

0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》麥基洗德-不帶期望和條件地發送愛(20210522) 4:30 《2》銀河聯邦-當前的故事(20210522) 7:59 《3》米拉-前方的時光是快樂的(20210522) #AuroraRay #MarleneSwetlishoff #ErenaVelazquez #NickChan

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love to have discourse on the great and grand opportunity that is now before you. The cosmic Light of the love of God that never fails is pouring down upon the Earth and an awareness of its presence in the atmosphere around you, will assist you to bring this greater Light into your very cells to assist in the further transformation of your human-multi-dimensional operating system. Take time each day to acknowledge this Light that is flowing from the invisible realms and call it down upon you.
There are many channels through which dispensations of Light activations have been given in order to assist humanity to gain more Light quotient into their human-multi-dimensional operating system in various ways. These are now coming into greater prominence and activity. It behooves you to discern which particular method given is the most resonant with you. The most important consideration is that you avail yourself of these opportunities as they come to your attention. By doing so, you assist your multi-dimensional self to more gently come into your energetic field and complete the merging with you, the outer manifestation of your soul.
The winds of change are now fully upon you and this fresh breeze is bringing forth the time that you have all been waiting for, the shifting from one age to another. There are many cycles ending and your place in these times has played a significant role. As we move through these changes, all the ancient human patterns of expression that no longer serve human evolution into the higher dimensions of consciousness will continue to be cleansed and changed through transmutation and transformation to a higher way of living.
We ask that you, our Beloved Lightworkers, daily direct the energy of love to the collective human consciousness, for it is this energy that can grow into a mighty flame within the hearts of all and enable them to rise up to a greater frequency of vibration and understanding of the higher realms by being receptive to it. As you receive this greater energy of cosmic love, in turn you direct it to anchor into the crystalline core of the Earth and to the energetic bands of collective consciousness streams that encircle the planet.
You do not have to take control of the energies of love you send to these, just LOVE all your sisters and brothers without any expectations or conditions, knowing that you are all connected to the same Source, by whatever name is most comfortable for you. You, as the emissaries of Light, now move into the next level of your service to humankind, the Earth and all her inhabitants. Envision the energies of love that you send forth in this way as helping to dissipate all discordant energies that rise to the surface to be looked at and faced.
This daily practice can help awakening humanity become free from all the distractions and illusions of the old cycle so that they may begin to remember their Divine origin and dream a new dream - the beginning of the Golden Age so long foretold. As you hold this focus of unconditional love, see all discord dissolving within the collective consciousness and a brighter Light take its place. Then see great Light burst forth from within Mother Earth's crystalline core and radiate out into the atmosphere and then out into the Universe.
This practice done by many Lightworkers will help set the new Template of Divinity in a way that will facilitate a mass awakening across the entire planet. Your Light will be magnified by the higher realms as we work in unison to achieve victory and success. Attune to the Earth and give thanks for her coming resurrection into greater Light and consciousness. Take on the mantle of co-creator with God with the utmost devotion and integrity and know that we are with you always.
I AM Melchizedek.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849207605238952&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

We would like to emphasize the importance of not letting yourself get pulled into the current narrative. As usual, things are not as they might appear at first glance.
It is so easy to be dragged down into worry and despair about the events on your planet. This fear should not be your “place of residence”…
The dark forces are trying everything to regain their power and they will stop at nothing. Everything is designed to keep you stuck in the 3D matrix construct of fear and control.
And yet it is crucial for your own good and specifically for your ascension vibes to keep vibrating higher.
If you succeed in raising your frequency and keeping it you will quickly see that beyond the lies and web of illusions.
You can imagine it like a puppet theater in which actors play different parts. Some are the bad guys and others pretend to be the good guys while the actual good ones are absent from the scene.
The dark forces have always used holographic inserts, staged events, and all kinds of trickery supported by the mainstream media outlets that they own and control to create a reality for you that would bind you to their magic spells. Literally.
Do not buy any more tickets to this show.
Be peaceful, be kind, be compassionate, and be patient.
If you have trained yourself and evolved in the past years, now is the time to put your loving talents to work.
Many are in fear right now. They need your stability and loving support.
We have communicated this to you many times before and we think that only ow the time has come for you to truly understand what we have meant by those words.
You must become the keepers of frequency. This means that you not only raise your vibration but you keep it high no matter what.
This is how you can make this frequency accessible to others.
You cannot go around dragging people to 5D. You cannot force humans to awaken and you do not know what their souls have chosen to experience within this lifetime. You cannot violate their free will.
But you can make your life an example that invites others to follow, to partake in your beautiful experience, to share your wisdom, and to find peace in yours.
Do not believe what the media tells you. Not for a moment. Turn off your TVs and spend more time with Mother Nature.
Sit under a tree, breathe deeply, and know that all is divine order.
They cannot win and they are fully aware of it. They just want to cause as much pain and fear and chaos as long as they can to get one last kick out of it.
This is the victory of light.
So, today we ask of you to stay grounded and to keep the faith in the divine plan so that others too may feel more at peace.
We love you. We are here with you.
We are the family of light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849207915238921&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mira from the Pleaidian High Council, and I have a new message for humanity. The situation on Planet Earth is changing daily as the veil between dimensions is getting thinner and thinner with each day. The Darkness created a huge gap between our world and yours in order to keep you in low vibrations.
If you look around and observe your reality very closely, you are going to notice that everything in your surroundings is carrying a specific energy to keep you in a survival mode, so you don’t have any time to analyze what is the truth and what is really going on.
Since day one, when you were born in the human body, you were introduced to false and controlled truth. Now, your existence is changing as the shield separating us from you is dissolving quickly. Your planet is constantly receiving high energies send from the Central Sun.
The dirty tricks by the controllers are not working anymore in slowing down the process of destroying this 3D Matrix. The transition from low vibrations to New Earth continues and getting closer and closer to completion of the Ascension Process.
The Ground Crew and Alliance are continuing the cleanup on Mother Gaia. The Awaken Human Population can see very clearly now with their own eyes of all the betrayals, corruptions and dishonesty by their governments, who never served their people only their own pockets. They can’t hide anymore and their greed is becoming too visible.
The part of the humankind, who follows and still believes that the governments protect their best interests, are going to be very disappointed and dishearten, when they find out the truth. Humanity needs to go through this process in order to move to higher dimensions, unfortunately there are no shortcuts.
The long overdue changes are finally coming and the Ascension approaches now faster as the time lines are moving in accelerating speed since last year. Your population is leaving places and moving to cities or towns with now more relaxed rules, after being over year told how to live your personal lives.
Many around the globe are speaking up and demanding their freedom. You are gaining a realization that nobody has the right to push you around. Each of you represents knowledge, unique experiences and different abilities, which you received during your soul journey.
You are here to accomplish specific missions and soon you will be able to fulfill them. Everyone is going to be very busy as the New Earth will require to built a happy, prosperous and a free society.
As I mentioned in my previous message, my team and I are going to help you to set up globally the Light Centers to help to heal humanity. Happy times are ahead of you, please stay strong and don’t forget that you are Powerful Multidimensional Beings.
I am Mira and I am grateful to speak to all of you today. Thank you.
Stay in the Light.Mira
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849208075238905&set=a.806388119520911 >

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


