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#LeeDegani #MiaLighthouse #AnjoseLuzTerapias #NickChan

傳導作者:Lee Degani
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Uriel. I come to you today in my full glory, in my full Light, (1) to let you know dear ones that you are strong enough, that you are brave enough, that yes, you are special enough that I would come to visit you.Yes, you are strong enough. You are strong enough to witness this Light. For this Light is you, this light is you as well.
I have come to answer your question. What happens if I fall off the bandwagon? What happens when I revert to negative thinking, to patterns of the past? What happens if I become judgmental. What happens if I see this is what is happening but yet I do not take steps?
Dearest Ones, you are taking steps just by calling me, by sending your questions out to the universe. I have come in answer. Humans have this idea, this peculiar idea of needing to be perfect, of perfection. But there is no such thing of falling off the bandwagon for that makes one not a good person. There is no such thing as not a good person. Goodness is of your very essence. But you associate goodness with badness and that is what the issue is. Can you change that word? Goodness for Loveness.
Oh, I know. You do not have such a word in your vocabulary but let us make it up now. Loveness. You are of Loveness. That you are of Lightness. Yes, Light. There is no such thing as one that is not Loveness for that is the essence of who you are. Now use my Light
use your Light to shine upon all that is disturbing thee at this time. Or use thy Light which is my Light as well to change that which is disturbing thee. You may call on any one of us. It is with joy, deep joy that I have come in answer to these questions.
Now, what can Loveness do? Loveness has the ability to see within the eternal caverns of the universe. Caverns which have been known to a few throughout what you would call your ages. But this has always been your eternal right and a gift that you were promised. So take a moment now and go within these caverns. Find that which speaks to you. Travel with me now as we go to the crystalline cave of the Pink Light. We travel on the Silver Light which is of my essence but you may travel on any Light that you so choose for all Light is of the Loveness. Come, hop along as we begin our journey.
Do you see the stars? Do you see the stars twinkling at you? These are of the same essence of you, of Loveness. There is no such thing for a star to fall off the bandwagon as you so put it for it just shines its Light. Can you think of yourself as a star that is twinkling, that is shining your Light? That through this Light is bringing Loveness to all, to all who see it. But the star continues to shine even when one is not watching it. For that is its very essence. Take yourself and let us see you that is shining as a star too, you as yourself of Loveness. Now let us shine the Light that is yours on any question, on any issue that you may have.
Do you see the child, the child within thee that says, I have fallen off the bandwagon. I have made mistakes. I am not good enough as I thought I was. What does a child do when a child falls and scrapes his or her knee? Runs home to mommy and cries. “Come let us kiss it, let’s bandage it” and the child goes off to play happily. The child does not say, “I have fallen and I can never get up again.” Being human is learning to do just that beloved. Falling and then just getting up again.
Celebrate. Celebrate that you have asked. Celebrate that I have come. Celebrate that I am always with thee as we all are. Celebrate that you are the very essence of Loveness, that Adonai has created you as such. Celebrate that you may now go on your way for a new day, a day filled with the Loveness of that which is you.
慶祝。慶祝你已經詢問。慶祝我已經前來。慶祝我總是與你在一起,因為我們是一。慶祝你是愛的本質,神創造了你如此。慶祝你可以擁有新的一天,充滿愛的 一天
Farewell. I am with you. Call on me anytime and I will remind you to shine your Light on any issue, on any question. I leave you with one last thought although there will be many more. For I will be with you bringing these thoughts to you. You have made the Loveness that is me shine brighter with this exchange. For what you ask and experience brings joy that I may serve thee, that I may serve one, all of you that are such bright beings of Loveness.

庫瑪拉Sanat Kumara信息:
傳導作者:Mia Lighthouse
譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear all, What a unique time it is! At this moment, the earth is undergoing a transformation that no one could have imagined less than a couple of years ago. Even you who have long been aware that great changes have been on the way could not imagine what was to come. And it’s totally ok, in fact it’s more than ok, it’s as it should be. For nothing is fixed, everything is changeable and the future is created in this now. The future is already here, it’s about opening up to it. Everything you want is already there. Its opposite also exists, but it is you, your focus, who decides what will grow and what will shrink. That is why it is so important to be connected to love. That is why it is so important to see the brightest and highest and most beautiful in oneself, in one’s life and in everything around you. In other people, in animals, plants, nature. Not judging your neighbor but seeing the highest in him / her.
Many Masters have come to you and shown you the Way of Peace, the Way of Love. Jesus was such a Master, Gautama Buddha was such a Master. Be inspired by them, see them as practical role models in how to live your lives.
許多大師向你前來,展示你平和、愛的道路。耶穌就是,佛陀就是 。被他們啟發,視他們為如何生活的實際榜樣
Appreciate the beauty. Close your eyes or turn the other cheek to what you like less. Leave what hurts, go against what does good.
At this moment, large parts of the human communities above the earth are shut down. People are trapped in their apartments in so-called lockdowns. You can see it as a great ordeal or as a great opportunity. Trials contain opportunities, never forget that.
It is more important than ever to be stable in love, to go into the inner heart and be stable in the contact with the inner heart, because when you are stable in your inner self, you are stable in your contact with Creation, with God. And he who is strong and stable in his inner love has an enormous opportunity to influence the world now, because you all belong together, you are all brothers and sisters, you are all part of the same family and your psyche, your hearts and your souls belong Together. At the energy level, you are all connected to each other. That is why it is so important with global meditations in this time, that is why it is so important with your own private meditations in this time, that is why it is so important with all activity that connects you to your highest and most beautiful self in this time.
You now have a great opportunity to not only affect your own lives, but also affect the whole of humanity, because you sit together, in terms of energy you are all connected. With some you have stronger ties of course, but you all belong together.
Listen to those who choose the path of Love, distance yourself from those who spread fear and division.
When you meditate in Love, you shine like bright stars on the surface of the Earth, you grow and grow, you become more and more and your light becomes stronger and stronger.
So have confidence, keep your focus in the joy, in the peace within you. Know that when you focus on love and joy, when you appreciate things around you, whatever it may be and find peace and appreciation in life, whatever it looks like, then you lift yourself up and open up. You open yourself to what you want, you open yourself to all that is joy and love for you.
Let your heart be filled to the breadth of love, let your mind be still in peace and appreciation, just BE in the moment that IS and make the best of it, make the best of it and see the highest in you and in others and know that when you do it so the light grows in you and thus in those around you.
You do not have to preach, you do not have to try to influence, no rather you should just relax and have confidence in love, have confidence in joy, have confidence in peace. Know that these forces are so strong that if you just open up to them and let them into your life, they will grow and grow and grow.
I wish you love, peace and joy.
Sanat Kumara

傳導作者:Anjos e Luz Terapias
譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear sons and daughters of the planet Earth! I AM MARY!
Once again, I bring my lap and my heart to each of you. Difficult times are already happening. Yes, many things are yet to come, but many are already suffering now, at this moment. The purpose of the ascension of this planet is the liberation of all of you. I wish that 100% of the population of this planet were allowed to be achieved; this would be the glory, this would be an energy of love so great that it would reverberate in the Universe for a long time. But unfortunately due to the walk of each one, this will not be achieved.
We know, exactly, each one of you where you are in this whole process. Many today, are looking to break free, are trying to clean their hearts, with the certainty of what lies ahead. These, each of these, is already on the way. It is as if they have already received the passport to the Fifth Dimension. But the journey is still long, with many barriers still in the way. Simply deciding whether to change to ascend is not enough.
It is necessary that a long walk of cleansing, detachment, a change of mentality be made. It is useless to spend 24 hours praying, asking for forgiveness and forgiving, if in the next 24 hours, you repeat everything again. The same acts that led to the consequence of having to ask for forgiveness or to forgive. In this case, you go around in circles, and don't get out of there, because you clean and get dirty, get cleaned and get dirty.
So everything has to change, it is not just the execution of an act. It is no use every day, at the end of the day, you ask for forgiveness and forgive. The great wisdom is not to provoke anything, it is not to hurt your brother, it is not to harm your brother. It is looking at the other side and trying to reach an agreement, without generating conflicts, without generating hurt, without hatred, without violence. This is the way!
Many, unfortunately, understand that it is like a spilled glass; poured, dried and everything was fine. No, it’s not like that. The journey is about change, the journey is for growth, the journey is for evolution. Spilling the water in the glass and just drying it does not make it evolve; evolution is again to fill that glass and keep it upright; be very careful with it, so that it does not fall again and spill all that accumulated liquid.
Understand how this cup, yourselves; because with each step that you take towards your own evolution, you fill this container of energy that you contain. With every good deed, with every positive thought, with every word of love, this glass fills up; but if you stumble in words, in feelings, in actions, that are not representatives of love, this glass empties out quickly.
It does not empty in the same proportion as it was filled. Filling this glass is sweaty, it is difficult, it takes time; now emptying it is very fast. And when you empty this glass entirely, because everything will depend on the actions, words and thoughts that you have had, the walk begins again and you are almost entirely equal to those who have done nothing, because you are not being able to keep yourself balanced.
Many think that hurting and then immediately asking for forgiveness, everything is fine, is evolving; but he keeps hurting, he keeps making the other suffer. And immediately afterwards, he asks for forgiveness. This is not evolving; that is to use a device to internally, appease your ego, because you know you have done the wrong thing. So to punish yourself, do the right thing next, and understand that everything is fine; you have zeroed the problem. It is not how it works. Really, if that forgiveness was done from the heart, yes, a good part of the problem has been solved, but I can tell you that every time you try to do that, that forgiveness will have less force. Because you are not changing, you are deceiving yourself and trying to deceive your own soul.
No, you do not deceive us. We don't ask for anything. We guide, and we are extremely happy and satisfied when what we teach is well followed by you. Now it is not us that you are deceiving. This is to assert the ego that you use in this dimension. You do it, you make the mistake, and then you try to correct yourself; and you think everything is fine. And with that, you take that attitude to everything. Everything you do wrong you apologize and ask for forgiveness, and with that you think you are on the right path. So I tell you that you are not, because you have not changed at all, you are just using the ego, the apology to appease your guilt. You are not evolving at all. In nothing.
My children, do not try to deceive yourself; don't try to make yourself seen differently than you are. You do not deceive your souls. So going back to the glass, it's like you fill that glass, and empty it all the time. So what is the vibration that you are emanating? Because each time that glass will fill less, because there is really no change; there is really no evolution. So no matter how much you do positive things, the glass will fill little, because right after that it will empty again.
So the ability to fill it becomes more and more difficult. And if today, it was the moment of separation, the moment of transition, you would not pass because you would not have the energy and frequency necessary for the Fifth Dimension. Then many will say: "But I did what was asked". No you did not. You deceived yourself. You appeased your guilt in your own way, not as an act of evolution; not as an act of love.
So my children, make no mistake. Do not try to think that wiping up spilled water all the time will take you to the Fifth Dimension. Nothing is that simple. These feelings of deception are characteristic of the Third Dimension; they don't fit where you want to go. So stop fooling yourself; are effectively aspiring to that frequency for ascension; fill their bodies and their glasses with energy with love. Only then will you have a real opportunity to ascend, and then do not come to say that we are being unjust, because there is no justice, no judgment.
Whoever has the necessary frequency to do so will ascend. There will be no one judging; there will be no gates or barriers; it will only be the Light; it will just be the attraction of the compatible frequency. Whoever vibrates at least that necessary frequency will rise; he who does not vibrate will not ascend.
There will be no crying, there will be no shouting of anger, there will be no begging. There will be no one looking at who is going and who is not. You will only be attracted to the frequency of the Fifth Dimension. Whoever is ready; whoever is not will not be, and will not be able to pass.
So stop fooling yourself, stop thinking you are kidding. This is not a joke; it is the most awaited moment for your Souls - evolution. So do where you evolve, change your frequencies, be effectively love; but it’s not that love that gives a kiss in the morning and a slap at the end of the day, and then asks for forgiveness and apologizes, and everything is fine. Is that what you want? Is that what you call love? Is that what you call evolution? Is that what you call being ready for ascension?
Make no mistake. You are not deceiving us. You are kidding yourself. Be honest with yourself; change your attitudes; change your vibrations. Walk on the path of love, and only then, only in this way, will you have the necessary frequency for ascension. Many are still not believing that it will be so, they think that at the time they will have time to ask for forgiveness for everything they have done and that's fine. It's not like this; It is not how it works. Because even though the “h” hour is a profound, profound request for forgiveness, you may not be able to get the frequency necessary for ascension. Because? Because it is an accumulation; it is a drop by drop, every good deed, every feeling emanating from love, every thought of kindness, gratitude; it carries that cup, it fills that cup.
So that big apology for forgiveness may not be enough, because your glass may be completely empty. This we call, my children, a walk. Nothing will be instantaneous; it is a walk, and it has been called that for a long time. So don't try to deceive us; do not try to deceive yourself. The journey is long and difficult, but whoever is trying is succeeding; the glasses are not quite full, but they have a lot of energy, and I can say that whoever is doing the walk with love, trying to change, trying not to make mistakes again ... many have already gone beyond what is necessary for ascension.
Most importantly, they keep trying, because nobody knows how much is the minimum. We know, but you don't know. So this is what is important, it is to keep trying to raise that glass of energy more and more. And what will be the advantage of having an almost full glass? The ticket to the Fifth Dimension will be peaceful, cheerful, vibrant. Those who pass, at the limit, will have a more complicated passage, because they will still have to get rid of a lot. Yes, they have ascended, but they will still go through difficult moments of liberation.
So don't give up. Don't stop halfway. Seek each day, rise, more and more, because you will not be doing us good; you will be doing well for yourself, for the planet. Because the higher the energy that you are in at the moment, the easier it will be for Gaia to ascend together. So look at the advantages that are, you keep this glass always being carried.
Never stop, because the journey is still arduous. There is still a lot to learn, there is a lot to live, and you will need to have these glasses very well to live for the next times; so that all the energy of sadness and pain that will be released on the planet by the awakening of those who today know nothing, or want to know nothing, you will be able to transmute it with your own energies. But mainly, without lowering the vibration beyond what is necessary.
Just emanate love. Emanate light, emanate friendship, gratitude, solidarity, joy, love, love, love. Don't forget, love is the key to everything


傳導作者:Elena Radford、Lee Degani
《1》.用光的顯化為新年做決定 (20171231)
《2》.什麼是正直 (20180108)
#Metatron #麥達昶 #梅塔特隆 #ElenaRadford #NickChan #shan-athana #LeeDegani

傳導作者:Elena Radford







傳導作者:Lee Degani
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Metatron, your guide, one with the universe. The subject of judgement has come up that you sometimes judge yourself in not having the compassion that you think you should have.


But dear ones, beloved ones, when you step back and become the observer, you do have compassion, you are just not taking it onto your sacred selves. It is a new feeling, is it not, to not feel the angst, to not feel the despair, to not feel the grief, to not take on the despair of illness from another. And so you sometimes judge yourself that you are not feeling these things and you wonder, “Am I a compassionate being? Am I a being of love and light? Am I working for the Mother, for the Father?”

但親愛的一們,當你退一步,成為觀察者,你確實有著同情心,你只是沒有把它帶入你神聖的自我。 它是一個新感受,是不是,不去感到焦慮,不去感到絕望,不去感到悲傷,不去拾起他人的絕望疾病。所以有時候你評判自己,你沒有感到這些東西,你好奇,“我是一個富有同情心的人嗎?我是愛與光的存在嗎?我為母親,父親工作嗎?”

I am here to reassure you. Yes, it is in the standing back and the radiating of your light, of your love, to be a beacon. That is the glory, that is the celebration.


And you question still, “But Metatron, I understand that for others but what about those close to me in my own family? How can I just see this and not feel the grief and despair?” And you want to judge yourself for this.


I am here to reassure you that even with your own beloved family members, the standing back, of being the observer, is righteous. Oh, I don’t use that word often, righteous. But it is something you can relate to and understand.


What is righteousness? Righteousness is being aligned with the Sacred Divine. It is not a matter of being right or wrong. This is a different meaning. Righteousness is a Tzadik, one who has come to repair the world. Repairing himself, the inner work and then standing in the fullness of who he is, of who she is. And standing in the fullness brings love, brings honor, brings light, brings healing, brings the sympathy, the empathy, the compassion without falling into the despair of those you are shining your bright light for.


But still you question. Yes, Metatron, I understand but I just want to make sure. And so I am here to reassure you. Yes, be sure. You are the righteous ones, the righteous ones that are not compartmentalized into right or wrong. But the righteous ones that are radiating. For it is right, is it not? It is right to be light. And exchange the word for love, righteousness. You are the ones of love. Or exchange the word righteousness for light. For you are the ones of light.


And right in this moment, you expand, you see with me. Come, let me show you. Do you see? Do you not see the world as I see it? Look at all those beings of light that are throughout the world. Do you not see the patches of darkness? These are the righteousness ones that are beaming their light. Yes, you are of those. And is this not right? Is this not light? Is this not love? Go, look up in the dictionary, the term righteousness.


Give me your hand now. And the other one. And let me infuse you with my love, with my joy, with the righteousness. Be with love now. Know you are always with me. I leave you now with love. I am Metatron, magnetic being, one who has walked the earth. One who walks the earth with thee.


