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0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》銀河聯邦-臭名昭著的"舒適區"(20210521) 6:41 《2》光之議會-與舊的外在世界故事脫離(20210521) 12:15 《3》加百利-放下約束(20210521) #AuroraRay #RebeccaCouch #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導作者:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

The frequency of earth is steadily rising and what we are witnessing now on the planet is a frequency divide. Meaning, there are those who have ascended and keep ascending with earth’s new vibratory level and there are those who keep choosing the density of the third-dimensional reality as their preferred place of residency. The infamous ‘Comfort Zone’.
The only place where you exist is here and now. Every dimension has its own definition of here and now. That particular here and now makes up the reality of that dimension.
Two different definitions of here and now cannot exist together here and now. One will not be real to the other and usually, the situation blows up.
That’s when people do not understand each other, do not get along, and even fight. They are each in their own reality -in their own dimension, literally.
This is what’s playing out on earth at the moment.
A great part of the planet’s population is ascending into a higher frequency and then there are those who are terrified by the truth and cling to their cognitive dissonance as if there’s no tomorrow.
This creates the frequency divide I mentioned earlier. And since they are both simultaneously being played out on the same planet, it’s blowing up. Unrests, protests, and scarcity for some while others watch and follow the daily news with excitement, knowing everything is about to change for the highest and best good of humanity.
And of course, we know, there are also those who want to sabotage the people who are at peace… To say the least.
It’s important to know that not all souls have chosen to ascend within this lifetime. They have come for other experiences of which they thought they would benefit in regards to their soul’s evolution.
This planet is inevitably ascending into the fifth-dimensional reality of unconditional love. Mother Goddess Gaia will shake off all that will not match her frequency -her reality of love.
Overnight the mystical creatures that were banned from the planet a long time ago will return to their rightful habitat. The same way Avalon vanished when human frequency had fallen so low that they couldn’t see it anymore, it will reappear and with it the magic, wisdom, and love of 5D Earth.
At the same time, a 3D version of Earth will continue to play out its dramas, fears, and system of control for those souls who need more time for their ascension process. Jesus said, “Many are chosen but only few will hear the call.”
If you are reading this post, chances are high that you belong to the chosen ones. And before you ask, I’d like to emphasize that nobody has chosen you. YOU are the one who has chosen to do this. You’re all sovereign inhabitants of this universe.
But from the choice of participating in the greatest ascension of our universe and actually ascending with earth to 5D, it’s still a long way.
This unprecedented ascension process sets forth that you take your physical body with you, from 3D to 5D.
Being positive and enlightened alone is not enough.
This is the time where you must start to love yourself unconditionally.
How do you do this?
• Breathe
• Meditate
• Laugh
• Listen to high-frequency tunes
• Dance, nobody needs to watch but this is a very high vibration tool
• Sing, nobody needs to listen but this is a very high vibration tool
• Exercise, support your body to be able to hold the higher frequencies
• Eat plenty of fresh raw food
• Educate yourself about nutrition and specifically veganism. I do not ask you to nor do I recommend to go 100% vegan forever but eating more vegan food and less animal products or flesh is a must
• Drink pure Water (find a source or buy source water in glass bottles, do not drink tab water)
• Spend time in Nature with Mother Gaia, connect to her
• Pets are little angels who are already in 5D
• Ground yourself daily, walk with your bare feet, lay with your naked skin on the sand, water, weeds, etc. or take a salt bath
And most importantly:
When you have the chance to love someone, for god’s sake, leave all trickery, all negativity, all doubts, all fears behind and just love.
Love is the essence that facilitates ascension. We all need more of it, not less.
The higher you rise in frequency the more you wish for unconditional love to manifest itself in your life. And at this moment in evolution, we attract our primary soul mates and twin flames. When someone feels special in your heart, they are.
In case you haven’t noticed yet, things have changed on planet earth. Meetings are divinely orchestrated to fulfill their higher purpose…
Grab them, love them, and don’t think so hard.
I love you.
We are family of light.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848479801978399&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Aren’t you beginning to feel the excitement in the air? Yes, we know that much must continue to transform before it is overt, but you must already instinctually know that good is coming, do you not? If the emotions of demise are still clouding your vision, then it is the perfect time for the “fake it until you make it” scenario! Look to the horizon for the dawn is coming. Do not focus on what has to fall in order for the new to arrive…as a creator, be the manifester of the new and focus on its presence. It is already born; it is arriving in your experience. And what you are able to maintain in your energy field, makes it possible for others to do the same. Remain excited, hopeful, helpful, mindful, heartful, determined, radiant. This is your most important work right now. You are that powerful and this is your time to shine. Shine the light of infinite possibility and that all that is right and true and good can be rectified or created in your new world. Emanate health and wellness and prosperity and brilliance and youthfulness and ease…all that you need, conjure. All that you require, request. Ask, and you shall receive. It is natural Divine law and it is yours to command. Take command!
Part of the great lesson for you now is to realize how powerful you are – that you are the composition of the universe and you have everything you need inside of you to conjure anything. You greatest hindrance is your mind, and now is the time to overcome this miniscule, yet phantomly powerful overlord. It is time to evict its presence over you and adopt the real presence and that is omnipresent and omnipotent. If you are lined up with Source, what limitation could you ever have except for your own imagining? This is the matrix of the old human plane…now that you have graduated to a higher plane, you must shed the old definitions of yourself and the world so that you can express your true magic and power! It is like arriving at a new destination with old beliefs, perceptions and attitudes. You have arrived in a new land; be willing to adopt a complete new way of being now. Shed the old clothes and begin anew.
Detach from the old narrative of the outside world as it screams itself into oblivion. Let it expire its natural death, all the while you are busy creating the new. Use your magical forces to imagine and create a symbiotic life in harmony with nature, that it can be shared with and made possible for others who have lost touch with Her majesty (the real HRH!). Mother Earth is the real healer and balancer and physical expression of the Divine, so living in tandem with her, and the great power of the Divine Father, will bring about all that you desire. You are their Divine Child, after all. Their progeny in action! Now is the time to show up and express that in every now moment. You break the old system by simply creating a new, better one, that is based on the right and true principles of Divine Law. So bring all that you can into being by imagining and conjuring and building and focusing on it. Be an architect and dream it and draw it and make it happen, whatever it is that is being burst from your heart. It is possible. It is possible. It is possible. It is true. Keep the momentum going, inspired by your dreams and manifesting power. What you create for yourself, in harmony with and benefit of others, will come to pass. Your paradise is their paradise. All is to share with those who seek it and know it to be true for themselves.
Above all, hold your presence in the highest light. Remember who you are and why you are here at this time. Use your power wisely and with complete integrity. Ensure that you have all that you need so you can assist others on their way. Your cup will runneth over to assist all who need a boost, a signpost, a spark of light to go on. Hold your lantern high so that it sheds light for others on their path. It is no long time for rescue or influence, it is simply inspiration now!
Be inspiring for yourself and all that you do, and your energy will be contagious. The best contagion ever…Divine inspiration!
Regardless of any small doubts or wavering, we are always with you,
The Council of Light Within.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848479921978387&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones, you do not need to communicate with spirit to move forward on your spiritual journey. You do not even need to know exactly what your spiritual beliefs are. All that is required is a belief that something more than you exists, acknowledgement that you are intrinsically connected to that something more, and a willingness to move with the flow which is the guidance system of that something more. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
There has been much talk about fear lately. Fear, simply put, is contracting energy. You at your core are beings of love, and as such thrive in expansive energies.
But what we wish for you to understand is that what is fear for one might be expansion for another. For example, jumping out of an airplane might be unthinkable for one person, but the culmination of a dream for another. Interesting how the same activity could make one person panic and another feel so exhilarated and alive!
Whether something feels constrictive or expansive is individual and is how you can tell if something is right for you or not. You are all unique beings with your own soul agendas and personal preferences. Your fear might be another person’s flow, and not only is that perfectly normal, it is wonderful that you all have such freedom of expression.
It is time to honour the free will and innate mastery of each other. It is also time to honour your own free will and settle into the idea that you are the only expert on you. If you stay in your heart, embrace your flow, and follow where your soul is calling you, you can never, ever make a mistake. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, expansion is how you experience more comfort, presence, and engagement in your life. So many of you find yourselves in an alignment that works for you and feels satisfying and then try to hold onto staying in that energy forever. If you understand the universe works in flow, you can see that won’t work.
When you try to keep things the same, you start resisting the natural unfoldment of your journey. If you really dig in, you will start to get more and more uncomfortable because you are creating a gap between where you are and where your soul is beckoning you to go for your next highest experience. You will be trying to thrive in energies that will have less and less energetic support for you.
We understand it is a natural human tendency to find something you like and want to stay with it, but that is actually based on a belief that good energetic matches are rare. In truth, that energetic match is a starting point, not an end point. By allowing its unfoldment you let it grow and evolve and become so much more.
Trust that if you have found something you love the flow will allow it to become everything it can be and more. By giving things the opportunity expand into their greatest expressions of self you will be a willing dance partner with the universe, firmly rooted in your faith and trust, and willing to be led to the discovery of more than you could ever imagine. It is time to drop the constraints and let your lives get as big and beautiful as they want to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1848478795311833&set=a.806388119520911 >

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#RebeccaCouch #ShelleyYoung #NickChan

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved One,
The times they are a-changing! Much about you has already changed; it will just become more and more clear to you as you pay attention. Things are not as they seem. The swirl and effluvia of change is all around you at many levels, so staying in your own calm centre is best, for there is your dominion, your control. And in that place your truth will be known and from that place your truth expressed. Stay strong in your convictions, immense in your purpose and intent and contained only in your sovereignty, for it is yours and yours alone. Be still and know that you are God. Be still and know that all will always be well with this place, even when it is not on the external. For the external will continue to boil and spin, for it must in order to shake the old false control structures out of their place, that the new, true organic ones can grow from the hearts of mankind. The true kind. The meek ones, so that you can inherit the Earth again for the first time. You will come to know what your heart has always yearned for and that is the truth, the real, the authentic, the right and true and correct. Do you know how you have always yearned for home or meaning or purpose? This is it. This is the time that your heart has yearned for millennia…and you are here to create and experience it now. Piece by piece, moment by moment, manifestation by manifestation, you are creating it as you awaken to the powerful creators that you are!
Focus only on your light. Focus on your true power and ability to make things happen. Know that you are not alone. You are supported beyond measure and you have come here for this divine purpose. You have everything you need to defend and create. You have everything you need to thrive and prosper and do what you came here to do. You know more deeply and intimately that you are a powerful creator and built of the same stuff that you have been seeking. You are creator light. You are sound and vibratory frequency. You are organic super beings comprised of all that is divine, galactic, universal. From this place of knowing and power comes your ability to handle anything that comes your way on any level. Ask for help. Ask for learning and downloads for any new information you require to deal with any situation, whether material, moral, legal, physical, intellectual, etheric, galactic. There is nothing you cannot access by intent. There is nothing you can’t ask for help for, even if you don’t know exactly what you need. Ask for it anyway. Ask for clarity. Ask for help as if you were entering the largest resource library in the universe and your guides and librarians will ensure you have what you need! Trust that it is given. Ask and you shall receive. Know that you have the largest army of light with you, the greatest advisors ever designed especially for you, strength and protection beyond measure, emotional support, mental clarity and information and spiritual back up unlike ever before. The only thing that you are in charge of is your personal will. No one or no thing else can influence that, for it is a law of the Earth plane.
So choose. Decide. Commit. Stand up for what you know is right and true and good and do not waiver. All of this must be done within the intimate confines of your sacred heart…and from there all radiates without boundary in return to Source. Do you see that there is no interference once you lock into your value, your honour, your sacred choice to serve the All? Do you see that there is full support no matter what and that your purpose is simply to exercise your free will to choose? Are you here for yourself in your small mind to survive through the inspiration of fear or are you here as a spark of the All, connected to Divine Mind for the inspiration of Love? Simple choice; it is each One’s prerogative to make it. The consequences of each are unique to the individual and yet assured. There is not judgement for either; all is as designed. It is just time, that is all. It is the time to choose your team and your true power from the core of your being, knowing that your integrity will ensure right action from there. No one or no thing outside of yourself determines your fate. You alone have dominion over that. Choose.
Stir up the warrior within; the warrior of light that does not waiver from its honour and convictions. Donned by the Armour of God, the warrior stands strong in support of all that is true and good against all that is not. The warrior is wise and stands for the innocent. The warrior knows the cause and carries the truth of it by heart with unwavering conviction. Be that. Know that. Act from that place.
The time of deep strength and conviction is at hand. Binding together in unity is both the cause and the effect. Be there for your fellow man, encompassing all, one small act at a time. The immensity of your work will happen in the privacy of your own heart and home. Do not underestimate the power of your light from this pure and sacred place. You need not expose yourself to radical and dangerous energies by racing into the street wielding a sword. Your sword is your choice, your light, your intent, your conviction, your strength, your wisdom and especially, your love. The Love. The Big Love. Stand in Love.
Have we told you how incredible, how strong, how magnificent we know that you are? It is true. In this, and in our abiding love for you, we do not waiver.
The Council of Light Within.

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan 

We have spoken about the idea of growing your skills. Today we would like to discuss growing your capacity to experience love.
Do you allow yourself to feel love? To really feel it? To surrender into it? Are you open to receive love from Source, from your guides and angels, from the earth, from the cosmos, from animals, from others, and from yourself?
Are you willing to acknowledge that love always exists for you, it is your allowing of it that dictates how much you are experiencing? If you are holding yourself separate from the experience of love, why? Connect with the part of you that thinks it is not safe to love, and give it love. Give it consistent, true, unconditional love and watch it bloom.
Do you allow yourself to be the love? To spread love with no thought of receiving anything in return other than the joy that comes from expressing yourself as the love you truly are?
Can you imagine being an endless wellspring of love, with it effortlessly flowing to you and through you?
Most of you are only allowing a fraction of the love that is available for you. Grow your capacity for love, Dear Ones, both to give and receive, for that is one of the greatest opportunities you have on the planet – to anchor and expand the experience of love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
If you have a persistent theme or wound that is coming up for you that you don’t seem to be able to shift, it can be helpful to ask the following:
How am I perpetuating the aggravation of this wound? Are you showing up for yourself or are you attempting to sweep your needs under the rug? Are you making poor choices that keep the wound active or are you creating a safe space for healing to occur? Are you pushing against the issue or are you compassionately approaching it from a space of acceptance, healing, and love?
What am I yearning for that only I can give myself? It may be that the one thing you want more than anything is your own love and affection. By denying that you could be keeping abandonment/worthiness issues active. Love yourself enough to be there for any wounded aspects of self as many times as it takes for them to settle into safe attachment with you as you assume the role of your own guide, parent, and trusted friend.
Am I holding onto victim consciousness/powerlessness? We are not suggesting you negate what has happened to you in your past. You can absolutely acknowledge that what happened to you was not right or appropriate or deserved and still decide to drop the rope that keeps you tethered to that old story so you can finally embrace the full potential of your Now moment. Is it time to move out of pushing against your past so that healing can truly occur in the present?
Do you identify yourself more through the challenges and/or what’s happened to you or do you identify more with your wholeness and pure potential? Pay attention to what you talk about. If you keep referring back to something in your past, there is something that is still active there that is looking to be acknowledged and soothed by you. It is absolutely possible to gently and lovingly explore what that is until it receives exactly what it needs from you. Are you ready to move beyond the energy of surviving the past into the energy of thriving in the present?
You are doing such a magnificent job of moving through the rapid shifts you have been experiencing on your planet. Creating the sacred and safe space as the empowered facilitator of your own healing is the final frontier you have entered, and from there all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Some human beings don’t allow themselves to fully heal from past hurts because they feel like that is letting the person who hurt you ‘off the hook’, or it is saying that what happened to you was ok. This simply isn’t so. What healing does mean is you love yourself enough now as an empowered adult to untether yourself from what doesn’t honour you once and for all.
Putting off your healing to teach someone a lesson or to try to hold someone accountable hurts no one but yourself. Let the universe provide the checks and balances necessary for the other person’s soul growth and evolution, and allow yourself to move forward, shining in your wellness and truth, filled with wonder for your own resilience and innate wholeness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


譯者:Nick Chan
#RebeccaCouch #AsaraAdams #JahnKassl #NickChan

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved One,
There is so much happening on the outer world, but what is taking place in your inner world always takes precedent. The outer is a reflection; the inner is your truth. So, in all manner of cases, your internal landscape is your peace, your source, your navigation and your pathway of ascension. You have come to learn that everything is inverted, and you are the master correctors of the inversions, taking back your rightful indicators, one at a time. With each gesture, you correct the errs and soon you reach critical mass and the whole thing flips. We know, the suspense is hard to bear! But the important thing is to continue to focus on each correction, each taking back of your One True Power, one step at a time… With each correction, you heal it for yourself, and consequently for the collective, for you are that. For now, the cave is dark and there appears to only be the smallest of light in each task, but when enough are returned to the light, it will be the most incredible explosion of quantum light that you can’t even imagine from your current perspective. Prepare yourself; let that be the goal. You are acting in great faith to keep excavating, keep reclaiming, keep gathering the fractals of light…trusting that their power in unification will be the outcome you seek. It will be exponentially magnificent! And it is not that far away, energetically or in linear time. Keep on keeping on…one reclaimed fractal of light at a time, consciously returning it to its rightful association and alignment.
Because so much has been inverted in your experience, it is important to clear yourself first of limiting paradigms and strengthen your intentions to expect miracles, for they are on their way to you. Any aspect of your programming that does not allow for this must be cleared. If you don’t know how to do this, ask for it to be shown to you in a way that speaks to you. It begins with intending to release the old…the old everything, as you have already come to know on your spiritual path. You can only have it all when you release it all…another paradox on the path! Release attachments, release expectations, release limitations, release unworthiness, release lack. Now it is time to put it all in the out basket and press delete. It is done. Be willing to sit in the peace of no-thing-ness and allow all that is true and good and right to show itself to you. There is nothing outside of you that is more beautiful, more miraculous, more multi-dimensional, more creative, more magnificent than what is inside of you. Do you know this to be true? It is time.
When you have come to know this through inner journeying, presence, meditation, reflection and command, then the magic of creation begins. When you are finally emanating as your greater truth in a deep, real, humble and connected way, your true gifts and talents will emerge unlike ever before. You will experience how powerful you are once your integrity and true alignment is locked in, for then you are truly co-creating with Spirit. Remember, God needs a body now expressed in physical form, alive with conscious creation and able to serve the whole now that the long journey of oneself has become the One Self. And in this way, all fractals of light are gathered until in one instant, they experience a collective quantum flash (again further healing the inversions) and return closer to Source. See how it works? That which it is not comes to know itself for what it truly is and so returns back to its origin, fractal by fractal in the Great Hologram.
And so you asked what your role is in this? Isn’t it clear now that you are a miner of light so that you can experience that which you are not in order to know what you truly are and help all others as they find their way from the dark? A compassionate heart knows that it has become so by being that which it is not, and so is able to embrace it all. It also knows that there is no separation, and that the collection of each spark of light is an aspect of themselves. One for All. All for One. A compassionate heart knows every emotion, every thought, every fear, every aspect of the darkness in order to know itself as the light.
How better to experience yourself as a Great Master than to send you into a deep, dark, damp, scary, murky abyss of a cave to collect small fragments of light, one by one, until there is enough light for all to find their way out of the cave back into the Great Light?
Know that all you are doing as part of this rescue mission is of great value. Each fractal of light matters and the growing consciousness of the mission and the methods of accomplishment through unconditional love is magnifying by the moment. We encourage you to be without doubt and to remain stalwart in your purpose. Nothing less than true freedom, joy, abundance and peace are assured!
We remain, ever your loving companions and supporters,
The Council of Light Within.

傳導作者:Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you...
The latest Influx of Energies has brought up and transmuted vast amounts of old Karmic Energies that have been stored in your Emotional Body and the Cells and DNA of your Physical Body.
This clearing of Energies and Integration of HIGH Vibrational Frequencies will continue on, but on a more gentle pace.
Planet Earth is moving through the Photon belt and with that, the orchestration of Energy Pulses to assist in the Grand Ascension continues.
This means that you are stepping more and more into HIGHER Dimensional Realities, because you have transmuted the third dimensional legacies of your DNA and Emotional Body .
It also means that your Experienced Reality is able to respond faster to your Thoughts, Emotions, and Beliefs, because they have Shifted HIGHER and will continue to do so.
You are NOW in the Driver Seat to create your reality on a more Conscious level based on your Beliefs.
The question is: "What are your Beliefs about your life?"
We invite you to take a moment and write down your Beliefs about your Health, your Relationships, your Work, your Abundance, your Purpose, and your Spirituality (and any other area that is important to you.)
As you are writing them down and read them, you can then decide to keep or change your Beliefs.
If you decide to change a Belief, we recommend to re-state your initial writing.
Sentence by sentence, you can work yourself into a New Belief.
At the end, you can choose to formulate a sentence or Mantra that represents this New Belief.
Place this New Mantra wherever you can see it to remind you of it.
This will re-pattern your Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions.
Soon, things will enter your life that haven't been there before.
Before you know it, you have entered a NEW Reality.
You are indeed the Creator of your Reality.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking BEside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved beyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Go the way of the love persistently further! Remain determined and be wise, because a system that is going down and a power elite that is in dire straits are lashing out and destroying everything that stands in their way.
So I invite you to exercise prudence and wisdom. Practice your spiritual exercises, always bring yourself to the center and in connection with God.
The pressure in the cooking pot of the world is increasing and it is up to you to keep this pressure away from you.
Meditation, silence and digital fasting are particularly suitable for this.
In these days it is of great importance that you stay clear in your head and with yourself in your feelings.
It is very easy for the chaos in the world to be transferred to you and your whole life seems hopeless, hopeless or even pointless.
The destructive energies, which are released now, have it in itself! Once again the dark elite wants to cement its rule over mankind. Under this premise everything is to be seen and everything is to be understood, which shows up today at negativity on the upper earth and discharges at destructiveness.
Have you noticed that the dark elements are trying to suppress the light with all their might?
The actions of suppression of people, deprivation of freedom and manipulations have reached such an extent that more and more people must notice it! The dark forces have mobilized everything to thwart the spiritual awakening of mankind in the last moment.
Therefore they try to inoculate not only the people, but also the clouds. The light of the Earthly Sun and the light of the Central Sun are to be blocked in this way.
Be full of self-confidence and courage, because the spiritual light cannot be blocked and the earthly sun will not be darkened.
Also for the dark forces there is a “RED line” which they must not cross! The fact that they repeatedly do not keep to it shows their despair. Therefore the powers of the light clean up there, where the human being cannot go on and the mankind does not know how to go on.
Every day unbelievable machinations are neutralized in the background.
The destruction of mankind cannot and will not happen anymore, the destruction of the earth cannot and will not happen anymore and the global control over mankind will fail.
Too many people long for peace, justice, unity, happiness, joy of life, freedom and love! This train can no longer be stopped!
What you are experiencing now is that all dark actions have been unleashed almost simultaneously. This shows the pressure that the powers of darkness themselves have and opens the possibility for every human being to awaken.
Use this pressure for positive! Do not let the negativity infect you. Stay positive and light oriented. It is best not to meet a wild and injured animal at all.
But if it is unavoidable, then you let it rage, until it loses the strength, you approach it mindfully and try to heal it or you end its torment. No situation is the same as another!
Therefore, always be ready to react very flexibly and be completely free to choose the appropriate remedy for a situation.
The destructive forces that are now unleashed are best met by the attitude of refusal – resistance through denial.
Just don’t go along with the things that seem wrong to you! Reject what feels wrong to you.
Day by day you have the choice to go along or to face the ideas of the self-destructive dark forces with refusal. Give vent to your displeasure, say NO and be ready to renounce temporarily.
Define the essential! Define your own RED line!
Do not let this matrix deceive you into thinking that you could not live without certain “blessings”. Get out – in silence, audibly or inaudibly.
What mentality do you have and what missions do you want to fulfill? In what way do you want to fight – or do you not want to fight at all?
Be aware: there are many ways of fighting. A hermit can be a greater warrior than a general. It depends solely on the inner orientation and what issues a person wants to work on and redeem in a lifetime.
Don’t condemn someone who calls himself a warrior, and don’t condemn someone who completely rejects fighting. How do you know what role a person has come to fill? Have you ever worn the shoes that someone else wears?
For you alone is important: work with the tools God has given you and increase the talents you were born with – everything else is secondary.
唯獨對你來說重要的就是 :與神給予你的工具共事,提高你與生俱來的天賦---其它的都是次要的
We are at the end of time. Many people who know this earth from many lifetimes have chosen embodiment now in full awareness of the challenges.
You have entered this life fully consciously and are at the right place at the right time! Possibly you come closer to the final truth or you reach the mastery in this life. Certainly this is for every human being: From the light you came and into the light you return!
On the day that is granted to you, you complete the circle on this world. The veil will be lifted and you will return home to God.


譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.光之議會-你能行 (202011225)
《2》.銀河艦隊指揮官-為什麼東西做好準備? (20210226)
《3》.麥基洗德-奇蹟等待著發生 (20210226)
#RebeccaCouch #BethStormont #MarleneSwetlishoff #Nick Chan

傳導:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Beautiful Ones,
Yes, it is hard to feel like wonderful things are happening when everything aches! This is the long-expected and welcome soul upgrades you have longed for…so just breathe it all into alignment. You know the rules: out with the old and in with the new…and vice versa. What has delivered you to this juncture is now outmoded and it’s time for those rocket boosters to be decommissioned. All old services are released and new upgrades follow…much more advanced technology is being commissioned inside of you, and transforms your vehicle from DNA out!
These are the most significant upgrades of your entire Earthly sojourn and you have prepared for them – so no need to brace yourself – you know that welcoming them and going with the flow of integration is the key. Focus on absorption, balance, release, hydration and self honesty, all the while expecting peace and miracles as the outcome. You are becoming more and more in your physical body that which you are as a spiritual body. You are rising to meet yourself here in the physical world, something that has not been done ever before to this degree. It is an extraordinary journey and your purpose for incarnating right here, right now. It is a miraculous, expansive, exhilarating and magical experience.
So do whatever you can to detach from expectations based on your old 3D programming, for you know that those shackles are being broken. Surrender to what is and nurture yourself through the entire transformation…lovingly birthing yourself closer to your original expression. And so it will continue to go, and so it will continue to go. What before had barriers or limitations, has been lifted and you are being morphed, without restriction, into the birth of the New World as a steward and keeper of the creation of it. It is an extraordinary expression of Source to experience birth and conscious creation at the same time…there is no longer a need for amnesia and recycling in order to keep you from expanding too far too fast. There are no longer suppressions or aggressions or limitations to who you are becoming! While incomprehensible from your limited viewpoint, your converged heart, mind and soul completely innerstands. Trust this primal, core instinct unlike ever before, for it will always lead you home. Once the fog of illusion lifts, you will know that your homing beacon was true and that every birthing pain, at any level at any time, was so worth the result. There is nothing you can’t handle and nothing you can’t transmute. Remember who you are in every now moment. Call upon strength and courage and clarity and trust to be your stalwart guides. There is nothing to fear. As you traverse your own bridge, you will pave the road for others. As you gain solid grounding in your new expression, your experience of oneness and unity will naturally guide you in service for others who will need your lantern light to cross themselves.
This is the most excruciatingly beautiful experience of your lives. Do your best to hold this perspective in the revelatory days and weeks to come.
The truth shall set you free is no small adage for these times! Bear witness to it and love yourselves, and all others, home. Breathe yourself through it all. You’ve got this.
From the most divine and loving perspective inside of you, we are, The Council of Light Within.

傳導:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan

This is the third and final message on the topic of ‘Readiness’ that we promised you at the end of our last message here on Era of Light. It comes from a totally different era than this present one, but it speaks in a timeless and universal way that is just as important and meaningful to the present times as have been the previous messages addressing the Earth School and Ascension.
This message was given by mostly different crews manning our Fleet Command spaceships, since we change our tours of duty in volunteer service for Ashtar Command every seven years — and this message was given through this same channel in September of 1999. For those of you old enough to remember, that was just a few months prior to the shift into the New Millenium, when massive fear abounded that all the computers would crash (among other fears of the unknown aspects of coming into a new century). But it was in fact a very smooth transition.
Since this channel has always typed her messages right after receiving them, this one was readily available from her archives for today’s readers of Channelings on this wonderful Era of Light. Its original form is as follows:
“Readiness” . . . How ready are you?… In what way are you ready?…
Ready for what?
Readiness is a key to all things. One can never do something … anything … without a readiness to be able to do it. Even if one is ‘ready’ to do it in knowledge and ability, if the readiness in desire is not there, then one still cannot do it. All types of readiness must be in place for the event to occur. How ready is planet Earth for her ascension to the next dimension … to the next octave of vibrational frequencies … to her position as a sacred planet in the solar system?
How ready are you to go with her on this very special voyage? Or how ready are you to stay to aid those not yet ready to go on that voyage at this time, that they might complete their schooling more easily and rapidly than normal under your tutelage? How ready are you to merge with the ‘Many and the One’, to speak with your own unique voice in the ‘Voice of the One’? How ready are you to give up everything in order to become that which you already are?
There are some mysteries here … some dichotomies … an enigma, if you will. Search within for the answers, for therein lies “The Answer”. The answers to all these questions are found only within you. No one else can answer them for you. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God… and all these things shall be added unto you”. . . even the answers to these questions and all others, for the Kingdom of God is within you.
We know of the readiness of many of you who are today recognized as the Lightworkers and Wayshowers who are leading the way for Humanity’s journey to the ‘Promised Land’ of the New Earth. And we love you dearly and keep you in safety, that you might be able to fulfill the mission you came here to do.
With all our Love, Light, and Joy, we are today’s crews of Galactic Fleet Command — and we do ever bless you, and rejoice that we have the privilege of serving this Humanity and Mother Earth on her journey home.

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love! Throughout the years of your lives you have struggled against seemingly overwhelming odds, against all manner of abuses, oppressions and repressions, pain and sorrow, anger, jealousy, hatred and spite and have managed to transmute it all into a greater Light within yourselves, coming through all of this with your Light and love blazing in majesty and glory.
Can you each just stop for a moment and celebrate this achievement? Do you realize the wondrous work you have been doing as you walked your lonely paths, learning and growing each step of the way to this point in time?
What you have gained and learned from all these experiences can now begin to be seen for their value in the formation of the powerful Beings that you now have become. Without these challenges, you would never know the powerful force that moves within you now. Without the knowledge of these opposites to who you really are, you would not have been shining as brightly as you are now.
All of your wisdom, love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness and great goodness would not now be anchoring a greater Light into this world, and yet, here you are, standing in your Light, in your power, in your truth and in your goodness, and as a result, you are weaving the beauty and the wonder of a new world.
Moment by moment this new world comes into focus, into manifestation. The old patterns and paradigms are falling away at record speed and in their place comes a better way, a more loving way in the living of your daily lives and each of you is radiating the new vision to those around you and this great momentum that is taking place is without precedent.
Every moment, a new change takes place within the cells of your bodies, and within the structures of your society. Everywhere you look, if you have the eyes to see, (and you do) change is upon you. All that is required now is to maintain your Light, hold to your vision for a better world for all and be patient. It is now a time of ripeness, an opportunity, that is waiting, poised for the next step in this process of the ascension of your bodies and your planet.
It is a time of reflection, a time of celebration, of experiencing the feelings of joy and gratitude for the successful completion of your tasks whilst opening yourselves to the new adventures that lie before you. It has ever been this way, Beloveds, for being the multi-dimensional Beings that you are makes you able to multi-task on many levels and dimensions.
You will be finding yourselves consciously experiencing these states with greater frequency and with ever greater ease. Your communications with us will be much more noticeable and you will catch yourselves in conversation with us and hold your breath in wonder, for this is what you dreamed of and now it is finally beginning to manifest.
Take heart in these occurrences and know that our dimensions are growing ever nearer to each other and the veils of forgetfulness are beginning to thin and more of your remembrances will come forth in the times ahead. Use these times wisely and establish your strong connections with us so that you will always be informed of your next step. We are ever with you and are but a thought away. Call upon us, Dearest Beloveds, you do not have to do it all alone.
We need you to be aware that this is a free will planet and unless you call upon us, either silently or verbally, we are limited in our assistance to you. When we are called, we can accelerate many movements to create better circumstances and better solutions in your lives. Remember this – we are here to serve you in these changing times, to move you into your new positions with greater ease and grace, in joy and wonder. Many miracle manifestations are set to take place.
And so it is!
I AM Melchizedek

【揚升大師‧庫圖彌 、猶大、光之議會】《1》鼓勵懷疑者;《2》光,愛,美麗的世界;《3》人類大家庭(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【揚升大師‧庫圖彌 、猶大、光之議會】
傳導:Jahn Kassl、Ann Dahlberg、Rebecca Couch 
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.庫圖彌 -鼓勵懷疑者 (20210212)
《2》.猶大-光,愛,美麗的世界 (20210212)
《3》.光之議會-人類大家庭 (20210211)
#JahnKassl #AnnDahlberg #RebeccaCouch #NickChan

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl

Human, why do you let your thoughts wander to a distant future, when it is now that you can promote, design and cause change!
Beloved human,
It is easy to despair at the face of the current events, when your focus lies merely on daily snapshots. When you stare like hypnotized at events as they occur, you yourself are bound to become rigid, immobile, timid and doubtful.
What is needed now is action – action coming from you and taking place inside of you.
Each human being was born with missions. You came to this earth to do your part in the bright and luminous redesign of the earth.
Some of you are giving up hope, start wavering and are unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
You are seemingly overpowered, which is why some of you are giving up – and thereby giving up their missions, too. This is a situation that needs to be corrected here and now!
ALL OF YOU WHO ARE FICKLE AND DISHEARTENED,who are no longer certain, throwing the towel prematurely, praying to God and still waiting for an answer!
Beloved humans who are unable to find your way out of doubt, these words of solace and encouragement are for you.
Many of you are younger souls that have never had to face their psychological and physical limits before.
You are beings of light of a high makeup who are still having a hard time with the conditions on this earth. This density, these circumstances and this heartless environment can break your hearts and present your souls with unsolvable problems.
Even though you absolutely wanted to be a part of this final event on this earth, you are now confronted with a situation where you have to live with and deal with the environment and events that are set in motion by this process. Many drop their chins and give up! This is the wrong path! It needs to be corrected now, they need to leave this path now.
What can inspire you to do so?
You find inspiration by consistently turning to God and your divine family! Only by your inner connection to your spiritual home you will be able to persevere and contribute to this time.
This connection is the holiest that you brought into this life. Meaning:
Anyone who is wavering today and no longer sure of themselves, has one task and one task only: Reestablishing your inner connection to their own source, their spiritual family and to God!
No one who has got an intact relationship with God will consider giving up, will have doubt or withdraw from their missions!
No one who knows that they are not only human but above all an endless and immortal spiritual being, will leave the path of light now and forget their missions.
As long as your heart is tied to God and your soul is nourished by the divine love, nothing can cause you to deviate from the path of truth.
The meaning of life is revealed to you as you proceed, but you can only proceed if you keep your inner focus and don’t get discouraged by outer circumstances.
That is to say: First and foremost, take care of your own matters! Rather than becoming desperate about the world, realign with your inner core and your divine sense of self.
The main reason why human beings of light leave the path of light is that they can’t see the light anymore and their connection to God was interrupted. This needs to be undone, so that you awaken refreshed just like after having had a good night’s sleep.
Anyone who doubts, who wants to give up, who is discouraged due to the current events on earth, is called upon to forget what’s outside and revive what’s inside!
Why care about the world when you yourself are withering, why care about mankind when you are drowning in your own sorrows, why look for external solutions when your inner questions remain unanswered?
Beloved human,
you benefit from the full support of your spirit family. On both sides of the veil, in this world and the world beyond, you receive guidance and companionship. You are never alone, never is it entirely on you!
You are supposed to change yourself, not the world, you are supposed to save yourself, not the world!
You may tire and fall, rest and rejuvenate. But never succumb to the fallacy that the role you play in the shift is not important and that your possibilities are limited.
Armies of angels and beings of light are by your side.
Living your life means mastering the challenges that a human life is facing you with by your inner connection with God.
You are never alone, you are one of us, someone who once knew and who knows now why they have come to earth at this very moment in time.
Love your life and live your missions, because both your life and your missions are unique and will never be repeated in the same way.
With endless love,MASTER KUTHUMI

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Judas and I have come today to give you hope. New times are coming with a lot of joy and singing. A song that will be sung all over the world. a song about love, a song about light. The light that is next to you, light that you can take in your hands, a glittering light of a golden white glow like a crystal that glitters in the sun. The light comes from above, around you and it is within you.
Focus on the light now, dear Earthlings, it is the light that has the greatest significance for you today. It will give you everything you need of peace, tranquility and harmony. This is the building block you need to add to your chest now. It is the building block you need to give to the world, for what would the world be without your light. I think you already have that experience, so now is the time to turn your attention to the light and let it embrace you as much as it can. In other words, you should surrender to the light and allow it to become the guide in your life. I know it’s not so easy to surrender because it means you have to let go of control, let go of control and go out into the unknown. This means that you do not know where you are going and that you can only take small, sometimes staggering steps, in a direction that may feel completely foreign to you. It can be difficult when you are used to acting according to a certain pattern that feels used and safe. However, there is no place on Earth where you can be safe except in the arms of God and you can only find it in the light within yourself. It is with the help of the light that he leads you home. He now asks you to let go of control and follow the light in your heart and in your soul.
現在去專注於光,親愛的地球人,光在今天對你有著最大的意義。它會給予你平和、寧靜與和諧所需的一切。這是你需要添加到你胸部的基石。這是你需要給予世界的基石,因為沒有你的光,世界又會是什麼。我想你已經擁有了那個體驗,所以現在是時候把你的注意力轉向光,讓它擁抱你。換句話說,你應該臣服於光,讓它成為你生活中的指導。 我知道並不容易臣服,因為這意味著你必須放下掌控,進入未知。這意味著你不知道你在前往哪裡,你只能邁出微小的有時候驚人的步伐,朝向對你來說完全陌生的方向。當你習慣於根據某些感覺安全、舒適的模式行為,這會是艱難的。無論如何,地球上沒有一個地方會是安全的除了在神的臂膀中,你只能在內在的光中找到它。伴隨著光的幫助,他引領你回家。他現在請求你去放下掌控,跟隨心和靈魂中的光
The light shines down over the Earth today and awakens everyone who wants to wake up to their higher purpose and the light that lives within everyone. It is now time for humanity to take another step in its evolution on earth. An evolution that can only lead them forward to a higher clarity and greater wisdom of all that is. You also have this wisdom in your bodies, everything is available to you so that you can see and understand how everything belongs together both in the microcosm and in the macrocosm. You just need to take a step aside and let your intuition lead you on your way. A path that has always been fully visible, but which has not been seen because of your inner strife. It is beginning to be time for humanity to dig down the battle ax and see everything with a greater clairvoyance that can only be obtained when one enters and allows oneself to be handed over to the light and the leadership that awaits there. I’m not saying it can be done in a jiffy, I’m just saying it’s the goal you should strive for. When it’s time, however, it can be done in the blink of an eye. Your focus and your intention are of great importance for how quickly you can become the perfect light that the world is so earnestly waiting for. With that said, I do not want to scare you away in any way, I just want to draw your attention to the fact that the light is around you and that it is patiently waiting for you to reach out your hand to catch it. It will constantly give you sensations that it exists, and it will patiently and persistently remind you of its existence, until you hear or sense it. The light grows and gets stronger every day so the future looks bright for the Earth and its inhabitants. A future that rests in light, love and beauty.
光在今天照耀著地球,喚醒每一個想要意識到自己更高目標、每個人之內的光的人。是時候讓人類在自己的進化道路上邁出另一個步伐。只能引領他們到達更高的明晰、更大的智慧的進化。在你的身體中你也有著這個智慧,一切都可供你獲取,這樣你可以看到和理解一切如何在微觀世界和宏觀世界從屬於彼此。你只需靠邊站,讓你的直覺引領你前進。一條總是可見的道路,出於內在的衝突看不到它。是時候讓人類更加深入挖掘,伴隨著更大的洞察力看待一切,這只能在一個人進入光並把自己交給光的時候獲得。我不是說這可以立馬做到,我是說這是你應該努力的目標。當是時候,無論如何,它可以在眨眼之間完成。你的專注和意圖對你可以多快速成為世界急需的完美之光來說非常重要。即便如此,我不想要嚇到你,我只是想要讓你注意到光就在你周圍,等待著你伸出手來抓住它的事實。它會不斷地給予你它存在的感知,它會耐心、堅持不謝地提醒你它的存在,直到你聽到或感到它。光每天都在變得更加強大,所以地球的未來是光明的。 一個駐留於光、愛、美麗的未來
Feel, feel and experience this world of light, love and beauty within you.
Great love,Judas!

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan







你被無可估量地愛著;內在的光之 議會


傳導:Rebecca Couch、Ann Albers 
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.地球天使 (20210201)
《2》.協調於更高,更快樂的振動 (20210201)
#RebeccaCouch #AnnAlbers #NickChan 

傳導:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Think of it not as your faith being tested, think of it as it being strengthened! This is the time of the great choosing. In the splitting of the worlds, which side, which one do you choose? It is a continual reaffirmation of your strength, your commitment, your resolve, your direction. Because you are a sovereign being governed by free will, you must clearly – unequivocally – choose. This is the great gift from Divine. There is a divide in the road –which path is yours? As the roads diverge, there is a clear split, an energetic pull, a severance from the other. At the moment of the bifurcation, there is a tearing away of all that is not of the path you chose. For those who have awakened to their greater truth by this juncture, the choice is clearer, but this has to be resolved in all aspects of your being. This process is radically transformative no matter how prepared you are in advance! If you had the gift of foresight, then your role is to process as much as you can before the division so that you may help others as they choose and assimilate. You will have great compassion for everyone because you know what courage and conviction it requires. You will have great compassion for those who chose otherwise or are doubtful, for you were once there yourself. You will have great compassion for yourself as you navigate new territory within your physical body for the first time in human evolution.
As you have come to know, this can be an extremely volatile process. But we want you to know that does not have to be so. Remember that it is your mind that causes suffering, so be kind, especially to yourself. Do not harbor thoughts that cause you pain. Do not allow judgement to foster inside of you. Discernment is a vital resource to be used at all times now, but this is not the same as judgement. You are a truth seeker and radiator. Judgement fogs that and instils further pain to both the judger and the recipient and perpetuates injury. Seek pardon, for yourself and others. Absolve all causes of harm and become the Earth Angel that is your core essence. (Hint: Angels are light and joy-filled; angels emanate unconditional love and all attributes of this miraculous elixir; Angels are patient and kind and have fun; Angels are great protectors and teachers; Angels are beautiful in every way; Angels gently and lovingly guide us to our truth; Angels heal and are miracle workers; Angels are direct divine agents of God who respond when called and do whatever they can within Divine Law to assist the upliftment of each one of us and all of humanity.) You are an Earth Angel by your true nature and each moment that you remember this and know, feel, see and act as this truth, you will be advancing on your true path. Understand? All have the free will choice to be Earth Angels in training…
And so if you choose, the antidote to any pain (and to keep it from arising at all) is to make your clear choice, be unwavering in every moment about it, and know that any of the old density programs and ways of being will not support your Earthangelship. No fear, judgement, impatience, anger, victimhood, attachment or limiting beliefs will aid in this outcome, for they will only cause further pain (but aren’t they the most miraculous teachers?). Just know that you do not have to be whipped by them in order to ‘get it’ anymore…use them as an immediate guidepost and choose otherwise. When you know in the depth of your heart that you ARE the light of the world as a radiant Earth Angel, then there will be no further pain, for you will become that which you seek.
Do you see how miraculous you are? Choose first and all else will be shown to you. (“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God”…)
What an incredible time to be alive on Planet Earth! (“Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward”…)
We are always here to cheer you on.
The Council of Light Within.

傳導:Ann Albers 
譯者:Nick Chan

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You've heard it countless times. "The power is in the present." You know it. Most of you believe it. Yet in the throes of human drama, you forget this fundamental principle of human empowerment. We don't blame you. While presence has been practiced in monasteries and mystery schools throughout the ages, you are among the first generation of human beings striving to weave this wisdom into the mass consciousness.
"Sounds great," many of you tell us. "I know I can be peaceful now. I know I can choose kinder thoughts now, but how will that help me pay the bills? How will that ease my loneliness? How will that heal my body, or help my kids feel better?" Of course, as human beings, you want to solve your life's challenges. You want to have your manifestations. You want to live in love, in grace, and in joy.
We want you to live the most empowered, inspired, abundant, loving lives possible too! We feel your joy. We feel your loving emanations. We feel your inspired, empowered, creative vibrations. They are ours as well. We could choose to focus ourselves into your pain, your anger, your sadness, and your frustrations, but were we to do so, we would not be able to help lift you up into our higher, happier vibrations.
Dear ones, you have choice. You are learning that tuning your inner tuners – by choosing thoughts that make you feel good and cause you to emanate higher vibrations – is the process that will get you far greater results than all the effort and struggle and efforting in the world. We are not telling you to sit still, feel abundant and loving, do nothing, and let money rain on you and people knock on your door (although that has happened to some). We are saying that when you tune into a higher and happier vibe, now, here, in the present moment, you begin to attract flow, grace, ease, and inspired action.
Joyous effort leads to joyous results. Painful forced efforts lead to more pain along the way. Focusing on sickness keeps you sick. Handling it but focusing on what feels good – in any thought or area of your life – supports your shift to well-being. Handling the bills in front of you best as you can while giving thanks for all abundance in your life and the world, or even sustaining an abundant attitude of gratitude, will bring you more abundance.
A happy now leads to a happy later. Living in a vibration of abundance now attracts abundance later. Living in a vibration of love now attracts more love later. Living in a vibration of feeling good in any way in your life now leads to health and vitality later. Whatever vibration you are emanating now is tuning you into more of that later. The good news is that your positive vibrations are much stronger than your negative vibrations. One single thought of true self-love or self-acknowledgment sustained for less than a minute can point your entire life in a more positive direction.
Now. Here. This is all you have. The past only exists if you carry it with you and dredge it up in your memories. The future is imagined. If it makes you feel good to think about the past or the future right now, then enjoy those thoughts and feelings! If, however, it makes you feel sad, angry, upset, disempowered, or in a generally low vibe to think of the past or imagined future, stop! Catch yourself. Learn to question yourself more often, "Do I feel good now? If not what better thoughts can I choose now?"
You are energetic beings. You are learning to tune your tuners to vibrations that feel good, by choosing thoughts that stimulate good feelings.
In the future you will understand that your technology is a mirror of your own very being. If you tune a radio to a station it picks up and broadcasts that station. If you tune into a feeling, you pick up and broadcast that feeling.
If the vibration is positive, you pick up the supporting vibrations of the universe, as well as any positive vibrations from humanity.
If the vibration is "negative" you might block the positive, supporting vibrations around you and tune into the negative vibrations in humanity.
There is only a broadcast of love and the highest vibrations from the heavens. To the degree that you choose thoughts that feel good, you tune into this broadcast! To the degree that you allow thoughts that feel bad, you create static on the line and don't as easily hear the broadcasts from higher realms.
Play with this often. When faced with a feeling you do not like, ask yourself, "What thought can I think that feels better?" Do you have a bill you don't know how to pay? Look out the window. Breathe. Appreciate the beauty of the mountains in the distance, or the song of a bird in a tree. Focus on that feeling. Keep raising your vibe. Imagine you are dialing a dial and tuning into higher and happier feelings. Now think of that bill. It is still there. Is there anything you can do right at this moment? Are you getting guided now? If so, act joyously. If not go about your business, keep your vibe high, and enjoy your day while waiting for inspired guidance and action. It really can be that simple. One thought at a time... here, and now.
Your power dear ones, comes from the vibration you tune into right here, right now. What you tune into now will determine what you experience later. Keep the tuner as high and happy as you possibly can... one better thought at a time in the present moment.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels