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顯示具有 Jennifer Crokaert 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


譯者:Nick Chan、pfcchina
0:00 影片開頭 0:35 《1》昴宿星索倫-奇美拉戰爭 (20210525) 9:41 《2》Ashian-你必須先動起來 (20210529) #JENNIFERCROKAERT #SharonStewart #NickChan #pfcchina #昴宿星

《1》關於 奇美拉戰爭 
傳導作者:Sharon Stewart





Me:You're around?


Soren:I have some time to talk to you,Sharon.


Me:We've been asked to help with the underground Chimera wars.I guess there are reports that they're using Pleiadians to create loosh by killing them and incarnating them over and over,as well as Resistance members who may or may not be Pleiadian.


Soren:They're also from other planets,Sharon.The Resistance is about 50/50 earthling versus other races.


Me:Thanks for that.Nobody knows much about them.


Where are you located right now?


Soren:I'm in my ship.We're focusing our energy on China.


Me:Where the earthquakes have been?


Soren:Well,it's a larger area than that.China is a big country and it has a large underground population,as you may know many Chinese are abducted and used as slaves underground.


Me:I saw many people of many races.


Soren:There's a large kidnapping business going on in China.They take them into bases around Zhang-Xi.


Me:Sorry,I'll have to look that up.Hang on.I've got Zhang-Xi yan.Oh,on the coast south of Shang-hi.That makes sense.Coasts are great places to have bases as well.

等等。Zhang-Xi yan.哦,在上海以南的海岸。這是有道理的。海岸也是有基地的好地方。

Soren:Well,they're all over.


Me:Can you give us an update on what's going on there?


Soren:Of course.There is a large Chimera population there in China and a few other spots around the world.


Me:I'm sensing Iceland.We were also told by AA Michael about Johannesburg and the Drakensberg mountains.


Soren:There too.But Sharon,these creatures all have hierarchies.When you go for the top of the hierarchy,the rest don't know what to do with themselves.They tend to surrender more easily when the main hierarchy is taken out and arrested.


Me:Oh,that makes sense.Like if someone arrested the bosses,we'd all have a day off.LOL


Soren:They really don't know what to do with themselves when their bosses are gone,that's how much they depend on their top echelons.


Me:Hmm.Says a lot for independent thinkers,doesn't it?We don't give up so easily.


Soren:Which is a good point,Sharon.Everything in their army rests on the top levels.When these levels are gone,the armies don't know what to do,especially since they follow instructions given and have no prior notice of what they're to do next.They really don't think for themselves at all.That's our advantage.If we were to lose Ashtar,and we won't,but hypothetically,were that to happen,another would step up to replace him but his commanders would know what to do.We would still be united in thought and would work congruently.


That's our advantage.And we have systematically taken advantage of their weaknesses.


We have their top echelons surrounded.There are a few other smaller pockets but the main ones were under China.


Me:Awesome!Now what about the poor Pleiaidans and Resistance members?We're sending them light.


Soren:This is great,Sharon.Because we don't have the full compliment of earth energies to direct in our efforts via Gaia,we need your help.You're the ones plugged into your solar suns and you have the energies of these suns at your disposal.The ones from Alcyone are particularly helpful.


Me:The central sun,yes.


Soren:It's possible to protect these Pleiadians from the reincarnation process they keep putting them through.They're worn down and of low frequency again.If they can gain your energy,they would be able to fight for themselves.


Me:Would it be possible for anyone to go down into the bases and help them?


Soren:Physical removal?Yes,but difficult because the bases are so well defended.


Me:I saw a ship near my house today,a saucer.It just showed itself for a split second then disappeared.You guys are that close to earth's surface right now.Are you like that in China too?


Soren:So close?Yes.We've breached all their levels of defense so now we're dealing with the underground and these bases can be well defended.


Me:I just had a crazy intuition,Soren…one of us could merge with a Pleiadian or other Resistance member that's being held hostage by the Chimera,and then when we merge with them,we would give them our energy and they would be able to free themselves.We'd also be able to get a look at the bases and see what's going on for ourselves.


Anyone game to do it?


Soren:You would be strong enough to do this Sharon.I can give you names of some of the hostages.


Me:That's cool,yeah!


Soren:Okay,names are Tirona(a female),Yelandra(a female),Corwin(a male),Drakyl(a male).These are Pleiadians.If they were all freed,then it would be possible to release the remaining members.

索倫:好的,名字是 Tirona(女性),Yelandra(女性),Corwin(男性),Drakyl(男性)。這些是昴宿星人。如果他們都被釋放了,那麼就有可能釋放剩下的成員。

Me:How many are there?


Soren:About twenty or so,we think.


Me:How long have they been captive,and how did they get there?


Soren:Yes,some for 50 years.They have downed their ships,or captured them on the surface.There was a war going on for many years that ended in Project Mjolnir,and in this war some hostages were taken.As for Resistance members,many of them are either earthlings or Pleiaidians on the surface working in espionage as well as other acts of sabotage against the dark alliance.


So they've been kept for this time,a time when the Chimera and others of the Dark Alliance need to resort to efforts they haven't made before.


Me:We've liberated a few people from the bases.I have a report from Pleiadian Tamara and her son,as well as earthling Dayla who was used as a breeder.Why am I hearing the name Dara?


Soren:She wants to merge with you so you can liberate her from the base.


Me:Oh,okay.I'll work on that tonight.We've got to move those people out of there.




Me:Thanks for your intel,Soren.We don't hear much up here these days.


Soren:You have enough to contend with,I hear,but thank you for your help.


Me:I'll put this out on Monday.You should start getting help Sunday night because of Archangel Michael's request but with more people focused on it through hearing this video,you should get a higher light quotient headed your way.


Soren:Thank you.


《2》關於 你必須先動起來
譯者:Nick Chan

A: You, humanity, are like a water balloon that is so full of water/energy that you are about to make a collective ‘pop’, and when you do, the Universe will know.
J: Are you talking about emerging from the ‘new big c’, or the EBS or the Event, or something different entirely?
J:你是在說“new big c’”還是EBS還是事件還是別的東西?
A: The Event. It is close and getting closer. Despite what you may see, the vibration is increasing steadily on the planet and when you are able to sustain the vibration you will make the jump.
J: What vibration level? How? To where?
A: The Event could be imagined as a positive electro-magnetic surge that melts the blockages in your ‘juke’ DNA and in the 95% of your brain that you are not using. These two biological changes will transform all life, completely.
Illness will cease to exist, imbalances or addiction, temperament, habits that do not serve you… these will be seen as the effect of old programming and effortlessly left behind, like toys you have outgrown.
J: Great! So we don’t need to do anything – just wait!
A: Wouldn’t that be nice?! We know you ask tongue-in-cheek, and it’s an important question. Consider swimming: the water will hold you, but only when you have learnt and practiced the skill of using your body in a way that compliments the medium of water.
The 5D will hold you, and allow you to create unimaginable events, circumstances, health, experiences… but only when you have learnt to hold your body in a way that is aligned with that energy.
J: So, what does that mean, and why am I already feeling like I have failed? I don’t mean to be rude, but how do we hold such a high vibration with the lack of nutritional quality in food and water, not to mention frequencies from mobiles, wireless this and that, air pollution…. The list is endless and overwhelming.
A: My dear friend, breathe…
Firstly, we never expect you to do it all; what matters is that you engage with your health, your physical sovereignty, your divine vessel. Begin with any aspect of your health that appeals to you, whether it is simply making a switch in diet, in what you drink, in exercise or – if we may be so bold – the radical departure of thanking your body for giving you the opportunity to be here now. Without your body, you could not access this experience.
We have seen enough of your world to know that humans at best ignore their bodies, at worst they hate them, and in the middle, they worship them.
J: Wouldn’t worshiping the body be good?
A: Worship always comes from the mind, from a feeling of inferiority and fear, not from the heart which knows only love, equality and respect.
J: Nice point!
A: Each and every precious soul has a different journey which must be respected. Your awakening is not just a spiritual awakening: it is also a physical awakening. You will bring your bodies with you into the 5D, so it is best to begin to gently prime them, to entrain them in the practices and routines of the 5D. What you do now, from and through love and respect, for your bodies, will make the transition easier, smoother and swifter.
Become more familiar with nature, with light, with breath… these are the fundamental aspects of your being in the 3D/4D and especially in the 5D.
J: I’m sorry to say, I’ve never been an outdoor person; it’s always too cold.
A: Layer up! External air …
J: I note you don’t say fresh air!
A: We would not lie to you. There are areas of your planet where the air is clearer, but fresh air is not currently possible on your planet. It will become so. The waters will be cleansed and purified, the earth will be made rich and fertile.
But we cannot and will not override your free will journey and self expression. You must begin first.
We can offer endless inspiration and assistance if we are asked, but we cannot and will not rob you of your victories, your insights, your growth. We are here as coaches, not surgeons. And very soon, it will become understood why surgery is no longer necessary.
J: Do you mean Med Beds?
A: We do. The Med Beds will allow for all of humanity to have enormous assistance in the detoxification and refinement of their physical forms.
J: You did that for us.
A: Only when the vibration was conducive to it: you must always act first. We will take 10 steps to meet you, if you just take the first step.
J: Very Jesus-like, if I may say so, but I feel that’s a conversation for another day. Thank you for this.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


0:00 影片開頭
0:38 《1》Ashian-如何駕馭這個困惑(20210508)
6:13 《2》光之銀河聯邦-顯化和豐盛的秘密(20210508)
9:39 《3》光之銀河聯邦-新的代碼(20210508)

譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved hearts, we reach out to you in great and infinite love, as you feel your worlds crumbling around you. Every truth you thought was unassailable, inviolate, and true will seem to crumble too. You imagined that the purity of intent would protect you, now this appears to false. You are being shown to be victims too. You are being shown to be powerless too, although you stood in your power. None of this is the truth. The truth will emerge and there will be a cleansing of distortions.
There is much afoot with words and counter words; ideas develop power and traction, but that does not mean that they are pure or true.
So where should you focus? What is Truth?
Focus on your inner knowing, on following your intuition. Focusing on your intuition will separate the wheat from the chaff, which is what this is about…
It is not about ‘who’ is right. Will you give away your power to someone outside or will you hold strong? Will you trust your inner knowing?
Whether your intuition is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ does not matter, what matters is that you go within and trust your intuition.
Your intuition is your road map, your soul map to your greatest vision for this lifetime; each one of you will intuit something different, depending on what lessons you are to learn, what karma you have chosen to rebalance, what soul learnings you desire to experience. Your intuition will bring you to the right understanding for you, the right place for you, the right timing for you, the right people for you.
You cannot skip a step; you cannot side step your soul journey. It is your divine and sacred marriage, inside, you to your soul and your soul to you. That is the only marriage that matters, that is the only truth that matters. Follow this and your inner compass will bring you where you need to be.
The focus in the chaos needs to be your inner marriage, you and your higher self, your soul, your knowingness of what is right for you. That will be your best, your truest guide and compass. That is the spiritual lesson of this time – not to listen to this or that, but to go within and to find your truth. And then live that truth.
When you are aligned with the truth of your inner marriage, your soul, you automatically align with divine grace and synchronicity, you are automatically on your soul’s fast track.
If you try to bypass life experience, or ‘jump ahead’ or second guess what is down the line, you will distort your journey and create unnecessary rebalancing, or karma. To move through your intuitive knowing with grace and love for all is truly the easiest path, the path that is most open to divine grace flowing in and through you.
J: What about when our loved ones make choices that are the opposite of our beliefs?
A: Sweet child, don’t be upset. Come into your sacred knowingness. Where do you exist? In the divine field. What is your intuition? It is the map you created through that divine field for your highest good. Follow that pathway, all will unfold in perfection. You are not lost. No one is lost. You have not been abandoned. No one is abandoned.
There are no mistakes, for even when you try to chose something that may be a distortion for your soul, you will be brought back to your soul again, and allowed to realign.
Time is an illusion. Reincarnation is even an illusion, as is death. You are divine essence in experience.
The compass is your inner knowing. Follow that compass and it will bring you to the perfect place for you.
J: But what if these are ‘tests’ in sovereignty?
A: Follow your intuition. Follow your inner knowing, your sense of what is right for you, not what others say or think, for so much of that will be shown to be partial or flawed. Sure, you may listen to everything, but ultimately, let your decisions flow from your inner knowing, that is your sacred journey, the road map that your higher self determined was the best path for you through this now moment.
That is the quantum leap. That is the return to Source, to your Source, your essence. That is your divine power.
J: What if I don’t know?
A: Then wait. It will become clear. It will awaken within you.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1838492489643797&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear ones,
You must not forget that the great ascension of humanity is at hand and that you shall begin to prepare your body, mind, and soul for this process.
If you follow the news and world events you inform yourselves and we salute your willingness to look at darkness and learn about the evil that exists in our world.
Knowledge is power.
But we would also like to remind you that the continuous flood of this third-dimensional information will lower your vibratory level. It will arouse your anger, sadness, and in the worst-case scenario, for those extremely sensitive empaths amongst you, it can even leave you feeling powerless.
You must balance the information you look at.
What you look at is where you send your energy to and what you send energy to you create more of.
As the fight over Gaia’s territory continues, we’d like to emphasize the importance of rest, grounding, and simply distracting yourself with what uplifts your spirits.
Disconnect from the media and electronic devices for a few hours each day. Go for walks, spend time in nature, play with your children and pets.
Listen to music, move your bodies, and relax your minds.
The Earth’s frequency is rising and your physical bodies will learn to match this new vibratory level but you must be determined in supporting this sacred journey diligently.
Drink plenty of fresh water, eat raw fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed foods, sugar, and alcohol as much as you can.
In your world, you were taught that you have just one body. The physical body. Whereas in truth, you have 5 sacred bodies. The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and astral bodies are the reality of your quantum existence within the third, fourth, and fifth-dimensional realities.
These bodies have a direct correlation with one another. Therefore, the mental body is directly connected with your physical body. If your mind is focused on too much negativity your body will show symptoms of fatigue, aches, allergies, and more. A stressed mind is of no help to an ascending physical body.
This is the first time in the history of the universe that you as a species are ascending with your physical body…
Meditate, relax, let go, and let love flow.
Have you heard your human saying: “What you resist persists, what you let go flows.”?
This is what we want to remind you of today.
Envision a happy outcome and look more at things that excite you and make you happy. This is, after all, the great secret to all manifestation and abundance.
We love you dearly.
We are your family of light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1838492676310445&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

We have transmitted new codes to the cells of your being while you were sleeping, dear ones. You are empowered and have all the necessary tools to bring forth the liberation of Gaia.
We have given you the means to “beat your enemies with their own weapons” as you could say in your human language.
There’s a lot going on on your earth star Gaia at the moment. It is the final battle between dark and light.
Remember, that light is information and therefore darkness is the lack of it.
As you become informed your enemy loses power.
This light has altered your frequency. It is now up to you to hold this frequency and become “The Keepers of Frequency” so that others may access this frequency easier.
Many are still in disbelief but they are seeing their world and their beliefs crumble in front of their eyes.
Share your light with them. Inform them.
We do not ask that you go about this kicking and screaming.
Your task is to do this peacefully.
Leave the information there for them to reference when they are ready to receive and then move on.
You have signed up for this. You are prepared for it. The time is upon you now.
The moment a human starts questioning their reality and the motives of those who are holding the reigns, they begin ascending from the third-dimensional matrix system into 4D. The astral realm.
This process is what we call awakening.
This is what is happening to Gaia’s peoples at the moment.
This is the mass awakening we have anticipated.
The 3D Matrix that has kept you enslaved is crumbling and losing its very fundament of deceit, lies, and control.
The system is falling. And there’s no more turning back.
You are great warriors of light, truth seekers, way-showers and the children of the sun who will bring forth a new dawn.
This is your time.
Do not fear.
We are here with you.
You can see our lightships in your night skies and you can feel us in your hearts. We have begun contacting you. Open your hearts to see the signs. As the liberation of Gaia proceeds, we shall come closer.
This is the victory of light over darkness.
We love you dearly. We are your Family of Light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1838492836310429&set=a.806388119520911>


《1》阿斯塔-保持光明和信心 (20210424)
《2》Ashian-如何過5D生活 (20210424)
#ErenaVelazquez #JenniferCrokaert #Amber

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez

Ashtar via Erena Velazquez | April 24, 2021

April 24, 2021


I am Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, I am happy to give you an update today on our progress in the elimination of the common enemy the Darkness on and around Terra Christa.

I mentioned in my previous message that we have daily encounters with the corrupted souls. This time Reptilians and their allies were bringing new and more advanced technology to Earth, which they wanted to use with satellites to spy and control everyone with in a more invasive way than before.

Our Light Forces recently got in battles with the Negatives Ones near planets like Mars, Pluto and Red Planet, as in these locations the Dark Forces were stationed and preparing to implement an intrusive piece of equipment on humanity, and while also making other plans to target Mother Earth.

The Light and Dark Forces each had about 500,000 ships total from the 3 different battles. The Galactic Federation had a strategic advantage over the Negative Fleets, we surprise attacked them, they were not expecting it. The Negative Ones didn’t think we knew about their operation. We received key intelligent report from a Reptilian who works in Federation of Light.

Our Federation, including many civilizations, who help us to fight the Darkness, are tired of their constant dirty tricks in trying to get in the way of completion of our mission and your Ascension Process.

My fleet and our allies stopped their new attempt to interrupt the process of liberation here on Gaia. The captured enemy souls have been send to be repurposed or erased depending on their remorse or willingness to change. Their ships were completely destroyed, except for only a few, which were able to escape.

Please, understand these battles are necessary events, which remind of science fiction movies in your reality, in order to remove the control of Reptilians and others from here. They don’t want that this part of the Galaxy would become free. The Dark Entities are aware of the strategic importance of this location for many reasons. One of them is that millions of starships pass by near this planet.
請理解這些戰鬥是必不可少的事件,這些事件使你想起現實中的科幻電影,以便從此處擺脫對爬蟲類動物和其他動物的控制。 他們不希望銀河的這一部分自由。
黑暗實體出於許多原因意識到這個位置的戰略重要性。 其中之一是,數百萬的飛船在這顆行星附近經過。

The corrupted souls never stop trying to create unexpected obstacles, and they definitely still want to continue to dominate on Earth, even though they know that their days are numbered here.

I, Ashtar expressing my gratitude to the Ones, who are continuing to spread Light and Love on the ground. I also want to clarify something else to the ones, who are saying that I am not real and the Galactic Federation of Light doesn’t exist. Yes, I am Ashtar, and I have been Commander for a long time, and I went through millions of different type of situations. They are trying to confuse you and take away your confidence about being the Light and discourage you from spreading Light and Love around the world.
我,阿斯塔對那些繼續在地面上傳播光與愛的人表示感謝。 我還想向其他人澄清一些其他問題,他們是說我不是真實的,並且不存在銀河系光影聯合會。 是的,我是阿斯塔,我已經擔任指揮官很長時間了,經歷了數百萬種不同類型的情況。 他們試圖混淆你,使你失去對成為光明的信心,並阻止你在世界範圍內傳播光明和愛。

Also, I have a direct message to the Dark Ones, who read our messages, stop attacking the Light Workers, Light Warriors and etc., you are loosing your battles, my fleet and I are coming for you.

I am Ashtar, and I am sending to My Brothers and Sisters my Love and Light. Thank you.

Your Victory And Freedom Is Coming, Never Give Up!


傳導作者:Jennifer Crokaert

How to Live a 5D Life | Ashian via Jennifer Crokaert

(Golden Age of Gaia)

April 23, 2021, jennifercrokaert.com

Ashian: The superimposed matrix of your planet has been fear; every institution on your planet was designed around fear ~ creating it, spreading it, perpetuating it. This is no more. Look through the veil and you will see that the veil has disappeared. You are free of the fear-programming.

J: That sounds great and my head gets it, but I’ll be honest, I still find myself doing things I know are old patterns. How do I/we get past that?

A: First notice it, then bless it. What is not of the light is dissolved by the light. Open the door into a darkened room and the light floods in, the shadow does not flood out. And be patient with yourself. This is millennia old… you are looking for immediate change.

Change will come quickly, through the use of light and light-techniques, but it can take time, as you assimilate and embody the new light codes, vibrations and grids within your physical vessels.

J: Thank you. That makes sense ~ but you can see how we are running out of patience down here.

A: Yes. And we have waited millennia for this, so perhaps there is something we may share with you about patience!

J: Hmmm (said she, abashedly!)

A: It is not to shame you, but to put your experience into perspective, to provide you with a little breathing space, because ‘much’ of humanities impatience is ego-driven, not soul-driven. The soul is beyond time and is experience-focused, therefore time does not matter, experience matters more. When you are in the experience of something, you lose all sense of time because you too are experience-focused, when you are in your divine flow.

You are soon to gain your freedom in a most unexpected way. While that will come as a harsh shock to many, those of you who have waited for this and prayed for this moment stand ready to come into service in the way that best reflects you and your unique skills.
You will each become aware of what it is that you are here to do and be ~ how you have chosen to assist at a soul level.

We do not say that this will be easy, because many will resist and wish to remain asleep, others will be so panicked they risk drowning the rescuer in the panic.

You, light workers, are to learn balance. The process of righting millennia of wrongs will not be achieved overnight, but it will be achieved quickly nonetheless. In a brief decade you will be amazed at the world you have created.

But in that decade, you need to find balance. Work with love, create with joy, share with passion. But do not feel that you have to slave, that you need to martyr yourself for the cause of others, or suffer because others are suffering. NO!

You are to show the pathway, how to stand in balance and help with poise, with love, with generosity ~ respecting yourself, your creativity, your sacred divinity, your time, your energy ~ as much as you respect those you assist. You are the role models of new society.
你將展示自己的道路,如何保持平衡並保持平衡,充滿愛心,慷慨解囊〜尊重自己,創造力,神聖的神性,時間,精力–盡可能多地尊重自己所協助的人。 你們是新社會的榜樣。

It is not what you do, it is how you do it. The means are the ends.

If you look after the process, the outcomes will be assured and blessed. Do one act of kindness with genuine love, not ten seemingly kind acts with no care and compassion. Bring your heart to your tasks, one by one, as you encounter them through your day.

Allow your focus and compassion to be on the present moment activity or non-activity; in this way you make your life sacred and each act you undertake becomes a sacred act, an offering to the Divine from the Divine.

You are the pathway, you are the light-bearers, you are the teachers. You are the love. You are the light. You are the Divine. And when you realise that, you awaken Heaven on Earth.

Slow your day down. You do this by becoming aware of each moment, as much as you can. It is a discipline, it takes practice, but it is the method that allows you transcend time and move into the 5D, because it brings you into the eternal now moment.
放慢你的一天。 你可以通過盡可能多地了解每個時刻來做到這一點。 這是一門學科,需要實踐,但是它是允許你超越時間並進入5D的方法,因為它使你進入了永恆的當下。

When you slow down, you notice the care – or lack of care – that you bring to everything that you do. Care for yourself in your now moment beingness. If you are rushing, then move quickly, but not with stress. If you are angry, then notice the infringement on your beingness with kindness, not revenge.

These are the skills of 5D beingness. You have been practicing them all along. Now it’s time to use them ~ in your every now moment.

We are with you. We love you and we bless you for all that you are achieving in being in your now moment.

(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2021 www.jennifercrokaert.com


譯者:Nick Chan

譯者:Nick Chan 

How many of you are feeling lost? As if you have lost hope and don’t know where to turn? This is the challenge on your planet at this time, because of the great transition you are going through. Yes, the ascension process is well in hand and unstoppable, but this global shift plays out in the lives of each one of you, in many different ways.
Gaia is evolving and so are you. You are restless because your old skin no longer suits you, your old way of living is not longer in alignment with you; you are restless because you are looking outside your self for permission to change, for the signs of change, so that you may ride that wave all the way to your new energetic ‘home’.
May we gently invite you to come within? All change begins within; our invitation is to live the change you wish to see in the world, as Ghandi so famously reminded you: be that change. You are not powerless in your current situation. Oh, you may think you are, but that would be to completely surrender your sovereignty and those of you reading these words are not about to do that: are you?!
You are itching for the new, for a sense of greater alignment in your life and in the world around you. That is not someone else’s job: that is why you came to this now place in this now moment. You came for this moment, for this challenge, for this change, for the experience of being in transition.
You have outgrown your old life, yet you may feel that you cannot leave it behind just yet. We invite you to look for ways – and they may be tiny ways – in which you can begin to live in alignment with this evolving ‘new’ you, today. It can be as small as going outside for a walk, doing some stretches, eating better food, making peace with a family member, releasing possessions that no longer resonate with you, giving yourself 10 entire minutes of silence every day, smiling at one person a day, creating a gratitude list, learning a new language, reaching out to someone you feel is in need of some support, making a political or personal statement that resonates as your truth.
The ways to align yourself are as many and as varied as you, dearest sisters and brothers. Begin with just one small thing. As your practice grows you will notice an increase in your resonance; you will feel called to experiment and express in more new ways.
You are in a changing world, You are in changing bodies, Be that change.
As you be-come more and more of who you are, your electromagnetic resonance amplifies and changes the resonance of those around you as well as the planet on which you live. Every one of you have come here to tread a different path: allow yourself to tread that path, don’t hold yourself back.
Trust your intuition over your brain; one is responding to resonance, the other is responding to the patterns of the past. Which one of these can lead you into an unimaginable future? You were born ready of this.
There is nothing to fear, we are with you in all moments, just call on us.

傳導作者:Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan 

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Upon your earth there is an unprecedented flow of love creating movement and change. You have, collectively called for it. In the confinement of quarantine, you longed for freedom. In months of separation, you cried for connection. Watching the horrors of racism you prayed for unity. Going within and creating better futures in your inner world, your desires were prayers that called to the heavens for support!
Unlike any time ever before in human history, love is flowing to you, through you, and when permitted, from you! Love is flowing into a world that is ready to rebirth itself into a brighter, greater, grander, more glorious, kinder, unified, creative future! You are the ones creating this change by your willingness to dream it. You are the ones allowing for it by your willingness to tune yourself to the frequency of love. You start with love and kindness for yourselves, and then you spiral outward, expressing your love for the world according to the dictates of your own Divine inspiration.
As you move forward, it is good to understand that the greater the flow of Love, the greater the magnitude of your feelings – both positive and negative.
If you watch a physical river, there is little disturbance when a gentle flow reaches a boulder in its path. However, a rushing river suddenly creates massive gurgling, bubbling, frothing waves when its powerful current runs into a boulder. So too, in a greater flow of love you notice your own boulders of resistance ever so much more strongly!
Your feelings are perfect indicators as to whether or not you are allowing or resisting the flow of Love through the universe and through yourself.
When you allow love to flow to you and through you, you feel bliss. In resistance, you feel pain. Most of you feel varying degrees in between, with occasional peaks on both ends of the spectrum.
For example, when you are immersed in the present moment, genuinely enjoying and appreciating what is in front of you, and not thinking any thoughts that would block the rushing torrent of love, you can feel a bliss that was once accessible only to those who worked diligently on their spiritual practice and meditation for decades! Many of you will find yourself seeing energy, perceiving spirit more clearly, and being bombarded by inspired thoughts that guide you to your dreams. These are the moments, dear ones, when you have no resistance whatsoever to the flow of love. These are your moments of heaven on earth!
When you experience (as so many of you are!) what we call emotional eruptions or sudden outbursts of intense "negative" emotion, this is simply an indicator that you have run up against a pocket of your own resistance to the flow of love.
Perhaps you're focusing on something that bothers you, rather than something that pleases you. Perhaps you're trying to push yourself to feel a certain way or do something that someone else says you should... but you don't feel this way. Perhaps you need rest, food, or recreation but you've been ignoring your own needs. Perhaps you're judging yourself or another or trying to impose your will on another. In any of those cases, you're resisting the natural flow towards greater love and joy. These behaviors and thought patterns are taught, conditioned, humanly accepted, and understandable, but the bottom line is that resisting love's flow doesn't make you happy.
In fact, resistance to love's flow is at the root of all human pain and suffering.
Sometimes you can begin to shift out of this resistance easily. You can take a breath and imagine you're breathing in light, love, and goodness. You can breathe out and imagine sending love out into the world. Sometimes it is truly that simple to return to the flow of love. In this very natural rhythm of breathing, of giving and receiving, you can easily return to its flow.
If you hold your breath, however, you start to feel a craving for air. Your body tightens. The circulation of nutrients, waste removal, and nerve signals is diminished. Likewise, if you refused to exhale you would want to burst.
Similarly, if you don't shift your focus to take in a vibration of love offered to you in each moment, you crave love in ever-increasing measure. If you don't flow love outward in some form on a regular basis, you will feel like you want to burst.
We're not saying you have to like everything. We're not saying you have to receive human love from everything or everyone, or even flow love outwards to everything and everyone at all times. This would be an ideal state, and while it is a lofty goal, we're simply reminding you that you can re-enter the flow of love, much more easily, no matter what is going on around you.
Find an easy way to take in love, even if you simply focus on a single pleasing thought. Find an easy way to flow love outward if only by praying for, or appreciating anything or anyone in your life, especially yourself.
The object of your attention matters far less than finding the feeling and flow of love. This is an extremely different paradigm from the one most of you learned, and a critical understanding to help you navigate 5D reality with joy.
We'll say it again:
The object of your attention matters far less than finding the feeling and flow of love.
Your objects of attention simply help you tune your energy. You can focus with internal or external attention on anything that pleases you and begin to experience the flow once again.
You can allow love to flow to you, by taking in the beauty of a single wildflower, a single beautiful thought, a wonderful song, a joyful video, a delicious meal, a kind thought – anything that plugs you into feeling love and enjoying the moment. Breath that in.
You can flow love outward by appreciating a beautiful color, sharing a kindness with someone, praying for anything or anyone, simply sitting and imagining light filling you and emanating from you in silent presence. You can do good deeds, think kind thoughts, and allow yourself to be a beacon. You can flow love first and foremost by being kind to yourself. Breathe out.
Opening to a small flow leads to a larger flow if you are willing to continue in this fashion, reaching for a focus that feels more like love. As you continue to open and release areas of resistance to love, simply by shifting your focus, you will soon tune to a more blissful feeling space.
We know there are times, especially during periods of "emotional eruption" when you feel it is nearly impossible to re-enter the flow of love by finding a single pleasing thought! When someone triggers your pain; when life seems unfair; when you have focused too long on something upsetting – in these cases, it can feel as if you are possessed by the very thing you do not want to see! These intensely unpleasant emotions arise from feeling disconnected from the flow of love.
In these cases, you have become temporary, obsessively entangled with your focus on a negative object of attention, and have therefore removed your focus from the multitude of things, people, situations, and inner conditions that would assist you in finding the feeling and flow of love.
It is oh-so-human to blame the triggers of your eruptions! If only he/she/it would be different you'd feel better! That may be very true, but in assigning blame, rather than re-entering the flow of love, you render yourself entirely, spiritually powerless. It doesn't matter if what upsets you is a person, a situation, a republican, democrat, a vaccine, an unvaccinated person, one masked or unmasked, a rotten piece of fruit or a rotten behavior, a traffic jam, a horribly abusive people, or any one of millions of displeasing conditions.
We speak plainly here because we want to help you reclaim your power to feel joy. We want you to know your power to focus on a kinder feeling thought and thus to disentangle yourself from vibrations that do not please you. We want to support you in your soul's bliss, your unfolding desires, and in living, breathing, and contributing to the flow of love!
In this flow of Love you are aligned with nothing less than the Creator of worlds! You become the change for the world. You become powerful creators. You become effective communicators. You become part of the solutions instead of vibrationally reinforcing the problems.
We know this isn't always easy. There is plenty going on in the world to upset you right now, and many practiced negative emotions that are quite socially (but no SOUL-cially) acceptable.
Many of you have been asking us in your heart - What do I do when I experience an emotional eruption and I can't find a better feeling thought? What do I do when I feel stuck in negativity? What do I do when my ex/mother/father/brother/sister/boss/child is being so terrible I can't focus on any of the good people in my life? What do I do when I worry night and day about the country/the economy/my health/death, etc.? What do I do when I get stuck on a focus that feels terrible?
In these cases, dear ones, you can gently begin to release your resistance to love's flow by first, being kind to yourself. Make the choice to accept yourself where you are and love yourself through it. There's no need to berate yourself. There's no need to criticize yourself because you're a spiritual person who "should" know better. There's no need to beat yourself up because you can't find a single positive thought in the moment. You could only calm a screaming or crying child with distraction or, that failing, by soothing them until the emotion dissipates. When in an eruptive emotional state, you must grant yourself this same accepting, allowing, kindness.
Practically speaking, love yourself enough to allow the unpleasant feelings to flow through you in the healthiest and most responsible way that you can, and they will dissipate. Say to yourself, "Well I'm angry. I'm sad. I'm jealous. That's where I'm at, and that's OK for now." Then vent in private – in a journal, to God, or your angels. Wrap a cozy blanket around yourself, and cry the tears, without judgment. Immerse yourself in your jealousy and journal it until you wear it out and realize you don't want to feel powerless. Breathe deeply. Allow the unhappy energy to move and simply observe it flowing as if you are watching debris that was deeply lodged within you float up and out.
There will often be nuggets of loving gold once the intensity of the "negative" emotion dissipates. Under your sadness, comes a desire for comfort and kindness. Under your anger comes a desire for more balance or to move away from non-resonant conditions or beliefs. Underneath your jealousy is a desire to embrace your power to create.
As soon as you are able, gently steer your mind towards better feeling thoughts. Gently release your resistance to love. "I'm proud of myself. I allowed myself to feel and it didn't kill me. That was brilliant to just feel and observe, rather than re-act in a hurtful way! I love myself no matter what. I accept myself no matter what. Strong feelings won't kill me. Better out than in. I love myself. I have compassion for myself. I feel better now. I am going to create more comfort, to move closer towards what resonates and away from what doesn't. I'm going to learn to create. I'm no longer resisting love..." Hug yourself. Get yourself a glass of water and imagine filling it with love. Drink it.
Then, open to love's flow. Imagine opening your heart like a flower to the sun. Breathe slowly and deeply and with each in-breath imagine that flow of love pouring into you and through you. If you continue in this fashion, you may fall asleep. You may still have resistance and want to retreat back into upset. You may want to distract. Do your best to sit, breathe, open, breathe, and receive. You want to feel better. You want to be happy. You want to feel loved.
There are no "wrong" feelings dear friends. Your feelings simply indicate whether or not you are allowing or resisting love. They tell you what vibration you are currently tuned into, so you can choose whether or not that is the magnet with which you want to attract or allow your future.
There is no judgment from the heavens in this conversation. Resisting love does not diminish who you are in any way. It simply diminishes your experience of who you truly are.
In this very intense and beautiful flow of love, be kind and gentle with yourselves. Embrace yourselves where you are. Don't push yourselves to do or feel what you do not. Don't run from your feelings. When you can, gently shift to better feeling thoughts. When you are in the midst of emotional eruptions just observe the "debris" flowing through you in a kind and healthy way, until the "love" inevitably follows.
You are birthing yourselves anew. Your earth is birthing herself anew. Love is being birthed in a massive rushing flow right now. Enjoy the process. You are freeing yourselves from eons worth of conditioned resistance to love. You are freeing yourselves to see, be, experience, and express the love that you are made of.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#JenniferCrokaert #ErenaVelazquez #NickChan

傳導作者:Jennifer Crokaert
譯者:Nick Chan

Jennifer: I know I’m not the only mother worrying about how her children are coping. What advice can you give us?
Ashian: Good morning dearest sisters and brothers, and to all who feel these words. We are delighted to have the opportunity to address this often overlooked question.
Let us start with an uplifting answer: your children are fine, they came here for a far greater purpose. Having said that…
Any carer of young people will have noticed that they are struggling with this period, however their struggle is the opposite of yours. You are trying to clear the shadow and acclimatise to the light, they are of the light and trying to cope with the shadow.
An enormous proportion of the children incarnated on your planet at present are here in service, not to clear their karma. They have come from the light and they are equipped to lead the world in the ascended energies. They are primed and aligned with the future energies – not the present energies.
For the young people, the structures of your planet are experienced like binding … like being wrapped in steel bandages that suffocate them, like living mummies from ancient Egypt.
對於年輕人來說,地球的 結構體驗起來很束縛...就像被包裹在鋼製的繃帶裡,令他們窒息,就像一個木乃伊
Imagine a giant mechanical machine, run with cogs, wheels and levers – that is symbolic of the structures of your present world; the young people came equipped to work through light technology, to have crystaline bodies, to communicate telepathically. Your current structures – education, media, entertainment, social media, government, health, social care, judicial systems, politics, finance, all of your systems – are barbaric to them, because they are so unfit for purpose, so unaligned with higher consciousness.
As a result, many of you will have noticed that your young people feel confused, stiffled, angry without a cause (when really the cause is Everything), unable to understand the world, alienated, shut down, closed off, lost in virtual worlds online, hyper-sensitive, disassociated, hopeless and without a vision.
All of this is the result of overwhelm from the energies of the present world, combined with chemical overwhelm.
In detaching, they are trying to build cocoons around themselves to stay safe and to ‘numb’ the pain of being human.
J: And you say they’re ok??
A: Yes. While it is important to understand that all is one, it can be helpful to separate the the 3D/4D experience and the 5D experience. They are 5D aligned, they are 5D ready.
Yet, they have to ‘get through’ this 3D/4D period in time and that is where the disconnect happens for them, even though they agreed to this in their soul contract and, like you, they are the strongest of the strong. Being in these energies is more challenging than most predicted, yet these are brave and strong souls; they can and they are doing this.
Having said all this, there are some steps you may take to assist your young people:
Validate their feelings. It is important not to see their behaviour as a ‘problem’, but to understand their behaviour as a result of the present crumbling culture, a symptom of the current energies. This immediately takes you from being part of the problem (because you see them as a problem); this moves you into alignment with them as you are not sending them another set of heavy energy that they have to protect themselves from. Validating their confusion and overwhelm – even if you don’t understand it – is important. They will feel the sincerity of this as an alignment of energies. Your empathy alone can have a profound effect.
When they talk, actually listen. Listen from your heart, not your multi-tasking head. Listen to understand, not to solve. This will give them more courage to begin to explore their confusion as well as their deeper knowledge. They may not talk to you, it may be a friend, a loved one, or a professional. Space to be heard matters.
Encourage and support creativity and friendship.
Encourage drinking water where possible.
Encourage screen-free time – time in nature is extremely soothing, as are plants (even a window box or pot plants), pets and breathing freely. Their immune systems are more robust, yet they are also more delicate, thriving when their diet is nutrious.
Every being is unique, and your young people will flourish as the energies on your planet lighten, and the systems evolve into alignment with them.
Trust them. They are the solution, they are not the problem.
J: Thank you.
A: It is always our pleasure to serve you, the bright souls who shine their radiant light throughout Gaia.

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings, I am Ashtar and I am happy to be here today to share this message with you.
I would like to inform My Brothers and Sisters that my fleet and the rest of the members from The Galactic Federation of Light are working on the permanent removal of the corrupted souls from this part of the Galaxy. We have been dealing and fighting with the Dark Forces on a daily basis like Reptilians, Dracos, and others ones, who entertain Darkness inside them and try to harm humankind.
Our battles in space are severe, it involves advanced technology and we usually have a million of ships fighting, it includes motherships and we even have spaceships the size of a planet, our smallest skirmishes have thousands of ships. Your speed and technology play a huge role in the battle, the whole civilization can be quickly eliminated, you get evaporated in space like you never existed before. The war between the Light and Darkness has been going on for eons.
They still think that they can stay in control on Mother Earth. Their days are numbered and their tricks of creating chaotic situations like a pandemic or shooting of innocent people are not working anymore now on the more awaken human population.
We banned them from freely traveling back and forth to Earth. Now, their bases on other planets are cut off from your planet. As soon as they are trying to sneak into your world, my fleet is waiting and ready to attack them. The day is coming, when the last member of the Negative Forces will be transported from Gaia.
Your support of staying in higher frequencies is greatly appreciated. As of this moment, it’s very important to raise the Collective Consciousness on Terra Christa in order to break the Dark Side’s control globally over humanity, and bring Light and Love to everyone.
Your Republic is going to be announced soon, it already happened in our reality. Texas will become number one spot in the United States for a new way of governing, which will not be taking advantage of the people, instead it will be working only for the people.
First, your timeline needs to catch up with ours. All of the important events are coming according to the Divine Plan of Father, Prime Creator. Anyone, who tries to interfere and slow down the process, that person or group are going to pay with heavy consequences.
My crew, I, Ashtar and other Galactic members, who are involved in this operation called “The Liberation of Mother Earth”, put our lives on the line every day to bring peace and joy here. Also, this part of the Galaxy is a very important strategic point in this Universe, millions of spaceships from different Galaxies, Universes and different Planets pass nearby.
The Darkness in your world will be replaced with Unconditional Love. We are doing our preparations for a massive landing of millions of ships on Mother Gaia after full disclosure happens. We are going to help with our technologies to heal the human race, to clean your water and air, and help you build a high-tech civilization. The ones, who will receive the funds, are going to implement that money globally into humanitarian projects to remove all of the poverty in every country forever.
Please, meditate and carry on with high vibrations, don’t entertain low emotions like anger, fear, disappointment and etc. Your society needs to reach a critical mass in Collective Consciousness to move into full speed in your Ascension Process. Each nanosecond brings your world closer to a desirable destination of Becoming a Galactic Civilization, which only radiates Peace, Abundance and Love.
Please, be advised, if any important decision you need to make, connect with the deep essence of your being, your soul and the right answer will come to you. Also, don’t get vaccinated as it’s not good for your health. These COVID-19 vaccines were created only to control you or destroy your human body with the nanotechnology.
I am Ashtar, and I am sending to My Brothers and Sisters my Love and Light. Thank you.
Your Victory And Freedom Is Coming, Never Give Up!

《1》Peggy Black傳導-保持謹慎;《2》Ashian指揮官-如何流入5D(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

譯者:Nick Chan
《1》Peggy Black傳導-保持謹慎(20210321)

Peggy Black傳導信息:
譯者:Nick Chan

We are here offering you encouragement and reminding you that you have got this. These are transitional times and you can easily be distracted and forget who you are. We are inviting you to observe all that is before and realize that you are witnessing the shift, the fracturing of all that you have known.
Now is the time for you to truly step into your divine awareness and begin to celebrate what is being offered as alternate realities. This is where your mastery comes in because what you focus upon will become.
Humanity is still dealing with the stress and the emotional and mental traumas of what has been occurring. The uncertainties of employment, finances, and health have triggered your fear and concern. Remember what you focus on becomes. When you allow yourself to become triggered or disturbed you are adding to the negative or misqualified energies.
The transition that is taking place will not be stopped, it cannot be stopped. The result of this is that you are witnessing the fracturing of collective consciousness, within the collective. This is creating much sadness and many pulses of depression from your earth. You know in your heart of hearts that everything has shifted and changed forever on earth and is no longer the same. However you have an inner light shining through all forms and experiences. Hold onto that and be fearless in this experience.
We realize that many of you feel like you are hanging by a thread, while others are in a place of stillness while the storm rages all around. If you are affected by these intense times and this intense energy, remember to stop the frantic thoughts, take a deep breath, return to your center. Do this as often as necessary. Be gentle with yourself. Stay focused on the task at hand, focused on moment.
Realize that you are riding the energy of an awesome storm. So trust your own inner being and the guidance you are receiving from your divine multidimensional self. You are a master. You have navigated other energy storms successfully in other timelines and dimensions.
You are being invited to step into the unknown. To do this you must drop and release all that you have known. What has been known is no longer of value. You are moving into an entirely new dimension. You need to expand into the level in which there will be a new knowing. A new expanded consciousness will transcend all that has been known before. Trust that you will be given guidance and you will receive tools and instructions given by your high divine knowing.
Realize that these dimensional fluxes you are witnessing and experiencing are new to you and your mindset. You are shifting from one multilevel of learning to another. You may be unplugged from one dimensional reality yet uncertain of what reality you are now plugged into.
You are being stretched dimensionally and biologically into many directions and places of development, places where there are many doorways of conscious light that activate long lost memories of different timeframes and realities as well as small places in-between time that you can easily slip in and out of. This dimensional flux will direct you into places of cellular memory that need to be healed in your humanness before you can move onward into the higher energy and light.
Remember that your body holds all memories thru time and experience; each physical pain is associated with a memory, a place, a time or situation that needs to be cleansed and released.
The process of Ascension starts cell by cell, clearing, forgiving, emptying and releasing. If there is pain it does not need to be physical; realize that it is often spiritual, emotional and mental pain.
Allow yourself to move with caution as if walking in a timewarp. Know that any moment the paradigm can and will change. Be kind to yourself. Allow for quiet times. Rest. Practice being in the present moment. Remember that you always have choice and your free will. Bring yourself back to your personal truth, to your heart center. How you manage these shifts and navigate these changes and transform any old memory of pain is always your call. Focus on the idea and the reality that you can thrive and expand in this new energy that is being offered.
Now is the time for you to hold firm to your truth, as an awakened divine being, that you can call forth and anchor a new reality, a reality where everyone thrives. As you do this you will raise the vibration of the planet Earth. We are witnessing your courage and willingness to transform the unconsciousness and darkness you personally carry. Each time you make a conscious shift, that shift ripples out into the entire collective and uplifts others.
當你這麼做,你會提升地球的 振動。我們正在見證你的勇氣和意願轉化你個人攜帶的無意識與黑暗。每一次你做出一個有意識的轉變,那個轉變會漣漪到整個集體並提升其他人
The vibrations of joy, gratitude or appreciation that you continue to offer truly transform all that they touch. These vibrations and frequencies ripple out touching distant shores, uplifting those that are touched. Continue to offer your light. You are a way shower, a healing energy and a master of creating realities.
We are honored to join you in this awesome process of transformation. When a planet begins the journey of ascension it is truly an awesome process to witness and be a part of. Please continue to invite us to join you as you travel the timelines and create new realities. the ‘team’

譯者:Nick Chan

Jennifer: Ashian, how do we anchor the 5D? Are we meant to feel the heaviness and pain being released or reach for higher feeling states of being.
Jennifer: Ashian,我們如何錨定5D?我們是要去感受被釋放的沉重和痛苦還是去到達更高的感受存在狀態
Ashian: Good afternoon Jennifer! We thank you for your question, there is a lot of conflicting information flowing around, and we would say that all the above are correct.
The first thing we would say is stop trying so hard. Trying is effort and effort is 3D; flow is 5D. You cannot create 5D lives from 3D substance. This is a process, like all other aspects of life.
J: Great! So how do we do it? How do we flow from 3D to 5D?
A: First you have to get on the boat, and the boat is conscious awareness. If you are going through your routine day, doing your routing things in the routine way, the chances are that you have shut down your conscious mind; you’re using your pre-programmed ‘robot’ mind. You’re asleep, you’re not conscious.
The 5D is about creative consciousness, so becoming aware is the first and greatest leap – perhaps the biggest leap you are required to take – into the 5D.
Once you become conscious, you bring all your creative and divine energy into your present moment. In the present moment, you enter the transcendent moment. You cannot enter the transcendent yesterday; you cannot enter the transcendent tomorrow. The present moment is the moment of power, the moment of leverage, the moment of transformation.
Now that you are Present, notice how you feel. Are you numb? Or you feeling heavy or depressed? Are you feeling free? Light? Now you are bringing your electro-magnetic being into your Presence. You are creating coherence.
There is great power in coherence. It allows the pain that you may be clearing to pass more quickly, especially when you see it and bless it. You may say to it, ‘I bless you, I realise to your highest destiny’, and it will pass.
To say the same words unconsciously is not powerful, it’s a paradox, if you bless it to ‘get rid of it’, that does not work; the blessing needs to be in resonance with your heart energy of compassion: conscious presence is the key. Releasing with love and compassion is powerful and speeds up the process.
J: Some say that we shouldn’t try to elevate our feelings, to ‘create’ good feelings, they say we should focus on where we are.
A: We would qualify this. If you are in pain, if you are depression and sadness for example, bring your compassion to that pain, bless it and allow it to move through you. Perhaps you can dance it, or write it out. It will go, and more may come later, but don’t look for more to bless and release. Remain in your flow in that now moment.
On other occasions, when you tune into your Presence, your consciousness, you may realise that you are ‘numb’ because you have fallen asleep in your routine as you go through the motions: we invite you to become aware and curious. Invite a deeper experience of presence to step forward, and that will flow you into better feeling states of being.
Your thoughts can bring your emotions to higher states or, by recreating your emotional experience of something wonderfully uplifting, your emotions can bring your thoughts there!
The key is not to force, to exert effort, for effort creates resistance. The point is to become deeper into the flow. From the inside to the outside, from your heart and mind to your body and actions, from your person to other people.
The journey to 5D is undertaken from the inside out, and it is a flow of grace.