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傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
0:00 影片開頭 0:35 《1》關於2021年6月能量:大變化 (20210601) 4:25 《2》我們隱藏了大量能量的地方 (20210601) #DanielScranton #譯者Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very happy to be able to give you our perspective on the energies that we can feel coming in for humanity and planet Earth in the month of June. In many ways, June is a month of new beginnings. It is a month of you being able to receive energies that will assist you in making the big changes that you want to make in your own lives. These are very supportive energies that are coming, but they are also energies that are meant to stir things up.
我們非常高興能夠向你提供我們對能量的看法,我們可以在 6 月份感受到進入人類和地球的能量。從很多方面來說,六月是一個新的開始。這是你能夠接收能量的一個月,這些能量將幫助你做出想要在自己的生活中做出的重大改變。這些是即將到來的非常支持的能量,但它們也是旨在激起事情的能量。

You are all meant to look at your beliefs and your behaviors, your thoughts, your feelings, your relationships, your work. You’re all meant to evaluate the vibration you are offering and to see where change is needed, to see where you can be the one who initiates the changes. In some cases, people there on Earth know that they need to make a change but choose not to for some reason. In other cases, people will be blindsided by a sudden need to make a change, a change in perspective, a change in where they live, in their diet, in their relationship. There is always change happening on your world, but you are at a time in human history where change is happening faster and faster, and there needs to be an acceptance to the changes.

And that is something else these energies will help you to do; they will help you to lower your guard, to let go of your resistance to change. These energies will help you to release blockages that prevent you from living more in the flow, and being in the flow means making adjustments, making changes, and knowing when the timing is right for those changes. You are the ones, always, creating every aspect of your lives and your realities, and when you want and/or need change to occur, there are those who can help around you in the nonphysical, and they do. We all help as much as we can, but ultimately you have that free will, and that free will gives you a choice.

You can continue going down the same path, thinking the same thoughts, holding the same beliefs, vibrating at the same frequency, or you can take that next step forward in your spiritual evolution by letting go of what you’ve been holding on to, what has been holding you down and holding you back, and you can initiate the very welcome and necessary changes to your lives and to the way that you interact with your world and others in it.

You will feel these energies coming up from Mother Earth, but also coming down from the heavens, as the help that you have all been requesting is being delivered in the perfect timing and in the perfect packaging. And of course, the more you connect with the Earth and sky, the easier it will be for you to receive. Use your bodies; use your ability to ground, to be silent, and to quiet your minds, and you will maximize the efficiency and the power of these energies of June 2021.
你會感覺到這些能量來自地球母親,也來自天堂,因為你們一直要求的幫助正在以完美的時間和完美的包裝交付。當然,你與地球和天空的聯繫越多,你就越容易接受。使用你的身體;使用你的能力,讓你的頭腦安靜下來,讓你的頭腦安靜下來,你將在 2021 年 6 月最大限度地發揮這些能量的效率和力量。

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 



























Where We’ve Hidden a Multitude of Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are the bringers of a multitude of different energies to Earth and humanity, and we see how these energies affect all of you, including plant, animal, and mineral life. We notice what those kingdoms can handle first, as they are the building blocks for human life, and we want you to see them as such also. We encourage you to do this because when you connect to Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and the animal kingdom, you are connecting to something that stabilizes you. You are connecting to energies that are responsible for life on Earth, and as you show them gratitude, you grow spiritually. You also get to connect to those energies that we have infused into these life forms.

You get to benefit from the anchoring that they do when you are unavailable to be the anchors. And as we have said, there are also just times when we need to test what we are delivering to see how it can be assimilated there in the environment of the fourth-dimensional Earth. We want you to recognize your connection to all things, because that will be a stepping stone to you recognizing your connection to all humans and then all beings throughout this beautiful universe of ours.

We know that compassion is the key there on Earth, and if you can realize that there is no real separation between you and anyone or anything, you can take humanity to the next level of consciousness, and with the help of beings and collectives from other star systems and dimensions, your success is guaranteed. One thing we do encourage you to also employ there on planet Earth is tending to your own gardens.

As soon as you see someone outside of you as a threat, as soon as you give in to the idea that you are a victim, you immediately go on the defensive. And when you are on the defensive, you are not connected to all beings, to all life forms. You move further and further from Source when you do this, because Source never separates. Source always integrates, always seeks to bring home all of creation.

And so, when you feel triggered by what someone else is doing or saying, or by what you think some      one or some group is doing, you must look at yourself for the reason behind what you are feeling, and you must feel that feeling. You are not there to put a stop to anything that is happening outside of you. You are there to live in peace and harmony inside of your own bodies and your own psyches. You are there to balance your own energies and your own emotions, and you can’t do that when you are fighting against enemies, foreign and domestic. It doesn’t work that way. It hasn’t worked for anyone, for any society in the history of the universe.

You are there to unite and to unite with love, and you can start by uniting with the love that is all around you, that we have hidden quite literally under every rock, every pebble, every grain of sand, every clump of dirt. We encourage you to do this often, but we will repeat ourselves yet again. Shut off your devices and get outside; connect with Mother Nature and Mother Earth. Connect with your animal friends and go within to seek what you want to experience outside of you, because the outside world will always reflect your inner realm, and because ultimately it is all you ever have control of there in your lives.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》你也可以成為大角星渠道 (20210530) 3:52 《2》建立能量、動力和前世 (20210530) #DanielScranton #譯者Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

You Can Also Channel the Arcturian Council ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are aiming to establish very solid relationships with those of you in physical human form on Earth, because we are looking for many channels of our energy and wisdom. We never intended to only come through Daniel here, and these channeled transmissions have served a multitude of purposes for us and for you.

The energies that come through the channel have always been designed to attune more individuals so that they too would be able to receive us and transmit that which they receive. You are being called to do more at this time, and we know that the Arcturian perspective is needed there on Earth because it is so different from the perspectives of so many humans who are living there at this time.

There needs to be more awakening occurring there on Earth, even though much awakening has occurred and continues to occur. There is still a necessity for more of you to act as conduits for us and for the Arcturian energies because much of life on Earth has been dominated by the ego, by greed, by selfishness, and too many have rejected opportunities to remember who they really are as spiritual beings. You live on a beautiful planet with many natural resources, and you have created many, many distractions from the spiritual realm, from the infinite and eternal that is inside of you. This was all part of the plan, of course.

You needed to go down that path first, as a society, and then the coming back to who you really are could occur and would be that much sweeter when it did. And that’s where you are right now. We just feel that there is a need for more anchors, more points for grounding these energies in.

And while you all do it to a certain extent as you receive these messages through Daniel, we are looking to recruit as many of you as we possibly can, because the world needs you. And your fellow humans who need to wake up will do so when they are reminded of their Arcturian roots, of those beautiful Arcturian lifetimes where they spent so much more time in meditation and in quiet inner reflectiveness.

This is a time for so much more to be awakened within so many, and you all know that you want to be a part of that, that you want to help and to heal. And this is your call to action. You have done this before, or you would not be receiving this message in this way, and we are very interested in connecting with every single one of you so that more can receive us and benefit in all the myriad ways that they can from a little more Arcturus in their lives.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 






















Built Up Energies, Momentum & Past Lives ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are seeking to know ourselves better through our connection to all of you, and that is one of the reasons why we enjoy connecting with you so very much. We see the untapped potential within each of you, and we know that we can draw it out and grow along with you, because we are all so connected. Helping you to grow and expand helps us to grow and expand, and you having physical bodies and living physical lives is such a different experience from the way we exist now, and that is also something for us to get excited about.

Right now, we see you moving so rapidly because of the energies that got built up during this pandemic you have been living through. Those energies are ready to run with you, ready to co-create whatever it is that you think is appropriate to co-create. And you are very much like children at a birthday party who’ve had too much candy and cake. You are running on that excess fuel, and it is appropriate for you to remember that you also need to be very intentional about your life experience moving forward from where you are.

You don’t want to just grab onto anything because you are so eager to get things back to normal and have your full sense of freedom again. Instead, you want to stand back and feel for these energies, feel for the momentum that has been built up and realize that you are in the driver’s seat. If you want to move beyond where you have ever been before in any other incarnation, then you must realize that you are the benefactors.
You are the ones who get all the good stuff from those previous lifetimes and all of the struggle and suffering in this lifetime, and everything is giving you more clarity and more wisdom, no matter how it looks.

Even if it seems like you have failed at something over and over again, you were just gaining experience. You have always been getting better at creating your reality, at working with energies. And so, we invite you to be very clear about your thoughts, your focal points, your intentions, and see how long you can hold back before taking an action so that you are absolutely certain that it is the right one to take. And if holding back seems frustrating to you, then feel for the energy that is gained through waiting patiently for the perfect moment to pounce.

You are ready now to create a whole new world together, but you have to feel the power within you. You have to know that you are these powerful creator beings, and the way you demonstrate that to yourselves is by feeling for the power of your experiences, of all of your past lives put together, and of these energies that you have summoned and therefore created to work with you.

We see you all as fantastic creators and manifestors, and we are eager and excited, just as you are, to see what you’re going to do next. And if you don’t know what your purpose is, decide what it is by looking around at others and seeing what they are doing. We want you all to know your power and to feel for the power and the permission that you are getting from us right now to be more of who you really are in each and every moment moving forward in this lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
#編譯者Amber 0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》您正在建造通向新地球的橋樑 (20210527) 4:24 《2》如何成為一個精神上清醒的人 (20210528) #DanielScranton #譯者Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

You Are Building a Bridge to the New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are listening to all of your requests, and we know how much you all want to not only see the changes that you want to see on your world, but we also recognize how many of you want to be a part of those changes. You are the changemakers. You are the ones to question everything and to envision a new world, a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony. This is absolutely the world you are moving towards. Some already experience this world in their minds, in their bodies, in their emotions, and in their energy fields. They are not escaping from the quote/unquote real world in doing this. They are creating the new world and building a bridge with their own bodies, with their own energies and psyches.

Those of you who are awake are there to serve a very important purpose on Earth. You are there to light the way; you are there to guide, to lead by example and to open doors for people that would not have otherwise been opened. You can do this and you are doing this, and you are needed there now more than ever to be the wayshowers, the lightbringers, to be the ones who recognize the truth that you are all one there on Earth and that there is no reason to be divided or even to feel divided. It’s time to show your fellow humans what is possible, and you do that by sharing your stories, sharing your gifts, by taking that leap of faith and doing what you’ve always wanted to do for a living.

Become the healer, the coach, the guide, the channeler that you know you are, and don’t wait for anyone to give you permission or to send you an invitation. When you follow your heart, you are following inner guidance. You are then living your truth and living in alignment with your soul’s purpose and with Source.

Everything that you offer is of value. Every moment that you spend there on Earth, you are being of service, and still, you have to be true to yourselves in order to create that reality around you. In order to build the bridge to the new Earth, you must be living your truth as much as you can be, as often as you can be, and with no apologies.


You do not need to hesitate for one moment in the pursuit of your ideal reality, but you do need to take those leaps of faith. You do need to recognize that consciousness is expanding, that people are waking up, and that you are there to be a part of that. You are there to help, and deep down inside you have always known how to do it, how to be your true self. And even though you might have others around you who just don’t get it, who just don’t understand why you are interested in all this stuff, you can and you will follow your inner guidance anyway. It’s only a matter of time, and the time just happens to be right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 






















當您了解自己是光明和愛的無限永恆的真理時,在這裡您將擁有更全面地了解源頭能量,並了解源頭能量 作為源頭能量 的經驗,那麼您就會認識到,沒有其他人同意您是必要的。













This Is How to Be Spiritual ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have extended ourselves, in a manner of speaking, to anyone and everyone who is seeking spiritual guidance and assistance with their growth and evolution. We are not at all offended by those who have no interest in what it is that we are offering. We do not care if people agree with what it is that we have to share through this channel. We are not looking for followers and believers. We are simply offering our assistance.

This way of being a guide to another, or to several others, is something that we recommend to those of you who are interested in being of service, and we know that there are many of you who are seeking new, different, and better ways of being of service. You don’t want to be out in the world looking for conversions, looking to get others to agree with you. Instead, you want to honor the diversity that exists and know that there will be a time when more people resonate with what you believe than, say, some ancient religion that has been practiced for thousands of years. There is a reason for that. It is time to evolve. It is time to become a new version of yourselves, as a collective and as individuals.

And so, the letting go of old beliefs and the awakening to universal truths is something that is quite natural. You don’t need to push it on anyone, because they will have their awakening experiences, and then they will come looking for you. And when you first meet someone who is on a spiritual path, you can also expect to have some different perspectives. You can expect to have different approaches to your spirituality. That is also something to embrace. That diversity is good. We are not looking for uniformity.
We are simply offering our perspective and our guidance, and we certainly offer our assistance, and wouldn’t it be nice if that was spirituality, as defined by most? Wouldn’t it be nice if a spiritually awakened person was simply a person who you could rely upon for help?

When you access the truth that you are infinite and eternal beings of light and love, here having experiences to know Source Energy more fully and to know Source Energy AS Source Energy, then you recognize that it’s not necessary to have anyone else agree with you. It doesn’t have to be a part of your spirituality to get others on board with it. But the best thing that you can possibly do as a spiritually awake person to demonstrate how awake you are is to be kind.

Kindness is spirituality in action, and everything else is just what you believe to be true in the moment. At times you will believe in certain behaviors, practices, and so on that you think will help you along on your spiritual path, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but recognize that you might abandon all of those things in favor of other things in six months to a year. There is no need to cling to any practice or any belief, but the world does need more people being kind to one another.

That’s the type of spirituality that attracts more people. People like it when you are kind to them, and perhaps your kindness will inspire them to be kind to others. And without ever having discussed what your spiritual beliefs are, you could be that first domino to create the effect that you want to create on every person whose life you touch. And that is more valuable than any book that you could write or any seminar that you could teach. If you can move beyond all of that and see that you are all having a very similar experience there on Earth, you will get that inspiration more often to be kind to one another. And then we will know that we have had the impact that we desired to have, but still, we will never be attached to that desire.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
#編譯者Amber、GOOGLE(咕狗) 0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》為何你無需害怕任何陰謀? (20210524) 4:36 《2》提高振動並獲得 (20210524) #DanielScranton #譯者Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

Why You Don’t Need to Fear Any Cabal ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are opening many gateways, many portals, at this time to allow in more of the higher-dimensional energies, more of the codes and information that you need as a human collective to bring yourselves to a higher level of consciousness there on Earth. We have been monitoring your absorption of what we have been delivering to you over the past several months, and we see that there are more individuals than ever before who are on Earth who are there anchoring in the light, more who have a desire to be of service, and more who can handle what it is that we are delivering to you.

The more time you spend in meditation, in nature, resting, relaxing, and hydrating, the better you are receiving all of the gifts that we have to offer you. We want you to recognize that you don’t have to do anything to earn these gifts; these are upgrades and activations that humanity is ready for, and anyone there on Earth can step up and be a recipient. Anyone can be a conduit at this time, because that’s how much it is needed. That’s how much you all are thirsting for these energies, for the knowledge, the wisdom, and the unconditional love that come from the higher realms and that continue to bombard you all the time.

But if a person is not open, then those energies have very little effect on them. There is still an effect, however, and this is one of the reasons why you don’t need to fear those who are playing in the dark. You don’t need to fear any cabal or any group, because of these energies. They cannot coexist with them. They have to leave, or they have come to the light. And so, you can relax in regards to all that you have heard may be going on behind the scenes on your world. It is like fire being put out by rain. It’s a natural process. The two cannot coexist, not for very long.

And that is what is happening on your world right now, and it is reason for you all to rejoice, because you did it. You increased your numbers to such an extent that these higher-frequency energies, these codes, and this information has already been grounded and anchored into your world to the extent that was necessary to bring about the coming changes that you have there on your world. So much is happening right now because of all of you, and so much more will happen because of your openness and your willingness to stay there on Earth and endure all of the many challenges and all of the hardships that you have had to face in this single lifetime.

And those of you who have been there for so many lifetimes have really laid the groundwork for what is to come. The new Earth has been created by all of you, working in harmony, working in concert with one another. And there is so much that you have yet to discover about the Earth you are on right now, but it is all happening, and it is all happening now. And we want to thank you and reward you with even more, because we know you can handle it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121080794 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 















Raise Your Vibration & Receive ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Raise Your Vibration & Receive ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are setting the bar very high for humanity because we think very highly of you. We are impressed by all that you are able to face and feel in your lives, and we are certainly impressed by the fact that you are all still there, as hard as it is to be on Earth. We want you to know that we are not alone in holding all of you in very high esteem. We discuss humanity with other high-frequency beings and collectives all the time, and the consensus is that you all deserve a lot of respect for being able to endure the harsh reality of your circumstances.
We also want you to feel for the amount of compassion that there is coming to you from the higher realms, because it is immense. We all listen to your cries for help and your prayers, and you give us the opportunity to feel even more compassion and love than we could otherwise. So we are grateful to humanity, and we want you all to know that the help you have asked for is on its way. The prayers that you have sent up into the heavens have been asked and answered, and all that we ask from you is that you let go of your problems and your fears and worries long enough to be in the high vibration you need to be in to receive what is coming, what has already been sent.
This is a group effort, and there are beings whose job it is to soothe all of you, to give you a reason to feel good. Take your spirit guides, for example. They do everything in their power to get you to look at that sunset or to spend time with your loved ones. They are doing everything that they can to keep you out of despair so that you can receive all of the higher vibrational energies that are coming in in answer to those prayers and cries for help.
The next time that you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, just remember how much help you have. And the next time you are worrying about someone that you love very much, remember all the help that your loved one has. Some of you are perhaps scoffing at this assertion of ours that we and others have been answering those prayers and those cries for help, because you don’t see it. You look around at your reality, and you wonder where it is.
But please hear us when we say that you need to slow down enough, and relax just a little bit so that you can open yourselves up to receive, so that you can let yourselves be in that higher-vibrational state. Feel for the presence of your guides, and listen to that intuitive hit that you’re getting to go and have fun, to do something that is just for the sake of feeling joy, and watch how all that you have asked for becomes a part of your experience, effortlessly.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
#編譯者Amber、GOOGLE(咕狗) 0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》你準備好轉移/事件了嗎 (20210522) 4:35 《2》陰謀論,陰謀和王國鑰匙 (20210522) #DanielScranton #譯者Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

Are You Prepared for The Shift/Event? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have finished our evaluation of the human collective consciousness and its ability to handle higher frequency energies. Here is what we have discovered. Not everyone responds in the same way to higher frequency energy. Those who are unprepared for it completely have quite a few ascension symptoms and can sometimes even experience a sort of mental breakdown, or even a seizure. Those who are awake, but have not been preparing themselves for the higher frequency energies, might experience some bodily sensations, some weird dreams, and some physical dehydration. Those of you who are awake and do expect the higher frequencies as they come in have beautiful experiences where you tap into new abilities, where you know yourselves as your higher selves for periods of time, and you also have many other positive outcomes.

You might be wondering at this point how it is possible to know when the higher frequency energies are coming so that you can be prepared. At this point, it is a good idea to be prepared all the time. Don’t just wait for a full moon or a solstice. Make sure that you are always hydrated, always rested. Make sure that you are constantly grounding, feeling your emotions, connecting with nature and opening yourselves up to receive. The experience of a heightened energy download can be one of the greatest experiences of your life. It can also be one of the worst. It really does depend on the environment those energies are stepping into. If a person has a lot of unresolved, unfelt feelings, higher frequency energies can bring them all to the surface. If a person is not taking care of themselves physically, the energies can intensify their experiences of the illness or pain.

And as we have said, you might as well stay prepared because you are getting closer and closer to ascension every single day. Ascension will be the ultimate download of higher frequency energies. Preparing yourselves for that major event that is coming in your lifetime is a very sound spiritual practice. But all of the things we have given you here as a way of taking care of yourselves and preparing higher frequency energies are also just good, sound practices for living a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.

And so, in many ways, those who are completely unaware that a shifting is occurring can be preparing themselves subconsciously. Certain individuals know that something is happening without putting it into words. And so, you see, it really does not matter what you believe. It does, however, matter whether you listen to your inner guidance, and your inner guidance is always telling you the same things that we are. So we recommend that you listen and that you feel for these energies every single day. The first thing you can do when you wake up to prepare yourselves is to take the temperature of the energies that you can feel and see what the universe has in store for you. When you are prepared for anything, you have a much easier time of being there during this very tumultuous and shifty time of ascension.
因此,在許多方面,完全不知道正在發生轉變的人們可以在潛意識中進行自我準備。 某些人知道某些事情正在發生而沒有說出來。 因此,你看,你的信念真的沒關係。 但是,是否聽取內在指導並不重要,內在指導總是告訴你與我們相同的事情。 因此,我們建議你每天傾聽並感受到這些能量。 醒來做好自我準備時,你要做的第一件事就是取下你能感覺到的能量的溫度,並查看宇宙為你存儲的能量。 當你為任何事情做好準備時,在這個動盪而又多變的揚昇時間裡,你會輕鬆得多。

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121078492 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 




























Conspiracy Theories, Cabals & Keys to the Kingdom ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are an extension of what you are, just as you are an extension of what we are. And while that statement can make a human being feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it also forces you to conclude that each and every human being is also an extension, and you are an extension of them. And that can be troubling for those who want to separate. Those who want to draw a line in the sand have a very hard time accepting that everyone and everything outside of them is also inside of them, is also a part of them that is being projected on the outside for the purpose of getting the individual to love that fallen aspect of self.

What is fallen can always be uplifted. What is lost can always be found, and what seems like the impossible is always possible. You just need to change the way you look at the world in order to change everything, and you can start that process by changing the way you look at yourselves and everyone else who is in your life. What you fear, what you hate, and what you judge sticks to you like glue, and what you love expands. What you love gives you more of an opportunity to know yourself. It gives you the opportunity to soar, to find new aspects of self, to manifest, and to live in joy.

Therefore, you are being called at this time to focus on what you love, instead of trying to defeat what you fear or what you hate. And when you truly understand that all judgment is judgment of the self, then you won’t want to do it anymore. You are all there healing together, and you are there to forgive one another. You will find that letting go of the burden of resentment will free you up in so many ways. When you are not thriving and soaring in life, it is always you that is the reason. You cannot blame a dark cabal at this point in your evolution of consciousness. You simply must take responsibility for what you are creating in order to move beyond it.

You all have the ability to be so much more, but first you have to acknowledge who you have been and who you are choosing to be in the moment. It is only then that you will be able to see what needs forgiving within yourself. Working from the inside out is the way to create the biggest changes in your lives, and it is the way to change the world. You can go about it the hard way; you can go around gathering signatures for a petition or to try to get something on a ballot to be voted upon, or you can create a website where all you do is point out what is wrong with the world and who the true evildoers are. Or you can make it a lot easier on yourselves and just look within.

There is so much for you to feel, so much for you to remember, and so much more for you to become, and we just want you to take the most direct route, because everything will always lead you back to yourselves, because you are everything and everything is you. And we also always want to empower you, which is why we do not focus our attention on those who do evil on your world, and we do not offer you conspiracy theories that are very entertaining for your minds but that deplete your energy and lower your vibration.

We are just here to offer you the keys to the kingdom, and then we let you decide which route you want to take. We are as interested as you all are in you taking the fastest route to you becoming your higher selves in this lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
#編譯者Amber、GOOGLE(咕狗) 0:00 影片開頭 0:35 《1》您時常想提出的疑問 (20210520) 4:28 《2》為什麼光戰士就在你們之間 (20210520) #DanielScranton #譯者Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗
傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are relating to all of you from the higher level of consciousness that we hold, and we do so from a place of love, as we seek to give you more love and light from this higher plane of existence. We seek to understand better the ways that you are capable of opening up to receive the love that is all around you, and also of course, inside of you. We know that love is the answer, and we know that many of you understand this to be true as well.

And you can look at the purpose of your lives as being how to apply that truth into thought, word and action. In other words, how can you be love in physical form? That is the question. That is the question you all wanted to answer through experiences, and so you create all of these experiences, some consciously, some unconsciously, to give you these opportunities to be love. And of course, it has to get complicated in order for you to feel everything, in order for you to know yourselves more completely.

And so, you lead complicated lives and have complicated relationships, and you often seek to sort all of it out, forgetting for the moment about the one true truth – everything and everyone is love seeking to know itself more fully and to know itself experientially. And therefore, we will always guide you back to your hearts, because that’s where this truth is always running. That truth is felt, acknowledged, and it is the way that you operate as your highest self in the world.

You want to come from the heart and speak from the heart. You want to be heart-centered and present in the moment, looking for this moment’s opportunity to be love. Now, when we put it to you that way, it’s not very complicated. It gets complicated when you start to think about it. When you start to measure it, to quantify it, to put labels on it. If you could only be more interested in how you feel, you could make things a lot easier for yourselves. You would follow your feelings; you would listen to your heart, and you would be attuning yourselves to the highest vibration possible, which is always very helpful, no matter what you are hoping to achieve in your life.

You have within you this center, this place within your chest, where you can be All-That-Is. You can be Source. You can be love, or you can forget the one true truth and go back to your mental gymnastics. Whenever you don’t know what to do in one of these complicated situations you have there in your lives, just return to your hearts. Send love to the problem, and do that on the macrocosmic level as well. Send love to India, to Syria, to Palestine and to Israel. Be the love that the world needs right now, and you will fulfill your purpose for existing. You will also have a much better life.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121076074 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

























Why the Light Warriors Are Really Among You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are sustaining ourselves by allowing in the highest-frequency energies available to us and letting those energies fuel our consciousness. We have said this before, and we will say it again – we are not so different from all of you. The main difference between the ninth-dimensional Arcturian Council and the average Earthling is that we choose consciously which energies we allow to move to us and through us, whereas for you it can be much more of an unconscious choice, one that is not taking your feelings into consideration. You get to choose what you focus upon, and there is so much for you to focus upon in your information age, and so you have to choose wisely.

You must ask yourselves, ‘How will this make me feel?’ before deciding whether or not to engage with it if you want to be truly conscious creators. Many people decide based on whether they think it’s true, or whether it will be entertaining, and that is simply going to lead them down a path that it will be then hard to get off of because of how exciting it can be to be on that path.

We often see people using the terminology ‘light warrior’ in the new age and spiritual communities, and what those people usually mean is that they’re on Earth to battle with darkness. In other words, they believe they are the ones who are being sent as the light warriors to defeat those who are playing in the dark, and they take this assignment very seriously. That is not why anyone is there on Earth. We prefer the term lightbringer to light warrior, because you are in fact there to spread the light around. You are there to be the light, and one of the ways that you get there is by letting go of your fear of the darkness.

You must let go of your judgment of the darkness and those who are playing in the dark as well, if you are ever going to rise above it. Let us say you were to defeat the darkness with whatever skills and abilities you had obtained as a light warrior. Well then, you would be in that dualistic system at the end of the battle, and that means more darkness would just come and replace the ones that you defeated, and you would not grow, because you would not learn to love All-That-Is. All that you see outside of you, and all that you hear about from others, it is all inside of you.

You ultimately want to be able to love all aspects of creation because you want to be able to love all aspects of you. It is the only way to allow the true you, the Source Energy aspect of you, to come to the surface and be the aspect of you that is running the show. And so, we recommend that you focus on the light, that you focus on what is positive out there in the world and what is positive in you, because you are also not going to get very far by constantly looking for problems within you that need fixing.

You are not going to grow by judging your own negative aspects as bad. Once you embrace it all, then you can choose. Then you can realize that it was all inside of you all along, and all you had to do was choose consciously what you wanted to amplify, what you wanted to feel more of and be more of, and then and only then will you be of service to the whole of humanity. And that is how we see it from our perspective, which again, is one where we are only allowing in that which is of the light, that which is of the truth of who we really are as Source Energy, as unconditional love.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


【大角星】有些近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔 傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) #編譯者Amber、GOOGLE(咕狗) 0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》加入銀河社區的巨大一步 (20210518) 4:11 《2》該編程必須動搖 (20210518) #DanielScranton #譯者Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very capable of seeing the patterns as they emerge on your world, and right now we can see that the patterns are indicating a greater awareness of your place within the galactic community, especially amongst those who have been non-believers in extra-terrestrials for their entire lives. The way their newfound beliefs manifest is in their willingness to investigate, their willingness to go further than they have ever gone before with a sense of curiosity about who or what else exists in this universe.

Skepticism is healthy to a certain degree, because it allows you to tap in to your discernment abilities, which you need, but when someone is skeptical without ever questioning their skepticism, that’s when you know there is something larger at play within the individual that needs to be uncovered. And that is also happening; people are questioning why they believe what they believe and why they don’t believe in certain things that others believe in, and that is a positive step forward for the collective consciousness of humanity. You do need to question everything in order to examine it fully and draw your own conclusions.

You were never meant to align yourself with one set of beliefs from the day you were capable of having a belief and adhere to those for the rest of your lives. That would be quite limiting, and it is something you are moving past at this time. Of course, there have been humans who have done this, and there are humans who are doing it right now, and these are the humans who are awakening. Everyone has to start from somewhere, and so you have there on your world much more evidence of the existence of extra-terrestrial life and consciousness than you have ever had before.

It doesn’t take much nowadays to make someone into a believer, and that is a critical first step. There does, however, need to be a second step after that. People then need to understand that e.t.s are not to be feared. They are not to be feared just as no aspect of yourself should be feared. You are there to have your initial reactions, but then ultimately to embrace everything and everyone, including the unseen, including the e.t.s who have yet to make themselves known to the vast majority of humans there on Earth.

And that next step is coming for so many who have begun to open themselves up to the possibility that life beyond Earth does in fact exist. This is a huge step forward for the human collective and a huge step toward joining the galactic community, officially, which is something you will do and you will do soon. Just be patient with your fellow humans; they have chosen a different path than you have, but it is still a valid one. It is still one that needed to exist.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121074002 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 























This Programming Must Be Shaken ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuously amazed and blown away by humanity as we witness all of you there on planet Earth, and we see how hard you all work towards achieving your goals in life. It is as if nothing is worth having unless there is a story that goes along with it, and that story must include your struggle and the paying of dues. That has been your programming for quite some time, and most of you have absorbed it at one time or another in your lives.

You sometimes have felt the need to point out to others that nothing just came to you on a silver platter, that you had it hard too, and we understand why this is. We understand that you have nepotism, and you have children with trust funds, and you have all sorts of circumstances that would make a hard-working person look down upon someone who hasn’t had to lift a finger in order to get what they want for their entire lives. This is a program that you have to shake right now, as you become conscious and deliberate creators who are capable of instant manifestation.

Now you want to amaze us and everyone else with how little you have to do in order to live the life of your dreams, in order to have it all. One way you can start the process is to stop talking about all the times in your life when you had to pay your dues, when you had to struggle, scrape, scratch and claw your way to something better in your life, and start emphasizing the times when things just fell into your lap, when everything lined up for you, and when you were just in the right place at the right time.

Those of you who are awake understand that there are no accidents and no coincidences. You understand that you have to be in vibrational harmony with anything and everything that comes your way. You could work very, very hard, and because you believe in hard work, that could pay off for you someday down the line, or you could work very, very hard and have nothing to show for it because you continued to run a program that told you that you are oppressed, that you are a victim.

Now is the time to shed that whole idea of victimhood. Now is the time to start feeling more empowered, to start remembering who you really are and putting what you know into practice, and then you can teach others. And then you can become masters over the physical realm. That makes it much easier for you to dedicate your time to your spirituality.

Once all of your physical needs are met, you do tend to seek out something more, something that will satisfy and fulfill you. And you don’t have to suffer and struggle to attain a higher level of consciousness. In fact, doing the opposite is what we would recommend. Let go. Surrender. And allow everything to flow to you and through you so you can be an example to others of what is possible right now there on planet Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”