

譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.光之議會-你能行 (202011225)
《2》.銀河艦隊指揮官-為什麼東西做好準備? (20210226)
《3》.麥基洗德-奇蹟等待著發生 (20210226)
#RebeccaCouch #BethStormont #MarleneSwetlishoff #Nick Chan

傳導:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Beautiful Ones,
Yes, it is hard to feel like wonderful things are happening when everything aches! This is the long-expected and welcome soul upgrades you have longed for…so just breathe it all into alignment. You know the rules: out with the old and in with the new…and vice versa. What has delivered you to this juncture is now outmoded and it’s time for those rocket boosters to be decommissioned. All old services are released and new upgrades follow…much more advanced technology is being commissioned inside of you, and transforms your vehicle from DNA out!
These are the most significant upgrades of your entire Earthly sojourn and you have prepared for them – so no need to brace yourself – you know that welcoming them and going with the flow of integration is the key. Focus on absorption, balance, release, hydration and self honesty, all the while expecting peace and miracles as the outcome. You are becoming more and more in your physical body that which you are as a spiritual body. You are rising to meet yourself here in the physical world, something that has not been done ever before to this degree. It is an extraordinary journey and your purpose for incarnating right here, right now. It is a miraculous, expansive, exhilarating and magical experience.
So do whatever you can to detach from expectations based on your old 3D programming, for you know that those shackles are being broken. Surrender to what is and nurture yourself through the entire transformation…lovingly birthing yourself closer to your original expression. And so it will continue to go, and so it will continue to go. What before had barriers or limitations, has been lifted and you are being morphed, without restriction, into the birth of the New World as a steward and keeper of the creation of it. It is an extraordinary expression of Source to experience birth and conscious creation at the same time…there is no longer a need for amnesia and recycling in order to keep you from expanding too far too fast. There are no longer suppressions or aggressions or limitations to who you are becoming! While incomprehensible from your limited viewpoint, your converged heart, mind and soul completely innerstands. Trust this primal, core instinct unlike ever before, for it will always lead you home. Once the fog of illusion lifts, you will know that your homing beacon was true and that every birthing pain, at any level at any time, was so worth the result. There is nothing you can’t handle and nothing you can’t transmute. Remember who you are in every now moment. Call upon strength and courage and clarity and trust to be your stalwart guides. There is nothing to fear. As you traverse your own bridge, you will pave the road for others. As you gain solid grounding in your new expression, your experience of oneness and unity will naturally guide you in service for others who will need your lantern light to cross themselves.
This is the most excruciatingly beautiful experience of your lives. Do your best to hold this perspective in the revelatory days and weeks to come.
The truth shall set you free is no small adage for these times! Bear witness to it and love yourselves, and all others, home. Breathe yourself through it all. You’ve got this.
From the most divine and loving perspective inside of you, we are, The Council of Light Within.

傳導:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan

This is the third and final message on the topic of ‘Readiness’ that we promised you at the end of our last message here on Era of Light. It comes from a totally different era than this present one, but it speaks in a timeless and universal way that is just as important and meaningful to the present times as have been the previous messages addressing the Earth School and Ascension.
This message was given by mostly different crews manning our Fleet Command spaceships, since we change our tours of duty in volunteer service for Ashtar Command every seven years — and this message was given through this same channel in September of 1999. For those of you old enough to remember, that was just a few months prior to the shift into the New Millenium, when massive fear abounded that all the computers would crash (among other fears of the unknown aspects of coming into a new century). But it was in fact a very smooth transition.
Since this channel has always typed her messages right after receiving them, this one was readily available from her archives for today’s readers of Channelings on this wonderful Era of Light. Its original form is as follows:
“Readiness” . . . How ready are you?… In what way are you ready?…
Ready for what?
Readiness is a key to all things. One can never do something … anything … without a readiness to be able to do it. Even if one is ‘ready’ to do it in knowledge and ability, if the readiness in desire is not there, then one still cannot do it. All types of readiness must be in place for the event to occur. How ready is planet Earth for her ascension to the next dimension … to the next octave of vibrational frequencies … to her position as a sacred planet in the solar system?
How ready are you to go with her on this very special voyage? Or how ready are you to stay to aid those not yet ready to go on that voyage at this time, that they might complete their schooling more easily and rapidly than normal under your tutelage? How ready are you to merge with the ‘Many and the One’, to speak with your own unique voice in the ‘Voice of the One’? How ready are you to give up everything in order to become that which you already are?
There are some mysteries here … some dichotomies … an enigma, if you will. Search within for the answers, for therein lies “The Answer”. The answers to all these questions are found only within you. No one else can answer them for you. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God… and all these things shall be added unto you”. . . even the answers to these questions and all others, for the Kingdom of God is within you.
We know of the readiness of many of you who are today recognized as the Lightworkers and Wayshowers who are leading the way for Humanity’s journey to the ‘Promised Land’ of the New Earth. And we love you dearly and keep you in safety, that you might be able to fulfill the mission you came here to do.
With all our Love, Light, and Joy, we are today’s crews of Galactic Fleet Command — and we do ever bless you, and rejoice that we have the privilege of serving this Humanity and Mother Earth on her journey home.

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love! Throughout the years of your lives you have struggled against seemingly overwhelming odds, against all manner of abuses, oppressions and repressions, pain and sorrow, anger, jealousy, hatred and spite and have managed to transmute it all into a greater Light within yourselves, coming through all of this with your Light and love blazing in majesty and glory.
Can you each just stop for a moment and celebrate this achievement? Do you realize the wondrous work you have been doing as you walked your lonely paths, learning and growing each step of the way to this point in time?
What you have gained and learned from all these experiences can now begin to be seen for their value in the formation of the powerful Beings that you now have become. Without these challenges, you would never know the powerful force that moves within you now. Without the knowledge of these opposites to who you really are, you would not have been shining as brightly as you are now.
All of your wisdom, love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness and great goodness would not now be anchoring a greater Light into this world, and yet, here you are, standing in your Light, in your power, in your truth and in your goodness, and as a result, you are weaving the beauty and the wonder of a new world.
Moment by moment this new world comes into focus, into manifestation. The old patterns and paradigms are falling away at record speed and in their place comes a better way, a more loving way in the living of your daily lives and each of you is radiating the new vision to those around you and this great momentum that is taking place is without precedent.
Every moment, a new change takes place within the cells of your bodies, and within the structures of your society. Everywhere you look, if you have the eyes to see, (and you do) change is upon you. All that is required now is to maintain your Light, hold to your vision for a better world for all and be patient. It is now a time of ripeness, an opportunity, that is waiting, poised for the next step in this process of the ascension of your bodies and your planet.
It is a time of reflection, a time of celebration, of experiencing the feelings of joy and gratitude for the successful completion of your tasks whilst opening yourselves to the new adventures that lie before you. It has ever been this way, Beloveds, for being the multi-dimensional Beings that you are makes you able to multi-task on many levels and dimensions.
You will be finding yourselves consciously experiencing these states with greater frequency and with ever greater ease. Your communications with us will be much more noticeable and you will catch yourselves in conversation with us and hold your breath in wonder, for this is what you dreamed of and now it is finally beginning to manifest.
Take heart in these occurrences and know that our dimensions are growing ever nearer to each other and the veils of forgetfulness are beginning to thin and more of your remembrances will come forth in the times ahead. Use these times wisely and establish your strong connections with us so that you will always be informed of your next step. We are ever with you and are but a thought away. Call upon us, Dearest Beloveds, you do not have to do it all alone.
We need you to be aware that this is a free will planet and unless you call upon us, either silently or verbally, we are limited in our assistance to you. When we are called, we can accelerate many movements to create better circumstances and better solutions in your lives. Remember this – we are here to serve you in these changing times, to move you into your new positions with greater ease and grace, in joy and wonder. Many miracle manifestations are set to take place.
And so it is!
I AM Melchizedek


