

譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》Hilarion-為意識進化的下一個宏大步伐做好準備 (20210602) 5:35 《2》造物能量-超越面紗 (20210602) #MarleneSwetlishoff #BrendaHoffman #NickChan

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan 

Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! Life as you have known it is changing from moment to moment. Those of you who are on an accelerated higher frequency path are beginning to experience massive changes in many facets of your life. Every part of it is in flux as the new frequencies do their work of dislodging everything and everyone that is no longer a fit to whom you are becoming – your Eternal Divine Self – who will allow no external force to take you off path. It is simply a time to step back and let go of the steering wheel. You cannot go backward but only forward as the metamorphoses takes place. Use your own judgement - you are the best barometer of what is right for you. Doing something externally is not always the answer and a long period of introspection might be needed first before making a decision. for you. Use your judgement.
There is a magical process underway in the depths of your being, for you are moving out of your golden cocoon and transforming into a beautiful silver winged butterfly! Your future shines like a bright star, something mysterious and magical is happening within you! Seek like-minded friends and acquaintances with whom you feel seen and affirmed as the radiant and shining example of the highest manifestation of your true, cosmic origins. You have come to this planet carrying many special qualities and gifts - along with a unique mission and destiny and now offer them to the most earthbound beings in your midst. You are all going through a lot right now as you adjust to enormous dissolutions of realities shockingly before your eyes. You have chosen to enter Earth in service to the cosmic forces of Love and Light. You have or are in the process of unpacking what you no longer need for this journey and repacking for travelling light.
Dedicated perseverance is of utmost importance now. ONLY FOCUS ON THE LOVE AND LIGHT, this cannot be said enough, as there is much in the external world that would choose to distract you. ONLY INTERACT WITH THE LIGHT. Remember all LIGHT supports you completely. Synchronous events, gifts, meetings of sacred people will now cross your path and Light Information and Light helpers will find you. Mutually interact and correspond only with Family of Light, support all Light projects, uplift all Earth Angels, Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows, Starpeople and Lightworkers, etc. Do not forget to send love, empowerment, clarity of mind and strength to those just awakened. BE a blessing to all and share your love in a cheerful and optimistic expression.
As you live your life centered in your golden heart, be real with everyone, do not hold back truth. When you are transparent and speak your truth at all times, you do not get caught up in defending self. Life is much simpler when you honor yourself as you truly are, maybe having many human moments in your day – it is all good. Remain within the strength of your spirit and the courage you have always displayed by doing so. Others may not wish to hear your words or information but you know you have done what you felt was right. Send your love and caring to those who are experiencing challenges and most especially to those who have lost loved ones recently as they adjust to this new reality in their daily lives. Let them know that they are loved.
The human auric field directly responds to the sight, sensations and magnetics from these incoming luminous rainbow energetic undulations. The human auric field, the light body, is constantly being shifted for the better. It is the completion of a great and challenging endeavor to achieve these states of resonance within the human form. It has never been done before. We have evolved to this catapult point, which will spring forth into heightened conscious experience in form. One's lightbody will pick up these not so subtle energetic charges, flowing and circulating through Earth's auric field bands to prepare us for the next magnificent steps of evolutionary consciousness. Continue to support like never before. Do the best you can at any given moment.
Until next month…
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear Ones,
We, of the Universes, wish to congratulate all of you for allowing the energies now pummeling the earth to become part of your new being. It is as if you graduated from a university with special honors. For if you are reading this message, you have evolved far beyond the point you anticipated before birth in this earth life.
That is not to say those not readily accepting the energies are bad or slow learners. But instead, that they are in a different phase than you.
We wish to address your new being instead of encouraging those following to hasten their pace or reduce their fear.
Those of you at the forefront are discovering the new thoughts and actions we have addressed several times. But by doing so, you are beginning to feel lonely in new ways. Such is true for those of you in relationships, as well as those in more isolated lifestyles.
This loneliness has little to do with your romantic relationships and everything to do with discovering your Universal family, your beings. Now that you crossed beyond the veils, you are ready to rediscover those you have been interacting with within your dream state, in-between earth lives, and likely, throughout many of your earth lives in various ways.
Perhaps you heard or read that you are never alone. Such has always been true. But until now, you were unable to access your special friends, family, and cohorts beyond the veil – except in your dream state.
Most of you still believe you cannot do so. We beg to differ. Even though you tend to label any new skill as possible for others but not you, you can access your Universal beings whenever you wish. And when you dare, you will allow your beyond the veil family and friends to project a physical presence.
Most of you do not believe such is possible. That you are not that skilled or spiritually talented. In truth, you merely need to release your disbelief to know you are not alone in your sleep or wake states.
You have no difficulty believing you travel the Universes in your sleep state, yet you cannot imagine you are skilled enough to do the same when you are awake.
It is time to shift your beliefs – both of your skills and your world. Many of you are in awe of those who channel, time travel, or do whatever you feel is a difficult Universal skill. Yet, you wish to do the same.
It is time to accept your new being in all its glory. For you are not the you that you believe is true.
It is as if you are a new fairy princess believing you are the Cinderella of yesterday. So you continue your Cinderella house cleaning duties while your nasty sisters direct you to do this and that. And all you would have to do is wave your hand, and the tasks you were once responsible for as Cinderella would be completed by your magic skills.
Even though your skill level has increased immensely in the past few weeks, you do not believe such is so. Perhaps you remain in your cocoon state or have a few AHAs, but that is not enough for you to believe you are a Universal being fully able to do what you find interesting – in your wake state.
There is little skill difference between your wake and dream states. Of course, many of you will immediately attempt to verify our words and fail. It is not because you are not capable, but that you are not yet ready to do so.
There is nothing you need do now other than be aware of your abilities – all of which will become clear once you truly feel the need to exercise those skills. Cocoon now or slip out of your cocoon. It does not matter for you are on a unique path.
But once the loneliness we speak of begins festering in your new being, realize you are fully able to quench that need when you wish with your new skills. And once you do, your friends and family beyond the veil will entice you to new worlds, thoughts, and actions. Some of which will be applied in your current world, while others will be applied in different places and times.
You are a new being with new skills, which will be expressed when you need to do so. Not because of shoulds, but because of loneliness, boredom, and new interests. So be it. Amen.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


