

#AnnDahlberg #BethStormont #JohnSmallman #NickChan

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg 
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Judas and today I just want to send a greeting to all the people of the world who are staying on Earth today. It is a challenging time for many of you, but you are growing incredibly much in strength and power. You begin to realize that it is together in small or large groups that a lot can happen and that this is when you can make your voices heard. It is when you work for peace and love for all the people around you that your voices get a creative sound and there are more who listen. There was little about it.
It is good if you follow your heart and take the steps that it whispers to you to do. Several of you work with yourself both physically and mentally. It can be things like changing your diet, moving more in nature or starting a hobby of some kind. It can also be to let go of negative patterns and get new iee´r and experiences about how everything can be. Many of you are also quite tired due to all the energies that abound in your world, so just being and resting in yourself, can be fully sufficient until you have built up enough energy again. Today you need to manage a little with yourself and go inside to listen to what is best to do right now. It is a whirling wind that travels around the Earth today with many different energies, which can be easily picked up by those who are open and sensitive. It can be very tiring, so going inside and strengthening yourself can be a necessity for many. When the balance is within you, it can also re-establish the balance in your outer world.
A lot is coming to the surface now, both from Earth and from yourselves. These can be memories, as well as physical defects, which again blossom from nowhere. See it for what it is, it’s old rubbish that came up to the surface to be seen, taken care of and then disappear. There is an incredible amount of work that is now being done by humans, both for themselves and for the Earth. There are many who work for the good of people, for the good of the animals and for the good of nature, depending on what is closest to their hearts, and is the task they feel they want to do. There is a great deal of gratitude here towards these diligent ants who only see the goal and who trample over all the adversity they have encountered along the way. Those who engage in something that they feel great passion for, they are driven by an inner motivation and inspiration that makes them invulnerable to adversity. They immediately start looking for new solutions, they fully trust their inner ability and the guidance they have, so that they will eventually reach their goal.
What are you passionate about? What is closest to your heart? Can it be something creative like painting, drawing, writing, cultivating, or can it be debating societal issues, constructing different things that are needed in a society, etc .. Anything that you feel good about, you should do now. It can be something as simple as walking on a beach and dipping your toes in the water, or sitting against a tree trunk in the woods or in a park and listening to the sounds you hear there. Everything you do as you feel good, wants to give you inspiration to feel even better, it is a godsend today. You are all worth so much more than you think you are worth.
You are worth gold, dear people on Earth, and then I mean the golden light that shines above your heads with all the love that is already you. It shines a little extra now to remind you that love is all that is, that is all that is, that is all that you are.
Great love

傳導作者:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings, Beloved Ones! We are happy to be back with you after a brief hiatus.
At this time we feel the need to speak about something quite simple. With the many complexities in the world today, we feel that simplicity might be as a breath of fresh air.
You have continually been told to go within and let your heart speak your truth. Yet you are being given extreme amounts of information concerning the future of the planet from many brilliant sources – more than has ever been told before – to the extent that the whole picture can become overwhelmingly confusing. How much can the conscious brain-mind really comprehend of all this?
It can also be difficult to process what is the ‘now’ and what is the ‘then’ – they are so strongly intertwined! Adding to the confusion is the fact that the aspect of ‘time’ is totally different between the two different time periods. Also, add to that the fact that the 3D Earth human cannot truly know something until it has been experienced — and the future 5D world has not yet been experienced by 3D Humanity.
It is encouraging that there are patches of 5D on the planet today, but that does not mean that you can now experience what the New Earth will be like after The Event has occurred. It is only when your present Humanity is in total readiness that you will be able to experience the true glory of the 5D New Earth in all her newly-created fullness… the result of your own co-creation.
In the meantime, please live as simple a life of Love and Light from deep within the heart center as is possible for you to live at this most challenging and wonderful time in the history of Mother Earth. You are indeed privileged to be here in human form, carrying out the work you came here to do — and that is just to ‘BE’… to ‘be’ a chalice and an anchor of Light and Love.
Let yourself live with the simplicity of just LETTING Life flow through you – even if understanding nothing – rather than trying to MAKE understanding or things happen. JUST ‘BE’!
We ever bless your ‘BEING’… ‘being’ the Light and Love that you already are!

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

Humanity is awakening from the deep sleep of eons, during which you have had some horrendous nightmares, and now is the time to bring an end to those seemingly endless experiences of separation and abandonment which have caused you so much pain and anguish. Life is meant to be joy-filled but, since you chose to experience separation from Mother/Father/God, that has very much of the time not been what you have encountered. Separation has been an ordeal in which you have frequently undergone intense pain, suffering, uncertainty, and fear, and now you have finally and collectively decided that enough is enough, that you will awaken and live once more in the state of joy that is Oneness with God.
All around the world now people are forming into loving support groups to assist one another in dealing with the chaos, confusion, and intense uncertainty of recent times. This coming together is a major aspect of the awakening process, because in coming together with loving intent you inevitably come to the realization that all are one, that each one of you is dependent not only on Source, and on one other, but also on the earthly environment that lovingly supports you in each moment of your human existence. Awareness of the nature of the ecosystem that is the Earth, and that makes life in form possible, has been growing for decades, and many groups worldwide are coming together in order to make their voices heard and bring to an end the wanton destruction that the industrial age has been wreaking on the planet.
This is Love in action, this is an essential aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. Be aware that you most definitely are awakening from the nightmare and illusion that has brought you so much suffering. Life is Joyful! What you experience through your egos is not. Your egos chose separation – in human terms it is a little like teenagers insisting on their independence from their parents – and found themselves feeling alone, abandoned, and totally separated from Love, from Mother/Father/God, the Source that is All That Is. This is a terrifying and ongoing experience, that you have attempted to deny, or bury out of sight out of mind, until you finally chose to let go of the guidance and direction that your egos are constantly pouring into your minds as fear, judgment, and the need to take action to protect yourselves.
The ONLY ACTION necessary is to be what you are in every moment – LOVE! Deep within your hearts you all know this Divine Truth, but when you chose to allow your egos to direct and control your thoughts, words, and actions as separated humans, those egos effectively drew a veil or dark curtain between you and Source, and you found yourselves without access to Love, your true nature.
Now, finally, awareness is growing rapidly that it is time to awaken from the dream of separation and return to living lovingly – the only way to live – in every moment. As I have said, there are signs of this magnificent awakening all across the world which are very easy to see when you stop focusing your attention on the widespread and widely reported pain suffering and conflict as the ‘stuff’ that humanity needs to collectively acknowledge, release, and forgive arises into your awareness for this purpose. Be aware of it, but do not focus on it, or make it a part of you, doing that causes you much totally unnecessary pain and suffering, thus draining you of the energy that you need to set and maintain your intent to be only loving whatever arises.
Your intent to be what You are – Love – brings immense peace and healing to all, and is why you chose to incarnate at this moment in the awakening process. No one else can do it but you, because you each have your own and individual major chosen tasks in this most wondrous event. When you doubt Source, when you doubt yourselves, when you doubt that others are truly Love, remind yourselves of your deep inner knowing – even though you doubt it – that there is only Love, Source, Mother/Father/God, YOU! There is only the ONE, and that One is LOVE!
Your loving brother, Jesus.


