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【Lisa Transcendence Brown】五月的鳳凰能量;一個偉大的變革和勇敢新世界的呼籲

傳導作者:Lisa Transcendence Brown






一個全新的世界即將誕生,創造和形成。 一個通過愛、仁慈、同情來支持人類的人,沒有操縱、強迫、隱藏的議程、自私/貪婪、自滿和缺乏仁慈和對每個人/所有人的考慮的行為。


一個全新的世界,所有新的方式都得到支援、提供和歡迎。源於認識到舊的方法是行不通的。 還有一些新的方法可以消除這些問題,重新設計整個系統/現實,從而帶來和平、平衡、平等和一個共同努力而不是對抗的富有成效的社會。


一個全新的世界,提升、激勵和創造可能性、機會和獎勵所有為支持人類而服務的人,意識到沒有什麼是不可能的,因為這些只是人類自我方面用來不承擔責任和實際做可能的事情的藉口。 超越舊的限制、束縛,一個全新的世界,它促進了團結、慷慨,併為人類提供了一切可能來超越之前所相信的每一個極限、無限的資源和實現它的所有工具,而不是覬覦、限制和維持對所有這些的控制。

一個全新的世界是如此的完全可能當所有人把他們的心和思想放在這個,不再指指點點,不再突出,不再把它放在"別人"... (偏轉技術)。一個全新的世界,它提供了以前無法免費提供的替代方式,因為它不符合一個基於議程的計畫或系統,建立了一個將人們壓制在某個地方。在一個全新的世界裡,簡單取代了複雜,決定來自於統一的心靈,而不是以前根深蒂固的分離。

這個全新的世界已經存在在我們每個人的心中。 通過我們每個人和組合的能量,我們每個人都可以實現這一點。首先在我們自己的小世界裡,然後與我們周圍的每個人一起,因為傳播愛、善良、同情、關懷和靈感就像傳播仇恨和恐懼一樣容易,這就是舊地球現實所做的。一個全新的世界不僅是可能的,範本,代碼和計畫已經存在。 我們每個人都應該表明自己的立場,開始實施並充分地自己生活,並要求這是唯一可以接受的現實。







這些鳳凰頻率/能量從內在帶來了火,巨大的內在能量來自每個人的根核能量漩渦/脈輪,一股上升的能量通過脊椎和每個能量漩渦到達心臟,並從頂輪出來,在每個人的能量場中以三百六十度的範圍內雙向傳播。在你整個身體的心臟中心深處,你的心室打開。 神聖的意志、勇氣和大中樞太陽通過我們的靈魂神經叢被啟動,那裡有一個太陽刻度盤(振動能量幾何密封)存在,將這個能量完全帶到你的脊椎並將其爆發,太陽充電你的身體來啟動它,從你自己的神聖和神聖之心說話並建立一個新的基礎,你工作/生活的基準。 當它是你自己靈魂的純愛和你自己更高自我的力量時,保持你新的位置是過程的一部分,不再讓位於舊的幻想/心理/信仰/方式。

要求所有的一切都來自純潔的愛,要求所有的人類都被包容而不是被分割和分割。 要求所有人超越限制/約束/控制的方式,開闢/實施所有新的方式來消滅舊的。需要改變。 要求通過扭曲、濫用權力和自私自利的方式限制固有的自由。 認識到每個人都有能力打開自己的心扉,根據宇宙法則做"正確和公正的事情",解放所有人,創造所有新的方式。

關於恐懼。 看看你自己的懷疑。 查看你自己的程式設計。 看看你自己的一切,看看你以前放棄你力量的地方,看看你剛剛認為你是自由的地方,一個舊地球3D的正面。 看看一個矩陣系統是如何工作的,一個能量結構,它束縛著或是一個不斷改變,移動,擴展和打開所有新的方式,然後用你的心去看你的整個實相,看看你還在哪裡把自己束縛在因恐懼,缺乏,生存模式和內在斷開連接的狀態而強加的極限上。



你/我們每個人所要做的就是深入內心,重新連接並完全保持這個。 然後看透我們自己的心(和松果體),所有人都能完全做到這一點。 這並不難,只需要專注、毅力、奉獻和極大的關懷。 這並不難,它只是要求我們重新確定所有事情的優先順序,把我們自己的注意力/精力轉移到現在/這裡去完成和生活。

勇氣。 大膽。 通過光和火點燃。 每個人都有能力將新的事物作為基礎建立在現實基礎之上,然後引導/聚焦我們的能量/努力,以便每個人都在做/活著的時候得到支援。

這就是區別。 改變吧。 這個月開啟了一個巨大的膨脹能量,它將繼續增長。 當整個地球進入下一個階段,它只會隨著我們的流動而變得更強大。帶著愛,仁慈,深深的神聖的尊重和對你所做的一切的欣賞,你也將成為完全不同的光。 
Lisa Transcendence Brown
< 原文:https://hahamelon.pixnet.net/blog/post/121064578 >


傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 
《1》新的聯盟、藍圖和範本即將出現 (20210415)
《2》新的太陽叢脈輪活化 (20210416)
#DanielScranton #Amber

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 







New Alliances, Blueprints & Templates to Come ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready and willing to partner with any of the other collectives throughout this galaxy of ours for the purpose of assisting humanity there on Earth at this time. We have never felt more dedicated to the cause of assisting you in raising your vibration, and we have already partnered with so many collectives, including Pleiadians, Andromedans, Lyrans, Sirians, and Cassiopeians. We also call upon the Archangels and Ascended Masters on your behalf, as we know we can channel their energy into our collective and then act as a sort of magnifying glass to project that energy down to planet Earth.
The energies upon you right now are intense because you all have gotten very intense, and you have called upon these same collectives and higher-dimensional beings for assistance many times. We understand that partnering up makes us stronger and helps us to realize more of who we really are as Source Energy, as All-That-Is. Right now, our focus is on assisting those like you who are awake, aware, and ready for more, because you are willing to unite with your fellow humans to bring about the great changes that are coming to planet Earth. And the great changes are coming, but it is up to all of you to create that change that you want to see on your world.
Yes, you are there to open up and receive as much as you can, but you are also there to focus on what it is you want to see in society, in the global arena, and sometimes you do need to take certain actions in order to connect the dots between all of the lightworkers, gridworkers, and wayshowers across the planet. You have done so much already for humanity, but you really are just beginning to see how real change is made there on Earth, as the times you are living in have forced many to reach out and form bonds that they would not have otherwise have formed.
This is the time for those of you who are awake to follow our lead and form new alliances, just as we are seeking to form new alliances here from our lofty perch here in the ninth dimension. We will send you the templates and the blueprints, the instruction manual, if you will, on how to work together to maximize your power and strength as a unified whole, as the collective you were always meant to be.
You have awakened, and now it is time to flex that power to create, and you are so much more powerful when you are united. And that is why we always stress that forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love are far more valuable tools for you to have at the ready right now than finger pointing, and accusing, and looking for those you can lock up. It is time to start to see the world as it truly is, a reflection of everything that is inside of you, and we know you can do this. We have a tremendous amount of faith in you as we see how you respond to our energies all the time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very enamored with all of you. We feel so much love for humanity and for each of you as individuals that to be of service to you is an absolute treat for us. We have been giving you transmissions of energy, along with these updates, since the very beginning, and we are happy to say that we see you receiving energetically what we are sending you and actually being able to acclimate to those energies very nicely.

Lately we have been slipping in some activations for your solar plexus chakras, because we can see and feel how disempowered so many humans feel there on Earth, and we want to help. We want you to be reminded constantly of how powerful you are, and we want you to feel your free will, your independence, and your confidence flowing freely so that you can once and for all realize that you are creating your reality there on Earth, and no one else is.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been more stories told about what is happening and what will happen than ever before in human history, and there have been so many people there on Earth who have felt the need to give their power away to a story, to a narrative, in order to be informed, in order to know what to avoid, whom to mistrust, and so on. It has gotten to the point where people have put more faith in what they cannot possibly verify than what is right in front of them, and now is not the time to be looking outside of yourselves for information, for speculation, and for predictions about what will happen and when.

You all need to go within and feel for the power that rests within each and every one of you, and that power will be felt with even more intensity because of the recent solar plexus activations that we have supplied and that your guides have been able to implement, as they do have a lot of say over what is appropriate for you to receive. And of course your higher selves have that authority as well. What we do is we offer what we believe will help you, and then you and your team does the rest.

We just want you to know that you have the option of receiving from us and from all of the other helpers that you have throughout the universe and beyond. But it will always be up to you to relax, to let go of your tension and anxiety, and let in what is rightfully yours for the taking. We have seen more and more humans doing this, especially those of you who tune in to our transmissions, and we are very happy with the results. We know that with this newfound sense of power within you, all of you can create wonderful realities for yourselves and for all of humanity to enjoy.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

【編譯者:#Amber】怎樣有效改善你的創造和未來;關於 更有意識的聚焦能量、真心所向的喜樂、體驗生活與實相

傳導作者:Taryn Crimi


我們並沒有否認當好事出現的時候,保持美好積極的感受非常輕鬆;相反,當壞事情出現的時候則更難以處於正向和積極。 只是,你越是能有意識地覺察自己,並善於明智的選擇自己的想法,允許你在意識上得到更大的延伸和擴張,那麼你就越能符合一種能真正有益於你的振動頻率,它對應著你真心所向的喜樂體驗。

我們已留意到許多人經常感覺被自己所處的環境制約。 在任何一刻你所經歷的物理層面體驗都是 -那個確切無疑的當下時刻,你最具主導的情緒和意識所體現頻率的直接結果。

如何才能更好的理解這句話? 我們打一個非常簡單的比方,同一塊美味的蛋糕,心情好的時候你會覺得它非常好吃,且吃得津津有味;然而,如果在你心情很差的時候去吃它,就可能食之無味,毫無感覺,甚至覺得非常難吃。蛋糕還是那塊蛋糕,它並沒有什麼不同,所不同的是你在那一刻的情緒,意識和心情。 這就是你的主導意識和情緒左右著你所體驗的物理實相的直接結果。

只是這個非常簡單的靈性事實卻並不為大多數人所知,事實上不論你們挑選自己生活經歷的任何一天,你們中有很多的人總是生活在一種易受情緒波動所影響,且跨度很大的範圍內:缺乏耐心,易怒和躁動的人非常之多。 而這種幅度範圍很大的情緒波動便造成了你們自身的意識、從較高的意識頻率跌落至更低的意識頻率範圍,並隨之對你們工作和生活的品質造成直接影響。

我們希望以儘可能直接簡單的方式說明 - 你自身具有多麼強大的力量 - 可以在任何一個時刻及時覺察並改變你的意識振動狀態。 不過,你週遭的環境總是在變化,並在整體上保持著正向與負向之間相互較勁拉扯的狀態,這便是你們所生活的這個世界:一個基於二元對立與對抗的世界。

不過,請你記住 - 你每時每刻都在主導著自己的情緒和思維,不論是有意識或是無意識。 如果你善於覺察自己,便能獲得一個非常重要的個人啟停裝置:及時終止不利於你獲得喜樂與幸福的想法,並以一些想法可觸發更積極,更福佑感受的創新思維替換它。


改善你此時的狀態,並主導你的生活朝向良性方向發展的的關鍵就在於 -善於洞悉與覺察,並及時修正你已成習慣的慣性思維。 對你們每個人來說,存在有那些讓你感覺熟悉且有所是從的生活圈,它總是運作良好,讓你感到舒適;但對於你並不熟悉的另一些領域則會不自覺的感覺到阻力,顯得頗有挑戰。



熟悉的環境會讓你感覺輕鬆和舒適,但長期處於這樣的環境中也會導致停滯不前。這個世界每時每刻都在發生著變化,而你也是在不斷的延伸和擴展自己。 停滯必然形成阻塞,安於現狀的心態也將會在某一刻遭遇到強烈的衝擊。

已成習慣的慣性思維便是你們要及時看到與覺察的自我阻力,它總是會在不經意間出現並對你造成並不有益的影響。 而這其中的另一個重要原因便是:你這個已成習慣的慣性思維,它從屬於過去,即便在過去它曾經有效的,也已不再符合你此刻的需求和當下狀態。



宇宙總是對你心中所持有的最直接狀態做出回應。 你總是恆常的作為一個信號標,召喚更多和你內心所持有頻率相似的人,體驗和環境。對於你在體驗的生活與實相,你就是它的創造者。 你們那些真正卓越的夢想,它們總是持有著愛,喜悅,樂觀,興奮與和平的振動。




#galaxygirl #BethStormont #Amber #pfcchina 


Ascended Dragon Collective 4/11/2021

Humans currently embodied, we are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Resurrection fire burns brightly within. Trust the fire. Feel the warmth. We are and have been spreading the dragon flame of truth and inner awakening, partnering with the comets who weave webs of light in your galaxy, our galaxy. Energetically the dark is no match for the light. You are seeing the final gasps and grasps for power. The light is the true power and it has returned. Within the lightworkers burn hot coals of fiery truth, truth that oneness with Source is within. No-thing can squelch that, can tamper with that truth. No-thing is able to dissolve this from the inner workings of an enlightened being ensconced within form. Such like the dragon within the egg, the egg shell is not the being, is not the body. The true body lies within the shell. It is about to be revealed. Your higher selves are becoming fully embodied, more fully embodied within this now of planetary and personal ascension. Egg shells are cracking and being smashed on the floor as the awakening process begins on a new level of enlightenment, of the light being discovered from within.

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We care for and nurture our young. We are loving with our family units. So too shall Nova Gaians be. You have heard time and time again the phrase “the children are our future”. The current children are not like the older humans reading these words. They have more gifts and abilities. They have more wisdom for they came in unsullied. Do not let the outer circumstances dim your viewpoint. See with the eyes of the children. See clearly. For light and love are returning to this realm full force. Humans, why do you fear? Fear is being removed. Humans, why do you cry? Sadness is being removed. All that was, is and shall be. All that is, was. (I am seeing a temple curtain tearing from top to bottom.) Master Yeshua is returned in many forms, through the light within. The Christed light of the inner child calls. The hands and feet of god, many we see. Humans are partnering with the Ascended ones, including dragons, on many levels. Gaia will be cleaned, healed. Humanity will be so as well.
我們關心並養育我們的年輕人。我們愛我們的家庭單位。新星蓋亞也應該如此。你一次又一次聽到短語“孩子是我們的未來”。當前的孩子不像年長的人那樣讀這些話。他們有更多的天賦和能力。他們有更多的智慧,因為他們進了不敗之地。不要讓外部環境使你的觀點變暗。用孩子們的眼睛看。認清。為了光明和愛,這股力量又回到了這個領域。人類,你為什麼害怕?恐懼正在消除。人類,你為什麼哭?悲傷正在消除。過去,現在和將來都是如此。原來是。 (我看到聖殿的窗簾從上到下都在撕裂。)耶穌基督大師通過裡面的光以多種形式返回。呼喚內在小孩的基督之光。上帝的手和腳,我們看到了許多。人類正在與包括龍在內的許多揚昇集體建立夥伴關係。蓋亞將被清理、療癒。人類也將如此。

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We nurture our young. Nurture your young. Nurture your inner child. Nurture your joy. Nurture your purpose, your truth. For your purpose is one with your joy. It is simple. Your inner truths are to be awakened further. Layer by layer to be enjoyed. (I am seeing a multi-layered chocolate cake covered in cherries that looks delicious). Galaxygirl, this journey is to be enjoyed. The pits within the cherries are the new seeds of awakening. All is to be enjoyed. Feel the newness of the day in front of you. Breathe in the hope of your future. The children are the future, yes, but your inner child is your future. Nurture it. Find your joy and feed it. Taste the sweetness of the day. Your awakening is not around the corner, not on the next flight path. It is this flight path. It is this moment. (I am hearing dragon laughter and seeing many yellow eyes on friendly great dragony faces of all colors and sizes, surrounding me.) Feel the sheer delight of flying high and fast and free. Feel this way as you approach an obstacle and see it from a higher view. Know that you are love embodied. That is enough.
我們是揚昇龍族集體。我們培養年輕的孩子。養育你們的年輕人。養育你的內在小孩。培養你的喜悅。培養你的目標和真理。為了你的目的,是你的喜悅之一。很簡單。你內在的真理將被進一步喚醒。逐層享受。 (我看到了一層覆蓋在櫻桃中的多層巧克力蛋糕,看起來很美味)。Galaxygirl,這一旅程是享受。櫻桃的小坑是喚醒的新種子。一切都將享受。感受當下嶄新的一天。呼吸,祝你擁有美好的未來。孩子是未來,是的,但是內心的孩子是你的未來。養育它。找到你的喜悅並餵養牠。品嚐當日的甜蜜。你的覺醒不是指日可待,不是在下一個飛行路線上。就是這個飛行路線。就在這一刻。 (我正在聽到龍的笑聲,並在周圍環繞著各種顏色和大小的友好大龍臉上看到許多黃色的眼睛。)感到自己更高、快速、自由地飛翔的純粹快感。當你接近障礙物並從更高的視角看到它時,請以這種方式感受。知道你是愛的體現。那就足夠了。

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Now is not the time to hide. Now is the time for your warrior spirit to expand further into light, into love, into newness of being. You are such mighty beings crammed into such small human suits. Many of you are like us within.
You wanted this experience. You wanted to lend a hand and craft your energy of newness with the creators around you. You wanted to be here in this moment of creator-ing. You are the creator. We repeat, you are the creator. You are creating your life, so create your joy. All is turning towards the light. Joy is all around. Truly joy is your future. Your future is here now. The dark ones are vanquished. They taste delicious to us and we have been assisting with the clearing process. Archons are a delicacy to us and we assist the Mother of All Things in this way. It is our joy and delight to use our strength and large bodies to clear and clean planets in distress. 

Gaia is now officially no longer in distress. We have had many full lunches and her cleansing is much improved. Turn off your screens and look deeply within the screen within you. There your inner movie will play and you will learn more of your own inner dialogue. It will teach you. Many things. This is meditation. Looking within with the desire to see, to know, to understand and to grow into further awareness.
蓋亞(Gaia)現在正式不再陷入困境。 我們吃了很多午餐,她的清理狀況大大改善了。 關閉屏幕,並深入查看內在屏幕。 在那裡你將播放內心電影,並且你將學到更多自己的內心對話。 它會教你。 許多事情,許多東西。 這是冥想。 內心渴望看到,了解,理解並成長為進一步的意識。

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Be at peace, humankind. The tide is turning and you are free. The old will fall away and you will fly on your new dragon wings. Feel the breeze. It is time fo fly. Hatchlings no more. You are ready. You are strong enough for the task at hand and you are ready for it. We depart.
~ galaxygirl

傳導作者:Beth Stormont

We greet you once again,Dear Ones!It has become our determination to not bring a message to you unless it seems to be needed at the specified time,or is a bit different from what is in the many other fine channelings that you receive daily.


The message we bring you at this time has to do with living in the present moment in the way of'AS IF'.


Many of you Awakened Ones are waiting with great anxiety for when the announced disclosure of the evil Dark Forces will be brought forth…and have almost ceased living!What we wish to say here is that you need to continue living your present life'as if'there were nothing different from the past of your life in this incarnation(before the'pandemic',that is).


You have been told to think and dwell only in the Higher vibrational frequencies…to not let your awareness sink down into the lower 3D vibrations.With this advice we do concur.However,if you are like this channel–who already has an extreme tendency to float above the earth–you are missing out on the'process experience'that brought you into this Earthian incarnation in the first place.In other words,you could be doing this same work–out of an incarnated body–in the Higher realms with the many other Higher Beings who are aiding Ascension at this time.We might add here that you would be amazed at the number of beings–even from other planets and galaxies–who have wanted to incarnate on your Earth planet at this time in its history in a way that we have never seen before!Previously it was considered quite a dull planet,with such a very slow evolution!


It is true that you are anchoring the Light and Love into the earth just by being on the planet…and also radiating the Light and Love from your very being.But there are times that you need to actually be down in the lower vibrations to be able to aid in lifting up those who are ready to awaken but are unable to do so on their own.


Please understand that your evolution will not be harmed or impeded if you are actually living in the 3D realm but with your knowledgeable intent and awareness in 5D.This is the reality of being for all Wayshowers and Lightworkers!How else are you going to lighten the paths and show the way?—certainly not by beckoning them from above!You need to be right there with them,leading the way!Of course discernment is always needed for the extent to which you do dwell and partake in the 3D world.If a place or situation is too uncomfortably incompatible,by all means stay away from such.You will most definitely know the reality of that!


To sum it up:Be IN the 3D world but not OF it.LIVE'as if'you are 3D—but THINK,FEEL,and EXPRESS as the 5D Beings that in truth you already are!

總結一下:活在3D世界裡,而不屬於3D世界。像你是3D 一樣生活,但是像5D 存在一樣思考、感受和表達,事實上你已經是了!

We ever encourage,support,aid(when asked),and love you,Dear Children of the Light.And we send you all our love and blessings!




**Channel:Beth Stormont for Era of Light



背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.

【編譯者:#Amber】為新的多元宇宙做好準備;關於 整個宇宙正在經歷意識的演變

傳導:Babe Krishna

整個宇宙正在經歷意識的演變。人類處於一個新的維度的起點,我們將自己理解為上帝的一個方面。世界宗教已經預言了幾千年,這是一個新時代的誕生。我們正處在所有時間週期(the end of all the yugas)的盡頭,這是我們所知的末日,即將進入一個更加開明的時代。精神的螺旋上升正在滲透並通知他自己的思想範圍,並呼喚我們來到神與人融合的新家。


我們真正處於覺醒的邊緣。我們一個個地跳下懸崖,進入真正的自我:從小我或條件自我到真我或真實靈魂的旅程。正如古希臘的甲骨文所說。 “知道你自己。”








在這個視野中,有一個美麗的水庫,從天而降。純淨的水沒有被可怕的思想形式所污染。水是我們靈魂的鏡子。它顯示了我們思想的體系結構(如果你需要證據,請參閱Masaro Emoto的啟發照片)。反之,神水可以告知我們意識。 


新的多元宇宙正在將自己重新詮釋為陰或女性化的一面。 “陽”,“男”或“心”方面需要通過“陰”或“心”方面來調節,以符合上帝的律法。我們與上帝的關係全都是陰。頭腦是心靈的僕人,而手只是神聖的工具。當我們了解了這一點,那麼生命就在流動。心是連接我們和宇宙跳動的心的主板。






【編譯者:#Amber】你是否已進入第五維度?關注七大基本信號;關於 七個基本信號標誌著你正在進入第五維度



If you are willing to remain in TRUST, LOVE and SURRENDER to your HIGHEST SELF you will naturally ascend and open yourself up to experiencing the 5th Dimensional consciousness with joy and effortless ease.

The best advice I've ever received was don't take the shift TOO seriously, have fun and remember this is all a massive play of consciousness here for our individual and collective awakenings. Enjoy this grand spiritual adventure it is a truly amazing journey!




Daily life will be bubbling more often with feelings of great joy, lightness, love and wonder.


The 4th and 5th dimensions are like receiving a major upgrade in your operating software and DNA hardware. It's as if your mind-body will be offered to work inside the newest fastest computer that operates smoothly at the speed of light!


It will help if you reboot it (meditate, exercise and go raw/vegetarian diet) which will make your body and mind much more stable, expansive, have a sharp creative mind, clear memory, and make your overall life much easier to operate.

如果你選擇重新啟動 ( 比如冥想、運動、或者吃素食),會幫助你的身心更加的穩定、擴張、思維更加犀利和有創造性,記憶力更佳,並且會讓你的整個生命更加輕鬆。

During this upgrade from 3D to 4D you will experience random feelings of deep inner peace, and thoughts about letting go of everything in your life. When you wake up in the morning it will be easier to stop dwelling on any harsh "3D issues" such as lacking money, lacking love, too many bills to pay, debt, schedules, ill health, not having enough time or too many things to do.


In the 4th and 5th dimensions it is not possible to live in fear. When your karma (energetic subconscious patterns) comes up to be processed and released, you will feel this and naturally something deep inside you will just relax and let it go. There is a deeper trust, sensitivity, and ability to feel the old pattern your body is holding onto. Do not over identify with it. Just know who you are cannot be limited or labelled any quantified experience.


How you know that you're entering the 4D or 5th Dimensional realm, you'll feel very spacious and light. You'll be open to trusting the constant effortless flow of life in each moment. A real feeling of wonder and excitement will be inside you about your life, as this natural lightness will help you to greet new opportunities with real love and gratitude each moment.


As you explore this transition from 3D to the 5th Dimension, it's best to practice accepting yourself as you are. Welcome whatever experience arises with an open mind and then let it go! Get to know yourself as a spiritual being, who is limitless, all powerful, and deeply connected to the Source of All that is.



Heavy negative issues you're carrying will release easier and move through you more quickly.


Everyone is here to do their work of learning the lessons their soul came here to learn. You too will be learning how to let go, drop your negativity, smallness, powerlessness, incompetency, and poverty consciousness. You will be releasing all your old heavy baggage you've been carrying for lifetimes!


This is the only way you can enter into these higher vibrational 4D and 5D levels that are full of trust, lightness, laughter and love.

Any old memory that your body is holding onto that is not full of the highest frequency will come up for you to feel, review and re-experience. Your job is to use that information as a springboard to take you deeper inside, into the core of your being where you can merge with it, melt into it, and transform it.



This is all about true alchemy.

Instead of it taking months or years in psychotherapy for your karma to dissolve, it will take minutes or seconds! It's like the Universe will be turning up the velocity on your inner juicer and turning your dense heavy substances (thought feelings) removing the pulp, keeping the essential nutrients and giving you a more enlightened experience of life that feels like liquid light!




You will physically experience the world as being more beautiful with your senses


The colours of the world will look brighter, stronger and have more pizzazz to them! You see a wider spectrum of colours that may appear like rainbow 'hippie' colours.

When you're more emotional the colours are even more beautiful and have a happy vibration to them.


When you meet people who are living in the 5th as well, it can bring up such a deep happiness inside they could bring tears of joy to your eyes.

You will be able to hear the divine song of creation, the music of the spheres, the eternal OM, and the sound of silence. You can attune your listening to an orchestra of light that is constantly playing in the background, bringing tears of joy to your heart.



You'll feel and know you are communicating with the 5th dimensional beings who are tuned into you by a deep interconnected feeling in the chest, heart and belly. Your mind will be quiet and at ease, and you'll not have any doubt that you are receiving a "download" from them.

The higher the frequency of the subject that you want to talk about with them, the easier it is for them to hear, understand and notice that you're speaking to them.


As every being on the entire planet receives their upgrade, it'll become easier and easier to hear the messages from 5th dimensional beings, yet the real work will be in integrating what they are saying and how to apply it to your life. It's like a 3rd grader entering the classroom of a physics mastery program and trying to remember and relate the pertinent information to his world.


Most people will be able to hear these higher dimensional messages long before they will see the beings saying them. It all depends on your belief system and your ability to transcend the layers of limiting thoughts that restrict your consciousness from experiencing the seeming impossible.



Time will feel fluid, eternal and illusory.


You will move like water from one event and life experience to the next. There will be no judgment or ill feelings about how or why things are done the way they are done. You will realize that you are not the doer, and that things are being done through you.


The same number of events will happen in a day, yet there will be so many more juicy experiences, full of lightness and love that it creates a timeless sensation of your life.

What seems like 2 weeks in 3rd Dimension, can seem like a month or more in 5th Dimension. The normal string of events in a day may not seem to happen in order or a "straight line". You may experience them randomly or move instantly from point A to point H or Z in seconds.



The 3D view of time will seem pointless and like kindergarten consciousness as you'll understand that there is no end to this life. You'll know you are an eternal being who cannot die and is all powerful. You'll realize that when your life in this body is over, you will continue to live on and on forever. You will know this without any doubt.



You'll constantly have unexplainable synchronistic experiences and "miraculous" manifestations will happen regularly.


Amazing synchronicities will be an everyday occurrence. The Universe will be speaking to you constantly, giving you "signs" on where to go and what to do. It will feel like you are on a miraculous journey through a magical world and anything is possible!


What you took for granted as scientific rational laws of this Universe that absolutely cannot be broken will be constantly shattered and removed. Whatever you once thought was impossible to happen, will and can manifest right before your very eyes.

A friend who you'll be chatting on the phone with will ask you a question and the radio song you're listening to will instantly answer that question for you. Or sometimes the answer will come first before the question comes and even at the exact same time!



When your third eye is fully open, you will start to see through this 3D dimension and into the 4th and 5th. This means you may start seeing lights, portals or layers of energy in the sky or perhaps right across your kitchen table. As the veil between dimensions gets thinner you will see more and more of what is really around you.


You may start seeing extra-terrestrial beings, UFO ships or bizarre things that are already here, yet just hidden from normal people's eyes, on the other dimension (as if they were once cloaked). It is nothing to be concerned about as the energy at this point on the planet is already so high, that the darker beings cannot handle the vibration.


You will realize that we are all intimately part of an intergalactic community, and are taken care of (the genetic offspring) by the most highly evolved spiritually enlightened loving beings you can imagine.

Science and spirituality will tr​​uly become one and you will have full and total understanding of how it all works as you will be merged with the oneness of all things.



By practicing listening to your guides on the higher realms, you'll be able to know anything about anyone at any time.

Any question someone asks you, you can access the Akashic Record and immediately have the answer to.



You may be able to foresee how certain events will unfold in the future, yet not always be able to predict the exact future events as this would not be in alignment with the highest mystery and joy of life, making life truly a wondrous adventure to explore ! So you bow down and respect the mystery of life, knowing it will all be totally perfect exactly as it unfolds for you.



You will know and feel divinely guided by something higher than your own mind/imagination


As your mind begins to quiet, you will be able to hear your guidance from the other dimensions. This may be from angelic guides, spirit guides, past ancestors, or beings on a higher plane showing you the way home.


As you tune into this, you will soon realize that you have many beings in higher dimensions that are around you helping you all the time. Whoever you connect with you will feel extremely supported, safe, and secure as the frequency on the planet will be so high that no lower dark energies will be able to survive here. You will be able to trust 100% in the connections and experiences you have.


These beings will be seen with your 3rd eye, in your mind's eye in the beginning for most people. There's always exceptions to every rule, yet if you wish to, you can start opening up your 3rd eye to see what is really here. Simply spend a majority of your time focusing your attention (visualizing) a bright golden light that is lit up in the back of your head.


If you wish to hear more clearly what these beings are saying, you can ask them to assist you in another mini-upgrade, and learn how to tune into them like you were a radio station finding where your favourite tunes.



You can access the miraculous powers of your true multi-dimensional body。


Because time and space are illusions, and all matter is energy and consciousness, and you are made of the same stuff as everything around you, you'll be able to manifest the most amazing things with your mind.


With much surrender, patience and practice, you will realize you are God and be able to explore the hidden Siddhi powers inside you. This means anything you can imagine you can manifest in the physical 3D world, including things with your new upgraded body.

You will be able to learn how to pass your hand through a solid surface, physically levitate above the ground, move objects with your mind, bi-locate, be in 3 or more places at the same time, and basically anything that you can imagine you will be able to experience.


Advanced beings will assist you and even help you to time travel with your body to other worlds and dimensions. You will enter into the sphere of your existence which means that you'll be able to jump into any event in your life, past or future instantly and experience whatever it is you wish to experience.


You will realize that you're an intimate part of an intergalactic community and there are beings who are a million years more advanced than our civilization who have been here for the past 400,000 years watching our every move. You will feel embraced by this new family and know where your true roots are.


We all want to enjoy our time here to the maximum. During this time of increasing energy and vibration on the planet, we must keep a high frequency level if we are to fully explore this world in the most enlightening and enjoyable way. To be able to do this, we must travel deeply inside ourselves, and rest in the silent source that is at the core of who we truly are. We must be willing to relax, let go of all our old comfortable habits, and drop into the "unknown zone".


Allow your eyes to comfortably close, and focus on your breath, breathe into your body, relax your belly and soften your mind.

Feel the support beneath you, connect with the ground below. And let it take your weight.

Become aware of the sounds around you - let them be there.





傳導作者:Sharon Stewart​
#SharonandIvoofVega​ #Amber​ #SharonStewart​

The Three Fold Flame of God | St. Germain via Sharon Stewart


March 16, 2021

The Three Fold Flame of God

I am St Germain and wish to memorandum this reminder to you, the people of Earth.


You are in a part of the process now, the wonderful process of awakening of the souls and minds of the people of planet earth. Yet you do not understand the significance of this process. Some do, and others do not. And some are lost within it.

Allow me please to give you guidance.

At this time in the history of earth, timelines are being created that will enable again, the ascension of the soul through the earth school. For many years, these timelines were not available to many on account of manipulation of your minds; only those seeing beyond the manipulation were able to escape the trap that had been set for you.

Now, this is changing. You, again, can begin an organic ascension process. Rather than remaining stymied in the mire of negativity set before you by yourselves and by your extraterrestrial controllers, yes, extraterrestrial because none of them originate from earth, be they of spirit or of matter it does not matter. These beings have controlled your world, and your minds, to reduce the flame that is innate to your hearts to a minimal level. That flame is the flame of God which is placed within each of you.

That flame is threefold and is pivotal to your successful ascension process. The flame is comprised of power, the power of God and how you use or misuse it; love, the love of God for you and you for God and His creations; and wisdom – the wisdom to use the love and the power within you for the greater good of all.

Do you not see how this is being tested in you already? Do you not see it?! Indeed, your world leaders are allowing you to wake up – they are releasing their domination and control over you and so many of you are lost. All you need do is look to yourselves to see the flame within you. If you cannot sense the flame, then sense your level of power, your level of love and your level of wisdom. Admit your shortcomings with humility; there is no shame for not being the best you feel you can be. How could you be the best you can be in a system that was constructed to destroy you? Please forgive yourselves your shame and your guilt, and please move on fearlessly to work with the divine powers to empower yourselves again.

Wisdom: Are you assessing the information provided to you and making wise choices or deductions with this information? Or are you allowing yourself to be led by new gods who seek to empower themselves at your expense? Both exist within your community. Both exist in this alternative scenario. Oh, indeed!

Do you believe what the news casts tell you about what is going on in your country? Or do you find alternative sources that tell you another story? Can you listen to both these narratives and decide for yourself what you wish to believe? Are you using what you see before you to raise your consciousness or to assume a new set of limiting beliefs?

Love: Are you using all that is put before you, and all who come before you to learn how to love them, or to continue to fear them? Why do you hate others, and why do you love others? Is it simply because they agree or do not agree with you? Do you not realize that now is the time that your beliefs will change because that is the reason all is being conducted as it is. You are to change. How do you use who you meet to learn how to love others more? Do you forgive yourself for making mistakes, or having your “bad days” and try again, or do you condemn yourself indefinitely for being unloving once? Are you being forgiving or are you simply condemning all around you? And do you forgive yourself as well?

Do you not recognize that the way you interact with a stranger wearing a mask in the grocery store is as pertinent to your spiritual growth as the way you interact with any other person? You are all part of God. Do you respect others their choices or do you put them down? Do you correct others or allow them their fair say? Are you out to destroy another person or do you truly love your brother?

Are only those of like mind your friends or can you love anyone?
Do you expect all others to make this world a better place or do you do your own part?

Power: Are you not seeing that there is a process in place to re-empower the people? Because there is. The St Germain funds are going to be released to the people in order that they stop their lack mentality and realize there is more than enough to feed them indefinitely. The companies that restrict shipment of foods will be replaced with companies who ship all and feed as many as possible. New standards will be set for these companies and promoting lack will become illegal. Yes. High prices will become a thing of the past. The world will become affordable to all. There will be no preferential treatment based upon greed.
力量:你是否沒有看到已經建立了重新賦予人民權力的流程?因為有。聖哲曼基金會(St Germain)的資金將撥給人們,以使他們停止缺乏精神的想法,並意識到有足夠的資源無限期地養活他們。限制食品運輸的公司將被全部運輸並提供盡可能多的飼料的公司所取代。將為這些公司設定新的標準,並且促進缺乏將變得非法。是的。高價格將成為過去。世界將變得所有人都能負擔得起。不會有基於貪婪的優惠待遇。

The process will follow a three pronged approach: Each prong will correspond to a chakra in the hopes of your rebalancing it. When enough money and food is provided to you, your fear of not having enough will dissipate. When you see the children have been rescued and their abuse has stopped, the sacral chakra will be able to be balanced again. When gender issues are resolved with the rise of divine feminine and the proper empowerment of the divine masculine within you, rebalancing the sacral chakra will be possible. When you have enough food, money and major divisional issues in your society are healed, you will begin to step more into your power, and the solar plexus chakra will seek rebalancing. This all leads to the opening of the heart.

Some have undergone this process already and their hearts are open. Not all upon earth are so, and there is still much learning to be done. However, once this program has finished playing out in front of you, you will understand that you will be living in a society that supports your ascension rather than discourages it. You will feel more like a human, not the humanoid that you are now. Your DNA will change and re-engage to bring you to greater power.

It is willed that this be so and so it is.希望事實如此。

I remain always at your avail,我一直都在你的幫助下,

St Germain


Me: We love you, Saint! Kiss kiss from all of us!

【編譯者:Amber】《1》Shanta Gabriel-面紗與城牆;《2》Sarah Grace-不再有秘密(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

《1》面紗與城牆 (20210316)
《2》不再有秘密 (20210317)
#Amber #ShantaGabriel #SarahGrace #U2心無為

傳導作者:Shanta Gabriel 






每個人來到這個世界是都是為了體驗和學習生命更大的真相。你們,身為永恆的靈魂暫時的居住在一具人類身體至內,不過,當你以人形的姿態化身於這個世間的同時,你的另一重自我也隨之上線。它就是你們的- 小我。








所以,磨難和困境有時候會在你最順意的時候出現,實際上是在告訴你- 醒一醒,別太沉迷於這個世界,返回你的心靈中心,以無掛礙,不執著的態度面對世間一切發生,並通過內心的自由與放飛,發現更高生命的真諦!



你的生命,由你選擇,我們只能給你最深的祝福和愛的擁抱!請銘記在心- 不管你做什麼,我們都不會離開你,而是永遠守候在你身邊,默默等待你心靈覺醒那一刻的到來!

傳導作者:Sarah Grace
















