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顯示具有 揚升大師‧聖哲曼 St. Germain 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


0:00 影片開頭 0:34 《1》抵制惡魔 (20131017) 8:13 《2》新的維度 (20131105) #JahnJKassl #NickChan #來自天狼星的FRANK #JahnKassl

《1》關於 抵制惡魔 
傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan



*【Frank 註:不要讓自己有『我必須拯救他們』的想法,因為自己可能也會極大的受到影響而如同深陷於流沙中,只要遠離就好】

要明白這些人已經開始圍攻大部分遠離黑暗勢力的人和擁有純淨意圖的人, 而他們只因為曾被一些『揚升仍是不確定』的訊息誤導。































< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/ >

《2》關於 新的維度
傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan







































< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/ >


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》源頭-讓我愛的陽光帶走你的寒冷 (20210601) 10:11 《2》聖哲曼-接納你自己的力量 (20210601) #Galaxygirl #NatalieGlasson #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan 

I am Source. I am the all and the in between. I am the energy that began this creative process and I am the thought, the love that will continue for eternity. I am never ending. I am always beginning. Gaia will have her always beginning again moment. Ascension energies are growing. (I am seeing germinating seeds, sprouting plants.) Gaia is becoming her higher, highest self. This temple of higher dimensional codices has already been seeded. You will continue watering it with your good intentions to create growth of the new. Do not be aghast at that what is coming. Be prepared to anchor the light. Many of you are already firm strong anchors of light and I thank you for keeping your promises to me, to yourself and to your oversoul collectives who all sent many aspects who could best hold the light at a higher frequency in such a low form. Your lower dimensional forms are morphing and increasingly holding more and more light. You feel alone but you need not. You are all cells of myself, by me, in all forms and spaces. You are surrounded by yourself as you are a part of me. Your families of light are also aspects of me.
We are all one giant thought, one wave of love, of light. Fractals fight and feel cut off and separated in the lower dimensional realms. The whole point is to realize that all are created and all are me and all are one. Just as all of the cells of your body make up you, so too are you my cells, my aspects, my lights, serving, living, breathing, experiencing. One cell in your big toe may not feel connected to a cell in your heart but it is all you. Your body is all one massive universe, of trillions of you, experiencing what you see, feel, taste, touch, love, hate, it is all your experience. Are you sending light to your cells? I am sending light to you, a cell of my lightened vibration upon Gaia. Gaia is being bathed in the highest quality multidimensional light and she is radiant. You are radiant with this light when you choose to absorb it. Are you meditating? It is the best way to feel connected to me, to breathe me in most seemlessly. Many of you are already at the point of daily meditation and having achieved a meditated mind when you go about your day.
I am Source. You will see and feel the shifts of multidimensionality. You will experience a gradual lifting of the surrounding vibration. Your cells are all ascending with you, just as you are ascending within this field, so your cells are ascending within your field. (I am seeing teammates lifting up the player who just scored that winning point and seeing that player being carried joyfully on their shoulders.) Your galactic, your star families of light who have seen you through many obstacles are carrying you. You are being supported in many unique ways through various creative resources. You are being carried by those who love you, who are not so invisible as you may think. (I am feeling that many Pleiadians are already embodied and nearby.) You are being carried in these dreams of love, of light. Your cells are all supported, just as I am supporting you and all of the cells of my earthly experience. The dark ones have had their moment of experience. The light has fully anchored, has fully exploded into yet more joyful expressions of further light and love. I am further increasing my love daily, moment by moment as I am always in a state of expansion. When humanity stops expanding energetically, they age faster, they become brittle, hard, stooped. Stand up tall and feel these energies of wavelengths of pure love and light that are bathing you. Just as a mother bathes her infant lovingly so too am I bathing you. Rinse away all that no longer serves you. Rinse away the memories of the lower dimensional earth timelines that you have experienced. Heal them. Forgive them. Release them. Wash them and fill them with cleansed light and they will remain as a balanced memory within your field of memory.
I am Source. You all have many many fields of memories. (I am seeing a vast field of red poppies. Every flower is a memory of a lifetime. They are all bright and shining and facing the sun overhead. They have absorbed the light and are whole, complete.) I am Source. I showed this one a field of red flowers for red is a representation of base fear, an emotion that many have faced and are facing and will face. Fear is an absence of the understanding that I am in all things, a hard lesson. But if your toe is stubbed and hurting, the nerve receptors do not only remain in the toe, do they? No, the whole body is alerted to the injury. The whole body feels the pain. I feel your pain. I feel your loss. I feel what you feel. We can heal whatever it is together. We are now healing the earth experience, elevating it up into the heavenly realms of understanding, of peace, of balance, of deep internal and external joy. The painful memories will be healed. (I am seeing people in med beds I am feeling that those who need additional help for internal balancing will have everything that they need to achieve what their soul contracts deemed necessary.)
I am Source. I wrap you in my love, my light. I wrap you in my joy, my deep purpose, my sense of belonging. You belong here. (I am seeing an angel walking towards icy dark water. I am seeing the wings becoming invisible, their white clothing becomes average human clothing. They wince at the cold water and look back at their soul family waving at them as they continue to walk in.) Much like the angel who has forgotten they can fly, you have been in service to this icy realm where love has been diminished. But you are never cut off from me. I am in the icy water realms as well. I am in all things. Those who refuse to evolve into more light and heal will be managed. They are no longer allowed to create havoc and pain.
I am Source. The angels serving are you. You have brought the light with you and are lighting up this realm and grounding it from above. (I am seeing the dark water become filled with light. I am seeing pillars of light pierce the water and the bedrock beneath the ocean and the light workers acting as conduits of light.) You are doing your assignment with flying colors. I am so proud of you all and your efforts. We are all making a tremendous effort. You are not alone. We are all expanding together in this multidimensional ride of joy of expansion. Peace. I am surrounding you with my light, with my love. This universe is but one cell of me, just as you are so much more than just your physical body. The mysteries of eternal expansion and infinite creativity of potential both await you and are within you simultaneously. Gaia is expanding. All is one.
I am Source. You are infinitely loved. You will feel better soon. You are serving a much greater purpose than you can fully know and understand in this now moment of your humanity. Humans are getting their humanity back and balance will be achieved. It is already done in the higher echelon. Allow it to already be done with you. Allow the balancing energies that surround to fill you, allow the sunshine to warm you up from your adventures into the icy water of the lower dimensional experiences. Allow the sunlight of my love to take away the chill. The light is coming, is here, it is within you. You are already home, for I am your home. Home is all around you. Feel this love and ultimate acceptance and belonging. Peace.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings and love, I am Saint Germain. It is a joy to be in your presence today and to bring forth information and guidance. I wish to inspire you to focus upon your own personal ascension. I wish to bring to your attention that there is a need for you to focus upon navigating your personal ascension, creating intentions and focus points, creating thoughts or contemplating what you wish to experience in your ascension. Connecting from deep within your being, guided by your soul, your intuition, your truth, the aspect of the Creator within you.
問候以及愛,我是聖哲曼。很高興今天來到你的面前,帶給你信息和指引。我希望激勵你去專注於個人的楊升。我希望讓你注意到你需要去專注於航行個人的楊升,創造意圖和焦點,創造想法或凝視你希望在你的楊升中體驗的東西 。來自存在深處的連接,由你的靈魂、直覺、真理、造物主面向指引
What Are The Next Steps Of Your Personal Ascension?
I, Saint Germain wish to encourage you to navigate your personal ascension. This means I wish for you to write down or to document in some way what you wish to achieve in your ascension, as well as your ultimate ascension goal. This can be explored by asking yourself:
‘If I were in a place of fully embodying and completing my personal ascension in this lifetime, what would I be experiencing?
What would my actions be?
What would my thoughts and emotions be like?
Where would I be living on the Earth and with who would I be living?
What would my daily routine be?
I encourage you to explore this. It is not to create concrete ideas of what ascension is, what it means or how you live a life of ascension upon the Earth. I simply wish to encourage you to focus on experimenting, to recognise what it could be like completing your ascension in this life and remaining upon the Earth, living as your ascended master self. I encourage you to focus and to discover what this might be like. It is very much like imagining or wishing to have a new coat or jacket and so you imagine what a new coat or jacket would look like. What type? What colour? What thickness? When would you wear it?
Imagining and exploring your ascension is the same. To navigate your ascension, your personal ascension, I first wish to encourage you to think, explore, and to imagine the steps that are required to achieving your ascension. What would your complete ascension be like? If you are unable to register the steps then simply imagine, sense, acknowledge what complete ascension, living as your ascended master self on the Earth would be like for you. Once you have imagined this, almost tried it on, and experienced it energetically, I wish to encourage you to move on to the next stage of navigating your personal ascension. Each day in the coming days, I invite you to either imagine a pathway before you or a pathway within you going deeper into your being, you can imagine them as stepping stones. You do not necessarily need to know the steps of your ascension. Simply imagine you are stepping on one stone and then the next one, either before you or going within your being, deeper and deeper, whichever feels most appropriate. As you take a step on the stepping stones, you are reaching your goal, you are reaching complete ascension. As you imagine this, each stone will represent a transformation that will take place within your being, allowing you to recognise a remembrance of the Creator, a greater opening and expansion of your being and a shift in your physical reality. Each stepping stone allows you to absorb and engage with a transformational experience. Take time, even if you only achieve and absorb one stepping stone a day or you may be able to achieve the entire pathway. It is the goal to imagine, sense, or acknowledge that you are stepping on stepping stones that lead you to complete ascension within your being. Each stepping stone is the transformation that is needed, becoming the recognition and remembrance for you to remember yourself as an ascended master.
You already are an ascended master. You already have everything that you need and desire, that is appropriate and necessary, you already embody it, it already exists within your being. So, this process of imagining stepping stones is your awakening. You are remembering, you are collecting your remembrance of the Creator and yourself as an expression of the Creator, allowing yourself to embody it. You will notice that you may be able to count, maybe there are 10 stepping stones to complete ascension, existing as your ascended master self on the Earth, maybe there are more, maybe there are less. Gradually each day as you achieve this practice, using your imagination, you will embody more and more, and you become more settled, more comfortable, more grounded into your ascended master self, more able to open to it, to remember it, to experience it. Thus, you will find yourself experiencing the transformations in your reality with greater ease because energetically, you have already embodied them. It is simply a realisation with the mind or an action in the physical body or your reality. Then you will discover that you are more often sitting in the energy of your complete ascended master self and therefore it is easier to act and react from this space of your ascended master self.
Thus, you become your ascended master self, and as you become your ascended master self, you may recognise glimmers of what you imagined it would be like in your reality. Things entering your reality and things falling away. However, existing as your ascended master self may not be as you imagined it and that is also fine. It does not mean you completed it incorrectly, that you failed or have not completed your ascended master self-embodiment. As you grow and transform your perspective changes and alters, know that when you exist in your ascended master self, which you can do right now, you have everything you need. You have everything that is appropriate and necessary, the key is to bring this into expression in your physical reality, through radiance, sharing, emanating your light and your love, and accessing your truth.
This technique, I am entitling Navigating Your Personal Power, because you are instigating the navigation, you are in control. You are guiding yourself; you are achieving your personal ascension, and this is a practice that you can use at any moment, even when you are confused, experiencing chaos, when healing is needed or when you are experiencing low vibrations. Using this technique to navigate your personal ascension will shift your energy, aligning you to your truth and the Creator, which are essentially the same.
Why Am I Bringing Forth This Technique To You?
There is a need for you to accept your personal power regarding your ascension. There is a need for you to delve deeper, to dive into a greater understanding and embodiment of your own ascension pathway. Sometimes when you are embarking upon your ascension it feels unknown. Therefore, when it feels unknown, it feels unobtainable. By using the stepping stones you are allowing yourself to engage and embody the energy. It will feel familiar, you will be embarking upon your ascension and gaining the inspiration and understanding that you desire. It is a process of embodiment, accessing greater knowingness, of accelerating, making it easier for you to achieve your ascension in the physical reality while empowering you as you know you are the leader of your own ascension process. This is immensely powerful currently. It is something that is required because as you achieve this process, we, the beings on the inner planes, will be able to assist you, anchor more energy, wisdom, and everything you need as well as everything Mother Earth needs for ascension. You are the anchor not only of your own ascension process but the ascension process of all and Mother Earth.
We are grateful to you that you are on the Earth now as an anchor of the ascension process, and we thank you for this.
Please know that I, Saint Germain, I am with you supporting you and guiding you. Please receive my technique of navigating your personal ascension.
I love you always. I thank you.
I am Saint Germain.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


關於 揚升會變得更容易
傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan















(這是一個非常罕見的過程,因為所有的靈魂都被創造為不朽的和不可破壞的,在他們的個體性中,只會應用於最出軌和扭曲的靈魂,在特殊的情況下。對此有著許多的諾斯替教派的文學。因此我們必須假設4D 12層級的黑暗陰謀集團最新的可惡行為展示了這些靈魂無法挽回地墮落,必須在他們當前的個體性結構中被摧毀。這是新的和非常重要的決定,因為這不是最初的計劃去摧毀這些黑暗靈魂而是幫助它們進化。這個最近的決定,對我來說也是新的,證明了統治精英的惡意很頑固,以及我們為什麼要打這個延長和激烈的戰鬥來拯救人類並幫助一小部分的人揚升。這還解釋了揚升計劃中的許多延遲,創造許多時間線的必要性,來稀釋/減少黑暗勢力,因此幫助許多人類靈魂從他們的爪子中自由。George註)












< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/ >


0:00 影片開頭 0:38 《1》聖哲曼-解放你的心智(20210513) 7:26 《2》天狼星-暴風雨前的寧靜(20210514) 13:35 《3》加百利-你是流動的存在(20210514) #JamesMcConnell #TheaGraceSirius #ShelleyYoung #NickChan #Amber

傳導作者:James McConnell

Saint Germain: Free Your Mind

I am your Saint Germain. I am here, as always, to continue to assist you and guide you as one of your guides, while there are many guides that are working with you. Guides that are working alongside and within you, as well as your Higher Self, certainly. And all of this is coming together to bring the oneness within you. To bring you back to who you are. To bring you back to the knowing and the understanding that you are one with your multidimensional selves. And all is coming together as you are moving through this ascension process.

And as you are moving through this ascension process, you have already moved into the higher vibrational frequencies and higher dimensions.  It is not something you are moving to, the fifth dimension.  You are already there.

The only thing that is not there, that is what continues to trap you within the illusion.  That would be your ego mind, that lower consciousness within you that still holds you trapped, still believes that you need to be within that illusion, and that is where you belong.

But your higher knowing self within you, that collective consciousness within you, is pulling you upward, pulling you forward, pulling you out of the illusion, pulling you further and further into higher dimensional frequencies that, again, are already here on the Earth.

Gaia has already raised herself up.  She has already gone back home into those higher vibrational frequencies.  And she only holds a place for you now, holds a place for your mind, your mind that must be freed.  Just as in the Matrix:  free the mind.

That is what you need to do, you need to free the mind.  The mind.  The mind that continues to hold you down.  But your heart, your heart has already moved on.  Your heart is just waiting for the rest of you to catch up.

And the body, the physical body, the physical body that holds light is holding more and more light, anchoring more and more light.  So that you can be able to freely lift up in the ascension process in that first wave of ascension that you are already in now.  You have already found yourself in that ascension wave.

And all is coming together, as freedom is coming back to this planet.  Even though it may not appear to be so that you are free, but you are!  Just think about your every day that you go through and how free you really are, especially in this country, in the United States.

Even though there are those that attempt to take that freedom away, they cannot.  You will not allow it.  You, the collective you, will not allow your freedom to be taken away.  It cannot happen, and will not happen, because consciousness itself is free.

And you are consciousness.  And in that consciousness, freedom resides.  So always know that no matter what those of the darkness, those of the dark forces, attempt to do, they cannot overcome your free will to be free.

That is something they have attempted to do and something they have been successful at doing with some people on this planet, actually many at this time.  But those many at this time, even though they appear to be capitulating and appear to be controlled, many of them will yet awaken.

Because as the ascension process continues as the vibrations continue to increase, that will help to awaken.  As the truth is revealed, that will help to awaken so many of those that still yet seem to be asleep.  But they will not be asleep much longer, because there are those things that are about to happen, that are coming, that are going to bring major revealings to the planet, and certainly to this country which will reverberate around the entire planet.

As those of the Forces of Light, which you call The Alliance, are working diligently behind the scenes to bring the freedom to this country and to the entire planet, there are those that you would not even know that are in the control process now, that are in the control process of taking over those of the cabal forces.

Because the cabal forces cannot hold on any longer.  They cannot hold on to the dark, as the light is streaming forth.  They cannot be in those shadows, as they are completely illuminated by the light more and more, by truth, by understanding, by revealing.  It is not possible.
因為陰謀集團的力量無法再繼續保持下去。 當光線不斷射出時,它們無法保持黑暗。 它們不能處在那些陰影中,因為它們越來越多地被光,真理,理解,啟示所完全照亮。

So they have come out of the shadows and are revealing themselves for what they are.  And as they are revealing themselves for what they are, you, the collective consciousness of mankind, are beginning to see what they have held back.  All that they have held back.  All of the darkness they have held within them is coming forward now.

And it must be so, it must happen in this way.  So that those of the Founding Fathers of this county, what they set out to do is now about to be revealed much, much more than what it has been up to this point.  And nothing, no thing, can stop it at this time.  For it is destined.

You are destined to be free.  To be free to not only move anywhere you want in this world, on this planet, but to move throughout the stars.  You came from the stars.  And you are returning back to the stars.  And it is not something that can be held back.  It is not something that can be stopped.

Held back, yes.  They have held back it back for some time.  But it is not something that can be stopped.  For all is to be revealed.  The truth shall indeed set you all free.

I am your Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.  And that the Violet Flame continues to purge out all that is of the old, all that is of the old programmed illusion that continues to hold your minds—but, free your minds.

Peace and love be with all of you.
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121069138 >

傳導作者:Thea Grace Sirius
譯者:Nick Chan

Dearest Ones it is time for you all to retreat from the pressures of the outside world now, to go within and to clear the last vestiges of negativity from your mental, physical and spiritual selves. Many of you may be feeling sad, depressed, disorientated, angry, irritable, unloved, alone and suffering from many different physical symptoms. All of these feelings and symptoms are coming to the fore now, to be finally cleared from your system as you move from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension. As way showers you are now being challenged to heal and perfect your own lives.
We have given you meditations and much advice as to how to achieve your own peace but the real advice as always comes from within you. As way showers you are being asked to be your perfect self and this is why all of these challenges are coming to you now. You may find that you feel that you are the only one in your own world who feels as you do. You may find that friends and family who you used to get on with, may start to annoy and irritate you.
Remember Dear ones that the energies that are being beamed upon your Earth at this time are powerful energies and are affecting every single one of you now. The energies are stirring you up, so to speak, and they are bringing to the surface, all that is needed to be cleared. Know that these times are temporary and the more that you go within to meditate on your so called imperfections the sooner you will be able to clear them, to become more of your perfect self.
It may seem as if you are the only ones who are having these hard times, feeling as if you are on a roller coaster, happy one minute and sad or angry the next. All sorts of feelings, emotions and bodily symptoms are being stirred up inside of you. Do not berate yourself when these symptoms or feelings come to you, know that they are being shown to you to make you stronger and more able to live as a perfected soul in these uncertain times.
Meditating and going within is so important for you now, as you navigate the stormy waters of your own emotions. Meditating and being happy within your own selves without resorting to help from others will indeed bring you to a calm and peaceful presence and make you stronger and more able to ride the waves. There will be stormy times ahead for others, when many truths come out and they will have to come to terms with what has been happening on your planet for thousands of years. As way showers you will already have known much of this information, come to terms with it and have calmed your own selves. You will be there for them as they have to go through the storm that is to come.
It is time now for you to work on yourselves, to be the best that you can be and to not worry about your friends and family. Do not try to persuade them to be as you are, they will have their own awakening soon enough. Those friends and family members who are still asleep, will be waking up with a jump so to speak and you will be there to calm them as you have been calmed yourselves.
Have no Fear the future is assured. We have said before that those dark souls who have no intention of changing and upgrading themselves to live in the 5th Dimension of Peace Harmony and Love will NOT be able to stay on the planet. Do not fear how they will leave but leave they will. Prepare yourselves Dear Ones. Keep yourselves calm in your own craft for there will be stormy waters ahead as the mass awakening happens. Many dark souls will be leaving the planet, fear not how this will happen. Gaia knows each and every single soul on her planet and is well able to rid herself of any dark creatures who would wish to harm her or her inhabitants.
Fear not for your own friends and families, for you have all come together as souls at this time to ride out this storm. You may have woken before them but they too will find their way. Be prepared for Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Massive winds, Floods and strange weather patterns in the storm that is to come. Keep yourselves calm and you will weather the storm and be able to come home to a safe harbor.
We say all of these things not to cause concern but to prepare you for your future. You are all well able to ride the storm that is to come and to manifest that new Earth that you all so desire. Much change is coming to your planet. Those of you who know of the Tarot, know of the Tower card. Look into this card and see its real meaning. Two people are seen falling from a Tower that has been hit by lightning and it is being ravaged by fire. The Tower is the World and The Tower has been built on unstable ground. It is time now to knock down the Tower and build a new World on stable ground. Look now to the Star card to bring in all that you wish for and the World card to bring in that New Heavenly Earth for you all to live in Peace, Harmony and Love.
我們說這些東西不是為了引起擔憂,而是讓你為未來做好準備。你們都能夠駕馭就要到來的風暴,顯化你們都如此渴望的新地球。很多改變正在到來。你們那些瞭解塔羅牌的人。可以去看看Tower card,看看它的真正含義。兩個人從被雷擊中的塔上落下,塔被火破壞。塔就是世界,塔建立在不穩定的地面上。是時候擊倒塔,在穩定的地面上建立一個新世界。現在看向Star card,帶來你希望的一切,然後World card,帶來新的天堂地球來讓你們都生活在和平、和諧、愛中
As always we are here to help you on your journey but as Powerful Sovereign Beings and a part of the One true God the future does indeed start with YOU to co-create your own Heaven on Earth.
We send you Much Love and Many Blessings.
We are Sirius.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1842945575865155&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

If part of your anxiety could actually be excitement, and you know you don’t get excited about unpleasant things, perhaps you can settle into the idea that the experience of anxiety/excitement is a sure sign of wonderful new potentials that are now close enough that you can feel them energetically. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving. We have spoken of this before many times. One reason why people have trouble receiving we haven’t spoken of before is having a distrust of ease.
Do you distrust when things start to come together with ease? Do you immediately wait for the “other shoe to drop”? Do you think if things come together easily for you they will fall apart, others will judge you, or you will pay for it in some unpleasant way in the end?
This is all very tied into the martyred service paradigm, a paradigm you are in the process of evolving beyond. Do you feel you have to struggle to be worthy? Do you cling to expressions like, “no pain, no gain”? Are you afraid of being deemed not deserving enough for your gains or being perceived as lazy?
Dear Ones, ease is simply moving with the flow. It is deciding to move with the energies instead of exhausting yourself working against them. It is allowing yourself to be sustained, loved, and guided by the energies of Source. It is not about cutting corners or taking the easy way out of anything. It is deciding to trust and go with what is being supported for you willingly, and that is a glorious thing, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
As you continue forward into the new, you will feeling the energies whether you realize it or not. One thing we highly recommend is making an energy journal that highlights your experiences and any correlating factors. By educating yourself on what is going on astrologically and energetically, you will start to recognize your feelings and reactions are very normal and will shift out of resistance with yourself. Further, if you keep track you will come to realize that your body is such a reliable indicator of what is happening, external sources of information will only be confirmation for what you already know. You are a truly magnificent dance partner with the universe, profoundly interconnected with each other, expanding and evolving in the most wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you are beings of flow. You are always in motion. It may be gentle or rapid, internal or external, intangible or tangible, but it is always there. Resisting whatever stage you are in will only create discomfort because it would amount to trying to work against both yourself and the energy conditions that are showing up that are custom designed to support you and your evolution. Do you see? Embracing the flow means finally accepting who you really are and the bigger system you are an intrinsic part of, and that is at the core of the shift you are in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you have stepped firmly into new energies and this can require taking a moment to get your bearings. It is much like a video game, where you have gone through a particularly challenging stage, which upon its completion, opens up an entirely new level to you. You are in the process of learning what the features are in this stage, exploring the landscape, your new tools are, and the best application of them. There is much to discover and learn in this new level as it contains many new potentials that you could not have accessed previously, and we urge you to find wonder and joy in the process as you have worked so hard to arrive here. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1842945852531794&set=a.806388119520911 >


揚升大師.聖哲曼Saint Germain的信息:
傳導作者:Natalie Glasson
Saint Germain: Awakening Collective Success


Greetings and love, I am Saint Germain. I come forth with my love, truth and all that I am to share with you. I am an expression of the Creator, I am an expression of divine magic, love, truth, peace, all that is the Creator. As this expression, I wish to inspire the same within your being, not only this, I wish to inspire that your expression of the Creator inspires and positively impacts the world and reality you exist within at this time.

You are a powerful tool in the ascension process you have the ability to express the ascension process and all that is the Creator, bringing forth the activations, insights, remembrance, and the truth that is necessary. Every being will increase their vibration, awaken their hearts, and come to remember the truth of the Creator because of you. You are creating a reality of love for all to experience and are a powerful force in this ascension process that is unfolding. Everything that you do, every thought you have assists in the ascension process of all, the collective. When I speak of the collective, I am speaking of the consciousness, the mind, the remembrance and the beings or presence of all upon the Earth, every single soul, every single being upon the Earth is the collective. This includes humanity, animals, insects, tree spirits and so forth. You all create a collective energy, a collective consciousness and vibration. Past generations also add to the collective vibration, all beings who have existed upon the Earth in the past or simultaneous lifetimes have gifted their energy, and their experiences to this collective vibration and collective consciousness.

The collective vibration and consciousness of the Earth’s reality is so vast and expansive, it is like a library. It is immensely healing for all, it also holds all the wounds that have been unresolved within your own being and within others, whether they are on the Earth now or not. Therefore, we recognise that this collective vibration, or collective body, has so much power and influence not only over your reality, but everyone. It is my understanding at this stage of ascension that there is a need to awaken the collective success. When we awaken the success energy within the collective body, we will transform the perspective and the beliefs of the collective. We will heal wounds, we will be able to let go of many things that are hindering, negatively impacting, or holding all of humanity and all beings upon the Earth back.

What is Success?

When we speak of success, we are speaking of achieving one’s purpose, manifesting dreams, desires, embodying fulfilment, embodying the energy of completion and being a beacon of love. As well as enjoying your time upon the Earth in every given moment. We recognise success in many ways, it can be money, prosperity, time, love, objects, friendship, relationships, health, or vitality. There are so many ways that success can manifest. As I, Saint Germain, speak of success I am referring to the vibration of success, the highest vibration of the Creator that is able to be embedded within the Earth, and within your being.
當我們談論成功時,我們在談論實現自己的目標,體現夢想,願望,體現成就感,體現完成的能量並成為愛的燈塔。以及在每個給定的時刻享受你在地球上的時間。我們以多種方式認可成功,可能是金錢,繁榮,時間,愛情,事物,友誼,人際關係,健康或活力。成功可以通過多種方式體現出來。當我聖哲曼(Saint Germain)談到成功時,我指的是成功的振動,造物主的最高振動,它可以嵌入地球和你的生命之中。

Take a few moments just to acknowledge the highest vibration of the Creator.

We are not even speaking of success here, we are speaking of the highest vibration of the Creator that can manifest at the physical reality level, within your being, and through your being. When you embody the highest vibration of the Creator that is available to you in this moment you will automatically recognise the presence of success. You will automatically recognise that success or fulfilment begins to manifest in your reality and so, this is something that we are inviting you to achieve now.

Ask your soul to download into your being the highest vibration of the Creator available to you now.

Then simply allow it to be present with you, take time even if it is only a few minutes, to allow this to be downloaded, to be embedded and grounded into your being. It is a process of awakening, and remembrance. As you achieve this so you will already begin to impact the collective body that we spoke of.
Imagine the collective body. The collective body holds within it everyone’s success and what every being who has existed on the Earth recognises as failure, mistakes, or wounds. These wounds within the Collective body are holding humanity back, creating limitations, boundaries, and baggage. You are influenced by this energy from the collective body whether you are aware of it or not. Even if you feel yourself to be an embodiment of fulfilment, success, and completion, those wounds are still impacting your being. Even if you have healed all the wounds within your being the collective body may still impact your being. The collective body is so powerful it seems important to create an awakening of success within the collective body, therefore dissolving, dispersing, and erasing anything and everything that any being upon the Earth has recognised as a failure, a wound, or a mistake. You have the power to achieve this within the collective body. You have the power to awaken collective success, therefore the collective body will be influencing you and all beings with the energy of success. You will experience a limitless energy, that is empowering, strengthening, and nurturing.  You will experience everything that you need to support yourself and to allow others to be supported upon the Earth, beginning to recognise the true nature and the true purpose of the collective body. The transformation will offer wisdom and knowledge that is needed so that all beings who exist upon the Earth can navigate the Earth using these tools and more importantly to offer success, and fulfilment as normal, as given, a natural aspect of the Earth. You are deserving, the collective body will support you and all beings through the ascension process navigating the journey of the Earth in a physical reality.

How to Awaken Collective Success

I, Saint Germain, wish to share with you how you can create this shift. First, as I have stated, there is a need to create the download within and from your soul into your being. Once you have achieved this and embodied it then you may focus upon the collective body.
我,聖哲曼(Saint Germain),希望與你分享如何實現這一轉變。首先,正如我已經說過的那樣,有必要在你的靈魂之內以及從你的靈魂中創建下載。一旦實現並體現了這一點,你就可以專注於集體。

Send your energy or love, your truth to the collective body. Imagine it as a well of light that is connected to every being upon the Earth, like a library or a source of information, you could even imagine it as a computer that is connected to all beings. As you send your energy to the collective body there is a need for you to state your intention:

‘It is my purpose with my guides, soul and soul group to awaken the collective success for myself, and for all.’

Then say:

‘I call upon the highest vibration of the Creator to flow into the collective body now.’

You may wish to imagine, sense, or acknowledge this occurring as the highest vibration available from the Creator flows and downloads into the collective body.

Then say:

‘The collective body now awakens the vibration of success dissolving dispersing, and erasing wounds, failures and mistakes, all energies that hinder, limit and block all beings upon the Earth.’

Then, please say:

‘I call upon all loving beings throughout the entire Universe of the Creator to now surround the collective body of the Earth and all beings, please send your highest vibration of love into the collective body. Please continue to do so until the awakening is complete, and the transformation and healing has taken place. Thank you.’

In the coming days, we invite you to practice this for yourself and for the collective body. You will begin to know when the process is being completed because you will receive the energy of fulfilment, success, and completion. You may receive it as you achieve this process, or you may receive it in your daily reality. It is important to notice it and celebrate it as well. To celebrate you can simply say thank you or express your gratitude.

Once you notice the energy of success flowing more freely within your being, your reality, and the world, ask all the beings that have been supporting this transformation to ground it, to ground the success energy into all beings upon the Earth and into Mother Earth herself as well. This is an immensely powerful and important process and practice. It will create tremendous shifts not only in your perspectives and beliefs, but in the perspective, and beliefs of all beings. How wonderful if all beings recognise success, fulfilment, and completion as a natural part of everyday life letting go of old baggage that has been unresolved.

I am present to serve you, I thank you.

I Am Saint Germain
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121064436 >


關於 你是轉變團隊中的成員嗎?
傳導作者:娜塔莉·格拉森(Natalie Glasson)
#NatalieGlasson #黎飛翔





轉變可以從舊的能量釋放你的習慣和模式以及喚醒你的存在到更大體積的光、愛、智慧和真理。 當你允許自己改變你的個性或能量,你就接受了新自我的一部分,它保有你的靈魂、靈魂群體和造物主的振動。



因為限制性的溶解與完整的釋放,使你感覺到自己充滿著光,讓轉變的過程充滿著喜悅。 有時,轉變能讓我們評估能量或讓我們的信念被深深地抓住,把它們帶入我們的現實中。


許多人可能會經歷內在的絕望,導致他們尋求外在來為自己獲得答案,因為他們覺得無法從自己的位置移動或甚至無法驅動改變。 目前正在經歷這些的人都是轉變大師。


許多靈魂都接近我的修行道場並與第七道光射微調,他們掌握光射的轉化能力並去幫助其他人轉 變。


我們已經標記這些靈魂和他們的使命,成為“具體化的轉變團隊”(Team of Transformation in Embodiment)。








這些被確認的能量範例將扮演一個喚醒轉變的關鍵,那是信念、 自我價值、自愛、喚醒內在力量、信任、同情和真理。











請支持我 輕鬆實現與完美的造物主對齊這一目標












4.花時間專注於你所希望改變的。 讓自己檢查極性。 讓自己去理解你希望改變的能量,如此你可以描述它的本質。然後讓自己觀察什麼事是相反的。




7.意識到你與造物主更大的合一,理解轉變的藝術 。



【大天使麥克、聖哲曼St. Germain.】
#JamesMcConnell #MarleneSwetlishoff #NickChan

傳導作者:JamesMc Connell
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Archangel Michael. And I am here at this time to continue to assist you in working through everything that is occurring in your lives now as you focus more and more as how things are changing with your loved ones, your surroundings, everything that is happening to move you to a point where you are needing to become more and more unattached to everything that is yet a 3-D illusion of this third-dimensional paradigm that is, indeed, an illusion.
Everything you are watching on your internet, on your televisions, everything you are hearing is largely a part of this illusion. It is a show or a movie, as you have heard many times, being played out in front of you.
But the whole reason for this is not to bring grief, certainly not to bring fear, but to be a part of this Great Plan which is bringing you closer and closer to move through this transition that you are in, and move through your ascension process. As you are, indeed, in that first wave of ascension right now.
Have you ascended? No. If you feel an attachment of any kind, you have not ascended.
And as your discussion was earlier about your loved ones and those that may or may not be exiting as a result of those choices they are making, you do not need to be concerned about them. They have their own life path. They have their own soul path to follow. And they are following that, just as you are following yours.
You must come to understand that more and more that you have no control. No control at all. Just as I have no control. Sananda has no control. Saint Germain has no control. The One Who Serves … on and on. No one of us has any control over any of you, nor would we even want to begin to have control. That is a third-dimensional illusionary process.
Those that want to have control, they want to control the entire planet. They want to control the world. How much folly is that? But they are not to be allowed to do so.
You have heard many, many times, the Light has already won. And, indeed, in has. In the higher dimensional frequencies, it has already won. It has already happened. You have already had the Solar Flash in the higher dimensions. But it has not filtered down yet. And you have heard it will not be in the third dimension, and it will not be. It cannot be. For if the Solar Flash were to happen now in your third-dimensional illusion with the veil still up, you would not survive. Most, if not all of you, and the Lightworking Community included, would not survive it. This is why it had not yet happened.
But rest assured that when it does happen, you will be ready for it. And the consciousness of mankind will have progressed enough. For there are those things in the works now that are bringing about this Great Awakening. This Great Awakening is leading to higher consciousness, higher vibrations, and a movement out of the third-dimensional illusion, a movement to bring the veil down. And when this happens, the Solar Flash will also happen.
Will it take a lifetime? No. Will it take many years? Most likely not. But it could take months, and yes, even years for this to occur. But again, it is all on what you call ‘God’s time.’ Not your time. It is all in Divine timing. Even I, Archangel Michael, I do not know the timing for this. And if I did, I wouldn’t be allowed to tell you.
Because you must live it. You must live your lives day by day, moment by moment. But that is what you came here to do. You came here to live. You came here to express, express life. You came here to anchor the Light. That is what you are all doing to one degree or another.
It is true: it is not up to you to manipulate or to help to change anyone’s soul path. It is their soul path. It is your soul path.
As you move closer and closer on your soul path to coming back, and I say specifically “coming back” to remember who you are, and to remember the connection to your Higher God Self, when you have fully realized that, and you have let go of all of the attachments that hold you to this third-dimensional illusion yet still, then you will have ascended into and even beyond, at times, the fifth-dimensional frequency.
If you want to, if you wish to, call upon me, Archangel Michael, that I would come with my Flaming Blue Sword of Truth and sever any remaining psychic ties that still may be holding you down to this third-dimensional illusion. So that you might once and for all move beyond this game, end this game for yourselves, and move into those higher vibrational frequencies for good, not to keep going back and forth.
Unless you wish to do that. And many of you, as you have heard, will wish to do that. Once you have ascended, you will want to come back, many of you. Come back and assist those loved ones that are still lagging behind, and help them to cross the finish line, just as you will have.
I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now in peace, and love.
And know that I, and many, many of us, and you know of who and whom I speak of here, all the ones that you call upon—we are always here, just a whisper away. Just ask, and we will be with you.
Peace and love be with all of you. Blessings.

揚升大師.聖哲曼(St. Germain.)信息:
傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan 

I come on the wings of love! On the path of Light that you walk upon, many possibilities are presenting themselves and coming into your awareness. This means you are attuning to the Divine flow for your soul journey and it is incumbent upon you to stay the course and stay true to your path. Do not look elsewhere for the answers, for they are all contained within you. What is the right way for you may not be the right way for the path of another and so we do not judge self or others as we all continue the ascension process. Your own Eternal Divine Essence guides you every step of the way and we from the Ascended realms of Light are here to assist you wherever and whenever we can.
There is a plethora of information that abounds upon the web of knowledge and ideas known as the internet. Anyone can research any subject they have interest in and find the answers that resonate as truth to them and then do further explorations into paths they did not conceive of before but which in some mysterious way, they are led to and given insights that were needed. This current time is a period when each soul learns more about self, what makes them unique and special, what they have in commonality with others in their sphere of influence and even further afield into cosmic and universal concepts that apply to all souls in this universe and beyond. Truly, the magic and wonder of creation is just beginning to unfold!
As they delve into the mysteries of themselves and all of creation, they find some essential truths that cannot be ignored. One of these is that their planet is the home that they live on and it is where they experience their soul journeys and soul lessons and they see that this essential connection must be appreciated and nurtured as one that is necessary. Our planet is destined to become a luminous star in the cosmos and the ascension process is part of the larger picture of what is written and foretold in the annals of cosmic knowledge. Each soul then begins to see that their individual conscious contribution to this greater unfoldment of expansion and spiritual growth for all helps to accelerate the process for the entire collective of humanity who is reaching for greater heights on their spiritual journey.
It is in this current period of time that great acceleration, expansion and growth of potential within each soul is occurring. The knowledge and insights that used to take a lifetime or even many lifetimes to achieve can now happen within hours, days and months! Such is the impetus of the Light that is streaming into the Earth's atmosphere. Each soul that can recognize this opportunity for advancement in soul evolution is now stepping up to the plate and focusing their attention on their current state of being and where it is they wish to go from here. It is good...it is as it should be and it means the individual is on track with the destiny they have chosen to walk the path of in this current lifetime.
For many individuals, this is the completion lifetime of the former cycle of incarnational rounds in the experience of duality in its various forms in matter. Much has been learned about what it means to be a responsible God being and they have discovered that they must embrace and love all of it as an integral part of their spiritual journey. They have learned to discern the middle way and to walk their path with high integrity, truth, respect and honor in a harmonious, peaceful and balanced way. This has created more Light within their physical bodies and this Light is radiating in ever greater concentric circles of circumference which ultimately joins with the circles of Light radiating from and within others of like mind. This has created a unity field of consciousness that has great potential for positive development.
I AM St. Germain.