

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》到第五維度的最快軌道 (20210331)
《2》下一波大規模的覺醒 (20210401)
#DanielScranton #Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 


We have been continuing to recognize the role that humanity is playing in this ascension journey for the entire universe, and we are not alone in that recognition. There are so many beings and collectives who look upon you as the pioneers, as the ones who will take us all to a much more expanded version of reality because of that you have agreed to endure. We look upon you with such a sense of pride, and we are proud of you because we can see you making that progress every day towards realizing the universe that you are co-creating.

One of the ways that you get there, one of the ways that you expand exponentially is through laughter. Laughter connects you to other people who are laughing at the same thing at the same time. Laughter indicates a commonality of experience, an acknowledgement that something very funny is happening in your existence, in the human condition. You need to laugh, and many of you know that but don’t do anything about it, and some of you know that and you seek out what you think will make you laugh.

You are seeking expansion, relief, release, and often there is just as much profundity in comedy as there is in drama. You could all benefit from making it a point to seek out that which makes you laugh, makes you smile, makes you feel good, makes you remember that being human gives you a lot to laugh about. Now, there’s also an inner smile, an inner laughter that you can seek out in the same way that you can seek inner peace or you can seek to be in the state of being that is unconditional love. That is also something to seek out; it’s something to play around with. And know that as you lighten up, you are not taking all of this so seriously, and you are going with the flow.

Take the expansion that your lives have created through letting go. When you stop trying so hard and can laugh at yourself, that’s when you know you have mastered that moment in time, that moment in your life, and your lives are a series of moments that are giving you opportunities to rise up, to enjoy some levity, to enjoy something about the world you are living in, with all of its foibles.

As ridiculous as life can be, it takes one of you intending to point that out that will give someone else a reason not to take it all so seriously. And that is a gift. Give others the gift of laughter whenever you can, and know that if you keep getting the joke, you will be on the fastest track that there is to the fifth dimension. It is the path of joy, and it’s one that you can choose and that we invite you to choose over and over again.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 








The Next Wave of Mass Awakenings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always aware of what is going on there on Earth, always keeping track, taking the pulse of the human collective, and at this time we are noticing that you have begun recognize yourselves as the beautiful and wonderful beings that you are. You have reached a tipping point within the collective, one where enough of you have come to this realization. You have come to recognize who you really are, that you are powerful creator beings, and that you are infinite and eternal beings of love and light.

And now that enough of you have to this realization, once again, there will be another wave of mass awakenings amongst those who have never even contemplated the idea that they could be Source Energy Beings masquerading as human beings. This is a wonderful time for you all to sit back, relax, and watch as the world begins to transform from these awakenings. You had your awakening experience, or experiences, and they were planned by you before you were born, and so it stands to reason that those of your fellow humans who have been asleep up until now will also have their planned awakening events.

Even those who have rejected the idea that they are infinite and eternal beings of love and light will be transformed eventually. We have told all of you who received these transmissions that you have to be patient with your fellow humans, and that patience is going to pay off now that the tipping point has been reached, now that you are creating an environment where it is easier for others to wake up. You have laid the groundwork, blazed the trail, and you have done a wonderful job of being who you really are, not hiding your light, but rather, getting excited about what you have come to know about yourselves and everyone else.

Every time you have shared your truth, you have helped to create a world, an environment, where people will be able to awaken without any reservation, without feeling that they are weird. You have done so much for humanity, and most of you don’t ever acknowledge yourselves for what you have done, but you’re going to start to see the payoff, and all of humanity is benefitting from every single one of you being there and just knowing who you really are. You are spread out all across the planet so that you can work with the gridlines so that you can send those energies across the globe, grounding your truth into Mother Earth so that everyone can benefit from what you have come to know about yourselves and everyone else.

You have come so far in your lives, and this next wave of awakenings will have people who will be able to grow and evolve in leaps and bounds. This is a time for you all to celebrate yourselves for making that possible, for leading humanity in their consciousness evolution. So when you think about what you should be doing, or how you can possibly contribute more, just remember how much you have already done for humankind just by being you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


