

#JohnSmallman #AnnAlbers #NickChan

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan

Humanity’s awakening process continues to flow beautifully forward, exactly as divinely planned, while the MSM (main-stream-media) continues to direct your attention toward events that focus on dangers they claim are severely threatening your human existence.
Dangers that are presented in an unrealistic and threatening fashion to compound your fears so that you will believe in the authoritarian directives and instructions that your governments are issuing, and thus keep on abdicating your sovereign rights as free and divine beings, while accepting and following those directives and instructions.
If you will just do the necessary basic research you will see that those directives and instructions have no scientific basis, and that they are therefore being used solely to control, manipulate, and intimidate you.
They are not working! More and more people worldwide are seeing through this scam that governments are using to increase their power, and, at the same time, persuading you to relinquish yours. (Some people are becoming very sick, but this is truly not very different from what has happened in previous years’ ‘flu and colds seasons.) However, you need to remember that you are very powerful beings, every one of you – and one of my duties is to keep on reminding you of this divine truth – you just need to claim that power by refusing to be manipulated or intimidated.
Your governments cannot force masses of unwilling citizens to conform to their dictates, because those in uniform, directed to control and intimidate you, are themselves humans with families and loved ones like you, and so will not do to you, in order to make you obey them, what they would not dream of doing to their own loved ones.
You are all One, and more and more of you are becoming aware of the absolute truth of this every day. Continue, therefore, to set the intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives, because as more and more of you do this, the possibility of conflict of any kind arising becomes increasingly unlikely. By changing your behaviors from those of fear-driven, authority honoring individuals, to those of Love-filled divine beings – which of course is what you all are – accepting and honoring all others, you are changing the world in which you live, and it is becoming immediately apparent that this is indeed what is happening.
If you could know what an immense success you are creating in every moment as you set and maintain the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you would be absolutely amazed. However, your higher selves – the vastness of who you truly are – are presently keeping that information or knowing hidden from you, because they are fully aware that your egos would seize on such wondrous information to enormously inflate the egotistical aspects of your humanness.
This, obviously, would seriously distract you from the tasks that you all incarnated to do, as your egos attempted to prove to each one of you how much better you are, how much more advanced you are on your spiritual paths than all of your friends and associates, and even those to whom you had previously looked for spiritual guidance, which you can clearly understand would be an extremely distracting and totally unhelpful experience!
You are all in human form at this moment to assist in the great awakening process. Yes, you are also leading ‘normal’ human lives as well, in so far as any human life can be adequately described as ‘normal.’ Therefore you have to deal with exigencies that arise for each of you personally – dealing with your own ‘stuff,’ as well as with the ‘stuff’ arising for your loved ones, into whose drama it is almost impossible for you to avoid being drawn – as humans on Earth in this time of enormous change.
You have all chosen a very courageous and essential task by being incarnate at this time, and you are in every moment fully and magnificently supported by your support teams in the spiritual realms. But do try to understand that everyone else presently on Earth has also made this choice, even though it may well appear that they are not assisting but are in fact actively – even though perhaps unaware of this – attempting to disrupt humanity’s awakening process.
Truly all are assisting in this most magnificent process, because the karmic ‘stuff’ that eons playing the game of separation, living in the unreal dream world that is egoic human life, has precipitated into the game has to be seen for what it is – painful, shameful, unloving, and UNREAL – but then acknowledged, thanked (it has helped to bring awareness to the insanity of engaging in unloving thoughts, words, and actions), and lovingly released.
You are all – every expression of consciousness, every expression of the Divine, and there are NO exceptions here, or anywhere – and always have been One with Source. There is NO separation. The separation that you have been undergoing in human form for what appears to be an inconceivably long time is unreal, has never occurred.
However, as I and many others from the spiritual realms have explained to you on numerous occasions, when we were created God gave us ALL that She Herself Is – which, of course includes free will, because LOVE withholds nothing – and we were then free to construct, with great skill, the incredibly real seeming state of separation with which we have been fully engaged ever since.
God, knowing instantly that it would prove to be an immensely painful state, even though it did not and could not in reality exist – because there is only Love – in that instant provided the way out, the way back to the knowing and experiencing of Reality, to the knowing of ourselves as One with and utterly and completely inseparable from our Source – ALL THAT EXISTS!
The human awakening process that is now fully under way is waking people up in stages, as they begin to come to a very powerful awareness that life is not just about earning a living and surviving in an environment that is less than totally user friendly, and that there is much, much more to life than ensuring that the basic essentials for survival are available.
Awareness is growing that life lived fully can be extremely satisfying and uplifting, bringing joy and happiness to those who choose to engage with it in a manner that encourages them to be mindful of the vast numbers of ways in which they can experience the beauty of it frequently and unexpectedly during the day. It is only necessary to be alive to one’s bodily senses that are constantly alert to life as it flows through them, instead of being focused almost exclusively on the stories that people tell themselves about the inadequacy or undesirable aspects of their lives, which distract them from actually living moment by moment. It is the moment to moment alertness to the flow of life – and that flow is endless, unceasing – that brings into conscious awareness the joys that can be experienced when the mindless chatter of the ego is ignored for even a few moments.
Allow yourselves to enjoy life by focusing on the good aspects – and there are many constantly available flowing through you with the life flow – as they arise moment to moment, the only time that you can experience, the now moment that is your life.
The future and the past are distractions from life now, in this moment when life is happening. As you allow the now moment to be present in your awareness more and more frequently, you will discover that there is joy in your lives, joy that perhaps you had largely been unaware of because of all the worries and anxieties on which you felt that you should focus your attention, on which you needed to focus your attention. Life is really much simpler than you have been led to believe, and when the realization of this awakens within you, you will also realize that humanity is indeed awakening.
With so very much love,Saul.

傳導作者:Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
As long as you live in a human body your heart is beating as it attempts to send oxygen-rich blood to every one of the trillions of cells in your body. Likewise, your nervous system is firing, sending signals along neurons to harmonize and maintain the dynamic balance of the body. You have, within your own physical vehicle, an entire universe, with a multitude of systems sending signals, flow, nourishment, and removing toxins.
Likewise, the heart of God is always beating, and we say this metaphorically because the Divine is the energy behind all creation, and "God's heartbeat" is really the constant expression of love from the Source, pulsing ever-outward and circulating – seen or unseen – within and between all of creation. You, like each cell in the body, receive a never-ceasing flow of love, and a never-ceasing flow of signals guiding you along your desired path.
Last week we talked about the signals that you call your guidance. This week we'll talk about circulation. Love – like the blood in the human body – is always flowing to you from the Source. It is the very life within you. It is the power that creates and animates the human body and the power that makes your physical heartbeat and your physical lungs breathe.
The heart pumps without any judgment about any of the trillions of cells. Likewise, the Source sends waves of love pulsing within you, to you, and through you without any judgment whatsoever. You do not have to earn this love. Never are you unworthy of this love. You do not have to do a thing to receive this love. It is God's circulation. It is unceasing. It is always there for you to either feel, experience, enjoy, and use to create your dreams... or you can pinch it off. In truth, you can't ever pinch off God's love, but you can pinch off your experience of it.
A simple rule of thumb is this: When you feel good, you feel God.
When you don't feel so good, to varying degrees you have cut off only your experience of this love. The circulation of love is always there but in a higher dimension that is harder to feel when you are in a lower vibration.
How to return to the experience of love? You have heard us say this many times this year... One thought at a time, choose a better feeling thought. As you feel better, you feel God's circulation of love. You know these moments, dear ones. When you've been in love with anyone or anything you are truly in an experience of this circulation of love. When you've admired a sunset or felt appreciation for the water in your shower you've felt this circulation of love. When you have a kind thought about yourself or another you've felt this circulation of love. Whenever you've felt any love, you've felt God's love. When you feel good, you feel God.
Don't beat yourselves up when you don't feel good, and you don't feel God. Just remind yourself, "Love is here for me now. I just have to open a little bit more to feel it." Then think one better feeling thought at a time until you begin to feel this love. It feels like a feeling of lightness. It feels like a feeling of coziness, security, pleasure, joy, and in its most blissful, unimpeded form, ecstatic appreciation and enthusiasm for all of life, or those pure moments of unimpeded inspiration and flow.
It doesn't make you a bad person when you aren't in this space. We simply want you to allow, open, and know the joy of the Creator's love for you!
In this love, you cannot feel lonely. In this love, you feel secure. In this love, you can more easily "forgive thine enemy" if you have any because you realize that it simply feels better to stay in love! Truly dear ones, in the experience of the Creator's love answers, come, insight appears, inspiration is normal, and miracles happen with great frequency.
So strive, when you are not feeling good, and not feeling God, to remind yourself. "Love is here for me now. I just have to allow it, open to it, and reach for it, one better feeling thought at a time."
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


