

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
#編譯者Amber、GOOGLE(咕狗) 0:00 影片開頭 0:35 《1》您時常想提出的疑問 (20210520) 4:28 《2》為什麼光戰士就在你們之間 (20210520) #DanielScranton #譯者Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗
傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are relating to all of you from the higher level of consciousness that we hold, and we do so from a place of love, as we seek to give you more love and light from this higher plane of existence. We seek to understand better the ways that you are capable of opening up to receive the love that is all around you, and also of course, inside of you. We know that love is the answer, and we know that many of you understand this to be true as well.

And you can look at the purpose of your lives as being how to apply that truth into thought, word and action. In other words, how can you be love in physical form? That is the question. That is the question you all wanted to answer through experiences, and so you create all of these experiences, some consciously, some unconsciously, to give you these opportunities to be love. And of course, it has to get complicated in order for you to feel everything, in order for you to know yourselves more completely.

And so, you lead complicated lives and have complicated relationships, and you often seek to sort all of it out, forgetting for the moment about the one true truth – everything and everyone is love seeking to know itself more fully and to know itself experientially. And therefore, we will always guide you back to your hearts, because that’s where this truth is always running. That truth is felt, acknowledged, and it is the way that you operate as your highest self in the world.

You want to come from the heart and speak from the heart. You want to be heart-centered and present in the moment, looking for this moment’s opportunity to be love. Now, when we put it to you that way, it’s not very complicated. It gets complicated when you start to think about it. When you start to measure it, to quantify it, to put labels on it. If you could only be more interested in how you feel, you could make things a lot easier for yourselves. You would follow your feelings; you would listen to your heart, and you would be attuning yourselves to the highest vibration possible, which is always very helpful, no matter what you are hoping to achieve in your life.

You have within you this center, this place within your chest, where you can be All-That-Is. You can be Source. You can be love, or you can forget the one true truth and go back to your mental gymnastics. Whenever you don’t know what to do in one of these complicated situations you have there in your lives, just return to your hearts. Send love to the problem, and do that on the macrocosmic level as well. Send love to India, to Syria, to Palestine and to Israel. Be the love that the world needs right now, and you will fulfill your purpose for existing. You will also have a much better life.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121076074 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

























Why the Light Warriors Are Really Among You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are sustaining ourselves by allowing in the highest-frequency energies available to us and letting those energies fuel our consciousness. We have said this before, and we will say it again – we are not so different from all of you. The main difference between the ninth-dimensional Arcturian Council and the average Earthling is that we choose consciously which energies we allow to move to us and through us, whereas for you it can be much more of an unconscious choice, one that is not taking your feelings into consideration. You get to choose what you focus upon, and there is so much for you to focus upon in your information age, and so you have to choose wisely.

You must ask yourselves, ‘How will this make me feel?’ before deciding whether or not to engage with it if you want to be truly conscious creators. Many people decide based on whether they think it’s true, or whether it will be entertaining, and that is simply going to lead them down a path that it will be then hard to get off of because of how exciting it can be to be on that path.

We often see people using the terminology ‘light warrior’ in the new age and spiritual communities, and what those people usually mean is that they’re on Earth to battle with darkness. In other words, they believe they are the ones who are being sent as the light warriors to defeat those who are playing in the dark, and they take this assignment very seriously. That is not why anyone is there on Earth. We prefer the term lightbringer to light warrior, because you are in fact there to spread the light around. You are there to be the light, and one of the ways that you get there is by letting go of your fear of the darkness.

You must let go of your judgment of the darkness and those who are playing in the dark as well, if you are ever going to rise above it. Let us say you were to defeat the darkness with whatever skills and abilities you had obtained as a light warrior. Well then, you would be in that dualistic system at the end of the battle, and that means more darkness would just come and replace the ones that you defeated, and you would not grow, because you would not learn to love All-That-Is. All that you see outside of you, and all that you hear about from others, it is all inside of you.

You ultimately want to be able to love all aspects of creation because you want to be able to love all aspects of you. It is the only way to allow the true you, the Source Energy aspect of you, to come to the surface and be the aspect of you that is running the show. And so, we recommend that you focus on the light, that you focus on what is positive out there in the world and what is positive in you, because you are also not going to get very far by constantly looking for problems within you that need fixing.

You are not going to grow by judging your own negative aspects as bad. Once you embrace it all, then you can choose. Then you can realize that it was all inside of you all along, and all you had to do was choose consciously what you wanted to amplify, what you wanted to feel more of and be more of, and then and only then will you be of service to the whole of humanity. And that is how we see it from our perspective, which again, is one where we are only allowing in that which is of the light, that which is of the truth of who we really are as Source Energy, as unconditional love.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


