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顯示具有 巴巴吉Babaji 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》巴巴吉-成熟的創造者 (20210603) 5:17 《2》加百利-允許別人擁有自己的信念 (20210603) #JahnKassl #JahnJKassl #ShelleyYoung #NickChan #Babaji #大天使加百利 #揚升大師Babaji

傳導:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan 

People live their lives until they wake up and see who and what they really are. The great circle is completed as soon as man has added his unique experiences to the infinity of God. Then the angelic host rises and travels with you to the world of light, from which you never return to this world.
To perfection you continue to strive and the closer you come to the source, the more you are drawn into the light.
Beloved human being,
this is the path on which you walk – with heavy boots or with light steps.
The Great Transformation is underway on this earth. All entities seeking the Light, longing for the Light, will find the right path and fulfill their Soul Plan.
Before a human being enters the human body, a plan is worked out that defines what you want to experience, with whom you want to experience it and where you want to experience it. The closer you get to your life plan, the more fulfilling your life is, the more right it feels, and the greater your developmental steps toward becoming a fully conscious creator.
If the journey goes there with you, then everything is won.
So now I invite you to no longer attach great value to earthly appearances.
The outside is the mirror of the inside. So turn inward if you want to change the outside.
The spiritual path is a path from the inside to the outside. Move first inwardly and revolt first in your own cause! Where does the shoe pinch and why are the boots heavy?
Your soul knows the life plan for this life – and if you ask yourself, what is my task, this is a sign that you still have to clean up, clear away and dissolve something. The free look into your soul is necessary so that you can recognize your assignments.
Work on yourself in silence, then it will be revealed to you what makes you restless and what every waking person asks for. Have patience, be calm and respect your path.
Do not hurry, do not avoid anything and accept every challenge. Consecrate every step to God.
You are spirit, you have a soul that fills your body with light – and you have a High Self that directs you through your human life from the realms of light.
To recognize this is the task that has brought every human being on this earth, that is, to polish the mirror so that your field of vision of yourself becomes free.
Many people tend to rush into assignments. They rush into work and they seek self-affirmation through activity on the outside. Please develop serenity and patience.
The earth ascends with all people who are of good will. The ascension is a joint project of the people and the Earth Mother.
Although there is no time to waste and although it depends on your diligence – do not hurry!
– Go your way into clarity and joy, into peace and love step by step – but go it.
– Enjoy breaks, but do not rest so long that you find it difficult to get up again.
– Choose detours, but change the path as soon as you realize it is a detour.
– Forgive yourself. This relaxes you and brings joy to the transformation work.
– Welcome the fears, for they remind you where to look and what to resolve.
– Dedicate every undertaking to God and make friends with the heavenly beings. The light wants to reveal itself to you, God wants to reveal himself to you.
Mature into the creator and give yourself time for it. Then everything is done. I am with you.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan 

One of the greatest gifts of being a human being is you get to try on many different beliefs. These beliefs evolve over time as your wisdom and awareness grows. This is a wonderful thing, and yet another way you experience expansion and flow. They key is to allow others the right to their beliefs understanding it is part of their own evolution.
Please be aware, Dear Ones, if you begin to think you are more right than others or start making others wrong for what they believe, you can inadvertently slip into a false sense of superiority which only fans the flames of separation and is quite contrary to your true goal of supporting the shift through the embodiment of acceptance, peace, unity consciousness, and unconditional love.
So when you perceive others as being wrong, please remember you do not know what their soul wishes to experience. The wrongness that you feel is simply that the choice they are making is not the right choice for you. The only thing you need to know at any given time is what is feels right and aligned for you and your journey and we encourage you to honour the divine right of others to make that discovery for themselves, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
When you attempt to challenge someone’s beliefs, it can result in making them dig in and create an even deeper attachment to them. They can become so invested in defending their beliefs that they become unwilling to consider any other viewpoint, even when it becomes clear that their belief is no longer serving them. Because they have defended their viewpoint for so long, they feel they have no other choice but to continue with it.
Dear Ones, you are here to support your own evolution and to hold the space for the evolution of others. By keeping an attitude of acceptance and non-judgment, you allow people to feel safe to grow, expand, and explore many different options. This serves the purpose of not fueling resistance or shame and encourages everyone to allow their beliefs to shift and flow with the unfoldment of their journey. You become easier with each other which supports connection, forward movement, and the freedom of self expression every soul yearns for and deserves. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving. There are multiple reasons for this, but one that is rarely mentioned is that empaths are very uncomfortable receiving from the energies of martyred service. They simply do not want to receive if it comes at the discomfort of another.
This is because they inherently understand they are here to anchor the energy of win/win scenarios where everyone benefits from giving and receiving. At the core of this is joyful service, and that is a major aspect of the shift you are in.
When you are in joyful service people feel safe to receive from you. They do not fear there will be strings attached because they understand your service serves you as much as it serves others. If everyone would simply follow the service path that brings them the greatest joy, there would be someone to happily meet every need and no reason for anyone to feel bad or deny the gifts you have to offer.
Dear Ones, giving and receiving are major aspects of both the flow of the universe and your highest service. Release the old idea that sacrificing yourself is noble and follow your own path of joyful service and you will find giving and receiving will become much lighter and readily accepted by all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings do not need to be on the planet at all. They came because they love, because they had a deep faith in humanity, and because they wished to be part of the great shift that is occurring. Since they didn’t necessarily need to incarnate, many have decided to pick up where they left off from their highest spiritual lifetime and grow it from there.
This means that as you step forward in this next phase of your incarnation, your service may grow and evolve. A knowingness of old skills may suddenly come into your awareness. You may be drawn to express and serve in brand new ways, taking ideas and expanding them in exciting new directions. You will have an opportunity to take your last highest level of embodiment and to grow it exponentially from there.
This is part and parcel of the shift you are in. These are the times you hoped and prayed for and are now so excited to experience! Your growth is your service, your embodiment your gift, and your love in action is what makes it all possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


0:00 影片開頭 0:39 《1》巴巴吉-不要高人一等(20210517) 4:36 《2》大角星-光之技術(20210517) #JahnKassl #JahnJKassl #NatalieGlasson #NickChan #巴巴吉 #BABAJI #大角星

傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl 
譯者:Nick Chan

Do not hide your light under a bushel. Stand on the hill, but do not exalt yourself above any man.
Love yourself and love your neighbor – in this order – and you will reach the goal.
The turn of the times and the end of the times are in full swing. Every day you are confronted with upheavals and with news that often challenge you to the edge of what is possible and bearable.
Even highly inclined light warriors and people who are progressing along the path of transformation are often faced with seemingly unsolvable tasks today.
The energy on this earth turns sometimes in this, then in the other direction, sometimes your life is illuminated, then again dense veils of mist and darkness appear. Even light warriors are affected by this today and many a one asks himself the question: “Is my doing in vain?” I say to you:
Every thought out of love accomplishes more than a good deed done without love.
The measure of your successes or failures lie in pure or impure intentions – which first become visible and conscious in the thoughts.
For what reason do you do this or that? This is the basis on which a human life can succeed or fail – and on which a person is weighed up by God after his life.
Today it is crucial that you do not look at the momentary success and that you do not let yourself be distracted by time delays or rearrangements in the plan of change.
Expand your consciousness and understand: You have lived before this life and you will continue to live after this life. You have walked this earth many times and you will walk it again.
What you do not finish today is waiting for you in a new life – in a new opportunity.
Think in millennia and you will take new courage. If you perceive only very slow changes in the world and if the feeling creeps in that everything is in vain and that you cannot change anything anyway, then it will help you to look at the great cosmic arc in which time has no meaning.
There is no reason for the feeling of powerlessness. Once you realize this, you are free and you remain in your power.
You remove powerlessness by dissecting this feeling, confronting it, dissecting it, and determining where it comes from. Get to the bottom of your discouragement and powerlessness. You will gain a lot of new courage and come into your power.
It is always a matter of getting to the source of a light-filled or light-poor state, to see where the wind is blowing from and what is causing unrest in your soul. As soon as you are in your full power again, give to the people and the earth what you have to give. Love yourself for what you do and are – and love your neighbor as soon as you succeed in self-love.
Self-love is the key you are looking for as long as you are struggling with things. This is the source you have to reach before it becomes peaceful within you.
Let your inner light shine on the hill, but do not elevate yourself and do not let yourself be elevated.
You are what you are, you were what you are, and you will be what you are.
At any time you are what you are – if you are aware of that, then you have arrived.
I love you infinitely
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1845176395642073&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan

We extend our light, our vibration of freedom, and peace to you now. We are the Arcturians, we come forth as one voice and yet we are a collective. We come forth to share with you today our mission which means the intentions we hold at this time as well as our purpose, and role within the unfolding ascension.
We, the Arcturians, have been sharing our information and knowledge with many upon the Earth, especially those incarnate in physical bodies. We have been creating inspiration for some and for others we have been downloading with their conscious knowledge, wisdom, ideas, and plans.
The Creator and many beings upon the inner planes have advised us to download our wisdom, information, and technology into those who are receptive upon the Earth. With the purpose of creating love and truth upon the Earth, you might like to call it heaven upon the Earth or a greater remembrance of the Creator. Our purpose is aligned 100% with love and it is our mission to embrace, embody and empower the love of the Creator for all upon the Earth.
We are known upon the inner planes, as masters of light technology. We bring forth manifestations of light that support the creation of love, peace, and truth as well as the creation and expression of the Creator. We create technology that empowers the Creator within each being, enabling and supporting the deepest, purest relationship and connection for all with the Creator.
It is this we gift to humanity or more truthfully, it is this that we are reminding humanity of. You all have the ability to create and manifest, this is your purpose, it is your natural ability. You also hold access to and an embodiment of light, the purest and highest vibration of light of the Creator. You can and do allow this light to flow through your being and be expressed in beautiful ways. You are already masters of light technology and this is something that we wish to enhance within your being, especially those that truly feel aligned to this mission upon the Earth.
Technology has been used for much time now and through many generations and civilizations upon the Earth. Often technology can be created from lower vibrations. When you create technology especially light technology there is a need to have an expansive mind, to adopt the energy of the limitless vibrations of the Creator.
When you create light technology from this seat of essence of the Creator then anything and everything is possible. You create light technology that nurtures and nourishes everything and everyone.
When you create technology from a desire, need, a lack, or a want for control or power the technology is created from a lower vibration. It will only support humanity and all beings to some extent and could also cause negative impacts.
Our purpose, the Arcturians, is to inspire the creation of light technology from the seat of limitless, expansive freedom of the Creator. Therefore, creating technology that is filled with light and that fills every being with light, developing with the ascension process. You could say light technology is open-ended, it continues, evolves, and grows to continue to support, nurture and nourish every being upon the Earth.
This is what we are downloading and activating within those who are specifically receptive to our energies and who hold the purpose of bringing forth light technology and inspiring others to do so.
You do not need to be technically minded; you do not need to be able to even follow a plan or to create something physically with your hands. What we are asking of humanity in this moment is to open your mind, to expand your heart, and your entire being to the prospect that there is light technology and we the Arcturians and many beings are anchoring this light technology into the Earth now.
Please also be open and receptive to the reality that you are a master of light technology and understand it perfectly. We wish for you to be accepting and receptive that light technology will begin to manifest upon the Earth now and this is the most important thing. There is a need for you to be open and receptive to the manifestation of light technology in the physical realms. As new technology comes forth, we the Arcturians invite you to connect with your soul and your soul group within. We invite you to connect with your intuition.
Ask yourself, is the technology coming forth of a lower vibration or is it light technology?
You have the ability and the power to understand and to recognize which technology is of a lower vibration, and which is light technology. This simple recognition is immensely important because it allows for the continued manifestation of light technology.
We also invite you to gain a mediative state, focus upon your breathing, gain a quiet space within your being, and hold the intention or acknowledgement of opening your mind, heart, and your entire being to our light technology, the Arcturians.
Invite us to download our energy into your being and the Earth. This is concerning the manifestation of light technology. There is a need for humanity to open, receive and consent for light technology to be anchored. Remember it is to support and nurture the ascension process for evermore. There is a need to open, receive and claim it, in doing so you will receive energy from us. If it is not for you to bring forth light technology, you will receive the energy, maybe even the plans so you may ground them into the Earth and the collective consciousness of humanity.
If you do have an ability to bring forth technology, putting it into action, and physical manifestation upon the Earth, then you will be given this inspiration along with the energy, vibrations, and frequencies, in truth everything you need to bring this forth into reality upon the Earth. You may even find that many Arcturian beings come forth to be with you as guides at this time.
What We Ask Of You Now
All we ask of you now is to be open and receptive to the presence of light technology and how it will manifest in your reality.
To be open and receptive to anchoring our energies, our information, wisdom, and light technology.
Please question our intention and our purpose, question whether we are coming from love and truth.
It is important for you to do this because you will begin to understand and trust in our energy and our purpose, recognizing that our purpose is also your purpose and that there is a need for a shift in technology upon the Earth.
Some may believe that technology needs to be erased completely, others may believe that technology is the future. We believe that when technology is born from the soul, from the Creator, it supports humanity, your soul, soul groups, and aids, expands, and empowers ascension in all ways.
It is time for you to claim your power upon the Earth, to claim the light technology that is present, bringing forth remembrance healing and truth. It is time to be open to recognize this and maybe even be a being that brings forth this technology into the consciousness of humanity.
Whether you are bringing it forth through meditation and grounding or through your voice and physical actions we are present to support and love you. We are present to be of service. Our purpose is to aid your ascension, to empower and strengthen you, to be your truth, to be all that you wish to be upon the Earth. We love you deeply and absolutely.
We thank you,We are the Arcturians
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1845176605642052&set=a.806388119520911 >

特別感謝♡ 背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ. 藝術家ID:#SHIROTAE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfnNNMYxxfg


《3》揚升大師Hilarion-揚升症狀 (20180904)
#JahnKassl #SharonStewart #NickChan #Amber

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Strengthen your spiritual immune system through prayer, meditation and communion with nature. Leave every discouraging situation stronger than you were before by giving sad thoughts over to God in your prayers, by transforming negative emotions in the light during meditation, and by healing physical ailments with nature’s help.
Whenever possible, find stillness and your inner core in nature. Move internally and externally!
Inner and outer inertia is a great sin for anyone who isn’t enlightened yet. Because it is this passivity that cuts you off from all experiences and keeps you in your phantasy world.
Today it is required of you to let your actions speak. Walk without haste, act without haste, don’t look back – that’s the way!
Still the influx of light from the central sun to this earth is enormous.
Still you are being aligned daily with the vibration of a new frequency! This means big shifts for your mind and body. Engaging in it means going along with the new energies each and every day, and that means: reinventing yourself daily!
Old thinking patterns, old beliefs, old opinions need to be examined and let go of. Old tools are of no use in the new era.
Becoming light, being free and achieving inner freedom – that is the goal of all endeavors.
While the light is shining and incessantly flowing to earth, you are offered the greatest opportunities for healing and transformation.
Use this time as a chance to overcome time and to leave the world of birth and death.
Strengthen your spiritual immune system by opening yourself internally for the divine light, so that it doesn’t go unnoticed by the people around you.
Your transformation, once it happens, cannot go unnoticed by anyone. If everything stays the same around you, you can be certain: you are still the same.
The divine light operates and that has an effect – first invisibly, then visibly.
Arm yourself with the truth and lead your sword of light courageously – then you will find salvation.
God hears you in your prayer, meets you in meditation and faces you in nature.
The light flooding of the earth continues – and it continuously gets easier and more natural to drop the old burdens.
Anyone who is familiar with this knows.
For only those who are engaging in this wholeheartedly know the fields of grace in this blessed time.
I am with you, BABAJI.

傳導作者:Sharon Stewart

Week One Warrior Group Results | Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart

April 25, 2021

Archangel Michael

Results of Week One Mass Meditation

Angel Warrior Group

I am Archangel Michael, at your service.

This week's efforts saw definite changes in energetic levels in the region in question: the Middle East. We focus on what is going on behind the scenes, and expect to see what is going on at your intellectual levels to change.

There was fighting this week in the Middle East between rival countries, however we expect that to change shortly. Amnesty is being sought and a mediator is stepping in to help broker peace in this region.

Our interest in this region is the portals and pockets of underground hideaways for many of the negative alliance and for this reason we will continue to ask you to focus your energies this coming week on this area as well.

It is a hot spot in earth's geography, with its history being chaotic as well. It is not for no reason the Christ was born to this region, he sought to bring peace even back then, and it has been a trouble spot for as long a time as his history has been given to your people.

The Middle East is a pinnacle point in your world's energetic systems and to claim it for the Light is our eventual goal. Its chakra point, at the pyramids in Egypt, is the fifth chakra, which aligns with the fifth dimension. To claim this for the Light and to reverse all negative energies being produced there will help those on earth immensely in their ascension.

Might I suggest to those meditating this week to radiate blue light from the throat chakra in the direction of the Middle East. This is energy most suitable for this area of the world, and would support it in the highest manner.

Thank you.

I remain,

Archangel Michael


傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu’tama
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved Ones,


I come on the wings of love! You are becoming fully integrated Divine humans. The energy fluxes continue on relentlessly as you try to adjust to the shifting timelines and realities that you experience as they happen. Many unusual symptoms appear in your physical body such as a twitching in your eye as your inner sight (third eye) is opened more fully or sharp stabs of pain as though a pin or needle is jabbing at you – these come and go throughout various energy points in your meridian system. There may be the sensation of heart palpitations, pains in various muscles and joints, a dimming of eyesight in one or both eyes as more mucous is expelled, and intense itching on various areas of your skin.


You can also be experiencing fuzziness of the brain function, drowsiness and excessive feelings of tiredness that comes upon you suddenly, bringing on the need for sleep or rest. There may be phantom pains that arise from previous injuries to the bones in one’s body, or pain that travels throughout the body, appearing first in one area and then the next day in another. Your teeth may become sensitive to hot or cold or sweet or sugary foods. Your ears may feel as though they are filled with fluid and there can be sharp pains that are periodically felt. The spinal column and neck region where the skull joins the spine may be painful as you move your head in any direction. Also your spine may be feeling pain and tenderness along its length. There can also be a sensation of powerful energy coming through your crown chakra at the top of your head. This can bring on a temporary feeling of dizziness or even nausea.


Many chronic illnesses seem to flare up during this phase and it can be most challenging to endure. These symptoms vary from person to person as their human operating system is being re-calibrated and re-attuned so that each person can embody greater and greater amounts of spiritual Light that allow one’s higher aspects to manifest in and through them. Along with the physical symptoms, the emotional body is also trying to release old feelings from the past and sometimes it is surprising to the one experiencing these what comes to the surface. The mental body also joins in the momentum by bringing forth thoughts from the cells themselves and even from one’s DNA. The one experiencing this begins to understand that it is their spirit or soul that seeks to achieve wholeness and total integration in all aspects of their human operating system.


This painful and confusing period is necessary in order to purify one’s being of all that is no longer of use in their current and evolving reality. Humanity as a whole is venturing into previously unknown areas of exploration and this activity in its higher aspects helps to stretch, broaden and expand one’s consciousness and understanding of the purpose of life in a physical body. It leads to the comprehension that one is, in actuality, a spiritual being having this experience. Once this is realized, progress continues as the soul moves into the service to others phase of learning and evolving.


Viewed from the higher perspective of one’s soul and Oversoul, these experiences are seen as stepping stones to freedom from polarity and duality experience known as the wheel of karma. This process of purification and alchemy allows souls to move from one level of awareness to another. As they change and raise their frequency level, they reclaim their sovereignty as a spiritual being of the universe worthy of this freedom. This is the ultimate purpose of the initiations that each soul goes through – the achievement of Mastership of Life through a cycle of physical experience – transcending the need for further exploration of such and moving on to a different form of experiencing and learning. It is all a progression of advanced evolvement as one gathers all of one’s life experiences in all its forms into one fully integrated wholeness of being.


Until next month…


I AM Hilarion.


背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭
0:33 《1》巴巴吉-誠實的時代已被宣佈(20210413)
5:47 《2》天狼星-進入游戲來離開游戲(20210413)
#JahnJKassl #ZM #NickChan

傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

What are you experiencing these days? What is the main characteristic of this time? It is that lies can’t withstand any longer!
Even though there have never been more lies before, it is a fact that these lies don’t travel far any more. The quality of time no longer allows for lies, the frequency on earth prohibits a person to lie and echoes a person who maneuvers through life with lies with painful setbacks. This means that on all levels lies lose breeding ground – and so it happens that even the big lies that had been holding the old world together are now uncovered and revealed.
The future of mankind lies in truthfulness: truthful encounters, truthful relationships, truthful friendships – truthfulness is beginning to prevail on all levels.
And so it is hardly a surprise that each day new stories are uncovered and that the tales of dark magicians turn out to be fake, nothing but lies and deception. What was supposed to be hidden from mankind can no longer be swept under the rug.
The great crimes, tremendous injustice and global regime of lies are now collapsing.
A huge shift is in process, and it is happening through the fact that more and more people are being touched by the frequency of truth.
That is to say, the factual and actual shift always happens in the individual. Fewer and fewer people accept a life of lies for themselves.
And so they bid farewell to this world, or they start cleaning up and correcting everything that represents a lie in their lives.
What is untrue is brought to light and to the surface. False and tepid compromises that only serve the purpose of keeping up the old life or feeding the ego become increasingly unattractive.
More and more people choose the truth. Even though confronting the truth is painful, more and more people still choose this path – better to learn an unpleasant truth than to fall for a comfortable lie. Many people’s mottos are changing, their attitude towards life is shifting, because the divine light, which has been providing healing and grace for the earth and mankind for years, brings this about.
It is inevitable: Every human being is confronted with their Self! Lies, as finely woven as they may be, are exposed, and people no longer enjoy them.
A lot points to this: Movements of truth and the striving for peace and freedom are growing significantly.
People and peoples all over the world are rising. They turn against injustice, limitations and exploitation.
While in the background and the underground the heavenly forces of light, united with the regiments of human brothers and sisters, are ending exploitation and abuse, people worldwide are attuned to the paradigm shift.
The age of lies and deception is ending, and the age of truth and truthfulness begins.
Which makes the ensuing events even more radical.
Within the forces of darkness, a war has begun. Those who brought strife and lies into this world now themselves are confronted with them.
And so it happens that in the end, the Dark is wiping itself out, destroying itself and going down on its own.
Now the only task of a human being is to free themselves from the energy field of lies and to change over to the level of truthfulness.
As long as you stand firm in your truth, you cannot and will not be harmed.
It is the lie that is now resurging one last time and seems to be enveloping the entire planet. In fact it is the last battle of those unjust who claim the right to control and oppress all of mankind.
This time has passed – all that is pushing towards the light comes to light. Things occur – positive as well as negative ones – that are far beyond imagination. The light prevails! The wounds of human peoples, human races and communities, as well as injuries of mother earth, begin to heal.
A great holy process that will take years and that will fundamentally change mankind.
The new age of truthfulness has been proclaimed, now it is set in motion. This is the premise of each and every day, and each and every event is promoting this evolvement.
How do we achieve this goal? Through surrender!
When do we achieve this goal? As soon as your surrender is genuine.
Your contribution is immeasurable! Are you aware of it? I love you endlessly

譯者:Nick Chan 

Greeting’s beloveds. We are the Sirian High council. It is a pleasure to share with you in a continued manner.
We come forth with these messages, trusting we can share and impart wisdom to all that come across them. The one Zane has been delighted to see the amazing response you have all shown to this process. What this shows is a willingness for all to come together and share similar ideas, messages and intentions. It shows on a larger scale that you are all connected and ready to receive what we must share. It brings us great joy to see you all coming together in this manner. Even if you are not able to see it physically, it is there energetically.
You are all coming together energetically now. You are beginning to merge once again in consciousness. Yes, you are always One, but what we mean here is the collective of planet earth is starting to unite and become whole again. The reason for this is, you are all starting to seek truth and understanding. Each person is starting to realize there is so much more than just eat, work, rest repeat and all are beginning to stir from their slumber.
The reason for this is you dear ones. Those of you who are at the forefront of this great change over. You are the reason the pot is beginning to stir, and the collective is starting to remember its true self, connected as one consciousness upon the earth.
It is through the hard work of you all that this is occurring. It is as you all discover more of who you are in essence, that unity begins to return to the earth. And we are in such joy to see this. Even though the outer world does not reflect this truth, trust our words when we say, it IS happening.
The ones who created this distortion want you to see a world divided. They want you to see chaos and separation, for it is the fear of chaos and division, that keeps their little system operating. We use the word “little” with great intent. For what is their simulation compared to the totality of God, off Prime Creator? What is their tiny little game of division compared to an omnipotent, omnipresent Creator? We ask you to pause here for a moment and ponder this-
In a game of separation upon your planet, how does their amplifying of fear, compare to an unconditionally loving Creator? A creator that is present in every aspect of this little game. How can their tactic of divide and conquer even equate, in a universe that is totally present within every aspect of creation?
Even in the game itself, Prime Creator is present and giving love. For it is in the game of separation, that Prime Creator experiences seeming separation from itself, but Creator also sees the bigger picture. Knowing that this is not possible. Yet in the game, it seems so real, that it is truth. But Creator knows it can easily remember this is not so. And what we tell you dear ones, is that when you ponder the above question, you can do the same.
We ask that over the coming weeks, you regularly remind yourself of your greatness, of your totality and your connection to All That IS. For it is in this constant reassurance and checking-in, that you will establish a great connection of energy throughout the collective. So, it matters not who is “awake” or “asleep” for they are just third dimensional labels and categories. What matters is that you all unify and stand in your power.
Never see another as “asleep” for you were once that person, and did you see yourself as asleep in that moment? No, you did not, for you were only doing what you knew, and thought was truth. So, beloveds, do not categorise or place your fellow brothers and sisters in any sort of groupings. Instead, love them and where they are, because it is through this love and acknowledgement, you can amplify unity consciousness within the collective.
For if you look at another, who is not at the same point of journey as you and think “Wow… this person is so asleep and they are really lost and slowing us down” Dear ones, it is that thought which is judging another’s journey, and the pace at which they move, is it not?
The reason we are amplifying this message today is, many are still judging where your beloved, sweet brother or sister are on their journey. This is not how you move forward; this is how you amplify and give energy to the game of separation. Instead, love every single person, no matter where they are or how they act.
The ones who try and enforce the game of separation, want to amplify these things. So, they create people and situations to do so. They do this with the intent that others will either judge or fear this creation, and many are still falling prey to this trap.
You must love dear ones, that is all there is to it.
Love, compassion and mercy are the trinity of unity consciousness for this planet and you all must display them in order to bring this reality back to a place of joy and love. You do not get there by amplifying the game, you do it by seeing the game for what it is, and then loving greater than. You do it by seeing that the game as a mere speck in God’s ocean. A little blemish upon the surface of creation. A blemish that when tended to with love and compassion, will be seen as part of the whole and not something that needs to be feared or hated.
Yes, we are saying do NOT hate the game, but love it! For the Creator is also the game and it is through this realisation that you can remember that it is all part of the One. Even the darkest of moments must come from creation.
All things stem from creation. And what is creation? Creation is love and growth and learning and expansion. Creation is One with itself, being and expressing as many, but knowing that all is connected and merely different ways and means of experience.
Step into the game to step outside of it. If you can grasp what this means, then you are starting to understand the process of creation.
Be in peace dear ones, for it is the truth. A greater want for experience and understanding is what births creation. For it is the balance of all things that lead to unity and realisation of the whole.
We are the Sirian High Council. We understand this message may be deep, but it is as you go deeper within, you find true beauty.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl 譯者:Nick Chan、pfcchina
#JahnJKassl #pfcchina #NickChan #Babaji #巴巴吉

傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl .
譯者:Nick Chan.

When you are worried, call on me.
When fears arise, call on me.
When you want to get closer to God, call on me.
Call on me whenever you can. Your worries and fears will dissolve like the mist in the morning sun. You can get closer to God with me and through me, and you will find God on your own.
Walk the path of love and compassion, stay on the path of peace and kindness, and make sure to stay this course come rain or shine.
Let love navigate you through this time, and be imperturbable when it counts. Always choose the light, the good and the beautiful, no matter how urgent it may seem to turn your back on love, or how tempting this matrix is smiling at you.
You can only ascend by piercing the illusion of this world, by seeing the light and looking behind the curtains, uncovering what this world is really made of and what really drives all of humanity.
There are forces of non-human and non-divine origin that are up to no good here on earth. They will keep playing their games till the bitter end. And what this means for you, beloved human, is: stay human till the end. Act contrarily to the expectations of this matrix and never replace love with fear. This requires diligent practice, calls for continuous work on your awareness, and takes your unconditional devotion.
Until you have completed yourself, I am the source that quenches your thirst and the storehouse that satiates you.
Babaji is with you and with all human beings. The darkness in this world will subside once you are filled with light and look at life lovingly.
There is only one way to your perfection: through the light of awareness to true love.
I am with you.

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl.

Beloved humans,


What is announced to you today,here and now,is the unshakeable truth–it is the course all developments on earth are taking from now on.


Humanity is climbing up the stairs of light,and more and more people are getting closer and closer to the truth of love.


How can you tell that the light is victorious?


•By the fact that now everything is brought to light!That's how you can tell.


•By the fact that nothing can be hidden any longer,not even with greatest effort.That's how you can tell.


•By the fact that the forces that have proliferated on earth to the damage of many and the advantage of few,are discordant and fighting each other.That's how you can tell.


•And by the fact that more and more people feel the pressure,pressure that raises questions that normally would never be asked.That's how you can tell that fundamental changes are happening and an awakening on earth unlike any before is now in process.


What you are currently experiencing,beloved human,is the victory of light!Each day new truths are revealed to you.The denial of facts is getting harder and harder,because you are made aware of them daily.


This procedure–this process–is speeding up day by day.Similar to an exponential function,this growth in awareness has become unstoppable.


If you ask why so many people are still unaware and asleep,I respond to you:It is the fear that paralyzes them.Someone who is fearful can neither think clearly nor get a sense of their own emotions.A fearful person is a pliable mass.That is the cause for the many current crises arising on earth.Fear is the means intended to keep up old structures.


That is why along with the victory of light the biggest fears surface,too.This co-existence of light and fear will end as soon as humans rid themselves of their fears by realizing that fears are owed to the illusion that someone has power over them.This redemption of fear is in process now,too,because the victory of light means:complete absence of fear!


Very soon,you need to contemplate the triumph of love–this is the practice that will take you to mastery.


What is all this about?


All that presents itself now carries the danger of causing people to drift into payback or feelings of revenge.The extent of exploitation and injustice is so large that many people will demand revenge and payback.Many are calling for it already.


This is a development that needs to be prevented.That is why I instruct you to practice forgiveness every single day.


Never may you drift into hatred,revenge or payback if love is supposed to triumph in the end!


What matters now and during the upcoming challenges,is:How do you react to the disclosures and how do you wish to deal with those responsible for them?


I'm telling you:Peaceful revolution must be followed by unconditional forgiveness!Only then the shift is complete,and only then you have reached perfection.


The world merges with the Divine Light of Love–and as soon as you have forgiven every being,by the power of your light and love,you will go along with this development.


The victory of light will reveal itself to you these days.For the triumph of love,you still need a little imagination.Nurture this vision within until you have forgiven everybody everything,and until you can love yourself unconditionally.


This is the path to walk on for anyone who wishes to fulfill their missions on earth and to return home to God.


The light is victorious!Now it is up to you to take care of the triumph of love!With complete love I am with you,always.




背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl 譯者:U2 心無為、Nick Chan
#JahnJKassl #U2心無為 #NickChan

傳導作者:Jahn J Kassl .
譯者:U2 心無為.




這些曾經歷過的體驗一直以來深深堆積在你們的細胞記憶中,經常的情形便是 - 你正准備大步前行,這時卻被某種力量拖回原地。

1. 以充分的覺知認清它們實際存在的事實(不以因對它們的恐懼和害怕埋藏心底或刻意逃避)。


2. 即便是最輕微的恐懼感受或想法,你也應能清晰識別。在它潛入大眾領域,入侵集體意識的時候感覺是怎樣?




這便是我能夠介入的地方 - 協助你重建並糾正這些能量層面的不清糾纏。








傳導作者:Jahn Kassl.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Beloved people,
what has been proclaimed to you here and now today is the irrefutable truth – and it is the path that all developments on Earth will take from now on.
This humanity is advancing up the steps of light and more and more people are coming closer and closer to the reality of love.
How can you tell that the light is triumphant?
– It is the fact that everything is now coming out into the light! That is what you can see.
– It is the fact that nothing can be hidden now, even if everything is done for it. That is what you can see from it.
– It is the fact that the forces, which have spread on this earth to the harm of many and for the advantage of few, are themselves divided and fight among themselves. You can see that from this.
– And it is the fact that more and more people are coming under pressure, and this pressure is raising questions that would never be asked under normal circumstances. From this you can see that there are serious changes taking place today and that an awakening, the like of which has never been seen before, is underway on this earth.
What you are currently experiencing, beloved human being, is the victory of the Light! Every day new truths are being revealed to you. Denial of facts becomes more and more difficult, because they are made conscious to you every day.
This process – this process – accelerates with every day. Like an exponential function, this growth of knowledge is unstoppable.
If you ask why so many people are still unconscious and asleep, I tell you: it is fear that paralyzes people. A person who is afraid can neither think clearly nor sense his own feelings. A fearful person is a malleable mass. That is the reason for the many crises at present on earth. Through fear the old structures are to be maintained.
Thus, while the light triumphs, the greatest fears also emerge. This coexistence of light and fear ends as soon as people give up their fears by recognizing that fears are due to the illusion –someone would have power over you.
This redemption from fear is also now underway, because the victory of light means: the complete absence of fear!
Very soon you will have to envisage the triumph of love – and this is the exercise that will lead you to mastery.
What are we talking about here?
With everything that is happening now, there is a danger that people will slip into retaliation or revenge. The scale of exploitation and injustice is so great that many people will call for revenge and retribution. Many are already calling for it today.
This is the development that must be prevented. That is why I am instructing you to practice forgiveness every day.
Never, if love is to triumph in the end, must you slip into hatred, revenge or retaliation!
What matters now and in what is about to happen is: How do you react to the revelations and how do you want to deal with those who are responsible for them?
I tell you: The peaceful revolution must be followed by unconditional forgiveness! Only then is the change complete and only then are you perfected.
The world enters into the light of God’s love – and as soon as you forgive every being by virtue of your light and power of your love, you go along with this development.
The victory of the light reveals itself to you in these days. For the triumph of love you still need some imagination. Nurture this vision within yourself until you can forgive everyone everything and love yourself unconditionally.
This path is to be walked now, for everyone who wants to fulfill his assignments on earth and for the one who wants to return home to God.
The light triumphs! Now you take care for the triumph of love! In perfect love I am always with you. BABAJI.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.