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#JohnSmallman #AnnAlbers #NickChan

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

Humanity’s awakening process continues to flow beautifully forward, exactly as divinely planned, while the MSM (main-stream-media) continues to direct your attention toward events that focus on dangers they claim are severely threatening your human existence.
Dangers that are presented in an unrealistic and threatening fashion to compound your fears so that you will believe in the authoritarian directives and instructions that your governments are issuing, and thus keep on abdicating your sovereign rights as free and divine beings, while accepting and following those directives and instructions.
If you will just do the necessary basic research you will see that those directives and instructions have no scientific basis, and that they are therefore being used solely to control, manipulate, and intimidate you.
They are not working! More and more people worldwide are seeing through this scam that governments are using to increase their power, and, at the same time, persuading you to relinquish yours. (Some people are becoming very sick, but this is truly not very different from what has happened in previous years’ ‘flu and colds seasons.) However, you need to remember that you are very powerful beings, every one of you – and one of my duties is to keep on reminding you of this divine truth – you just need to claim that power by refusing to be manipulated or intimidated.
Your governments cannot force masses of unwilling citizens to conform to their dictates, because those in uniform, directed to control and intimidate you, are themselves humans with families and loved ones like you, and so will not do to you, in order to make you obey them, what they would not dream of doing to their own loved ones.
You are all One, and more and more of you are becoming aware of the absolute truth of this every day. Continue, therefore, to set the intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives, because as more and more of you do this, the possibility of conflict of any kind arising becomes increasingly unlikely. By changing your behaviors from those of fear-driven, authority honoring individuals, to those of Love-filled divine beings – which of course is what you all are – accepting and honoring all others, you are changing the world in which you live, and it is becoming immediately apparent that this is indeed what is happening.
If you could know what an immense success you are creating in every moment as you set and maintain the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you would be absolutely amazed. However, your higher selves – the vastness of who you truly are – are presently keeping that information or knowing hidden from you, because they are fully aware that your egos would seize on such wondrous information to enormously inflate the egotistical aspects of your humanness.
This, obviously, would seriously distract you from the tasks that you all incarnated to do, as your egos attempted to prove to each one of you how much better you are, how much more advanced you are on your spiritual paths than all of your friends and associates, and even those to whom you had previously looked for spiritual guidance, which you can clearly understand would be an extremely distracting and totally unhelpful experience!
You are all in human form at this moment to assist in the great awakening process. Yes, you are also leading ‘normal’ human lives as well, in so far as any human life can be adequately described as ‘normal.’ Therefore you have to deal with exigencies that arise for each of you personally – dealing with your own ‘stuff,’ as well as with the ‘stuff’ arising for your loved ones, into whose drama it is almost impossible for you to avoid being drawn – as humans on Earth in this time of enormous change.
You have all chosen a very courageous and essential task by being incarnate at this time, and you are in every moment fully and magnificently supported by your support teams in the spiritual realms. But do try to understand that everyone else presently on Earth has also made this choice, even though it may well appear that they are not assisting but are in fact actively – even though perhaps unaware of this – attempting to disrupt humanity’s awakening process.
Truly all are assisting in this most magnificent process, because the karmic ‘stuff’ that eons playing the game of separation, living in the unreal dream world that is egoic human life, has precipitated into the game has to be seen for what it is – painful, shameful, unloving, and UNREAL – but then acknowledged, thanked (it has helped to bring awareness to the insanity of engaging in unloving thoughts, words, and actions), and lovingly released.
You are all – every expression of consciousness, every expression of the Divine, and there are NO exceptions here, or anywhere – and always have been One with Source. There is NO separation. The separation that you have been undergoing in human form for what appears to be an inconceivably long time is unreal, has never occurred.
However, as I and many others from the spiritual realms have explained to you on numerous occasions, when we were created God gave us ALL that She Herself Is – which, of course includes free will, because LOVE withholds nothing – and we were then free to construct, with great skill, the incredibly real seeming state of separation with which we have been fully engaged ever since.
God, knowing instantly that it would prove to be an immensely painful state, even though it did not and could not in reality exist – because there is only Love – in that instant provided the way out, the way back to the knowing and experiencing of Reality, to the knowing of ourselves as One with and utterly and completely inseparable from our Source – ALL THAT EXISTS!
The human awakening process that is now fully under way is waking people up in stages, as they begin to come to a very powerful awareness that life is not just about earning a living and surviving in an environment that is less than totally user friendly, and that there is much, much more to life than ensuring that the basic essentials for survival are available.
Awareness is growing that life lived fully can be extremely satisfying and uplifting, bringing joy and happiness to those who choose to engage with it in a manner that encourages them to be mindful of the vast numbers of ways in which they can experience the beauty of it frequently and unexpectedly during the day. It is only necessary to be alive to one’s bodily senses that are constantly alert to life as it flows through them, instead of being focused almost exclusively on the stories that people tell themselves about the inadequacy or undesirable aspects of their lives, which distract them from actually living moment by moment. It is the moment to moment alertness to the flow of life – and that flow is endless, unceasing – that brings into conscious awareness the joys that can be experienced when the mindless chatter of the ego is ignored for even a few moments.
Allow yourselves to enjoy life by focusing on the good aspects – and there are many constantly available flowing through you with the life flow – as they arise moment to moment, the only time that you can experience, the now moment that is your life.
The future and the past are distractions from life now, in this moment when life is happening. As you allow the now moment to be present in your awareness more and more frequently, you will discover that there is joy in your lives, joy that perhaps you had largely been unaware of because of all the worries and anxieties on which you felt that you should focus your attention, on which you needed to focus your attention. Life is really much simpler than you have been led to believe, and when the realization of this awakens within you, you will also realize that humanity is indeed awakening.
With so very much love,Saul.

傳導作者:Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
As long as you live in a human body your heart is beating as it attempts to send oxygen-rich blood to every one of the trillions of cells in your body. Likewise, your nervous system is firing, sending signals along neurons to harmonize and maintain the dynamic balance of the body. You have, within your own physical vehicle, an entire universe, with a multitude of systems sending signals, flow, nourishment, and removing toxins.
Likewise, the heart of God is always beating, and we say this metaphorically because the Divine is the energy behind all creation, and "God's heartbeat" is really the constant expression of love from the Source, pulsing ever-outward and circulating – seen or unseen – within and between all of creation. You, like each cell in the body, receive a never-ceasing flow of love, and a never-ceasing flow of signals guiding you along your desired path.
Last week we talked about the signals that you call your guidance. This week we'll talk about circulation. Love – like the blood in the human body – is always flowing to you from the Source. It is the very life within you. It is the power that creates and animates the human body and the power that makes your physical heartbeat and your physical lungs breathe.
The heart pumps without any judgment about any of the trillions of cells. Likewise, the Source sends waves of love pulsing within you, to you, and through you without any judgment whatsoever. You do not have to earn this love. Never are you unworthy of this love. You do not have to do a thing to receive this love. It is God's circulation. It is unceasing. It is always there for you to either feel, experience, enjoy, and use to create your dreams... or you can pinch it off. In truth, you can't ever pinch off God's love, but you can pinch off your experience of it.
A simple rule of thumb is this: When you feel good, you feel God.
When you don't feel so good, to varying degrees you have cut off only your experience of this love. The circulation of love is always there but in a higher dimension that is harder to feel when you are in a lower vibration.
How to return to the experience of love? You have heard us say this many times this year... One thought at a time, choose a better feeling thought. As you feel better, you feel God's circulation of love. You know these moments, dear ones. When you've been in love with anyone or anything you are truly in an experience of this circulation of love. When you've admired a sunset or felt appreciation for the water in your shower you've felt this circulation of love. When you have a kind thought about yourself or another you've felt this circulation of love. Whenever you've felt any love, you've felt God's love. When you feel good, you feel God.
Don't beat yourselves up when you don't feel good, and you don't feel God. Just remind yourself, "Love is here for me now. I just have to open a little bit more to feel it." Then think one better feeling thought at a time until you begin to feel this love. It feels like a feeling of lightness. It feels like a feeling of coziness, security, pleasure, joy, and in its most blissful, unimpeded form, ecstatic appreciation and enthusiasm for all of life, or those pure moments of unimpeded inspiration and flow.
It doesn't make you a bad person when you aren't in this space. We simply want you to allow, open, and know the joy of the Creator's love for you!
In this love, you cannot feel lonely. In this love, you feel secure. In this love, you can more easily "forgive thine enemy" if you have any because you realize that it simply feels better to stay in love! Truly dear ones, in the experience of the Creator's love answers, come, insight appears, inspiration is normal, and miracles happen with great frequency.
So strive, when you are not feeling good, and not feeling God, to remind yourself. "Love is here for me now. I just have to allow it, open to it, and reach for it, one better feeling thought at a time."
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#JohnSmallman #AnnDahlberg #MEETSHELLEYYOUNG #NickChan

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

The momentous event – Humanity’s Collective Awakening – for which you have all been waiting with with such hope is very close. Let go of your doubts and continue to reset your intent to be only loving, whatever may arise throughout the day, every day, because it is extremely effective and powerful, and it is what you incarnated to do. Truly, you are on a roll, despite what the MSM and SM are shouting out so vociferously. The present world news is very unsettling and disturbing because it seems that governmental organizations and very large businesses are intent on removing your divine right to your own sovereignty, they are doing this by attempting, most authoritatively and illegally, to increase the myriad numbers of rules and restrictions on your freedom to interact with one another in any way that you may choose. This will not succeed!
You are, always have been, and always will be, Sovereign beings, One with Source. There is no way that can ever change because there is only the One in its infinite vastness, to which every strand or field of consciousness is eternally interconnected. There has been NO SEPARATION from Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, which is ALL that exists. The apparent separation that consciousness in form has been experiencing for eons is and was completely unreal, and the collective field of consciousness in which you chose to experience it has now chosen to bring it to a close, and to awaken into Reality, into full awareness of your eternal Oneness.
You are and always have been fully aware divine Beings, because that is Source, that is ALL that exists. What Mother/Father/God creates is perfect and eternal, no other form of creation is possible. What you have been experiencing for eons is unreal, a dream or a nightmare, an illusion that your egos invented that has seemingly, and only seemingly, separated each one of you from each other and from Source. The thought or concept of being separate is terrifying to your egos, and in order to live within this state of fear they constructed multiple personalities in which you could attempt to hide from that fear or conquer it. None of these schemes could possibly work, and so your egos tried to build or construct even more unsatisfactory and unworkable solutions to problems that do not exist, causing you increasing pain, suffering, and terror, which also had to be deeply buried away from your conscious awareness, while you distracted yourselves with grandiose plans for controlling the Earth and its totally integrated ecosystems.
Now a large enough proportion of humanity has become aware of the essential need for you to massively change your egotistical and extremely competitive attitudes and behaviors so that you can make the totally meaningful choice to awaken into the full awareness that there is only Source. Initially this involves recognizing the insanity of attempting to split off parts of yourselves into separated and independent aspects – egos – that can think and act independently of the One. This is occurring now to billions of you all over the world, but of course, having been steeped in this unreal and non-existent state for so long, enormous doubts are arising – STUFF – of an emotional, scientific, philosophical, and theological nature, initially intensifying your doubts and anxieties: “Have we truly been totally wrong, misled, misguided, insane in our approach to life for all these eons? Is it really possible that we have been so horribly confused that we have been following nonsensical paths in the desperate hope to discover Source outside ourselves and then be taken Home to It?”
The answer to that is a resounding NO! It has been and is UNREAL. Now you are beginning to awaken to this, and although unsettling, maybe extremely so, it is also inspiring, uplifting, and filling you with Hope in God. Totally and completely justified hope. All around you, if you choose to look, you can see powerful indications of this, nothing is hidden from you, you have just been choosing not to see, not to become aware.
That has changed! Your are removing your blinkers, you are letting go of your fixed and extremely limiting age old belief systems and allowing yourselves to look beyond the severely limiting constraints of your minds, to the Presence in this NOW moment – the only Now – Source, which you Know is where your eternal Oneness abides in eternal joy.
Therefore, REJOICE! There is only Love, Source, and infinite eternal Joy – You KNOW this! All you need to do is to open your hearts – the center of your physical forms – and allow It to embrace and envelop you, and It WILL!
With so very much love, Saul.

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan 

I’m Judas and today I have some things to say to you. First of all, I want to make you aware that it is within yourself that a change must first take place. It is as we have said before … that it is in the light of yourselves that a change can take place, in your inner as well as in your outer world. It is in love for yourselves, for each other, for the earth on which you live, that change can take place in the way you desire and believe. You create a change in love, because the energy of love is a penetrating energy on Earth today. You who use that energy will see your creations being manifested in a faster and more efficient way than has previously been possible. It is now time, dear people on Earth, to create only new in light and love for one’s neighbor. It is when we do something for others that we feel best. The joy in your brother’s or sister’s face is the joy that gives you double joy. Many people are now experiencing this and they are beginning to realize what is important in life. Life is first and foremost about giving, one gives the other, but it is giving that is the primary thing in everything we do. This is when the wind turns and caresses our heads, this is when the children play and laugh while they happily try to catch the wind and its whimsical arts. It is then that we share everything between us and sing to the song of the wind that brings this song to all corners of the Earth. That is when happiness begins to smile at people again and they stretch out their hands in gratitude, because they now understand that generosity and love go hand in hand. It is impossible to distinguish one from the other.
Now think, dear Earthlings, that we share the Earth’s resources, you see that everyone gets what they need, and you then see that suffering will soon become a memory only from previous epochs of ignorance and ignorance. It is about development, dear friends, an inner development of compassion and love and that is where the Earth and humanity are now heading. It’s getting faster and faster and what happened yesterday can be something completely new today. Development cannot be stopped, it affects the whole Earth today. It is a development that affects the awareness of yourself, the Earth, other people and the world as it looks today. Everything interacts and drives development forward in different ways. It cannot stagnate, it is driven by the light that is within and around you. The fate of the Earth is now to rise into the light and the same applies to you, dear Earthlings. It may look dark in some places, but it is only remnants of the darkness that the Earth and you yourself have created over the millennia that have passed. They have now come to the surface to be seen, cut and released for a higher perspective that is now making its mark on Earth. Some have begun to embrace the higher perspective, and they have begun to sow completely different seeds on Earth. This group grows stronger from day to day and some of their seeds have taken root and started to germinate. They have now become visible and can influence others, who in turn can gain a greater perspective on the life they live. It can lead to them starting to re-evaluate their lives and releasing some of their old values to give the higher perspective of love and compassion a bigger place.
Humans are now changing at an ever faster pace everywhere on Earth today. The light reaches more and more hearts. You are in the center of events of good and evil, but the good takes more and more place in your hearts today.
Be in good spirits, dear Earthlings, you are doing a fantastic job with yourselves and you can soon see that it will give a response in the world that you have created. You are now creating a new world of light, love and freedom.
Great love

譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear Ones, more and more you are being redirected back into your Now moment. You may experience this as not knowing what your next steps are or how to proceed. While this may seem frustrating to you, it is actually serving you in a very profound way. It is causing you to focus on the only thing you do know for sure, which is your present moment.
The present moment is your power base. It is where all your future moments are born from. It is the womb of all creation.
So rather than resist, why not explore your Now moment. (We capitalize it because it is sacred.) What is working for you, right now? What have you already created masterfully? What are you grateful for? Can you take the gift of the spaciousness that occurs as you surrender into your Now moment and breathe it in with gratitude? What is your next natural, highest step from there? What is supported or calling you right now? If you still don’t know, settle into your beingness and know that is more than enough.
Your presence is a skill that the times you are in are helping to hone. It will serve you well, not just for your todays, but also for your tomorrows because it is through your presence that you can practice gratitude, use your positive focus, and acknowledge your own mastery, all of which are elements that work together to steer your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
We spoke yesterday of the importance of presence and how it works as your power centre and a tool for gratitude, flow, and creation. We wish to expand upon that message today.
Many of you have lives that are incredibly busy. You rush from one thing to another, always focusing ahead upon what needs to be done next. If your life has been slowed down by the pandemic, you might be feeling resistant to the Now moment and the changes that have been thrust upon you. Being solely focused on the future (or the past) will take you out of the gift of your present moment.
Your presence allows you to get acquainted with yourself again. It lets you identify who you really are and what your preferences are. This allows you to connect with your pure essence, which is the energetic space you wish to create from. Please hear us when we say you are always creating but your conscious creations are far more satisfying than your unconscious creations can ever be because they are in response to your latest preferences and expression of self.
Your presence is a skill just like any other, that you can nurture and grow. Pause. Breathe. Explore your Now moment for its many gifts and ways it serves you. If you have trouble remembering to be present, you might even set presence alerts on your phone to gently remind you.
處於當下是一種能力,你可以去培養和發展。暫停。呼吸。探索當下,因為它有很多禮物和服務你的 方式。如果你有麻煩,記得處於當下,你可以設置備忘錄來提醒自己
So many of you have been conditioned to keep looking into the future for the next great thing. We invite you to dive into the exploration of your Now moment and you might just be surprised at how rich your world has been all along, and once that realization is made you open the door for even greater discoveries. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, your full presence with others is such a loving, supportive gift. When people feel truly seen and honoured in their truth and beingness, they feel acknowledged and accepted. Five minutes of full presence with another is worth more than a full day of distracted time together. Love others enough to be fully with them in the Now moment and you will see your relationships bloom, because your presence will be met with their presence, and from there profound connection can occur. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


傳導作者:John Smallman
#JohnSmallman #lightwork129


Wellness is to envelop you all. Wellness is the state in which you feel at peace, satisfied, composed, alert; not anxiously wondering about some 3D issue in your personal life or that of humanity.
It is the state that you seek and encourage to enfold you when you pray or meditate, and in which you surrender all your fears and worries to your Father through the Holy Spirit.

It activates very well indeed when you stop trying to reason out whether or not you are getting there, or achieving a proper meditative pose or humble intent. Using your reason to assess how well or how badly you are doing is a refusal to surrender into the moment and encourages further anxiety.

Trust that you are in your Father’s Presence – that being your intent – and know that therefore you are there. Your sense of it may be weak or non-existent, but your intent means that you are where you intend to be: at peace in God’s Presence.

So do not let the distractions that pour through your mind disturb you. Your intent guarantees your success because God always honors that intent. The veils of the illusion can seem almost impenetrable, but you are never alone, unnoticed, or unloved — because you are your Father’s dearly cherished children. Trust in Him as He trusts in you; you know it makes sense.

Whenever you pray or meditate you are heard, every single time. Frequently your anxious demeanor occupies your awareness: “Is there really a God? Even if there is, why would He listen to me? Anyway, He has far more important issues to attend to” — a never-ending stream of anxieties – and your mind fills to overflowing with distractions. Just let go! Surrender to His infinite Love for you, and accept that He hears you.

You are, each and every one of you, on your spiritual path and precisely at the point that is appropriate for you in this moment. And you are moving undeviatingly forwards towards your inevitable awakening. There is only Reality; the illusion is unreal and therefore there is no option but that you awaken. You can still choose to delay that sublime moment, but to do so only imposes further suffering on you, so why would you? Do not fear to awaken into God’s Presence because you believe yourselves unworthy of Him. God created you, and nothing He creates could possibly be unworthy of Him.

It is your culturally ingrained feeling of unworthiness, which comes originally from your decision to separate yourselves from Reality and withdraw into your illusory environment of pain and suffering, that encourages, in fact demands, that you compete with one another to prove yourself the best — and thus overcome that sense of unworthiness. A sense of unworthiness is a heavy burden to carry and you attempt to lighten that load through judgment and condemnation of others.

It does not work because deep within yourselves that feeling is firmly secured by your conviction that you have offended God, and many religions have made a sense of unworthiness a virtue to which they encourage you to cling. So, to escape from the pain that this belief causes you, you compete with one another for the approval of some human authority figure – a parent, older brother, older sister, teacher, clergyman, spouse, boss, president, king, pope – who is just another one of God’s beloved children, just like you.

Meditation and prayer can take you to the depth of your being where you can uncover the awareness that you are a child of God — and, therefore, utterly worthy of Him and of His Love for you. There is nothing that you have to prove; there is no sacrifice that you need make; no obeisance that you owe. Because you are a divine being, at one with God, your ever-loving Father, eternally. Some of you have uncovered this incontestable truth within yourselves and it has brought you untold joy.

When you awaken from the illusion the truth of this will shine forth for you like a brilliant point of focus confirming the wonder of your glorious relationship with your Father. Even now, you all know this truth. It is just that because of the ingrained fears and doubts that the illusion supports, you have been in denial in order not to recognize your eternal divine connection.

Reality conflicts with your outmoded and ingrained beliefs about yourselves, but because they are familiar you stick with them. Your ingrained sense of human identity fears change and is reluctant to allow, let alone encourage you to set yourselves free to know God. When you awaken, those last doubts and fears will be gone.

Until then, keep reminding yourselves that they are without foundation and that you are beings of perfection, shortly to recognize yourselves as who you truly are.

With love, as always, Saul.

通靈:John Smallman


傳導作者:John Smallman.
#JohnSmallman #Amber

You all chose, with enormous generosity and compassion, to be incarnate.


Saul Audio Blog for Saturday February 27th

Humanity is very, very close to the collective awakening, and there are signs of it in many places that are uplifting the hearts of those who see them and recognize them. All is going as divinely planned, as it always does. That often does not appear to be the case because, as humans in form, you are fully engaged in the ‘game’ of separation which can be extremely painful, especially when you are involved in conflict and self-doubt.

As you well know, separation is an unreal experience, because separation is impossible! All forms of consciousness are in every moment connected to Source by an inseverable connection, because there is only the ONE! But, because you chose to construct an unreal environment in which separation appears to be real, this is what you did, and it appears to be totally real to the majority of humans. However, in the last few decades, increased comprehension of quantum physics by leading edge scientists has demonstrated quite clearly that, in spite of how you each individually experience yourselves as separate beings, there is no such state as separation from Source – the infinite field of energy/consciousness/Love/God – that is indeed ALL that exists.

As more and more ordinary people become aware of this amazing scientific revelation, the collective intent to awaken into Reality – which is already very powerful – intensifies even further. You are most definitely awakening, and you will not fall back into the unawakened state in which humanity has been seemingly confined, or even incarcerated for eons. Your natural state, your true nature, is to be fully awake, fully aware, and fully conscious in every moment of your eternal existence, and to revel in the infinite joy of that unchanging state.

When you collectively chose to experience separation, and constructed the environment that made it possible, you did not and could not know how much pain and suffering you would be foisting upon yourselves by doing so. And when you started to experience that separated state you had already forgotten about Reality, and thought and believed that what you were experiencing was the only reality! It is not! You are all the beloved children of God, and you have never, not for even an instant, left her Presence. You are just asleep – by your own free will choice – and you will awaken into the exquisite joy of knowing yourselves to be One with Source, because to sleep eternally is impossible. Indeed total joy awaits your awakening.

In the meantime be patient – yes, it does seem that you are forever being asked to be patient – be loving, and allow the future to unfold, knowing, as you do, that all is divinely taken care of. If you can avoid trying to project an image of what is to occur into your individual visions of the future you will be able to be more at peace as the old order unravels and disintegrates. In times of great change confusion and uncertainty intensify, increasing your sense of doubt and anxiety, and perhaps causing you much emotional turmoil. Your regular times set aside during the day to go within are absolutely essential moments in which you can relax, find peace, and confirm for yourselves your knowing that all is well.

There is much going on at present on the world stage that is bringing intense suffering to many, and your intention to send love and healing to those who are suffering is your most urgent task in these remaining hours of the old order of divisive conflict. Your individual presence in human form at this crucial juncture in humanity’s spiritual evolution/awakening is not accidental. You all chose, with enormous generosity and compassion, to be incarnate in order to assist most competently and lovingly in the collective awakening process. When you made that choice and joyfully set the intent to incarnate, you knew that it would not be easy, that you would suffer – quite possibly suffer enormously – nevertheless, you incarnated and are now here, probably wondering if you really did choose to be on Earth in this extremely unsettling and disturbing era.

I can reassure you, as have many others, that yes, you did choose to be incarnate to assist in the awakening process, and that, yes you are assisting just by being present. When you go within, in prayer, meditation, contemplation, or simple relaxation, having set the intent to be only loving whatever arises, your energy fields add mightily and powerfully to the process, even though it may seem to you – and we see that this is often the case – that your presence makes no difference, is not having any effect in bringing about change for the better, leaving you doubtful, and judging yourselves negatively as not being useful or helpful to humanity as the awakening process approaches completion. This is most definitely NOT THE CASE! Your earthly presence at this point in humanity’s history is essential. Therefore, when you go within, ask for loving confirmation that you are doing what you came to do, then open your hearts to receive it, and you will become aware, you will intuitively know – in spite of your doubts – that you are doing precisely what you incarnated to do.

Yes, your egos may well – in fact probably will – try to convince you that your efforts are meaningless, are in vain. That is what egos do, because when you awaken you will have no need of them, and that is a prospect that horrifies them. But, of course, your egos are just frightened and split off parts of your minds that you needed to help you survive as humans, before you realized who you truly were – infinitely powerful divine beings, forever free and safe in the One, the unbounded and all-embracing energy field of Love, Reality, your eternal Home – and which will be re-assimilated into the Oneness that you are. No one, not even your egos, will be abandoned, because without even one conscious being the One would be incomplete, and that is impossible!

You are Love, you are Loved, you are Loving, and that is the unchanging state in which you have your eternal existence right now . . . and forever.

With so very much love, Saul.


傳導作者:John Smallman.
#JohnSmallman #Amber

Saul Audio Blog for Tuesday February 2nd.
(John Smallman)

All is unfolding precisely as divinely planned! Humanity is awakening, and there are signs and indications of this throughout the world as more and more people choose to be only loving whatever arises in their daily lives. Here in the non-physical realms we have been intensifying our love and support for you as you so powerfully and brilliantly move forward toward your awakening. You are making it happen! Yes it is God’s divine plan and intent for you to awaken, but you have to bring it to fruition in complete and loving cooperation with one another, as you all planned to do before you incarnated for your present human lifetimes. This is because Mother/Father/God and You are One in eternal and most loving cooperation. That is what Oneness means! It is All, forever in the most beautiful and harmonious relationship with Itself – Source and All of the divine creation – totally joyful, totally complete. It is Divine Perfection at One with Itself in every moment, delighted and enraptured with the pure joy of BEING!

Your natural state is “the pure joy of Being!” It always has been and it always will be – NOW and FOREVER – because this is the only time that exists. So, as you prepare yourselves for this momentous and miraculous event – and ALL of humanity, without any exceptions, is doing this – CELEBRATE!

There is much in the news that would suggest otherwise, alarming reports of divisive activities and behaviors in many parts of the world. Be aware that what is being reported is basically the arising of many centuries of collective karmic ‘stuff’ that has to be acknowledged, thanked for the lessons with which it has presented humanity – which humanity has now learned – and lovingly released. Truly, if you will look, there are signs everywhere of your collective Grand Awakening. This is a time, a moment of enormous possibility and opportunity that will most definitely be fully availed of as the harvest of your tireless endeavors comes to its most glorious fruition right in your own awareness, amazing and delighting you. You cannot have the slightest concept of the wonder that awaits you all. The divine Plan is achieved, brilliantly, perfectly, and for ALL.

You do of course have free will, and that freedom will never be overridden, so some may choose to delay their awakening. Do not let that concern you if you feel that friends or loved ones are not yet paying attention, are not yet ready to accept that only Love exists, and who appear to continue to feel a need to judge and even condemn those whom they perceive as evil ones, instead of awakening to the Love in which they, and all those they would judge, are enveloped.

These are indeed very confusing times as the collective return to Reality draws very near. Many will have what you might describe as an instantaneous awakening – a sudden and most unexpected inflowing of Love for all of humanity – something that at present appears to be impossible, inconceivable, beyond all plausibility, and then their whole perspective on life will change, to their absolute amazement, in that instant. Assuredly you have seen nothing yet!

As you have been told so often and by so many, God’s plan for humanity is magnificent, in fact it is transcendent! You have been waiting longingly and, for the most part, patiently for the awakening process to come to completion. Many of you have studied history and seen how much pain and suffering divisive attitudes, arising from political, ethnic, racial, national, and religious differences, have unleashed on so many, as wars have been fought to diminish or destroy those of differing beliefs. Well, the time for such divisive activities is over! Worldwide vast numbers have come to the full realization of the insanity of attempting to resolve grievances and differences through conflict, and the will or desire for conflict is diminishing rapidly. Humanity is coming of age!

As you go within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, to rest in the peace that is always there, deep within you, open yourselves fully to the infinite field of Love, which is also your own personal energy field, and allow yourselves to feel the Love, the peace, the harmony, the Oneness with All, and with all of humanity, and allow yourselves to know the truth, the Reality that is you, and that is every human. You can feel the Love when you choose to allow yourselves to do so. But often, you, and so many, many others, have so completely deceived yourselves about yourselves by accepting beliefs and belief systems that tell you that you are unworthy to be in the Presence of God, and so you refuse to allow yourselves to feel God’s Love for you, which is of course also your own Love for yourselves.

You were created in Love from Love, by Mother/Father/God, to rejoice and delight in the sheer joy of just BEING. Your true nature is Love, it has never changed, and it never will change, because you, like Love, are eternally One with Source. Choose, NOW, to open yourselves to the divine Embrace, God’s loving Embrace. Know that you are completely and utterly accepted without reservation of any kind by Mother/Father/God, and that you truly are One with the Love that IS, and that is All. You are One, you are All, because God created you like unto Herself in an unchanging and eternal relationship of LOVE! Therefore release your doubts, your anxieties about your worthiness to be in the Presence of your Source, because that is where you always are, inseparably, permanently, and uninterruptedly, and REJOICE in the wonder that you are. God does, and therefore so should you!

With so very much love, Saul.


傳導作者:John Smallman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2021年1月23日.
#JohnSmallman #NickChan

Your awakening is imminent! Yes, many messages from those in the spiritual realms have recently been reassuring you of this, and yet it appears to most of you that it is no closer than it was years ago, because you are seeing no signs of it. But your expectations of what awakening means and what it truly is are quite different. First, of course, time is a major aspect of the illusion, yet there truly is only now. Second, at the cutting edge of modern physics, it is beginning to be understood that events that have occurred in the past can be changed, and that future events have already happened. This is a startling realization, although how that might be possible is not at all clear.
From that perspective humanity’s awakening has already happened, you just remain unaware of it, just as, while you are still choosing to engage with the illusory separation experience, you remain unaware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God from Whom you never have been and never could be separated. You are One. Your awakening is your awakening into the full awareness of this most wondrous knowing. When you know it, then you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you are awake, and your hearts will be filled with joy. To awaken is to cease dreaming and know yourselves as One with Mother/Father/God, and this is what is to happen.
By just being you open your hearts and invite Love to enter, and when you do this your flow of thoughts slows down appreciably allowing you to become aware that to be alive, as you all are eternally, is the most wonderful experience, that, in truth, it is miraculous! With every breath you breathe life into your physical forms so that your physical senses can be exposed to and enjoy the physical world around you – the fragrance of fresh flowers, the taste of your hot coffee, the sight of the birds enjoying the seed in the feeder by your window, the sound of music you love as you play your favorite instrument or listen to it on your sound system, the touch as you hug someone you love, or that you imagine yourself doing if you are presently alone – there is so much to enjoy about life if you will allow yourselves to be aware, mindful of this now moment, this moment in which all of life happens.
Life is now, and there is always something for which you can be thankful, even if you are suffering or in pain, it is a question of where you choose to focus your attention. Obviously if you have in the moment been injured or have hurt yourself you need to deal with that issue in that moment. Afterwards turn your attention toward something for which you can be grateful, such as the help you just received, and offer gratitude to whoever it was that helped you, including yourself if you dealt with the issue on your own. Offering gratitude is always heart-warming, both for those who offer it and for those to whom it is offered.
Gratitude is an essential aspect of Love, of Reality, of Mother/Father/God Who offers Gratitude to All of Creation, to each of you, as an ongoing flow of energy – the life force that is the vigor that moves your bodies when you choose to move them by nodding your head or running a marathon – in every moment as It flows from Source to and through you and back to Source. It is the Connection between God and all that She creates, It is the Holy Spirit, the permanent communication link between you and Source. In truth there is every reason to be grateful . . . always!
感恩是愛、現實、母親/父親/神的一個基本面向,他們把感恩提供給所有造物,給你們每個人,作為一個不間斷的能量流---讓你身體移動的生命力,當你選擇點頭或跑馬拉松---隨著它從源頭流向、流經你並返回源頭。 這是神和其所有造物之間的連接,這是神聖的精神,你和源頭之間的通信線路。事實上,總是有著原因去感恩
If you are tempted to ask WHY? Well, are you not ALIVE! Is there anything greater than that for which to be grateful? If you were not alive . . . there would be no ‘you’ to experience the joy of being that is Creation. If you are not grateful then you are being distracted by . . . the game, the illusion! That is separation, being distracted from Reality, Love, Source, and not knowing yourself as you truly are – a Magnificent Being of Light.
All that God creates is like unto Herself, a Magnificent Being of Light. There is no where, no thing, no place, no space that is outside or beyond Source, because Source is ALL, is LOVE! There is not a moment when you are not One with and in the Presence of Love. Therefore, open your hearts and invite Her in. You are, each and everyone of you without any exceptions, One with God . . . always, permanently. However, you are FREE. Every conscious entity is One with Source and Free. That freedom, your free will, is God-given and can never be lost, forfeited, withdrawn, or taken from you, it is yours eternally, just as you are you eternally.
You engaged with that freedom when you chose to experience separation, and for as long as you choose to experience separation you are utterly and totally free to do so. For most of humanity now, the human collective, that experience has become an experience of pain, suffering, and despair. You want to awaken, but many of you despair that to awaken is impossible, that the experience of separation is real, and that there is no way out, no way to terminate it. You believe that the conflict, chaos, intense poverty and suffering are real. And of course, when you established or constructed the illusory game of separation, you intended that it seem absolutely real. You have all been playing rôles in the drama that you invented, and you have played them so well that it is extremely difficult for you release your belief in them, to release your belief that you are whatever rôle you are playing and that others are the rôles that they are playing.
That is why Mother/Father/God established the awakening process, She knew you would get lost within the separation experience, and that you would need to be shown the way Home. You are now being shown the way Home. The awakening process is leading you out of your deep sleep, is leading you to question EVERYTHING that you have ever believed in, and you are all meeting people who have already discarded beliefs that no longer serve them. Many of you find that very threatening, because, for many of you, your beliefs are who you believe yourselves to be. It is therefore very painful to discover how misinformed you have been, and how you have actually believed that seemingly all-enveloping field of misinformation and led your lives, until now, by adhering to those beliefs.
You have all heard of, read about, or even met people who have undergone catastrophic accidents or illnesses and maybe wished only to die, who then were awakened by an absolutely amazing spiritual – non-physical – experience that was far more real and meaningful than the lives that they had been living. It changed their whole perception of life, because it gave them a glimpse of what life really is. They were instantly filled with joy, peace, and the knowing that they are eternal beings infinitely loved by God, and that they are in an unbreakable and uninterruptible and eternal relationship with Her. What could possibly be more joyful than that?
It is not necessary for everyone to have an awakening experience as intense as those, but just by becoming aware of what is possible, you will follow your path Home to Reality, because that is the only possibility for you. Yes, you can choose to doubt Reality, and to delay your wondrous awakening, but why would you?
With so very much love, Saul.


傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.愛永不評判 (20210102)
《2》.小我的角色 (20210113)
#JohnSmallman #NickChan 

《1》.關於:愛永不評判 .
傳導作者:John Smallman.
譯者:Nick Chan.

As the year of 2020 draws to a close people are increasingly concerned about the restrictions on their freedom that were put into place because of COVID 19, and wondering when they will be rescinded. The damage that they have caused to so many is enormous, and was unnecessary. The truth of this is becoming ever more apparent as more information is being released into the public domain. Fear of imminent death due to the infection was used to convince people to honor these unwise and unnecessary restrictions. It is now quite clear that the number of deaths that have occurred since the virus was first named has not been any larger than normally occur throughout the year. These restrictions may be intensified or removed, depending on the political intentions of those imposing them, but their overall effect has been to bring into people’s awareness their right and their need to reclaim their individual sovereignty instead of allowing themselves to be controlled and owned by an invalid authoritarian system, one of many that have existed in one form or another throughout the ages of humanity’s earthly existence.
隨著2020接近尾聲,人們越來越擔心出於病毒而來的限制,想知道什麼時候它們會被廢除。它們對很多人造成的損傷是巨大的,不必要的。這一點在變得越來越明顯,隨著更多的資訊被釋放。對感染後死亡的恐懼被 用於說服人們去榮耀這些不明智的不必要的限制。現在很清楚病毒剛被命名時發生的死亡數目並不比通常一年當中會發生的大多少。這些限制可能被加強或移除,取決於實施它們之人的正智意圖,但它們的總體效果就是讓人們意識到他們需要去重申自己的主權,而不是讓自己被無效的全微系統掌控。
Humans die! That is an aspect of being human, and it is not abnormal. Every individual in human form chose, with complete freedom, to experience separation from God by incarnating on Earth. Nothing that can decay and die – from earth and rocks to plants and sentient life forms – is REAL! However, when you are incarnate in form, it seems that the material world/universe is real. The game or illusion of separation, that you collectively designed and constructed, is meant to seem completely real, until, as humans, you begin to evolve sufficiently to become aware that you are eternal spiritual beings having a very temporary experience in form.
As your most recent science has realized the universe or material environment of which, as humans, you are aware of through your senses, is but a very, very small aspect of reality. At the forefront or leading edge of modern physics it has been accepted that there is only Consciousness through which the physical environment is portrayed – without consciousness there is nothing. Consciousness is the means by which or through which all that can be experienced is experienced. Throughout the ages that humanity has been in existence on Planet Earth people have had spiritual experiences that have, as it were, ‘blown their minds’ by presenting them with Reality, something far vaster and more real than anything they have previously experienced – in recent decades more and more people have had NDEs – and have attempted, with very little success, to describe them to others. What they have managed to convey to others is the fact that what they experienced while in these more complete states of consciousness was much more alive, more real, and more beautiful than anything else that they had ever previously experienced.
They are always unforgettable, with the memory of them forever remaining as vivid as when they happened. Those who have these experiences find a new and far deeper meaning in their lives than they could ever have imagined was possible, and this can cause difficulties and misunderstandings with their loved ones who can be very confused and upset by their calm, peaceful, and non judgmental acceptance of life as it unfolds. They no longer see any need to take sides, or to persuade others to believe in the reality of their inspiring and uplifting new experiences – which have led them to change the way in which they live their lives – as they happily accept and live in the sense of peace and joy to which they have awakened.
This growing awareness, that what you experience as life as humans on Earth is so incredibly limited, is encouraging people to seek out something more real, more enjoyable, more beautiful, and more loving and accepting of them than what they have previously believed to be ‘normal’ or possible. Some find it after years of seeking, some never find it, and others find it even though they have apparently made very little effort to do so. Understanding is now growing that effort is not the way to find that something, that it is found through surrender, but only when the moment is right for the individual who is seeking. Thus, for many, it does not occur during their human lifetimes. What does happen is that, as people open to the awareness that there is indeed much more to life than can be experienced by humans in form, they come to a realization that the real meaning of life is Love.
Initially this is very difficult for them to accept, because it seems that the world is a very dangerous place in which survival is frequently severely threatened, and if Love is the meaning why is there so little of It, and why is there so much disagreement, danger, and conflict? In fact there is an infinite abundance of Love available to all, but It is shut out of people’s awareness by the mesh, the tangle, or the veil that all that is not in alignment with or in harmony with Love seems to have used to separate them from It. Love is all that exists, and every sentient or conscious entity is alive because Love, the life force, is constantly flowing through them. The mesh, tangle, or veil is the constant flow of thoughts, that is accepted into a person’s mind, and with which most people self-identify, but that is most definitely NOT who you are.
To find yourselves you need to go within to that holy, secure, and most beautiful inner sanctuary – the field of Love, the Presence of Mother/Father/God, the Source that is All that exists – that everyone, without any exceptions, can find within themselves. When doing so, instead of engaging with the thoughts of self-judgment, unworthiness, guilt, and shame that the ego offers you in every moment of your human existence – and possibly even more intensely when you choose to go within – just allow yourselves to relax and surrender into the divine Embrace that is always there waiting for you to accept It and allow It to embrace you. Nothing separates you from Yourself except your choice to identify solely with your human form.
Yes, you make choices in every moment to identify with your bodies, the physical forms that enable you to participate in the illusion, dream, or game of separation. They seem to you to be totally real because through them you sense physical and emotional experiences. However, when you are asleep and have released your attachment to that form, then there is nothing for you to be conscious of, aware of, and so it seems to you – the aspect of you that is in form – that you have been unconscious. You can never be unconscious, because there is only Consciousness in which you are eternally and uninterruptedly present, but your body can be unconscious, and in that state its awareness is shut down and so it seems is Yours.
This is only your experience for as long as you choose to identify solely with your physical form, because it appears to confirm your separation from all that is not you, and from the One. Not knowing or being aware of your Oneness is the experience of separation that you chose to engage with. Now humanity is in the process of choosing to know itself once more as One with Source, and this can be seen or perceived all around you as you observe people choosing to follow a personal spiritual path, not a path directed or pointed out by a religious organization, but their own individual path Home to Reality. There are numerous paths because there are numerous ones experiencing separation, and each one has to find the one that is perfect for her. Another’s path cannot be yours, so attempting to follow one that another has laid out will only be a distraction. However, seeing the path that another is following can help someone to find their own. This is why people find it so helpful to read about and study the lives of those who were patently well- advanced on their spiritual paths, and who demonstrated it by ‘walking their talk,’ and being loving and accepting of the life being presented to them in every moment.
這只在你選擇認同你就是你的物理形態時才會這樣,因為它看似證實了你與不是你的一切、一的分離。不知道或者沒有意識到你的合一就是你選擇接洽的分離體驗。現在人類正在選擇再次知曉自己與源頭合一,這可以在你周圍看到或感知到,隨著你觀察到人們選擇跟隨個人的精神道路,而不是宗叫指出的道路,而是他們自己的回家道路。有著許多條道路,因為有著許多的人在體驗分離,每個人必須找到對自己來說完美的道路。別人的道路無法是你的道路,所以試圖 跟隨他人的道路只會是一個分心。無論如何,看到他人在跟隨的道路可以幫助你找到自己的道路。所以人們發現閱讀或研究那些很好地踏上精神道路之人(展現出了“言行一致”,有愛並接納)的生活會很有用
Life is the most wonderful gift, a miracle given to you at the moment of your creation within the field of divine Energy/Love that is All that exists. Once given it can and will never be taken away, unlike a human life that is temporary and which can be taken from you by someone else, and which some even choose to discard because they are or become unaware of the wonder that it is. Of course when that transition occurs your whole perception of the meaning of life is instantly changed as you become once more aware of the joy of life. Yes, some do refuse to see their own beauty even when they transition, but that too is a very temporary state.
You are all divine beings, beings of Love, and those of you reading or listening to this or to other uplifting and inspiring messages know this. You also know that you are presently incarnate to assist in humanity’s collective awakening process, so do set and reset your intent – yes, you can forget your intent or disregard it when powerful emotions arise within you – to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives. And, whenever you spend even a moment in quiet reflection or contemplation, intend to send Love to all, because that is one of the most powerful and effective ways in which you can assist in the awakening process.
你們都是神聖的存在,愛的存在,閱讀或聆聽這則以及其它信息的人知道這一點。 你還知道你當前化身是來協助人類的集體覺醒進程的,所以設置並重設你的意圖---是的,你可以忘記你的意圖或忽視它,當強烈的情感升起---只成為愛,無論發生什麼。當你即使只花一分鐘的時間處於安靜的沉思,去意圖把愛發送給 一切,因為這是最強大和有效的方式去協助覺醒進程
As the New Year dawns intensify your intent to be only loving, be aware when you fail to live up to that intent, and forgive yourselves for any failures that occur, because Love never judges, and you, each and every one of you are Love. Intend to be what you are and enjoy the inner peace and calm that arise within you when you consciously offer Love, to yourselves and to others. It need not be visibly offered if the one or ones to whom you are offering It do not seem to you to be open to It. Just know that setting the intent and following through on it is extremely effective, and is why you incarnated at this point in the human story.
Wishing you all a very peaceful and loving 2021, Saul.

傳導作者:John Smallman.
譯者:Nick Chan.

We are One! All are One, there is no separation, ever. There is only LOVE, SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER/GOD, the divine field of CONSCIOUSNESS in which all LIFE is ONE. Consciousness is eternal, everlasting, a permanent state of existence in which All is always fully present. Form is temporary, and that includes all form, from the Multiverse to the smallest sub-atomic particle that your science is aware of, or anything smaller even than that. You are mostly aware that your human bodies are composed of billions of cells and trillions of smaller particles all interacting in perfect harmony in a healthy body. In the same way your bodies are all interconnected to one another and to the multiverse. Separation is an illusion, everything has an affect on everything else, just as each apparently separate entity of consciousness affects every other.
我們是一!一切都是一,沒有分離。只有愛、源頭、父親/母親/神、神聖的意識場域。意識是永恆的,一個永久的存在狀態。形態是暫時的,這包括所有形態,從多元宇宙到最小的亞原子粒子或者比這更小的東西。你很清楚你的人類身體由數以億計的細胞和數以萬億計的更小粒子組成,它們都在完美的和諧中交互。 在同樣的方式中你的身體與另一個人以及多元宇宙相連。分離是一個幻象,一切都對其它的一切有著一個影響
Awareness of this is now well recognized, although not very well understood, and this awareness is leading more and more people to the realization that each one’s thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions truly do affect everyone else, and that, therefore, to be only loving benefits all, including, of course, those actually choosing to set the intent to be very positively loving whatever arises. More of you reading or listening to this and other loving messages are already making this choice daily, it is why you chose to be incarnate now to assist in the collective awakening process. Each day the process continues to accelerate as we move ever closer to this miraculous moment.
In the intervening period, please do not allow yourselves to be distracted from your essential and individual tasks of assisting in the awakening process, the tasks which you each chose so enthusiastically to undertake prior to incarnating. You are each, without any exceptions, absolutely essential aspects of the collective process, so release any doubts that you may have about its actuality, because it has been divinely planned and is being perfectly executed because it is the divine Will, and that Will is always brought perfectly to fruition. When you awaken you will know what an honor and a joy it has been for you to participate, even though now you may well be filled with doubts. Doubt and uncertainty are major aspects of the game, dream, or possibly nightmare that is presented to you as a human in form from which you are shortly due to awaken.
Yes, of course I am yet again going to remind you of the necessity of going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, to open your hearts as fully as you are able and then to invite Love in to open them even further as It enfolds you in Its infinitely loving embrace. Truly, you have NO idea of how deeply loved you all are – every conscious entity without exception. That is extremely difficult for you to even conceive of comprehending while you are in human form, due to the severe limitations that being in form imposes on you, which is all part of the collective choice to experience the unreality of separation!
是的,當然,我要再次提醒你每天去進入內在,前往你的聖殿,儘可能充分地敞開心, 然後 邀請愛進入讓心更進一步地敞開,隨著愛將你包裹在它無限有愛的擁抱中。確實,你根本不知道你有多被愛著---每個有意識的存在,無一例外。當你處於人類形態,出於這個形態強加給你的嚴重侷限性(是集體選擇體驗的虛假分離的一部分),你難以理解這一點
So, go within, invite and allow Love to embrace you, and feel your doubts and uncertainties diminish and dissolve. It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you. The reason that mostly you do not or cannot is because, having chosen to experience separation from God, there is a deep underlying sense that you have offended your Creator, Love, and that you are unworthy to be in the divine Presence and feel the all-embracing Love that is offered to you in every moment.
You were created completely Free. Yes, you are One with Mother/Father/God, and, therefore, inseparable from the One, and yet you are also Free. As a human in form that is quite a paradox to engage with and attempt to understand. Yes, you are Free, and God never revokes or interferes with that inviolable freedom. You were created like unto God, Who is Free, by God Who gave you everything – there are no things! – All that She is. What I and so many others are attempting to impress upon you is that you truly are forever Free, and that you are forever infinitely loved. There is nothing you can do to change that, but you can and have chosen not to believe it.
Now is the moment to release your hold on this invalid belief, and to awaken into the joy that is your rightful inheritance as children of the Divine. That is the divine Will for you, the divine Will is always that. Going within, to those truly holy inner sanctuaries that are always within you, waiting to welcome you, is the most effective way in which you can begin to know and feel this. Meditation, contemplation, or plain relaxation without any expectation is the way to this knowing, to this experience of great inner peace and joy.
現在是時候去釋放對這個無效信念的緊抓,意識到作為神的孩子你合法的繼承就是喜悅。這是神聖的意志。進入內在,前往總是存在於你之內的聖殿,就是你開始去知曉和感受這一點的最有效方式。 冥想、沉思或純粹地放鬆,不帶任何期望,就是通往這個知曉,這個偉大的內在平和與喜悅體驗的道路
Very few of you are able to totally free yourselves from distracting thoughts and impulses – check the phone, cruise the fridge, check the latest news – and you often view this as a failure on your part. Truly it is not! You all have an ego, it is a split off part of your mind that will always attempt to react emotionally to the slightest drama that you become aware of. Its original purpose was to protect you from imminent and unexpected threats – it is often referred to as the “fight or flight” syndrome, and it has been very useful – however, over time, for most people, it has become their identity! And that it is not!
However, it does endlessly and enthusiastically seek out your undivided attention, it is the narcissistic aspect of a personality, and was necessary in infancy when your ability to communicate meaningfully with your parents, caregivers, or siblings was extremely limited. However, it was meant to be gently outgrown as you matured through your teenage years and evolved into adulthood. Unfortunately, most of you were traumatized in infancy and childhood – psychologically, and/or physically– and that trauma was not healed at, or shortly after, the time at which it occurred. For most, it is far too painful to remember what caused it, and so the emotional response to threat of any kind remains. The ego, therefore, maintains its powerful influence over you, causing you to react in fear or anger in the moment, often quite unnecessarily, and often leaving you feeling guilty or ashamed later.
So, now that you are aware of this – and most of you are! – it is time to let go of your impulsive need for an instant response or reaction to an event, and you do have the ability to pause momentarily when something, seemingly threatening, arises in your environment. Time spent within, in quiet meditation or contemplation, is a practice that will lead you forward into a space of peace in which you will find peace, and that inherent need to react instantaneously will subside and become far less intense, allowing you to be loving whatever may arise in your daily lives. As more and more people become able to live like this, the rush to conflict will lessen, and conflict will occur far less frequently.
This ability to pause is becoming far more prevalent worldwide, despite what you may hear or read on the mainstream or social media, and is a very positive indication of the collective preparing for its awakening. Know that all is indeed well, and that your awakening is moving forward most beautifully, just as divinely planned.
With so very much love, Saul.