People live their lives until they wake up and see who and what they really are. The great circle is completed as soon as man has added his unique experiences to the infinity of God. Then the angelic host rises and travels with you to the world of light, from which you never return to this world.
To perfection you continue to strive and the closer you come to the source, the more you are drawn into the light.
Beloved human being,
this is the path on which you walk – with heavy boots or with light steps.
The Great Transformation is underway on this earth. All entities seeking the Light, longing for the Light, will find the right path and fulfill their Soul Plan.
Before a human being enters the human body, a plan is worked out that defines what you want to experience, with whom you want to experience it and where you want to experience it. The closer you get to your life plan, the more fulfilling your life is, the more right it feels, and the greater your developmental steps toward becoming a fully conscious creator.
If the journey goes there with you, then everything is won.
So now I invite you to no longer attach great value to earthly appearances.
The outside is the mirror of the inside. So turn inward if you want to change the outside.
The spiritual path is a path from the inside to the outside. Move first inwardly and revolt first in your own cause! Where does the shoe pinch and why are the boots heavy?
Your soul knows the life plan for this life – and if you ask yourself, what is my task, this is a sign that you still have to clean up, clear away and dissolve something. The free look into your soul is necessary so that you can recognize your assignments.
Work on yourself in silence, then it will be revealed to you what makes you restless and what every waking person asks for. Have patience, be calm and respect your path.
Do not hurry, do not avoid anything and accept every challenge. Consecrate every step to God.
You are spirit, you have a soul that fills your body with light – and you have a High Self that directs you through your human life from the realms of light.
To recognize this is the task that has brought every human being on this earth, that is, to polish the mirror so that your field of vision of yourself becomes free.
Many people tend to rush into assignments. They rush into work and they seek self-affirmation through activity on the outside. Please develop serenity and patience.
The earth ascends with all people who are of good will. The ascension is a joint project of the people and the Earth Mother.
Although there is no time to waste and although it depends on your diligence – do not hurry!
– Go your way into clarity and joy, into peace and love step by step – but go it.
– Enjoy breaks, but do not rest so long that you find it difficult to get up again.
– Choose detours, but change the path as soon as you realize it is a detour.
– Forgive yourself. This relaxes you and brings joy to the transformation work.
– Welcome the fears, for they remind you where to look and what to resolve.
– Dedicate every undertaking to God and make friends with the heavenly beings. The light wants to reveal itself to you, God wants to reveal himself to you.
Mature into the creator and give yourself time for it. Then everything is done. I am with you.
One of the greatest gifts of being a human being is you get to try on many different beliefs. These beliefs evolve over time as your wisdom and awareness grows. This is a wonderful thing, and yet another way you experience expansion and flow. They key is to allow others the right to their beliefs understanding it is part of their own evolution.
Please be aware, Dear Ones, if you begin to think you are more right than others or start making others wrong for what they believe, you can inadvertently slip into a false sense of superiority which only fans the flames of separation and is quite contrary to your true goal of supporting the shift through the embodiment of acceptance, peace, unity consciousness, and unconditional love.
So when you perceive others as being wrong, please remember you do not know what their soul wishes to experience. The wrongness that you feel is simply that the choice they are making is not the right choice for you. The only thing you need to know at any given time is what is feels right and aligned for you and your journey and we encourage you to honour the divine right of others to make that discovery for themselves, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
When you attempt to challenge someone’s beliefs, it can result in making them dig in and create an even deeper attachment to them. They can become so invested in defending their beliefs that they become unwilling to consider any other viewpoint, even when it becomes clear that their belief is no longer serving them. Because they have defended their viewpoint for so long, they feel they have no other choice but to continue with it.
Dear Ones, you are here to support your own evolution and to hold the space for the evolution of others. By keeping an attitude of acceptance and non-judgment, you allow people to feel safe to grow, expand, and explore many different options. This serves the purpose of not fueling resistance or shame and encourages everyone to allow their beliefs to shift and flow with the unfoldment of their journey. You become easier with each other which supports connection, forward movement, and the freedom of self expression every soul yearns for and deserves. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving. There are multiple reasons for this, but one that is rarely mentioned is that empaths are very uncomfortable receiving from the energies of martyred service. They simply do not want to receive if it comes at the discomfort of another.
This is because they inherently understand they are here to anchor the energy of win/win scenarios where everyone benefits from giving and receiving. At the core of this is joyful service, and that is a major aspect of the shift you are in.
When you are in joyful service people feel safe to receive from you. They do not fear there will be strings attached because they understand your service serves you as much as it serves others. If everyone would simply follow the service path that brings them the greatest joy, there would be someone to happily meet every need and no reason for anyone to feel bad or deny the gifts you have to offer.
Dear Ones, giving and receiving are major aspects of both the flow of the universe and your highest service. Release the old idea that sacrificing yourself is noble and follow your own path of joyful service and you will find giving and receiving will become much lighter and readily accepted by all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings do not need to be on the planet at all. They came because they love, because they had a deep faith in humanity, and because they wished to be part of the great shift that is occurring. Since they didn’t necessarily need to incarnate, many have decided to pick up where they left off from their highest spiritual lifetime and grow it from there.
This means that as you step forward in this next phase of your incarnation, your service may grow and evolve. A knowingness of old skills may suddenly come into your awareness. You may be drawn to express and serve in brand new ways, taking ideas and expanding them in exciting new directions. You will have an opportunity to take your last highest level of embodiment and to grow it exponentially from there.
This is part and parcel of the shift you are in. These are the times you hoped and prayed for and are now so excited to experience! Your growth is your service, your embodiment your gift, and your love in action is what makes it all possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
God is revealing Himself to you in these days. While the pressure outside is increasing, God is settling in your hearts. Slowly you are beginning to realize that the turmoil in the world is only a reflection of your own thoughts and emotions. To come to peace, to become still inside – that is what it is all about now.
So I invite you to daily introspection, daily meditation and daily prayer. In this way you will strengthen the bond between you and God, and through this you will become more and more firm in your faith, and in your trust in God you will remain constant.
The difficulty that many people face today is that they keep “tipping out” of their center and are caught up in the maelstrom of this time. As soon as you leave your own four walls, it is important to be awake and aware. It is important to be mindful and attentive to the whole environment.
So I urge you, please protect yourself when you leave the house. As soon as you step outside, build an energetic protection around you.
I, (state your name here), AM PROTECTED!
Keep saying this until you feel it is so. This short and simple phrase creates an energy field of protection that is more urgent today than ever.
The turmoil on the outside continues to increase, a big storm is coming and it is important to be prepared for it – and this is the aspect we want to focus on now. The best preparation for life lies in a good connection to the spiritual light and to the HIGH SELF.
The HIGH SELF lives detached from the earthly heaviness and is nevertheless connected with you in the closest way. It is omniscient, it accompanies you and directs you in the right direction. A constant connection with the HIGH SELF is elementary and existential.
Through an intact connection to your HIGH SELF you never go astray. You can only fulfill your tasks as a human being through this.
People who are cut off from their HIGH SELF feel alone and always reach the point of despair at some point.
Therefore, open yourself to this transcendent perception of your existence. The more present your relationship to the HIGH SELF is, the more oriented you are and the less events can frighten you. Only those who do not establish a connection to themselves or to God lose the thread of life and must despair of the world as it is now.
In all external activities to which you feel obliged or urged, be aware: the constant connection to your inner “soul guide”, to the divinity within you, is the key to get through this time sane and healthy.
What makes you, human, is much more than you think – and it leads to trouble if you disregard this fact and roam the energetic jungle of these days on your own.
Dearest Ones it is time now for you all to learn to have some compassion for those humans, who you think have not woken up yet, so to speak. The dark agenda on the planet have been using mind techniques as a weapon to keep many humans in a matrix of lies and control. Many of you as workers of the LIGHT have indeed woken up to what has been happening to the human race for millennia. As you have woken up, so will others, but they may need more time. It is your duty now to proceed into the 5th Dimension in your own world and to let others, including your friends and family, follow you in your wake so to speak.
You have all done an amazing job of informing others of the TRUTH of what has been happening and have helped to awaken some of those around you. However do realise that the souls who have not already awoken, will do so in their own time and it may be less than helpful for you to now labour the point. They will have heard what you have said and may not have understood or actually disagreed with you. However it might be that others say to them exactly what you have said and the Time will be right for them to finally understand. Do not be resentful about this, for you will have opened up a chink of LIGHT in them for others to proceed to open them up completely to that LIGHT. Remember your own awakening Dear Ones.
Many of you are concerned for the health of your nearest and dearest. As always there are many stories of the damage that some of the "va"s might be having. Listen not to these stories, Dear Ones. We have often told you that we can neutralise any damage being intended on the planet by the dark agenda but you as LIGHTWORKERS are now more than able to counteract any of this damage for yourselves.
BELIEVE this Dear Ones, go within to find the TRUTH of this and send your LOVE to all those who you know may have taken the "va" and no harm will come to them. Imagine that they are placebos Dear Ones and indeed if you have this belief many of you could actually take the "va" yourself and come to no harm. BELIEF is such a powerful force Dear Ones. Indeed you can actually BELIEVE that the "va"s are actually a stimulus to help awaken humans from their slumbers.
Having said this Dear Ones some souls will have decided to leave the planet at this time and are leaving having had the "vi "or the "va". It is their own free will to do this and there will be nothing that you can do to stop it. Have no Fear Dear Ones for as LIGHTWORKERS your friends and families will not generally be in this category. You will have all incarnated together to help the planet ASCEND but some will have agreed to awaken before others. Those with a good LOVING HEART will of course be moving up into the 5th dimension.
We have said before that as you proceed along the timeline of moving into the 5th Dimension and move up the rungs of the ladder, so to speak, others will be able to step up onto the rung you have just vacated. It may be frustrating for you if you are the only one amongst your friends and family who knows that they are on the path to ASCENSION and you may feel alone. Remember Dear Ones that you are NEVER alone and that you have so much help in the higher realms. You just have to ASK.
Keep sending your LOVE and surround those around you in LIGHT and in time they will also be in the know, so to speak. Find your connections instead of divisions. Divide and control is part of the dark agenda. Do not be conned into believing that you are in any way different to others, even if they have not yet seen the LIGHT. It is just that others may not have realised their own inherent Divine powers yet but they will.
Keep LOVING others around you and have COMPASSION for them. Your own awakening may have taken quite a long time but theirs may well be sudden and painful. Much evil is coming to LIGHT in the next few months that will shock many and you will be very much needed to soothe the waters, having woken up yourselves, and already come to terms with this evil. Many of you have been working long and hard for this time and Dear Ones the time is IMMINENT.
As LIGHTWORKERS you may not realise how POWERFUL that you all are and that you are more than able to neutralise any harmful effects intended to humans and the planet. As LIGHTWORKERS it is your duty to come to terms with this POWER, to harness it and to use it for the good of humanity and GAIA. This is why we say to you to have COMPASSION for others who you may well have felt are less than you. You are all ONE and you need to learn this NOW.
Those who have intended evil on the planet are trying desperately to hold onto their power but this is futile Dear Ones. Their Time is up and they know it. They will have to transform to LIGHT or will leave Earth and continue their journey on another planet. They will not be allowed to enter the 5th Dimension on this planet. The time has come for those souls to make this decision NOW.
Be assured Dear Ones that whatever you see to the contrary there is so much LIGHT on the planet that the darkness cannot survive. The LIGHT has won Dear Ones. BELIEVE this.
Your task now Dear Ones is to work on having so much COMPASSION for yourself and others that Evil will not exist on Earth. This COMPASSION must also be felt for the so called Evil ones who are only souls who have not yet learned this for themselves. Even the evil ones are a part of the ONE and are still very much LOVED. Again we say to you that if you cannot accept this concept you need to work on this for yourselves. It may help to imagine that you are all players on the stage of life. You may be pretending to fight others in a battle on the stage, so to speak, but when you come off the stage, you are all friends together.
Dear ones, we, the Pleiadians, are you from the future. You could say we are a higher evolved version of humanity.
In your understanding of time you could say that a long time ago our DNA, amongst others, was used to create the human race.
We made deals with other beings who also contributed their DNA. By the time our decision was made we had good intentions and it all seemed to be a good experiment.
The creator gods we made deals with back then, turned out to be different than what we had expected.
You thought you were living in a free world, following your day-to-day lives and living what you thought to be your destiny.
But in reality, you are living out a fully controlled dream. An illusion that has been purposefully created and imprinted into your consciousness.
You were not informed about the true origins of your race to keep the capacity of your mind limited. So that you would think that this reality you’re living in is the only reality.
But in truth there are endless many realities. A reality can be compared to a radio station. But you can only tune into its program if you know the right frequency.
Your frequency has been kept low and within the last few years and decades you have arrived at an all-time low.
Your existence on planet earth is based on the frequency of fear.
Fear is the frequency which those who rule over you feed off. Fear is what empowers them. Fear is how you allow them to play with you like masters play with their puppets.
Time is not linear as you have been taught. The only time and place that is real is now here (nowhere).
This basically means that there is an infinite number of possibilities regarding the future outcome of your current situation on planet earth.
You may imagine that some of these probabilities do not look too exciting.
What is happening on earth is impacting the entire universe. Many civilizations from other stars are suffering under the “future” development of earth.
We are only one of many Star Nations who have decided to incarnate into human bodies, we have chosen certain experiences to awaken within this life and to ultimately guide humanity into a higher frequency In which you will thrive and be free.
We, the Pleiadians, are your cousins from another planet. And as it is with members of a family, we have come to help you and by helping you we are also helping our own civilization to thrive.
Today we would like to inform you once again that many Star Nations have come together as the Galactic Federation and have decreed to send their bravest warriors of light to earth to assist humanity during the inevitable shift in consciousness.
You will recognize Pleiadian earth incarnations by their fearless attitude, their artistic sense, a strong sense of humor, their great healing abilities, their unusual wisdom for their age, their high level of intelligence and ultimately their deep compassion and love for humanity.
They will also look much younger than their age. This is by design. It is the blueprint that was chosen for Starseed incarnations. It serves as a trigger to remind you and activate the part of you that has been manipulated and brainwashed to believe that aging is natural for your race.
Pleiadian incarnations refuse to age on earth. They will not look older than being in their early 30s while they might be in their 40s and 50s already. This is to make this frequency accessible to you.
As your planet is ascending and your DNA evolves your body undergoes changes.
Aging, disease and death are concepts that were planted like seeds in your minds by your malevolent masters. We are here to eradicate these malfunctioning thoughts from your minds by being living examples who prove the opposite.
Many of you ask, “How do we recognize a Pleiadian on earth?” It’s simple, whenever you come across a person who is a healer, a teacher, an artistic soul, and a guide out of the matrix, you have found one of us.
We are here amongst you, incarnated in human bodies to help you elevate your frequency from fear to love. That’s what a high frequency means, to vibrate with the resonance of love.
Open your hearts, put fear aside. Love is the answer.
Blessings of divine love & light to my family of light
See how the world is transforming. See how people long for the light. See how more and more are awakening in the midst of the upheaval!
This is what is happening under the surface, this is what you can hardly see, this is what will turn everything to good in the end.
Now the forces of deception are offering everything to further suppress humanity, now the game seems to be won for them and lost for the lightful aspirations.
This is a great mistake. Because every new measure that restricts people, questions the individual.
The greater the pressure from outside, the more urgent answers become.
And these answers are sought by more and more people not on the outside, but within themselves.
This is how awakening takes place:
Drop by drop, the pillars built on sand are being eroded. Drop by drop, people are being brought closer to what they are.
It is the time to stay fully with yourself, to find inner peace, to develop compassion and to never get stuck in THINKING GOOD and THINKING BAD.
Take things as they come. Let it happen and develop inner serenity.
Just be yourself – excited or unexcited to be yourself.
Don’t ask what you can do. Do it! Don’t value feedback, reactions or opinions. Be at peace with yourself, be content, and never orient yourself to what you should or must do, but to what the moment calls for.
Do not digress into the future, do not lament the past! Accept!
Be yourself! Do not emulate a saint! Or do you think Jesus imitated Moses or Elijah?
Free yourself from all ideas of salvation! Free yourself also from wanting to save the world? Free yourself from the ideas of wanting to be a good person.
Do not think about how you can achieve enlightenment, but live enlightened.
A rose doesn’t care if it is noticed, if you praise its fragrance and beauty – or if you simply pass it by. It blooms because it is its nature. It cannot do otherwise. That is true compassion: not being able to do otherwise!
To be human is to be unable to do otherwise than to live and love authentically.
Love does not consider, love does not plan, love does not work! Love is or is not!
Therefore, no longer worry about how the world is going, but internalize the attitude of unconditional acceptance.
You have a choice: to despair of the events of this time or to change the future through compassion – and compassion always happens in the now.
For an awakened one, there is neither past nor future. The flowers in the field blossom and give themselves away – the birds in the sky take their courses without looking at tomorrow. The flowers of the field and the birds of the sky live free from encouragement or rejection. Only the human being gives something to it. If you change this attitude, everything changes.
Today I am giving a deeper understanding of what it means to live in the “Will of God. It is an unalterable fact that all of us, on all levels of creation, are based on God’s will.
Nothing comes into being or happens without this divine intention and so we are all eternally connected. I give this wonderful truth today to deepen your understanding of it.
So now let us go back in “time” to how everything began – to the reality of being of the eternally inseparable God-being.
In the beginning there was God and we all were He. A part of the all-encompassing reality of love.
This reality existed before all and truly from eternity to eternity. There was neither beginning nor time. It was and is eternal.
Let me simplify it a bit and say that in the beginning only God existed in His highest expression. And we all were that expression and dwelt in Him. But God began to create levels of experience. So He created the planes of being.
His light manifested very subtle, but also gross expressions of His nature. And while this was happening, a flurry of activity began in the eternal unity.
Finally, the splitting off and detachment from the unity began, and the divine consciousness attained reality in dense matter. Thus, the form of planet Earth became the essential realm for us to experience God. To experience ourselves as divine in dense and solid matter.
Very special “rules” were created for the earth and the great “experiment” began: what happens when gods move away from oneness?
How will these experiences shape the universe? Thus, we have all been born on earth countless times and have come closer and closer to the challenges that have been set for us.
God’s will, which was and is also our will, is being realized, and gradually people are beginning to realize what a great service of love they are performing on earth.
Eternally ago you decided to step into the dense vibrational plane of the earth and earth-like planets.
You all wanted to experience your divinity on this level of creation and so you came to experience, to learn and to grow.
Everything is God’s will.
This will is not a distant dictate to which you should submit, but this is your true freedom! Because your will and God’s will are identical. There is no separation in this regard.
There is only your ignorance of what your will actually is. And the more you surrender to God’s will and His light, the stronger is your merging with Him, the sooner you get back into your primal knowledge about your oneness with God.
It is always your ego consciousness that pretends to fall into willlessness when you choose God. But in fact every step towards Him/Her strengthens your power and your will. Because every step brings you closer to your origin and starting point. The eternal and all-giving will of God. So you only give up your ego, but never your will.
So do not be deceived and do not grant your ego presence this power.
Without God you are nothing, through God everything.
This is also self-explanatory, since you can be everything only through the awareness of your divinity. And without that, you are nothing.
There your ego-consciousness can suggest to you what it likes. You are nothing and you feel it in your body.
Your restlessness is the sign of it. If you are in God, you are in yourself. And in you is God.
Your self knows it and your ego covers this up so that it can live. There is great wisdom in grasping this reality.
If you make it your own, you will lose the chains that prevent you from giving up what your ego makes you believe. Your ego consciousness has no overview and no hair will bend to this will.
But your all-embracing divine consciousness is powerful and omniscient. In the eternal being everything that has been, that is and that will be submits to this power.
From this power you come and even more: This power is you!
God’s will and your will are ONE, as soon as you have found your agreement with your original essence.
You need not fear the steps that lead to the dissolution of your ego, for your reward is immeasurable.
Worry only about the Kingdom of God and everything else will be given to you.
The kingdom of God is in your heart. Make sure that your heart becomes strong and free from delusions.
The more you succeed in this, the more beautiful and fulfilling your existence will be. Your actions bear the signature of your heart.
And truly, once you have reached this point, God’s fullness pours over you and you will never thirst again and your hunger is satisfied forever.
If you go the way to the Father, which is always the way into your heart, this fullness, which takes care of itself, day after day – is certain to you.
It is one of the most fundamental commandments in the Creator’s order that you are taken care of.
Your life is given everything to flourish. No man shall suffer lack if he surrenders to the Father’s will.
Through this surrender you will be transformed and gradually the veils will lift, you will reach the source.
Strive for the Kingdom of God within you and your life will find fulfillment in abundance.
The more you worry about earthly matters, hold on to them or even tense up, the weaker your energy of love can flow. These blockages cause your suffering and every lack.
If you give your being into the hands of the Father in Heaven, into His trust, you relax.
Do not worry about tomorrow. Stay anchored in the now and work from your heart. The Kingdom of God is within.
Trust and surrender to the power and knowledge of your heart. In this way you enable the light to unfold its effect.
Your energies can flow freely again and you experience the constant presence of God.
The feeling of being powerless and at the mercy of God, of losing control, are the signs of your surrender.
As soon as you let go completely, the curtain opens and the harmony of your being spreads out before you in all its majesty.
All fearfulness gives way, powerlessness becomes power. Now you know the why.
All that your ego felt as a threat, your Self experiences as grace. Where your narrowed consciousness felt trepidation, your awakened self experiences – liberation.
Everything is upside down. Up is down and down becomes up. The solutions to all your problems, personal and global, lie in regaining your awareness.
There is no God outside of you. He is within you.
Love is eternally placed in your heart, and in this oneness you are again a fully conscious creature of the divine order.
Please always remember, God’s plans are not known to you, but they were familiar to you.
If you come close to this knowledge, you understand yourself as divine and in unity with the Father/Mother in Heaven.
There is a silent agreement between you and God: He fights for your love and you resist, but he fights until you can no longer resist his wooing, until you succumb to his charm.
You surrender and in this fusion you find – yourself. What is true devotion and how do you attain it? True surrender means to die. To surrender and let the ego go completely. Falling like a mustard seed into the earth to bear abundant fruit. It is the rebirth into being.
The awakening of the heart, the death of your illusions brings about this transformation. Surrender means unconditionality and trust. Your Father in Heaven takes care of you.
This knowledge makes you omnipresent and there is no more adhesion of ego.
Devotion means letting go of everything. Your ideas, opinions, fears, worries and doubts.
Your false programming, brought forth by your many lives. To become whole, who you are, you have to die the last of all deaths.
Everything is taken care of if you surrender, and this last death carries the seed of birth, of your rebirth. To bear abundant fruit, for the benefit of mankind.
This process takes place step by step. Until you suddenly realize that you are another.
Until you realize that the seed you planted long ago has grown into a shady tree.
Your devotion causes the transformation of your issues. Until finally everything is redeemed and until you have accomplished this transformation.
You are in unity with all life, God’s will is now your freedom. Through this freedom you love and radiate your light. Your divinity becomes visible, you have arrived.
Beloved children of man, children of light, you are all of divine origin and we are all eternally connected. Beyond time and space, beyond all your imaginations.
God the Father is calling you back into his arms. You have performed your service of love excellently.
Reflect and free yourselves from the great deception, the reality around you. Summon us, we, the brothers and sisters who have gone before you, will be there whenever you need us to come into your clarity.
As you continue to shift and evolve along your journey, it may create an energetic gap between where you are and where others around you are. This is quite a normal aspect of the shift. This is where your wisdom comes in. If you wish to connect with others who aren’t occupying the same vibrational space as you are, you must meet them where they are.
Different energetic layers open as you move along your enlightenment journey. This is the natural outcome of evolution. What this means is you all have access to energies you have already evolved beyond. You can dip back into them but you would not find it comfortable to stay there.
But people do not have at will access to higher vibrational energies that they have not yet evolved into alignment with. This explains why others can’t understand you or meet you where you are. Simply put, their layer is open to you but yours is not open to them yet.
So we highly recommend if you are wishing to connect with others that you meet them in the middle. With your love and compassion, feel into the highest energetic point they are capable of and connect with them there. There is always a point, if you approach with understanding and openness and a willingness to simply accept people where they are where you can connect.
We suggest using the universal desires for peace, safety, acceptance, and acknowledgement as your common denominators, for those are the points where hearts can open to each other.~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
We’d like to further yesterday’s message about meeting people where they are and navigating the vibrational layers between you and others.
Imagine a two story house with a basement. The basement could be considered 3D. There is not a lot of light on this layer. It is quite an uncomfortable space to try to thrive in. Many on this layer are in survival mode. The main floor is 4D. It has much more light and provides more comfort, discovery, and sustenance. The upstairs is 5D. This is the layer that is far more comfortable, supportive, and holds the energy of rejuvenation. It is where you can just be. The attic is where the angels, masters, and higher guides reside.
Most people who have not begun their enlightenment journey would be in resonance with the basement. Others who are firmly on their enlightenment journey are spending more and more of their time upstairs.
The people in the basement have some idea that there’s a floor above them. They may even occasionally go up the stairs and explore it a little before the go back to the basement. But they really don’t have much of an awareness of the upstairs or attic because there is too much space between them and that area.
You, on the other hand, remember the basement because that is where you started and you have awareness of both the main floor and the attic from where you are. To meet people in the middle you would go to the main floor and encourage people in the basement to meet you there.
Do you see? It is a layer that you can both access with relative ease and a place where you can see and acknowledge each other. And while there may be some people who aren’t quite ready to come up the stairs to the higher floors of the house, you are all occupying the same building and are equally valued and loved no matter where you are choosing to spend the majority of your time. And rest assured that all beings, no matter how stubborn or stoic, will eventually tire of the lack of support in the basement and will seek out the light. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young