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顯示具有 麥基洗德Melchizedek 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:39 《1》麥基洗德-每個人都要做出一個選擇 (20210605) 6:12 《2》昴宿星-情況更新 (20210605) #ValerieDonner #VictoriaCochrane #NickChan #Melchizedek #Mira #昴宿星 #麥基洗德

傳導:Victoria Cochrane
譯者:Nick Chan

There have been many deaths in the past 18-24 months across the globe. Many are due to the viral infection of Covid 19, but there have also been a larger number of suicides, deaths by illness and accident as well as people passing suddenly and unexpectedly. The question could well be asked why so many people have left the planet? The answer lies in vibrational frequency and depths of consciousness.
All human souls have a life contract that pertains to their soul journey, the depth of their spiritual understanding up to the last lifetime and how far they have come, or have grown spiritually, in all of that time. While all souls come from the light and are all connected to the Supreme Source, the wheel of reincarnation is fraught with the danger that, once the soul has anchored their spirit again in human form on Earth, indoctrination, trauma and abuse could see it deviate from its divine plan ̶ one can lose their spiritual perspective and connection to their higher self very quickly in the dense vibrations of Earth. In addition to this, all human sous travel along their path with soul families that can become fractured over time if there has been a lot of trauma, karmic intervention or deep loss of connection to Source to one or more souls within in between lifetimes.
The vibration of a person’s consciousness can be steeped in human misery for many lifetimes, keeping their soul imprints trapped in lower levels of the spirit world after each death, causing their oversoul to keep reincarnating again and again. It is only when their soul can release some of the trauma accrued over those lifetimes, resolving karmic debt and limiting soul contracts that their vibrational frequency can rise enough for them to begin awakening to their divine blueprint.
There are many circumstances behind the passing of souls around the globe in recent times, many of them seemingly before their time. As upsetting as losing a loved one is, we wish to assure you that their passing was always assisted and supported in the most loving way. To choose to take the death door offered before one’s soul contract is completed is always a risk due to the fact that the wheel of karma could be activated, the soul may become stuck in a lower level of the fourth plane or, their reincarnation to finish their soul’s contract will result in the realities of life being harsher the second time around. However, many people who have died recently have stayed beyond their time and have been called ‘home’ to allow the ascension of the planet without as much resistance and negativity.
All angelic and higher realm frequencies MUST be grounded through a human body in order to make a positive impact on Earth. Accordingly, only those people who have begun the process of awakening or whose soul has achieved a level of mastery in a previous lifetime (and agreed to assist humanity as part of their soul evolvement) can withstand the energy of etheric beings without becoming frightened, unwell or misled.
So, people are now finding they need to make a choice, to either awaken or leave this lifetime, because the gap between the first, second, third, fourth and fifth dimensional frequencies are becoming too vast for people caught in the three lower dimensions to comprehend what is happening around them. The more people that awaken, the higher the vibrational frequencies become in the human collective consciousness, in the universal mind and in the many sub-levels between the dimensions. This causes much disequilibrium in the subconscious states of humans stuck in the density of third dimensional physical realities, because their physical bodies cannot withstand the heightened energies being absorbed by their etheric bodies.
All of you are on your own journey. The human psyche will judge and condemn those not seen to be doing the ‘right thing’, while the Creator of All That Is will lovingly allow free will to determine the outcome one’s life will ultimately take. Be aware that no man is an island and all in the Universe is energy that is connected through the energy of unconditional love. There are many lives that could potentially be saved simply by accepting the person as they are, leaving judgement and advice behind and simply holding the space for them. However, should people choose to leave now, whether it be of their own volition, because it is their time or because the energy on Earth no longer matches theirs,
please know that they are never alone, no matter how low or advanced their consciousness is.
Send love to the planet, dear hearts. Deploy God’s army, the Elohim, to spread love, the Violet Flame of Transmutation and the Christ Consciousness gold ray into the Human Collective Consciousness, to nature, to Mother Earth’s diamond core and to innocent people whose energies are being intervened upon. Ask it be done in the highest and best way, with Divine ease and grace and by the law of Grace and it will be done.
I AM Lord Melchizadek.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am also placed in the Earth Council for the exact purpose of this Ascension process occurring now with your planet. As most of you know, we assist other planets with their Ascension process. We have a precious and vested interest in the earth. We are here to assist humanity, all of life on the earth, as well as the earth herself.
We are dear friends with the earth. We know love and respect her immensely. We celebrate her ascension for she deserves this graduation from the enormous and atrocious forces of darkness. Some of you may be feeling lighter frequencies due to the dark ones’ isolation and removal from your beloved planet. You might be feeling as if you can breathe again.
Right now, you are at a critical juncture in this grand shift. There has been a deep drilling down and taking out of the forces of darkness. Even though they know they are done with the earth, they are fighting tooth and nail to the very end. We want to assure you that this is nearly over and that Source has the upper hand.
Please focus your attention as much as possible on the light and the beauty of this unfolding. The plan is a brilliant one and the resources are many. Hold the light and keep your hearts open to each other.
We understand that many of you are challenged and struggling. It takes courage and strength to participate in the end of so many years of darkness. You are right there at the threshold of light. You can feel it and see it. The light is real. You are nearly Home. In fact, we already have many celebrations and reunions planned for you. Of course, these will all be the unmasked version where we can see your fully beautiful faces, read the light in your eyes, and feel the love in your hearts. You will indeed see the same with us.
Promises and prophecies have been made throughout the ages. It is now time for them to come to fruition. Beloved ones, you shall inherit the earth.
We always want to thank you for your good work, prayers, love, and devotion to your ascension. Each one of you make the world of difference to us and to the planet.
In deep love and devotion, I am in Mira.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》麥基洗德-不帶期望和條件地發送愛(20210522) 4:30 《2》銀河聯邦-當前的故事(20210522) 7:59 《3》米拉-前方的時光是快樂的(20210522) #AuroraRay #MarleneSwetlishoff #ErenaVelazquez #NickChan

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love to have discourse on the great and grand opportunity that is now before you. The cosmic Light of the love of God that never fails is pouring down upon the Earth and an awareness of its presence in the atmosphere around you, will assist you to bring this greater Light into your very cells to assist in the further transformation of your human-multi-dimensional operating system. Take time each day to acknowledge this Light that is flowing from the invisible realms and call it down upon you.
There are many channels through which dispensations of Light activations have been given in order to assist humanity to gain more Light quotient into their human-multi-dimensional operating system in various ways. These are now coming into greater prominence and activity. It behooves you to discern which particular method given is the most resonant with you. The most important consideration is that you avail yourself of these opportunities as they come to your attention. By doing so, you assist your multi-dimensional self to more gently come into your energetic field and complete the merging with you, the outer manifestation of your soul.
The winds of change are now fully upon you and this fresh breeze is bringing forth the time that you have all been waiting for, the shifting from one age to another. There are many cycles ending and your place in these times has played a significant role. As we move through these changes, all the ancient human patterns of expression that no longer serve human evolution into the higher dimensions of consciousness will continue to be cleansed and changed through transmutation and transformation to a higher way of living.
We ask that you, our Beloved Lightworkers, daily direct the energy of love to the collective human consciousness, for it is this energy that can grow into a mighty flame within the hearts of all and enable them to rise up to a greater frequency of vibration and understanding of the higher realms by being receptive to it. As you receive this greater energy of cosmic love, in turn you direct it to anchor into the crystalline core of the Earth and to the energetic bands of collective consciousness streams that encircle the planet.
You do not have to take control of the energies of love you send to these, just LOVE all your sisters and brothers without any expectations or conditions, knowing that you are all connected to the same Source, by whatever name is most comfortable for you. You, as the emissaries of Light, now move into the next level of your service to humankind, the Earth and all her inhabitants. Envision the energies of love that you send forth in this way as helping to dissipate all discordant energies that rise to the surface to be looked at and faced.
This daily practice can help awakening humanity become free from all the distractions and illusions of the old cycle so that they may begin to remember their Divine origin and dream a new dream - the beginning of the Golden Age so long foretold. As you hold this focus of unconditional love, see all discord dissolving within the collective consciousness and a brighter Light take its place. Then see great Light burst forth from within Mother Earth's crystalline core and radiate out into the atmosphere and then out into the Universe.
This practice done by many Lightworkers will help set the new Template of Divinity in a way that will facilitate a mass awakening across the entire planet. Your Light will be magnified by the higher realms as we work in unison to achieve victory and success. Attune to the Earth and give thanks for her coming resurrection into greater Light and consciousness. Take on the mantle of co-creator with God with the utmost devotion and integrity and know that we are with you always.
I AM Melchizedek.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849207605238952&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

We would like to emphasize the importance of not letting yourself get pulled into the current narrative. As usual, things are not as they might appear at first glance.
It is so easy to be dragged down into worry and despair about the events on your planet. This fear should not be your “place of residence”…
The dark forces are trying everything to regain their power and they will stop at nothing. Everything is designed to keep you stuck in the 3D matrix construct of fear and control.
And yet it is crucial for your own good and specifically for your ascension vibes to keep vibrating higher.
If you succeed in raising your frequency and keeping it you will quickly see that beyond the lies and web of illusions.
You can imagine it like a puppet theater in which actors play different parts. Some are the bad guys and others pretend to be the good guys while the actual good ones are absent from the scene.
The dark forces have always used holographic inserts, staged events, and all kinds of trickery supported by the mainstream media outlets that they own and control to create a reality for you that would bind you to their magic spells. Literally.
Do not buy any more tickets to this show.
Be peaceful, be kind, be compassionate, and be patient.
If you have trained yourself and evolved in the past years, now is the time to put your loving talents to work.
Many are in fear right now. They need your stability and loving support.
We have communicated this to you many times before and we think that only ow the time has come for you to truly understand what we have meant by those words.
You must become the keepers of frequency. This means that you not only raise your vibration but you keep it high no matter what.
This is how you can make this frequency accessible to others.
You cannot go around dragging people to 5D. You cannot force humans to awaken and you do not know what their souls have chosen to experience within this lifetime. You cannot violate their free will.
But you can make your life an example that invites others to follow, to partake in your beautiful experience, to share your wisdom, and to find peace in yours.
Do not believe what the media tells you. Not for a moment. Turn off your TVs and spend more time with Mother Nature.
Sit under a tree, breathe deeply, and know that all is divine order.
They cannot win and they are fully aware of it. They just want to cause as much pain and fear and chaos as long as they can to get one last kick out of it.
This is the victory of light.
So, today we ask of you to stay grounded and to keep the faith in the divine plan so that others too may feel more at peace.
We love you. We are here with you.
We are the family of light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849207915238921&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mira from the Pleaidian High Council, and I have a new message for humanity. The situation on Planet Earth is changing daily as the veil between dimensions is getting thinner and thinner with each day. The Darkness created a huge gap between our world and yours in order to keep you in low vibrations.
If you look around and observe your reality very closely, you are going to notice that everything in your surroundings is carrying a specific energy to keep you in a survival mode, so you don’t have any time to analyze what is the truth and what is really going on.
Since day one, when you were born in the human body, you were introduced to false and controlled truth. Now, your existence is changing as the shield separating us from you is dissolving quickly. Your planet is constantly receiving high energies send from the Central Sun.
The dirty tricks by the controllers are not working anymore in slowing down the process of destroying this 3D Matrix. The transition from low vibrations to New Earth continues and getting closer and closer to completion of the Ascension Process.
The Ground Crew and Alliance are continuing the cleanup on Mother Gaia. The Awaken Human Population can see very clearly now with their own eyes of all the betrayals, corruptions and dishonesty by their governments, who never served their people only their own pockets. They can’t hide anymore and their greed is becoming too visible.
The part of the humankind, who follows and still believes that the governments protect their best interests, are going to be very disappointed and dishearten, when they find out the truth. Humanity needs to go through this process in order to move to higher dimensions, unfortunately there are no shortcuts.
The long overdue changes are finally coming and the Ascension approaches now faster as the time lines are moving in accelerating speed since last year. Your population is leaving places and moving to cities or towns with now more relaxed rules, after being over year told how to live your personal lives.
Many around the globe are speaking up and demanding their freedom. You are gaining a realization that nobody has the right to push you around. Each of you represents knowledge, unique experiences and different abilities, which you received during your soul journey.
You are here to accomplish specific missions and soon you will be able to fulfill them. Everyone is going to be very busy as the New Earth will require to built a happy, prosperous and a free society.
As I mentioned in my previous message, my team and I are going to help you to set up globally the Light Centers to help to heal humanity. Happy times are ahead of you, please stay strong and don’t forget that you are Powerful Multidimensional Beings.
I am Mira and I am grateful to speak to all of you today. Thank you.
Stay in the Light.Mira
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1849208075238905&set=a.806388119520911 >

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#NatalieGlasson #AiliaMira #NickChan 

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Lord Melchizedek greetings and welcome to all beings, I extend my light, truth, and my love,
I am Lord Melchizedek. I am a collective energy and yet you may see me as a single source, a source of light that oversees the Universal Level and brings forth wisdom, love, knowledge, and the divine plan from the Creator. It is an honor to be in your presence today and I wish to speak of abundance, abundance in its true form.
What Is Abundance?
You may be able to clarify what abundance is within your reality as different products or objects, experiences, or situations that you might have or wish to have. These are known as creations, abundance can be known as creations, the creations that you recognize in your reality.
Abundance is the product of creations, the manifestation of your creations. Now abundance is so much more than this because if it is creations, it also is energy, thoughts, feelings, perspectives, and beliefs. In truth abundance is who you are, everything that you create, and everything that draws certain scenarios and outcomes into your reality. You are the energy of abundance, you are the essence of abundance, the form, and the experience of abundance. You are the one who creates abundance in your reality through your body, being, energy body, soul, thoughts, emotions, and your intentions.
Therefore, you are abundance.
As we again ask what abundance is, we recognize that abundance is a frequency and energy, a sensation, a flash of light or a sound, anything that is the Creator because the energy of abundance flows from the Creator. You are the Creator; you hold within your being and express the vibrations of the Creator, and your body like a machine creates.
You receive and embody the energy of abundance and your body like a well-oiled machine creates this abundance. You can recognize abundance in all areas of your reality maybe spring flowers blossoming, or maybe leaves growing upon the trees, ore children laughing as they pass you by. Abundance in those forms may seem impersonal because it may seem as if it does not belong to you and that it belongs to others, it belongs to the flowers, the trees, the children. However, you created that abundance, you created that you were present to experience the abundance, therefore you are in co-creation of the abundance and yes, you can claim that as abundance in your reality.
How Does Abundance Make You Feel?
If you imagine yourself experiencing the flow of abundance through your being, allowing it to manifest within your reality. What would you feel? Would you feel complete, would you feel full, would you feel delighted, overjoyed, excited? You may say that these feelings are only because you are experiencing abundance, however, these feelings are the abundance itself. If you manifest money for yourself and this money allows you to do whatever you need to do in your reality, you have beautiful, delightful feelings within you.
Is the money the abundance or are those feelings within your being the abundant energy?
It is an interesting question. We could say that both are abundance, the money is the abundant energy in form and the feelings, the delight, the joy, are the abundant energy flowing through your being, expressed through your body and your being. However, you can create the money, the abundance and maybe not have those abundant feelings within your being as maybe the money does not fulfil you. You can create those feelings within your being without the money. Therefore, we can recognize that the true abundance are the feelings within your being and yes, it can manifest into forms that fill you with delight. You can create abundance within your being, the feelings, sensation, and experience of abundance without the outer objects, experiences, situations.
What Is The True Form Of Abundance?
If these emotions, energies, experience within your being are recognized as abundance of which you are the creation or creator of these abundant feelings. This signifies you are the energy of abundance. Every cell, thought, energy body of your being is the energy of abundance.
This means you can access the energy of abundance whenever you want.
You can access it always if you wish and it also means your inner experience is so important, more so than your outer experience, your experience within you will impact your outer experience.
It is so important to cultivate those inner vibrations, intentions, feelings, and thoughts, to create abundance, aligning with the abundant nature of your being. It is as if you have so many different coats to where, you could wear the coat of love or the coat of abundance, the coat of peace and it is all your choosing. You can wear them all at once if you create within you peace, love, abundance then it will automatically manifests into your reality.
If You Are Creating Within You A World Of Abundance What Does This Look Like?
An inner world of abundance could be described as self-love, loving thoughts, forgiveness, truth, honesty, peace, harmony with oneself and supporting yourself.
A inner world of abundance could be nourishing yourself, energetically and physically with nourishing food, nourishing exercise, nourishing thoughts and nourishing feelings. It is all about creating your inner world as a place of abundance and the greatest energy you can give yourself is forgiveness.
As you dissolve disagreement within your being, dissolving blame, dissolving any form of harm thus you begin to align with your true nature, the vibration of the Creator that you are. Your inner world becomes harmonious, it becomes abundant, and you feel within every aspect of your being that you are abundant. You are the energy of abundance. Thus, you recognize that you are whole, that you are complete, you are fulfilled, that you are aligned and connected with the Creator. You are the Creator.
Within your being there is no need to want for anything. When you meditate and focus your energy within you, do you lack things? Do you feel that you need things? If this is the case then call upon healing, you may call upon me, Lord Melchizedek and my Universal Medical Healing Team or the Universal Healing Team.
Ask us to fulfill you so that lack and hurt dissolve so that you experience a vibration where your inner world becomes so abundant, loving, and peaceful that you enjoy being in meditation. You enjoy gazing at yourself in the mirror, you enjoy who you are when you are with other people, you enjoy who you are when you are alone. Thus, you become an overflowing fountain of abundance, a fountain that gives abundant energy and the Creator’s love and peace and harmony to all beings and everything.
This is abundance in its true form, it is eternal forever and continuous. This is what I, Lord Melchizedek, wish to share with you because it is so important now and will create such healing across the entire world and within your being. The more you can be in a space of peace, abundance, and love within your being the easier your reality will be, the more you will be able to create what you want.
Take time to contemplate the true form of abundance, you may explore deeper. When you connect with the energy of the abundance of the Creator know it is your true form, you are an expression of abundant energy and you can create whatever you wish.
Your inner world requires to be abundant and nourished before you recognize it in your outer world.
I thank you,I am Lord Melchizedek

傳導作者:Ailia Mira
譯者:Nick Chan 

Divine Ones,
We greet you in love. We are happy to be here with you and we look forward, as you think of it, to each opportunity to consciously connect.
When we are consciously connected, the expansion in your life, is an expansion of consciousness. Your consciousness expands.
And when you do this, you transmit internal messages to your DNA, activating and changing, over time with repetition, the physical expression of your own body. Evolving form to hold more expansive consciousness.
Part of this is experiential and part of this has to do more with processes in your life. So some of this expansion is felt as it occurs, and some of it? Changes the way your body works – translating and receiving, perceiving Life Itself in expression.
What we wish to offer you today is the realization that all inner knowing is a manifestation of Love. You receiving it, is you allowing yourself to be loved.
Life Itself so wants you to thrive. And is always providing your with the clarity that will serve you in the present and this clarity? Comes as inner knowing. The deep quiet steady feeling and understanding that is beyond words. The knowing that comes prior to you being able to express something in words.
This knowing, is always love, emanating to you and being translated by your physical form into that which you think of as clarity and gradually altering your body-process, evolving your capacity for Light.
Love, beloveds, is fueling the expansion of the Universe. In a very direct and wonderful way.
Your form evolving, is an expression of the very basis of spirituality in life. The evolution of your embodied presence, is the foundation for understanding the meaning and purpose of your Life and your embodied relationship with Life Itself.
This truth is the great gift of unconditional Love, meets, Oneness.
Can you feel this? The realization of this. That you, are the realization of this? Made possible?
Oh, dear ones. The world is exquisite and magnificently beautiful.
Let all of this sink in and feel who you truly are.
The realization of that, is heaven.
We love you very much.
I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light


【麥基洗得、 抹大拉的瑪麗亞、加百利】
譯者:Nick Chan、Amber
#NatalieGlasson #AnnDahlberg #SHELLEYYOUNG #Amber #NickChan

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson

Abundance in Its True Form | Lord Melchizedek via Natalie Glasson

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I am Lord Melchizedek greetings and welcome to all beings, I extend my light, truth, and my love, I am Lord Melchizedek. I am a collective energy and yet you may see me as a single source, a source of light that oversees the Universal Level and brings forth wisdom, love, knowledge, and the divine plan from the Creator. It is an honor to be in your presence today and I wish to speak of abundance, abundance in its true form.

問候,我是麥基洗得,歡迎所有存有們,我奉行我的光明,真理和愛,我是麥基洗得。 我是集體的能量,但你可能會認為我是一個單一的來源,是監督普遍水平並帶來造物主的智慧,愛,知識和神聖計畫的光源。 今天能來到在你面前感到榮幸,我謹以真實的形式談論豐盛。 

What Is Abundance?什麼是豐盛

You may be able to clarify what abundance is within your reality as different products or objects, experiences, or situations that you might have or wish to have. These are known as creations, abundance can be known as creations, the creations that you recognize in your reality.

Abundance is the product of creations, the manifestation of your creations. Now abundance is so much more than this because if it is creations, it also is energy, thoughts, feelings, perspectives, and beliefs. In truth abundance is who you are, everything that you create, and everything that draws certain scenarios and outcomes into your reality. You are the energy of abundance, you are the essence of abundance, the form, and the experience of abundance. You are the one who creates abundance in your reality through your body, being, energy body, soul, thoughts, emotions, and your intentions.

Therefore, you are abundance.

As we again ask what abundance is, we recognize that abundance is a frequency and energy, a sensation, a flash of light or a sound, anything that is the Creator because the energy of abundance flows from the Creator. You are the Creator; you hold within your being and express the vibrations of the Creator, and your body like a machine creates.

You receive and embody the energy of abundance and your body like a well-oiled machine creates this abundance. You can recognize abundance in all areas of your reality maybe spring flowers blossoming, or maybe leaves growing upon the trees, ore children laughing as they pass you by. Abundance in those forms may seem impersonal because it may seem as if it does not belong to you and that it belongs to others, it belongs to the flowers, the trees, the children. However, you created that abundance, you created that you were present to experience the abundance, therefore you are in co-creation of the abundance and yes, you can claim that as abundance in your reality.

How Does Abundance Make You Feel?

If you imagine yourself experiencing the flow of abundance through your being, allowing it to manifest within your reality. What would you feel? Would you feel complete, would you feel full, would you feel delighted, overjoyed, excited? You may say that these feelings are only because you are experiencing abundance, however, these feelings are the abundance itself. If you manifest money for yourself and this money allows you to do whatever you need to do in your reality, you have beautiful, delightful feelings within you.

Is the money the abundance or are those feelings within your being the abundant energy?

It is an interesting question. We could say that both are abundance, the money is the abundant energy in form and the feelings, the delight, the joy, are the abundant energy flowing through your being, expressed through your body and your being. However, you can create the money, the abundance and maybe not have those abundant feelings within your being as maybe the money does not fulfil you. You can create those feelings within your being without the money. Therefore, we can recognize that the true abundance are the feelings within your being and yes, it can manifest into forms that fill you with delight. You can create abundance within your being, the feelings, sensation, and experience of abundance without the outer objects, experiences, situations.


What Is The True Form Of Abundance?

If these emotions, energies, experience within your being are recognized as abundance of which you are the creation or creator of these abundant feelings. This signifies you are the energy of abundance. Every cell, thought, energy body of your being is the energy of abundance.

This means you can access the energy of abundance whenever you want. You can access it always if you wish and it also means your inner experience is so important, more so than your outer experience, your experience within you will impact your outer experience.

It is so important to cultivate those inner vibrations, intentions, feelings, and thoughts, to create abundance, aligning with the abundant nature of your being. It is as if you have so many different coats to where, you could wear the coat of love or the coat of abundance, the coat of peace and it is all your choosing. You can wear them all at once if you create within you peace, love, abundance then it will automatically manifests into your reality.

If You Are Creating Within You A World Of Abundance What Does This Look Like?

An inner world of abundance could be described as self-love, loving thoughts, forgiveness, truth, honesty, peace, harmony with oneself and supporting yourself.

A inner world of abundance could be nourishing yourself, energetically and physically with nourishing food, nourishing exercise, nourishing thoughts and nourishing feelings. It is all about creating your inner world as a place of abundance and the greatest energy you can give yourself is forgiveness.

As you dissolve disagreement within your being, dissolving blame, dissolving any form of harm thus you begin to align with your true nature, the vibration of the Creator that you are. Your inner world becomes harmonious, it becomes abundant, and you feel within every aspect of your being that you are abundant. You are the energy of abundance. Thus, you recognize that you are whole, that you are complete, you are fulfilled, that you are aligned and connected with the Creator. You are the Creator.

Within your being there is no need to want for anything. When you meditate and focus your energy within you, do you lack things? Do you feel that you need things? If this is the case then call upon healing, you may call upon me, Lord Melchizedek and my Universal Medical Healing Team or the Universal Healing Team.

Ask us to fulfill you so that lack and hurt dissolve so that you experience a vibration where your inner world becomes so abundant, loving, and peaceful that you enjoy being in meditation. You enjoy gazing at yourself in the mirror, you enjoy who you are when you are with other people, you enjoy who you are when you are alone. Thus, you become an overflowing fountain of abundance, a fountain that gives abundant energy and the Creator’s love and peace and harmony to all beings and everything.

This is abundance in its true form, it is eternal forever and continuous. This is what I, Lord Melchizedek, wish to share with you because it is so important now and will create such healing across the entire world and within your being. The more you can be in a space of peace, abundance, and love within your being the easier your reality will be, the more you will be able to create what you want.

Take time to contemplate the true form of abundance, you may explore deeper. When you connect with the energy of the abundance of the Creator know it is your true form, you are an expression of abundant energy and you can create whatever you wish.

Your inner world requires to be abundant and nourished before you recognize it in your outer world.

I thank you,
I am Lord Melchizedek


抹大拉的瑪麗亞Mary Magdalene信息:
傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan 

I am Mary Magdalene and I am here today to make you remember that you are one with the divine, that your Holy Grail is within you. It is a great revival that is now moving across the earth. People wake up from their deep sleep and discover that they have a different reality within them than the one they see in what happens on the outside. They begin to question their truths, the truths of others, and the truths that appear in the media. What is really true? This can be a little confusing at first, but the more often you search for the truth within yourself, the clearer and clearer the picture becomes. There is only one truth and you carry that truth with you from life to life. You are your own truth. “I am the way, the truth, and the life” were Jesus’ words and the same applies to you. You are the way, the truth and the life and these words will soon be revealed to you, as you search for the truth that rests deep within you. Love can be a short word for it, but love should really be a long word because it includes so much. It encompasses your entire Earth and all the beings that are in, on and around it. Love permeates everything that exists in the entire universe, it is the origin of all life, all manifestations of life, and of the transformation that is now taking place on Earth.
It is the energy of love that is transforming the Earth today. There is always a common thread of love in everything that happens. It can be seen in the extended perspective but can be difficult to see in the short term. Everyone is filled with what is happening right now and can only process one piece at a time. This is how it has looked in the world, but this is now starting to change when you get a deeper look at what is happening within yourself. A new and deeper understanding emerges about what is the meaning of life and how I myself can relate to the life I live. You begin to see your own development and have realized that it has been a long journey, a journey that is now beginning to come to an end, where you leave a heavier energy for a lighter and brighter. Your steps now become more purposeful, you see your goal and your choices become more conscious, because you know what it is that leads you forward. You understand that it is love that you need to take in and open up to in your heart. It is with love that you should look at yourself, your neighbor, and the world you live in, that is when a really big change can happen and it is happening right now within you.
Beloved children, everything happens first within you before you can see it outside of you. The changes you see in the exterior, you have already discovered in your interior. If not, you will not see them. Do you understand the logic of awakening now, dear friends, you need to wake up to see what is real and the transformation that the Earth and you yourself are in. There are many alarm clocks, you wake up on several occasions before you turn off the clock to finally rise. It is a process of slowly waking up to a higher and higher consciousness to finally appear at the gate of light, where Christ meets and leads you into the kingdom of love and light. An era has come to an end and a new one has begun. The kingdom of love and light is the kingdom that is now waiting for you, dear children on Earth. A kingdom that also exists within you. It is the fruit of the good thoughts and deeds that surround you. It is the pursuit of love and compassion that has now begun to make itself known in the world. It is the energy of love that strengthens the longing to give and receive more love. It spreads its seeds everywhere on Earth today and the seeds attach themselves everywhere and start to grow and grow and grow… they grow fast because they often end up in good soil, soil that has received a lot of nutrition.
It is so, dear friends, that everything happens so much faster today, when you already have so much experience and are receptive to a higher energy of light, a light that you water abundantly, because you thirst for love and a new way of seeing on yourself and the world around you. You have grown out of the old and outdated and have begun to make room for something completely new. A new way of seeing, a new way of thinking, a greater understanding of how everything belongs together, and that you are a part of everything.
With these words I leave you now, beloved children, for this time.
Great love, Mary Magdalene.

譯者:Nick Chan 

If things become a little overwhelming, we have some very simple advice for you. Treat yourself like a tree.
Imagine your roots going into the earth below you. Face the sun and absorb the loving sustenance it provides. Hydrate yourself, not just a bit, but to the level you know is for your optimal wellness. Allow the wind to move over you, to caress and cleanse you. You might even want to hug yourself!
These basics will adjust your energy beautifully and provide you everything you need to ground into your Now moment with your ancient wisdom and self care, while embodying the energy of receiving and becoming one with the whole through your beingness. When you don’t know what to do, treat yourself like a tree. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, acceptance doesn’t mean you are committing to stay in energies that are not your preference. Quite the opposite! Acceptance means you are choosing to not use your energy to continue to engage with the unwanted through resistance. Acceptance is being willing to keep moving with the flow, embodying your faith and trust, secure in the knowledge it is all serving you in one way or another. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many of you think you must spend hours in contemplation, prayer, or meditation in order to connect with us, so you put it off until you have more time. Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the truth!
You don’t need a lot of time to connect. Any amount of time you are willing to align with us is adequate. We will gladly work with any window of opportunity you provide, no matter how small it is. In fact, we are very adept at making the most of such opportune moments.
Please don’t deny yourself the love and support that is always available to you because of a misconception about time. Incorporate us into your day, whenever it works for you, and we will joyfully meet you there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many of you are far more comfortable with giving than receiving. Today we encourage you to grow and expanding your willingness to receive. Say yes to help. Breathe in deeply. Acknowledge your worthiness. Receive compliments gracefully. Open your heart to truly feel the love and support that has always existed for you! A heartfelt thank you is all that is required to shift into the joy of receiving. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


譯者:Nick Chan
#ErenaVelazquez #MarleneSwetlishoff #NickChan #Melchizedek #NikolaTesla

尼古拉特斯拉Nikola Tesla信息:
傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

Good Morning America and the World,
I am Nikola Tesla and I am glad to be here today and speak to all of you. It has been awhile since I left this dimension about 78 years ago. I was called an electrical and mechanical engineer during my life on Earth, I viewed myself more as an inventor.
I was fortunate and blessed to live a long human life to the age 86. During my time being here, I was a very busy man, who kept creating new inventions. Some of them were burned in the fire in my lab in 1895, which was set on purpose by the Negative Side and others were hidden from humanity after my departure. They will do anything to stop or slowdown the progress and evolution of the Human Civilization.
My discoveries could make this part of the Galaxy very modern and advanced like making any flying object extremely fast. Everyone by now would have their own spacecraft to travel in, you would be able to keep the weather in balance and safe for everyone, free energy would be used everywhere on Earth for different things, and you would be able to protect yourselves from unwelcome guests from other galaxies and etc.
These technologies Instead of helping to improve your lives now are collecting dust on the shelves. The controllers of this planet don’t want anyone to benefit from them and they want this world to keep using primitive science and machinery.
During my life here, I was having visions that lead me to many inventions. It was said to me that I had a mental disease just to cover up the real truth about it, why I had them. I was receiving information from the Universal Consciousness, to which we are all connected to.
Soon all of the hidden innovations made by others and me are going to see the Light and will serve humanity. This world will be free and will be using clean energy, water and food, with no more pollution. The Dark Side goal was always to control and not allow any positive development around the globe that can lead them to lose their power over mankind.
The point I want to make that throughout the history we inventors or pioneers always struggled emotionally and financially, because the Negative Ones suppressed everything that can be beneficial for the people. It serves their Dark Agenda to keep away technology that can help you to see the Light and awaken everyone.
Back in those days when I was here, I was trying to convince investors like J.P. Morgan to try to use and experiment with my discoveries like wireless energy. Believe me, it was very challenging to get money during those times needed to experiment and develop your inventions.
The times all of you are living are momentous and incredible, because of the upcoming transformation that is on the way to a new phase in the history of this planet. Finally, the oppression by the Darkness is going to vanish like it never existed before. Peace and freedom are going to be the only atmosphere on Mother Earth.
Human beings will be pleasantly surprised by how quickly their life is going to change just in a short period of time with amazing and futuristic gadgets devices, new type of transportation and etc., which were made by many unique creators including me in that group. Every part and function in your society are going to be modernized, and all of the negative things will be eithier healed or completely removed from your daily lives.
The advanced technology is going to simplify your life and bring joy, no more doing thousands tasks everyday that everyone does. Your time will be spent more on productive and creative assignments instead of wasting time on meaninglessness and boring things.
I am very happy that I am participating in your Ascension from another side of the veil as a messenger and observer. The timing is preplanned by the Divine Forces, so the process is happening behind the closed doors, very soon the public is going to witness with their own eyes what changes are taking place in this reality. All of the lies and deception are going to disappear like water that evaporates during hot temperatures.
Your patience will be rewarded for waiting, so long for your freedom. Please, don’t forgot many of you suffered globally a lot, and the liberation is coming from the Heavens from the Father, Galactics, Ascended Masters and etc. LOVE AND LIGHT ARE COMING HERE AND WILL BE STAYING HERE FOREVER ON MOTHER EARTH.
I am so happy for you and I am celebrating the upcoming victory for the humankind I am sending my Blessings and Light to everyone. Thank you.
Be Determined Anything You Do, And Please, Don’t Forget We Are All One.

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love to talk to you about the need for understanding the transition that you are all going through in the next few years. As most of you already know, there looms before us the ascension of planet Earth which means the Earth is moving into a higher vibratory frequency and is in fact, becoming a radiant star in the heavens.
The Earth will be doing this regardless if humanity is prepared for it or not, as she has, for eons of time, lovingly, patiently and with great compassion, given of herself in order that humanity might awaken to the realization that they were much more than they had been taught and led to believe that they were, and that what one human does as the co-creator that he/she actually is, affects everyone and everything.
It is in these awakening times that are now come upon your planet, that humanity is beginning to understand their role in the ascension to higher dimensions and that a relatively small group of humanity CAN effect great and powerful positive changes by coming together in unity to serve the greater purpose of existence upon this planet and working to achieve this purpose for the highest good of all and for the highest outcome. This you have been accomplishing in your steadfast way for much of your lifetimes upon the Earth. This has been a much broader and more comprehensive plan for each of you and one lifetime is only a small facet of your work in this regard.
For many lifetimes, you have been carrying the seed of Divine Light and Divine Love and the time is now ripe with incredible possibilities that lie before you in the next several years. Each of you has come upon the planet agreeing to go through the process of forgetting your true Divine origin and becoming fully human, one that was totally immersed in the experiences that living on a dualistic planet which provided such great opportunities for the incoming souls.
Duality tests the soul in a way that enables the soul to understand the great opposing forces that exist side by side and that are a part of the flow of life in the Cosmos. This was supposed to be a term of shorter length than actually transpired however, and due to certain beings who desired to establish and maintain control of this planet by subversive means that have not been apparent to the masses living upon Earth, this control has extended the duration of the experience of duality many millennia beyond the allotted time for this experiment.
Humankind has come to this same place of highest potential many times, and many times has failed to progress and move forward in their evolutionary journey into greater spiritual understanding and awareness. It was decided that this time around the Great Cycles in the Cosmic evolutionary pattern, that there would be only those who were qualified to bring about these positive changes who were able to incarnate upon this planet to contribute this most needed and desired state of being for your dear Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.
Through the most testing and trying of conditions and situations, each of you has held to that spark of Divine Light and Love within you. No matter what happened in your outer life, you have believed in the goodness of life, the goodness of your fellow human, the goodness that prevails in the universes in your galaxy and you have maintained this inherent belief throughout the ages as they came and went.
The times that are now upon us are what you have been working towards for eons of time and you are succeeding with every breath you take. Know that your powerful dedication and your willingness to partake in worldwide meditations and any other opportunities you have to come together on high spiritually powerful days to effect positive and loving changes upon this planet is helping very greatly to accomplish this. This is happening now, Beloved Ones, it is not at some time in the future; for time itself is coalescing into oneness, and it is becoming clearer that time and space is folding in within itself and something new and wonderful is about to be birthed.
As this is taking place, the consciousness of the telepathic web of humanity as they interconnect with each other through their individual energy fields is growing by leaps and bounds. It is likened unto a domino effect, for as one being lights up from within and connects with their inner goodness and begins to desire a better way and a better life for themselves and their loved ones, their individual goodness and Light grows, it expands outwardly in great concentric circles of influence to connect with other like energies.
This is what is happening now in concert with the untold legions of our galactic brothers and sisters of the Light who have been assisting in this Great Work. You are not alone in this endeavor. Each of you is surrounded and assisted in every conceivable way, both seen and unseen, to enable you to ascend into higher consciousness and you in turn, assist and enable your brothers and sisters around you to do the same.
Soon the Light and waves of love inundating this planet will affect everyone with loving energy that will release so much of what humanity has had to endure for far too long. A great peace shall come upon the Earth and a new way shall be born from this. Take heart, keep on keeping on, for your combined energies, will and power is growing into an incredible mighty force for good. Stand tall and proud of your accomplishments, Beloved Children of the Light!
And so it is!
I AM Melchizedek


譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.光之議會-你能行 (202011225)
《2》.銀河艦隊指揮官-為什麼東西做好準備? (20210226)
《3》.麥基洗德-奇蹟等待著發生 (20210226)
#RebeccaCouch #BethStormont #MarleneSwetlishoff #Nick Chan

傳導:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Beautiful Ones,
Yes, it is hard to feel like wonderful things are happening when everything aches! This is the long-expected and welcome soul upgrades you have longed for…so just breathe it all into alignment. You know the rules: out with the old and in with the new…and vice versa. What has delivered you to this juncture is now outmoded and it’s time for those rocket boosters to be decommissioned. All old services are released and new upgrades follow…much more advanced technology is being commissioned inside of you, and transforms your vehicle from DNA out!
These are the most significant upgrades of your entire Earthly sojourn and you have prepared for them – so no need to brace yourself – you know that welcoming them and going with the flow of integration is the key. Focus on absorption, balance, release, hydration and self honesty, all the while expecting peace and miracles as the outcome. You are becoming more and more in your physical body that which you are as a spiritual body. You are rising to meet yourself here in the physical world, something that has not been done ever before to this degree. It is an extraordinary journey and your purpose for incarnating right here, right now. It is a miraculous, expansive, exhilarating and magical experience.
So do whatever you can to detach from expectations based on your old 3D programming, for you know that those shackles are being broken. Surrender to what is and nurture yourself through the entire transformation…lovingly birthing yourself closer to your original expression. And so it will continue to go, and so it will continue to go. What before had barriers or limitations, has been lifted and you are being morphed, without restriction, into the birth of the New World as a steward and keeper of the creation of it. It is an extraordinary expression of Source to experience birth and conscious creation at the same time…there is no longer a need for amnesia and recycling in order to keep you from expanding too far too fast. There are no longer suppressions or aggressions or limitations to who you are becoming! While incomprehensible from your limited viewpoint, your converged heart, mind and soul completely innerstands. Trust this primal, core instinct unlike ever before, for it will always lead you home. Once the fog of illusion lifts, you will know that your homing beacon was true and that every birthing pain, at any level at any time, was so worth the result. There is nothing you can’t handle and nothing you can’t transmute. Remember who you are in every now moment. Call upon strength and courage and clarity and trust to be your stalwart guides. There is nothing to fear. As you traverse your own bridge, you will pave the road for others. As you gain solid grounding in your new expression, your experience of oneness and unity will naturally guide you in service for others who will need your lantern light to cross themselves.
This is the most excruciatingly beautiful experience of your lives. Do your best to hold this perspective in the revelatory days and weeks to come.
The truth shall set you free is no small adage for these times! Bear witness to it and love yourselves, and all others, home. Breathe yourself through it all. You’ve got this.
From the most divine and loving perspective inside of you, we are, The Council of Light Within.

傳導:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan

This is the third and final message on the topic of ‘Readiness’ that we promised you at the end of our last message here on Era of Light. It comes from a totally different era than this present one, but it speaks in a timeless and universal way that is just as important and meaningful to the present times as have been the previous messages addressing the Earth School and Ascension.
This message was given by mostly different crews manning our Fleet Command spaceships, since we change our tours of duty in volunteer service for Ashtar Command every seven years — and this message was given through this same channel in September of 1999. For those of you old enough to remember, that was just a few months prior to the shift into the New Millenium, when massive fear abounded that all the computers would crash (among other fears of the unknown aspects of coming into a new century). But it was in fact a very smooth transition.
Since this channel has always typed her messages right after receiving them, this one was readily available from her archives for today’s readers of Channelings on this wonderful Era of Light. Its original form is as follows:
“Readiness” . . . How ready are you?… In what way are you ready?…
Ready for what?
Readiness is a key to all things. One can never do something … anything … without a readiness to be able to do it. Even if one is ‘ready’ to do it in knowledge and ability, if the readiness in desire is not there, then one still cannot do it. All types of readiness must be in place for the event to occur. How ready is planet Earth for her ascension to the next dimension … to the next octave of vibrational frequencies … to her position as a sacred planet in the solar system?
How ready are you to go with her on this very special voyage? Or how ready are you to stay to aid those not yet ready to go on that voyage at this time, that they might complete their schooling more easily and rapidly than normal under your tutelage? How ready are you to merge with the ‘Many and the One’, to speak with your own unique voice in the ‘Voice of the One’? How ready are you to give up everything in order to become that which you already are?
There are some mysteries here … some dichotomies … an enigma, if you will. Search within for the answers, for therein lies “The Answer”. The answers to all these questions are found only within you. No one else can answer them for you. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God… and all these things shall be added unto you”. . . even the answers to these questions and all others, for the Kingdom of God is within you.
We know of the readiness of many of you who are today recognized as the Lightworkers and Wayshowers who are leading the way for Humanity’s journey to the ‘Promised Land’ of the New Earth. And we love you dearly and keep you in safety, that you might be able to fulfill the mission you came here to do.
With all our Love, Light, and Joy, we are today’s crews of Galactic Fleet Command — and we do ever bless you, and rejoice that we have the privilege of serving this Humanity and Mother Earth on her journey home.

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love! Throughout the years of your lives you have struggled against seemingly overwhelming odds, against all manner of abuses, oppressions and repressions, pain and sorrow, anger, jealousy, hatred and spite and have managed to transmute it all into a greater Light within yourselves, coming through all of this with your Light and love blazing in majesty and glory.
Can you each just stop for a moment and celebrate this achievement? Do you realize the wondrous work you have been doing as you walked your lonely paths, learning and growing each step of the way to this point in time?
What you have gained and learned from all these experiences can now begin to be seen for their value in the formation of the powerful Beings that you now have become. Without these challenges, you would never know the powerful force that moves within you now. Without the knowledge of these opposites to who you really are, you would not have been shining as brightly as you are now.
All of your wisdom, love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness and great goodness would not now be anchoring a greater Light into this world, and yet, here you are, standing in your Light, in your power, in your truth and in your goodness, and as a result, you are weaving the beauty and the wonder of a new world.
Moment by moment this new world comes into focus, into manifestation. The old patterns and paradigms are falling away at record speed and in their place comes a better way, a more loving way in the living of your daily lives and each of you is radiating the new vision to those around you and this great momentum that is taking place is without precedent.
Every moment, a new change takes place within the cells of your bodies, and within the structures of your society. Everywhere you look, if you have the eyes to see, (and you do) change is upon you. All that is required now is to maintain your Light, hold to your vision for a better world for all and be patient. It is now a time of ripeness, an opportunity, that is waiting, poised for the next step in this process of the ascension of your bodies and your planet.
It is a time of reflection, a time of celebration, of experiencing the feelings of joy and gratitude for the successful completion of your tasks whilst opening yourselves to the new adventures that lie before you. It has ever been this way, Beloveds, for being the multi-dimensional Beings that you are makes you able to multi-task on many levels and dimensions.
You will be finding yourselves consciously experiencing these states with greater frequency and with ever greater ease. Your communications with us will be much more noticeable and you will catch yourselves in conversation with us and hold your breath in wonder, for this is what you dreamed of and now it is finally beginning to manifest.
Take heart in these occurrences and know that our dimensions are growing ever nearer to each other and the veils of forgetfulness are beginning to thin and more of your remembrances will come forth in the times ahead. Use these times wisely and establish your strong connections with us so that you will always be informed of your next step. We are ever with you and are but a thought away. Call upon us, Dearest Beloveds, you do not have to do it all alone.
We need you to be aware that this is a free will planet and unless you call upon us, either silently or verbally, we are limited in our assistance to you. When we are called, we can accelerate many movements to create better circumstances and better solutions in your lives. Remember this – we are here to serve you in these changing times, to move you into your new positions with greater ease and grace, in joy and wonder. Many miracle manifestations are set to take place.
And so it is!
I AM Melchizedek