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顯示具有 聖納‧庫瑪拉Sanat Kumara 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:39 《1》昴宿星-頻率和時間 (20210528) 5:58 《2》庫瑪拉-只是做自己 (20210528) #AuroraRay #JahnKassl #NickChan

傳導:Aurora Ray
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear ones, we, the Pleiadians, are you from the future. You could say we are a higher evolved version of humanity.
In your understanding of time you could say that a long time ago our DNA, amongst others, was used to create the human race.
We made deals with other beings who also contributed their DNA. By the time our decision was made we had good intentions and it all seemed to be a good experiment.
The creator gods we made deals with back then, turned out to be different than what we had expected.
You thought you were living in a free world, following your day-to-day lives and living what you thought to be your destiny.
But in reality, you are living out a fully controlled dream. An illusion that has been purposefully created and imprinted into your consciousness.
You were not informed about the true origins of your race to keep the capacity of your mind limited. So that you would think that this reality you’re living in is the only reality.
But in truth there are endless many realities. A reality can be compared to a radio station. But you can only tune into its program if you know the right frequency.
Your frequency has been kept low and within the last few years and decades you have arrived at an all-time low.
Your existence on planet earth is based on the frequency of fear.
Fear is the frequency which those who rule over you feed off. Fear is what empowers them. Fear is how you allow them to play with you like masters play with their puppets.
Time is not linear as you have been taught. The only time and place that is real is now here (nowhere).
This basically means that there is an infinite number of possibilities regarding the future outcome of your current situation on planet earth.
You may imagine that some of these probabilities do not look too exciting.
What is happening on earth is impacting the entire universe. Many civilizations from other stars are suffering under the “future” development of earth.
We are only one of many Star Nations who have decided to incarnate into human bodies, we have chosen certain experiences to awaken within this life and to ultimately guide humanity into a higher frequency In which you will thrive and be free.
We, the Pleiadians, are your cousins from another planet. And as it is with members of a family, we have come to help you and by helping you we are also helping our own civilization to thrive.
Today we would like to inform you once again that many Star Nations have come together as the Galactic Federation and have decreed to send their bravest warriors of light to earth to assist humanity during the inevitable shift in consciousness.
You are not alone. We are here with you.
You will recognize Pleiadian earth incarnations by their fearless attitude, their artistic sense, a strong sense of humor, their great healing abilities, their unusual wisdom for their age, their high level of intelligence and ultimately their deep compassion and love for humanity.
They will also look much younger than their age. This is by design. It is the blueprint that was chosen for Starseed incarnations. It serves as a trigger to remind you and activate the part of you that has been manipulated and brainwashed to believe that aging is natural for your race.
Pleiadian incarnations refuse to age on earth. They will not look older than being in their early 30s while they might be in their 40s and 50s already. This is to make this frequency accessible to you.
As your planet is ascending and your DNA evolves your body undergoes changes.
Aging, disease and death are concepts that were planted like seeds in your minds by your malevolent masters. We are here to eradicate these malfunctioning thoughts from your minds by being living examples who prove the opposite.
Many of you ask, “How do we recognize a Pleiadian on earth?” It’s simple, whenever you come across a person who is a healer, a teacher, an artistic soul, and a guide out of the matrix, you have found one of us.
We are here to guide you home.
ET is not coming, we are already here.
We are here amongst you, incarnated in human bodies to help you elevate your frequency from fear to love. That’s what a high frequency means, to vibrate with the resonance of love.
Open your hearts, put fear aside. Love is the answer.
Blessings of divine love & light to my family of light
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

See how the world is transforming. See how people long for the light. See how more and more are awakening in the midst of the upheaval!
This is what is happening under the surface, this is what you can hardly see, this is what will turn everything to good in the end.
Now the forces of deception are offering everything to further suppress humanity, now the game seems to be won for them and lost for the lightful aspirations.
This is a great mistake. Because every new measure that restricts people, questions the individual.
The greater the pressure from outside, the more urgent answers become.
And these answers are sought by more and more people not on the outside, but within themselves.
This is how awakening takes place:
Drop by drop, the pillars built on sand are being eroded. Drop by drop, people are being brought closer to what they are.
It is the time to stay fully with yourself, to find inner peace, to develop compassion and to never get stuck in THINKING GOOD and THINKING BAD.
Take things as they come. Let it happen and develop inner serenity.
Just be yourself – excited or unexcited to be yourself.
Don’t ask what you can do. Do it! Don’t value feedback, reactions or opinions. Be at peace with yourself, be content, and never orient yourself to what you should or must do, but to what the moment calls for.
Do not digress into the future, do not lament the past! Accept!
Be yourself! Do not emulate a saint! Or do you think Jesus imitated Moses or Elijah?
Free yourself from all ideas of salvation! Free yourself also from wanting to save the world? Free yourself from the ideas of wanting to be a good person.
Do not think about how you can achieve enlightenment, but live enlightened.
A rose doesn’t care if it is noticed, if you praise its fragrance and beauty – or if you simply pass it by. It blooms because it is its nature. It cannot do otherwise. That is true compassion: not being able to do otherwise!
To be human is to be unable to do otherwise than to live and love authentically.
Love does not consider, love does not plan, love does not work! Love is or is not!
Therefore, no longer worry about how the world is going, but internalize the attitude of unconditional acceptance.
You have a choice: to despair of the events of this time or to change the future through compassion – and compassion always happens in the now.
For an awakened one, there is neither past nor future. The flowers in the field blossom and give themselves away – the birds in the sky take their courses without looking at tomorrow. The flowers of the field and the birds of the sky live free from encouragement or rejection. Only the human being gives something to it. If you change this attitude, everything changes.
This is the message: Be yourself! Live your life and live it now! Fears are known only to those who turn their attention to the future.
May this truth spread in your heart and fill you completely.
See how the world transforms and you with it. I love you infinitely
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

【聖納‧庫瑪拉Sanat Kumara】沒有壓力的生活;我給予你一些簡單的練習及舒壓療法

聖納‧庫瑪拉Sanat Kumara信息:
傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan,於2021年5月13日
影片章節概要: 0:00 影片開頭 4:10 健康的原則就是:依心而活 6:03 負起責任(三個課程) 10:35 7天壓力齋戒療法 13:52 喜悅的生活 #NickChan #JahnKassl ##JahnJKassl

The deep longing of man for self-knowledge begins. You awaken and find back into balance and peace. Your life becomes full and fuller until you are completely filled with yourself – and this is what this message is about.
Logos of this earth. I have gone before the people and I am also going before the people now, in the crucial phase of the ascension. We are one big and living family.
No one can exist separate from this truth, unless someone insists and wants to experience himself in separation and thus walk the valley of tears for a certain period of time.
This message is addressed to those people who have had enough of suffering, misery and pain. It is addressed to those who want to see a meaning in life and understand their own destiny as an opportunity for growth.
Nothing happens without the knowledge of your soul and so everything you can experience at the moment is also orchestrated from a higher place.
For many people, the deeper meaning of their existence eludes them and so they get lost looking for answers in the outer world. Many people simply do not come to rest, do not find stillness and inner peace. Especially now, when the future of humanity and the future of the individual seems uncertain, many take refuge in external activities – instead of pausing inwardly.
Today, too, the revolution takes place first within you, and if it has not taken place there, it will not take place anywhere.
You don’t even need to go out on the streets and demonstrate against this or that if you are not prepared to deal with yourself in depth. That’s the point, and that’s what all endeavors are about today.
You know it, and yet you hold on to old habits, to restlessness, to constant doing, to wrong eating, to outdated concepts of life, to outdated beliefs!
God is still a stranger, a distant one, and your longing for self-knowledge is buried under the activities of everyday life.
You can object, “Yes, but I have to worry about survival now that the whole world is falling apart!”
You can say, “But yes, I have a company, family and children, they need protection and my work!” And you can cite as justification, “Everything I do, I do for my fellow man.”
You can bring all this and more into the discussion, but in the end one truth remains: Your hyperactivity overrides your longing for God!
Beloved man,
as long as you live constantly on the fast lane, so long you have not understood what your life is about.
Every time, every incarnation and every life offer you enough excuses to deal less with yourself than with your environment. That’s the deception you’ve been under, life after life, until you’ve seen through what needs to be seen through.
The healthy principle is: Live from the inside out!
Yet so many people avoid their inner selves because they don’t want to deal with the inner construction sites.
It is much more comfortable to continue the old life. Even if one knows inwardly that this is unhealthy and cannot go well in the long run – most people stick with it until it no longer works and until they are forced by fate to rethink.
This is how highly gifted, highly inclined souls endowed with high orders get lost. They get lost by wasting all their energy, investing it in externalities instead of exploring the inner with all their attention and strength.
You achieve connection with God by illuminating your heart. This wisdom is familiar to many, and yet very few make themselves familiar with it.
It means to remove blockages and to connect to the knowledge of your soul, it means to dive into the inexhaustible love of God!
How will you understand this time if you always live distanced from yourself? As long as you derive your discernment from the lower mind of the senses, you are lost in limitations and you cannot guess what will happen.
How this game ends on earth, that you decide! All people decide it, how it goes on now, and the first and most essential decision, that to the self-exploration, falls in you – in your heart.
Thus the wheel of the time turns, as long as you put off this, further and further. How long do you want to be trapped in it?
Today, many people feel burned out, exhausted and overwhelmed. The whole life is a single overload and many do not know how to go on. What can you do right now!
Take responsibility for it! Never say, “Circumstances are to blame!” or, “He or they are responsible.” This is a big mistake. It is always you who matters.
You are the solution and your consciousness has the solution. Your infinite mind is just waiting for you to open your inner channels to its whisper. Whatever stresses and strains you today – it is up to you alone to change it.
This is the first and most important realization. Don’t be a victim anymore, become self-determined. Don’t be a pawn of your emotions or your ingrained patterns and beliefs, but dissolve them one by one until only you are left.
The first lesson is: courageously take personal responsibility for everything that happens in your life.
After that, your vision will be clear and your perception will be on the right track. If you focus completely on yourself, if you start the work of redemption with yourself, you are always on the right path.
The real reason for permanent stress and constant overload is always too little connection to the divine in you. Therefore, use every opportunity to connect with your inner self. Every person has this opportunity, even if he thinks he is drowning in work or if he thinks that everyday life prevents him from doing so.
The second lesson is grounded in the following questions: What do you really want to achieve in this life?
Do you want to get to know yourself and, if necessary, transform yourself? Or do you prefer to hide your inner problem areas by a restless existence?
Answer this question – and be sincere about it! No one is listening to you now and you are not accountable to anyone but yourself! What do you really want, human being? The answer to this question decides everything and decides whether this message is for you?
Beloved man,
Stress and excessive demands, if they occur permanently and cannot be controlled, have an extremely negative effect on your mental and physical system. It is only a question of time when your body will no longer cooperate and when you will wither psychologically.
Permanent overstraining requires therapy! If you have understood this, then it only depends on which therapist you choose: God, the divine light, the love of angels, masters and creator beings or earthly interventions of capable human brothers and sisters, who can encourage you to look and bring you closer to yourself.
So, how can you proceed if you have become aware that you need to remove stress and overload from your life?
1) Pray and ask your Creator for help!
2. be ready to change your life!
3. inner peace, calmness and serenity must be a true concern, otherwise there is little point in asking for anything. Heaven is with you if you really want this assistance. Wishes fall short, there must be an existential desire for healing within you.
As long as you need activities to feel valuable, significant, accepted and loved, your learning about pain will take place.
How do you define your self-worth? That is the only legitimate question. Are you enough for yourself as you are? Do you love yourself as you are? Do you often want to be someone else, someone else?
In these reflections lies the key to understanding your “being this way” and what you want to redeem and experience in this life.
The third lesson is thus: to accept what is. This is the hardest exercise, because accepting yourself as you are, when all the time you want to appear as something else, is hard.
With this third lesson, we come full circle. Once again it is up to you to take responsibility for yourself – from powerlessness to power, from helplessness to self-determination – and a victim becomes pure divine consciousness, rising above forms and things.
In conclusion, I give you a simple exercise:
Do a stress fast! Become aware of your stressors and leave them for a week!
Write down what stresses you out, what messes up your life on a daily basis. Chronic overwork leads to chronic illness. Sour money leads to an over-acidified body and uncontrollable emotional outbursts. Become aware of all of this.
Then start stress fasting.
Trade stress for relaxation. Instead of restlessly functioning, spend time with yourself. You should take this vacation in the middle of your everyday life! Your environment, whether work or family, should notice that you are no longer responsible for everything and everyone. This stress fasting cure of 7 days brings you to new thoughts and creates in you a feeling of freedom, something you had to do without for a long time.
Often it is the small and simple things that bring back your quality of life. What is the use of a long vacation on the beach, if afterwards you take up your old and wrong life again? You can always free yourself only there, where you restrict and bind yourself – and that is usually your everyday life, it is the everyday patterns and habits that make you sick or keep you healthy. An extended vacation, a time out once a year are not a permanent solution. Solve your problems where they originated. Or do you want to catch fish in the desert?
JJK: Many people complain about stress, but they are hardly willing to change anything. Are there situations where stress has a justification?
SANAT KUMARA: A person who feels permanently stressed or is stressed without even realizing it is always going down a wrong path. No matter how noble the reasons, mistreating oneself is as much a sin as mistreating one’s neighbor.
“Love thyself as thou lovest thy neighbor.”
If love comes up short, there is always a shortage – and with a stressed person, love for oneself always comes up short! However, there are situations in which a person experiences temporary stress.
This can hardly be avoided on a world that goes through such transformation processes.
However, it is always a question of how fast a person succeeds in shaking off stress and finding back to himself again. Basically, it is like this: a consciousness constantly communicating with God can handle stress, a consciousness limited to external perception is absorbed by stress.
Therefore, create a new energy field in your life! Visualize a new everyday life and become aware: Stress eats through your life until there is nothing left of you or your life. Peace, joy, freedom, serenity, happiness and knowledge of God – a restless life stands in the way, so, human: What do you really want?
Beloved man,
let yourself be completely involved in your life! Love it and love yourself! As you are today, you are right.
Turn wrong habits into right habits and your life will be a celebration of joy.
No one is asking you to drive with your foot on the brake, but sometimes it is good to recognize a danger in time and bring the car under control.
With the danger that comes from your restlessness, stress and overload, due to misunderstood concepts of life, it is necessary to take the steering wheel of your life firmly in hand and step on the brake.
Maybe you live the life of others and maybe you think you have to save the world? But what remains of you then?
In perfect love,SANAT KUMARA.
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1842213969271649&set=a.806388119520911 >

《1》天使-是時候去進入你的心;《2》庫瑪拉SANAT KUMARA-請憶起你是誰(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

#AnnAlbers #JahnKassl #NickChan

傳導作者:Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
It is time to let go of your expectations for yourselves, your future, and one another. It is time to create instead, to dream. It is time to drop into your hearts and listen deeply to what feels right, good, and loving to you in a given moment, then do that, focus on that, marinate in those thoughts and actions.
The world, and everyone else in it, is quick to offer you a multitude of ideas, opinions, and suggestions for how you should live your life, solve your problems, and manifest your dreams. The problem is that no one else lives in your body. No one else has your exact mind, nor do they know the deepest desires of your own soul. No one else can dictate to you what is best for you. People can offer suggestions and ideas with which you may resonate. They can also offer many with which you don’t. What you do, how you choose to think, and how you feel as a result, is all up to you.
There are so many streams of thought upon your planet. Some people are happily seeing the end of your pandemic. Others are seeing the potential for it to go on forever. Some people are truly done with the fearful energy of the pandemic, while others will hold onto it forever. Does this mean the world will have a pandemic forever? Absolutely not. Does this mean covid will be around forever in one mutated form or another? Absolutely yes. So, what to do dear ones?
There is only one answer… Do what feels right, authentic, and loving inside of you. Do what feels uplifting and inspiring, safe, comfortable, healthy, and happy. Do you feel like staying home and ordering in? Then do it. Do you feel like going to gatherings and hugging people? When you are inspired, guided, and permitted, do it. Choose. Learn from your choices. Make new ones. In this fashion, you find yourself in the stream of life that you, yourself, have directed.
The Divine offers an endless stream of love to every aspect of creation from the smallest components of your cells to entire galaxies and universes. The Divine coordinates the dreams and desires of all creation. All beings, from the smallest components in your cells to the vast galaxies are consciousness and have needs for their continued existence. You have the free will to express your desires as well. If you can imagine, the Source weaves all dreams and desires into streams of grace for every particle of consciousness on the planet, for every system, and for every being.
You, dear ones have called forth a very unique stream of love and grace from the Source – one that you can either float with or struggle against. With your desires – both explicit expressed and those subtly wished for as a result of seeing the things you don’t care for – you have directed the unconditional love of God in a stream that will guide you, if you line up with its currents, towards all that you’ve asked for.
You do indeed have to go with a flow, but not just any flow… your flow, your unique, perfect, individually designed, and constantly updated flow!
It is easy to tell if you are aligned with your very own stream of grace. When your energy is flowing with your stream, you feel good. When your energy is resisting your stream, you feel bad.
Imagine yourself in a river. If you are floating unimpeded, the ride is exhilarating or gentle and peaceful. You are carried easily downstream. If the river is blocked with boulders, or if you try to cling to the trees on the banks, you’re fighting a mighty current. You’ll wear yourself out, bang yourself up and maybe even feel as if you are drowning. You know these feelings in your own life. You know the exhilaration of being “at one” with the flow of love. You know the pain of hanging on to something that was once a part of your life but needs to be let go. You know the frustrating feeling of obstacles created by fear and doubt. And you know the drowning sensation that ensues when you focus on what is not working in an endless eddy of frustration. Dear ones you can feel your relationship to the stream that you, yourself, called forth.
So how do you get back in the flow that leads to all you seek, when you feel you've strayed? The answer is simpler than you might imagine. Right in the moment when you notice you are feeling bad, frustrated, angry, upset, sad, worried, doubtful, or any other unpleasant emotion, imagine yourself in that stream. Try out thoughts that feel better. Flow love towards anything you see in front of you. Do something that you enjoy as soon as possible. Relax. Release the obsession with the problem by focusing on something that feels better. Give yourself permission, as you would do with an upset child, to distract yourself with something better for the time being. You’ll know when you are aligned with the stream again because you’ll feel relief. You’ll start to feel energy moving through you. Maybe you won’t yet feel positive, but you’ll feel better.
Dear ones, surrender to your natural desire to feel better. Surrender to your natural desire to focus on more pleasant things. If reality “sucks” as you might say, stop facing reality. Focus forward. Find the stream, by searching for better thoughts. If you can’t pay a bill and you’ve done what you know to do, focus on a better thought, “The universe has access to infinite possibility. I am still here, alive, and have paid many bills I didn’t know how to pay.” Or “Wow, look at that sunset. Gorgeous. For just a moment I think I’ll sit here and give thanks for all the beauty around me.” Worry might try to grab you again. People might tell you to be "more responsible," but dear ones, respond to your own hearts first! The stream wishes to carry you to your solutions.
There are many streams of thought in your world now. There will never ever be one right one. The common denominator in all of them however is love. Choose to love yourself enough to do what feels best now, to think the thought that feels best now, to take the actions that feel inspired and joyful. Free yourself from the bondage of pleasing others and floating down their streams, and instead find and align with your own, one better feeling thought and action at a time.
Many small currents join to make a stream. Many small streams join to make a river. Then, dear ones, many rivers travel, as you travel, back to the Ocean of Love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1839961016163611&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Several times a day you will wander and commute between the dimensions of the 3D earth and the 5D world. This demands you completely and claims your whole forces!
I am SANAT KUMARA, human among humans, spirit from spirit and divine like you!
Beloved human, I am with you now with the armada of light entities that accompany this earth and you through this time! With everything what happens and takes place now: You are just as little alone as the earth is not alone in its massive transformation.
It is the time of the final decisions and the time in which each human being determines his future time line and his future life circumstances.
It is unmistakable that the days of change have dawned – transformation and change, descent or ascent are no longer theory today, but are everyday practice, are what is happening before your eyes every day.
Already people’s choices are having consequences, because the sword of truth is passing through relationships, friendships and families. This fact is challenging and demands everything from you. For while in spirit you are anchored in the 5th dimension, on a physical level you are dealing with the density of the 3rd dimension.
Your everyday life is full of situations that you often thought you had already overcome. While your spiritual being finds deep joy and deep happiness in the living connection with God, you encounter earthly circumstances that can bring you out of your inner balance. Your present days are shaping up in this field of tension:
The NEW Earth is not yet realized and an epic battle is raging for the OLD Earth!
What is now the best method to maneuver safely through this phase of descent for some and ascension for others and to stay spiritually, mentally and physically whole and healthy?
First, I ask you:
– Give up all resistance to the current developments! Above all, give up resistance and concern that so many people are now turning to darkness and not to light. What is happening now is happening in accordance with pre-natal agreements of souls. Many are getting lost – and this is just as desired and wanted by the individual souls.
Please do not interfere mentally or energetically in the lives and decisions of your fellow human beings. Unless you are explicitly asked to do so.
Things are taking their course and today your unconditional love for all that is will be put to the test – today you can achieve mastery in this.
Because the decisions of people for the path of darkness and into the descent take place in your next environment. So let go! Meditate on this subject until you can accept and embrace everything from the depths of your soul.
As a second point I add:
– Please deepen your own transformation work! Give your worries and problems the attention they need now, so they can dissolve! Dedicate yourself to your fears so that you can see through them, recognize them and release them! Pay more attention than ever to keeping your own house clean and sweep outside your own door! Stay inwardly aligned with God and recognize the deep meaning of your existence on this 3D earth!
You are Light and shine to those who want to find themselves – and so make sure that your inner glow never stops and that the flame of life never goes out.
While heaven is opening up in your soul, you are experiencing the chaos of the 3D earth on the outside.
This challenge must be overcome, because please remember who you are: a master who has chosen this life to achieve perfection.
If you have bad days, give everything to God!
If you have good days, then share your joy with God!
Go every step with GOD and perceive HIS presence in the heart and in the everyday life.
Strength, courage, perseverance and composure, security and love – you find everything in God! I am with you, I am omnipresent all-embracing consciousness. I am beginning and end!
I love you infinitely!
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1839961122830267&set=a.806388119520911 >

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#LeeDegani #MiaLighthouse #AnjoseLuzTerapias #NickChan

傳導作者:Lee Degani
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Uriel. I come to you today in my full glory, in my full Light, (1) to let you know dear ones that you are strong enough, that you are brave enough, that yes, you are special enough that I would come to visit you.Yes, you are strong enough. You are strong enough to witness this Light. For this Light is you, this light is you as well.
I have come to answer your question. What happens if I fall off the bandwagon? What happens when I revert to negative thinking, to patterns of the past? What happens if I become judgmental. What happens if I see this is what is happening but yet I do not take steps?
Dearest Ones, you are taking steps just by calling me, by sending your questions out to the universe. I have come in answer. Humans have this idea, this peculiar idea of needing to be perfect, of perfection. But there is no such thing of falling off the bandwagon for that makes one not a good person. There is no such thing as not a good person. Goodness is of your very essence. But you associate goodness with badness and that is what the issue is. Can you change that word? Goodness for Loveness.
Oh, I know. You do not have such a word in your vocabulary but let us make it up now. Loveness. You are of Loveness. That you are of Lightness. Yes, Light. There is no such thing as one that is not Loveness for that is the essence of who you are. Now use my Light
use your Light to shine upon all that is disturbing thee at this time. Or use thy Light which is my Light as well to change that which is disturbing thee. You may call on any one of us. It is with joy, deep joy that I have come in answer to these questions.
Now, what can Loveness do? Loveness has the ability to see within the eternal caverns of the universe. Caverns which have been known to a few throughout what you would call your ages. But this has always been your eternal right and a gift that you were promised. So take a moment now and go within these caverns. Find that which speaks to you. Travel with me now as we go to the crystalline cave of the Pink Light. We travel on the Silver Light which is of my essence but you may travel on any Light that you so choose for all Light is of the Loveness. Come, hop along as we begin our journey.
Do you see the stars? Do you see the stars twinkling at you? These are of the same essence of you, of Loveness. There is no such thing for a star to fall off the bandwagon as you so put it for it just shines its Light. Can you think of yourself as a star that is twinkling, that is shining your Light? That through this Light is bringing Loveness to all, to all who see it. But the star continues to shine even when one is not watching it. For that is its very essence. Take yourself and let us see you that is shining as a star too, you as yourself of Loveness. Now let us shine the Light that is yours on any question, on any issue that you may have.
Do you see the child, the child within thee that says, I have fallen off the bandwagon. I have made mistakes. I am not good enough as I thought I was. What does a child do when a child falls and scrapes his or her knee? Runs home to mommy and cries. “Come let us kiss it, let’s bandage it” and the child goes off to play happily. The child does not say, “I have fallen and I can never get up again.” Being human is learning to do just that beloved. Falling and then just getting up again.
Celebrate. Celebrate that you have asked. Celebrate that I have come. Celebrate that I am always with thee as we all are. Celebrate that you are the very essence of Loveness, that Adonai has created you as such. Celebrate that you may now go on your way for a new day, a day filled with the Loveness of that which is you.
慶祝。慶祝你已經詢問。慶祝我已經前來。慶祝我總是與你在一起,因為我們是一。慶祝你是愛的本質,神創造了你如此。慶祝你可以擁有新的一天,充滿愛的 一天
Farewell. I am with you. Call on me anytime and I will remind you to shine your Light on any issue, on any question. I leave you with one last thought although there will be many more. For I will be with you bringing these thoughts to you. You have made the Loveness that is me shine brighter with this exchange. For what you ask and experience brings joy that I may serve thee, that I may serve one, all of you that are such bright beings of Loveness.

庫瑪拉Sanat Kumara信息:
傳導作者:Mia Lighthouse
譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear all, What a unique time it is! At this moment, the earth is undergoing a transformation that no one could have imagined less than a couple of years ago. Even you who have long been aware that great changes have been on the way could not imagine what was to come. And it’s totally ok, in fact it’s more than ok, it’s as it should be. For nothing is fixed, everything is changeable and the future is created in this now. The future is already here, it’s about opening up to it. Everything you want is already there. Its opposite also exists, but it is you, your focus, who decides what will grow and what will shrink. That is why it is so important to be connected to love. That is why it is so important to see the brightest and highest and most beautiful in oneself, in one’s life and in everything around you. In other people, in animals, plants, nature. Not judging your neighbor but seeing the highest in him / her.
Many Masters have come to you and shown you the Way of Peace, the Way of Love. Jesus was such a Master, Gautama Buddha was such a Master. Be inspired by them, see them as practical role models in how to live your lives.
許多大師向你前來,展示你平和、愛的道路。耶穌就是,佛陀就是 。被他們啟發,視他們為如何生活的實際榜樣
Appreciate the beauty. Close your eyes or turn the other cheek to what you like less. Leave what hurts, go against what does good.
At this moment, large parts of the human communities above the earth are shut down. People are trapped in their apartments in so-called lockdowns. You can see it as a great ordeal or as a great opportunity. Trials contain opportunities, never forget that.
It is more important than ever to be stable in love, to go into the inner heart and be stable in the contact with the inner heart, because when you are stable in your inner self, you are stable in your contact with Creation, with God. And he who is strong and stable in his inner love has an enormous opportunity to influence the world now, because you all belong together, you are all brothers and sisters, you are all part of the same family and your psyche, your hearts and your souls belong Together. At the energy level, you are all connected to each other. That is why it is so important with global meditations in this time, that is why it is so important with your own private meditations in this time, that is why it is so important with all activity that connects you to your highest and most beautiful self in this time.
You now have a great opportunity to not only affect your own lives, but also affect the whole of humanity, because you sit together, in terms of energy you are all connected. With some you have stronger ties of course, but you all belong together.
Listen to those who choose the path of Love, distance yourself from those who spread fear and division.
When you meditate in Love, you shine like bright stars on the surface of the Earth, you grow and grow, you become more and more and your light becomes stronger and stronger.
So have confidence, keep your focus in the joy, in the peace within you. Know that when you focus on love and joy, when you appreciate things around you, whatever it may be and find peace and appreciation in life, whatever it looks like, then you lift yourself up and open up. You open yourself to what you want, you open yourself to all that is joy and love for you.
Let your heart be filled to the breadth of love, let your mind be still in peace and appreciation, just BE in the moment that IS and make the best of it, make the best of it and see the highest in you and in others and know that when you do it so the light grows in you and thus in those around you.
You do not have to preach, you do not have to try to influence, no rather you should just relax and have confidence in love, have confidence in joy, have confidence in peace. Know that these forces are so strong that if you just open up to them and let them into your life, they will grow and grow and grow.
I wish you love, peace and joy.
Sanat Kumara

傳導作者:Anjos e Luz Terapias
譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear sons and daughters of the planet Earth! I AM MARY!
Once again, I bring my lap and my heart to each of you. Difficult times are already happening. Yes, many things are yet to come, but many are already suffering now, at this moment. The purpose of the ascension of this planet is the liberation of all of you. I wish that 100% of the population of this planet were allowed to be achieved; this would be the glory, this would be an energy of love so great that it would reverberate in the Universe for a long time. But unfortunately due to the walk of each one, this will not be achieved.
We know, exactly, each one of you where you are in this whole process. Many today, are looking to break free, are trying to clean their hearts, with the certainty of what lies ahead. These, each of these, is already on the way. It is as if they have already received the passport to the Fifth Dimension. But the journey is still long, with many barriers still in the way. Simply deciding whether to change to ascend is not enough.
It is necessary that a long walk of cleansing, detachment, a change of mentality be made. It is useless to spend 24 hours praying, asking for forgiveness and forgiving, if in the next 24 hours, you repeat everything again. The same acts that led to the consequence of having to ask for forgiveness or to forgive. In this case, you go around in circles, and don't get out of there, because you clean and get dirty, get cleaned and get dirty.
So everything has to change, it is not just the execution of an act. It is no use every day, at the end of the day, you ask for forgiveness and forgive. The great wisdom is not to provoke anything, it is not to hurt your brother, it is not to harm your brother. It is looking at the other side and trying to reach an agreement, without generating conflicts, without generating hurt, without hatred, without violence. This is the way!
Many, unfortunately, understand that it is like a spilled glass; poured, dried and everything was fine. No, it’s not like that. The journey is about change, the journey is for growth, the journey is for evolution. Spilling the water in the glass and just drying it does not make it evolve; evolution is again to fill that glass and keep it upright; be very careful with it, so that it does not fall again and spill all that accumulated liquid.
Understand how this cup, yourselves; because with each step that you take towards your own evolution, you fill this container of energy that you contain. With every good deed, with every positive thought, with every word of love, this glass fills up; but if you stumble in words, in feelings, in actions, that are not representatives of love, this glass empties out quickly.
It does not empty in the same proportion as it was filled. Filling this glass is sweaty, it is difficult, it takes time; now emptying it is very fast. And when you empty this glass entirely, because everything will depend on the actions, words and thoughts that you have had, the walk begins again and you are almost entirely equal to those who have done nothing, because you are not being able to keep yourself balanced.
Many think that hurting and then immediately asking for forgiveness, everything is fine, is evolving; but he keeps hurting, he keeps making the other suffer. And immediately afterwards, he asks for forgiveness. This is not evolving; that is to use a device to internally, appease your ego, because you know you have done the wrong thing. So to punish yourself, do the right thing next, and understand that everything is fine; you have zeroed the problem. It is not how it works. Really, if that forgiveness was done from the heart, yes, a good part of the problem has been solved, but I can tell you that every time you try to do that, that forgiveness will have less force. Because you are not changing, you are deceiving yourself and trying to deceive your own soul.
No, you do not deceive us. We don't ask for anything. We guide, and we are extremely happy and satisfied when what we teach is well followed by you. Now it is not us that you are deceiving. This is to assert the ego that you use in this dimension. You do it, you make the mistake, and then you try to correct yourself; and you think everything is fine. And with that, you take that attitude to everything. Everything you do wrong you apologize and ask for forgiveness, and with that you think you are on the right path. So I tell you that you are not, because you have not changed at all, you are just using the ego, the apology to appease your guilt. You are not evolving at all. In nothing.
My children, do not try to deceive yourself; don't try to make yourself seen differently than you are. You do not deceive your souls. So going back to the glass, it's like you fill that glass, and empty it all the time. So what is the vibration that you are emanating? Because each time that glass will fill less, because there is really no change; there is really no evolution. So no matter how much you do positive things, the glass will fill little, because right after that it will empty again.
So the ability to fill it becomes more and more difficult. And if today, it was the moment of separation, the moment of transition, you would not pass because you would not have the energy and frequency necessary for the Fifth Dimension. Then many will say: "But I did what was asked". No you did not. You deceived yourself. You appeased your guilt in your own way, not as an act of evolution; not as an act of love.
So my children, make no mistake. Do not try to think that wiping up spilled water all the time will take you to the Fifth Dimension. Nothing is that simple. These feelings of deception are characteristic of the Third Dimension; they don't fit where you want to go. So stop fooling yourself; are effectively aspiring to that frequency for ascension; fill their bodies and their glasses with energy with love. Only then will you have a real opportunity to ascend, and then do not come to say that we are being unjust, because there is no justice, no judgment.
Whoever has the necessary frequency to do so will ascend. There will be no one judging; there will be no gates or barriers; it will only be the Light; it will just be the attraction of the compatible frequency. Whoever vibrates at least that necessary frequency will rise; he who does not vibrate will not ascend.
There will be no crying, there will be no shouting of anger, there will be no begging. There will be no one looking at who is going and who is not. You will only be attracted to the frequency of the Fifth Dimension. Whoever is ready; whoever is not will not be, and will not be able to pass.
So stop fooling yourself, stop thinking you are kidding. This is not a joke; it is the most awaited moment for your Souls - evolution. So do where you evolve, change your frequencies, be effectively love; but it’s not that love that gives a kiss in the morning and a slap at the end of the day, and then asks for forgiveness and apologizes, and everything is fine. Is that what you want? Is that what you call love? Is that what you call evolution? Is that what you call being ready for ascension?
Make no mistake. You are not deceiving us. You are kidding yourself. Be honest with yourself; change your attitudes; change your vibrations. Walk on the path of love, and only then, only in this way, will you have the necessary frequency for ascension. Many are still not believing that it will be so, they think that at the time they will have time to ask for forgiveness for everything they have done and that's fine. It's not like this; It is not how it works. Because even though the “h” hour is a profound, profound request for forgiveness, you may not be able to get the frequency necessary for ascension. Because? Because it is an accumulation; it is a drop by drop, every good deed, every feeling emanating from love, every thought of kindness, gratitude; it carries that cup, it fills that cup.
So that big apology for forgiveness may not be enough, because your glass may be completely empty. This we call, my children, a walk. Nothing will be instantaneous; it is a walk, and it has been called that for a long time. So don't try to deceive us; do not try to deceive yourself. The journey is long and difficult, but whoever is trying is succeeding; the glasses are not quite full, but they have a lot of energy, and I can say that whoever is doing the walk with love, trying to change, trying not to make mistakes again ... many have already gone beyond what is necessary for ascension.
Most importantly, they keep trying, because nobody knows how much is the minimum. We know, but you don't know. So this is what is important, it is to keep trying to raise that glass of energy more and more. And what will be the advantage of having an almost full glass? The ticket to the Fifth Dimension will be peaceful, cheerful, vibrant. Those who pass, at the limit, will have a more complicated passage, because they will still have to get rid of a lot. Yes, they have ascended, but they will still go through difficult moments of liberation.
So don't give up. Don't stop halfway. Seek each day, rise, more and more, because you will not be doing us good; you will be doing well for yourself, for the planet. Because the higher the energy that you are in at the moment, the easier it will be for Gaia to ascend together. So look at the advantages that are, you keep this glass always being carried.
Never stop, because the journey is still arduous. There is still a lot to learn, there is a lot to live, and you will need to have these glasses very well to live for the next times; so that all the energy of sadness and pain that will be released on the planet by the awakening of those who today know nothing, or want to know nothing, you will be able to transmute it with your own energies. But mainly, without lowering the vibration beyond what is necessary.
Just emanate love. Emanate light, emanate friendship, gratitude, solidarity, joy, love, love, love. Don't forget, love is the key to everything


傳導作者:Sharon Stewart

The Reason you have Needs | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

April 14, 2021

The Reason You Have Needs

Ivo: Your world holds the assumption that the parents form one's personality. They do not. The soul creates the lower mind, the personality and the parents' responsibility is to bring out that which is inherent within the mind of the child and to help to utilize it within the context of the child's earthly environment.


The reason you have the perception of having unmet needs is because caregivers have abused their power over the child. That can mean teachers, babysitters, other siblings, clergy members, as well as parents, and more. That there are the “Dark Mother” and “Tyrant” mind control programs directed at your lower minds, in a patriarchal world, is the reason that one goes from lifetime to lifetime feeling inadequate and feeling as if their needs have not been met.


The only emotional need you have is to embody your soul upon earth. You have physical needs, and this includes feeding and being held, accepted by other earthlings, but what you have upon earth now is many people who have fractured soul connections, so the feeling of “being whole” continues to evade them. So you seek. You look in externals for that which you are. They are not there. You must overturn one rock after the next in order to understand that nothing under that rock will tell you who you are. Only you can do that.


It is up to the caregiver not to sever the child's attachment to soul. Unfortunately this is being done on a large scale now, particularly because you do not understand the nature of life and parenting. These are not really unmet needs that you have suffered as much as soul wounds.


Yes, there is the expectation that you will live in a loving family circle, this is what comes from your life as Pleaidians, Vegans, or even higher dimensionals. When this does not occur, one is left with only the true teacher: the soul. When the soul continues to suffer atrocities and abuse at the hands of the caregivers, then it fractures. Many of you have fractured souls and are seeking to retrieve the pieces. The way to do so is to heal the original wound. This is done by continuing to incur the same type of abuse from others, and in learning to react to the abuse differently, more lovingly to yourself and to the one who is your abuser, you heal the wound.


When you continue to put down those who have abused you, you have only done half the work. Obviously you still fear that person or type of person. Forgiveness is essential for soul re-connection to occur. This is because you must raise your frequency to soul level in order to retrieve the fractured pieces and to reconnect soul to your lower frequencies again. Only love can heal. Hate destroys.


Many of you have experienced a hateful first experience of life. And in turn, you continue to hate others, out of ignorance. To continue to do so, keeps soul at a distance. Learning how to love others and learning how to love yourself, regardless of circumstances suffered, is the goal.


We realize that on earth there is much to be done in this respect, but you have suffered no more than your soul can handle. However, many of you go through your day struggling with forgiveness when to surrender it to your soul, your Christ self, your God self or God would be more helpful to you. You need not do this work all on your own. You have help. And you can tell that part of yourself that you do not know how to do this, so please let them help to heal or instruct you further.


Yes, there is a Universal Law of Surrender. It reads as follows:


To surrender does not mean putting your hands in the air and flying a white flag, it is not defeat, giving up or failing. To surrender is to be wise. It is wise to accept the flow of life’s energy rather than resist it. To surrender is to accept “What is now” unconditionally and to give up, without any reservations whatsoever, any inner resistance to “What is now”.


By making a conscious choice at this moment, and in every present moment of now, to fully accept that the present moment is as it should be, then by surrendering to this knowledge you are more powerful than you could possibly believe. By not judging the present moment of now but by accepting it and offering no resistance to what is now, you show tremendous faith in God and other Unseen Entities. This allows you to be in a state of grace, easy flow and enlightenment. Whether things are perceived “good” or “bad” is not material in this state of grace. Things are what they are and, eventually everything happens for the best. You can truly let go and let God – but make sure you row away from the rocks! By surrendering to “what is now”, in this state of graceful surrender, you can see clearly what action needs to take place and by doing one thing at a time, step by step, inch by inch, moment by moment, as illustrated in the Law of Process, you accomplish what needs to be done, in your surrendered state.

The energy released in a surrendered state is a powerful, healing energy. This energy propels your healing, growth and evolution. Surrender to discover how powerful You Really Are.

Which is a good point: the Flow. Life is flowing. Life is always flowing towards healing and forgiveness. When you cannot do so, you are out of the flow. Ask for help in re-gaining the flow.


Life flows “upward” in frequency, not downward. It takes much energy, in fact, to hold a planet in a circumstance of negativity. The energy that is being taken to do so is the life energy of all upon earth. So you hold yourselves down.


In breaking that hold on your energy, you free yourself and you help to free the collective of humanity on earth.


When you choose love over hate, when you choose gratitude over complaint, when you choose wisdom over ignorance, when you choose courage over fear... you win. And you win for all upon earth as well.


We realize that life on earth takes courage. Especially now, especially when the cloth is being torn off to reveal the demons underneath. Earth is going through a collective process of facing its fears; the fears those upon it have helped to create. It will undergo this process for quite a while. New atrocities will be foisted upon those who still fear while those who do not will be freed.


Me: This isn't Ivo. I can tell that he's letting someone in on the channeling. He's been doing that the last couple of days!


Who are you, sharer of this truth and knowledge?


SK: I am Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos for earth. Lord of Wisdom, lover of all who grace this planet.


Me: Aha! Just thought I'd ask. Ivo is partnering with other people and channeling new info through me.


SK: May I continue?


Me: Of course! I just want to see what you look like. Oh. Okay. I have seen your image before.


SK: I shine every day upon you with your sun. I am the Light that floods this planet now.


Me: You should feel my heart chakra, guys. His energy is awesome. Okay, please continue.


SK: In this time of perhaps darkness before the dawn, your people will learn. Learn they must, otherwise perish. The wisdom of the old ages must come back to your hearts; it must embody within you again. You must reconnect to soul. This will be taught to you again, as earth once again, takes center stage in the universe to re-claim her place as a bright star of the universe.


Every day you are learning. Now you see that there is no information coming to you. So you are learning. Learning to trust and be patient. Learning to hold your hearts open, to trust those in power, and to be patient and wait for guidance.


This is such an important lesson. Gone are the days for so many of petulant impulsive decision making. Thinking without heart.


The heart is taking its place at the forefront of this movement now. You are being taught. You are being taught lessons you may not even realize you are learning. With every step taken, with everything revealed, with every reaction you have to any circumstance presented before you, you are learning to embody the Christ. Slowly, step by step, you remember who you truly are.


I am Sanat Kumara and I leave you now with a blessing and with the assurance from all those of the higher heart that we watch you, love you and lead you in love.


Me: Thanks Ivo. That was pretty awesome!


Ivo: You are most welcome, my love.


Me: I thought you only knew Vegans! LOL


Ivo: Not at all. We are on earth. They host us as we assist them in the liberation of this planet and the return of the Christ light to your souls.
