

《1》阿斯塔-保持光明和信心 (20210424)
《2》Ashian-如何過5D生活 (20210424)
#ErenaVelazquez #JenniferCrokaert #Amber

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez

Ashtar via Erena Velazquez | April 24, 2021

April 24, 2021


I am Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, I am happy to give you an update today on our progress in the elimination of the common enemy the Darkness on and around Terra Christa.

I mentioned in my previous message that we have daily encounters with the corrupted souls. This time Reptilians and their allies were bringing new and more advanced technology to Earth, which they wanted to use with satellites to spy and control everyone with in a more invasive way than before.

Our Light Forces recently got in battles with the Negatives Ones near planets like Mars, Pluto and Red Planet, as in these locations the Dark Forces were stationed and preparing to implement an intrusive piece of equipment on humanity, and while also making other plans to target Mother Earth.

The Light and Dark Forces each had about 500,000 ships total from the 3 different battles. The Galactic Federation had a strategic advantage over the Negative Fleets, we surprise attacked them, they were not expecting it. The Negative Ones didn’t think we knew about their operation. We received key intelligent report from a Reptilian who works in Federation of Light.

Our Federation, including many civilizations, who help us to fight the Darkness, are tired of their constant dirty tricks in trying to get in the way of completion of our mission and your Ascension Process.

My fleet and our allies stopped their new attempt to interrupt the process of liberation here on Gaia. The captured enemy souls have been send to be repurposed or erased depending on their remorse or willingness to change. Their ships were completely destroyed, except for only a few, which were able to escape.

Please, understand these battles are necessary events, which remind of science fiction movies in your reality, in order to remove the control of Reptilians and others from here. They don’t want that this part of the Galaxy would become free. The Dark Entities are aware of the strategic importance of this location for many reasons. One of them is that millions of starships pass by near this planet.
請理解這些戰鬥是必不可少的事件,這些事件使你想起現實中的科幻電影,以便從此處擺脫對爬蟲類動物和其他動物的控制。 他們不希望銀河的這一部分自由。
黑暗實體出於許多原因意識到這個位置的戰略重要性。 其中之一是,數百萬的飛船在這顆行星附近經過。

The corrupted souls never stop trying to create unexpected obstacles, and they definitely still want to continue to dominate on Earth, even though they know that their days are numbered here.

I, Ashtar expressing my gratitude to the Ones, who are continuing to spread Light and Love on the ground. I also want to clarify something else to the ones, who are saying that I am not real and the Galactic Federation of Light doesn’t exist. Yes, I am Ashtar, and I have been Commander for a long time, and I went through millions of different type of situations. They are trying to confuse you and take away your confidence about being the Light and discourage you from spreading Light and Love around the world.
我,阿斯塔對那些繼續在地面上傳播光與愛的人表示感謝。 我還想向其他人澄清一些其他問題,他們是說我不是真實的,並且不存在銀河系光影聯合會。 是的,我是阿斯塔,我已經擔任指揮官很長時間了,經歷了數百萬種不同類型的情況。 他們試圖混淆你,使你失去對成為光明的信心,並阻止你在世界範圍內傳播光明和愛。

Also, I have a direct message to the Dark Ones, who read our messages, stop attacking the Light Workers, Light Warriors and etc., you are loosing your battles, my fleet and I are coming for you.

I am Ashtar, and I am sending to My Brothers and Sisters my Love and Light. Thank you.

Your Victory And Freedom Is Coming, Never Give Up!


傳導作者:Jennifer Crokaert

How to Live a 5D Life | Ashian via Jennifer Crokaert

(Golden Age of Gaia)

April 23, 2021, jennifercrokaert.com

Ashian: The superimposed matrix of your planet has been fear; every institution on your planet was designed around fear ~ creating it, spreading it, perpetuating it. This is no more. Look through the veil and you will see that the veil has disappeared. You are free of the fear-programming.

J: That sounds great and my head gets it, but I’ll be honest, I still find myself doing things I know are old patterns. How do I/we get past that?

A: First notice it, then bless it. What is not of the light is dissolved by the light. Open the door into a darkened room and the light floods in, the shadow does not flood out. And be patient with yourself. This is millennia old… you are looking for immediate change.

Change will come quickly, through the use of light and light-techniques, but it can take time, as you assimilate and embody the new light codes, vibrations and grids within your physical vessels.

J: Thank you. That makes sense ~ but you can see how we are running out of patience down here.

A: Yes. And we have waited millennia for this, so perhaps there is something we may share with you about patience!

J: Hmmm (said she, abashedly!)

A: It is not to shame you, but to put your experience into perspective, to provide you with a little breathing space, because ‘much’ of humanities impatience is ego-driven, not soul-driven. The soul is beyond time and is experience-focused, therefore time does not matter, experience matters more. When you are in the experience of something, you lose all sense of time because you too are experience-focused, when you are in your divine flow.

You are soon to gain your freedom in a most unexpected way. While that will come as a harsh shock to many, those of you who have waited for this and prayed for this moment stand ready to come into service in the way that best reflects you and your unique skills.
You will each become aware of what it is that you are here to do and be ~ how you have chosen to assist at a soul level.

We do not say that this will be easy, because many will resist and wish to remain asleep, others will be so panicked they risk drowning the rescuer in the panic.

You, light workers, are to learn balance. The process of righting millennia of wrongs will not be achieved overnight, but it will be achieved quickly nonetheless. In a brief decade you will be amazed at the world you have created.

But in that decade, you need to find balance. Work with love, create with joy, share with passion. But do not feel that you have to slave, that you need to martyr yourself for the cause of others, or suffer because others are suffering. NO!

You are to show the pathway, how to stand in balance and help with poise, with love, with generosity ~ respecting yourself, your creativity, your sacred divinity, your time, your energy ~ as much as you respect those you assist. You are the role models of new society.
你將展示自己的道路,如何保持平衡並保持平衡,充滿愛心,慷慨解囊〜尊重自己,創造力,神聖的神性,時間,精力–盡可能多地尊重自己所協助的人。 你們是新社會的榜樣。

It is not what you do, it is how you do it. The means are the ends.

If you look after the process, the outcomes will be assured and blessed. Do one act of kindness with genuine love, not ten seemingly kind acts with no care and compassion. Bring your heart to your tasks, one by one, as you encounter them through your day.

Allow your focus and compassion to be on the present moment activity or non-activity; in this way you make your life sacred and each act you undertake becomes a sacred act, an offering to the Divine from the Divine.

You are the pathway, you are the light-bearers, you are the teachers. You are the love. You are the light. You are the Divine. And when you realise that, you awaken Heaven on Earth.

Slow your day down. You do this by becoming aware of each moment, as much as you can. It is a discipline, it takes practice, but it is the method that allows you transcend time and move into the 5D, because it brings you into the eternal now moment.
放慢你的一天。 你可以通過盡可能多地了解每個時刻來做到這一點。 這是一門學科,需要實踐,但是它是允許你超越時間並進入5D的方法,因為它使你進入了永恆的當下。

When you slow down, you notice the care – or lack of care – that you bring to everything that you do. Care for yourself in your now moment beingness. If you are rushing, then move quickly, but not with stress. If you are angry, then notice the infringement on your beingness with kindness, not revenge.

These are the skills of 5D beingness. You have been practicing them all along. Now it’s time to use them ~ in your every now moment.

We are with you. We love you and we bless you for all that you are achieving in being in your now moment.

(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2021 www.jennifercrokaert.com


