

#JenniferCrokaert #ErenaVelazquez #NickChan

傳導作者:Jennifer Crokaert
譯者:Nick Chan

Jennifer: I know I’m not the only mother worrying about how her children are coping. What advice can you give us?
Ashian: Good morning dearest sisters and brothers, and to all who feel these words. We are delighted to have the opportunity to address this often overlooked question.
Let us start with an uplifting answer: your children are fine, they came here for a far greater purpose. Having said that…
Any carer of young people will have noticed that they are struggling with this period, however their struggle is the opposite of yours. You are trying to clear the shadow and acclimatise to the light, they are of the light and trying to cope with the shadow.
An enormous proportion of the children incarnated on your planet at present are here in service, not to clear their karma. They have come from the light and they are equipped to lead the world in the ascended energies. They are primed and aligned with the future energies – not the present energies.
For the young people, the structures of your planet are experienced like binding … like being wrapped in steel bandages that suffocate them, like living mummies from ancient Egypt.
對於年輕人來說,地球的 結構體驗起來很束縛...就像被包裹在鋼製的繃帶裡,令他們窒息,就像一個木乃伊
Imagine a giant mechanical machine, run with cogs, wheels and levers – that is symbolic of the structures of your present world; the young people came equipped to work through light technology, to have crystaline bodies, to communicate telepathically. Your current structures – education, media, entertainment, social media, government, health, social care, judicial systems, politics, finance, all of your systems – are barbaric to them, because they are so unfit for purpose, so unaligned with higher consciousness.
As a result, many of you will have noticed that your young people feel confused, stiffled, angry without a cause (when really the cause is Everything), unable to understand the world, alienated, shut down, closed off, lost in virtual worlds online, hyper-sensitive, disassociated, hopeless and without a vision.
All of this is the result of overwhelm from the energies of the present world, combined with chemical overwhelm.
In detaching, they are trying to build cocoons around themselves to stay safe and to ‘numb’ the pain of being human.
J: And you say they’re ok??
A: Yes. While it is important to understand that all is one, it can be helpful to separate the the 3D/4D experience and the 5D experience. They are 5D aligned, they are 5D ready.
Yet, they have to ‘get through’ this 3D/4D period in time and that is where the disconnect happens for them, even though they agreed to this in their soul contract and, like you, they are the strongest of the strong. Being in these energies is more challenging than most predicted, yet these are brave and strong souls; they can and they are doing this.
Having said all this, there are some steps you may take to assist your young people:
Validate their feelings. It is important not to see their behaviour as a ‘problem’, but to understand their behaviour as a result of the present crumbling culture, a symptom of the current energies. This immediately takes you from being part of the problem (because you see them as a problem); this moves you into alignment with them as you are not sending them another set of heavy energy that they have to protect themselves from. Validating their confusion and overwhelm – even if you don’t understand it – is important. They will feel the sincerity of this as an alignment of energies. Your empathy alone can have a profound effect.
When they talk, actually listen. Listen from your heart, not your multi-tasking head. Listen to understand, not to solve. This will give them more courage to begin to explore their confusion as well as their deeper knowledge. They may not talk to you, it may be a friend, a loved one, or a professional. Space to be heard matters.
Encourage and support creativity and friendship.
Encourage drinking water where possible.
Encourage screen-free time – time in nature is extremely soothing, as are plants (even a window box or pot plants), pets and breathing freely. Their immune systems are more robust, yet they are also more delicate, thriving when their diet is nutrious.
Every being is unique, and your young people will flourish as the energies on your planet lighten, and the systems evolve into alignment with them.
Trust them. They are the solution, they are not the problem.
J: Thank you.
A: It is always our pleasure to serve you, the bright souls who shine their radiant light throughout Gaia.

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings, I am Ashtar and I am happy to be here today to share this message with you.
I would like to inform My Brothers and Sisters that my fleet and the rest of the members from The Galactic Federation of Light are working on the permanent removal of the corrupted souls from this part of the Galaxy. We have been dealing and fighting with the Dark Forces on a daily basis like Reptilians, Dracos, and others ones, who entertain Darkness inside them and try to harm humankind.
Our battles in space are severe, it involves advanced technology and we usually have a million of ships fighting, it includes motherships and we even have spaceships the size of a planet, our smallest skirmishes have thousands of ships. Your speed and technology play a huge role in the battle, the whole civilization can be quickly eliminated, you get evaporated in space like you never existed before. The war between the Light and Darkness has been going on for eons.
They still think that they can stay in control on Mother Earth. Their days are numbered and their tricks of creating chaotic situations like a pandemic or shooting of innocent people are not working anymore now on the more awaken human population.
We banned them from freely traveling back and forth to Earth. Now, their bases on other planets are cut off from your planet. As soon as they are trying to sneak into your world, my fleet is waiting and ready to attack them. The day is coming, when the last member of the Negative Forces will be transported from Gaia.
Your support of staying in higher frequencies is greatly appreciated. As of this moment, it’s very important to raise the Collective Consciousness on Terra Christa in order to break the Dark Side’s control globally over humanity, and bring Light and Love to everyone.
Your Republic is going to be announced soon, it already happened in our reality. Texas will become number one spot in the United States for a new way of governing, which will not be taking advantage of the people, instead it will be working only for the people.
First, your timeline needs to catch up with ours. All of the important events are coming according to the Divine Plan of Father, Prime Creator. Anyone, who tries to interfere and slow down the process, that person or group are going to pay with heavy consequences.
My crew, I, Ashtar and other Galactic members, who are involved in this operation called “The Liberation of Mother Earth”, put our lives on the line every day to bring peace and joy here. Also, this part of the Galaxy is a very important strategic point in this Universe, millions of spaceships from different Galaxies, Universes and different Planets pass nearby.
The Darkness in your world will be replaced with Unconditional Love. We are doing our preparations for a massive landing of millions of ships on Mother Gaia after full disclosure happens. We are going to help with our technologies to heal the human race, to clean your water and air, and help you build a high-tech civilization. The ones, who will receive the funds, are going to implement that money globally into humanitarian projects to remove all of the poverty in every country forever.
Please, meditate and carry on with high vibrations, don’t entertain low emotions like anger, fear, disappointment and etc. Your society needs to reach a critical mass in Collective Consciousness to move into full speed in your Ascension Process. Each nanosecond brings your world closer to a desirable destination of Becoming a Galactic Civilization, which only radiates Peace, Abundance and Love.
Please, be advised, if any important decision you need to make, connect with the deep essence of your being, your soul and the right answer will come to you. Also, don’t get vaccinated as it’s not good for your health. These COVID-19 vaccines were created only to control you or destroy your human body with the nanotechnology.
I am Ashtar, and I am sending to My Brothers and Sisters my Love and Light. Thank you.
Your Victory And Freedom Is Coming, Never Give Up!


