

#編譯者Amber 0:00 影片開頭 0:35 《1》療癒來自低潮中簽署的積極能量 (20210518) 4:50 《2》光之群體-安全抵返家 (20210518) #譯者Amber #VictoriaCochrane #JulieBoerst #大天使麥可 #光之群體

傳導作者:Victoria Cochrane

Archangel Michael: Healing from the Energetic Signatures of Depression

Depression is an imbalance of chemicals in the brain brought on by a range of triggers including physical stress in the body, medical intervention, pregnancy, emotional trauma, mental anguish and spiritual disconnection. Many people suffer depression throughout their lives, whilst others may just have one, unrelated episode.

Clinical depression is a physical illness that can be balanced by medication and treating the mental overload that can lead to insomnia and an inability to shut down the mind. The depletion of certain chemicals and hormones in the body is a condition that many people learn to live with, however, just looking at physical causes limits the potential for a lessening of symptoms and maybe even a cure.

The base chakra is the energy centre where depression can be treated spiritually. If a person is insecure in their identity, has scarcity or survival issues, is feeling lost, alone and unworthy, depression is a likely symptom. However, the more powerful and debilitating factor that can lead a person to experience clinical depression in their physical body is an inability to stand up and be present, to feel that they belong and to create a platform for themselves to build their confidence, self-esteem and appreciation for what they have already achieved. When the basis of one’s existence is a feeling of being out of control, continuously disempowered and devalued, the potential for imbalance in every other chakra, body and area of their lives is greatly increased.
基礎脈輪是能量中心,在精神上可以治療抑鬱。 如果一個人的身份不安全,有稀缺或生存問題,感到迷失,孤獨和不值得,抑鬱可能是一種症狀。 但是,更強大和令人衰弱的因素可能導致一個人在身體上遭受臨床抑鬱症,這是他們無法站立和出現,無法感覺到他們屬於自己、以及無法為自己建立平台以建立自信、自我發展的能力。 對他們已經取得的成就表示敬意和讚賞。 當一個人的存在的基礎是一種失控的感覺,不斷失去權力和貶值時,其生活中的其他脈輪,身體和區域失衡的可能性就會大大增加。 

Balancing out your hormones and chemicals, or your endocrine system, is a very good start to overriding depression. However, if imbalances remain in your energy fields, work and home life, relationships or systems in your body, taking medication is only part of the answer. Looking within at any discontent, guilt, self-blame or loathing, regret, resentment or grudges, mostly against self, is a good start, particularly if the medication is not helping as much as it should.

Depression is insidious disease that many people do not understand, but it needs to be acknowledged as more than just a mental illness. So much of what is happening elsewhere in the person’s body can directly impact on a person’s ability to think rationally, to stay grounded, to function wholistically and to stay balanced physically, mentally and emotionally. Other factors to be considered are a person’s diet and gut health, whether the person is constantly in a state of dehydration through too much salt or lack of water, thyroid and endocrinal issues, insomnia and iron depletion. Wholistically though, emotional and physical trauma through abuse, an accident or relationship breakdown can impact a person’s morale so badly that depression becomes a real, physical and mental reality.

To recover fully from depression that has more energetic than physical or chemical causes and its symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, the root cause of the condition must be found and healed. This can be achieved in many ways, but releasing all guilt, grief, resentment, anger, feelings of abandonment and trauma is essential for the person to fully heal. Asking for help is the first step. Call upon me and the masters of light to assist you to release your past and its demons and to step back into the light of life again.

I AM Archangel Michael!

< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121074956 >

傳導作者:Julie Boerst

The Group: Safe Return Home

You can come to a place where you’re happy to recognize that you feel irritated. When you make the purpose of each day, of each hour, of each moment the same purpose, then it is no problem to feel something that you call negative. You are simply bumping up against the problem, and when you have made the purpose of every day accepting the help that is always here for all, you know that it is only because you focused away from this help that you feel anything amiss. With practice, you will learn to value what is Real, and your focus will not stray.

If you are bathing in help all of the time, it’s not a problem to see that you have focused away from that help. You only have to return your attention back to that which is truly helpful.

The only reason there is to hold yourself apart perceptually from the someone you call “else” is the perception that your happiness comes from a relative definition of having happiness. In a relative world, relative happiness accompanies relative unhappiness. That’s what the others are for. All of the separate ones that you see were originally made for relative experience. Ego manufactured those separate others, and you invented ego.

Ego is an illusion. It is not real. Anything that ego shows you is not real. If you seem to be surrounded with what is not real in a relative world that is also not real, you need help. That help is always Here and Now. Eventually, you come to see that no help is available from treating the separate aspects of a manufactured world as if they are real. You imagined your world to keep you in fear.

This doesn’t mean that you have to deny what you are experiencing. In fact, denying what you are experiencing is unhelpful. What is helpful, though, is to remember to see the source of what you are experiencing in your thoughts. In your thoughts alone, and in the thoughts of no other. Your keenest pain comes from believing that the source of your experience is in a world over which you have no control.

The remedy is always present, and the remedy is always Here and Now. The remedy always affects your thinking, and that’s how it is able to affect the world your thinking manufactures. The remedy gives you different input, so you feel differently when you are experiencing the output–the effect, that which you call the world.

When you accept the remedy, Truth seems to shepherd all of you, as one flock, back to your Home in Love. Truly, you are at Home in Love right now. Only perception blocks your awareness of being held fully in Love, safe from all harm and distress, right now.

We give you a scene in your drama. Someone talking about how happy she is in a way that sets off a jealousy and irritation triggers. This is ego blocking the light. You are seeing the character in a way ego would have you see her, not in the way Spirit would have you see her. Look more closely. There is a picture of you, bereft of something the other seems to have. This is the picture ego wants you to see. See this image, only an image, fading and becoming transparent.

Do you want to see her as she is and as she has always been? It is your path to happiness. You can only see yourself as you are right now and as you have always been–fully innocent–if you are willing to allow Spirit to show her to you in this way. Are you willing to see her entirely innocent, worthy of being held in Love, worthy of having all of her cares and worries erased instantly? If you think of her this way, you think of yourself in this way, because there is only one of you.

Giving the thought of jealousy to Spirit triggers the remembrance of Love’s presence. Just know that this is so. Your faith will build with the practice. It is the faith in the innocence of that one over there talking. It is your faith in your innocence. It is your faith in your safe return Home, which is the safe return of all.

We’ve got you. You’re safe. We just require your permission to show you.
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121074970 >


