

#Galaxygirl #BethStormont #BrendaHoffman #NickChan

譯者:Nick Chan

Dear children, this is your Mother God. I love you. This one has needed rest and she has allowed it. It is important to listen deeply to the needs of the body-spirit and return rejuvenated. Many are the needs of the ascending form, especially in this moment of heat and change as the crystalline structures begin to unwind and twist, move and stretch. (I am seeing tulip bulbs grow from the viewpoint of underground, the roots stretching deep, and the plant bursting forth climbing towards the sun.) You are doing this, children. You are doing this and so you are so weary! Rest in my embrace of flowers, of love. Today is Mother’s Day on your sphere, a painful day for many - many mothers have already joined my embrace on this side of your experience and are not with you now, many partners have longed for a baby and have not been able to conceive. Remember you have all been mothers and grandmothers in your many sojourns. You have all been fathers and brothers, you have all been many aspects of your divine self. Today it is the aspect of the divine birthing female that is honored but let us expand it. Let us expand it into love, into inclusivity for the divine is all things. Yes, we honor those who are mothering. (I am seeing a hen with her chicks, a mother owl with her owlets tucked under her wing. I am feeling the protection of being under Mother’s wing.) Yes, you are so well loved, protected, nourished and understood. The Divine Feminine aspect of love is awakening upon your world and it will change everything. Today is another catalyst for this change. You are seeding the divine feminine, you are causing these roots of my love for you to go deeper into the soil of Gaia into the hearts of mankind. Just be. Just be this love. Just be my love. Just radiate the heat of passion of my love for you and it will heal, it will balance, it will uplift.
I am Mother God. For too long the divine feminine has been squelched and all have suffered. Balance is returning. The divine is a balanced, even love, covering all woundings of inequality and soothing the pain of loss. Your world is focusing on inequality right now, and the pot is being stirred. Do not assign ‘good or bad’ to this observation, for that is yet another form of a dualistic viewpoint, and divine looks objectively, neutrally, through the eyes of love. People are waking up. It is part of the waking up process to sift through all of the layers of inequality and pain that being embodied in a masculine-dominant and controlled sector has wrought. You are all my children. You are all tremendously loved. (I am feeling her tears.) These sufferings were never intended but it was known that you would suffer when you embodied, and you chose to come. You chose because you were and are so very, very strong. Strong in my love. Strong in your determination for healing of the realm, and strong and bold enough to carry this through - no matter what obstacles would face you. You saw that YOU could make that difference and so you volunteered to come. And I bless you, we are all sending you our tremendous love and blessings and we hope that you can feel them, open your heart enough to feel them. (I am seeing a barreling St Bernard running towards me, filled with joy and excitement.) Be healed. Accept our kisses, our love.
The divine feminine has returned and it is through you. It is through your hands and feet, through your enhancement of the understanding of love, of balance, of harmony. The divine feminine holds space. We - I have been holding space for you. That space is my love, my lap of space. Climb into my lap in any moment. If you need to cry because the world seems too much, then cry. Let it out. Let out the waterfall of tears, for dams create blocks energetically and are not healthy for flowing systems. Do not allow blocks imposed by others. Now is the time of free-flowing love to course through your chakras and nourish them. (I am seeing a waterfall of light extending from Mother cascading down around the earth, covering the people in waterfalls of light, unblocking the chakras. I am seeing that now the chakras are less distinct points of color but prisms of free flowing rainbow light within the ascending human form. I am feeling a rainbow in my spinal column now.) Rainbows come after the rain. It has rained on humanity long enough.
I am your Mother God. Children, happy divine feminine day. All have the divine feminine within. All have this power, this nurturing, this love, this passion for expansion into yet more love. That is me. You have me within you. I love you with a never-ending love. Sit with me in my rainbow of waterfall light and let your sadness, the overwhelm be washed away. Know that you are strong enough for this task and you have been chosen to lead. Lead the charge, my beloved ones. Feel my light pulse within you and be at peace. I am ever with you. I am your Mother God.
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傳導作者:Beth Stormont
譯者:Nick Chan

A blessed greeting to you Dear Ones who are serving on Planet Earth at this most important time! We wish today to address something that may be of concern to you, as has it been to this channeler.
You of course receive varying messages from each channel – (of whom there are now many) – with some of the messages actually contradicting one another. This can lead to considerable confusion and sometimes guilt when the advice is the opposite of what you have been following.
Please remember that channelers are expressing through their own communication system that which in essence comes from a stream of thought from a Higher Authority… usually basically telepathically; (there are also other ways of receiving channeled messages, of course.) The channeler’s innate means of expression and thoughts are a natural part of what comes through in a channeled message, and so there is naturally great variation in the messages brought forth on an almost daily basis.
That which creates the greatest concern for you dear readers is when you are told that you need to be DOING something to alert the ‘sleepers’ about the realities of the evils besetting the planet, along with other negative 3D realties.
We shall here show by example what we mean by that statement: Recently our channel was with a small group of church friends celebrating at a restaurant after having attended a special meditative-type service. After more than a year of not being together or even seeing one another, the natural question to ask was how they were doing. The woman sitting very close and maskless next to our channel replied that all her family members and friends have received their vaccine, and so their lives can now return to normal. This, of course, was not the time to try to correct her thinking with the truth of the vaccines and the fact of never ‘returning to normal’.
If you find that you only meet with extreme resistance if you send or say anything about the realities connected with these channeled messages and the Awakening/Ascension process, we would suggest a different approach that works just as well… if perhaps not better!
This approach is called inner plane work. It is a way of communicating from soul to soul rather than outer personality connection. The personality self – when confronted with something of a negative nature – often sets up barriers of resistance to that type of communication. However, when all the emotions from a bad situation are felt and expressed on the inner planes with personality/soul communication, something miraculous seems to take place! Often as early as the next day, all is forgotten and as though the bad situation had never happened!
It is entirely up to what feels right to you as to which approach to use… and when. Sometimes the approaches can be alternated successfully by a single person — and other times only one or the other approach works for that person. It is only by looking within and viewing from the heart that the discernment is made.
We know that all you Lightworkers and Wayshowers are doing the very best that you can in holding the Light against the darkness of the times. Please do not overly-concern yourselves with the methods that you use in doing so. Let your heart lead the way, along with your own inner guidance. That is always true.
We highly honor and respect you — and we do love you dearly, Dear Ones!
We hold you in the Love and Light of the Cosmic Christ — and we send all the blessings of the Universe to you!
< 原文:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1841458302680549&set=a.806388119520911 >

傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
Let us, of the Universes, begin today’s message with a cheer. Most of you have moved beyond the need for 3D thoughts or actions. You have internalized the energies that empower you to be you. Even though perhaps not fully, enough of your new personality is shining through to negate who you once were in 3D.
This is a new time in a new age, and you have reacted accordingly. You no longer feel the need to pretend to be someone you are not to placate others or even yourself. You are you in all your glory.
Of course, you expected such to happen. But let us take it one step further. Now that you have claimed most of new you, you will discover everything about you is different. Such is not necessarily new information, but it is key to today’s message for some of you are wondering about your sanity, your hold on reality.
Those of you who floated about spending more time in the ethers through your dream state or various waking states, including meditation, will discover a need to be more grounded, to be more of the earth.
And those of you who were firmly grounded will discover a need to meditate or participate in a long dream state in whatever form that takes.
This last energy burst has fulfilled your need to be a Universal being of the earth.
Before this last shift, you were of the earth, but neither a Universal being of the earth nor true earth being. You flitted here and there, pretending to be of the earth but escaping to the ethers whenever you could. Or, you denied your Universal being in an attempt to be fully of the earth.
You can no longer deny who or where you are. You are a Universal being of the earth. Such is so for several reasons – not the least of which you helped earth transition beyond 3D before you did the same for yourself.
Before your transition, you were in hiding. Pretending to be an earth being living in fear while hiding your true Universal being. Some of you pretended to be in full fear. Others adorned yourself with the cloak of Universal savvy without understanding that you were also an earth being. Still, others of you tip-toed into Universal knowledge only to declare that knowledge and your being unworthy of you at this time.
Those disguises are no longer valid. Take off your cloaks of despair, disbelief, shame, unknowingness, or any disguise you created to hide your true being.
You are a Universal earth being – as you were every time you explored an earth life.
Many of you are in wonderment about the Arcturians, Pleiadians, or beings from other planets you believe are better or wiser than you. Once again, you are giving away your power. All of you reading this channel have inhabited those planets and more.
You would not be of the earth now if you had only experienced life on the earth or even in the ethers and the earth. In your desire to shift the earth from fear to love, you lived in many environments and planets, or however you wish to label them. You also attended various Universal schools learning all you could about your transition interests.
You have studied your interests for eons. So anything interesting to new you is not new or foreign, even though it may feel as such now.
Many of you are attempting to erase DNA knowledge passed to you by your earth ancestors, believing future knowledge is not accessible. Your 3D ancestral knowledge pales in comparison to your eons of Universal knowledge – including that of the future.
It is time for you to move forward. Forget the feelings, information, and actions of the past. Acknowledge and accept your Universal inner knowingness, that your new interests and actions will display.
Continuing to devote attention to past wrongs or thoughts closes the door to your new being. Past guilts, and actions are of 3D earth. You are a Universal being and always have been, even while attempting to fit within the small parameters of 3D earth.
It is as if you are Superman or Wonder Woman deciding to negate your 3D disguise.
Perhaps your greatest fear is that you will be different – you will be. You can no longer pretend to be Clark Kent or Diana Prince – you are a super person.
Perhaps you wonder if all earth beings have similar superpowers. Most do. Because this is a notable earth transition, the majority of those now of the earth are part of the transition team.
Those not part of the transition team are the original earthlings who chose to experience earth lifetime after lifetime with a few sprinklings of Universal experiences that did not include life on other planets. They are fully earth grounded, which is neither good nor bad, merely their choice – just as you chose to experience earth plus many other venues.
Perhaps an apt analogy would be those of the earth who remain in a small, isolated community their entire lives versus those who leave that community and travel the world. Neither is a better nor worse person, merely a being with different experiences.
The majority of those now of the earth completed experiences from the other places and lands required to shift the earth and its inhabitants from fear to love. A project eons in the making by you and your cohorts. So be it. Amen.
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