

譯者:Nick Chan
#RebeccaCouch #AsaraAdams #JahnKassl #NickChan

傳導作者:Rebecca Couch
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved One,
There is so much happening on the outer world, but what is taking place in your inner world always takes precedent. The outer is a reflection; the inner is your truth. So, in all manner of cases, your internal landscape is your peace, your source, your navigation and your pathway of ascension. You have come to learn that everything is inverted, and you are the master correctors of the inversions, taking back your rightful indicators, one at a time. With each gesture, you correct the errs and soon you reach critical mass and the whole thing flips. We know, the suspense is hard to bear! But the important thing is to continue to focus on each correction, each taking back of your One True Power, one step at a time… With each correction, you heal it for yourself, and consequently for the collective, for you are that. For now, the cave is dark and there appears to only be the smallest of light in each task, but when enough are returned to the light, it will be the most incredible explosion of quantum light that you can’t even imagine from your current perspective. Prepare yourself; let that be the goal. You are acting in great faith to keep excavating, keep reclaiming, keep gathering the fractals of light…trusting that their power in unification will be the outcome you seek. It will be exponentially magnificent! And it is not that far away, energetically or in linear time. Keep on keeping on…one reclaimed fractal of light at a time, consciously returning it to its rightful association and alignment.
Because so much has been inverted in your experience, it is important to clear yourself first of limiting paradigms and strengthen your intentions to expect miracles, for they are on their way to you. Any aspect of your programming that does not allow for this must be cleared. If you don’t know how to do this, ask for it to be shown to you in a way that speaks to you. It begins with intending to release the old…the old everything, as you have already come to know on your spiritual path. You can only have it all when you release it all…another paradox on the path! Release attachments, release expectations, release limitations, release unworthiness, release lack. Now it is time to put it all in the out basket and press delete. It is done. Be willing to sit in the peace of no-thing-ness and allow all that is true and good and right to show itself to you. There is nothing outside of you that is more beautiful, more miraculous, more multi-dimensional, more creative, more magnificent than what is inside of you. Do you know this to be true? It is time.
When you have come to know this through inner journeying, presence, meditation, reflection and command, then the magic of creation begins. When you are finally emanating as your greater truth in a deep, real, humble and connected way, your true gifts and talents will emerge unlike ever before. You will experience how powerful you are once your integrity and true alignment is locked in, for then you are truly co-creating with Spirit. Remember, God needs a body now expressed in physical form, alive with conscious creation and able to serve the whole now that the long journey of oneself has become the One Self. And in this way, all fractals of light are gathered until in one instant, they experience a collective quantum flash (again further healing the inversions) and return closer to Source. See how it works? That which it is not comes to know itself for what it truly is and so returns back to its origin, fractal by fractal in the Great Hologram.
And so you asked what your role is in this? Isn’t it clear now that you are a miner of light so that you can experience that which you are not in order to know what you truly are and help all others as they find their way from the dark? A compassionate heart knows that it has become so by being that which it is not, and so is able to embrace it all. It also knows that there is no separation, and that the collection of each spark of light is an aspect of themselves. One for All. All for One. A compassionate heart knows every emotion, every thought, every fear, every aspect of the darkness in order to know itself as the light.
How better to experience yourself as a Great Master than to send you into a deep, dark, damp, scary, murky abyss of a cave to collect small fragments of light, one by one, until there is enough light for all to find their way out of the cave back into the Great Light?
Know that all you are doing as part of this rescue mission is of great value. Each fractal of light matters and the growing consciousness of the mission and the methods of accomplishment through unconditional love is magnifying by the moment. We encourage you to be without doubt and to remain stalwart in your purpose. Nothing less than true freedom, joy, abundance and peace are assured!
We remain, ever your loving companions and supporters,
The Council of Light Within.

傳導作者:Asara Adams
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you...
The latest Influx of Energies has brought up and transmuted vast amounts of old Karmic Energies that have been stored in your Emotional Body and the Cells and DNA of your Physical Body.
This clearing of Energies and Integration of HIGH Vibrational Frequencies will continue on, but on a more gentle pace.
Planet Earth is moving through the Photon belt and with that, the orchestration of Energy Pulses to assist in the Grand Ascension continues.
This means that you are stepping more and more into HIGHER Dimensional Realities, because you have transmuted the third dimensional legacies of your DNA and Emotional Body .
It also means that your Experienced Reality is able to respond faster to your Thoughts, Emotions, and Beliefs, because they have Shifted HIGHER and will continue to do so.
You are NOW in the Driver Seat to create your reality on a more Conscious level based on your Beliefs.
The question is: "What are your Beliefs about your life?"
We invite you to take a moment and write down your Beliefs about your Health, your Relationships, your Work, your Abundance, your Purpose, and your Spirituality (and any other area that is important to you.)
As you are writing them down and read them, you can then decide to keep or change your Beliefs.
If you decide to change a Belief, we recommend to re-state your initial writing.
Sentence by sentence, you can work yourself into a New Belief.
At the end, you can choose to formulate a sentence or Mantra that represents this New Belief.
Place this New Mantra wherever you can see it to remind you of it.
This will re-pattern your Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions.
Soon, things will enter your life that haven't been there before.
Before you know it, you have entered a NEW Reality.
You are indeed the Creator of your Reality.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking BEside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved beyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Go the way of the love persistently further! Remain determined and be wise, because a system that is going down and a power elite that is in dire straits are lashing out and destroying everything that stands in their way.
So I invite you to exercise prudence and wisdom. Practice your spiritual exercises, always bring yourself to the center and in connection with God.
The pressure in the cooking pot of the world is increasing and it is up to you to keep this pressure away from you.
Meditation, silence and digital fasting are particularly suitable for this.
In these days it is of great importance that you stay clear in your head and with yourself in your feelings.
It is very easy for the chaos in the world to be transferred to you and your whole life seems hopeless, hopeless or even pointless.
The destructive energies, which are released now, have it in itself! Once again the dark elite wants to cement its rule over mankind. Under this premise everything is to be seen and everything is to be understood, which shows up today at negativity on the upper earth and discharges at destructiveness.
Have you noticed that the dark elements are trying to suppress the light with all their might?
The actions of suppression of people, deprivation of freedom and manipulations have reached such an extent that more and more people must notice it! The dark forces have mobilized everything to thwart the spiritual awakening of mankind in the last moment.
Therefore they try to inoculate not only the people, but also the clouds. The light of the Earthly Sun and the light of the Central Sun are to be blocked in this way.
Be full of self-confidence and courage, because the spiritual light cannot be blocked and the earthly sun will not be darkened.
Also for the dark forces there is a “RED line” which they must not cross! The fact that they repeatedly do not keep to it shows their despair. Therefore the powers of the light clean up there, where the human being cannot go on and the mankind does not know how to go on.
Every day unbelievable machinations are neutralized in the background.
The destruction of mankind cannot and will not happen anymore, the destruction of the earth cannot and will not happen anymore and the global control over mankind will fail.
Too many people long for peace, justice, unity, happiness, joy of life, freedom and love! This train can no longer be stopped!
What you are experiencing now is that all dark actions have been unleashed almost simultaneously. This shows the pressure that the powers of darkness themselves have and opens the possibility for every human being to awaken.
Use this pressure for positive! Do not let the negativity infect you. Stay positive and light oriented. It is best not to meet a wild and injured animal at all.
But if it is unavoidable, then you let it rage, until it loses the strength, you approach it mindfully and try to heal it or you end its torment. No situation is the same as another!
Therefore, always be ready to react very flexibly and be completely free to choose the appropriate remedy for a situation.
The destructive forces that are now unleashed are best met by the attitude of refusal – resistance through denial.
Just don’t go along with the things that seem wrong to you! Reject what feels wrong to you.
Day by day you have the choice to go along or to face the ideas of the self-destructive dark forces with refusal. Give vent to your displeasure, say NO and be ready to renounce temporarily.
Define the essential! Define your own RED line!
Do not let this matrix deceive you into thinking that you could not live without certain “blessings”. Get out – in silence, audibly or inaudibly.
What mentality do you have and what missions do you want to fulfill? In what way do you want to fight – or do you not want to fight at all?
Be aware: there are many ways of fighting. A hermit can be a greater warrior than a general. It depends solely on the inner orientation and what issues a person wants to work on and redeem in a lifetime.
Don’t condemn someone who calls himself a warrior, and don’t condemn someone who completely rejects fighting. How do you know what role a person has come to fill? Have you ever worn the shoes that someone else wears?
For you alone is important: work with the tools God has given you and increase the talents you were born with – everything else is secondary.
唯獨對你來說重要的就是 :與神給予你的工具共事,提高你與生俱來的天賦---其它的都是次要的
We are at the end of time. Many people who know this earth from many lifetimes have chosen embodiment now in full awareness of the challenges.
You have entered this life fully consciously and are at the right place at the right time! Possibly you come closer to the final truth or you reach the mastery in this life. Certainly this is for every human being: From the light you came and into the light you return!
On the day that is granted to you, you complete the circle on this world. The veil will be lifted and you will return home to God.


