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譯者:Amber、Nick Chan
《2》造物能量-你是蝴蝶,不是毛毛蟲 (20210429)
《3》最初造物主-最後一次警告 (20210429)
#Galaxygirl #BrendaHoffman #ErenaVelazquez #NickChan #Amber

《1》關於 自由正在走向人類

Alisheryia and the Ascended Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl | April 26, 2021

Alisheryia & the Ascended Dragon Collective 4/26/2021

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective.
We offer peace this day. When hatchlings are agitated we draw them close, just as we put our large wings around you. Wings are meant for flying but also for comforting and for creating a safe place, nestled in. It is never cold in the nook of a wing for love beats in that space of darkness and paternal / maternal warmth is felt as well. (I am seeing dragons in battle protecting their young or someone else who is within their circle of protection. I am seeing numerous colorful dragons in a circle with large wings outstretched looking like a beautiful colorful flower from above. 

I see children with this circle of protection. I ask them why human children and hatchlings are within their circle of protection.) We have also been rescuing human children from various places of your galaxy. We say ‘your’ for we are not contained by time space. We easily fly in between the galaxies and traverse the universes for we serve all sectors. We have been assisting your kind return unto itself. Many children, many human colonies that you are not aware of have been decimated. This war is not just on our land but on many lands, which is why it is a complex chess board. We are assisting with the rescue of humans. We are taking them for rehabilitation. Human children are with our children because they are friends. Humans and dragons have a long friendship history and so it will continue.

(I am seeing that scene they showed me in more detail. They are standing on a flat red-hued mesa. The terrain is rocky, there are no trees, it is a barren place. I see fire burning below. Those they are fighting are of the dark alliance who fly in small, oddly-shaped ships above them. I see some of them are humans and many are hybrid reptilians. I am seeing destroyed mining facilities and I don’t wish to look anymore.) 

Human, much has been done off planet as on planet. The humans were designed by others to be their slaves. Freedom is coming to humanity and to all that the dark ones had subjugated under their control. (I am seeing a dome of light within the circle protecting the rescued ones and they are enjoying their time with the hatchlings. It is a healing orb.) Yes, our abilities to heal are joined with the angelic. Many of you also lend your light. We are in the final of the final days. We are in the moment of the final moments. We are in the space of the in-breath and the out-breath, where all things are possible and all things are changing. The Mother of All Things has been blessing us and the wind is at our backs now. The struggle is almost over. 
人類,在地球上已經做了很多工作。人類被別人設計成他們的奴隸。自由正在走向人類,所有黑暗勢力在他們的控制下征服。 (我看到一個圓形的圓頂保護著被救者,他們正與孵化者一起度過時光。這是一個康復之球。)

Humanity, you are loved. Humanity, you are safe. Humanity, you are saved. Many of you are to be congratulated for your night-work, your sleep-work has furthered our efforts and the efforts of many who are on the side of humanity trying to assist, to lend a wing, to heal, to hold space.

(They are showing me another scene now. I am seeing the neon world of their world. Rocky cliffs all bright green with neon flowers and animals and impossibly high waterfalls. The sun is a bright neon green. They show me from their view point. I am flying with them. The power and the speed are tremendous. We swoop up, flying vertical along the the cliff face and suddenly are at the top, a different mesa, one full of glowing life that feels very loving. The hatchlings and children are here, playing together. Injuries on the children’s bodies are covered in bubbles of healing that are rainbow hued. Some children are completely within their own bubble. They are smiling. It is a very high dimensional field of love. I am surrounded by smiling dragony faces.) We have brought many human hatchlings to our home for healing space. They swim in the crystal waters and are nourished by the vibrations of this realm.
(他們現在正在向我展示另一個場景。我正在看到他們霓虹燈般的世界。岩石峭壁全是鮮綠色的,上面有霓虹花和動物以及不可思議的高瀑布。太陽是鮮亮的霓虹綠色。從他們的角度看,它們向我展示了。 我和他們一起飛行,力量和速度是巨大的。我們俯衝而下,沿著懸崖峭壁垂直飛行,突然在頂部,一個不同的檯面,一個充滿光彩的生活,感覺充滿愛意。 在這裡,一起玩耍。彩虹般的癒合氣泡覆蓋了孩子們的身體上的傷害。有些孩子完全在自己的氣泡內。他們在微笑。這是一個非常高維度的愛。我被微笑包圍,我們已經帶來了許多人類的孵化器來療癒空間。 它們在晶瑩的水中游泳,並被這個領域的振動所滋養。 

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We know you are weary. We lend our support. We lend our healing. We share our gifts. The time is now to soar. You are welcome here, you of crystalline intention. Those on the path will vibrationally find this place of healing if they desire. (I see them blowing a fire stream from their home to our home, a fire rope path for us to follow in our meditations.) Life is bigger than you know, human. Life is grander than you have seen, little human. Human, be at peace. Be comforted.

I Alisheryia am speaking. The divine mother has blessed us with more light that we may bless others. We are all ascending higher in this sector and it blesses those who assist. You are growing faster than you currently understand. You are more beautiful than you could know in this moment. Be ready. Be ready to accept more light into your bodies. I breathe my fiery codes of ascension into your crown. Feel my blue fire’s warmth and feel the divine codes within. Now ground this light into your planet’s core. Anchor in. (I am seeing light switches being flipped on all over the world.) The flip has been switched. Critical mass has been reached. Energetically it is there. More must align with this energy. Align, align. We dragons assist.

I Alisheryia am speaking. I love you with a deep and ancient love. I have long served humanity. This one and I have been together from the beginning. Many of you can say the same. Many of you have your dragon counterparts. Call to them. Connect with their ascended versions. We too have had to go through our own transition. Send love. Send healing. Sound the dragon call and send your own light code frequency with it and they will call back. They will hear you throughout time-space. Send the violet flame over your intention. Only connect with the ascended dragon. Do not be tricked. You cannot fool a dragon but many a human has been deceived. And so create this bond wisely with love and great tenderness of intention. 

There. I am heard. Wisdom comes with time. Use your time wisely. Use this moment to fortify, to solidify and to ground. Use this time to find yourselves, to find your joy. For joy will lead you home into the higher dimensions. Do not focus on the echos of chaos and the endless noise through your boxes. Focus on meditations such as these that we are lovingly offering to you. Focus on your healing and joy. Peace. I am Alisheryia. I love you. I depart.



~ galaxygirl

《2》關於 你是蝴蝶,不是毛毛蟲
傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
You are not alone. Of course, you have heard that phrase so many times; it holds little meaning for you. But we wish to reiterate that such is true because your next phase might seem lonely.
Even if you have not yet left your cocoon, you have completed your cocoon stage.
This next phase is a bit more complicated. Not because it has to be, but because we, of the Universes, cannot necessarily explain it in 3D terms.
You are starting to fly or flit.
Once you exit your cocoon, if you have not already, you will need to explore your new world. Similar to a caterpillar leaving its cocoon and discovering it can fly with new objectives. The exiting butterfly unfolds its wings and discovers nutrition in new elements, especially flowers. Do you not suppose that butterfly might try several flowering types before it finds its favorite or most easily accessible?
So it is for you. You will likely flit from interest to interest until you find the interest that best sustains your new being. Do not be concerned if that discovery process takes days, weeks, or months. Finding your new you interests is not a race, but instead a dedicated effort to explore your puzzle piece in new dimensions and frequencies.
New you has combined segments from different lifetimes, frequencies, and dimensions. So it is, new you is reaching out to tap this and that interest in the quest of finding a new totality. Just as is true for a butterfly searching for a favorite flower.
Your new world has little to do with your former 3D life. For some, that thought is frightening, for others, exciting.
Such feelings do not matter, for you are not who you were and will never be again.
You have stepped out of your former 3D life into a new world with a new being. Just as the caterpillar and butterfly no longer interact even though they are part of one another, so it will be for you in your new life.
You were once a human interacting and functioning in 3D. You are no longer that human. You evolved into a flying entity that has little to do with 3D. For you transitioned into a Universal being with skills far beyond anything imagined by your 3D being.
In a sense, you have become the alien from outer space you have long discussed and even feared. You are so different as to be labeled a nonhuman, for you have merged your Universal being with your human body.
Eventually, you will not be able to interact with those who remain of 3D, for you will not understand one another. You are no longer alike, except for skin color, as was true in 3D. You are nothing like a 3D human – just as a butterfly is nothing like a caterpillar.
There will be little need for you to interact or even pretend you are comfortable in a 3D world. Any more than a butterfly attempts to crawl on the ground, or a caterpillar flies.
You are different. Allow that to be in all its ramifications. It is almost as if a wall separates you from the 3D world.
For some, that last phrase indicates you will not care about any but those who have transitioned beyond 3D. Such is not true. For you will generate sparkles of joy and fun encouraging those firmly of 3D to move beyond 3D. If such does not interest them, you will flit away.
Throughout your interest-seeking stage, you will flutter past those of 3D trying to attract their attention. But once you establish your primary interest or interests, you will be so enmeshed in your new world as not to care if those of 3D follow.
You are not alone for millions are now awakening. But if your friends and family wish to remain of 3D, you will have less and less interest in them or their needs.
You are flying, ready to encourage those wavering to fly with you. But if they show little interest or need, you will not stop to pull them along, for you are a butterfly, and they are caterpillars.
Such does not mean caterpillars will never transition, but instead that you will have little need to be with them when they do unless they transition within a few days of your interest search.
The schism between you and those who do not wish to transition will become too great.
So it is you will find less and less need to interact with those of 3D and they with you. The earth is becoming two separate planets in one. Those fully of 3D will continue living in fear, and those beyond 3D will be in joy.
This life is the last hurrah for those of 3D, for never again will earth be populated by 3D beings. It is a new world.
This shift is like that of a shift from horse and carriage to airplanes. The only relationship is both are modes of transportation. The earth has become an airplane system as it will be forevermore. So be it. Amen.

《3》關於 最后一次警告
傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings My Beloved Children,
I am Father, Prime Creator and I am pleased to be here. I would like to speak to you today about the transformations that Mother Earth is undergoing now. Your world keeps changing and evolving with every nanosecond. I deliberately changed the time flow more than once to expedite your Ascension Process. The Divine Plan is coming to fruition to bring peace and happiness to humankind.
You are experiencing daily many hardships such as financial struggles, health issues, relationships problems and etc. All of these imbalances and obstacles in humanities existence have been brought by the Darkness, which has been dominating your planet for a long time. The Negative Ones kept orchestrating their ‘’perfect’’ scenario of constantly putting barriers in the way for every human being in their every day lives.
They created a cycle of misfortunes for everyone on Earth. These souls crossed the line too many times, and they forgot one big detail that Universal energies always naturally rebalance themselves by bringing back the balance between the Darkness and Light.
Also, I have been reminding and warning these corrupted souls that their negative behavior is going to be dealt with or punished. Their arrogance of being invincible blinded them completely, they think about themselves as Gods. They are going to have a rude awaking, their time of being Queens and Kings are coming to the end with no return.
The tortures and miseries they put mankind through are all recorded, their souls are going to be repurposed or vanished completely depending on their remorse and willingness to change. Most of them are not showing any remorse and continuing to harm all life on Mother Gaia. My patience with them is on thin ice, I gave full authority to Ashtar and Galactic Federation to use full force of eliminating the Darkness from this part of the Galaxy.
Some of you have been questioning, why is it taking so long to get rid off all of these negative entities. The main reason is we need to be careful by not destroying the planet when we are going after and chasing the Dark Ones around. They have been attacking and occupying other worlds in different parts of the Universes, Galaxies and Planets for a long time.
I am tired of their behavior, and I am using my authority as Prime Creator by warning them for the last time, if they are not going to willingly leave this planet, they are going to face heavy consequences.
I would like to also to talk about that some of you are loosing hope and desire to be here. Please, remember you can’t give up, no matter what is going on around you. This is not your first life, most of you had thousands or more reincarnations. Low energies always get replaced by higher ones.
You can’t give up now as better times are coming, and prosperity is going to be given to everyone. This 3D Matrix is cracking everywhere and nothing can sustain it anymore. Stay in Divine Flow and do daily meditations to raise yourself to high vibrations, which is essential right now during these times.
The old system is falling apart left and right, so you need to stay balanced and not give up on yourself and others. All of you have a lot strength and courage within you, please never forgot that. Open wide your heart and see through all of the chaos around, and you are going be surprised by what you are going to see.
My Dear Children, I am always around and watching over you, please remember WE ARE ONE nothing can ever separate you from me.
Prime Creator

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#DawnPhoenix #ErenaVelazquez #ShelleyYoung #NickChan 

傳導作者:Dawn Phoenix
譯者:Nick Chan

Hello all. Hello everyone listening today.
We are the phoenix collective and we are pleased to be in this space with you even if you are not here with us at this time.
Whenever you hear this is when it is perfect for you. Today we would like to talk about purity. In our work, we have purity as the first step in our process and we use fire as the vehicle to purify and cleanse.
We notice that humans are very tuned into instant gratification and that is not the way the universe operates, my dears. We are sorry to say it is not. You cannot move forward into something new without cleansing the old. Think of it this way: when you wake up in the morning most of you will shower. You will shower away the night and the day before. When you come home from work some of you shower.
You are cleaning off what is on your bodies and in your fields before you move into what you are going to do next. And as you start your days, this is the perfect time to cleanse yourselves. If you don't take a physical shower, some of you will meditate and that also cleanses your energy fields and your minds.
We have other rituals where we will sometimes exercise and do the things that prepare us to move into the next step in our journey or our day. When we are in the creative process, we need to think of it as that showering, cleansing step being the first and most important step.
The reason for that is twofold and possibly more. The first reason is the most important: What you create includes the ingredients that you bring with you. So as in your cooking, when you are cooking a dish, your meal is only going to be as fresh and healthy and delicious as the ingredients that you put into it.
So, if you're thinking of a new creation, a new relationship, something new in your life that you would like to bring into existence, are you going to use old stagnant energy as the ingredient to create this new thing? Or as in cooking, would you like something fresh and healthy and new and clean that will give you a far superior product that is far more nourishing and enjoyable to experience?
So we would like to emphasize the importance of purifying and cleansing yourselves of the old stagnant energy, old wounds old thoughts, old beliefs from yourselves before you embark on a new journey.
Here's something else that we would like to bring to your attention: Oftentimes you complain that even though you have a new relationship, the same problems will crop up that you have had in other relationships. This is because even if you're entering into a new relationships, either you or your partner, or both of you did not clear out and shower off the old wounds, the old fears, the old beliefs, the old energy from your past relationships.
So that will follow into your new creation, your new relationship. That is obviously not what you want when you are entering into a new relationship. Here is an exercise we can give you and this is going to be using the example of relationships. But you can use it for anything in your life.
Before you take the active step to really begin something new. Before you actively go on that first date with someone new, before you even put out a resume for a new job offer or ask for a raise or more workload at work, whatever it is that you are thinking about creating and bringing into your life, please, please try this first and you will be amazed at the results.
Before you enter into that first step of your journey, set the intention that anything from your past that does not serve your highest good for this future endeavor be shed from your existence. You can set this intention out loud, or you can say it in your mind. It can be just a simple mantra you can write it down and put it somewhere where you'll see it. Just say “May what no longer serves from my past fall away.” or however it resonates for you.
You are setting the intention to clear yourself of that old energy so that it doesn't pollute your new creation, and you will be amazed at going forward what happens. So that is just one simple exercise that we would like to give you as you remember your power as the creators of your reality.
When we are working with people in our fire infusion system it is a five-step process. We bring people through two clearing processes: the first one is the initial clearing process and that is so key because we understand that when we clear away the old, that paves the way for the new to be born into a clean environment. So it is a process that we use ourselves. That is what we are born of. We are fire. We are purification, cleansing rebirth and re-creation.
But you cannot have a new creation with old energy, and that is what we wanted to bestow upon you today dear ones. We love you and we are so proud of you for everything you are doing at this time. We are your Phoenix Collective.

傳導作者:Erena Velazquez
譯者:Nick Chan 

Greetings My Beloved Ones,
I am Archangel Michael, I am happy to come today and show to human beings on how to realize, who you really are. You are souls who travelled around different Universes, Galaxies and Planets. Each of you has an individual journey, which includes living many lives in different forms or no form at all just being a pure essence of the soul. You had many different type of experiences. 
Your Earth encounters are totally unexpected as your plan was to stay here for a short period of time, just to help to rescue Mother Gaia. Everyone, who chose to be here, got stock, because of the reincarnation machine used by the Dark Ones. As they are enjoying keeping you trapped here on this planet, effecting your memories and forcing you to be here as a hostage, by not letting you leave this part of the Galaxy.
Every time you left the physical body, you were zipped back into another body, so you had a never ending cycle of lives here, life after life. Many of you forgot that you are Love and Light, and your mission here is to spread Love and Light in order to break the Darkness. I want you to start to express to each other only love, kindness, generosity, respect and etc., and not to entertain anymore any negative emotions. 
I am, Archangel Michael asking all of you to go deep within your essence and ignite the inner flame of your soul. This fire is going to spread globally as the spark of Light that is going to wake up the rest of the human population. 
Your erased memories are going to rush back to you, as soon as you will start staying permanently in the high frequencies. You came to Mother Earth from many Stars Systems, so you carry a lot of unique knowledge, which you are going to share with humanity to create a piece of Heaven on Earth for everyone.
The fire of your Love and Light is going to burn the corrupted souls, who want only to destroy and harm others. Their power is being drastically reduced in many Galaxies, Universes and Planets as millions of beings are fighting them by using different methods to eliminate their oppressive presence permanently, so they can’t hurt other beings.
A lot of you are going to find out that the evolution of your soul involved millions of different lives with valuable experiences, which you will use to help to build a New Earth. You are Angels, Masters, Ancient Priestesses and etc., who are fighters of the Light that eliminate Evil everywhere it casts it’s Dark Shadow. You are a beacon of Hope and Light for all of the beings in all the Universes, Galaxies and Planets, who are fighting for their freedom now from the Darkness.
I am aware that all of you are tired of being here and waiting for the end of your mission, please, keep your energies in high vibrations to transform your body to a new 5D version. The acceleration of the Divine Timing is in accordance with the Divine Plan, which was created a long time ago by Father, Prime Creator, who was forseeing the future, when humanity as Collective Consciousness was going to accept Divinity. 
I am Archangel Michael, I am grateful to be here and sending my healing powers and blessings to all of you. Thank you.

傳導作者:Shelley Young
譯者:Nick Chan 

As you are integrating higher and higher energies, you may find your body leading you towards certain things. This can be specific foods or styles of eating. And you might be surprised to hear that your body may ask you to not eat at all!
Many of you may feel drawn towards fasting. One of the many benefits of fasting is it can allow you to integrate certain energetic downloads easier as the body is not using a lot of its energy in the process of digestion. Fasting can be a wonderful way of clearing your head, your body, and your energy field, to allow integration and/or energetic shifting to occur.
Of course, we ask you to be mindful with your practices. Listen to your body. Guide yourself with your wisdom. Feel into what it is you need and continue to do so. Don’t be surprised if one thing works wonders for your body one day, and doesn’t work another. Your needs are shifting as much as the energies themselves shift.
There is no one size fits all system as your needs are all individual based on your own energetic makeup and where you are on your journey. We understand this can be confusing but your body has an innate intelligence that will never steer you wrong. Following the guidance of your body is yet another way you can move with the flow, making your highest choice one now moment at a time, utilizing a system that is meant to serve you and your unique needs. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Consistency is a very important element in your evolutionary unfoldment. It is through consistency you anchor new ways of being. It is a strong energetic declaration of intention. It tends the soil until your new seeds of preference can sprout and bloom.
You don’t have to have one hundred percent compliance to be successful. You will likely have moments of unconsciousness where you forget or fall back into old habits. The trick is to not stay there. Every time you catch yourself and gently and lovingly redirect, you are reaffirming your preference, and before you know it you will find it much easier to simply stay in the new because you will have established new habits.
This is exactly how you continue to evolve, to grow and expand, and to experience yourself in your latest level of attainment. It is through the recognition and redirection into your true preferences, time and again, you drive the shift and honour your highest, most satisfying expressions of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
One of the most profound shifts you will make on your spiritual journey is taking your focus from externals and placing it on yourself. This is self responsibility. From this space of self responsibility comes developing the skill of self love.
Yes, self love is a skill to develop if you have not been taught to include yourself in your own love and care. Most of you were raised in households where loving others was valued but loving yourself was never mentioned, so it may feel foreign to you to develop a self love practice. That is ok! It is never too late to learn a new skill.
If you have been conditioned to think that sacrificing yourself for others is noble and that self care is selfish, you will have to very consciously use your awareness and consistency to develop the skill of self love. Let us reassure you that self love is not selfish. Self love does not mean you put yourself above others and throw everyone else to the wolves. It simply means you are now also including yourself in your love and consideration.
This is in no way about exclusion, it is about inclusion. It is about fairness. It is about making yourself equally important as everyone else. It is about understanding that you cannot shift into unconditional love and unity consciousness and leave yourself out at the same time. It is about simply being the love to everyone, and that means you, too. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


#galaxygirl #BethStormont #Amber #pfcchina 


Ascended Dragon Collective 4/11/2021

Humans currently embodied, we are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Resurrection fire burns brightly within. Trust the fire. Feel the warmth. We are and have been spreading the dragon flame of truth and inner awakening, partnering with the comets who weave webs of light in your galaxy, our galaxy. Energetically the dark is no match for the light. You are seeing the final gasps and grasps for power. The light is the true power and it has returned. Within the lightworkers burn hot coals of fiery truth, truth that oneness with Source is within. No-thing can squelch that, can tamper with that truth. No-thing is able to dissolve this from the inner workings of an enlightened being ensconced within form. Such like the dragon within the egg, the egg shell is not the being, is not the body. The true body lies within the shell. It is about to be revealed. Your higher selves are becoming fully embodied, more fully embodied within this now of planetary and personal ascension. Egg shells are cracking and being smashed on the floor as the awakening process begins on a new level of enlightenment, of the light being discovered from within.

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We care for and nurture our young. We are loving with our family units. So too shall Nova Gaians be. You have heard time and time again the phrase “the children are our future”. The current children are not like the older humans reading these words. They have more gifts and abilities. They have more wisdom for they came in unsullied. Do not let the outer circumstances dim your viewpoint. See with the eyes of the children. See clearly. For light and love are returning to this realm full force. Humans, why do you fear? Fear is being removed. Humans, why do you cry? Sadness is being removed. All that was, is and shall be. All that is, was. (I am seeing a temple curtain tearing from top to bottom.) Master Yeshua is returned in many forms, through the light within. The Christed light of the inner child calls. The hands and feet of god, many we see. Humans are partnering with the Ascended ones, including dragons, on many levels. Gaia will be cleaned, healed. Humanity will be so as well.
我們關心並養育我們的年輕人。我們愛我們的家庭單位。新星蓋亞也應該如此。你一次又一次聽到短語“孩子是我們的未來”。當前的孩子不像年長的人那樣讀這些話。他們有更多的天賦和能力。他們有更多的智慧,因為他們進了不敗之地。不要讓外部環境使你的觀點變暗。用孩子們的眼睛看。認清。為了光明和愛,這股力量又回到了這個領域。人類,你為什麼害怕?恐懼正在消除。人類,你為什麼哭?悲傷正在消除。過去,現在和將來都是如此。原來是。 (我看到聖殿的窗簾從上到下都在撕裂。)耶穌基督大師通過裡面的光以多種形式返回。呼喚內在小孩的基督之光。上帝的手和腳,我們看到了許多。人類正在與包括龍在內的許多揚昇集體建立夥伴關係。蓋亞將被清理、療癒。人類也將如此。

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We nurture our young. Nurture your young. Nurture your inner child. Nurture your joy. Nurture your purpose, your truth. For your purpose is one with your joy. It is simple. Your inner truths are to be awakened further. Layer by layer to be enjoyed. (I am seeing a multi-layered chocolate cake covered in cherries that looks delicious). Galaxygirl, this journey is to be enjoyed. The pits within the cherries are the new seeds of awakening. All is to be enjoyed. Feel the newness of the day in front of you. Breathe in the hope of your future. The children are the future, yes, but your inner child is your future. Nurture it. Find your joy and feed it. Taste the sweetness of the day. Your awakening is not around the corner, not on the next flight path. It is this flight path. It is this moment. (I am hearing dragon laughter and seeing many yellow eyes on friendly great dragony faces of all colors and sizes, surrounding me.) Feel the sheer delight of flying high and fast and free. Feel this way as you approach an obstacle and see it from a higher view. Know that you are love embodied. That is enough.
我們是揚昇龍族集體。我們培養年輕的孩子。養育你們的年輕人。養育你的內在小孩。培養你的喜悅。培養你的目標和真理。為了你的目的,是你的喜悅之一。很簡單。你內在的真理將被進一步喚醒。逐層享受。 (我看到了一層覆蓋在櫻桃中的多層巧克力蛋糕,看起來很美味)。Galaxygirl,這一旅程是享受。櫻桃的小坑是喚醒的新種子。一切都將享受。感受當下嶄新的一天。呼吸,祝你擁有美好的未來。孩子是未來,是的,但是內心的孩子是你的未來。養育它。找到你的喜悅並餵養牠。品嚐當日的甜蜜。你的覺醒不是指日可待,不是在下一個飛行路線上。就是這個飛行路線。就在這一刻。 (我正在聽到龍的笑聲,並在周圍環繞著各種顏色和大小的友好大龍臉上看到許多黃色的眼睛。)感到自己更高、快速、自由地飛翔的純粹快感。當你接近障礙物並從更高的視角看到它時,請以這種方式感受。知道你是愛的體現。那就足夠了。

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Now is not the time to hide. Now is the time for your warrior spirit to expand further into light, into love, into newness of being. You are such mighty beings crammed into such small human suits. Many of you are like us within.
You wanted this experience. You wanted to lend a hand and craft your energy of newness with the creators around you. You wanted to be here in this moment of creator-ing. You are the creator. We repeat, you are the creator. You are creating your life, so create your joy. All is turning towards the light. Joy is all around. Truly joy is your future. Your future is here now. The dark ones are vanquished. They taste delicious to us and we have been assisting with the clearing process. Archons are a delicacy to us and we assist the Mother of All Things in this way. It is our joy and delight to use our strength and large bodies to clear and clean planets in distress. 

Gaia is now officially no longer in distress. We have had many full lunches and her cleansing is much improved. Turn off your screens and look deeply within the screen within you. There your inner movie will play and you will learn more of your own inner dialogue. It will teach you. Many things. This is meditation. Looking within with the desire to see, to know, to understand and to grow into further awareness.
蓋亞(Gaia)現在正式不再陷入困境。 我們吃了很多午餐,她的清理狀況大大改善了。 關閉屏幕,並深入查看內在屏幕。 在那裡你將播放內心電影,並且你將學到更多自己的內心對話。 它會教你。 許多事情,許多東西。 這是冥想。 內心渴望看到,了解,理解並成長為進一步的意識。

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Be at peace, humankind. The tide is turning and you are free. The old will fall away and you will fly on your new dragon wings. Feel the breeze. It is time fo fly. Hatchlings no more. You are ready. You are strong enough for the task at hand and you are ready for it. We depart.
~ galaxygirl

傳導作者:Beth Stormont

We greet you once again,Dear Ones!It has become our determination to not bring a message to you unless it seems to be needed at the specified time,or is a bit different from what is in the many other fine channelings that you receive daily.


The message we bring you at this time has to do with living in the present moment in the way of'AS IF'.


Many of you Awakened Ones are waiting with great anxiety for when the announced disclosure of the evil Dark Forces will be brought forth…and have almost ceased living!What we wish to say here is that you need to continue living your present life'as if'there were nothing different from the past of your life in this incarnation(before the'pandemic',that is).


You have been told to think and dwell only in the Higher vibrational frequencies…to not let your awareness sink down into the lower 3D vibrations.With this advice we do concur.However,if you are like this channel–who already has an extreme tendency to float above the earth–you are missing out on the'process experience'that brought you into this Earthian incarnation in the first place.In other words,you could be doing this same work–out of an incarnated body–in the Higher realms with the many other Higher Beings who are aiding Ascension at this time.We might add here that you would be amazed at the number of beings–even from other planets and galaxies–who have wanted to incarnate on your Earth planet at this time in its history in a way that we have never seen before!Previously it was considered quite a dull planet,with such a very slow evolution!


It is true that you are anchoring the Light and Love into the earth just by being on the planet…and also radiating the Light and Love from your very being.But there are times that you need to actually be down in the lower vibrations to be able to aid in lifting up those who are ready to awaken but are unable to do so on their own.


Please understand that your evolution will not be harmed or impeded if you are actually living in the 3D realm but with your knowledgeable intent and awareness in 5D.This is the reality of being for all Wayshowers and Lightworkers!How else are you going to lighten the paths and show the way?—certainly not by beckoning them from above!You need to be right there with them,leading the way!Of course discernment is always needed for the extent to which you do dwell and partake in the 3D world.If a place or situation is too uncomfortably incompatible,by all means stay away from such.You will most definitely know the reality of that!


To sum it up:Be IN the 3D world but not OF it.LIVE'as if'you are 3D—but THINK,FEEL,and EXPRESS as the 5D Beings that in truth you already are!

總結一下:活在3D世界裡,而不屬於3D世界。像你是3D 一樣生活,但是像5D 存在一樣思考、感受和表達,事實上你已經是了!

We ever encourage,support,aid(when asked),and love you,Dear Children of the Light.And we send you all our love and blessings!




**Channel:Beth Stormont for Era of Light



背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.