

0:00 影片開頭 0:36 《1》米迦勒-敞開你的心扉 (20210524) 3:46 《2》銀河司令部-契約變更 (20210529) #AsaraAdams #BethStormont #pfcchina

傳導:Asara Adams

Greetings,Beloved Ones,


We are sending you blessings of Love and Light,in this Now Moment,and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…


Things are shifting rapidly and many are feeling unsure as to where they are in this process and how this will all turn out.


Beloved Ones,as you are going through your moment-to-moment experience,you are creating each experience from within your feeling state.


At the center of your creation is the vibrational signal that you are radiating and which then returns the energy back to you in form of an experience.


Your environment and everything around you is prompting thoughts,feelings and most importantly the desire for improvement.


Your asking with your feelings and thoughts is instantly creating the answer and it is then on its way to you.


The only way it can then enter your experience is by your maintained state of harmony.


The longer you are able to maintain your state,or return to the state of harmony,the faster you are able to experience your desired reality.


So,how do you do that?


Start your day with appreciation,meditation and connection to your I AM Presence of God.(Your I AM Presence is the individualized aspect of God that is assisting you in your Ascension.)


As you are going throughout your day,pay attention to the way you feel and what you are thinking.


If you think and feel anything less than harmony,take a moment and ask for your I AM Presence to return you back to Divine Harmony.


Place your hand on your heart center,breathe a few deep and slow breaths and allow for Divine Harmony to enter your heart…


After a few moments,you will begin to feel more at peace and in Divine Harmony.


Then all the experiences you have asked for can begin to reach you and enter your experience.


Even if you are not consciously asking for something specific to manifest,when you are in Divine Harmony,your I AM Presence is able to bring you many blessed experiences and move you upwards into your Ascension.


Know That All Is Well,Beloved Ones.


Welcome Home.


We are walking beside you,every step of the way.


Dear Ones,you are loved beyond measure.Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


Thank you,Archangel Michael!

< 原文及來源:
https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/51731.html >

傳導:Beth Stormont

Greetings,Dear Ones on our beloved Earth planet!We wish to share with you at this time something that you may already well know,but we feel it bears repeating.


As more information is being revealed concerning the truth of COVID19,there have been statements made about the needless deaths of countless millions because of incorrect procedures for containment,etc.You have heard the stories,and so we shall not recount them here.

隨著有關 COVID19真相的更多信息的披露,有人發表聲明說,由於不正確的遏製程序等,無數人不必要地死亡。你們已經聽過這些故事了,所以我們不在這裡講了。

What we wish to bring to your attention–whether already known or not–is the reality of those deaths.


We here wish to correct the'needless'part of those deaths,for–as many of you know–death was chosen by the soul of each of those who supposedly succumbed to the virus.It was indeed by such means that they passed to another realm.But the choice was theirs to continue their schooling on another earth planet–one more pleasant and easier to handle–or to experience life in another existence.Some felt they could better serve the processes of the Awakening and Ascension by joining the forces on the other side of the veil—and some have already graduated and arrived in the 5D realm of existence.


These deaths–(actually by contracts made)–were chosen by both young and old,and by those in poor health and in good health.COVID19 provided–(and still does provide)–an unprecedented opportunity for those in human incarnation to choose a more wonderful life than that in which they had currently found themselves.Therefore,in our mind,it would be difficult for us to call these deaths'needless'.


We would also like to add something further regarding life and death on this Earth planet.As you know,there has been a great toll of lives in the 3rd world countries.Many of these are young souls who wished to experience this last time ever in the experimental 3rd dimension of this Earth planet,even if only for a short time.They knew,when they came into incarnation,that it would be a short and difficult life—but they willingly chose it nonetheless.This was true also of those seeking quick karmic work-throughs;but that was okay with them,and so they were allowed this incarnation.The resultant death was expected(and chosen)in the case of each of these described.


Whether seen through the eyes of 3D or 5D makes all the difference in the world as to the reality of life and death.COVID19 was not created by the Higher Beings–nor by the Creator of All–but its evil creation and purpose has been transmuted and utilized for an ultimate good.And so does the'good'continue!

無論是通過3D 還是5D 的眼睛看世界,對於現實生活和死亡來說都是不同的。COVID19不是由更高的存有創造的,也不是由萬物的創造者創造的,但是它的邪惡的創造和目的已經被改變,並被用於最終的善。好事還在繼續!

We hope this little commentary about the reality of the seemingly'tragic deaths'of so many thousands of lives might find a resonance within your hearts,Dear Ones…and bring less suffering of sorrow and grief at the loss of your loved ones.May you find an inner peace from knowledge of the Truth


We love and bless you on this courageous journey you are on.And please know you are ever held in the Light and Love of the Cosmic Christ.



< 原文及來源:
https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/51898.html >


