

#JohnSmallman #AnnDahlberg #MEETSHELLEYYOUNG #NickChan

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

The momentous event – Humanity’s Collective Awakening – for which you have all been waiting with with such hope is very close. Let go of your doubts and continue to reset your intent to be only loving, whatever may arise throughout the day, every day, because it is extremely effective and powerful, and it is what you incarnated to do. Truly, you are on a roll, despite what the MSM and SM are shouting out so vociferously. The present world news is very unsettling and disturbing because it seems that governmental organizations and very large businesses are intent on removing your divine right to your own sovereignty, they are doing this by attempting, most authoritatively and illegally, to increase the myriad numbers of rules and restrictions on your freedom to interact with one another in any way that you may choose. This will not succeed!
You are, always have been, and always will be, Sovereign beings, One with Source. There is no way that can ever change because there is only the One in its infinite vastness, to which every strand or field of consciousness is eternally interconnected. There has been NO SEPARATION from Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, which is ALL that exists. The apparent separation that consciousness in form has been experiencing for eons is and was completely unreal, and the collective field of consciousness in which you chose to experience it has now chosen to bring it to a close, and to awaken into Reality, into full awareness of your eternal Oneness.
You are and always have been fully aware divine Beings, because that is Source, that is ALL that exists. What Mother/Father/God creates is perfect and eternal, no other form of creation is possible. What you have been experiencing for eons is unreal, a dream or a nightmare, an illusion that your egos invented that has seemingly, and only seemingly, separated each one of you from each other and from Source. The thought or concept of being separate is terrifying to your egos, and in order to live within this state of fear they constructed multiple personalities in which you could attempt to hide from that fear or conquer it. None of these schemes could possibly work, and so your egos tried to build or construct even more unsatisfactory and unworkable solutions to problems that do not exist, causing you increasing pain, suffering, and terror, which also had to be deeply buried away from your conscious awareness, while you distracted yourselves with grandiose plans for controlling the Earth and its totally integrated ecosystems.
Now a large enough proportion of humanity has become aware of the essential need for you to massively change your egotistical and extremely competitive attitudes and behaviors so that you can make the totally meaningful choice to awaken into the full awareness that there is only Source. Initially this involves recognizing the insanity of attempting to split off parts of yourselves into separated and independent aspects – egos – that can think and act independently of the One. This is occurring now to billions of you all over the world, but of course, having been steeped in this unreal and non-existent state for so long, enormous doubts are arising – STUFF – of an emotional, scientific, philosophical, and theological nature, initially intensifying your doubts and anxieties: “Have we truly been totally wrong, misled, misguided, insane in our approach to life for all these eons? Is it really possible that we have been so horribly confused that we have been following nonsensical paths in the desperate hope to discover Source outside ourselves and then be taken Home to It?”
The answer to that is a resounding NO! It has been and is UNREAL. Now you are beginning to awaken to this, and although unsettling, maybe extremely so, it is also inspiring, uplifting, and filling you with Hope in God. Totally and completely justified hope. All around you, if you choose to look, you can see powerful indications of this, nothing is hidden from you, you have just been choosing not to see, not to become aware.
That has changed! Your are removing your blinkers, you are letting go of your fixed and extremely limiting age old belief systems and allowing yourselves to look beyond the severely limiting constraints of your minds, to the Presence in this NOW moment – the only Now – Source, which you Know is where your eternal Oneness abides in eternal joy.
Therefore, REJOICE! There is only Love, Source, and infinite eternal Joy – You KNOW this! All you need to do is to open your hearts – the center of your physical forms – and allow It to embrace and envelop you, and It WILL!
With so very much love, Saul.

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan 

I’m Judas and today I have some things to say to you. First of all, I want to make you aware that it is within yourself that a change must first take place. It is as we have said before … that it is in the light of yourselves that a change can take place, in your inner as well as in your outer world. It is in love for yourselves, for each other, for the earth on which you live, that change can take place in the way you desire and believe. You create a change in love, because the energy of love is a penetrating energy on Earth today. You who use that energy will see your creations being manifested in a faster and more efficient way than has previously been possible. It is now time, dear people on Earth, to create only new in light and love for one’s neighbor. It is when we do something for others that we feel best. The joy in your brother’s or sister’s face is the joy that gives you double joy. Many people are now experiencing this and they are beginning to realize what is important in life. Life is first and foremost about giving, one gives the other, but it is giving that is the primary thing in everything we do. This is when the wind turns and caresses our heads, this is when the children play and laugh while they happily try to catch the wind and its whimsical arts. It is then that we share everything between us and sing to the song of the wind that brings this song to all corners of the Earth. That is when happiness begins to smile at people again and they stretch out their hands in gratitude, because they now understand that generosity and love go hand in hand. It is impossible to distinguish one from the other.
Now think, dear Earthlings, that we share the Earth’s resources, you see that everyone gets what they need, and you then see that suffering will soon become a memory only from previous epochs of ignorance and ignorance. It is about development, dear friends, an inner development of compassion and love and that is where the Earth and humanity are now heading. It’s getting faster and faster and what happened yesterday can be something completely new today. Development cannot be stopped, it affects the whole Earth today. It is a development that affects the awareness of yourself, the Earth, other people and the world as it looks today. Everything interacts and drives development forward in different ways. It cannot stagnate, it is driven by the light that is within and around you. The fate of the Earth is now to rise into the light and the same applies to you, dear Earthlings. It may look dark in some places, but it is only remnants of the darkness that the Earth and you yourself have created over the millennia that have passed. They have now come to the surface to be seen, cut and released for a higher perspective that is now making its mark on Earth. Some have begun to embrace the higher perspective, and they have begun to sow completely different seeds on Earth. This group grows stronger from day to day and some of their seeds have taken root and started to germinate. They have now become visible and can influence others, who in turn can gain a greater perspective on the life they live. It can lead to them starting to re-evaluate their lives and releasing some of their old values to give the higher perspective of love and compassion a bigger place.
Humans are now changing at an ever faster pace everywhere on Earth today. The light reaches more and more hearts. You are in the center of events of good and evil, but the good takes more and more place in your hearts today.
Be in good spirits, dear Earthlings, you are doing a fantastic job with yourselves and you can soon see that it will give a response in the world that you have created. You are now creating a new world of light, love and freedom.
Great love

譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear Ones, more and more you are being redirected back into your Now moment. You may experience this as not knowing what your next steps are or how to proceed. While this may seem frustrating to you, it is actually serving you in a very profound way. It is causing you to focus on the only thing you do know for sure, which is your present moment.
The present moment is your power base. It is where all your future moments are born from. It is the womb of all creation.
So rather than resist, why not explore your Now moment. (We capitalize it because it is sacred.) What is working for you, right now? What have you already created masterfully? What are you grateful for? Can you take the gift of the spaciousness that occurs as you surrender into your Now moment and breathe it in with gratitude? What is your next natural, highest step from there? What is supported or calling you right now? If you still don’t know, settle into your beingness and know that is more than enough.
Your presence is a skill that the times you are in are helping to hone. It will serve you well, not just for your todays, but also for your tomorrows because it is through your presence that you can practice gratitude, use your positive focus, and acknowledge your own mastery, all of which are elements that work together to steer your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
We spoke yesterday of the importance of presence and how it works as your power centre and a tool for gratitude, flow, and creation. We wish to expand upon that message today.
Many of you have lives that are incredibly busy. You rush from one thing to another, always focusing ahead upon what needs to be done next. If your life has been slowed down by the pandemic, you might be feeling resistant to the Now moment and the changes that have been thrust upon you. Being solely focused on the future (or the past) will take you out of the gift of your present moment.
Your presence allows you to get acquainted with yourself again. It lets you identify who you really are and what your preferences are. This allows you to connect with your pure essence, which is the energetic space you wish to create from. Please hear us when we say you are always creating but your conscious creations are far more satisfying than your unconscious creations can ever be because they are in response to your latest preferences and expression of self.
Your presence is a skill just like any other, that you can nurture and grow. Pause. Breathe. Explore your Now moment for its many gifts and ways it serves you. If you have trouble remembering to be present, you might even set presence alerts on your phone to gently remind you.
處於當下是一種能力,你可以去培養和發展。暫停。呼吸。探索當下,因為它有很多禮物和服務你的 方式。如果你有麻煩,記得處於當下,你可以設置備忘錄來提醒自己
So many of you have been conditioned to keep looking into the future for the next great thing. We invite you to dive into the exploration of your Now moment and you might just be surprised at how rich your world has been all along, and once that realization is made you open the door for even greater discoveries. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, your full presence with others is such a loving, supportive gift. When people feel truly seen and honoured in their truth and beingness, they feel acknowledged and accepted. Five minutes of full presence with another is worth more than a full day of distracted time together. Love others enough to be fully with them in the Now moment and you will see your relationships bloom, because your presence will be met with their presence, and from there profound connection can occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


