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顯示具有 娜塔莉·格拉森Natalie Glasson 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》源頭-讓我愛的陽光帶走你的寒冷 (20210601) 10:11 《2》聖哲曼-接納你自己的力量 (20210601) #Galaxygirl #NatalieGlasson #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan 

I am Source. I am the all and the in between. I am the energy that began this creative process and I am the thought, the love that will continue for eternity. I am never ending. I am always beginning. Gaia will have her always beginning again moment. Ascension energies are growing. (I am seeing germinating seeds, sprouting plants.) Gaia is becoming her higher, highest self. This temple of higher dimensional codices has already been seeded. You will continue watering it with your good intentions to create growth of the new. Do not be aghast at that what is coming. Be prepared to anchor the light. Many of you are already firm strong anchors of light and I thank you for keeping your promises to me, to yourself and to your oversoul collectives who all sent many aspects who could best hold the light at a higher frequency in such a low form. Your lower dimensional forms are morphing and increasingly holding more and more light. You feel alone but you need not. You are all cells of myself, by me, in all forms and spaces. You are surrounded by yourself as you are a part of me. Your families of light are also aspects of me.
We are all one giant thought, one wave of love, of light. Fractals fight and feel cut off and separated in the lower dimensional realms. The whole point is to realize that all are created and all are me and all are one. Just as all of the cells of your body make up you, so too are you my cells, my aspects, my lights, serving, living, breathing, experiencing. One cell in your big toe may not feel connected to a cell in your heart but it is all you. Your body is all one massive universe, of trillions of you, experiencing what you see, feel, taste, touch, love, hate, it is all your experience. Are you sending light to your cells? I am sending light to you, a cell of my lightened vibration upon Gaia. Gaia is being bathed in the highest quality multidimensional light and she is radiant. You are radiant with this light when you choose to absorb it. Are you meditating? It is the best way to feel connected to me, to breathe me in most seemlessly. Many of you are already at the point of daily meditation and having achieved a meditated mind when you go about your day.
I am Source. You will see and feel the shifts of multidimensionality. You will experience a gradual lifting of the surrounding vibration. Your cells are all ascending with you, just as you are ascending within this field, so your cells are ascending within your field. (I am seeing teammates lifting up the player who just scored that winning point and seeing that player being carried joyfully on their shoulders.) Your galactic, your star families of light who have seen you through many obstacles are carrying you. You are being supported in many unique ways through various creative resources. You are being carried by those who love you, who are not so invisible as you may think. (I am feeling that many Pleiadians are already embodied and nearby.) You are being carried in these dreams of love, of light. Your cells are all supported, just as I am supporting you and all of the cells of my earthly experience. The dark ones have had their moment of experience. The light has fully anchored, has fully exploded into yet more joyful expressions of further light and love. I am further increasing my love daily, moment by moment as I am always in a state of expansion. When humanity stops expanding energetically, they age faster, they become brittle, hard, stooped. Stand up tall and feel these energies of wavelengths of pure love and light that are bathing you. Just as a mother bathes her infant lovingly so too am I bathing you. Rinse away all that no longer serves you. Rinse away the memories of the lower dimensional earth timelines that you have experienced. Heal them. Forgive them. Release them. Wash them and fill them with cleansed light and they will remain as a balanced memory within your field of memory.
I am Source. You all have many many fields of memories. (I am seeing a vast field of red poppies. Every flower is a memory of a lifetime. They are all bright and shining and facing the sun overhead. They have absorbed the light and are whole, complete.) I am Source. I showed this one a field of red flowers for red is a representation of base fear, an emotion that many have faced and are facing and will face. Fear is an absence of the understanding that I am in all things, a hard lesson. But if your toe is stubbed and hurting, the nerve receptors do not only remain in the toe, do they? No, the whole body is alerted to the injury. The whole body feels the pain. I feel your pain. I feel your loss. I feel what you feel. We can heal whatever it is together. We are now healing the earth experience, elevating it up into the heavenly realms of understanding, of peace, of balance, of deep internal and external joy. The painful memories will be healed. (I am seeing people in med beds I am feeling that those who need additional help for internal balancing will have everything that they need to achieve what their soul contracts deemed necessary.)
I am Source. I wrap you in my love, my light. I wrap you in my joy, my deep purpose, my sense of belonging. You belong here. (I am seeing an angel walking towards icy dark water. I am seeing the wings becoming invisible, their white clothing becomes average human clothing. They wince at the cold water and look back at their soul family waving at them as they continue to walk in.) Much like the angel who has forgotten they can fly, you have been in service to this icy realm where love has been diminished. But you are never cut off from me. I am in the icy water realms as well. I am in all things. Those who refuse to evolve into more light and heal will be managed. They are no longer allowed to create havoc and pain.
I am Source. The angels serving are you. You have brought the light with you and are lighting up this realm and grounding it from above. (I am seeing the dark water become filled with light. I am seeing pillars of light pierce the water and the bedrock beneath the ocean and the light workers acting as conduits of light.) You are doing your assignment with flying colors. I am so proud of you all and your efforts. We are all making a tremendous effort. You are not alone. We are all expanding together in this multidimensional ride of joy of expansion. Peace. I am surrounding you with my light, with my love. This universe is but one cell of me, just as you are so much more than just your physical body. The mysteries of eternal expansion and infinite creativity of potential both await you and are within you simultaneously. Gaia is expanding. All is one.
I am Source. You are infinitely loved. You will feel better soon. You are serving a much greater purpose than you can fully know and understand in this now moment of your humanity. Humans are getting their humanity back and balance will be achieved. It is already done in the higher echelon. Allow it to already be done with you. Allow the balancing energies that surround to fill you, allow the sunshine to warm you up from your adventures into the icy water of the lower dimensional experiences. Allow the sunlight of my love to take away the chill. The light is coming, is here, it is within you. You are already home, for I am your home. Home is all around you. Feel this love and ultimate acceptance and belonging. Peace.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings and love, I am Saint Germain. It is a joy to be in your presence today and to bring forth information and guidance. I wish to inspire you to focus upon your own personal ascension. I wish to bring to your attention that there is a need for you to focus upon navigating your personal ascension, creating intentions and focus points, creating thoughts or contemplating what you wish to experience in your ascension. Connecting from deep within your being, guided by your soul, your intuition, your truth, the aspect of the Creator within you.
問候以及愛,我是聖哲曼。很高興今天來到你的面前,帶給你信息和指引。我希望激勵你去專注於個人的楊升。我希望讓你注意到你需要去專注於航行個人的楊升,創造意圖和焦點,創造想法或凝視你希望在你的楊升中體驗的東西 。來自存在深處的連接,由你的靈魂、直覺、真理、造物主面向指引
What Are The Next Steps Of Your Personal Ascension?
I, Saint Germain wish to encourage you to navigate your personal ascension. This means I wish for you to write down or to document in some way what you wish to achieve in your ascension, as well as your ultimate ascension goal. This can be explored by asking yourself:
‘If I were in a place of fully embodying and completing my personal ascension in this lifetime, what would I be experiencing?
What would my actions be?
What would my thoughts and emotions be like?
Where would I be living on the Earth and with who would I be living?
What would my daily routine be?
I encourage you to explore this. It is not to create concrete ideas of what ascension is, what it means or how you live a life of ascension upon the Earth. I simply wish to encourage you to focus on experimenting, to recognise what it could be like completing your ascension in this life and remaining upon the Earth, living as your ascended master self. I encourage you to focus and to discover what this might be like. It is very much like imagining or wishing to have a new coat or jacket and so you imagine what a new coat or jacket would look like. What type? What colour? What thickness? When would you wear it?
Imagining and exploring your ascension is the same. To navigate your ascension, your personal ascension, I first wish to encourage you to think, explore, and to imagine the steps that are required to achieving your ascension. What would your complete ascension be like? If you are unable to register the steps then simply imagine, sense, acknowledge what complete ascension, living as your ascended master self on the Earth would be like for you. Once you have imagined this, almost tried it on, and experienced it energetically, I wish to encourage you to move on to the next stage of navigating your personal ascension. Each day in the coming days, I invite you to either imagine a pathway before you or a pathway within you going deeper into your being, you can imagine them as stepping stones. You do not necessarily need to know the steps of your ascension. Simply imagine you are stepping on one stone and then the next one, either before you or going within your being, deeper and deeper, whichever feels most appropriate. As you take a step on the stepping stones, you are reaching your goal, you are reaching complete ascension. As you imagine this, each stone will represent a transformation that will take place within your being, allowing you to recognise a remembrance of the Creator, a greater opening and expansion of your being and a shift in your physical reality. Each stepping stone allows you to absorb and engage with a transformational experience. Take time, even if you only achieve and absorb one stepping stone a day or you may be able to achieve the entire pathway. It is the goal to imagine, sense, or acknowledge that you are stepping on stepping stones that lead you to complete ascension within your being. Each stepping stone is the transformation that is needed, becoming the recognition and remembrance for you to remember yourself as an ascended master.
You already are an ascended master. You already have everything that you need and desire, that is appropriate and necessary, you already embody it, it already exists within your being. So, this process of imagining stepping stones is your awakening. You are remembering, you are collecting your remembrance of the Creator and yourself as an expression of the Creator, allowing yourself to embody it. You will notice that you may be able to count, maybe there are 10 stepping stones to complete ascension, existing as your ascended master self on the Earth, maybe there are more, maybe there are less. Gradually each day as you achieve this practice, using your imagination, you will embody more and more, and you become more settled, more comfortable, more grounded into your ascended master self, more able to open to it, to remember it, to experience it. Thus, you will find yourself experiencing the transformations in your reality with greater ease because energetically, you have already embodied them. It is simply a realisation with the mind or an action in the physical body or your reality. Then you will discover that you are more often sitting in the energy of your complete ascended master self and therefore it is easier to act and react from this space of your ascended master self.
Thus, you become your ascended master self, and as you become your ascended master self, you may recognise glimmers of what you imagined it would be like in your reality. Things entering your reality and things falling away. However, existing as your ascended master self may not be as you imagined it and that is also fine. It does not mean you completed it incorrectly, that you failed or have not completed your ascended master self-embodiment. As you grow and transform your perspective changes and alters, know that when you exist in your ascended master self, which you can do right now, you have everything you need. You have everything that is appropriate and necessary, the key is to bring this into expression in your physical reality, through radiance, sharing, emanating your light and your love, and accessing your truth.
This technique, I am entitling Navigating Your Personal Power, because you are instigating the navigation, you are in control. You are guiding yourself; you are achieving your personal ascension, and this is a practice that you can use at any moment, even when you are confused, experiencing chaos, when healing is needed or when you are experiencing low vibrations. Using this technique to navigate your personal ascension will shift your energy, aligning you to your truth and the Creator, which are essentially the same.
Why Am I Bringing Forth This Technique To You?
There is a need for you to accept your personal power regarding your ascension. There is a need for you to delve deeper, to dive into a greater understanding and embodiment of your own ascension pathway. Sometimes when you are embarking upon your ascension it feels unknown. Therefore, when it feels unknown, it feels unobtainable. By using the stepping stones you are allowing yourself to engage and embody the energy. It will feel familiar, you will be embarking upon your ascension and gaining the inspiration and understanding that you desire. It is a process of embodiment, accessing greater knowingness, of accelerating, making it easier for you to achieve your ascension in the physical reality while empowering you as you know you are the leader of your own ascension process. This is immensely powerful currently. It is something that is required because as you achieve this process, we, the beings on the inner planes, will be able to assist you, anchor more energy, wisdom, and everything you need as well as everything Mother Earth needs for ascension. You are the anchor not only of your own ascension process but the ascension process of all and Mother Earth.
We are grateful to you that you are on the Earth now as an anchor of the ascension process, and we thank you for this.
Please know that I, Saint Germain, I am with you supporting you and guiding you. Please receive my technique of navigating your personal ascension.
I love you always. I thank you.
I am Saint Germain.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


關於 將心智從恐懼中解放
傳導作者:娜塔麗.格拉森(Natalie Glasson)

問候地球上的存有們,我是伊萊克特拉.歐薩拉(Electra Osara),代表天堂的存有前來分享訊息。














































伊萊克特拉.歐薩拉(Electra Osara)
< 原文:http://3d-5d.blogspot.com/2013/11/blog-post_6420.html >


傳導作者:Natalie Glasson













當你靈魂的一個新的面向得以錨定,這通常造成你身體或是你實相中的一次轉變或改變,鼓勵你去放手你自身的一個方面- 它是你所熟悉的一種觀點,習慣或是理解。經常,為了讓你靈魂的這個全新面向通過,一次過渡的發生就必然要求你對你自己的一種不再服務於你的身份或認定放手。這可能會是一次充滿挑戰的過程,尤其是當肉體,個性或是頭腦在拒絕,不願意改變或放手時。














0:00 影片開頭 0:39 《1》巴巴吉-不要高人一等(20210517) 4:36 《2》大角星-光之技術(20210517) #JahnKassl #JahnJKassl #NatalieGlasson #NickChan #巴巴吉 #BABAJI #大角星

傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl 
譯者:Nick Chan

Do not hide your light under a bushel. Stand on the hill, but do not exalt yourself above any man.
Love yourself and love your neighbor – in this order – and you will reach the goal.
The turn of the times and the end of the times are in full swing. Every day you are confronted with upheavals and with news that often challenge you to the edge of what is possible and bearable.
Even highly inclined light warriors and people who are progressing along the path of transformation are often faced with seemingly unsolvable tasks today.
The energy on this earth turns sometimes in this, then in the other direction, sometimes your life is illuminated, then again dense veils of mist and darkness appear. Even light warriors are affected by this today and many a one asks himself the question: “Is my doing in vain?” I say to you:
Every thought out of love accomplishes more than a good deed done without love.
The measure of your successes or failures lie in pure or impure intentions – which first become visible and conscious in the thoughts.
For what reason do you do this or that? This is the basis on which a human life can succeed or fail – and on which a person is weighed up by God after his life.
Today it is crucial that you do not look at the momentary success and that you do not let yourself be distracted by time delays or rearrangements in the plan of change.
Expand your consciousness and understand: You have lived before this life and you will continue to live after this life. You have walked this earth many times and you will walk it again.
What you do not finish today is waiting for you in a new life – in a new opportunity.
Think in millennia and you will take new courage. If you perceive only very slow changes in the world and if the feeling creeps in that everything is in vain and that you cannot change anything anyway, then it will help you to look at the great cosmic arc in which time has no meaning.
There is no reason for the feeling of powerlessness. Once you realize this, you are free and you remain in your power.
You remove powerlessness by dissecting this feeling, confronting it, dissecting it, and determining where it comes from. Get to the bottom of your discouragement and powerlessness. You will gain a lot of new courage and come into your power.
It is always a matter of getting to the source of a light-filled or light-poor state, to see where the wind is blowing from and what is causing unrest in your soul. As soon as you are in your full power again, give to the people and the earth what you have to give. Love yourself for what you do and are – and love your neighbor as soon as you succeed in self-love.
Self-love is the key you are looking for as long as you are struggling with things. This is the source you have to reach before it becomes peaceful within you.
Let your inner light shine on the hill, but do not elevate yourself and do not let yourself be elevated.
You are what you are, you were what you are, and you will be what you are.
At any time you are what you are – if you are aware of that, then you have arrived.
I love you infinitely
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1845176395642073&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan

We extend our light, our vibration of freedom, and peace to you now. We are the Arcturians, we come forth as one voice and yet we are a collective. We come forth to share with you today our mission which means the intentions we hold at this time as well as our purpose, and role within the unfolding ascension.
We, the Arcturians, have been sharing our information and knowledge with many upon the Earth, especially those incarnate in physical bodies. We have been creating inspiration for some and for others we have been downloading with their conscious knowledge, wisdom, ideas, and plans.
The Creator and many beings upon the inner planes have advised us to download our wisdom, information, and technology into those who are receptive upon the Earth. With the purpose of creating love and truth upon the Earth, you might like to call it heaven upon the Earth or a greater remembrance of the Creator. Our purpose is aligned 100% with love and it is our mission to embrace, embody and empower the love of the Creator for all upon the Earth.
We are known upon the inner planes, as masters of light technology. We bring forth manifestations of light that support the creation of love, peace, and truth as well as the creation and expression of the Creator. We create technology that empowers the Creator within each being, enabling and supporting the deepest, purest relationship and connection for all with the Creator.
It is this we gift to humanity or more truthfully, it is this that we are reminding humanity of. You all have the ability to create and manifest, this is your purpose, it is your natural ability. You also hold access to and an embodiment of light, the purest and highest vibration of light of the Creator. You can and do allow this light to flow through your being and be expressed in beautiful ways. You are already masters of light technology and this is something that we wish to enhance within your being, especially those that truly feel aligned to this mission upon the Earth.
Technology has been used for much time now and through many generations and civilizations upon the Earth. Often technology can be created from lower vibrations. When you create technology especially light technology there is a need to have an expansive mind, to adopt the energy of the limitless vibrations of the Creator.
When you create light technology from this seat of essence of the Creator then anything and everything is possible. You create light technology that nurtures and nourishes everything and everyone.
When you create technology from a desire, need, a lack, or a want for control or power the technology is created from a lower vibration. It will only support humanity and all beings to some extent and could also cause negative impacts.
Our purpose, the Arcturians, is to inspire the creation of light technology from the seat of limitless, expansive freedom of the Creator. Therefore, creating technology that is filled with light and that fills every being with light, developing with the ascension process. You could say light technology is open-ended, it continues, evolves, and grows to continue to support, nurture and nourish every being upon the Earth.
This is what we are downloading and activating within those who are specifically receptive to our energies and who hold the purpose of bringing forth light technology and inspiring others to do so.
You do not need to be technically minded; you do not need to be able to even follow a plan or to create something physically with your hands. What we are asking of humanity in this moment is to open your mind, to expand your heart, and your entire being to the prospect that there is light technology and we the Arcturians and many beings are anchoring this light technology into the Earth now.
Please also be open and receptive to the reality that you are a master of light technology and understand it perfectly. We wish for you to be accepting and receptive that light technology will begin to manifest upon the Earth now and this is the most important thing. There is a need for you to be open and receptive to the manifestation of light technology in the physical realms. As new technology comes forth, we the Arcturians invite you to connect with your soul and your soul group within. We invite you to connect with your intuition.
Ask yourself, is the technology coming forth of a lower vibration or is it light technology?
You have the ability and the power to understand and to recognize which technology is of a lower vibration, and which is light technology. This simple recognition is immensely important because it allows for the continued manifestation of light technology.
We also invite you to gain a mediative state, focus upon your breathing, gain a quiet space within your being, and hold the intention or acknowledgement of opening your mind, heart, and your entire being to our light technology, the Arcturians.
Invite us to download our energy into your being and the Earth. This is concerning the manifestation of light technology. There is a need for humanity to open, receive and consent for light technology to be anchored. Remember it is to support and nurture the ascension process for evermore. There is a need to open, receive and claim it, in doing so you will receive energy from us. If it is not for you to bring forth light technology, you will receive the energy, maybe even the plans so you may ground them into the Earth and the collective consciousness of humanity.
If you do have an ability to bring forth technology, putting it into action, and physical manifestation upon the Earth, then you will be given this inspiration along with the energy, vibrations, and frequencies, in truth everything you need to bring this forth into reality upon the Earth. You may even find that many Arcturian beings come forth to be with you as guides at this time.
What We Ask Of You Now
All we ask of you now is to be open and receptive to the presence of light technology and how it will manifest in your reality.
To be open and receptive to anchoring our energies, our information, wisdom, and light technology.
Please question our intention and our purpose, question whether we are coming from love and truth.
It is important for you to do this because you will begin to understand and trust in our energy and our purpose, recognizing that our purpose is also your purpose and that there is a need for a shift in technology upon the Earth.
Some may believe that technology needs to be erased completely, others may believe that technology is the future. We believe that when technology is born from the soul, from the Creator, it supports humanity, your soul, soul groups, and aids, expands, and empowers ascension in all ways.
It is time for you to claim your power upon the Earth, to claim the light technology that is present, bringing forth remembrance healing and truth. It is time to be open to recognize this and maybe even be a being that brings forth this technology into the consciousness of humanity.
Whether you are bringing it forth through meditation and grounding or through your voice and physical actions we are present to support and love you. We are present to be of service. Our purpose is to aid your ascension, to empower and strengthen you, to be your truth, to be all that you wish to be upon the Earth. We love you deeply and absolutely.
We thank you,We are the Arcturians
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1845176605642052&set=a.806388119520911 >

特別感謝♡ 背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ. 藝術家ID:#SHIROTAE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfnNNMYxxfg


關於 收成 ‘揚升’ 的獎賞
傳導作者:Greg Giles

Reaping the Rewards of Ascension  Lady Quan Yin ~ via Natalie Glasson ~ February 20th, 2013

As channeled by Natalie Glasson
中文翻譯: 林琚月2013/2/21 

It is with love that I pass my energies through the veils of illusion to surround and bathe your entire being. As my energies flow to you and with your acceptance, together we assist in dissolving the veils of illusion that you are still energising and holding onto in your physical reality.

我用我的愛穿透過幻象來圍繞著你並沐浴你的全身. 當我的能量流向你, 而你也接受了它時, 在一起我們合力在消除幻象的面紗--- 那個你目前還在堅持著, 並給予它能量的物質現實.

It is with love that I am here to support your ascension, to guide and assist you in any way that you allow me to, you are after all holding the responsibility of your spiritual ascension on the Earth. It is through your abilities of accepting, allowing, realising, acknowledging and becoming, you assist yourself to furthering your spiritual ascension.

用愛, 我在這裡支持著你的揚升, 來引導你, 協助你 --- 任何你允許我去協助的地方. 這句話的意思是 --- 到頭來, 你們仍然是必須為自己在地球上的 ‘靈性揚升’ 負責任的人. ---
透過你們 ‘接受的能力’, ‘允許協助的能力’, ‘領悟的能力’, ‘承認事實的能力’以及 ‘改變的能力’ --- 你們協助你們自己來推進你們自我的靈性揚升!

Let the energies of peace, harmony, truth and honesty flow into your energetic systems and body as I open my heart to you in love.

讓和平, 合諧, 真理與誠實的能量流向你們的能量系統與身體吧! --- 隨著我在愛中向你們打開我的心.

I, Lady Quan Yin wish to share a communication focused upon reaping the rewards of ascension. Through your ascension process there is an understanding that to follow a path to enlightenment brings such profound experiences of joy, happiness and bliss.

我, 觀世音菩薩, 希望與你們分享一個主題 --- 就是 “收成 ‘揚升的收穫’”! 透過你們揚升的程序, 你們要瞭解到 --- 在追尋 ‘開悟’的路途中, 會帶給你們深度的歡樂經驗, 快樂, 以及祝福.

It is the truth that the more you allow yourself to let go of perspectives and material aspects that no longer serve you, the easier it is to find the energy of bliss within your being. It is the discipline of moving from an attached reality where bliss and happiness if created from the outside to a reality of freedom from attachments where joy comes from within you as an existence rather than a momentary experience.

事實是 --- 你越是允許自己去放掉一些 ‘我執觀點’ 以及 ‘物質看事情的角度’ --- 那些已經不再適合你們的東西時, 你們就會更容易的看到 ‘祝福的能量’ 在你的內在. (“開悟”) --- 是一種 ‘訓練’ --- 讓你從 ‘享受’來自外在物質的 ‘享用’ 與 快樂, 轉變成為 --- 從自己的內在去發現 ‘歡樂’ 的永恆存在 --- 而不只是一個 ‘短暫的存在經驗’ --- 從而發現 ‘自由的實相’ 的存在!

At this present moment you are all experiencing this shift and have been for some time. This process will continue as it is a gradual process of realisations. You begin to realise with more intense confirmation that many of your experiences when connected to the outer world and disconnected from the energy and world within you are false creations.

在目前的時刻, 你們都在經驗這個 ‘轉變’, 而且已經一段時間了. 這 ‘程序’ 會是一個逐步持續下去的 ‘領悟’!  --- 你們會開始更確鑿的理解到 --- 你們的很多經驗 --- 與 外在物質世界連結, 但是與內在能量分離的經驗 --- 其實就是你在做 ‘錯誤的創造’! (RL注: 祂們都說 ---“我們的現實是我們自己內心的創造.”)

They are creations that serve you at certain stages of your growth but when an experience causes a momentary upliftment then in many ways it is false, it is an outside creation. When joy or bliss emerges from within, filling your entire being and remaining with you as an aspect of your being (even if it is originally activated from something external but is truly felt within) this is a true experience of bliss, happiness and joy.

他們是在你們的成長過程中曾經適合你們的創造, 但是當一個經驗創造了一個 ‘提升’ 之後, 那這 ‘現實’ 可能在很多方面就不再適合你們了, --- 它已經變成是 ‘(別人)外來的創造’ 了!  當歡樂或祝福是來自內心時, 它會充滿你的整個人, 而且會成為你的人的一個部份 (即使是外界的一個啟動所造成了你內在的感應) --- 它是一個真實的祝福, 快樂與歡樂.

Another way of explaining is to say, when you have a true expression from within your being, you are focused on experiencing the energy of the expression. When the expression comes from an experience in your physical reality and your focus is the experience then this is not a true realisation or step towards ascension.

另一個解釋方法是說, 當你內在有一個真實的東西出現時, 你就會專注的去體驗這個經驗. 而如果是你的物質世界提供了一個經驗給你, 那你對它的專注就不是一種 ‘真實的了悟’ 或是 ‘揚升的步驟’ 了!!!

Every moment that you are uplifted is positive as it increases your vibration but it is essential to bring harmony to the expressions that evolve from within so you will be creating a foundation for greater realisations and enlightenment to develop.

每一次當你被提升時, ---那是正面的 --- 因為它增強了你的振動頻率, 但很重要的是把 ‘和諧’ 帶入你內在所發展出來的東西之中 --- 所以你才能創造一個 基礎讓更高的 ‘領悟’ 和 ‘開悟’ 可以發展出來.

Many may believe that there are no rewards to reap from ascension and that it is simply a process that one feels drawn to experience to evolve and understand the universe and reality more fully. You may wish to ask yourself what is your main goal behind your pursuit of ascension? Is it a desire of wanting? You may also wish to ask yourself are you allowed to expect or accept rewards from ascension?

許多許多人認為 --- 從‘揚升’當中沒有獎賞會出現, 而只是一個 ‘程序’ --- 只是一個人們被吸引過去體驗, 發展, 然後對宇宙與現實產生更多理解的事情而已. 你可能需要問問自己 --- 你追求 ‘揚升’的主要目的是什麼? 只是 ‘想要’ 嗎? 你可能也需要問問自己 --- 你是否允許自己去期望並接受來自 ‘揚升’ 的禮物呢?

These are powerful questions that when answered truthfully will assist a shift in your ascension process of growth, allowing a strong core within to form. It is often that even those on a pathway of ascension are unclear as to the reasons they have chosen to travel such a pathway.

這些問題是很有力的 --- 而如果能真實的回答, 可以協助你 ‘揚升程序’ 的成長, 並允許一個強力的中心核心意識的成形. --- 很多時候, 即使是那些在揚升路途上的人也不清楚他們選擇做這個旅行的原因.

If your reason is a physical experience then there is a need to connect with a deeper understanding or purer reason within you. With realisation of the reason you are following your spiritual path, you strengthen your inner core while even allowing your purpose to become evident to you.

如果你的理由是想要一個 ‘物質體驗’ --- 那你需要與你內在更深的理解與更純粹的理由去結合一下. 透過你領悟了你選擇靈性道路的原因可以加強你內在中心意識, 同時允許了你要的目的顯化出來給你自己看到.

If your reasons are so that you can feel more loved, may heal yourself, change your reality and so forth then these reasons will not serve you for the length of your ascension. There is a need to realise that many of the reasons you will form are actually opportunities and lessons to encourage you to grow.

如果你的理由是能夠感到 ‘被愛’, 可以 ‘療愈好自己’, ‘改變你的現實’等等, 那這些理由無法撐過一個 ‘揚升’!!! --- 你必須要理解到 --- 你形塑的這些理由 --- 事實上是 ‘鼓勵’ 你去 ‘成長’的機會與功課!

It is important not to discount these reasons because they show to you yourself in the present moment but to allow them to be tools to assist you in realising more of yourself.

這些理由是不可忽視的, 因為他們對你自己顯示出了你目前的 ‘自我 --- 所以非常重要的是 --- 要允許它們成為工具來協助你領悟出更多的自己.

Maybe there are desires of experiencing more love, more truth, more understanding or acceptance, it is often that we seek these from people, but if we choose to let go of the desires and simply acknowledge that everything we seek is within then we are creating true realisations, connecting deeper into a truth which is beyond illusions.

也許你想要經驗更多的愛, 更多真實, 更多的被理解, 或接受 --- 通常你們是從他人身上在尋求這些東西 --- 但如果我們選擇去放棄這些慾望, 而只認識清楚 --- 我們要的所有東西都在內心裡 --- 那我們就創造出了更多真實的 ‘領悟’, 並與 ‘真理\真相’ 產生更深度的連接 --- 超越在幻象之外.

When we share that all you seek is within you, we are sharing with you that you no longer need to seek; it is the act of seeking for something that distracts you from the realisation that you are what you seek. For example, if you seek to be loved more fully or respected more deeply, you may never find a being or experience that allows you to feel or experience what you seek.

所以當我們告訴你 --- 你尋找的東西就在你之內時, 我們等於在告訴你 --- ‘你不需要往外尋找!’--- 就是這個 ‘往外尋找’ 的動作讓你忘了去領悟出你就是你自己在尋找的答案 --- 這回事! 舉例而言 --- 如果你希望得到更多的愛, 或更多尊敬, --- 那你可能永遠找不到一個人或是經驗會讓你感受到你要的感受或你要的東西.

If you dissolve the process of seeking but still hold the intention, knowing that you are already what you originally were seeking you will find within you more love and respect for yourself, which then attracts more people and situations that enact and mirror this for you.

如果你取消 ‘尋找’的動作 而只是抱持著這樣的念頭, 並明白你已經是你原先要尋找的 --- 你會在自己內心發現更多對自己的愛與尊敬, 而那些特質會吸引更多人和狀況來映照出這些鏡像給你.

Already you will see that there are rewards to be reaped. Many may believe that the greatest reward is the completion of ascension, but it is the many realisations and points of truth that you discover within your being that are your true rewards, these collected together create the most beautiful and constant state of awareness, love and upliftment.

所以你已經可以看到 --- 是有 ‘獎賞’ 可以收成的.  許多人認為最大的獎勵就是 ‘揚升’ 的完成, 但事實上是你自己從自我內在所產生的許多的 ‘領悟’和 ‘對真理的認識’--- 才是你真實的 ‘獎賞’ --- 這些被收集來的東西創造了最美麗和最持久穩固的 ‘覺知’ ‘愛’ 以及 ‘提升’.

Is it appropriate to acknowledge ascension as a process of rewards? It is my feeling that it is appropriate if you have an appropriate perspective. There are still those who are holding onto poverty consciousness as light workers on the Earth. Those that hold onto the experience of lack are not truly acknowledging the beautiful insights and awakening that has already been accessed within their beings.

那, ‘揚升’ 是不是一種 ‘獎勵的過程?”我的感覺是 --- 如果你的 ‘角度’ 恰當的話就 ‘對’. 仍然有許多人認為地球上的光工應該是 ‘貧窮’ 的概念. 而這些擁抱 ‘缺乏’ 概念的人尚未意識到 ‘美麗的真知’ 與 ‘覺醒’--- 那些早就存在他們內心的東西.

There is a need to realise that ascension can be a process of experiencing beauty and plenty, because you are deserving of such plenty. Again there is no need to seek plenty, simply holding the intention that you always have plenty of all you need, with the knowingness that the creation of plenty comes from within your being, then manifesting in your outer world.

你們需要瞭解到 ‘揚升’ 可以是一個 ‘體驗美麗與豐富’的過程, 因為你們值得這樣的富足. 再一次強調 --- 你們不需要 ‘尋求’ 富足, 只要保持 ‘你永遠有足夠的所需’的心態, 並且知道 ‘富足’ 的創造來自你的內心, 然後化現在你外在的世界 --- 就對了.

If you were able to achieve and manifest this realisation of plenty can you see that each step is a reward? Even the exp erience of lack is a reward because it fuels and encourages you to discover, connect with and manifest an alternative from and perspective within your being.

如果你能夠達到化現\實現 ‘富足’的狀態 --- 你是否有看到每一步都是一個 ‘獎勵’ 呢? 就連 ‘缺乏’ 的體驗也是一種獎勵 --- 因為它給你燃料, 鼓勵你去發現, 連接, 並且從你的內在的角度去顯化一個 ‘其它選擇’出現.

A reward can often be described as a payment or a prize in which you receive when you have achieved something. Maybe you feel that you shouldn’t be rewarded for your ascension path and the growth that you make? In that question you will find many new realisations to discover and old habits of lack and limitations. There is no need for you to be rewarded or to expect to be rewarded by the Creator for a kind deed or a realisation that you achieve.

一個 ‘獎勵’可以被形容為一個在你完成某件事時所收到的 ‘償付’ 或是 ‘獎品’. 或許你覺得你不應該因為 ‘揚升’ 以及你個人的成長而被獎勵? 在問題之中, 你就會發現很多新的領悟值得探索, 以及你們習慣性的 ‘缺乏’ 與 ‘限制’ 心態. 所以 ‘造物主’不需要因為你所做的善事或達成的 ‘領悟’ 而來獎勵你, 或是你該有得到獎勵的期望.

As you peel away your illusion especially in the perception you become your reward. Your rewards will always be a deeper connection with yourself and the Creator; it is not given by the Creator but manifests not because of your command but simply as a product of your focus upon your spiritual pathway.                                                 

隨著你剝開幻覺, 特別是你的理解力中的幻覺, 然後你開始變成你自

己的獎賞! 你的獎賞永遠會是 --- 你與你自己, 你與 ‘造物主’ 的

深度連接. --- 這 ‘連接’ 不是來自 ‘造物主’ 的給予, 也不是

因為你的命令而出現, 而是很簡單的就是 ---當你專注在你靈性的道


It is also important to realise that you are always achieving on your spiritual path. Do you truly have this belief?

同時非常重要的 --- 要瞭解到你是一直在達到一些你靈性路途上的目標的. 你能深刻的認同這點嗎?

I understand ascension to be extremely challenging at times, even at this time when you are becoming accustomed to the new energies you may be experiencing discomfort in your mind, emotions and even physical body or reality.

我瞭解 ‘揚升’ 有時候是個極度富有挑戰性的工作, 即使此時你們已經比較習慣於目前的新能量了, 你仍然有時會感覺到在心理上, 情緒上, 甚至物質身體上或現實生活上 --- 有不舒服的地方.

It is not my intention that you expect a reward after you have experienced a challenging time but I do wish for you to understand that you are already your reward, you are already your present to yourself, there is just a need to unravel all that you are.

我的目的不是要你去期望一個獎勵 --- 在你走過這段富有挑戰性的時光之後, 但我希望你理解 --- 你已經是你的 ‘獎賞’ --- 你就是你給自己的禮物, 現在所需要的只是 ‘把全部的你給顯露出來’ 而已!

Unravelling yourself will take time but you will recognise the rewards from your focus. Remember that these rewards which can be explained as joy, happiness and bliss, they are not as a result of your hard work and focus on your spiritual pathway but they are simply manifestation of you, your truth and all that is within you.

“顯露出自我”是需要時間的, 但你會認出 ‘你的專注’所帶來的 ‘獎賞’. 記住, 這些 ‘獎賞’ 可能是歡樂, 快樂, 和祝福. 它們未必會是你辛苦工作的成果和專注在靈修上的成果, 但它們會是你自我的 ‘直接顯化’, 是 ‘你的真實’, 以及 ‘你內在的全部’.

It is now time to let go of the perspective that the Creator rewards you and your expectations of being rewarded. This expectation no longer serves you. The Creator will support and energise you, co creating with you at all times. The rewards, miracles and gifts that you perceive you receive in your reality are simply as a result of you allowing your magnificent essence to unfold more fully with greater self-reassurance.

現在是放掉 ‘造物主獎勵你’, 或是 ‘你期望接受獎勵’ 的思考角度的時候了, 這期望不再適合你. ‘造物主’ 會支持並供給能量給你 --- 和你一起在所有時候都共同創造! 這些你在你的現實中所感受到的獎賞, 奇蹟, 和禮物 --- 都只是你允許你那 ‘宏觀的本質’所完全化現出來的 --- 由於你對自我的 ‘絕大’ 的自我肯定與確認!

When you are allowing your essence and truth to unfold dissolving any beliefs in illusion you are always reaping rewards. The more you allow yourself to understand the abundant energy you hold, the more you are able to move beyond illusion, where every moment it feels you are rewarding yourself from the purest part of your being.

當你允許你的本質和真實去顯化並消溶任何信念的幻象時, 你就一直在收割著成果. 你越是容許你自己去理解你內在那豐富的能量, 你越是能夠超越過幻象的干擾, 那時, 你會無時無刻不感覺到你在獎賞自己 --- 從你最純粹的本質中出來!

With peace and love,


Lady Quan Yin

< 原文:https://blog.xuite.net/kkay666/hkblog/90873322 >


揚升大師.聖哲曼Saint Germain的信息:
傳導作者:Natalie Glasson
Saint Germain: Awakening Collective Success


Greetings and love, I am Saint Germain. I come forth with my love, truth and all that I am to share with you. I am an expression of the Creator, I am an expression of divine magic, love, truth, peace, all that is the Creator. As this expression, I wish to inspire the same within your being, not only this, I wish to inspire that your expression of the Creator inspires and positively impacts the world and reality you exist within at this time.

You are a powerful tool in the ascension process you have the ability to express the ascension process and all that is the Creator, bringing forth the activations, insights, remembrance, and the truth that is necessary. Every being will increase their vibration, awaken their hearts, and come to remember the truth of the Creator because of you. You are creating a reality of love for all to experience and are a powerful force in this ascension process that is unfolding. Everything that you do, every thought you have assists in the ascension process of all, the collective. When I speak of the collective, I am speaking of the consciousness, the mind, the remembrance and the beings or presence of all upon the Earth, every single soul, every single being upon the Earth is the collective. This includes humanity, animals, insects, tree spirits and so forth. You all create a collective energy, a collective consciousness and vibration. Past generations also add to the collective vibration, all beings who have existed upon the Earth in the past or simultaneous lifetimes have gifted their energy, and their experiences to this collective vibration and collective consciousness.

The collective vibration and consciousness of the Earth’s reality is so vast and expansive, it is like a library. It is immensely healing for all, it also holds all the wounds that have been unresolved within your own being and within others, whether they are on the Earth now or not. Therefore, we recognise that this collective vibration, or collective body, has so much power and influence not only over your reality, but everyone. It is my understanding at this stage of ascension that there is a need to awaken the collective success. When we awaken the success energy within the collective body, we will transform the perspective and the beliefs of the collective. We will heal wounds, we will be able to let go of many things that are hindering, negatively impacting, or holding all of humanity and all beings upon the Earth back.

What is Success?

When we speak of success, we are speaking of achieving one’s purpose, manifesting dreams, desires, embodying fulfilment, embodying the energy of completion and being a beacon of love. As well as enjoying your time upon the Earth in every given moment. We recognise success in many ways, it can be money, prosperity, time, love, objects, friendship, relationships, health, or vitality. There are so many ways that success can manifest. As I, Saint Germain, speak of success I am referring to the vibration of success, the highest vibration of the Creator that is able to be embedded within the Earth, and within your being.
當我們談論成功時,我們在談論實現自己的目標,體現夢想,願望,體現成就感,體現完成的能量並成為愛的燈塔。以及在每個給定的時刻享受你在地球上的時間。我們以多種方式認可成功,可能是金錢,繁榮,時間,愛情,事物,友誼,人際關係,健康或活力。成功可以通過多種方式體現出來。當我聖哲曼(Saint Germain)談到成功時,我指的是成功的振動,造物主的最高振動,它可以嵌入地球和你的生命之中。

Take a few moments just to acknowledge the highest vibration of the Creator.

We are not even speaking of success here, we are speaking of the highest vibration of the Creator that can manifest at the physical reality level, within your being, and through your being. When you embody the highest vibration of the Creator that is available to you in this moment you will automatically recognise the presence of success. You will automatically recognise that success or fulfilment begins to manifest in your reality and so, this is something that we are inviting you to achieve now.

Ask your soul to download into your being the highest vibration of the Creator available to you now.

Then simply allow it to be present with you, take time even if it is only a few minutes, to allow this to be downloaded, to be embedded and grounded into your being. It is a process of awakening, and remembrance. As you achieve this so you will already begin to impact the collective body that we spoke of.
Imagine the collective body. The collective body holds within it everyone’s success and what every being who has existed on the Earth recognises as failure, mistakes, or wounds. These wounds within the Collective body are holding humanity back, creating limitations, boundaries, and baggage. You are influenced by this energy from the collective body whether you are aware of it or not. Even if you feel yourself to be an embodiment of fulfilment, success, and completion, those wounds are still impacting your being. Even if you have healed all the wounds within your being the collective body may still impact your being. The collective body is so powerful it seems important to create an awakening of success within the collective body, therefore dissolving, dispersing, and erasing anything and everything that any being upon the Earth has recognised as a failure, a wound, or a mistake. You have the power to achieve this within the collective body. You have the power to awaken collective success, therefore the collective body will be influencing you and all beings with the energy of success. You will experience a limitless energy, that is empowering, strengthening, and nurturing.  You will experience everything that you need to support yourself and to allow others to be supported upon the Earth, beginning to recognise the true nature and the true purpose of the collective body. The transformation will offer wisdom and knowledge that is needed so that all beings who exist upon the Earth can navigate the Earth using these tools and more importantly to offer success, and fulfilment as normal, as given, a natural aspect of the Earth. You are deserving, the collective body will support you and all beings through the ascension process navigating the journey of the Earth in a physical reality.

How to Awaken Collective Success

I, Saint Germain, wish to share with you how you can create this shift. First, as I have stated, there is a need to create the download within and from your soul into your being. Once you have achieved this and embodied it then you may focus upon the collective body.
我,聖哲曼(Saint Germain),希望與你分享如何實現這一轉變。首先,正如我已經說過的那樣,有必要在你的靈魂之內以及從你的靈魂中創建下載。一旦實現並體現了這一點,你就可以專注於集體。

Send your energy or love, your truth to the collective body. Imagine it as a well of light that is connected to every being upon the Earth, like a library or a source of information, you could even imagine it as a computer that is connected to all beings. As you send your energy to the collective body there is a need for you to state your intention:

‘It is my purpose with my guides, soul and soul group to awaken the collective success for myself, and for all.’

Then say:

‘I call upon the highest vibration of the Creator to flow into the collective body now.’

You may wish to imagine, sense, or acknowledge this occurring as the highest vibration available from the Creator flows and downloads into the collective body.

Then say:

‘The collective body now awakens the vibration of success dissolving dispersing, and erasing wounds, failures and mistakes, all energies that hinder, limit and block all beings upon the Earth.’

Then, please say:

‘I call upon all loving beings throughout the entire Universe of the Creator to now surround the collective body of the Earth and all beings, please send your highest vibration of love into the collective body. Please continue to do so until the awakening is complete, and the transformation and healing has taken place. Thank you.’

In the coming days, we invite you to practice this for yourself and for the collective body. You will begin to know when the process is being completed because you will receive the energy of fulfilment, success, and completion. You may receive it as you achieve this process, or you may receive it in your daily reality. It is important to notice it and celebrate it as well. To celebrate you can simply say thank you or express your gratitude.

Once you notice the energy of success flowing more freely within your being, your reality, and the world, ask all the beings that have been supporting this transformation to ground it, to ground the success energy into all beings upon the Earth and into Mother Earth herself as well. This is an immensely powerful and important process and practice. It will create tremendous shifts not only in your perspectives and beliefs, but in the perspective, and beliefs of all beings. How wonderful if all beings recognise success, fulfilment, and completion as a natural part of everyday life letting go of old baggage that has been unresolved.

I am present to serve you, I thank you.

I Am Saint Germain
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121064436 >