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《1》天琴星指揮官-一直被談論的時間終於到了;《2》猶大Judas -永無止境的源泉(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

#AuroraRay #AnnDahlberg #NickChan

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear family of light,
You are in the midst of the last preparations for what you have known as the event. As your world is growing more chaotic with every day we want to remind you that worlds are indeed built out of chaos. This world too was once built out of the great Chaos.
The event will be a moment in time that will blast earth with photon gamma light beams coming straight out of the central sun piercing its way through every last cell of your being. This will be a moment that everyone will experience differently.
Those who did not raise their frequency, did not take care of their physical bodies, did not do the inner work, did not connect to nature, and did not connect to their higher selves will be overwhelmed by this volcano eruption of 5D frequency, metaphorically speaking.
Many, if they haven’t already until then, will exit the planet at that moment and others will experience an almost overwhelming feeling of joy and bliss like they had never imagined in their wildest dreams.
In order for this event to arrive sooner rather than later planet earth’s collective consciousness must rise and the number of awakened individuals must reach the so-called critical mass.
You all know about the tremendous timeline split that is taking place on your planet as we speak. It’s like you’re having two opposing teams competing with one another over the territory of earth.
By now it has become evident to you that there are many who will not make the shift into a higher reality with you at this time. It is clear to most at this stage of ascension that a vast portion of the surface population chooses fear over love. These individuals will not ascend at this time.
However, they are not lost. The souls exiting planet earth and transitioning will be incarnating on a version of earth that continues to play out the 3D drama. It will be as if nothing changed for them and they will be given as much time as they need to awaken, evolve, and ascend. Eventually, all will re-join together on 5D new earth.
Meanwhile, you have also realized that these beings who think, feel, live, and speak completely different than you are living in a totally different reality. This outworn 3D matrix system of control and abuse that they are so desperately clinging to is just as dense and heavy from negativity as those who keep re-creating it through believing it is the only reality.
Starseeds, do not underestimate your role on this planet!
You have come to save an entire race from going extinct. Without you, humanity would not have a chance of physical ascension. You will be the pioneers. You will be the first ones who will dwell in the fifth-dimensional reality of heaven on earth Earth.
“But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first”. Do you now understand what Yeshua meant when he spoke these words? People who played the 3D game well were always put first within the negative frequency of earth but the tide has turned. Those who were considered the black sheep of humanity are now the first to ascend in frequency and enter a new reality. Those who mastered the third-dimensional existence by fitting in perfectly into a negative and dense reality will be the last.
Keep working diligently on all your five sacred bodies. Your emotional body, your mental body, your physical body, your spiritual body, and your astral body, all shall be addressed, healed, and upgraded as the ultimate preparation for the event through which you will be catapulted into the 5D new earth reality in just a single moment of time.
Understand that the madness currently taking place on your planet is serving a divine purpose. A vast portion of the inhabitants on planet earth have chosen fear to be their primary frequency from which they operate.
Every being has free-will choice. Their souls have decided that they need more time in a negative reality in order to gather certain experiences they deemed important for their own souls’ evolutionary path.
They might make the free will choice to take an in!ection and check out from this reality leaving all higher vibrating beings behind to do the divine work of conscious evolution and ascension. Thus, they are contributing in their own way to the ascension process on earth. With fewer fear-based vibrations present on the planet the critical mass of positive vibrations can be achieved and the final event timeline accelerated.
You have volunteered to come here, to take humanity by the hand and show them that the impossible is possible indeed. You are the ones who guide others to heaven on earth as their new place of residence.And in the same way, these other more negative based beings have volunteered to surrender the territory of earth to you. They are aware that they are too immature at this time to do this massive shift and they are leaving the planet to you.
The time that has been spoken about has finally arrived.
We know that you are worried, sad, and even angry towards your world. We also know that you don’t remember it at this time but when you got your chance to come to this planet you felt as if you won the lottery -AND YOU HAVE.
Prepare all of your five sacred bodies and fear not dear ones. This is the victory of light. It is God’s plan. God always wins and you are the army of God.
We want to close our message to you today by suggesting you make the following words your daily mantra. These words will anchor your higher powers into the remains of the third-dimensional world that is falling like a house of cards:
We love you. We are here with you. We are your family of light.

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Judas and today I want you to listen really carefully to what I have to say. It is so, my dear friends, that you are facing a decision, a decision that applies to your immediate future. You can either take a big step into the bright future that you are inevitably on your way to, or you can take a detour there. Which choice you make depends on how well you are in your own heart. I am not saying that everyone needs to be, but that a large part of the population should be in their heart, for the ship to take a leap forward on a great wave of compassion and love.
How much love is in your hearts? It is enough and will be left over even to those who least deserve it, according to your way of seeing and understanding the situation. Love needs to flow on the planet today, as well as hope and faith, the trust and belief in yourself and the higher energy of wisdom and love that surrounds you. Listen inwards and follow the advice you get there, it is more important today than it has ever been in your previous lives. It is now that you need to understand which direction you are going, and it is even more important to follow that advice today than it has been before. N have your free will, dear Earthlings, use that will wisely now. Use your common sense and do everything to make you feel as good as possible. You need your strength now and you need your common sense. What does your common sense tell you to do? What is the logic of what you are doing right now? Does it make sense, or does your soul whisper to you that there is a better way to relate to this situation, or that it is better to do this in a different way. Dare to take this step that the soul shows you to go. It is for your and your fellow human beings’ sake that the soul often shows with all its hand today, the soul is eager and wants to show the path that leads to the light the fastest. The light that now shines with a clearer flame over the Earth and urges you to take it into your hearts and let the spark turn into a fire that fills you with hope, faith and love.
It is important that you hear your inner voice now, many of you can hear it clearly. Let go of fear and find the courage to follow the path that your soul whispers to you to go. This cannot be repeated often enough, because it is so important that you listen to yourself now. Mother Earth needs everyone’s clear consciousness and reason today. She needs all your love. She needs all the compassion that can be achieved between her kingdoms today. Mother Earth protects all living things that exist and have existed on Earth now and since time immemorial. Mother Earth is the love that surrounds you together with Father God, the source of all that is.
You have many who now help you to move forward to the light that lives within you. The treasure is within you, dear Earthlings, find it and your happiness is made. It will only give you joy and love. There is a well to pour out of which never ends. Listen inward and follow your own guide and you will walk the nearest road to a never-ending well of freedom and love.
May happiness and love stand by you.
Much love Judas!

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#耶穌 #約書亞 #Sananda #薩南達 #AnnDahlberg  #NickChan

《1》關於 跟隨蓋亞揚升
傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg


I am Sananda and I am here today to fulfill the promise, the promise that was given 2000 years ago about a new and better world being born here on Earth. That time is here now, dear children on Earth. It cracks and breaks when the old matrix fall apart and the new takes its place instead. The energy around Gaia is high and powerful and she no longer fits in the narrow space that the lower energy constitutes. It means dear children on Earth that the new era on Earth has started and that everything on Earth has a free choice to follow Gaia. She has invited all to follow her. Everybody has the opportunity to raise their frequency and together with her enter the light realm that is awaiting her. You have been given this opportunity because a whole planet is ascending and she loves you so much that she wants to have everybody with her – All life and all the beings that exist on your planet today and during days past. This means that everybody needs to raise their frequency so that they are in alignment with Gaia.


The light that is penetrating into Earth today opens up for this higher frequency. The dark flees from the light and quite a lot of darkness has now reached the surface and it is now being dissolved and disappears at the horizon. Many people take in the light, which also dissolves their darkness and negative experiences.
They raise their frequency and help themselves and Gaia upwards on her journey with all her creations. The more lights that are lit the more creations she can take with her. This is multiplied all the time as the light is growing at an increasing pace. There are many hearts today that feel the hope and the light in their hearts. They start to walk the path of their hearts and become more conscious of what is happening around them. Yes, that everything is not pretty as you can see, but what is beautiful is right next to you. When the love is growing in your heart the picture of what you are meeting on your path is changing. You see more love and you meet more love wherever you go. Your world is changing from grey to light. The colors are getting clearer and clearer – you have a new perspective on the world you live in.


Yes, there is much cleansing that is taking place and has been going on for some time now. Some of you have soon finished cleansing and have raised your energy so that you are in alignment with Gaia. Others have just started and are having a tough time right now, but it gets lighter and lighter. Some are feeling more harmonious and start to take one step at a time. They start to get to know their heart and are trying to feel it in for every step they take. Yes, we are a diverse people and we find ourselves at many different steps of development in life. We can now hold on to each other and help each other on the journey towards the true light. We all have a chance to get there as long as the will is there. We can choose to stay on and get more experiences and get the opportunity to ascend at another time. You are equally well loved also then and will receive the guidance and means you need for this.


Many older souls on our Earth have however chosen to ascend with Gaia and they will do so. There are many souls that already have ascended on Earth today and they help Gaia with their light whether they are conscious or not conscious about it. They will return home once their ascension is over. Yes, there is a diverse flock on Earth of both conscious and not conscious beings and they have different lights and colors. You can never know which ones it is that you are meeting, if your heart is not radiating of love and is fully open from love. It is thus best to meet all with an open mind without prejudices. You can never know what task your fellow man or woman has in the luggage and what the purpose of it is. We are all one so we either help each other on our path or the opposite. It is yourself that you are meeting and it is from yourself that you learn things together with others. You teach each other things so study situations that you find yourself in and ask what it is you can learn from this. When you understand it and take in this experience you can let it go and move on to new experiences until you have learned what you have chosen to learn. This is when the harmony comes back in your life and you are ready to open for love. Your heart leads you to the doorway of love, so listen carefully to it. It is the voice of your heart that is to be heard ever stronger now. It is our hearts that are taking over the world today.




My heart rejoices with your hearts and I look forward to our reunion soon.

Walk in peace, with your heart. I am among you and I help you now.

I send Light and Love to all hearts that are on Earth.





價值判斷的其中一個主要形式,就是這世間的疾病,你的疾病。課程這樣說道:“疾病乃是抵制真理的防衛措施”(L136 )沒錯,確實如此。



那麼,疾病究竟是怎麼來的?首先,當你在你的念頭中而不是在你的本質真相內思考,你就製造出一個衝突,你也看不出這是一個幻相,因你以為你看見的東西有價值。當你看到這具身體,並且相信它是真的,這必定是因著你早已認定了它有價值。因為課程說過,“知見是首尾一貫的。2你所見的只是反映出你的想法。3而你的想法也只反映出你決心要看到的東西。4你的價值取向是此事的決定因素,因你重視什麼,必會想要看到它,並相信你所看到的都是真的。5沒有人會看到他心靈所不重視的世界。”(W-pⅠ.130.1 :1-5 )這,就是真相。
















因此我在課程中這樣說道:“只有救恩堪稱為治療”(L 144 )如果你選擇了某種病症,不管那病症多麼輕微,如果你選擇了使用念頭的力量,想使那症狀消失,那麼事實上這表示你仍活在幻相之中,並且仍認為這幻相世界有其價值,你其實並未從衝突中解脫。如果你仍然還是不正確地將疾病的消失與內在真理的臨在等同視之,那麼,你只是看起來好似得到了解脫而已。因此要當心,在你處理疾病的時候,不要只是試圖將自己從病症中解脫出來,因那不過是將你繼續囚禁在幻相世界而已。











背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#BrendaHoffman #AnnDahlberg #NickChan

傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
We, of the Universes, wish to outline the actions that will likely overtake you the next few days.
You have comfortably cocooned for months. Even though you might have been anxious at first by forced hibernation, you adjusted and are now fairly comfortable living within certain parameters.
Those parameters are expanding for your cocoon stage is over.
Even though some of you will attempt to retain your cocoon status longer, such will not be possible. It is time to come out of your cave. Much as is true for bears and other hibernating entities.
It is time to return to a bright and shining world.
Perhaps you question that last phrase, for your world does not seem bright nor shining. Portrayals by your media and others indicate a heavy, ominous world – not at all as you expected at this time in your transition.
What you cannot yet discern is that the world is much brighter than any visuals. For the media and many leaders are pummeling you with images and other indicators of 3D fear. By doing so, they encourage you to dampen your light.
Ignore everyone but yourself. What do you wish to do? When do you wish to do it?
Your hibernation is over as naturally as is true for a hibernating bear. And just as is true for that bear, you will be a bit sleepy at first, but knowing you need to do something.
Your inner alarm clock has indicated a need to leave your secure cave. Such does not mean you will immediately grasp your new life, but you will know it is time for a change.
Your new life, your new world, is beckoning with stronger energies each moment. Your alarm clock is about to ring.
Those of you awakening to an alarm clock each morning are not necessarily awake at the first sound. Your need to prepare for the day arouses you as you move forward from dressing to attending the activities you planned.
So it is you might feel a bit groggy when your inner alarm clock rings, but you will soon shift into action. For your new you activities are as preplanned as is true for attending classes or your work-a-day world.
When your internal alarm rings, you may wonder what and where for a few moments or even days. You will then automatically move into the pattern of activity you determined prior to your hibernation. Like a butterfly flying from its cocoon. Do you suppose the caterpillar understands that its being will shift from a ground creature to a soaring beauty? How does that butterfly know what it’s supposed to do once it leaves the cocoon? So it is for you. Your awakening was preprogrammed by you, for you.
You may need a few moments or days to clear the sleep from your eyes only to fly into your new world – whatever that means for you.
Perhaps it is interacting with neighbors, creating new structural concepts, or joining a beyond 3D pod of interest. Whatever you decide, you will be shifting from ground creature to a beautiful flying universal entity – the beginnings of implementing your new Universal puzzle piece.
Your hibernation is not over because we, of the Universes, say it is, but because it is time for your inner alarm clock to ring.
Shake off your foggy head and prepare for your new day in a new world. An outer global exploration filled with excitement similar to the excitement you felt your first day of school or a new job – without the expected 3D fear.
Look out, world, here you are! So be it. Amen.

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan 

I am Judas and today I want to talk a little about what it is like to be human here on Earth. But we know that, you think now, although there is nothing small but .. You have walked this Earth for thousands of years and you go from the small to the big. What do I mean by that? I mean you have been through countless transformations in your consciousness. Your understanding of yourself and the earth you live on has reached unimaginable heights. You are now in the quantum energy and things are starting to fall into place so that you will have a complete understanding of how everything works in the universe. You have now come a long way from a spiritual perspective, but the spiritual aspect needs to take a larger place in your consciousness if you are to get a completely clear picture of how everything interacts. It is impossible to distinguish one from the other. The invisible is much more powerful than the visible. The visible would not exist if the invisible did not exist. It is together with a greater force in the universe that everything manifests itself in the way it does today. It is in cooperation with this power that you grow in your consciousness. However, you must not forget that you have a free will, a will to go at the pace that you yourself choose to go. If you want to stay where you are, you have the opportunity to do so, and if you want to advance and step up a step, you can do it. The latter can, however, give you challenges, so that you can reach the awareness you desire.
In today’s society, many have chosen a little more challenges as they want to raise their awareness in step with the Earth because the Earth itself has now chosen to ascend into a higher sphere of light.
There has always been a development on Earth, it has gone from darkness to light, although in some places and eras it has been brighter with a clearer consciousness. The big difference now is that the whole Earth will become light with a clearer consciousness, together with everything and everyone who is currently feeding on it. The whole Earth must in its entirety ascend into a higher sphere of light and she takes everything and everyone with her who wants to ascend with her. It is a time of joy and gladness, the universe eagerly awaits to welcome the Earth into the light again.
It is this moment that you are working for, dear Jordbor, it is this goal that is your big goal today. The small goal is for you to increase your own awareness so that it is in line with Mother Earth, so that you can become the helper to Earth, as you are now meant to be. You can not skip the step where it concerns yourself, you must follow your own source, to be able to keep up with the Earth’s now somewhat turbulent development.
Dear Earthlings, listen to your soul and follow the guidance that is within you. Take time to search, take time to find your inner treasure of love and wisdom. It is there, it is waiting for you, you all have a task to fulfill during the hectic time that the Earth is now in.
Be wise, be wise and follow your inner leadership in the first place and let everything else come in the second place, that is important now. We strengthen your inner intuition and urge you to be able to achieve the goals you have once decided to achieve. The time is now, my dear friends, there is no other time than now. Stop today and listen… let the art of listening be your big goal today. The great light and the great love are waiting for you behind that door.
The responsive one can effortlessly open it piece by piece. With an open door, you are a perfect servant of the light and the earth that you love.
Great love

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


【麥基洗得、 抹大拉的瑪麗亞、加百利】
譯者:Nick Chan、Amber
#NatalieGlasson #AnnDahlberg #SHELLEYYOUNG #Amber #NickChan

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson

Abundance in Its True Form | Lord Melchizedek via Natalie Glasson

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I am Lord Melchizedek greetings and welcome to all beings, I extend my light, truth, and my love, I am Lord Melchizedek. I am a collective energy and yet you may see me as a single source, a source of light that oversees the Universal Level and brings forth wisdom, love, knowledge, and the divine plan from the Creator. It is an honor to be in your presence today and I wish to speak of abundance, abundance in its true form.

問候,我是麥基洗得,歡迎所有存有們,我奉行我的光明,真理和愛,我是麥基洗得。 我是集體的能量,但你可能會認為我是一個單一的來源,是監督普遍水平並帶來造物主的智慧,愛,知識和神聖計畫的光源。 今天能來到在你面前感到榮幸,我謹以真實的形式談論豐盛。 

What Is Abundance?什麼是豐盛

You may be able to clarify what abundance is within your reality as different products or objects, experiences, or situations that you might have or wish to have. These are known as creations, abundance can be known as creations, the creations that you recognize in your reality.

Abundance is the product of creations, the manifestation of your creations. Now abundance is so much more than this because if it is creations, it also is energy, thoughts, feelings, perspectives, and beliefs. In truth abundance is who you are, everything that you create, and everything that draws certain scenarios and outcomes into your reality. You are the energy of abundance, you are the essence of abundance, the form, and the experience of abundance. You are the one who creates abundance in your reality through your body, being, energy body, soul, thoughts, emotions, and your intentions.

Therefore, you are abundance.

As we again ask what abundance is, we recognize that abundance is a frequency and energy, a sensation, a flash of light or a sound, anything that is the Creator because the energy of abundance flows from the Creator. You are the Creator; you hold within your being and express the vibrations of the Creator, and your body like a machine creates.

You receive and embody the energy of abundance and your body like a well-oiled machine creates this abundance. You can recognize abundance in all areas of your reality maybe spring flowers blossoming, or maybe leaves growing upon the trees, ore children laughing as they pass you by. Abundance in those forms may seem impersonal because it may seem as if it does not belong to you and that it belongs to others, it belongs to the flowers, the trees, the children. However, you created that abundance, you created that you were present to experience the abundance, therefore you are in co-creation of the abundance and yes, you can claim that as abundance in your reality.

How Does Abundance Make You Feel?

If you imagine yourself experiencing the flow of abundance through your being, allowing it to manifest within your reality. What would you feel? Would you feel complete, would you feel full, would you feel delighted, overjoyed, excited? You may say that these feelings are only because you are experiencing abundance, however, these feelings are the abundance itself. If you manifest money for yourself and this money allows you to do whatever you need to do in your reality, you have beautiful, delightful feelings within you.

Is the money the abundance or are those feelings within your being the abundant energy?

It is an interesting question. We could say that both are abundance, the money is the abundant energy in form and the feelings, the delight, the joy, are the abundant energy flowing through your being, expressed through your body and your being. However, you can create the money, the abundance and maybe not have those abundant feelings within your being as maybe the money does not fulfil you. You can create those feelings within your being without the money. Therefore, we can recognize that the true abundance are the feelings within your being and yes, it can manifest into forms that fill you with delight. You can create abundance within your being, the feelings, sensation, and experience of abundance without the outer objects, experiences, situations.


What Is The True Form Of Abundance?

If these emotions, energies, experience within your being are recognized as abundance of which you are the creation or creator of these abundant feelings. This signifies you are the energy of abundance. Every cell, thought, energy body of your being is the energy of abundance.

This means you can access the energy of abundance whenever you want. You can access it always if you wish and it also means your inner experience is so important, more so than your outer experience, your experience within you will impact your outer experience.

It is so important to cultivate those inner vibrations, intentions, feelings, and thoughts, to create abundance, aligning with the abundant nature of your being. It is as if you have so many different coats to where, you could wear the coat of love or the coat of abundance, the coat of peace and it is all your choosing. You can wear them all at once if you create within you peace, love, abundance then it will automatically manifests into your reality.

If You Are Creating Within You A World Of Abundance What Does This Look Like?

An inner world of abundance could be described as self-love, loving thoughts, forgiveness, truth, honesty, peace, harmony with oneself and supporting yourself.

A inner world of abundance could be nourishing yourself, energetically and physically with nourishing food, nourishing exercise, nourishing thoughts and nourishing feelings. It is all about creating your inner world as a place of abundance and the greatest energy you can give yourself is forgiveness.

As you dissolve disagreement within your being, dissolving blame, dissolving any form of harm thus you begin to align with your true nature, the vibration of the Creator that you are. Your inner world becomes harmonious, it becomes abundant, and you feel within every aspect of your being that you are abundant. You are the energy of abundance. Thus, you recognize that you are whole, that you are complete, you are fulfilled, that you are aligned and connected with the Creator. You are the Creator.

Within your being there is no need to want for anything. When you meditate and focus your energy within you, do you lack things? Do you feel that you need things? If this is the case then call upon healing, you may call upon me, Lord Melchizedek and my Universal Medical Healing Team or the Universal Healing Team.

Ask us to fulfill you so that lack and hurt dissolve so that you experience a vibration where your inner world becomes so abundant, loving, and peaceful that you enjoy being in meditation. You enjoy gazing at yourself in the mirror, you enjoy who you are when you are with other people, you enjoy who you are when you are alone. Thus, you become an overflowing fountain of abundance, a fountain that gives abundant energy and the Creator’s love and peace and harmony to all beings and everything.

This is abundance in its true form, it is eternal forever and continuous. This is what I, Lord Melchizedek, wish to share with you because it is so important now and will create such healing across the entire world and within your being. The more you can be in a space of peace, abundance, and love within your being the easier your reality will be, the more you will be able to create what you want.

Take time to contemplate the true form of abundance, you may explore deeper. When you connect with the energy of the abundance of the Creator know it is your true form, you are an expression of abundant energy and you can create whatever you wish.

Your inner world requires to be abundant and nourished before you recognize it in your outer world.

I thank you,
I am Lord Melchizedek


抹大拉的瑪麗亞Mary Magdalene信息:
傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan 

I am Mary Magdalene and I am here today to make you remember that you are one with the divine, that your Holy Grail is within you. It is a great revival that is now moving across the earth. People wake up from their deep sleep and discover that they have a different reality within them than the one they see in what happens on the outside. They begin to question their truths, the truths of others, and the truths that appear in the media. What is really true? This can be a little confusing at first, but the more often you search for the truth within yourself, the clearer and clearer the picture becomes. There is only one truth and you carry that truth with you from life to life. You are your own truth. “I am the way, the truth, and the life” were Jesus’ words and the same applies to you. You are the way, the truth and the life and these words will soon be revealed to you, as you search for the truth that rests deep within you. Love can be a short word for it, but love should really be a long word because it includes so much. It encompasses your entire Earth and all the beings that are in, on and around it. Love permeates everything that exists in the entire universe, it is the origin of all life, all manifestations of life, and of the transformation that is now taking place on Earth.
It is the energy of love that is transforming the Earth today. There is always a common thread of love in everything that happens. It can be seen in the extended perspective but can be difficult to see in the short term. Everyone is filled with what is happening right now and can only process one piece at a time. This is how it has looked in the world, but this is now starting to change when you get a deeper look at what is happening within yourself. A new and deeper understanding emerges about what is the meaning of life and how I myself can relate to the life I live. You begin to see your own development and have realized that it has been a long journey, a journey that is now beginning to come to an end, where you leave a heavier energy for a lighter and brighter. Your steps now become more purposeful, you see your goal and your choices become more conscious, because you know what it is that leads you forward. You understand that it is love that you need to take in and open up to in your heart. It is with love that you should look at yourself, your neighbor, and the world you live in, that is when a really big change can happen and it is happening right now within you.
Beloved children, everything happens first within you before you can see it outside of you. The changes you see in the exterior, you have already discovered in your interior. If not, you will not see them. Do you understand the logic of awakening now, dear friends, you need to wake up to see what is real and the transformation that the Earth and you yourself are in. There are many alarm clocks, you wake up on several occasions before you turn off the clock to finally rise. It is a process of slowly waking up to a higher and higher consciousness to finally appear at the gate of light, where Christ meets and leads you into the kingdom of love and light. An era has come to an end and a new one has begun. The kingdom of love and light is the kingdom that is now waiting for you, dear children on Earth. A kingdom that also exists within you. It is the fruit of the good thoughts and deeds that surround you. It is the pursuit of love and compassion that has now begun to make itself known in the world. It is the energy of love that strengthens the longing to give and receive more love. It spreads its seeds everywhere on Earth today and the seeds attach themselves everywhere and start to grow and grow and grow… they grow fast because they often end up in good soil, soil that has received a lot of nutrition.
It is so, dear friends, that everything happens so much faster today, when you already have so much experience and are receptive to a higher energy of light, a light that you water abundantly, because you thirst for love and a new way of seeing on yourself and the world around you. You have grown out of the old and outdated and have begun to make room for something completely new. A new way of seeing, a new way of thinking, a greater understanding of how everything belongs together, and that you are a part of everything.
With these words I leave you now, beloved children, for this time.
Great love, Mary Magdalene.

譯者:Nick Chan 

If things become a little overwhelming, we have some very simple advice for you. Treat yourself like a tree.
Imagine your roots going into the earth below you. Face the sun and absorb the loving sustenance it provides. Hydrate yourself, not just a bit, but to the level you know is for your optimal wellness. Allow the wind to move over you, to caress and cleanse you. You might even want to hug yourself!
These basics will adjust your energy beautifully and provide you everything you need to ground into your Now moment with your ancient wisdom and self care, while embodying the energy of receiving and becoming one with the whole through your beingness. When you don’t know what to do, treat yourself like a tree. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, acceptance doesn’t mean you are committing to stay in energies that are not your preference. Quite the opposite! Acceptance means you are choosing to not use your energy to continue to engage with the unwanted through resistance. Acceptance is being willing to keep moving with the flow, embodying your faith and trust, secure in the knowledge it is all serving you in one way or another. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many of you think you must spend hours in contemplation, prayer, or meditation in order to connect with us, so you put it off until you have more time. Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the truth!
You don’t need a lot of time to connect. Any amount of time you are willing to align with us is adequate. We will gladly work with any window of opportunity you provide, no matter how small it is. In fact, we are very adept at making the most of such opportune moments.
Please don’t deny yourself the love and support that is always available to you because of a misconception about time. Incorporate us into your day, whenever it works for you, and we will joyfully meet you there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many of you are far more comfortable with giving than receiving. Today we encourage you to grow and expanding your willingness to receive. Say yes to help. Breathe in deeply. Acknowledge your worthiness. Receive compliments gracefully. Open your heart to truly feel the love and support that has always existed for you! A heartfelt thank you is all that is required to shift into the joy of receiving. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#耶穌 #約書亞 #Sananda #薩南達 #VictoriaCorachene # AnnDahlberg

傳導作者:Victoria Corachene











我是薩南達,今天我來點亮你心中的光。現在已經到達地球的是一種非常強大的光能量,你可能需要一些幫助來吸收到你的身體裡。你可能需要一點一點地吸收。這是我今天要來幫助的,如果你覺得你需要幫助把光吸入你身體裡,請召喚我。有很多的合一存有與我在一起,他們很樂意提供幫助。你所有的指導者和導靈者也樂於服務。現在到達地球的是神性意識之光- 有人稱之為基督意識。


靜心一段時間,然後收到它,你的生命將變得輕鬆自在。你會覺得彷彿能在雲端行走- 你只想跑,笑,唱歌。你的頭腦會變得神清氣爽,你將看到世界上所有可能存在的。沒有什麼是不可能的。在意識之光中,一切都變得如此容易。你應該為地球上所有的孩子感到驕傲,因為他們在地球上已經降低了的光的意識。它是存在於宇宙中有史以來最純粹、最美麗的光。神的恩典今天照耀著地球,所以你們要向神表達敬意,感謝祂所賜給你們的祝福。







#JohnSmallman #AnnDahlberg #MEETSHELLEYYOUNG #NickChan

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

The momentous event – Humanity’s Collective Awakening – for which you have all been waiting with with such hope is very close. Let go of your doubts and continue to reset your intent to be only loving, whatever may arise throughout the day, every day, because it is extremely effective and powerful, and it is what you incarnated to do. Truly, you are on a roll, despite what the MSM and SM are shouting out so vociferously. The present world news is very unsettling and disturbing because it seems that governmental organizations and very large businesses are intent on removing your divine right to your own sovereignty, they are doing this by attempting, most authoritatively and illegally, to increase the myriad numbers of rules and restrictions on your freedom to interact with one another in any way that you may choose. This will not succeed!
You are, always have been, and always will be, Sovereign beings, One with Source. There is no way that can ever change because there is only the One in its infinite vastness, to which every strand or field of consciousness is eternally interconnected. There has been NO SEPARATION from Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, which is ALL that exists. The apparent separation that consciousness in form has been experiencing for eons is and was completely unreal, and the collective field of consciousness in which you chose to experience it has now chosen to bring it to a close, and to awaken into Reality, into full awareness of your eternal Oneness.
You are and always have been fully aware divine Beings, because that is Source, that is ALL that exists. What Mother/Father/God creates is perfect and eternal, no other form of creation is possible. What you have been experiencing for eons is unreal, a dream or a nightmare, an illusion that your egos invented that has seemingly, and only seemingly, separated each one of you from each other and from Source. The thought or concept of being separate is terrifying to your egos, and in order to live within this state of fear they constructed multiple personalities in which you could attempt to hide from that fear or conquer it. None of these schemes could possibly work, and so your egos tried to build or construct even more unsatisfactory and unworkable solutions to problems that do not exist, causing you increasing pain, suffering, and terror, which also had to be deeply buried away from your conscious awareness, while you distracted yourselves with grandiose plans for controlling the Earth and its totally integrated ecosystems.
Now a large enough proportion of humanity has become aware of the essential need for you to massively change your egotistical and extremely competitive attitudes and behaviors so that you can make the totally meaningful choice to awaken into the full awareness that there is only Source. Initially this involves recognizing the insanity of attempting to split off parts of yourselves into separated and independent aspects – egos – that can think and act independently of the One. This is occurring now to billions of you all over the world, but of course, having been steeped in this unreal and non-existent state for so long, enormous doubts are arising – STUFF – of an emotional, scientific, philosophical, and theological nature, initially intensifying your doubts and anxieties: “Have we truly been totally wrong, misled, misguided, insane in our approach to life for all these eons? Is it really possible that we have been so horribly confused that we have been following nonsensical paths in the desperate hope to discover Source outside ourselves and then be taken Home to It?”
The answer to that is a resounding NO! It has been and is UNREAL. Now you are beginning to awaken to this, and although unsettling, maybe extremely so, it is also inspiring, uplifting, and filling you with Hope in God. Totally and completely justified hope. All around you, if you choose to look, you can see powerful indications of this, nothing is hidden from you, you have just been choosing not to see, not to become aware.
That has changed! Your are removing your blinkers, you are letting go of your fixed and extremely limiting age old belief systems and allowing yourselves to look beyond the severely limiting constraints of your minds, to the Presence in this NOW moment – the only Now – Source, which you Know is where your eternal Oneness abides in eternal joy.
Therefore, REJOICE! There is only Love, Source, and infinite eternal Joy – You KNOW this! All you need to do is to open your hearts – the center of your physical forms – and allow It to embrace and envelop you, and It WILL!
With so very much love, Saul.

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan 

I’m Judas and today I have some things to say to you. First of all, I want to make you aware that it is within yourself that a change must first take place. It is as we have said before … that it is in the light of yourselves that a change can take place, in your inner as well as in your outer world. It is in love for yourselves, for each other, for the earth on which you live, that change can take place in the way you desire and believe. You create a change in love, because the energy of love is a penetrating energy on Earth today. You who use that energy will see your creations being manifested in a faster and more efficient way than has previously been possible. It is now time, dear people on Earth, to create only new in light and love for one’s neighbor. It is when we do something for others that we feel best. The joy in your brother’s or sister’s face is the joy that gives you double joy. Many people are now experiencing this and they are beginning to realize what is important in life. Life is first and foremost about giving, one gives the other, but it is giving that is the primary thing in everything we do. This is when the wind turns and caresses our heads, this is when the children play and laugh while they happily try to catch the wind and its whimsical arts. It is then that we share everything between us and sing to the song of the wind that brings this song to all corners of the Earth. That is when happiness begins to smile at people again and they stretch out their hands in gratitude, because they now understand that generosity and love go hand in hand. It is impossible to distinguish one from the other.
Now think, dear Earthlings, that we share the Earth’s resources, you see that everyone gets what they need, and you then see that suffering will soon become a memory only from previous epochs of ignorance and ignorance. It is about development, dear friends, an inner development of compassion and love and that is where the Earth and humanity are now heading. It’s getting faster and faster and what happened yesterday can be something completely new today. Development cannot be stopped, it affects the whole Earth today. It is a development that affects the awareness of yourself, the Earth, other people and the world as it looks today. Everything interacts and drives development forward in different ways. It cannot stagnate, it is driven by the light that is within and around you. The fate of the Earth is now to rise into the light and the same applies to you, dear Earthlings. It may look dark in some places, but it is only remnants of the darkness that the Earth and you yourself have created over the millennia that have passed. They have now come to the surface to be seen, cut and released for a higher perspective that is now making its mark on Earth. Some have begun to embrace the higher perspective, and they have begun to sow completely different seeds on Earth. This group grows stronger from day to day and some of their seeds have taken root and started to germinate. They have now become visible and can influence others, who in turn can gain a greater perspective on the life they live. It can lead to them starting to re-evaluate their lives and releasing some of their old values to give the higher perspective of love and compassion a bigger place.
Humans are now changing at an ever faster pace everywhere on Earth today. The light reaches more and more hearts. You are in the center of events of good and evil, but the good takes more and more place in your hearts today.
Be in good spirits, dear Earthlings, you are doing a fantastic job with yourselves and you can soon see that it will give a response in the world that you have created. You are now creating a new world of light, love and freedom.
Great love

譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear Ones, more and more you are being redirected back into your Now moment. You may experience this as not knowing what your next steps are or how to proceed. While this may seem frustrating to you, it is actually serving you in a very profound way. It is causing you to focus on the only thing you do know for sure, which is your present moment.
The present moment is your power base. It is where all your future moments are born from. It is the womb of all creation.
So rather than resist, why not explore your Now moment. (We capitalize it because it is sacred.) What is working for you, right now? What have you already created masterfully? What are you grateful for? Can you take the gift of the spaciousness that occurs as you surrender into your Now moment and breathe it in with gratitude? What is your next natural, highest step from there? What is supported or calling you right now? If you still don’t know, settle into your beingness and know that is more than enough.
Your presence is a skill that the times you are in are helping to hone. It will serve you well, not just for your todays, but also for your tomorrows because it is through your presence that you can practice gratitude, use your positive focus, and acknowledge your own mastery, all of which are elements that work together to steer your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
We spoke yesterday of the importance of presence and how it works as your power centre and a tool for gratitude, flow, and creation. We wish to expand upon that message today.
Many of you have lives that are incredibly busy. You rush from one thing to another, always focusing ahead upon what needs to be done next. If your life has been slowed down by the pandemic, you might be feeling resistant to the Now moment and the changes that have been thrust upon you. Being solely focused on the future (or the past) will take you out of the gift of your present moment.
Your presence allows you to get acquainted with yourself again. It lets you identify who you really are and what your preferences are. This allows you to connect with your pure essence, which is the energetic space you wish to create from. Please hear us when we say you are always creating but your conscious creations are far more satisfying than your unconscious creations can ever be because they are in response to your latest preferences and expression of self.
Your presence is a skill just like any other, that you can nurture and grow. Pause. Breathe. Explore your Now moment for its many gifts and ways it serves you. If you have trouble remembering to be present, you might even set presence alerts on your phone to gently remind you.
處於當下是一種能力,你可以去培養和發展。暫停。呼吸。探索當下,因為它有很多禮物和服務你的 方式。如果你有麻煩,記得處於當下,你可以設置備忘錄來提醒自己
So many of you have been conditioned to keep looking into the future for the next great thing. We invite you to dive into the exploration of your Now moment and you might just be surprised at how rich your world has been all along, and once that realization is made you open the door for even greater discoveries. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, your full presence with others is such a loving, supportive gift. When people feel truly seen and honoured in their truth and beingness, they feel acknowledged and accepted. Five minutes of full presence with another is worth more than a full day of distracted time together. Love others enough to be fully with them in the Now moment and you will see your relationships bloom, because your presence will be met with their presence, and from there profound connection can occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


#AnnDahlberg #BethStormont #JohnSmallman #NickChan

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg 
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Judas and today I just want to send a greeting to all the people of the world who are staying on Earth today. It is a challenging time for many of you, but you are growing incredibly much in strength and power. You begin to realize that it is together in small or large groups that a lot can happen and that this is when you can make your voices heard. It is when you work for peace and love for all the people around you that your voices get a creative sound and there are more who listen. There was little about it.
It is good if you follow your heart and take the steps that it whispers to you to do. Several of you work with yourself both physically and mentally. It can be things like changing your diet, moving more in nature or starting a hobby of some kind. It can also be to let go of negative patterns and get new iee´r and experiences about how everything can be. Many of you are also quite tired due to all the energies that abound in your world, so just being and resting in yourself, can be fully sufficient until you have built up enough energy again. Today you need to manage a little with yourself and go inside to listen to what is best to do right now. It is a whirling wind that travels around the Earth today with many different energies, which can be easily picked up by those who are open and sensitive. It can be very tiring, so going inside and strengthening yourself can be a necessity for many. When the balance is within you, it can also re-establish the balance in your outer world.
A lot is coming to the surface now, both from Earth and from yourselves. These can be memories, as well as physical defects, which again blossom from nowhere. See it for what it is, it’s old rubbish that came up to the surface to be seen, taken care of and then disappear. There is an incredible amount of work that is now being done by humans, both for themselves and for the Earth. There are many who work for the good of people, for the good of the animals and for the good of nature, depending on what is closest to their hearts, and is the task they feel they want to do. There is a great deal of gratitude here towards these diligent ants who only see the goal and who trample over all the adversity they have encountered along the way. Those who engage in something that they feel great passion for, they are driven by an inner motivation and inspiration that makes them invulnerable to adversity. They immediately start looking for new solutions, they fully trust their inner ability and the guidance they have, so that they will eventually reach their goal.
What are you passionate about? What is closest to your heart? Can it be something creative like painting, drawing, writing, cultivating, or can it be debating societal issues, constructing different things that are needed in a society, etc .. Anything that you feel good about, you should do now. It can be something as simple as walking on a beach and dipping your toes in the water, or sitting against a tree trunk in the woods or in a park and listening to the sounds you hear there. Everything you do as you feel good, wants to give you inspiration to feel even better, it is a godsend today. You are all worth so much more than you think you are worth.
You are worth gold, dear people on Earth, and then I mean the golden light that shines above your heads with all the love that is already you. It shines a little extra now to remind you that love is all that is, that is all that is, that is all that you are.
Great love

傳導作者:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings, Beloved Ones! We are happy to be back with you after a brief hiatus.
At this time we feel the need to speak about something quite simple. With the many complexities in the world today, we feel that simplicity might be as a breath of fresh air.
You have continually been told to go within and let your heart speak your truth. Yet you are being given extreme amounts of information concerning the future of the planet from many brilliant sources – more than has ever been told before – to the extent that the whole picture can become overwhelmingly confusing. How much can the conscious brain-mind really comprehend of all this?
It can also be difficult to process what is the ‘now’ and what is the ‘then’ – they are so strongly intertwined! Adding to the confusion is the fact that the aspect of ‘time’ is totally different between the two different time periods. Also, add to that the fact that the 3D Earth human cannot truly know something until it has been experienced — and the future 5D world has not yet been experienced by 3D Humanity.
It is encouraging that there are patches of 5D on the planet today, but that does not mean that you can now experience what the New Earth will be like after The Event has occurred. It is only when your present Humanity is in total readiness that you will be able to experience the true glory of the 5D New Earth in all her newly-created fullness… the result of your own co-creation.
In the meantime, please live as simple a life of Love and Light from deep within the heart center as is possible for you to live at this most challenging and wonderful time in the history of Mother Earth. You are indeed privileged to be here in human form, carrying out the work you came here to do — and that is just to ‘BE’… to ‘be’ a chalice and an anchor of Light and Love.
Let yourself live with the simplicity of just LETTING Life flow through you – even if understanding nothing – rather than trying to MAKE understanding or things happen. JUST ‘BE’!
We ever bless your ‘BEING’… ‘being’ the Light and Love that you already are!

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

Humanity is awakening from the deep sleep of eons, during which you have had some horrendous nightmares, and now is the time to bring an end to those seemingly endless experiences of separation and abandonment which have caused you so much pain and anguish. Life is meant to be joy-filled but, since you chose to experience separation from Mother/Father/God, that has very much of the time not been what you have encountered. Separation has been an ordeal in which you have frequently undergone intense pain, suffering, uncertainty, and fear, and now you have finally and collectively decided that enough is enough, that you will awaken and live once more in the state of joy that is Oneness with God.
All around the world now people are forming into loving support groups to assist one another in dealing with the chaos, confusion, and intense uncertainty of recent times. This coming together is a major aspect of the awakening process, because in coming together with loving intent you inevitably come to the realization that all are one, that each one of you is dependent not only on Source, and on one other, but also on the earthly environment that lovingly supports you in each moment of your human existence. Awareness of the nature of the ecosystem that is the Earth, and that makes life in form possible, has been growing for decades, and many groups worldwide are coming together in order to make their voices heard and bring to an end the wanton destruction that the industrial age has been wreaking on the planet.
This is Love in action, this is an essential aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. Be aware that you most definitely are awakening from the nightmare and illusion that has brought you so much suffering. Life is Joyful! What you experience through your egos is not. Your egos chose separation – in human terms it is a little like teenagers insisting on their independence from their parents – and found themselves feeling alone, abandoned, and totally separated from Love, from Mother/Father/God, the Source that is All That Is. This is a terrifying and ongoing experience, that you have attempted to deny, or bury out of sight out of mind, until you finally chose to let go of the guidance and direction that your egos are constantly pouring into your minds as fear, judgment, and the need to take action to protect yourselves.
The ONLY ACTION necessary is to be what you are in every moment – LOVE! Deep within your hearts you all know this Divine Truth, but when you chose to allow your egos to direct and control your thoughts, words, and actions as separated humans, those egos effectively drew a veil or dark curtain between you and Source, and you found yourselves without access to Love, your true nature.
Now, finally, awareness is growing rapidly that it is time to awaken from the dream of separation and return to living lovingly – the only way to live – in every moment. As I have said, there are signs of this magnificent awakening all across the world which are very easy to see when you stop focusing your attention on the widespread and widely reported pain suffering and conflict as the ‘stuff’ that humanity needs to collectively acknowledge, release, and forgive arises into your awareness for this purpose. Be aware of it, but do not focus on it, or make it a part of you, doing that causes you much totally unnecessary pain and suffering, thus draining you of the energy that you need to set and maintain your intent to be only loving whatever arises.
Your intent to be what You are – Love – brings immense peace and healing to all, and is why you chose to incarnate at this moment in the awakening process. No one else can do it but you, because you each have your own and individual major chosen tasks in this most wondrous event. When you doubt Source, when you doubt yourselves, when you doubt that others are truly Love, remind yourselves of your deep inner knowing – even though you doubt it – that there is only Love, Source, Mother/Father/God, YOU! There is only the ONE, and that One is LOVE!
Your loving brother, Jesus.