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傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff

































---著文作者Christopher I. Chenoweth





豐盛的到來,伴隨著“感恩的態度”,對於每個人來說早已擁有並獲得。豐盛伴隨著感恩的心,所以,一種神奇效用的訓練便是-- 在你夜晚入睡之前,送出感謝的情懷,給予所有你在一天中體驗到的美好,給予感謝並感恩你已擁有的一切。這是一份美好的靈性訓練,它將給參與者帶來源自宇宙的更多豐盛,也是作為了《吸引力法則》的作用結果。





譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》Hilarion-為意識進化的下一個宏大步伐做好準備 (20210602) 5:35 《2》造物能量-超越面紗 (20210602) #MarleneSwetlishoff #BrendaHoffman #NickChan

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan 

Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! Life as you have known it is changing from moment to moment. Those of you who are on an accelerated higher frequency path are beginning to experience massive changes in many facets of your life. Every part of it is in flux as the new frequencies do their work of dislodging everything and everyone that is no longer a fit to whom you are becoming – your Eternal Divine Self – who will allow no external force to take you off path. It is simply a time to step back and let go of the steering wheel. You cannot go backward but only forward as the metamorphoses takes place. Use your own judgement - you are the best barometer of what is right for you. Doing something externally is not always the answer and a long period of introspection might be needed first before making a decision. for you. Use your judgement.
There is a magical process underway in the depths of your being, for you are moving out of your golden cocoon and transforming into a beautiful silver winged butterfly! Your future shines like a bright star, something mysterious and magical is happening within you! Seek like-minded friends and acquaintances with whom you feel seen and affirmed as the radiant and shining example of the highest manifestation of your true, cosmic origins. You have come to this planet carrying many special qualities and gifts - along with a unique mission and destiny and now offer them to the most earthbound beings in your midst. You are all going through a lot right now as you adjust to enormous dissolutions of realities shockingly before your eyes. You have chosen to enter Earth in service to the cosmic forces of Love and Light. You have or are in the process of unpacking what you no longer need for this journey and repacking for travelling light.
Dedicated perseverance is of utmost importance now. ONLY FOCUS ON THE LOVE AND LIGHT, this cannot be said enough, as there is much in the external world that would choose to distract you. ONLY INTERACT WITH THE LIGHT. Remember all LIGHT supports you completely. Synchronous events, gifts, meetings of sacred people will now cross your path and Light Information and Light helpers will find you. Mutually interact and correspond only with Family of Light, support all Light projects, uplift all Earth Angels, Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows, Starpeople and Lightworkers, etc. Do not forget to send love, empowerment, clarity of mind and strength to those just awakened. BE a blessing to all and share your love in a cheerful and optimistic expression.
As you live your life centered in your golden heart, be real with everyone, do not hold back truth. When you are transparent and speak your truth at all times, you do not get caught up in defending self. Life is much simpler when you honor yourself as you truly are, maybe having many human moments in your day – it is all good. Remain within the strength of your spirit and the courage you have always displayed by doing so. Others may not wish to hear your words or information but you know you have done what you felt was right. Send your love and caring to those who are experiencing challenges and most especially to those who have lost loved ones recently as they adjust to this new reality in their daily lives. Let them know that they are loved.
The human auric field directly responds to the sight, sensations and magnetics from these incoming luminous rainbow energetic undulations. The human auric field, the light body, is constantly being shifted for the better. It is the completion of a great and challenging endeavor to achieve these states of resonance within the human form. It has never been done before. We have evolved to this catapult point, which will spring forth into heightened conscious experience in form. One's lightbody will pick up these not so subtle energetic charges, flowing and circulating through Earth's auric field bands to prepare us for the next magnificent steps of evolutionary consciousness. Continue to support like never before. Do the best you can at any given moment.
Until next month…
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear Ones,
We, of the Universes, wish to congratulate all of you for allowing the energies now pummeling the earth to become part of your new being. It is as if you graduated from a university with special honors. For if you are reading this message, you have evolved far beyond the point you anticipated before birth in this earth life.
That is not to say those not readily accepting the energies are bad or slow learners. But instead, that they are in a different phase than you.
We wish to address your new being instead of encouraging those following to hasten their pace or reduce their fear.
Those of you at the forefront are discovering the new thoughts and actions we have addressed several times. But by doing so, you are beginning to feel lonely in new ways. Such is true for those of you in relationships, as well as those in more isolated lifestyles.
This loneliness has little to do with your romantic relationships and everything to do with discovering your Universal family, your beings. Now that you crossed beyond the veils, you are ready to rediscover those you have been interacting with within your dream state, in-between earth lives, and likely, throughout many of your earth lives in various ways.
Perhaps you heard or read that you are never alone. Such has always been true. But until now, you were unable to access your special friends, family, and cohorts beyond the veil – except in your dream state.
Most of you still believe you cannot do so. We beg to differ. Even though you tend to label any new skill as possible for others but not you, you can access your Universal beings whenever you wish. And when you dare, you will allow your beyond the veil family and friends to project a physical presence.
Most of you do not believe such is possible. That you are not that skilled or spiritually talented. In truth, you merely need to release your disbelief to know you are not alone in your sleep or wake states.
You have no difficulty believing you travel the Universes in your sleep state, yet you cannot imagine you are skilled enough to do the same when you are awake.
It is time to shift your beliefs – both of your skills and your world. Many of you are in awe of those who channel, time travel, or do whatever you feel is a difficult Universal skill. Yet, you wish to do the same.
It is time to accept your new being in all its glory. For you are not the you that you believe is true.
It is as if you are a new fairy princess believing you are the Cinderella of yesterday. So you continue your Cinderella house cleaning duties while your nasty sisters direct you to do this and that. And all you would have to do is wave your hand, and the tasks you were once responsible for as Cinderella would be completed by your magic skills.
Even though your skill level has increased immensely in the past few weeks, you do not believe such is so. Perhaps you remain in your cocoon state or have a few AHAs, but that is not enough for you to believe you are a Universal being fully able to do what you find interesting – in your wake state.
There is little skill difference between your wake and dream states. Of course, many of you will immediately attempt to verify our words and fail. It is not because you are not capable, but that you are not yet ready to do so.
There is nothing you need do now other than be aware of your abilities – all of which will become clear once you truly feel the need to exercise those skills. Cocoon now or slip out of your cocoon. It does not matter for you are on a unique path.
But once the loneliness we speak of begins festering in your new being, realize you are fully able to quench that need when you wish with your new skills. And once you do, your friends and family beyond the veil will entice you to new worlds, thoughts, and actions. Some of which will be applied in your current world, while others will be applied in different places and times.
You are a new being with new skills, which will be expressed when you need to do so. Not because of shoulds, but because of loneliness, boredom, and new interests. So be it. Amen.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》佛陀-在和諧與團結中合作 (20210531) 5:14 《2》天使-內在生命力的推動 (20210531) #MarleneSwetlishoff #AnnAlbers #釋迦牟尼 #NickChan #光之工作者

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved Lightworkers,
I come on the wings of love in honor of you who have been working so diligently and so earnestly to anchor the Light into the Earth. You have been doing a magnificent job and I, Lord Buddha and the rest of the Family of Light members salute each and every one of you! Each day upon the planet Earth, more and more of your Light is igniting and radiating out into the atmosphere.
It is a glorious sight to see. There is, literally, a rainbow of Light upon the Earth springing up in many, many points of the planet. As these Lights expand and radiate across the surface of the Earth, they join together in a rainbow, a glorious rainbow of Light which in turn, creates an aura that circles the entire planet Earth. This rainbow of Light is growing in intensity, each color is vivid, intense and clear. This rainbow sphere of Light that surrounds the Earth is a great blessing to humanity and all sentient life upon the Earth. As it grows in its intensity and its hues, what is occurring is a blending of all the colors of each of you and it is a powerful symbol of the unity of consciousness of all humanity and all other life forms upon this planet.
We upon the higher planes of consciousness are so joyful, jubilant and in celebration to see this occurring, for it indicates that unity consciousness is occurring within humanity and out into all sentient life upon the planet. We see all the kingdoms upon the Earth working in joyful unison with humanity as you respectfully include them as you call them forth. What is occurring is that we are ALL working together in unity and as this consciousness continues to grow and expand, the Light upon the Earth grows ever brighter. There is a golden glow surrounding everything and this is the cosmic Christ Consciousness descending upon the Earth and all her inhabitants.
Continue, Dear Ones, in your spiritual disciplines in whatever way is most relevant and meaningful for you, continue to stand in your Light, for this is so crucial and so necessary today, and in the days ahead. Take each day one at a time, honor yourselves and the Light that you are. Remind yourselves often of the Light and the Divinity that you truly are. Intend first thing each morning that you walk through each day upon the Earth fully in your own energies and in your own power and in your own sovereignty, the sovereignty of your Divinity.
As this process continues, more of you will be coming into Christ Consciousness. There are more and more golden suns almost breaking forth from each of you. The potential that exists is for an ENORMOUS critical mass of ignition coming forth together on the Earth plane within your physical human bodies. You are creating once and for all, the higher frequency Light, fully anchored upon this world. You are a living Christ and heart consciousness walking the Earth, manifesting divine order and blessing the Earth, healing the Earth and changing everything upon the Earth. This is what is in the great potentiality for the planet Earth and all inhabitants upon the Earth.
So, Beloved Lightworkers, keep on keeping on. You hear this from us so often and it has more than one meaning. It is an encouragement to continue to stand in your Light, it is an encouragement to not give up hope, it is an encouragement also that the world that you wish and desire to manifest is close to occurring. When we speak in terms of ‘close to occurring’, we are not talking in linear terms, we are talking in cosmic terms but rest assured, in linear terms, there is a Light at the end of the tunnel.
Know that we ALL work together upon the multi-dimensional realities now, there is great harmony and cooperation. The Lightworkers incarnate in the world are working in the etheric realms and coordinating the groups that exist upon the Earth. Each group has its function, and each is performing admirably this function. It all works together in harmony and in unison, for at the heart of all this effort is the single purpose of the Divine Plan which is to restore the Earth and all of her inhabitants to their Divine heritage, to create Heaven on Earth.
I AM Lord Buddha.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導作者:Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Be gentle with yourselves. These are intense times upon your planet earth. A mighty force of love is cascading into your planet right now and it is stirring up all that was once stagnant, releasing all that was once stuffed, and pushing up against all the walls of your resistance to love.
This force of love is catalyzing the massive awakening that humanity, collectively, has prayed for. You are re-birthing yourselves, and birth can either be a glorious experience of surrender, or a tough process of pushing past the pains of resistance.
You may feel this birthing in many ways. You may find yourself thinking differently about what you want or who you want to be. You may feel outbursts of emotion – profound love, or sudden tears of anger or frustration. You may have physical conditions suddenly appear to be revealed and healed. These strong waves of love are purging you – mind, body, and soul – of all that no longer serves so you can become and experience more of what you truly desire.
Think of a seed. It lays dormant in the dark cold ground all winter. It is content within its shell until springtime. As the sun warms the soil, and the rain waters seep into the shell, the force and Source of life itself stirs within the seed, impulsing it to sprout. The sprout grows within the confines of its shell until, at long last, its desire for expansion pushes up against the shell. What once protected is now confining. The force of life within that sprout will summon a mighty energy to cast the resistant shell aside, so it can grow into all that it is destined to be.
So too, a caterpillar who was once content to crawl on the ground is suddenly impulsed to attach itself upside down to a plant, spin a cocoon, and surrender to its own process of death and rebirth. The force and Source of life is the impulse that guides it. The Source of life is growing and expanding into something greater within. Eventually, the cocoon that once protected becomes confining. The butterfly must exert a mighty force to reach past the resistance of its former security blanket in order to become all that it is destined to be.
Your mother earth is no different. As she stirs within her own heart and soul, she shakes, and suddenly the crust cracks and hot magma from within her beating heart rises to the surface creating new land, new soil, new life, and new opportunities for all that live upon her. A mighty force is required to overcome the resistance of the crust in order to allow the creation of new land. There would be no life on earth without this process.
A mother feels life stirring within her. Eventually baby and mother receive an impulse, and both must surrender to the contractions to allow for the birthing to occur.
You too are experiencing the impulses of the force and Source of life within yourselves. Many of you are feeling an urge or impulse to try something new. Some of you are feeling urges and impulses to do things you've long put off. Some of you are feelings the urge and impulse to simply rest and relax. Some of you are feeling the impulse to love yourself more by making healthier, happier choices for yourself. You might have an impulse to take a class, clean out your closet, take a nap, change your career, shift your relationships, create better boundaries, to share your heart with love, walk away from a situation with an awareness of how it once served as a protective shell from which you are growing beyond.
Moment by moment, this force and Source of life within impulses you to take the kindest, easiest, healthiest, and happiest next step on your path.
To the degree that you surrender to these natural impulses to create a more loving reality for yourself in each moment, you will feel better. To the degree you resist these natural impulses to create a more loving reality for yourself in the moment, you will feel worse.
While most of you were taught that feelings such as inner conflict, stagnation, and anger are the result of undesirable conditions in the outer world, we'd like to share a more powerful perspective with you:
All negative feelings come from resisting the loving impulses that are trying to guide you towards what you – yourself – have asked for.
The question is not, "does the outside world make it easy for you to feel loved and loving in a given moment" but rather, "Are you allowing yourself to feel loved and loving in a given moment?"
You learned, for example, to blame your inner conflicts on the external world. In reality, all inner conflict results from your mind being conflicted with your heart in a given moment. Give yourself permission to listen to your heart. Suppose you want a new job. You feel you should look for a job, but you want to rest or call a friend. The Source is guiding you to rest, or call the friend. Your mind is telling you to act. Surrender to your heart. Perhaps in your resting you'll relax and hear your guidance. Perhaps in calling your friend you'll get an idea or a tip on how to find the perfect job. Surrender to the force of life guiding you. Choose to trust in the unfolding journey, in your guidance, and in perfect universal timing.
Likewise, many of you have been taught to blame feelings of stagnation on external situations. In truth, stagnation results from you thinking that your feelings don't matter. They do. Care about how you feel. Choose a thought or action that feels a little better each time you can. If you are sad, that might be a good comforting cry. If you are upset, you might need to vent in a safe and healthy way. There is always the next best loving step to take. Drop into your heart and reach for it with your intention. Ask, "Heart how can I best love myself now?" Listening to your own heart's desire to feel better creates movement.
As well, almost all of you have been taught to blame your anger on others or external life situations. You say, "This made me angry," or "They made me angry. Nonetheless, without its human label, "anger" is the same force that causes the seed to sprout past the shell, the butterfly to climb out of the cocoon, and your Mother Earth to erupt in a volcano in order to create new life. It is the forceful push of the birthing contractions, and the push you sometimes need to expand, grow, and give yourself permission to shift your awareness into a kinder and more loving reality.
For example, you get angry at a person driving erratically in traffic. Of course, you don't like this behavior. Of course, you'd prefer kindness and sensitivity, but why the anger? Why not just roll your eyes and go back to enjoying your drive? In this case, the anger is a force saying to you, "Stop giving other drivers power over your peace and your life. You alone have control over your vibration. Take back your mind. Take back your power." Focus back on a wonderful song on the radio, a conversation with a friend, or the peace of the drive and suddenly anger is gone.
You would almost certainly be angry at someone who lied, cheated, betrayed you, stole from you, or abused you. The burst of anger is saying, "Of course you don't want this behavior in your life. Move forward as fast as you can. Stand your ground if you must. Speak your truth if you must. Take action for justice if you must, but after that don't give them another ounce of your precious life, attention, and energy. Let's create better!" Anger is a force propelling you forward into a kinder, more loving reality.
Dear ones if you can look at your feelings this way and realize that all positive feelings indicate a surrender to the loving impulses of the Source, and all negative feelings indicate a resistance to the loving impulses of Source, then you will more quickly move in the direction of your happiness, health, peace, serenity, security, harmony, and resonant connections.
In each moment, no matter who has done, or is doing what in your life, reach for the best feeling thought that you can. Be kind to yourself. Get the help you deserve when you need it. Listen to your body. Put good things in your mind. Accept yourself as you are. Love yourselves dear ones as you wish to be loved, for you are all worthy. Reclaim your God-given power to be happy and to create the life you truly want, one kinder thought at a time.
As you learn to surrender to being kind to yourself, and doing what is right for yourself, then the people who have wronged you, the ones you fear, and the ones you thought had power over you will simply become irrelevant to you as you move forward into your own loving life.
Your vibration is what is relevant. Your joy is what is relevant. Your relationship with the force and Source of life within is what is most relevant of all.
You are nothing less, Dear ones, than the power that creates worlds experiencing itself in countless forms. You are loved. You are guided. Your unique perspective and desires matter. We want for you the best of what you want for yourself.
Surrender to the loving, better-feeling impulses within. This is your guided, grace-filled path to the manifestation of your dreams.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》麥基洗德-不帶期望和條件地發送愛(20210522) 4:30 《2》銀河聯邦-當前的故事(20210522) 7:59 《3》米拉-前方的時光是快樂的(20210522) #AuroraRay #MarleneSwetlishoff #ErenaVelazquez #NickChan

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love to have discourse on the great and grand opportunity that is now before you. The cosmic Light of the love of God that never fails is pouring down upon the Earth and an awareness of its presence in the atmosphere around you, will assist you to bring this greater Light into your very cells to assist in the further transformation of your human-multi-dimensional operating system. Take time each day to acknowledge this Light that is flowing from the invisible realms and call it down upon you.
There are many channels through which dispensations of Light activations have been given in order to assist humanity to gain more Light quotient into their human-multi-dimensional operating system in various ways. These are now coming into greater prominence and activity. It behooves you to discern which particular method given is the most resonant with you. The most important consideration is that you avail yourself of these opportunities as they come to your attention. By doing so, you assist your multi-dimensional self to more gently come into your energetic field and complete the merging with you, the outer manifestation of your soul.
The winds of change are now fully upon you and this fresh breeze is bringing forth the time that you have all been waiting for, the shifting from one age to another. There are many cycles ending and your place in these times has played a significant role. As we move through these changes, all the ancient human patterns of expression that no longer serve human evolution into the higher dimensions of consciousness will continue to be cleansed and changed through transmutation and transformation to a higher way of living.
We ask that you, our Beloved Lightworkers, daily direct the energy of love to the collective human consciousness, for it is this energy that can grow into a mighty flame within the hearts of all and enable them to rise up to a greater frequency of vibration and understanding of the higher realms by being receptive to it. As you receive this greater energy of cosmic love, in turn you direct it to anchor into the crystalline core of the Earth and to the energetic bands of collective consciousness streams that encircle the planet.
You do not have to take control of the energies of love you send to these, just LOVE all your sisters and brothers without any expectations or conditions, knowing that you are all connected to the same Source, by whatever name is most comfortable for you. You, as the emissaries of Light, now move into the next level of your service to humankind, the Earth and all her inhabitants. Envision the energies of love that you send forth in this way as helping to dissipate all discordant energies that rise to the surface to be looked at and faced.
This daily practice can help awakening humanity become free from all the distractions and illusions of the old cycle so that they may begin to remember their Divine origin and dream a new dream - the beginning of the Golden Age so long foretold. As you hold this focus of unconditional love, see all discord dissolving within the collective consciousness and a brighter Light take its place. Then see great Light burst forth from within Mother Earth's crystalline core and radiate out into the atmosphere and then out into the Universe.
This practice done by many Lightworkers will help set the new Template of Divinity in a way that will facilitate a mass awakening across the entire planet. Your Light will be magnified by the higher realms as we work in unison to achieve victory and success. Attune to the Earth and give thanks for her coming resurrection into greater Light and consciousness. Take on the mantle of co-creator with God with the utmost devotion and integrity and know that we are with you always.
I AM Melchizedek.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849207605238952&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

We would like to emphasize the importance of not letting yourself get pulled into the current narrative. As usual, things are not as they might appear at first glance.
It is so easy to be dragged down into worry and despair about the events on your planet. This fear should not be your “place of residence”…
The dark forces are trying everything to regain their power and they will stop at nothing. Everything is designed to keep you stuck in the 3D matrix construct of fear and control.
And yet it is crucial for your own good and specifically for your ascension vibes to keep vibrating higher.
If you succeed in raising your frequency and keeping it you will quickly see that beyond the lies and web of illusions.
You can imagine it like a puppet theater in which actors play different parts. Some are the bad guys and others pretend to be the good guys while the actual good ones are absent from the scene.
The dark forces have always used holographic inserts, staged events, and all kinds of trickery supported by the mainstream media outlets that they own and control to create a reality for you that would bind you to their magic spells. Literally.
Do not buy any more tickets to this show.
Be peaceful, be kind, be compassionate, and be patient.
If you have trained yourself and evolved in the past years, now is the time to put your loving talents to work.
Many are in fear right now. They need your stability and loving support.
We have communicated this to you many times before and we think that only ow the time has come for you to truly understand what we have meant by those words.
You must become the keepers of frequency. This means that you not only raise your vibration but you keep it high no matter what.
This is how you can make this frequency accessible to others.
You cannot go around dragging people to 5D. You cannot force humans to awaken and you do not know what their souls have chosen to experience within this lifetime. You cannot violate their free will.
But you can make your life an example that invites others to follow, to partake in your beautiful experience, to share your wisdom, and to find peace in yours.
Do not believe what the media tells you. Not for a moment. Turn off your TVs and spend more time with Mother Nature.
Sit under a tree, breathe deeply, and know that all is divine order.
They cannot win and they are fully aware of it. They just want to cause as much pain and fear and chaos as long as they can to get one last kick out of it.
This is the victory of light.
So, today we ask of you to stay grounded and to keep the faith in the divine plan so that others too may feel more at peace.
We love you. We are here with you.
We are the family of light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849207915238921&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mira from the Pleaidian High Council, and I have a new message for humanity. The situation on Planet Earth is changing daily as the veil between dimensions is getting thinner and thinner with each day. The Darkness created a huge gap between our world and yours in order to keep you in low vibrations.
If you look around and observe your reality very closely, you are going to notice that everything in your surroundings is carrying a specific energy to keep you in a survival mode, so you don’t have any time to analyze what is the truth and what is really going on.
Since day one, when you were born in the human body, you were introduced to false and controlled truth. Now, your existence is changing as the shield separating us from you is dissolving quickly. Your planet is constantly receiving high energies send from the Central Sun.
The dirty tricks by the controllers are not working anymore in slowing down the process of destroying this 3D Matrix. The transition from low vibrations to New Earth continues and getting closer and closer to completion of the Ascension Process.
The Ground Crew and Alliance are continuing the cleanup on Mother Gaia. The Awaken Human Population can see very clearly now with their own eyes of all the betrayals, corruptions and dishonesty by their governments, who never served their people only their own pockets. They can’t hide anymore and their greed is becoming too visible.
The part of the humankind, who follows and still believes that the governments protect their best interests, are going to be very disappointed and dishearten, when they find out the truth. Humanity needs to go through this process in order to move to higher dimensions, unfortunately there are no shortcuts.
The long overdue changes are finally coming and the Ascension approaches now faster as the time lines are moving in accelerating speed since last year. Your population is leaving places and moving to cities or towns with now more relaxed rules, after being over year told how to live your personal lives.
Many around the globe are speaking up and demanding their freedom. You are gaining a realization that nobody has the right to push you around. Each of you represents knowledge, unique experiences and different abilities, which you received during your soul journey.
You are here to accomplish specific missions and soon you will be able to fulfill them. Everyone is going to be very busy as the New Earth will require to built a happy, prosperous and a free society.
As I mentioned in my previous message, my team and I are going to help you to set up globally the Light Centers to help to heal humanity. Happy times are ahead of you, please stay strong and don’t forget that you are Powerful Multidimensional Beings.
I am Mira and I am grateful to speak to all of you today. Thank you.
Stay in the Light.Mira
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849208075238905&set=a.806388119520911 >

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


0:00 影片開頭
0:40 《1》Hilarion-養生之道(20210505)
5:37 《2》天使-保持真實(20210505)
#MarleneSwetlishoff #AnnAlbers #NickChan

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love! There have been amazing changes that have been taking place as the planet has been catapulted into the higher etheric dimensions recently. This is happening throughout the cosmos as well – other planets that have been fifth dimensional for eons of time are also moving up the frequency ladder to a higher octave. On the planet, the signs are becoming more evident that ascension is near. The surface of the Earth is changing daily as unusual weather patterns become commonplace in the years ahead. One needs to be adaptable and flexible in all situations that come before you. There is a need to simplify one’s daily existence and eliminate all things that do not serve you on the new path you are walking on. As you eliminate the clutter, you are opening up space for the new to come into your life and it is filled with higher frequency energy that you need in order to continue on your ascension path.
The greater influx of light during these current times is causing uncomfortable symptoms within your physical body in many of you. Many of you feel bloated and are experiencing digestive upsets which makes eating anything at all undesirable in order to avoid the feeling of nausea that then takes place. Simplify your food intake – try a raw food, sticking to one specific food group such as vegetables, in a mono-diet for a week or so – it might help to settle the stomach by giving it less variety of foods to contend with. Drink plenty of water and avoid coffee during this mono-diet – most important of all, avoid the consumption of sugar. The less complexity in your intake of food, the more comfortable you will become in your body recalibrations as the high frequency light is absorbed and assimilated. The intake of fresh air is also an important factor to bring greater harmony and balance within the developing new human operating system.
It becomes imperative to find a place in nature where you can ground your energies into the crystalline core of Mother Earth as well as finding a spot such as your bathtub where you can immerse yourself in the water for at least thirty minutes in order to feel more balanced and refreshed. These activities will eliminate stagnant energies that may be blocking your meridians and can put a smile back on your face once again! For more passive but highly efficient activities, look at getting your back massaged and perhaps experiencing accupressure to restore healthy flow in your energy circuits through your chakra and nerve system. All of these activities are utilizing self–care regimens that can have tremendous impact in the improvement of one’s overall state of health. The most important benefit is the improvement you will feel in the state of your mental health.
The best advice we can give you at this time is to have patience. All that is possible and that has been promised to you by your guides will come into manifestation in the correct timing for you. This timing is different for each individual, as there is no one-size that fits all in this process thus the need for patience from each of you. There is so much occurring behind the scenes of current happenings that your mind would boggle at all that is in motion. There are many players in this divine plan that is now unfolding and each of you is taking part in the role you agreed to take on as yours. There are many of you becoming ‘activated’ right now as we speak. It is the awakening of humanity that is of great importance at this time. The Earth is ready, the onus is on humanity to gain a higher perspective and take back their freedom and sovereignty.
This we are attempting to do by utilizing the quantum fields that are available during these times by placing those of humanity that are here now from the future into stations of activity where they can do the most good on behalf of the entire planet and all of her inhabitants. These ones seek to serve and bring forward a new and enlightened way of living that will be their legacy to the generations of humanity yet to come. They do not want to be worshiped and obeyed by the inhabitants on this planet – they seek to free and not destroy. Their mandate has always been that they must do no harm. They are cognizant of the fact that they are the future selves of humanity and must act always in the highest truth and integrity in order to steer the planet and her inhabitants into the correct timeline and position for the most benevolent outcomes in the future.
Until next month…
I AM Hilarion
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1836313263195053&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
So many of you are feeling that you want to create change, but not all of you know exactly what changes you want to create. It is OK! You are feeling the stirrings of new life moving and growing within you as surely as a pregnant woman feels the stirrings of life as her baby matures from within. You are all giving birth.
You are birthing a new reality here upon your planet earth – one in which the unity of life is recognized, and the diversity celebrated. You are birthing a new relationship with your Mother Earth, a new respect for her needs, and how you can more wisely and kindly use her resources for your own benefit and joy. You are re-birthing your relationships with one another – being more authentic about who you are, what you wish to do, and who you want to dance with.
Most importantly of all, each one of you is re-birthing your relationship with yourself.
While you were confined in quarantine you had time to dream. You had time to really look at what you missed and what you were happy to release. You had time to be very honest with yourself about what you want to experience. You dressed more comfortably. You relaxed your need to meet social expectations. You listened, when you wanted to be out in the world, and when you wanted to withdraw.
You rearranged your homes to better suit your lives. You discovered new hobbies. You turned to meditation, education, and prayer. Many of you allowed yourselves the freedom to explore questions such as, "What do I like to do? What do I want to learn? What do I want to create?
Who do I wish to be when the world can't see? Can you be that person when the world can?
As a result of these times, you have changed. You have grown. You know more clearly how you want to feel, what type of environment you want to work in, whether you love staying at home or if you miss travel, whether you love time alone or miss your social life. You know better who you want to spend time with and who you don't. You have new hobbies you enjoy. You have discovered new talents within.
You have fundamentally changed your relationship with yourself.
If you aren't sure yet how to integrate all these changes in your life mas you move forward, just take life one day at a time. Trust yourself. Listen to what you truly feel like doing in a given moment. Be authentic.
Let go of the need to please others, and instead please the spark of the Divine within by accepting yourself in each moment.
Make your joy in the present moment a priority. A full cup spilleth over. It is time to give from your abundance, to uplift from your joy, to spread peace from your own peaceful heart. It is time to take care of yourself and your own happiness first. In that space, you tend to the spark of the Divine that IS you, and you become a light to the world.
When you can't find joy, find healthy comfort. When you can't find comfort, seek healthy relief. When you can't find relief, seek healthy release. Be kind to yourselves.
During this incredible re-birthing, you don't have to figure out your entire future. All you have to do is live authentically, one moment at a time.
Do you want to rest? Love yourself and do it soon as you can. Do you want to pick up or ignore a phone call? Do it. Do you want to travel? Dream of it till you can do it. You are re-birthing a new and beautiful relationship with Self – one based on self-acceptance, self-love, and an honoring of the light and beauty within every single experience you desire to have.
There is no need to worry about the details of how your lives are going to work out. A mother giving birth has dreams, but no clue how her child will grow, nor what he/she will become.
Birth involves a commitment to the journey, and you are all on a glorious journey of expansion right now.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1836313639861682&set=a.806388119520911 >


《3》揚升大師Hilarion-揚升症狀 (20180904)
#JahnKassl #SharonStewart #NickChan #Amber

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Strengthen your spiritual immune system through prayer, meditation and communion with nature. Leave every discouraging situation stronger than you were before by giving sad thoughts over to God in your prayers, by transforming negative emotions in the light during meditation, and by healing physical ailments with nature’s help.
Whenever possible, find stillness and your inner core in nature. Move internally and externally!
Inner and outer inertia is a great sin for anyone who isn’t enlightened yet. Because it is this passivity that cuts you off from all experiences and keeps you in your phantasy world.
Today it is required of you to let your actions speak. Walk without haste, act without haste, don’t look back – that’s the way!
Still the influx of light from the central sun to this earth is enormous.
Still you are being aligned daily with the vibration of a new frequency! This means big shifts for your mind and body. Engaging in it means going along with the new energies each and every day, and that means: reinventing yourself daily!
Old thinking patterns, old beliefs, old opinions need to be examined and let go of. Old tools are of no use in the new era.
Becoming light, being free and achieving inner freedom – that is the goal of all endeavors.
While the light is shining and incessantly flowing to earth, you are offered the greatest opportunities for healing and transformation.
Use this time as a chance to overcome time and to leave the world of birth and death.
Strengthen your spiritual immune system by opening yourself internally for the divine light, so that it doesn’t go unnoticed by the people around you.
Your transformation, once it happens, cannot go unnoticed by anyone. If everything stays the same around you, you can be certain: you are still the same.
The divine light operates and that has an effect – first invisibly, then visibly.
Arm yourself with the truth and lead your sword of light courageously – then you will find salvation.
God hears you in your prayer, meets you in meditation and faces you in nature.
The light flooding of the earth continues – and it continuously gets easier and more natural to drop the old burdens.
Anyone who is familiar with this knows.
For only those who are engaging in this wholeheartedly know the fields of grace in this blessed time.
I am with you, BABAJI.

傳導作者:Sharon Stewart

Week One Warrior Group Results | Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart

April 25, 2021

Archangel Michael

Results of Week One Mass Meditation

Angel Warrior Group

I am Archangel Michael, at your service.

This week's efforts saw definite changes in energetic levels in the region in question: the Middle East. We focus on what is going on behind the scenes, and expect to see what is going on at your intellectual levels to change.

There was fighting this week in the Middle East between rival countries, however we expect that to change shortly. Amnesty is being sought and a mediator is stepping in to help broker peace in this region.

Our interest in this region is the portals and pockets of underground hideaways for many of the negative alliance and for this reason we will continue to ask you to focus your energies this coming week on this area as well.

It is a hot spot in earth's geography, with its history being chaotic as well. It is not for no reason the Christ was born to this region, he sought to bring peace even back then, and it has been a trouble spot for as long a time as his history has been given to your people.

The Middle East is a pinnacle point in your world's energetic systems and to claim it for the Light is our eventual goal. Its chakra point, at the pyramids in Egypt, is the fifth chakra, which aligns with the fifth dimension. To claim this for the Light and to reverse all negative energies being produced there will help those on earth immensely in their ascension.

Might I suggest to those meditating this week to radiate blue light from the throat chakra in the direction of the Middle East. This is energy most suitable for this area of the world, and would support it in the highest manner.

Thank you.

I remain,

Archangel Michael


傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu’tama
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved Ones,


I come on the wings of love! You are becoming fully integrated Divine humans. The energy fluxes continue on relentlessly as you try to adjust to the shifting timelines and realities that you experience as they happen. Many unusual symptoms appear in your physical body such as a twitching in your eye as your inner sight (third eye) is opened more fully or sharp stabs of pain as though a pin or needle is jabbing at you – these come and go throughout various energy points in your meridian system. There may be the sensation of heart palpitations, pains in various muscles and joints, a dimming of eyesight in one or both eyes as more mucous is expelled, and intense itching on various areas of your skin.


You can also be experiencing fuzziness of the brain function, drowsiness and excessive feelings of tiredness that comes upon you suddenly, bringing on the need for sleep or rest. There may be phantom pains that arise from previous injuries to the bones in one’s body, or pain that travels throughout the body, appearing first in one area and then the next day in another. Your teeth may become sensitive to hot or cold or sweet or sugary foods. Your ears may feel as though they are filled with fluid and there can be sharp pains that are periodically felt. The spinal column and neck region where the skull joins the spine may be painful as you move your head in any direction. Also your spine may be feeling pain and tenderness along its length. There can also be a sensation of powerful energy coming through your crown chakra at the top of your head. This can bring on a temporary feeling of dizziness or even nausea.


Many chronic illnesses seem to flare up during this phase and it can be most challenging to endure. These symptoms vary from person to person as their human operating system is being re-calibrated and re-attuned so that each person can embody greater and greater amounts of spiritual Light that allow one’s higher aspects to manifest in and through them. Along with the physical symptoms, the emotional body is also trying to release old feelings from the past and sometimes it is surprising to the one experiencing these what comes to the surface. The mental body also joins in the momentum by bringing forth thoughts from the cells themselves and even from one’s DNA. The one experiencing this begins to understand that it is their spirit or soul that seeks to achieve wholeness and total integration in all aspects of their human operating system.


This painful and confusing period is necessary in order to purify one’s being of all that is no longer of use in their current and evolving reality. Humanity as a whole is venturing into previously unknown areas of exploration and this activity in its higher aspects helps to stretch, broaden and expand one’s consciousness and understanding of the purpose of life in a physical body. It leads to the comprehension that one is, in actuality, a spiritual being having this experience. Once this is realized, progress continues as the soul moves into the service to others phase of learning and evolving.


Viewed from the higher perspective of one’s soul and Oversoul, these experiences are seen as stepping stones to freedom from polarity and duality experience known as the wheel of karma. This process of purification and alchemy allows souls to move from one level of awareness to another. As they change and raise their frequency level, they reclaim their sovereignty as a spiritual being of the universe worthy of this freedom. This is the ultimate purpose of the initiations that each soul goes through – the achievement of Mastership of Life through a cycle of physical experience – transcending the need for further exploration of such and moving on to a different form of experiencing and learning. It is all a progression of advanced evolvement as one gathers all of one’s life experiences in all its forms into one fully integrated wholeness of being.


Until next month…


I AM Hilarion.


背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#Galaxygirl #MarleneSwetlishoff #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings beloveds on ascending Gaia. We are the Archangelic Collective. You likely feel as a little boat on a rocky sea, navigating the winds and waves, the currents, the unexpected gusts. No storm lasts forever. Calm seas with gentle breezes are ahead of humanity. But in this now you are here to navigate the currents as the masters that you are. You are not here to be comfortable. You are here to be strong. And you are strong. We say this while wiping a few tears from our eyes as we watch you and assist from the ethers. Giant wings are all around, beloved ones. Giant wings ready to whisper encouragement or dispel a foe, or to assist you with your alignment process. There are many of us, too many to count. There are many archangelic realms in many universes and we have all joined our consciousness for Gaia’s rebirth so that we may assist most effectively and lovingly.
We are the Archangelic Collective of many merged into one, for the benefit of humanity in this most sacred now. We breathe activations upon you now. Allow it to soak in as a gentle rain, washing away your uncertainties, a refreshing mist in the storm. Know that your higher self is watching over you as well and that you truly have a giant network of support. This too shall pass, this is but a moment of experience, that you came here specifically to experience. You knew of the challenges, the heartbreaks and the dangers. But you came regardless of your love of humanity, for your love of the selfless Gaia and for her redemption, knowing that you would have the unique opportunity to be of planetary and yes, universal service. For those are the kinds of selfless beings that you are. The dark ones’ talons are loosening, and in the higher realms are but a distant memory. Many shocking truths of your planet’s occupation are coming to the surface. Many will be in utter shock and disbelief. For many this will lead to anger and rage. You are to be the calming mist for them, to cool the anger, to soothe their worries. For this is a divine plan. You have heard this, and deep down you know it, but it is uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable with the knowledge of apparent discord from the divine reality to the reality that you see before you need not raise concern.
It is all divine. It is all in divine will and timing. Align yourself with this divinity within and without and feel the cosmic flow of the breath of all that is. Just because what you see around you does not feel divine does not mean that it is not. It is divine that the truth is revealed. This is what you are seeing. Of course the love of God, of the cosmic in-breath and out-breath is love itself, and you are love incarnate. It is the force of love and the sheer will of Creator that all beings realize this love, and realize that they were created to love, out of love, for love. For all is love. It is this realization that is the process of the divine. We are coating your world with love, with light, from the higher realms. We are coating your world with our own divinity, for we have realized our purpose, and that is to enforce and provide presence for this love. We are returning the balance, we are assisting those who are crying out for assistance. We encourage you to talk with us, to feel our wings of light and love around you, for we are nearby.
We are the Archangelic Collective of many into one, into one consciousness. Humanity is slowly but surely returning into this one cosmic voice. The injured will be healed. The doubting will see and believe. The dark will be removed. The aligned will rejoice and be able to see the veil fall away, elevated up into the realms of ecstasy. This is the divine decree and timing. The plan of divine plan is whole, is complete. You are here to anchor this light, to provide space and an anchor point for this divinity in form, for that is what you are. You are the hands and feet of the divine in form, coating all you touch with fingerprints of light and love. (I am seeing wormholes of light from other universes form and rush into this one, from all sides, too numerous to count. I am seeing Gaia in the center being surrounded by this light, by their rushing wings from other realms and universes coming to our aid.) Indeed, galaxygirl. We have and are all rushing towards your planet in great support and love. This is to your benefit for further support but also to our benefit so we may serve and lend our light and mighty strength. You too have this same light and strength. All will be made known. All will be revealed.
我們是大天使集體,許多大天使集合成一個意識。人類在穩步返回這個合一的宇宙聲音。傷痛會被療愈。懷疑者會看到和相信。黑暗會被移除。對齊會是快樂的,能夠看到面紗的降落,提升到狂喜的領域。這是神聖的法令和時機。神聖計畫是完整的。你是來錨定這個光的,為形態中的神性提供空間和錨定點,因為這就是你的所是。你是形態中的神的手腳,用光與愛的指紋塗抹你觸碰的一切。(我看到光的蟲洞從其它宇宙形態而來,從四面八方衝入這個宇宙。我看到蓋亞處於中央被這個光包裹,被來自其它領域和宇宙的翅膀包裹)。確實,galaxygirl,我們在巨大的支持和愛中衝入地球。這是為了進一步地支持你,但對我們也有好處,這樣我們可以服務和提供我們的光與力量。 你也擁有相同的光和力量。一切都會被知曉。一切都會被揭示
And healed. That which denies alignment will be removed. Gaia will be a higher dimensional paradise once again, a school of learning as an intergalactic meeting place for higher love and learning, and recreation. She will serve as an example for other ascending worlds and suppressed populations expanding into higher thought. (I am seeing Nova Gaia, a paradise of parks and intense beauty with brilliant indigo and turquoise waters. I am hearing children laugh and seeing families play on beaches, seeing scientists exploring the new healing plant species that will be there. I am seeing cities of light in the skies and ease of travel from the land to the skies. It is a paradise. There is a purple shimmer in the aura around Gaia and the air feels alive, glowing.)
We are the Archangelic Collective, the many into the one. You are here to create this, to bridge this current reality into the ascended reality. This too is by divine timing. The steps cannot be rushed but they will not be allowed to drag. You light workers are a tenacious group, so strong in your abilities. This is why you were chosen to bear witness to such events and to assist with your own unique strengths and abilities. You are well honored and loved. We are here to assist. Ever in service to the light, we are the Archangelic Collective.

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan 

I come on the wings of love! The disclosures of information that has been hidden from the knowledge and awareness of the Earth’s citizens keep coming up to be pondered by humanity in order for them to awaken to the crucial individual choices that must be made by every citizen upon this planet. Each citizen is part of a greater collective of consciousness that encompasses the entirety of the planet and must decide if they are in consent with all that is being presented to them. More people are awakening to the understanding that they must take a stand for a better quality of life that is available to them than is being portrayed by the media and ruling authorities at this time.
They are coming to the understanding that those who rule in each country are meant to serve the good of all citizens and they are seeing that these individuals are not doing the job they were elected or assigned to accomplish. The citizens are starting to demand these individuals to resign from their positions for they are not serving their citizens and their countries as promised and are instead trying to control, dictate and enslave the population through severe restrictions of their basic human rights. The citizens of the planet are in the midst of struggling to regain their sovereignty and freedom. So far, those in positions of authority are not seeing the writing on the wall, for it has become clear to the Earth’s citizens that these people are moving ahead in their agendas and plans without any consideration for what the citizens are demanding.
The abuse of power these ones wield is based on a very slippery foundation that is already crumbling across the entire planet – for what supported them before is now no longer available to them. All such structures have been broken and dismantled and now it is just a matter of time before divine order and sanity is restored to the people and their planet Earth/Terra/Gaia and all of its inhabitants. The intensity of the infinity light from the Cosmos that is flowing into the Earth’s atmosphere is neutralizing all negative timelines and agendas, for they are not in alignment with the pure love that is the true nature of the citizens and the planet. These negative timelines have fallen away and now it is a matter of raising the frequency and consciousness of the citizens in order to stabilize the highest timeline and reality that is possible from all the positive ones, in order for ascension to occur for all.
Therefore, we ask the Lightworkers to continue to hold their light steady. Daily practice your spiritual visualizations, prayers, meditations and decrees. Send out your light to the areas in need of it. This activity continues to bring stability to the planet. There are many unusual events, many volcanic eruptions, tornados, hurricanes, flooding and other unusual natural activities that are occurring. This is part of the process of an ascending planet. All old energies from the past are being cleansed and purified and the citizens and the planet are getting a new start, a fresh start that will take them into a new space and a new direction for a better quality of life. Each individual will be exploring the incredible wonders of their inner reality which is the multi-dimensional reality and as they do this, they automatically add their gifts and blessings to All That Is for everyone’s betterment and enjoyment.
It is a time to just allow what comes into the surface of your awareness to be seen, acknowledged and released – for it no longer serves your newly embodying multi-dimensional being, consciousness and life. All the good that has been your divine birthright is now set to be restored unto you! Keep yourselves open to new and wonderful opportunities and possibilities. Keep ever watchful for golden doorways to open at unexpected and unusual timings. The web of life in your sphere of influence becomes easier for you to read the signs and portents as they come. Weave those golden threads together until you see the bigger picture that lies in promise before you. Events are happening at an accelerated level and you know how to surf those solar waves!  
Until next month…
I AM Hilarion