

#Galaxygirl #MarleneSwetlishoff #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings beloveds on ascending Gaia. We are the Archangelic Collective. You likely feel as a little boat on a rocky sea, navigating the winds and waves, the currents, the unexpected gusts. No storm lasts forever. Calm seas with gentle breezes are ahead of humanity. But in this now you are here to navigate the currents as the masters that you are. You are not here to be comfortable. You are here to be strong. And you are strong. We say this while wiping a few tears from our eyes as we watch you and assist from the ethers. Giant wings are all around, beloved ones. Giant wings ready to whisper encouragement or dispel a foe, or to assist you with your alignment process. There are many of us, too many to count. There are many archangelic realms in many universes and we have all joined our consciousness for Gaia’s rebirth so that we may assist most effectively and lovingly.
We are the Archangelic Collective of many merged into one, for the benefit of humanity in this most sacred now. We breathe activations upon you now. Allow it to soak in as a gentle rain, washing away your uncertainties, a refreshing mist in the storm. Know that your higher self is watching over you as well and that you truly have a giant network of support. This too shall pass, this is but a moment of experience, that you came here specifically to experience. You knew of the challenges, the heartbreaks and the dangers. But you came regardless of your love of humanity, for your love of the selfless Gaia and for her redemption, knowing that you would have the unique opportunity to be of planetary and yes, universal service. For those are the kinds of selfless beings that you are. The dark ones’ talons are loosening, and in the higher realms are but a distant memory. Many shocking truths of your planet’s occupation are coming to the surface. Many will be in utter shock and disbelief. For many this will lead to anger and rage. You are to be the calming mist for them, to cool the anger, to soothe their worries. For this is a divine plan. You have heard this, and deep down you know it, but it is uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable with the knowledge of apparent discord from the divine reality to the reality that you see before you need not raise concern.
It is all divine. It is all in divine will and timing. Align yourself with this divinity within and without and feel the cosmic flow of the breath of all that is. Just because what you see around you does not feel divine does not mean that it is not. It is divine that the truth is revealed. This is what you are seeing. Of course the love of God, of the cosmic in-breath and out-breath is love itself, and you are love incarnate. It is the force of love and the sheer will of Creator that all beings realize this love, and realize that they were created to love, out of love, for love. For all is love. It is this realization that is the process of the divine. We are coating your world with love, with light, from the higher realms. We are coating your world with our own divinity, for we have realized our purpose, and that is to enforce and provide presence for this love. We are returning the balance, we are assisting those who are crying out for assistance. We encourage you to talk with us, to feel our wings of light and love around you, for we are nearby.
We are the Archangelic Collective of many into one, into one consciousness. Humanity is slowly but surely returning into this one cosmic voice. The injured will be healed. The doubting will see and believe. The dark will be removed. The aligned will rejoice and be able to see the veil fall away, elevated up into the realms of ecstasy. This is the divine decree and timing. The plan of divine plan is whole, is complete. You are here to anchor this light, to provide space and an anchor point for this divinity in form, for that is what you are. You are the hands and feet of the divine in form, coating all you touch with fingerprints of light and love. (I am seeing wormholes of light from other universes form and rush into this one, from all sides, too numerous to count. I am seeing Gaia in the center being surrounded by this light, by their rushing wings from other realms and universes coming to our aid.) Indeed, galaxygirl. We have and are all rushing towards your planet in great support and love. This is to your benefit for further support but also to our benefit so we may serve and lend our light and mighty strength. You too have this same light and strength. All will be made known. All will be revealed.
我們是大天使集體,許多大天使集合成一個意識。人類在穩步返回這個合一的宇宙聲音。傷痛會被療愈。懷疑者會看到和相信。黑暗會被移除。對齊會是快樂的,能夠看到面紗的降落,提升到狂喜的領域。這是神聖的法令和時機。神聖計畫是完整的。你是來錨定這個光的,為形態中的神性提供空間和錨定點,因為這就是你的所是。你是形態中的神的手腳,用光與愛的指紋塗抹你觸碰的一切。(我看到光的蟲洞從其它宇宙形態而來,從四面八方衝入這個宇宙。我看到蓋亞處於中央被這個光包裹,被來自其它領域和宇宙的翅膀包裹)。確實,galaxygirl,我們在巨大的支持和愛中衝入地球。這是為了進一步地支持你,但對我們也有好處,這樣我們可以服務和提供我們的光與力量。 你也擁有相同的光和力量。一切都會被知曉。一切都會被揭示
And healed. That which denies alignment will be removed. Gaia will be a higher dimensional paradise once again, a school of learning as an intergalactic meeting place for higher love and learning, and recreation. She will serve as an example for other ascending worlds and suppressed populations expanding into higher thought. (I am seeing Nova Gaia, a paradise of parks and intense beauty with brilliant indigo and turquoise waters. I am hearing children laugh and seeing families play on beaches, seeing scientists exploring the new healing plant species that will be there. I am seeing cities of light in the skies and ease of travel from the land to the skies. It is a paradise. There is a purple shimmer in the aura around Gaia and the air feels alive, glowing.)
We are the Archangelic Collective, the many into the one. You are here to create this, to bridge this current reality into the ascended reality. This too is by divine timing. The steps cannot be rushed but they will not be allowed to drag. You light workers are a tenacious group, so strong in your abilities. This is why you were chosen to bear witness to such events and to assist with your own unique strengths and abilities. You are well honored and loved. We are here to assist. Ever in service to the light, we are the Archangelic Collective.

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan 

I come on the wings of love! The disclosures of information that has been hidden from the knowledge and awareness of the Earth’s citizens keep coming up to be pondered by humanity in order for them to awaken to the crucial individual choices that must be made by every citizen upon this planet. Each citizen is part of a greater collective of consciousness that encompasses the entirety of the planet and must decide if they are in consent with all that is being presented to them. More people are awakening to the understanding that they must take a stand for a better quality of life that is available to them than is being portrayed by the media and ruling authorities at this time.
They are coming to the understanding that those who rule in each country are meant to serve the good of all citizens and they are seeing that these individuals are not doing the job they were elected or assigned to accomplish. The citizens are starting to demand these individuals to resign from their positions for they are not serving their citizens and their countries as promised and are instead trying to control, dictate and enslave the population through severe restrictions of their basic human rights. The citizens of the planet are in the midst of struggling to regain their sovereignty and freedom. So far, those in positions of authority are not seeing the writing on the wall, for it has become clear to the Earth’s citizens that these people are moving ahead in their agendas and plans without any consideration for what the citizens are demanding.
The abuse of power these ones wield is based on a very slippery foundation that is already crumbling across the entire planet – for what supported them before is now no longer available to them. All such structures have been broken and dismantled and now it is just a matter of time before divine order and sanity is restored to the people and their planet Earth/Terra/Gaia and all of its inhabitants. The intensity of the infinity light from the Cosmos that is flowing into the Earth’s atmosphere is neutralizing all negative timelines and agendas, for they are not in alignment with the pure love that is the true nature of the citizens and the planet. These negative timelines have fallen away and now it is a matter of raising the frequency and consciousness of the citizens in order to stabilize the highest timeline and reality that is possible from all the positive ones, in order for ascension to occur for all.
Therefore, we ask the Lightworkers to continue to hold their light steady. Daily practice your spiritual visualizations, prayers, meditations and decrees. Send out your light to the areas in need of it. This activity continues to bring stability to the planet. There are many unusual events, many volcanic eruptions, tornados, hurricanes, flooding and other unusual natural activities that are occurring. This is part of the process of an ascending planet. All old energies from the past are being cleansed and purified and the citizens and the planet are getting a new start, a fresh start that will take them into a new space and a new direction for a better quality of life. Each individual will be exploring the incredible wonders of their inner reality which is the multi-dimensional reality and as they do this, they automatically add their gifts and blessings to All That Is for everyone’s betterment and enjoyment.
It is a time to just allow what comes into the surface of your awareness to be seen, acknowledged and released – for it no longer serves your newly embodying multi-dimensional being, consciousness and life. All the good that has been your divine birthright is now set to be restored unto you! Keep yourselves open to new and wonderful opportunities and possibilities. Keep ever watchful for golden doorways to open at unexpected and unusual timings. The web of life in your sphere of influence becomes easier for you to read the signs and portents as they come. Weave those golden threads together until you see the bigger picture that lies in promise before you. Events are happening at an accelerated level and you know how to surf those solar waves!  
Until next month…
I AM Hilarion


