!
This approach is called inner plane work. It is a way of communicating from soul to soul rather than outer personality connection. The personality self – when confronted with something of a negative nature – often sets up barriers of resistance to that type of communication. However, when all the emotions from a bad situation are felt and expressed on the inner planes with personality/soul communication, something miraculous seems to take place! Often as early as the next day, all is forgotten and as though the bad situation had never happened!
It is entirely up to what feels right to you as to which approach to use… and when. Sometimes the approaches can be alternated successfully by a single person — and other times only one or the other approach works for that person. It is only by looking within and viewing from the heart that the discernment is made.
We know that all you Lightworkers and Wayshowers are doing the very best that you can in holding the Light against the darkness of the times. Please do not overly-concern yourselves with the methods that you use in doing so. Let your heart lead the way, along with your own inner guidance. That is always true.
We highly honor and respect you — and we do love you dearly, Dear Ones!
We hold you in the Love and Light of the Cosmic Christ — and we send all the blessings of the Universe to you!
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1841458302680549&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
Let us, of the Universes, begin today’s message with a cheer. Most of you have moved beyond the need for 3D thoughts or actions. You have internalized the energies that empower you to be you. Even though perhaps not fully, enough of your new personality is shining through to negate who you once were in 3D.
This is a new time in a new age, and you have reacted accordingly. You no longer feel the need to pretend to be someone you are not to placate others or even yourself. You are you in all your glory.
Of course, you expected such to happen. But let us take it one step further. Now that you have claimed most of new you, you will discover everything about you is different. Such is not necessarily new information, but it is key to today’s message for some of you are wondering about your sanity, your hold on reality.
Those of you who floated about spending more time in the ethers through your dream state or various waking states, including meditation, will discover a need to be more grounded, to be more of the earth.
And those of you who were firmly grounded will discover a need to meditate or participate in a long dream state in whatever form that takes.
This last energy burst has fulfilled your need to be a Universal being of the earth.
Before this last shift, you were of the earth, but neither a Universal being of the earth nor true earth being. You flitted here and there, pretending to be of the earth but escaping to the ethers whenever you could. Or, you denied your Universal being in an attempt to be fully of the earth.
You can no longer deny who or where you are. You are a Universal being of the earth. Such is so for several reasons – not the least of which you helped earth transition beyond 3D before you did the same for yourself.
Before your transition, you were in hiding. Pretending to be an earth being living in fear while hiding your true Universal being. Some of you pretended to be in full fear. Others adorned yourself with the cloak of Universal savvy without understanding that you were also an earth being. Still, others of you tip-toed into Universal knowledge only to declare that knowledge and your being unworthy of you at this time.
Those disguises are no longer valid. Take off your cloaks of despair, disbelief, shame, unknowingness, or any disguise you created to hide your true being.
You are a Universal earth being – as you were every time you explored an earth life.
Many of you are in wonderment about the Arcturians, Pleiadians, or beings from other planets you believe are better or wiser than you. Once again, you are giving away your power. All of you reading this channel have inhabited those planets and more.
You would not be of the earth now if you had only experienced life on the earth or even in the ethers and the earth. In your desire to shift the earth from fear to love, you lived in many environments and planets, or however you wish to label them. You also attended various Universal schools learning all you could about your transition interests.
You have studied your interests for eons. So anything interesting to new you is not new or foreign, even though it may feel as such now.
Many of you are attempting to erase DNA knowledge passed to you by your earth ancestors, believing future knowledge is not accessible. Your 3D ancestral knowledge pales in comparison to your eons of Universal knowledge – including that of the future.
It is time for you to move forward. Forget the feelings, information, and actions of the past. Acknowledge and accept your Universal inner knowingness, that your new interests and actions will display.
Continuing to devote attention to past wrongs or thoughts closes the door to your new being. Past guilts, and actions are of 3D earth. You are a Universal being and always have been, even while attempting to fit within the small parameters of 3D earth.
It is as if you are Superman or Wonder Woman deciding to negate your 3D disguise.
Perhaps your greatest fear is that you will be different – you will be. You can no longer pretend to be Clark Kent or Diana Prince – you are a super person.
Perhaps you wonder if all earth beings have similar superpowers. Most do. Because this is a notable earth transition, the majority of those now of the earth are part of the transition team.
Those not part of the transition team are the original earthlings who chose to experience earth lifetime after lifetime with a few sprinklings of Universal experiences that did not include life on other planets. They are fully earth grounded, which is neither good nor bad, merely their choice – just as you chose to experience earth plus many other venues.
Perhaps an apt analogy would be those of the earth who remain in a small, isolated community their entire lives versus those who leave that community and travel the world. Neither is a better nor worse person, merely a being with different experiences.
The majority of those now of the earth completed experiences from the other places and lands required to shift the earth and its inhabitants from fear to love. A project eons in the making by you and your cohorts. So be it. Amen.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1841458446013868&set=a.806388119520911 >


譯者:Amber、Nick Chan
《2》造物能量-你是蝴蝶,不是毛毛蟲 (20210429)
《3》最初造物主-最後一次警告 (20210429)
#Galaxygirl #BrendaHoffman #ErenaVelazquez #NickChan #Amber

《1》關於 自由正在走向人類

Alisheryia and the Ascended Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl | April 26, 2021

Alisheryia & the Ascended Dragon Collective 4/26/2021

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective.
We offer peace this day. When hatchlings are agitated we draw them close, just as we put our large wings around you. Wings are meant for flying but also for comforting and for creating a safe place, nestled in. It is never cold in the nook of a wing for love beats in that space of darkness and paternal / maternal warmth is felt as well. (I am seeing dragons in battle protecting their young or someone else who is within their circle of protection. I am seeing numerous colorful dragons in a circle with large wings outstretched looking like a beautiful colorful flower from above. 

I see children with this circle of protection. I ask them why human children and hatchlings are within their circle of protection.) We have also been rescuing human children from various places of your galaxy. We say ‘your’ for we are not contained by time space. We easily fly in between the galaxies and traverse the universes for we serve all sectors. We have been assisting your kind return unto itself. Many children, many human colonies that you are not aware of have been decimated. This war is not just on our land but on many lands, which is why it is a complex chess board. We are assisting with the rescue of humans. We are taking them for rehabilitation. Human children are with our children because they are friends. Humans and dragons have a long friendship history and so it will continue.

(I am seeing that scene they showed me in more detail. They are standing on a flat red-hued mesa. The terrain is rocky, there are no trees, it is a barren place. I see fire burning below. Those they are fighting are of the dark alliance who fly in small, oddly-shaped ships above them. I see some of them are humans and many are hybrid reptilians. I am seeing destroyed mining facilities and I don’t wish to look anymore.) 

Human, much has been done off planet as on planet. The humans were designed by others to be their slaves. Freedom is coming to humanity and to all that the dark ones had subjugated under their control. (I am seeing a dome of light within the circle protecting the rescued ones and they are enjoying their time with the hatchlings. It is a healing orb.) Yes, our abilities to heal are joined with the angelic. Many of you also lend your light. We are in the final of the final days. We are in the moment of the final moments. We are in the space of the in-breath and the out-breath, where all things are possible and all things are changing. The Mother of All Things has been blessing us and the wind is at our backs now. The struggle is almost over. 
人類,在地球上已經做了很多工作。人類被別人設計成他們的奴隸。自由正在走向人類,所有黑暗勢力在他們的控制下征服。 (我看到一個圓形的圓頂保護著被救者,他們正與孵化者一起度過時光。這是一個康復之球。)

Humanity, you are loved. Humanity, you are safe. Humanity, you are saved. Many of you are to be congratulated for your night-work, your sleep-work has furthered our efforts and the efforts of many who are on the side of humanity trying to assist, to lend a wing, to heal, to hold space.

(They are showing me another scene now. I am seeing the neon world of their world. Rocky cliffs all bright green with neon flowers and animals and impossibly high waterfalls. The sun is a bright neon green. They show me from their view point. I am flying with them. The power and the speed are tremendous. We swoop up, flying vertical along the the cliff face and suddenly are at the top, a different mesa, one full of glowing life that feels very loving. The hatchlings and children are here, playing together. Injuries on the children’s bodies are covered in bubbles of healing that are rainbow hued. Some children are completely within their own bubble. They are smiling. It is a very high dimensional field of love. I am surrounded by smiling dragony faces.) We have brought many human hatchlings to our home for healing space. They swim in the crystal waters and are nourished by the vibrations of this realm.
(他們現在正在向我展示另一個場景。我正在看到他們霓虹燈般的世界。岩石峭壁全是鮮綠色的,上面有霓虹花和動物以及不可思議的高瀑布。太陽是鮮亮的霓虹綠色。從他們的角度看,它們向我展示了。 我和他們一起飛行,力量和速度是巨大的。我們俯衝而下,沿著懸崖峭壁垂直飛行,突然在頂部,一個不同的檯面,一個充滿光彩的生活,感覺充滿愛意。 在這裡,一起玩耍。彩虹般的癒合氣泡覆蓋了孩子們的身體上的傷害。有些孩子完全在自己的氣泡內。他們在微笑。這是一個非常高維度的愛。我被微笑包圍,我們已經帶來了許多人類的孵化器來療癒空間。 它們在晶瑩的水中游泳,並被這個領域的振動所滋養。 

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We know you are weary. We lend our support. We lend our healing. We share our gifts. The time is now to soar. You are welcome here, you of crystalline intention. Those on the path will vibrationally find this place of healing if they desire. (I see them blowing a fire stream from their home to our home, a fire rope path for us to follow in our meditations.) Life is bigger than you know, human. Life is grander than you have seen, little human. Human, be at peace. Be comforted.

I Alisheryia am speaking. The divine mother has blessed us with more light that we may bless others. We are all ascending higher in this sector and it blesses those who assist. You are growing faster than you currently understand. You are more beautiful than you could know in this moment. Be ready. Be ready to accept more light into your bodies. I breathe my fiery codes of ascension into your crown. Feel my blue fire’s warmth and feel the divine codes within. Now ground this light into your planet’s core. Anchor in. (I am seeing light switches being flipped on all over the world.) The flip has been switched. Critical mass has been reached. Energetically it is there. More must align with this energy. Align, align. We dragons assist.

I Alisheryia am speaking. I love you with a deep and ancient love. I have long served humanity. This one and I have been together from the beginning. Many of you can say the same. Many of you have your dragon counterparts. Call to them. Connect with their ascended versions. We too have had to go through our own transition. Send love. Send healing. Sound the dragon call and send your own light code frequency with it and they will call back. They will hear you throughout time-space. Send the violet flame over your intention. Only connect with the ascended dragon. Do not be tricked. You cannot fool a dragon but many a human has been deceived. And so create this bond wisely with love and great tenderness of intention. 

There. I am heard. Wisdom comes with time. Use your time wisely. Use this moment to fortify, to solidify and to ground. Use this time to find yourselves, to find your joy. For joy will lead you home into the higher dimensions. Do not focus on the echos of chaos and the endless noise through your boxes. Focus on meditations such as these that we are lovingly offering to you. Focus on your healing and joy. Peace. I am Alisheryia. I love you. I depart.



~ galaxygirl

《2》關於 你是蝴蝶,不是毛毛蟲
傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
You are not alone. Of course, you have heard that phrase so many times; it holds little meaning for you. But we wish to reiterate that such is true because your next phase might seem lonely.
Even if you have not yet left your cocoon, you have completed your cocoon stage.
This next phase is a bit more complicated. Not because it has to be, but because we, of the Universes, cannot necessarily explain it in 3D terms.
You are starting to fly or flit.
Once you exit your cocoon, if you have not already, you will need to explore your new world. Similar to a caterpillar leaving its cocoon and discovering it can fly with new objectives. The exiting butterfly unfolds its wings and discovers nutrition in new elements, especially flowers. Do you not suppose that butterfly might try several flowering types before it finds its favorite or most easily accessible?
So it is for you. You will likely flit from interest to interest until you find the interest that best sustains your new being. Do not be concerned if that discovery process takes days, weeks, or months. Finding your new you interests is not a race, but instead a dedicated effort to explore your puzzle piece in new dimensions and frequencies.
New you has combined segments from different lifetimes, frequencies, and dimensions. So it is, new you is reaching out to tap this and that interest in the quest of finding a new totality. Just as is true for a butterfly searching for a favorite flower.
Your new world has little to do with your former 3D life. For some, that thought is frightening, for others, exciting.
Such feelings do not matter, for you are not who you were and will never be again.
You have stepped out of your former 3D life into a new world with a new being. Just as the caterpillar and butterfly no longer interact even though they are part of one another, so it will be for you in your new life.
You were once a human interacting and functioning in 3D. You are no longer that human. You evolved into a flying entity that has little to do with 3D. For you transitioned into a Universal being with skills far beyond anything imagined by your 3D being.
In a sense, you have become the alien from outer space you have long discussed and even feared. You are so different as to be labeled a nonhuman, for you have merged your Universal being with your human body.
Eventually, you will not be able to interact with those who remain of 3D, for you will not understand one another. You are no longer alike, except for skin color, as was true in 3D. You are nothing like a 3D human – just as a butterfly is nothing like a caterpillar.
There will be little need for you to interact or even pretend you are comfortable in a 3D world. Any more than a butterfly attempts to crawl on the ground, or a caterpillar flies.
You are different. Allow that to be in all its ramifications. It is almost as if a wall separates you from the 3D world.
For some, that last phrase indicates you will not care about any but those who have transitioned beyond 3D. Such is not true. For you will generate sparkles of joy and fun encouraging those firmly of 3D to move beyond 3D. If such does not interest them, you will flit away.
Throughout your interest-seeking stage, you will flutter past those of 3D trying to attract their attention. But once you establish your primary interest or interests, you will be so enmeshed in your new world as not to care if those of 3D follow.
You are not alone for millions are now awakening. But if your friends and family wish to remain of 3D, you will have less and less interest in them or their needs.
You are flying, ready to encourage those wavering to fly with you. But if they show little interest or need, you will not stop to pull them along, for you are a butterfly, and they are caterpillars.
Such does not mean caterpillars will never transition, but instead that you will have little need to be with them when they do unless they transition within a few days of your interest search.
The schism between you and those who do not wish to transition will become too great.
So it is you will find less and less need to interact with those of 3D and they with you. The earth is becoming two separate planets in one. Those fully of 3D will continue living in fear, and those beyond 3D will be in joy.
This life is the last hurrah for those of 3D, for never again will earth be populated by 3D beings. It is a new world.
This shift is like that of a shift from horse and carriage to airplanes. The only relationship is both are modes of transportation. The earth has become an airplane system as it will be forevermore. So be it. Amen.

《3》關於 最后一次警告
傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings My Beloved Children,
I am Father, Prime Creator and I am pleased to be here. I would like to speak to you today about the transformations that Mother Earth is undergoing now. Your world keeps changing and evolving with every nanosecond. I deliberately changed the time flow more than once to expedite your Ascension Process. The Divine Plan is coming to fruition to bring peace and happiness to humankind.
You are experiencing daily many hardships such as financial struggles, health issues, relationships problems and etc. All of these imbalances and obstacles in humanities existence have been brought by the Darkness, which has been dominating your planet for a long time. The Negative Ones kept orchestrating their ‘’perfect’’ scenario of constantly putting barriers in the way for every human being in their every day lives.
They created a cycle of misfortunes for everyone on Earth. These souls crossed the line too many times, and they forgot one big detail that Universal energies always naturally rebalance themselves by bringing back the balance between the Darkness and Light.
Also, I have been reminding and warning these corrupted souls that their negative behavior is going to be dealt with or punished. Their arrogance of being invincible blinded them completely, they think about themselves as Gods. They are going to have a rude awaking, their time of being Queens and Kings are coming to the end with no return.
The tortures and miseries they put mankind through are all recorded, their souls are going to be repurposed or vanished completely depending on their remorse and willingness to change. Most of them are not showing any remorse and continuing to harm all life on Mother Gaia. My patience with them is on thin ice, I gave full authority to Ashtar and Galactic Federation to use full force of eliminating the Darkness from this part of the Galaxy.
Some of you have been questioning, why is it taking so long to get rid off all of these negative entities. The main reason is we need to be careful by not destroying the planet when we are going after and chasing the Dark Ones around. They have been attacking and occupying other worlds in different parts of the Universes, Galaxies and Planets for a long time.
I am tired of their behavior, and I am using my authority as Prime Creator by warning them for the last time, if they are not going to willingly leave this planet, they are going to face heavy consequences.
I would like to also to talk about that some of you are loosing hope and desire to be here. Please, remember you can’t give up, no matter what is going on around you. This is not your first life, most of you had thousands or more reincarnations. Low energies always get replaced by higher ones.
You can’t give up now as better times are coming, and prosperity is going to be given to everyone. This 3D Matrix is cracking everywhere and nothing can sustain it anymore. Stay in Divine Flow and do daily meditations to raise yourself to high vibrations, which is essential right now during these times.
The old system is falling apart left and right, so you need to stay balanced and not give up on yourself and others. All of you have a lot strength and courage within you, please never forgot that. Open wide your heart and see through all of the chaos around, and you are going be surprised by what you are going to see.
My Dear Children, I am always around and watching over you, please remember WE ARE ONE nothing can ever separate you from me.
Prime Creator

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.