

【麥基洗得、 抹大拉的瑪麗亞、加百利】
譯者:Nick Chan、Amber
#NatalieGlasson #AnnDahlberg #SHELLEYYOUNG #Amber #NickChan

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson

Abundance in Its True Form | Lord Melchizedek via Natalie Glasson

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I am Lord Melchizedek greetings and welcome to all beings, I extend my light, truth, and my love, I am Lord Melchizedek. I am a collective energy and yet you may see me as a single source, a source of light that oversees the Universal Level and brings forth wisdom, love, knowledge, and the divine plan from the Creator. It is an honor to be in your presence today and I wish to speak of abundance, abundance in its true form.

問候,我是麥基洗得,歡迎所有存有們,我奉行我的光明,真理和愛,我是麥基洗得。 我是集體的能量,但你可能會認為我是一個單一的來源,是監督普遍水平並帶來造物主的智慧,愛,知識和神聖計畫的光源。 今天能來到在你面前感到榮幸,我謹以真實的形式談論豐盛。 

What Is Abundance?什麼是豐盛

You may be able to clarify what abundance is within your reality as different products or objects, experiences, or situations that you might have or wish to have. These are known as creations, abundance can be known as creations, the creations that you recognize in your reality.

Abundance is the product of creations, the manifestation of your creations. Now abundance is so much more than this because if it is creations, it also is energy, thoughts, feelings, perspectives, and beliefs. In truth abundance is who you are, everything that you create, and everything that draws certain scenarios and outcomes into your reality. You are the energy of abundance, you are the essence of abundance, the form, and the experience of abundance. You are the one who creates abundance in your reality through your body, being, energy body, soul, thoughts, emotions, and your intentions.

Therefore, you are abundance.

As we again ask what abundance is, we recognize that abundance is a frequency and energy, a sensation, a flash of light or a sound, anything that is the Creator because the energy of abundance flows from the Creator. You are the Creator; you hold within your being and express the vibrations of the Creator, and your body like a machine creates.

You receive and embody the energy of abundance and your body like a well-oiled machine creates this abundance. You can recognize abundance in all areas of your reality maybe spring flowers blossoming, or maybe leaves growing upon the trees, ore children laughing as they pass you by. Abundance in those forms may seem impersonal because it may seem as if it does not belong to you and that it belongs to others, it belongs to the flowers, the trees, the children. However, you created that abundance, you created that you were present to experience the abundance, therefore you are in co-creation of the abundance and yes, you can claim that as abundance in your reality.

How Does Abundance Make You Feel?

If you imagine yourself experiencing the flow of abundance through your being, allowing it to manifest within your reality. What would you feel? Would you feel complete, would you feel full, would you feel delighted, overjoyed, excited? You may say that these feelings are only because you are experiencing abundance, however, these feelings are the abundance itself. If you manifest money for yourself and this money allows you to do whatever you need to do in your reality, you have beautiful, delightful feelings within you.

Is the money the abundance or are those feelings within your being the abundant energy?

It is an interesting question. We could say that both are abundance, the money is the abundant energy in form and the feelings, the delight, the joy, are the abundant energy flowing through your being, expressed through your body and your being. However, you can create the money, the abundance and maybe not have those abundant feelings within your being as maybe the money does not fulfil you. You can create those feelings within your being without the money. Therefore, we can recognize that the true abundance are the feelings within your being and yes, it can manifest into forms that fill you with delight. You can create abundance within your being, the feelings, sensation, and experience of abundance without the outer objects, experiences, situations.


What Is The True Form Of Abundance?

If these emotions, energies, experience within your being are recognized as abundance of which you are the creation or creator of these abundant feelings. This signifies you are the energy of abundance. Every cell, thought, energy body of your being is the energy of abundance.

This means you can access the energy of abundance whenever you want. You can access it always if you wish and it also means your inner experience is so important, more so than your outer experience, your experience within you will impact your outer experience.

It is so important to cultivate those inner vibrations, intentions, feelings, and thoughts, to create abundance, aligning with the abundant nature of your being. It is as if you have so many different coats to where, you could wear the coat of love or the coat of abundance, the coat of peace and it is all your choosing. You can wear them all at once if you create within you peace, love, abundance then it will automatically manifests into your reality.

If You Are Creating Within You A World Of Abundance What Does This Look Like?

An inner world of abundance could be described as self-love, loving thoughts, forgiveness, truth, honesty, peace, harmony with oneself and supporting yourself.

A inner world of abundance could be nourishing yourself, energetically and physically with nourishing food, nourishing exercise, nourishing thoughts and nourishing feelings. It is all about creating your inner world as a place of abundance and the greatest energy you can give yourself is forgiveness.

As you dissolve disagreement within your being, dissolving blame, dissolving any form of harm thus you begin to align with your true nature, the vibration of the Creator that you are. Your inner world becomes harmonious, it becomes abundant, and you feel within every aspect of your being that you are abundant. You are the energy of abundance. Thus, you recognize that you are whole, that you are complete, you are fulfilled, that you are aligned and connected with the Creator. You are the Creator.

Within your being there is no need to want for anything. When you meditate and focus your energy within you, do you lack things? Do you feel that you need things? If this is the case then call upon healing, you may call upon me, Lord Melchizedek and my Universal Medical Healing Team or the Universal Healing Team.

Ask us to fulfill you so that lack and hurt dissolve so that you experience a vibration where your inner world becomes so abundant, loving, and peaceful that you enjoy being in meditation. You enjoy gazing at yourself in the mirror, you enjoy who you are when you are with other people, you enjoy who you are when you are alone. Thus, you become an overflowing fountain of abundance, a fountain that gives abundant energy and the Creator’s love and peace and harmony to all beings and everything.

This is abundance in its true form, it is eternal forever and continuous. This is what I, Lord Melchizedek, wish to share with you because it is so important now and will create such healing across the entire world and within your being. The more you can be in a space of peace, abundance, and love within your being the easier your reality will be, the more you will be able to create what you want.

Take time to contemplate the true form of abundance, you may explore deeper. When you connect with the energy of the abundance of the Creator know it is your true form, you are an expression of abundant energy and you can create whatever you wish.

Your inner world requires to be abundant and nourished before you recognize it in your outer world.

I thank you,
I am Lord Melchizedek


抹大拉的瑪麗亞Mary Magdalene信息:
傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan 

I am Mary Magdalene and I am here today to make you remember that you are one with the divine, that your Holy Grail is within you. It is a great revival that is now moving across the earth. People wake up from their deep sleep and discover that they have a different reality within them than the one they see in what happens on the outside. They begin to question their truths, the truths of others, and the truths that appear in the media. What is really true? This can be a little confusing at first, but the more often you search for the truth within yourself, the clearer and clearer the picture becomes. There is only one truth and you carry that truth with you from life to life. You are your own truth. “I am the way, the truth, and the life” were Jesus’ words and the same applies to you. You are the way, the truth and the life and these words will soon be revealed to you, as you search for the truth that rests deep within you. Love can be a short word for it, but love should really be a long word because it includes so much. It encompasses your entire Earth and all the beings that are in, on and around it. Love permeates everything that exists in the entire universe, it is the origin of all life, all manifestations of life, and of the transformation that is now taking place on Earth.
It is the energy of love that is transforming the Earth today. There is always a common thread of love in everything that happens. It can be seen in the extended perspective but can be difficult to see in the short term. Everyone is filled with what is happening right now and can only process one piece at a time. This is how it has looked in the world, but this is now starting to change when you get a deeper look at what is happening within yourself. A new and deeper understanding emerges about what is the meaning of life and how I myself can relate to the life I live. You begin to see your own development and have realized that it has been a long journey, a journey that is now beginning to come to an end, where you leave a heavier energy for a lighter and brighter. Your steps now become more purposeful, you see your goal and your choices become more conscious, because you know what it is that leads you forward. You understand that it is love that you need to take in and open up to in your heart. It is with love that you should look at yourself, your neighbor, and the world you live in, that is when a really big change can happen and it is happening right now within you.
Beloved children, everything happens first within you before you can see it outside of you. The changes you see in the exterior, you have already discovered in your interior. If not, you will not see them. Do you understand the logic of awakening now, dear friends, you need to wake up to see what is real and the transformation that the Earth and you yourself are in. There are many alarm clocks, you wake up on several occasions before you turn off the clock to finally rise. It is a process of slowly waking up to a higher and higher consciousness to finally appear at the gate of light, where Christ meets and leads you into the kingdom of love and light. An era has come to an end and a new one has begun. The kingdom of love and light is the kingdom that is now waiting for you, dear children on Earth. A kingdom that also exists within you. It is the fruit of the good thoughts and deeds that surround you. It is the pursuit of love and compassion that has now begun to make itself known in the world. It is the energy of love that strengthens the longing to give and receive more love. It spreads its seeds everywhere on Earth today and the seeds attach themselves everywhere and start to grow and grow and grow… they grow fast because they often end up in good soil, soil that has received a lot of nutrition.
It is so, dear friends, that everything happens so much faster today, when you already have so much experience and are receptive to a higher energy of light, a light that you water abundantly, because you thirst for love and a new way of seeing on yourself and the world around you. You have grown out of the old and outdated and have begun to make room for something completely new. A new way of seeing, a new way of thinking, a greater understanding of how everything belongs together, and that you are a part of everything.
With these words I leave you now, beloved children, for this time.
Great love, Mary Magdalene.

譯者:Nick Chan 

If things become a little overwhelming, we have some very simple advice for you. Treat yourself like a tree.
Imagine your roots going into the earth below you. Face the sun and absorb the loving sustenance it provides. Hydrate yourself, not just a bit, but to the level you know is for your optimal wellness. Allow the wind to move over you, to caress and cleanse you. You might even want to hug yourself!
These basics will adjust your energy beautifully and provide you everything you need to ground into your Now moment with your ancient wisdom and self care, while embodying the energy of receiving and becoming one with the whole through your beingness. When you don’t know what to do, treat yourself like a tree. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, acceptance doesn’t mean you are committing to stay in energies that are not your preference. Quite the opposite! Acceptance means you are choosing to not use your energy to continue to engage with the unwanted through resistance. Acceptance is being willing to keep moving with the flow, embodying your faith and trust, secure in the knowledge it is all serving you in one way or another. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many of you think you must spend hours in contemplation, prayer, or meditation in order to connect with us, so you put it off until you have more time. Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the truth!
You don’t need a lot of time to connect. Any amount of time you are willing to align with us is adequate. We will gladly work with any window of opportunity you provide, no matter how small it is. In fact, we are very adept at making the most of such opportune moments.
Please don’t deny yourself the love and support that is always available to you because of a misconception about time. Incorporate us into your day, whenever it works for you, and we will joyfully meet you there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many of you are far more comfortable with giving than receiving. Today we encourage you to grow and expanding your willingness to receive. Say yes to help. Breathe in deeply. Acknowledge your worthiness. Receive compliments gracefully. Open your heart to truly feel the love and support that has always existed for you! A heartfelt thank you is all that is required to shift into the joy of receiving. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


