

譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》巴巴吉-成熟的創造者 (20210603) 5:17 《2》加百利-允許別人擁有自己的信念 (20210603) #JahnKassl #JahnJKassl #ShelleyYoung #NickChan #Babaji #大天使加百利 #揚升大師Babaji

傳導:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan 

People live their lives until they wake up and see who and what they really are. The great circle is completed as soon as man has added his unique experiences to the infinity of God. Then the angelic host rises and travels with you to the world of light, from which you never return to this world.
To perfection you continue to strive and the closer you come to the source, the more you are drawn into the light.
Beloved human being,
this is the path on which you walk – with heavy boots or with light steps.
The Great Transformation is underway on this earth. All entities seeking the Light, longing for the Light, will find the right path and fulfill their Soul Plan.
Before a human being enters the human body, a plan is worked out that defines what you want to experience, with whom you want to experience it and where you want to experience it. The closer you get to your life plan, the more fulfilling your life is, the more right it feels, and the greater your developmental steps toward becoming a fully conscious creator.
If the journey goes there with you, then everything is won.
So now I invite you to no longer attach great value to earthly appearances.
The outside is the mirror of the inside. So turn inward if you want to change the outside.
The spiritual path is a path from the inside to the outside. Move first inwardly and revolt first in your own cause! Where does the shoe pinch and why are the boots heavy?
Your soul knows the life plan for this life – and if you ask yourself, what is my task, this is a sign that you still have to clean up, clear away and dissolve something. The free look into your soul is necessary so that you can recognize your assignments.
Work on yourself in silence, then it will be revealed to you what makes you restless and what every waking person asks for. Have patience, be calm and respect your path.
Do not hurry, do not avoid anything and accept every challenge. Consecrate every step to God.
You are spirit, you have a soul that fills your body with light – and you have a High Self that directs you through your human life from the realms of light.
To recognize this is the task that has brought every human being on this earth, that is, to polish the mirror so that your field of vision of yourself becomes free.
Many people tend to rush into assignments. They rush into work and they seek self-affirmation through activity on the outside. Please develop serenity and patience.
The earth ascends with all people who are of good will. The ascension is a joint project of the people and the Earth Mother.
Although there is no time to waste and although it depends on your diligence – do not hurry!
– Go your way into clarity and joy, into peace and love step by step – but go it.
– Enjoy breaks, but do not rest so long that you find it difficult to get up again.
– Choose detours, but change the path as soon as you realize it is a detour.
– Forgive yourself. This relaxes you and brings joy to the transformation work.
– Welcome the fears, for they remind you where to look and what to resolve.
– Dedicate every undertaking to God and make friends with the heavenly beings. The light wants to reveal itself to you, God wants to reveal himself to you.
Mature into the creator and give yourself time for it. Then everything is done. I am with you.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan 

One of the greatest gifts of being a human being is you get to try on many different beliefs. These beliefs evolve over time as your wisdom and awareness grows. This is a wonderful thing, and yet another way you experience expansion and flow. They key is to allow others the right to their beliefs understanding it is part of their own evolution.
Please be aware, Dear Ones, if you begin to think you are more right than others or start making others wrong for what they believe, you can inadvertently slip into a false sense of superiority which only fans the flames of separation and is quite contrary to your true goal of supporting the shift through the embodiment of acceptance, peace, unity consciousness, and unconditional love.
So when you perceive others as being wrong, please remember you do not know what their soul wishes to experience. The wrongness that you feel is simply that the choice they are making is not the right choice for you. The only thing you need to know at any given time is what is feels right and aligned for you and your journey and we encourage you to honour the divine right of others to make that discovery for themselves, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
When you attempt to challenge someone’s beliefs, it can result in making them dig in and create an even deeper attachment to them. They can become so invested in defending their beliefs that they become unwilling to consider any other viewpoint, even when it becomes clear that their belief is no longer serving them. Because they have defended their viewpoint for so long, they feel they have no other choice but to continue with it.
Dear Ones, you are here to support your own evolution and to hold the space for the evolution of others. By keeping an attitude of acceptance and non-judgment, you allow people to feel safe to grow, expand, and explore many different options. This serves the purpose of not fueling resistance or shame and encourages everyone to allow their beliefs to shift and flow with the unfoldment of their journey. You become easier with each other which supports connection, forward movement, and the freedom of self expression every soul yearns for and deserves. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving. There are multiple reasons for this, but one that is rarely mentioned is that empaths are very uncomfortable receiving from the energies of martyred service. They simply do not want to receive if it comes at the discomfort of another.
This is because they inherently understand they are here to anchor the energy of win/win scenarios where everyone benefits from giving and receiving. At the core of this is joyful service, and that is a major aspect of the shift you are in.
When you are in joyful service people feel safe to receive from you. They do not fear there will be strings attached because they understand your service serves you as much as it serves others. If everyone would simply follow the service path that brings them the greatest joy, there would be someone to happily meet every need and no reason for anyone to feel bad or deny the gifts you have to offer.
Dear Ones, giving and receiving are major aspects of both the flow of the universe and your highest service. Release the old idea that sacrificing yourself is noble and follow your own path of joyful service and you will find giving and receiving will become much lighter and readily accepted by all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings do not need to be on the planet at all. They came because they love, because they had a deep faith in humanity, and because they wished to be part of the great shift that is occurring. Since they didn’t necessarily need to incarnate, many have decided to pick up where they left off from their highest spiritual lifetime and grow it from there.
This means that as you step forward in this next phase of your incarnation, your service may grow and evolve. A knowingness of old skills may suddenly come into your awareness. You may be drawn to express and serve in brand new ways, taking ideas and expanding them in exciting new directions. You will have an opportunity to take your last highest level of embodiment and to grow it exponentially from there.
This is part and parcel of the shift you are in. These are the times you hoped and prayed for and are now so excited to experience! Your growth is your service, your embodiment your gift, and your love in action is what makes it all possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


