

【大角星】有些近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔 傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) #編譯者Amber、GOOGLE(咕狗) 0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》加入銀河社區的巨大一步 (20210518) 4:11 《2》該編程必須動搖 (20210518) #DanielScranton #譯者Amber #GOOGLE #咕狗

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very capable of seeing the patterns as they emerge on your world, and right now we can see that the patterns are indicating a greater awareness of your place within the galactic community, especially amongst those who have been non-believers in extra-terrestrials for their entire lives. The way their newfound beliefs manifest is in their willingness to investigate, their willingness to go further than they have ever gone before with a sense of curiosity about who or what else exists in this universe.

Skepticism is healthy to a certain degree, because it allows you to tap in to your discernment abilities, which you need, but when someone is skeptical without ever questioning their skepticism, that’s when you know there is something larger at play within the individual that needs to be uncovered. And that is also happening; people are questioning why they believe what they believe and why they don’t believe in certain things that others believe in, and that is a positive step forward for the collective consciousness of humanity. You do need to question everything in order to examine it fully and draw your own conclusions.

You were never meant to align yourself with one set of beliefs from the day you were capable of having a belief and adhere to those for the rest of your lives. That would be quite limiting, and it is something you are moving past at this time. Of course, there have been humans who have done this, and there are humans who are doing it right now, and these are the humans who are awakening. Everyone has to start from somewhere, and so you have there on your world much more evidence of the existence of extra-terrestrial life and consciousness than you have ever had before.

It doesn’t take much nowadays to make someone into a believer, and that is a critical first step. There does, however, need to be a second step after that. People then need to understand that e.t.s are not to be feared. They are not to be feared just as no aspect of yourself should be feared. You are there to have your initial reactions, but then ultimately to embrace everything and everyone, including the unseen, including the e.t.s who have yet to make themselves known to the vast majority of humans there on Earth.

And that next step is coming for so many who have begun to open themselves up to the possibility that life beyond Earth does in fact exist. This is a huge step forward for the human collective and a huge step toward joining the galactic community, officially, which is something you will do and you will do soon. Just be patient with your fellow humans; they have chosen a different path than you have, but it is still a valid one. It is still one that needed to exist.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121074002 >

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 























This Programming Must Be Shaken ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuously amazed and blown away by humanity as we witness all of you there on planet Earth, and we see how hard you all work towards achieving your goals in life. It is as if nothing is worth having unless there is a story that goes along with it, and that story must include your struggle and the paying of dues. That has been your programming for quite some time, and most of you have absorbed it at one time or another in your lives.

You sometimes have felt the need to point out to others that nothing just came to you on a silver platter, that you had it hard too, and we understand why this is. We understand that you have nepotism, and you have children with trust funds, and you have all sorts of circumstances that would make a hard-working person look down upon someone who hasn’t had to lift a finger in order to get what they want for their entire lives. This is a program that you have to shake right now, as you become conscious and deliberate creators who are capable of instant manifestation.

Now you want to amaze us and everyone else with how little you have to do in order to live the life of your dreams, in order to have it all. One way you can start the process is to stop talking about all the times in your life when you had to pay your dues, when you had to struggle, scrape, scratch and claw your way to something better in your life, and start emphasizing the times when things just fell into your lap, when everything lined up for you, and when you were just in the right place at the right time.

Those of you who are awake understand that there are no accidents and no coincidences. You understand that you have to be in vibrational harmony with anything and everything that comes your way. You could work very, very hard, and because you believe in hard work, that could pay off for you someday down the line, or you could work very, very hard and have nothing to show for it because you continued to run a program that told you that you are oppressed, that you are a victim.

Now is the time to shed that whole idea of victimhood. Now is the time to start feeling more empowered, to start remembering who you really are and putting what you know into practice, and then you can teach others. And then you can become masters over the physical realm. That makes it much easier for you to dedicate your time to your spirituality.

Once all of your physical needs are met, you do tend to seek out something more, something that will satisfy and fulfill you. And you don’t have to suffer and struggle to attain a higher level of consciousness. In fact, doing the opposite is what we would recommend. Let go. Surrender. And allow everything to flow to you and through you so you can be an example to others of what is possible right now there on planet Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


