
《1》Peggy Black傳導-保持謹慎;《2》Ashian指揮官-如何流入5D(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

譯者:Nick Chan
《1》Peggy Black傳導-保持謹慎(20210321)

Peggy Black傳導信息:
譯者:Nick Chan

We are here offering you encouragement and reminding you that you have got this. These are transitional times and you can easily be distracted and forget who you are. We are inviting you to observe all that is before and realize that you are witnessing the shift, the fracturing of all that you have known.
Now is the time for you to truly step into your divine awareness and begin to celebrate what is being offered as alternate realities. This is where your mastery comes in because what you focus upon will become.
Humanity is still dealing with the stress and the emotional and mental traumas of what has been occurring. The uncertainties of employment, finances, and health have triggered your fear and concern. Remember what you focus on becomes. When you allow yourself to become triggered or disturbed you are adding to the negative or misqualified energies.
The transition that is taking place will not be stopped, it cannot be stopped. The result of this is that you are witnessing the fracturing of collective consciousness, within the collective. This is creating much sadness and many pulses of depression from your earth. You know in your heart of hearts that everything has shifted and changed forever on earth and is no longer the same. However you have an inner light shining through all forms and experiences. Hold onto that and be fearless in this experience.
We realize that many of you feel like you are hanging by a thread, while others are in a place of stillness while the storm rages all around. If you are affected by these intense times and this intense energy, remember to stop the frantic thoughts, take a deep breath, return to your center. Do this as often as necessary. Be gentle with yourself. Stay focused on the task at hand, focused on moment.
Realize that you are riding the energy of an awesome storm. So trust your own inner being and the guidance you are receiving from your divine multidimensional self. You are a master. You have navigated other energy storms successfully in other timelines and dimensions.
You are being invited to step into the unknown. To do this you must drop and release all that you have known. What has been known is no longer of value. You are moving into an entirely new dimension. You need to expand into the level in which there will be a new knowing. A new expanded consciousness will transcend all that has been known before. Trust that you will be given guidance and you will receive tools and instructions given by your high divine knowing.
Realize that these dimensional fluxes you are witnessing and experiencing are new to you and your mindset. You are shifting from one multilevel of learning to another. You may be unplugged from one dimensional reality yet uncertain of what reality you are now plugged into.
You are being stretched dimensionally and biologically into many directions and places of development, places where there are many doorways of conscious light that activate long lost memories of different timeframes and realities as well as small places in-between time that you can easily slip in and out of. This dimensional flux will direct you into places of cellular memory that need to be healed in your humanness before you can move onward into the higher energy and light.
Remember that your body holds all memories thru time and experience; each physical pain is associated with a memory, a place, a time or situation that needs to be cleansed and released.
The process of Ascension starts cell by cell, clearing, forgiving, emptying and releasing. If there is pain it does not need to be physical; realize that it is often spiritual, emotional and mental pain.
Allow yourself to move with caution as if walking in a timewarp. Know that any moment the paradigm can and will change. Be kind to yourself. Allow for quiet times. Rest. Practice being in the present moment. Remember that you always have choice and your free will. Bring yourself back to your personal truth, to your heart center. How you manage these shifts and navigate these changes and transform any old memory of pain is always your call. Focus on the idea and the reality that you can thrive and expand in this new energy that is being offered.
Now is the time for you to hold firm to your truth, as an awakened divine being, that you can call forth and anchor a new reality, a reality where everyone thrives. As you do this you will raise the vibration of the planet Earth. We are witnessing your courage and willingness to transform the unconsciousness and darkness you personally carry. Each time you make a conscious shift, that shift ripples out into the entire collective and uplifts others.
當你這麼做,你會提升地球的 振動。我們正在見證你的勇氣和意願轉化你個人攜帶的無意識與黑暗。每一次你做出一個有意識的轉變,那個轉變會漣漪到整個集體並提升其他人
The vibrations of joy, gratitude or appreciation that you continue to offer truly transform all that they touch. These vibrations and frequencies ripple out touching distant shores, uplifting those that are touched. Continue to offer your light. You are a way shower, a healing energy and a master of creating realities.
We are honored to join you in this awesome process of transformation. When a planet begins the journey of ascension it is truly an awesome process to witness and be a part of. Please continue to invite us to join you as you travel the timelines and create new realities. the ‘team’

譯者:Nick Chan

Jennifer: Ashian, how do we anchor the 5D? Are we meant to feel the heaviness and pain being released or reach for higher feeling states of being.
Jennifer: Ashian,我們如何錨定5D?我們是要去感受被釋放的沉重和痛苦還是去到達更高的感受存在狀態
Ashian: Good afternoon Jennifer! We thank you for your question, there is a lot of conflicting information flowing around, and we would say that all the above are correct.
The first thing we would say is stop trying so hard. Trying is effort and effort is 3D; flow is 5D. You cannot create 5D lives from 3D substance. This is a process, like all other aspects of life.
J: Great! So how do we do it? How do we flow from 3D to 5D?
A: First you have to get on the boat, and the boat is conscious awareness. If you are going through your routine day, doing your routing things in the routine way, the chances are that you have shut down your conscious mind; you’re using your pre-programmed ‘robot’ mind. You’re asleep, you’re not conscious.
The 5D is about creative consciousness, so becoming aware is the first and greatest leap – perhaps the biggest leap you are required to take – into the 5D.
Once you become conscious, you bring all your creative and divine energy into your present moment. In the present moment, you enter the transcendent moment. You cannot enter the transcendent yesterday; you cannot enter the transcendent tomorrow. The present moment is the moment of power, the moment of leverage, the moment of transformation.
Now that you are Present, notice how you feel. Are you numb? Or you feeling heavy or depressed? Are you feeling free? Light? Now you are bringing your electro-magnetic being into your Presence. You are creating coherence.
There is great power in coherence. It allows the pain that you may be clearing to pass more quickly, especially when you see it and bless it. You may say to it, ‘I bless you, I realise to your highest destiny’, and it will pass.
To say the same words unconsciously is not powerful, it’s a paradox, if you bless it to ‘get rid of it’, that does not work; the blessing needs to be in resonance with your heart energy of compassion: conscious presence is the key. Releasing with love and compassion is powerful and speeds up the process.
J: Some say that we shouldn’t try to elevate our feelings, to ‘create’ good feelings, they say we should focus on where we are.
A: We would qualify this. If you are in pain, if you are depression and sadness for example, bring your compassion to that pain, bless it and allow it to move through you. Perhaps you can dance it, or write it out. It will go, and more may come later, but don’t look for more to bless and release. Remain in your flow in that now moment.
On other occasions, when you tune into your Presence, your consciousness, you may realise that you are ‘numb’ because you have fallen asleep in your routine as you go through the motions: we invite you to become aware and curious. Invite a deeper experience of presence to step forward, and that will flow you into better feeling states of being.
Your thoughts can bring your emotions to higher states or, by recreating your emotional experience of something wonderfully uplifting, your emotions can bring your thoughts there!
The key is not to force, to exert effort, for effort creates resistance. The point is to become deeper into the flow. From the inside to the outside, from your heart and mind to your body and actions, from your person to other people.
The journey to 5D is undertaken from the inside out, and it is a flow of grace.


