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0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》米迦勒-敞開你的心扉 (20210524) 3:46 《2》銀河司令部-契約變更 (20210529) #AsaraAdams #BethStormont #pfcchina

傳導:Asara Adams

Greetings,Beloved Ones,


We are sending you blessings of Love and Light,in this Now Moment,and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…


Things are shifting rapidly and many are feeling unsure as to where they are in this process and how this will all turn out.


Beloved Ones,as you are going through your moment-to-moment experience,you are creating each experience from within your feeling state.


At the center of your creation is the vibrational signal that you are radiating and which then returns the energy back to you in form of an experience.


Your environment and everything around you is prompting thoughts,feelings and most importantly the desire for improvement.


Your asking with your feelings and thoughts is instantly creating the answer and it is then on its way to you.


The only way it can then enter your experience is by your maintained state of harmony.


The longer you are able to maintain your state,or return to the state of harmony,the faster you are able to experience your desired reality.


So,how do you do that?


Start your day with appreciation,meditation and connection to your I AM Presence of God.(Your I AM Presence is the individualized aspect of God that is assisting you in your Ascension.)


As you are going throughout your day,pay attention to the way you feel and what you are thinking.


If you think and feel anything less than harmony,take a moment and ask for your I AM Presence to return you back to Divine Harmony.


Place your hand on your heart center,breathe a few deep and slow breaths and allow for Divine Harmony to enter your heart…


After a few moments,you will begin to feel more at peace and in Divine Harmony.


Then all the experiences you have asked for can begin to reach you and enter your experience.


Even if you are not consciously asking for something specific to manifest,when you are in Divine Harmony,your I AM Presence is able to bring you many blessed experiences and move you upwards into your Ascension.


Know That All Is Well,Beloved Ones.


Welcome Home.


We are walking beside you,every step of the way.


Dear Ones,you are loved beyond measure.Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


Thank you,Archangel Michael!

< 原文及來源:
https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/51731.html >

傳導:Beth Stormont

Greetings,Dear Ones on our beloved Earth planet!We wish to share with you at this time something that you may already well know,but we feel it bears repeating.


As more information is being revealed concerning the truth of COVID19,there have been statements made about the needless deaths of countless millions because of incorrect procedures for containment,etc.You have heard the stories,and so we shall not recount them here.

隨著有關 COVID19真相的更多信息的披露,有人發表聲明說,由於不正確的遏製程序等,無數人不必要地死亡。你們已經聽過這些故事了,所以我們不在這裡講了。

What we wish to bring to your attention–whether already known or not–is the reality of those deaths.


We here wish to correct the'needless'part of those deaths,for–as many of you know–death was chosen by the soul of each of those who supposedly succumbed to the virus.It was indeed by such means that they passed to another realm.But the choice was theirs to continue their schooling on another earth planet–one more pleasant and easier to handle–or to experience life in another existence.Some felt they could better serve the processes of the Awakening and Ascension by joining the forces on the other side of the veil—and some have already graduated and arrived in the 5D realm of existence.


These deaths–(actually by contracts made)–were chosen by both young and old,and by those in poor health and in good health.COVID19 provided–(and still does provide)–an unprecedented opportunity for those in human incarnation to choose a more wonderful life than that in which they had currently found themselves.Therefore,in our mind,it would be difficult for us to call these deaths'needless'.


We would also like to add something further regarding life and death on this Earth planet.As you know,there has been a great toll of lives in the 3rd world countries.Many of these are young souls who wished to experience this last time ever in the experimental 3rd dimension of this Earth planet,even if only for a short time.They knew,when they came into incarnation,that it would be a short and difficult life—but they willingly chose it nonetheless.This was true also of those seeking quick karmic work-throughs;but that was okay with them,and so they were allowed this incarnation.The resultant death was expected(and chosen)in the case of each of these described.


Whether seen through the eyes of 3D or 5D makes all the difference in the world as to the reality of life and death.COVID19 was not created by the Higher Beings–nor by the Creator of All–but its evil creation and purpose has been transmuted and utilized for an ultimate good.And so does the'good'continue!

無論是通過3D 還是5D 的眼睛看世界,對於現實生活和死亡來說都是不同的。COVID19不是由更高的存有創造的,也不是由萬物的創造者創造的,但是它的邪惡的創造和目的已經被改變,並被用於最終的善。好事還在繼續!

We hope this little commentary about the reality of the seemingly'tragic deaths'of so many thousands of lives might find a resonance within your hearts,Dear Ones…and bring less suffering of sorrow and grief at the loss of your loved ones.May you find an inner peace from knowledge of the Truth


We love and bless you on this courageous journey you are on.And please know you are ever held in the Light and Love of the Cosmic Christ.



< 原文及來源:
https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/51898.html >


#Galaxygirl #BethStormont #BrendaHoffman #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan

Dear children, this is your Mother God. I love you. This one has needed rest and she has allowed it. It is important to listen deeply to the needs of the body-spirit and return rejuvenated. Many are the needs of the ascending form, especially in this moment of heat and change as the crystalline structures begin to unwind and twist, move and stretch. (I am seeing tulip bulbs grow from the viewpoint of underground, the roots stretching deep, and the plant bursting forth climbing towards the sun.) You are doing this, children. You are doing this and so you are so weary! Rest in my embrace of flowers, of love. Today is Mother’s Day on your sphere, a painful day for many - many mothers have already joined my embrace on this side of your experience and are not with you now, many partners have longed for a baby and have not been able to conceive. Remember you have all been mothers and grandmothers in your many sojourns. You have all been fathers and brothers, you have all been many aspects of your divine self. Today it is the aspect of the divine birthing female that is honored but let us expand it. Let us expand it into love, into inclusivity for the divine is all things. Yes, we honor those who are mothering. (I am seeing a hen with her chicks, a mother owl with her owlets tucked under her wing. I am feeling the protection of being under Mother’s wing.) Yes, you are so well loved, protected, nourished and understood. The Divine Feminine aspect of love is awakening upon your world and it will change everything. Today is another catalyst for this change. You are seeding the divine feminine, you are causing these roots of my love for you to go deeper into the soil of Gaia into the hearts of mankind. Just be. Just be this love. Just be my love. Just radiate the heat of passion of my love for you and it will heal, it will balance, it will uplift.
I am Mother God. For too long the divine feminine has been squelched and all have suffered. Balance is returning. The divine is a balanced, even love, covering all woundings of inequality and soothing the pain of loss. Your world is focusing on inequality right now, and the pot is being stirred. Do not assign ‘good or bad’ to this observation, for that is yet another form of a dualistic viewpoint, and divine looks objectively, neutrally, through the eyes of love. People are waking up. It is part of the waking up process to sift through all of the layers of inequality and pain that being embodied in a masculine-dominant and controlled sector has wrought. You are all my children. You are all tremendously loved. (I am feeling her tears.) These sufferings were never intended but it was known that you would suffer when you embodied, and you chose to come. You chose because you were and are so very, very strong. Strong in my love. Strong in your determination for healing of the realm, and strong and bold enough to carry this through - no matter what obstacles would face you. You saw that YOU could make that difference and so you volunteered to come. And I bless you, we are all sending you our tremendous love and blessings and we hope that you can feel them, open your heart enough to feel them. (I am seeing a barreling St Bernard running towards me, filled with joy and excitement.) Be healed. Accept our kisses, our love.
The divine feminine has returned and it is through you. It is through your hands and feet, through your enhancement of the understanding of love, of balance, of harmony. The divine feminine holds space. We - I have been holding space for you. That space is my love, my lap of space. Climb into my lap in any moment. If you need to cry because the world seems too much, then cry. Let it out. Let out the waterfall of tears, for dams create blocks energetically and are not healthy for flowing systems. Do not allow blocks imposed by others. Now is the time of free-flowing love to course through your chakras and nourish them. (I am seeing a waterfall of light extending from Mother cascading down around the earth, covering the people in waterfalls of light, unblocking the chakras. I am seeing that now the chakras are less distinct points of color but prisms of free flowing rainbow light within the ascending human form. I am feeling a rainbow in my spinal column now.) Rainbows come after the rain. It has rained on humanity long enough.
I am your Mother God. Children, happy divine feminine day. All have the divine feminine within. All have this power, this nurturing, this love, this passion for expansion into yet more love. That is me. You have me within you. I love you with a never-ending love. Sit with me in my rainbow of waterfall light and let your sadness, the overwhelm be washed away. Know that you are strong enough for this task and you have been chosen to lead. Lead the charge, my beloved ones. Feel my light pulse within you and be at peace. I am ever with you. I am your Mother God.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1841458132680566&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan

A blessed greeting to you Dear Ones who are serving on Planet Earth at this most important time! We wish today to address something that may be of concern to you, as has it been to this channeler.
You of course receive varying messages from each channel – (of whom there are now many) – with some of the messages actually contradicting one another. This can lead to considerable confusion and sometimes guilt when the advice is the opposite of what you have been following.
Please remember that channelers are expressing through their own communication system that which in essence comes from a stream of thought from a Higher Authority… usually basically telepathically; (there are also other ways of receiving channeled messages, of course.) The channeler’s innate means of expression and thoughts are a natural part of what comes through in a channeled message, and so there is naturally great variation in the messages brought forth on an almost daily basis.
That which creates the greatest concern for you dear readers is when you are told that you need to be DOING something to alert the ‘sleepers’ about the realities of the evils besetting the planet, along with other negative 3D realties.
We shall here show by example what we mean by that statement: Recently our channel was with a small group of church friends celebrating at a restaurant after having attended a special meditative-type service. After more than a year of not being together or even seeing one another, the natural question to ask was how they were doing. The woman sitting very close and maskless next to our channel replied that all her family members and friends have received their vaccine, and so their lives can now return to normal. This, of course, was not the time to try to correct her thinking with the truth of the vaccines and the fact of never ‘returning to normal’.
If you find that you only meet with extreme resistance if you send or say anything about the realities connected with these channeled messages and the Awakening/Ascension process, we would suggest a different approach that works just as well… if perhaps not better!
This approach is called inner plane work. It is a way of communicating from soul to soul rather than outer personality connection. The personality self – when confronted with something of a negative nature – often sets up barriers of resistance to that type of communication. However, when all the emotions from a bad situation are felt and expressed on the inner planes with personality/soul communication, something miraculous seems to take place! Often as early as the next day, all is forgotten and as though the bad situation had never happened!
It is entirely up to what feels right to you as to which approach to use… and when. Sometimes the approaches can be alternated successfully by a single person — and other times only one or the other approach works for that person. It is only by looking within and viewing from the heart that the discernment is made.
We know that all you Lightworkers and Wayshowers are doing the very best that you can in holding the Light against the darkness of the times. Please do not overly-concern yourselves with the methods that you use in doing so. Let your heart lead the way, along with your own inner guidance. That is always true.
We highly honor and respect you — and we do love you dearly, Dear Ones!
We hold you in the Love and Light of the Cosmic Christ — and we send all the blessings of the Universe to you!
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1841458302680549&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
Let us, of the Universes, begin today’s message with a cheer. Most of you have moved beyond the need for 3D thoughts or actions. You have internalized the energies that empower you to be you. Even though perhaps not fully, enough of your new personality is shining through to negate who you once were in 3D.
This is a new time in a new age, and you have reacted accordingly. You no longer feel the need to pretend to be someone you are not to placate others or even yourself. You are you in all your glory.
Of course, you expected such to happen. But let us take it one step further. Now that you have claimed most of new you, you will discover everything about you is different. Such is not necessarily new information, but it is key to today’s message for some of you are wondering about your sanity, your hold on reality.
Those of you who floated about spending more time in the ethers through your dream state or various waking states, including meditation, will discover a need to be more grounded, to be more of the earth.
And those of you who were firmly grounded will discover a need to meditate or participate in a long dream state in whatever form that takes.
This last energy burst has fulfilled your need to be a Universal being of the earth.
Before this last shift, you were of the earth, but neither a Universal being of the earth nor true earth being. You flitted here and there, pretending to be of the earth but escaping to the ethers whenever you could. Or, you denied your Universal being in an attempt to be fully of the earth.
You can no longer deny who or where you are. You are a Universal being of the earth. Such is so for several reasons – not the least of which you helped earth transition beyond 3D before you did the same for yourself.
Before your transition, you were in hiding. Pretending to be an earth being living in fear while hiding your true Universal being. Some of you pretended to be in full fear. Others adorned yourself with the cloak of Universal savvy without understanding that you were also an earth being. Still, others of you tip-toed into Universal knowledge only to declare that knowledge and your being unworthy of you at this time.
Those disguises are no longer valid. Take off your cloaks of despair, disbelief, shame, unknowingness, or any disguise you created to hide your true being.
You are a Universal earth being – as you were every time you explored an earth life.
Many of you are in wonderment about the Arcturians, Pleiadians, or beings from other planets you believe are better or wiser than you. Once again, you are giving away your power. All of you reading this channel have inhabited those planets and more.
You would not be of the earth now if you had only experienced life on the earth or even in the ethers and the earth. In your desire to shift the earth from fear to love, you lived in many environments and planets, or however you wish to label them. You also attended various Universal schools learning all you could about your transition interests.
You have studied your interests for eons. So anything interesting to new you is not new or foreign, even though it may feel as such now.
Many of you are attempting to erase DNA knowledge passed to you by your earth ancestors, believing future knowledge is not accessible. Your 3D ancestral knowledge pales in comparison to your eons of Universal knowledge – including that of the future.
It is time for you to move forward. Forget the feelings, information, and actions of the past. Acknowledge and accept your Universal inner knowingness, that your new interests and actions will display.
Continuing to devote attention to past wrongs or thoughts closes the door to your new being. Past guilts, and actions are of 3D earth. You are a Universal being and always have been, even while attempting to fit within the small parameters of 3D earth.
It is as if you are Superman or Wonder Woman deciding to negate your 3D disguise.
Perhaps your greatest fear is that you will be different – you will be. You can no longer pretend to be Clark Kent or Diana Prince – you are a super person.
Perhaps you wonder if all earth beings have similar superpowers. Most do. Because this is a notable earth transition, the majority of those now of the earth are part of the transition team.
Those not part of the transition team are the original earthlings who chose to experience earth lifetime after lifetime with a few sprinklings of Universal experiences that did not include life on other planets. They are fully earth grounded, which is neither good nor bad, merely their choice – just as you chose to experience earth plus many other venues.
Perhaps an apt analogy would be those of the earth who remain in a small, isolated community their entire lives versus those who leave that community and travel the world. Neither is a better nor worse person, merely a being with different experiences.
The majority of those now of the earth completed experiences from the other places and lands required to shift the earth and its inhabitants from fear to love. A project eons in the making by you and your cohorts. So be it. Amen.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1841458446013868&set=a.806388119520911 >


#galaxygirl #BethStormont #Amber #pfcchina 


Ascended Dragon Collective 4/11/2021

Humans currently embodied, we are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Resurrection fire burns brightly within. Trust the fire. Feel the warmth. We are and have been spreading the dragon flame of truth and inner awakening, partnering with the comets who weave webs of light in your galaxy, our galaxy. Energetically the dark is no match for the light. You are seeing the final gasps and grasps for power. The light is the true power and it has returned. Within the lightworkers burn hot coals of fiery truth, truth that oneness with Source is within. No-thing can squelch that, can tamper with that truth. No-thing is able to dissolve this from the inner workings of an enlightened being ensconced within form. Such like the dragon within the egg, the egg shell is not the being, is not the body. The true body lies within the shell. It is about to be revealed. Your higher selves are becoming fully embodied, more fully embodied within this now of planetary and personal ascension. Egg shells are cracking and being smashed on the floor as the awakening process begins on a new level of enlightenment, of the light being discovered from within.

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We care for and nurture our young. We are loving with our family units. So too shall Nova Gaians be. You have heard time and time again the phrase “the children are our future”. The current children are not like the older humans reading these words. They have more gifts and abilities. They have more wisdom for they came in unsullied. Do not let the outer circumstances dim your viewpoint. See with the eyes of the children. See clearly. For light and love are returning to this realm full force. Humans, why do you fear? Fear is being removed. Humans, why do you cry? Sadness is being removed. All that was, is and shall be. All that is, was. (I am seeing a temple curtain tearing from top to bottom.) Master Yeshua is returned in many forms, through the light within. The Christed light of the inner child calls. The hands and feet of god, many we see. Humans are partnering with the Ascended ones, including dragons, on many levels. Gaia will be cleaned, healed. Humanity will be so as well.
我們關心並養育我們的年輕人。我們愛我們的家庭單位。新星蓋亞也應該如此。你一次又一次聽到短語“孩子是我們的未來”。當前的孩子不像年長的人那樣讀這些話。他們有更多的天賦和能力。他們有更多的智慧,因為他們進了不敗之地。不要讓外部環境使你的觀點變暗。用孩子們的眼睛看。認清。為了光明和愛,這股力量又回到了這個領域。人類,你為什麼害怕?恐懼正在消除。人類,你為什麼哭?悲傷正在消除。過去,現在和將來都是如此。原來是。 (我看到聖殿的窗簾從上到下都在撕裂。)耶穌基督大師通過裡面的光以多種形式返回。呼喚內在小孩的基督之光。上帝的手和腳,我們看到了許多。人類正在與包括龍在內的許多揚昇集體建立夥伴關係。蓋亞將被清理、療癒。人類也將如此。

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We nurture our young. Nurture your young. Nurture your inner child. Nurture your joy. Nurture your purpose, your truth. For your purpose is one with your joy. It is simple. Your inner truths are to be awakened further. Layer by layer to be enjoyed. (I am seeing a multi-layered chocolate cake covered in cherries that looks delicious). Galaxygirl, this journey is to be enjoyed. The pits within the cherries are the new seeds of awakening. All is to be enjoyed. Feel the newness of the day in front of you. Breathe in the hope of your future. The children are the future, yes, but your inner child is your future. Nurture it. Find your joy and feed it. Taste the sweetness of the day. Your awakening is not around the corner, not on the next flight path. It is this flight path. It is this moment. (I am hearing dragon laughter and seeing many yellow eyes on friendly great dragony faces of all colors and sizes, surrounding me.) Feel the sheer delight of flying high and fast and free. Feel this way as you approach an obstacle and see it from a higher view. Know that you are love embodied. That is enough.
我們是揚昇龍族集體。我們培養年輕的孩子。養育你們的年輕人。養育你的內在小孩。培養你的喜悅。培養你的目標和真理。為了你的目的,是你的喜悅之一。很簡單。你內在的真理將被進一步喚醒。逐層享受。 (我看到了一層覆蓋在櫻桃中的多層巧克力蛋糕,看起來很美味)。Galaxygirl,這一旅程是享受。櫻桃的小坑是喚醒的新種子。一切都將享受。感受當下嶄新的一天。呼吸,祝你擁有美好的未來。孩子是未來,是的,但是內心的孩子是你的未來。養育它。找到你的喜悅並餵養牠。品嚐當日的甜蜜。你的覺醒不是指日可待,不是在下一個飛行路線上。就是這個飛行路線。就在這一刻。 (我正在聽到龍的笑聲,並在周圍環繞著各種顏色和大小的友好大龍臉上看到許多黃色的眼睛。)感到自己更高、快速、自由地飛翔的純粹快感。當你接近障礙物並從更高的視角看到它時,請以這種方式感受。知道你是愛的體現。那就足夠了。

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Now is not the time to hide. Now is the time for your warrior spirit to expand further into light, into love, into newness of being. You are such mighty beings crammed into such small human suits. Many of you are like us within.
You wanted this experience. You wanted to lend a hand and craft your energy of newness with the creators around you. You wanted to be here in this moment of creator-ing. You are the creator. We repeat, you are the creator. You are creating your life, so create your joy. All is turning towards the light. Joy is all around. Truly joy is your future. Your future is here now. The dark ones are vanquished. They taste delicious to us and we have been assisting with the clearing process. Archons are a delicacy to us and we assist the Mother of All Things in this way. It is our joy and delight to use our strength and large bodies to clear and clean planets in distress. 

Gaia is now officially no longer in distress. We have had many full lunches and her cleansing is much improved. Turn off your screens and look deeply within the screen within you. There your inner movie will play and you will learn more of your own inner dialogue. It will teach you. Many things. This is meditation. Looking within with the desire to see, to know, to understand and to grow into further awareness.
蓋亞(Gaia)現在正式不再陷入困境。 我們吃了很多午餐,她的清理狀況大大改善了。 關閉屏幕,並深入查看內在屏幕。 在那裡你將播放內心電影,並且你將學到更多自己的內心對話。 它會教你。 許多事情,許多東西。 這是冥想。 內心渴望看到,了解,理解並成長為進一步的意識。

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Be at peace, humankind. The tide is turning and you are free. The old will fall away and you will fly on your new dragon wings. Feel the breeze. It is time fo fly. Hatchlings no more. You are ready. You are strong enough for the task at hand and you are ready for it. We depart.
~ galaxygirl

傳導作者:Beth Stormont

We greet you once again,Dear Ones!It has become our determination to not bring a message to you unless it seems to be needed at the specified time,or is a bit different from what is in the many other fine channelings that you receive daily.


The message we bring you at this time has to do with living in the present moment in the way of'AS IF'.


Many of you Awakened Ones are waiting with great anxiety for when the announced disclosure of the evil Dark Forces will be brought forth…and have almost ceased living!What we wish to say here is that you need to continue living your present life'as if'there were nothing different from the past of your life in this incarnation(before the'pandemic',that is).


You have been told to think and dwell only in the Higher vibrational frequencies…to not let your awareness sink down into the lower 3D vibrations.With this advice we do concur.However,if you are like this channel–who already has an extreme tendency to float above the earth–you are missing out on the'process experience'that brought you into this Earthian incarnation in the first place.In other words,you could be doing this same work–out of an incarnated body–in the Higher realms with the many other Higher Beings who are aiding Ascension at this time.We might add here that you would be amazed at the number of beings–even from other planets and galaxies–who have wanted to incarnate on your Earth planet at this time in its history in a way that we have never seen before!Previously it was considered quite a dull planet,with such a very slow evolution!


It is true that you are anchoring the Light and Love into the earth just by being on the planet…and also radiating the Light and Love from your very being.But there are times that you need to actually be down in the lower vibrations to be able to aid in lifting up those who are ready to awaken but are unable to do so on their own.


Please understand that your evolution will not be harmed or impeded if you are actually living in the 3D realm but with your knowledgeable intent and awareness in 5D.This is the reality of being for all Wayshowers and Lightworkers!How else are you going to lighten the paths and show the way?—certainly not by beckoning them from above!You need to be right there with them,leading the way!Of course discernment is always needed for the extent to which you do dwell and partake in the 3D world.If a place or situation is too uncomfortably incompatible,by all means stay away from such.You will most definitely know the reality of that!


To sum it up:Be IN the 3D world but not OF it.LIVE'as if'you are 3D—but THINK,FEEL,and EXPRESS as the 5D Beings that in truth you already are!

總結一下:活在3D世界裡,而不屬於3D世界。像你是3D 一樣生活,但是像5D 存在一樣思考、感受和表達,事實上你已經是了!

We ever encourage,support,aid(when asked),and love you,Dear Children of the Light.And we send you all our love and blessings!




**Channel:Beth Stormont for Era of Light



背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#AnnDahlberg #BethStormont #JohnSmallman #NickChan

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg 
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Judas and today I just want to send a greeting to all the people of the world who are staying on Earth today. It is a challenging time for many of you, but you are growing incredibly much in strength and power. You begin to realize that it is together in small or large groups that a lot can happen and that this is when you can make your voices heard. It is when you work for peace and love for all the people around you that your voices get a creative sound and there are more who listen. There was little about it.
It is good if you follow your heart and take the steps that it whispers to you to do. Several of you work with yourself both physically and mentally. It can be things like changing your diet, moving more in nature or starting a hobby of some kind. It can also be to let go of negative patterns and get new iee´r and experiences about how everything can be. Many of you are also quite tired due to all the energies that abound in your world, so just being and resting in yourself, can be fully sufficient until you have built up enough energy again. Today you need to manage a little with yourself and go inside to listen to what is best to do right now. It is a whirling wind that travels around the Earth today with many different energies, which can be easily picked up by those who are open and sensitive. It can be very tiring, so going inside and strengthening yourself can be a necessity for many. When the balance is within you, it can also re-establish the balance in your outer world.
A lot is coming to the surface now, both from Earth and from yourselves. These can be memories, as well as physical defects, which again blossom from nowhere. See it for what it is, it’s old rubbish that came up to the surface to be seen, taken care of and then disappear. There is an incredible amount of work that is now being done by humans, both for themselves and for the Earth. There are many who work for the good of people, for the good of the animals and for the good of nature, depending on what is closest to their hearts, and is the task they feel they want to do. There is a great deal of gratitude here towards these diligent ants who only see the goal and who trample over all the adversity they have encountered along the way. Those who engage in something that they feel great passion for, they are driven by an inner motivation and inspiration that makes them invulnerable to adversity. They immediately start looking for new solutions, they fully trust their inner ability and the guidance they have, so that they will eventually reach their goal.
What are you passionate about? What is closest to your heart? Can it be something creative like painting, drawing, writing, cultivating, or can it be debating societal issues, constructing different things that are needed in a society, etc .. Anything that you feel good about, you should do now. It can be something as simple as walking on a beach and dipping your toes in the water, or sitting against a tree trunk in the woods or in a park and listening to the sounds you hear there. Everything you do as you feel good, wants to give you inspiration to feel even better, it is a godsend today. You are all worth so much more than you think you are worth.
You are worth gold, dear people on Earth, and then I mean the golden light that shines above your heads with all the love that is already you. It shines a little extra now to remind you that love is all that is, that is all that is, that is all that you are.
Great love

傳導作者:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings, Beloved Ones! We are happy to be back with you after a brief hiatus.
At this time we feel the need to speak about something quite simple. With the many complexities in the world today, we feel that simplicity might be as a breath of fresh air.
You have continually been told to go within and let your heart speak your truth. Yet you are being given extreme amounts of information concerning the future of the planet from many brilliant sources – more than has ever been told before – to the extent that the whole picture can become overwhelmingly confusing. How much can the conscious brain-mind really comprehend of all this?
It can also be difficult to process what is the ‘now’ and what is the ‘then’ – they are so strongly intertwined! Adding to the confusion is the fact that the aspect of ‘time’ is totally different between the two different time periods. Also, add to that the fact that the 3D Earth human cannot truly know something until it has been experienced — and the future 5D world has not yet been experienced by 3D Humanity.
It is encouraging that there are patches of 5D on the planet today, but that does not mean that you can now experience what the New Earth will be like after The Event has occurred. It is only when your present Humanity is in total readiness that you will be able to experience the true glory of the 5D New Earth in all her newly-created fullness… the result of your own co-creation.
In the meantime, please live as simple a life of Love and Light from deep within the heart center as is possible for you to live at this most challenging and wonderful time in the history of Mother Earth. You are indeed privileged to be here in human form, carrying out the work you came here to do — and that is just to ‘BE’… to ‘be’ a chalice and an anchor of Light and Love.
Let yourself live with the simplicity of just LETTING Life flow through you – even if understanding nothing – rather than trying to MAKE understanding or things happen. JUST ‘BE’!
We ever bless your ‘BEING’… ‘being’ the Light and Love that you already are!

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

Humanity is awakening from the deep sleep of eons, during which you have had some horrendous nightmares, and now is the time to bring an end to those seemingly endless experiences of separation and abandonment which have caused you so much pain and anguish. Life is meant to be joy-filled but, since you chose to experience separation from Mother/Father/God, that has very much of the time not been what you have encountered. Separation has been an ordeal in which you have frequently undergone intense pain, suffering, uncertainty, and fear, and now you have finally and collectively decided that enough is enough, that you will awaken and live once more in the state of joy that is Oneness with God.
All around the world now people are forming into loving support groups to assist one another in dealing with the chaos, confusion, and intense uncertainty of recent times. This coming together is a major aspect of the awakening process, because in coming together with loving intent you inevitably come to the realization that all are one, that each one of you is dependent not only on Source, and on one other, but also on the earthly environment that lovingly supports you in each moment of your human existence. Awareness of the nature of the ecosystem that is the Earth, and that makes life in form possible, has been growing for decades, and many groups worldwide are coming together in order to make their voices heard and bring to an end the wanton destruction that the industrial age has been wreaking on the planet.
This is Love in action, this is an essential aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. Be aware that you most definitely are awakening from the nightmare and illusion that has brought you so much suffering. Life is Joyful! What you experience through your egos is not. Your egos chose separation – in human terms it is a little like teenagers insisting on their independence from their parents – and found themselves feeling alone, abandoned, and totally separated from Love, from Mother/Father/God, the Source that is All That Is. This is a terrifying and ongoing experience, that you have attempted to deny, or bury out of sight out of mind, until you finally chose to let go of the guidance and direction that your egos are constantly pouring into your minds as fear, judgment, and the need to take action to protect yourselves.
The ONLY ACTION necessary is to be what you are in every moment – LOVE! Deep within your hearts you all know this Divine Truth, but when you chose to allow your egos to direct and control your thoughts, words, and actions as separated humans, those egos effectively drew a veil or dark curtain between you and Source, and you found yourselves without access to Love, your true nature.
Now, finally, awareness is growing rapidly that it is time to awaken from the dream of separation and return to living lovingly – the only way to live – in every moment. As I have said, there are signs of this magnificent awakening all across the world which are very easy to see when you stop focusing your attention on the widespread and widely reported pain suffering and conflict as the ‘stuff’ that humanity needs to collectively acknowledge, release, and forgive arises into your awareness for this purpose. Be aware of it, but do not focus on it, or make it a part of you, doing that causes you much totally unnecessary pain and suffering, thus draining you of the energy that you need to set and maintain your intent to be only loving whatever arises.
Your intent to be what You are – Love – brings immense peace and healing to all, and is why you chose to incarnate at this moment in the awakening process. No one else can do it but you, because you each have your own and individual major chosen tasks in this most wondrous event. When you doubt Source, when you doubt yourselves, when you doubt that others are truly Love, remind yourselves of your deep inner knowing – even though you doubt it – that there is only Love, Source, Mother/Father/God, YOU! There is only the ONE, and that One is LOVE!
Your loving brother, Jesus.


譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.光之議會-你能行 (202011225)
《2》.銀河艦隊指揮官-為什麼東西做好準備? (20210226)
《3》.麥基洗德-奇蹟等待著發生 (20210226)
#RebeccaCouch #BethStormont #MarleneSwetlishoff #Nick Chan

傳導:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Beautiful Ones,
Yes, it is hard to feel like wonderful things are happening when everything aches! This is the long-expected and welcome soul upgrades you have longed for…so just breathe it all into alignment. You know the rules: out with the old and in with the new…and vice versa. What has delivered you to this juncture is now outmoded and it’s time for those rocket boosters to be decommissioned. All old services are released and new upgrades follow…much more advanced technology is being commissioned inside of you, and transforms your vehicle from DNA out!
These are the most significant upgrades of your entire Earthly sojourn and you have prepared for them – so no need to brace yourself – you know that welcoming them and going with the flow of integration is the key. Focus on absorption, balance, release, hydration and self honesty, all the while expecting peace and miracles as the outcome. You are becoming more and more in your physical body that which you are as a spiritual body. You are rising to meet yourself here in the physical world, something that has not been done ever before to this degree. It is an extraordinary journey and your purpose for incarnating right here, right now. It is a miraculous, expansive, exhilarating and magical experience.
So do whatever you can to detach from expectations based on your old 3D programming, for you know that those shackles are being broken. Surrender to what is and nurture yourself through the entire transformation…lovingly birthing yourself closer to your original expression. And so it will continue to go, and so it will continue to go. What before had barriers or limitations, has been lifted and you are being morphed, without restriction, into the birth of the New World as a steward and keeper of the creation of it. It is an extraordinary expression of Source to experience birth and conscious creation at the same time…there is no longer a need for amnesia and recycling in order to keep you from expanding too far too fast. There are no longer suppressions or aggressions or limitations to who you are becoming! While incomprehensible from your limited viewpoint, your converged heart, mind and soul completely innerstands. Trust this primal, core instinct unlike ever before, for it will always lead you home. Once the fog of illusion lifts, you will know that your homing beacon was true and that every birthing pain, at any level at any time, was so worth the result. There is nothing you can’t handle and nothing you can’t transmute. Remember who you are in every now moment. Call upon strength and courage and clarity and trust to be your stalwart guides. There is nothing to fear. As you traverse your own bridge, you will pave the road for others. As you gain solid grounding in your new expression, your experience of oneness and unity will naturally guide you in service for others who will need your lantern light to cross themselves.
This is the most excruciatingly beautiful experience of your lives. Do your best to hold this perspective in the revelatory days and weeks to come.
The truth shall set you free is no small adage for these times! Bear witness to it and love yourselves, and all others, home. Breathe yourself through it all. You’ve got this.
From the most divine and loving perspective inside of you, we are, The Council of Light Within.

傳導:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan

This is the third and final message on the topic of ‘Readiness’ that we promised you at the end of our last message here on Era of Light. It comes from a totally different era than this present one, but it speaks in a timeless and universal way that is just as important and meaningful to the present times as have been the previous messages addressing the Earth School and Ascension.
This message was given by mostly different crews manning our Fleet Command spaceships, since we change our tours of duty in volunteer service for Ashtar Command every seven years — and this message was given through this same channel in September of 1999. For those of you old enough to remember, that was just a few months prior to the shift into the New Millenium, when massive fear abounded that all the computers would crash (among other fears of the unknown aspects of coming into a new century). But it was in fact a very smooth transition.
Since this channel has always typed her messages right after receiving them, this one was readily available from her archives for today’s readers of Channelings on this wonderful Era of Light. Its original form is as follows:
“Readiness” . . . How ready are you?… In what way are you ready?…
Ready for what?
Readiness is a key to all things. One can never do something … anything … without a readiness to be able to do it. Even if one is ‘ready’ to do it in knowledge and ability, if the readiness in desire is not there, then one still cannot do it. All types of readiness must be in place for the event to occur. How ready is planet Earth for her ascension to the next dimension … to the next octave of vibrational frequencies … to her position as a sacred planet in the solar system?
How ready are you to go with her on this very special voyage? Or how ready are you to stay to aid those not yet ready to go on that voyage at this time, that they might complete their schooling more easily and rapidly than normal under your tutelage? How ready are you to merge with the ‘Many and the One’, to speak with your own unique voice in the ‘Voice of the One’? How ready are you to give up everything in order to become that which you already are?
There are some mysteries here … some dichotomies … an enigma, if you will. Search within for the answers, for therein lies “The Answer”. The answers to all these questions are found only within you. No one else can answer them for you. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God… and all these things shall be added unto you”. . . even the answers to these questions and all others, for the Kingdom of God is within you.
We know of the readiness of many of you who are today recognized as the Lightworkers and Wayshowers who are leading the way for Humanity’s journey to the ‘Promised Land’ of the New Earth. And we love you dearly and keep you in safety, that you might be able to fulfill the mission you came here to do.
With all our Love, Light, and Joy, we are today’s crews of Galactic Fleet Command — and we do ever bless you, and rejoice that we have the privilege of serving this Humanity and Mother Earth on her journey home.

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love! Throughout the years of your lives you have struggled against seemingly overwhelming odds, against all manner of abuses, oppressions and repressions, pain and sorrow, anger, jealousy, hatred and spite and have managed to transmute it all into a greater Light within yourselves, coming through all of this with your Light and love blazing in majesty and glory.
Can you each just stop for a moment and celebrate this achievement? Do you realize the wondrous work you have been doing as you walked your lonely paths, learning and growing each step of the way to this point in time?
What you have gained and learned from all these experiences can now begin to be seen for their value in the formation of the powerful Beings that you now have become. Without these challenges, you would never know the powerful force that moves within you now. Without the knowledge of these opposites to who you really are, you would not have been shining as brightly as you are now.
All of your wisdom, love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness and great goodness would not now be anchoring a greater Light into this world, and yet, here you are, standing in your Light, in your power, in your truth and in your goodness, and as a result, you are weaving the beauty and the wonder of a new world.
Moment by moment this new world comes into focus, into manifestation. The old patterns and paradigms are falling away at record speed and in their place comes a better way, a more loving way in the living of your daily lives and each of you is radiating the new vision to those around you and this great momentum that is taking place is without precedent.
Every moment, a new change takes place within the cells of your bodies, and within the structures of your society. Everywhere you look, if you have the eyes to see, (and you do) change is upon you. All that is required now is to maintain your Light, hold to your vision for a better world for all and be patient. It is now a time of ripeness, an opportunity, that is waiting, poised for the next step in this process of the ascension of your bodies and your planet.
It is a time of reflection, a time of celebration, of experiencing the feelings of joy and gratitude for the successful completion of your tasks whilst opening yourselves to the new adventures that lie before you. It has ever been this way, Beloveds, for being the multi-dimensional Beings that you are makes you able to multi-task on many levels and dimensions.
You will be finding yourselves consciously experiencing these states with greater frequency and with ever greater ease. Your communications with us will be much more noticeable and you will catch yourselves in conversation with us and hold your breath in wonder, for this is what you dreamed of and now it is finally beginning to manifest.
Take heart in these occurrences and know that our dimensions are growing ever nearer to each other and the veils of forgetfulness are beginning to thin and more of your remembrances will come forth in the times ahead. Use these times wisely and establish your strong connections with us so that you will always be informed of your next step. We are ever with you and are but a thought away. Call upon us, Dearest Beloveds, you do not have to do it all alone.
We need you to be aware that this is a free will planet and unless you call upon us, either silently or verbally, we are limited in our assistance to you. When we are called, we can accelerate many movements to create better circumstances and better solutions in your lives. Remember this – we are here to serve you in these changing times, to move you into your new positions with greater ease and grace, in joy and wonder. Many miracle manifestations are set to take place.
And so it is!
I AM Melchizedek


傳導作者:Beth Stormont 
譯者:Nick Chan,於2021年2月24日

Greetings, Dear Ones! Once again it is our pleasure to interact with you as we share a message that is very close to our hearts.
The topic we are speaking about is ‘Readiness’… and all that such a word entails. You might ask, “Readiness for what?” — and that would certainly be a wise question to ask.
Let us first emphasize the fact that this Earth planet is a school… a school for experiencing, learning, growing, and – most importantly – evolving!
There are all ages attending this most difficult of all Earth schools, from Old Souls to Young Souls and every age in-between. Of course we are not speaking of chronological age, as is so important in your regular human schools.
Before coming into this lifetime, the soul chooses – (with the aid of teachers and guides) – what the plan/(curriculum) will be. A soul might choose to achieve completion of only one karma, and therefore it might be only a short-lived life. This fact alone might aid the terrible grief of so many humans who, upon the death of a young child, feel it to be a tragedy that the child did not have a chance to truly experience life.
For the many who do not believe in reincarnation, their readiness for understanding the many realities experienced in this earth school is very limited. Their vision of the reality of life experiences on this planet is clouded by the idea that everything must be accomplished in only one lifetime, and that death is a forever life-ended experience (… of course this is a whole other topic for another time.)
Now back to school: Would you expect a kindergartner to know as much as a graduate student? Of course you would not expect that! Does that fact make the kindergartner any less worthy as an individual human than a graduate student? Of course it does not! But we believe you would agree that the graduate student has more knowledge than the kindergartner, simply by virtue of having had more experiences than this child who is just beginning to experience what life on this planet has to offer in the ways of lessons to be learned.
As for Old Souls and Young Souls… even though the Old Souls have had many more experiences over eons of time – often in many existences and forms other than human – they still experience the same hiding of knowledge by the veil as the younger souls… until the soul memories begin to come through, of course.
In other words, this Earth school is a very equitable school, with karmic experiencing serving as the chief means for learning and evolving.
We will say, however, that because these are the most unusual times in the entire history of planet Earth, there are many here today who are not in incarnation for attending the Earth school, but for serving Humanity and Mother Earth in aid of the Awakening and Ascension. Many of you who are reading these channelings are in this group, having already graduated from this Earth school… or are from other planets, galaxies, or celestial kingdoms.
The main point we wish to bring forth in this channeling is the fact of readiness for stepping into the Higher 5D vibrations at the completion of Ascension. If the natural steps of experiencing have not been taken and learned – as attending and completing the various grade levels in regular schools – then moving into those higher vibrations will not be possible. Can you imagine how a kindergartner would feel sitting in a graduate class and being able to understand what is being expressed? The learning takes place by steps of readiness for the next… not by leaps and bounds.
Those who are not ready (based on what has been put forth above) – along with those who could be ready but choose to not wake up – will be taken to another planet to complete their learning experiences, for there are many other earth and other-type planets that have schools… but much easier than this experimental earth planet has had. When they have completed their schooling, they will then join with those who are ascending to the New Earth that is currently being created… created by those who are now ready to ascend!
Many of those going to other planets for the schooling have already left this planet by means of a contracted choice through what you Earthians call ‘death’, but what we call a ‘transition to another realm’. Of course you realize the choice is always made by the soul, not necessarily through the knowledge of the personality being — but some choices for a better and/or easier life elsewhere have also been consciously made at the personality level as well.
We would like to make one final statement about readiness that we are sure is true for many of you. Sometimes the readiness from the many experiences you have already amassed from other lifetimes is within you, but you have not received that final ‘push’ for opening up to the awareness of it. When the awareness finally happens, it often appears to be a quantum leap — but it is simply that the readiness was already there but had not yet revealed itself. That is what a good deal of today’s Awakening is about. It is as though you suddenly know so much more than you ever realized you knew! And you do definitely impact one another in the awakening process!
Dear Ones, as you stand in the Light – and go within – so much becomes made known to you about the reality of who you really are and your readiness for Ascension!
We ever love and bless you as you unfold in the Love and Light surrounding you a hundred-fold.
Addendum Below. . .
Dear Ones, in our message to you about ‘Readiness’, we would like to make some clarification about the concept of ‘time’ in connection with that topic..
We often forget about your linear time concept, which is very different from our concept of time. On this side of the veil time as you know it does not exist. We cannot explain what our ‘time’ framework is because one needs to actually experience it to understand it. When Ascension is completed, then you will understand.
The main point we wish to make for clarification of what has been said earlier in the message on ‘readiness’ is the time it might take for achieving readiness for Ascension. It does not require a set number of days, weeks, months, or years for the learning of the lessons as in your regular school classrooms, but only the learning of the needed lessons according to our time concept… which could be in the blink of an eye according to your perception of time.
Also, time on your planet has been in a speeded-up state for many years — and it is being moved even more rapidly now during the actual Ascension process. Therefore, as Humanity awakens out of its deep illusory 3D sleep, the learning of lessons that have remained buried in the subconscious of Humanity – both individually and collectively – now have the opportunity to surface and be worked out more quickly than ever before. Where often many lifetimes were required for the working out of a karma and learning a lesson in the past due to the plodding movement of Humanity’s evolution, the picture has now changed drastically.
Our next message will briefly address this very complex subject of ‘readiness’ from a slightly different angle. Please be on the lookout for it, for we believe you will find it meaningfully enjoyable and with greater insights into the subject.
Dear Ones, once again we thank you for letting us share with you some of our knowledge and insights from our other-world experiences… and from what we now can view of your world from this side of the veil.


傳導:Brenda Hoffman、Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.銀河艦隊指揮官-3D和5D的思維 (20210217)
《2》.造物能量-大顯身手 (20210218)
#BethStormont #BrendaHoffman #NickChan

《1》.關於 3D和5D的思維 
傳導作者:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan 

We greet you with the greatest of love from your planetary helpers in the skies just above you, Beloved Ones! Today we wish to tell you a little story about a recent experience our channel had that may be similar to some you have perhaps experienced:
She wrote a story-type poem for a spiritual publication on which she highlighted the difference between 3D and 5D thinking and perceptions. She received a positive and sincere response from another spiritual writer – whom she knew quite well – in which that writer stated that she knew exactly what our channel was saying – (although she stated that she was guessing at what 3D and 5D were, having never heard of them before.)
This writer then proceeded to include in her response a very lengthy story that she also had written fairly recently, to further show the correlation of her thinking with that of our channel’s poem.
The irony of this story we are relating here is that her story revealed – (in every detail) – the exact opposite of what our channel’s poem was expressing… even to the point of “having to wait a long time for ‘her 5D person’ to catch up” because of not ‘educating’ herself on the ‘facts’ from mainstream media!
This lack of readiness to fully understand the difference between 3D and 5D thinking and resultant correct perceptions will perhaps become even more challenging – to you fully awakened ones – than has been the long wait for the awakening itself.
First of all, it is important to remember that not all spirituality is the same. Some ‘spirituality’ is steeped more in the expression of a religion; some of it has the emphasis of self-help to becoming a better person; and some of it is of a more metaphysical nature. It is this last type of spirituality that we represent.
After all, ‘meta’ represents ‘beyond physical knowing’ – (i.e. that which cannot be known by the physical senses); hence the word ‘metaphysical’.
Certainly our existence cannot be proven to the 3D mind, since we are beyond that dimension’s physical knowing. This fact alone naturally makes it very difficult to express anything pertaining to this realm to the unawakened 3D mind… and often even to those who embrace the other types of spirituality. Therefore it is best to refrain from any expression at all in this regard.
We realize how difficult this is becoming for those of you who know no other reality but 5D — and you really know no other way to express yourself! We are therefore attempting to find places and people to where we can send you for at least a degree of like-mindedness. This may be only a temporary measure, but we are beginning to see it as a necessity for the well-being of some of you who have been too isolated for far too long a time. Be on the lookout and ready for your ‘marching orders’. A hint: They may be in strange disguise… so be ready for anything!
Our love and blessings in the light always, Dear Ones!

《2》.關於 大顯身手
傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman 
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
Your options are unlimited. So it is time for you to decide where you wish to be in your new world. Think of new you as having a business or law college degree, which opens you to almost unlimited career options. Do you wish to use your skills in the social service realms, the corporate world, or start your own business? All choices you must sift through before selecting a particular arena. And after selecting that arena, having the option to re-select an arena or even field of work. So it is now.
The media’s political, economic, and health messages do not indicate your flexibility or skills. You must claim yourself for yourself. Perhaps some of you graduated during an economic downturn and discovered difficulties finding employment. But such was not true for 100% of those who graduated at that time. You need to ignore the naysayers, the media, or anyone who indicates you cannot do or be something in these times.
Wait until COVID is over. Or until a new political party is elected. Or until winter or summer. There is no more waiting. Earth beings and the Universes are ready for you to ply your new skills. That is not to say you need to save the world, but instead to negate the 3D stance of waiting until…
That until is now. So find your interests utilizing the skills or tradecraft, if you will, that you honed for eons. Nothing prevents you from discovering your joys, interests, and, therefore, new skills, but you.
You can prolong your wait, as some of you did in your youth, by continuing your college education so you would not have to make a decision about your interests and skills. But the majority of you found your place despite naysayers and your inner fears – for society pushed you into your work-a-day world in numerous ways.
The difference now is that not only is no one pushing you, but you have no idea what your interests and skills are, for you are re-inventing earth as you go along. Just as was true on a much smaller scale with every job you held, including taking care of your home. No two of you approached a job in the same way. Even in 3D, you allowed your individuality to project how best to tackle a job, marriage, school, and other areas of your life. Granted, you used the broad strokes of social shoulds, but you allowed individual choices and actions within those broad strokes.
Now, there are no frameworks – either socially or individually. For you are inventing your new directions minute by minute. So it is you feel uncomfortable, with little or no outer, or at times, even inner-direction. That is why it is so important for you to follow your joys, your interests. For your joys and interests are direct paths to your new life and, therefore, the new direction of the earth.
現在,沒有框架---澀會還是個人。因為你時時刻刻在發明自己的新方向。所以你感到不舒服,伴隨著很少或沒有一點內在的方向。所以很重要去跟隨你的喜悅,興趣。 因為你的喜悅和興趣是通往你新生活的筆直道路,從而是新地球的方向
There are no directives from others, including the Universes. This is your show. For the first time ever while of the earth, you are encouraged to listen to your inner voice, which will direct you to your interests and future. But that inner-voice is a bit frightening, for it negates the messages you were given in 3D. Your new messages such as think for yourself. Act on your needs. Learn to receive. Love yourself as much as others. Messages that are counter-intuitive to your eons of 3D training.
Find your interests does not mean they will be socially acceptable or even something you anticipated. This is a new world, and you are a new being. What was is no more. So allow yourself to expand in ways that interest you. And allow the same for others.
No longer are there rules or needed justifications to be you.
Many of you are frightened that you might become some anti-social monster. Or more to the point, that you might become isolated or alone. Such will not happen. What will happen is that those with similar interests will appear without effort.
You will flit from interest to interest for awhile. Maybe as you did when you began your work-a-day world. Very few of you held one job with one company for your entire work life. So it is now. You might find this interesting for a bit until something more interesting presents itself – or you invent it. But you must start somewhere. So it is, we are pushing you out of your home of origin, your college dorm, or your small abode you barely can pay for and very much dislike.
It is time for you to go into the wider world and strut your stuff. For you most definitely have the stuff to strut. Not as was true in 3D when doing so most often meant harm to humans or the environment. But as a true being of the Universes who has prepared for eons to shift the earth and its inhabitants from meek followers to strong, universal beings creating anew in joy and wonderment. So be it. Amen.