

譯者:Nick Chan
0:00 影片開頭 0:37 《1》佛陀-在和諧與團結中合作 (20210531) 5:14 《2》天使-內在生命力的推動 (20210531) #MarleneSwetlishoff #AnnAlbers #釋迦牟尼 #NickChan #光之工作者

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved Lightworkers,
I come on the wings of love in honor of you who have been working so diligently and so earnestly to anchor the Light into the Earth. You have been doing a magnificent job and I, Lord Buddha and the rest of the Family of Light members salute each and every one of you! Each day upon the planet Earth, more and more of your Light is igniting and radiating out into the atmosphere.
It is a glorious sight to see. There is, literally, a rainbow of Light upon the Earth springing up in many, many points of the planet. As these Lights expand and radiate across the surface of the Earth, they join together in a rainbow, a glorious rainbow of Light which in turn, creates an aura that circles the entire planet Earth. This rainbow of Light is growing in intensity, each color is vivid, intense and clear. This rainbow sphere of Light that surrounds the Earth is a great blessing to humanity and all sentient life upon the Earth. As it grows in its intensity and its hues, what is occurring is a blending of all the colors of each of you and it is a powerful symbol of the unity of consciousness of all humanity and all other life forms upon this planet.
We upon the higher planes of consciousness are so joyful, jubilant and in celebration to see this occurring, for it indicates that unity consciousness is occurring within humanity and out into all sentient life upon the planet. We see all the kingdoms upon the Earth working in joyful unison with humanity as you respectfully include them as you call them forth. What is occurring is that we are ALL working together in unity and as this consciousness continues to grow and expand, the Light upon the Earth grows ever brighter. There is a golden glow surrounding everything and this is the cosmic Christ Consciousness descending upon the Earth and all her inhabitants.
Continue, Dear Ones, in your spiritual disciplines in whatever way is most relevant and meaningful for you, continue to stand in your Light, for this is so crucial and so necessary today, and in the days ahead. Take each day one at a time, honor yourselves and the Light that you are. Remind yourselves often of the Light and the Divinity that you truly are. Intend first thing each morning that you walk through each day upon the Earth fully in your own energies and in your own power and in your own sovereignty, the sovereignty of your Divinity.
As this process continues, more of you will be coming into Christ Consciousness. There are more and more golden suns almost breaking forth from each of you. The potential that exists is for an ENORMOUS critical mass of ignition coming forth together on the Earth plane within your physical human bodies. You are creating once and for all, the higher frequency Light, fully anchored upon this world. You are a living Christ and heart consciousness walking the Earth, manifesting divine order and blessing the Earth, healing the Earth and changing everything upon the Earth. This is what is in the great potentiality for the planet Earth and all inhabitants upon the Earth.
So, Beloved Lightworkers, keep on keeping on. You hear this from us so often and it has more than one meaning. It is an encouragement to continue to stand in your Light, it is an encouragement to not give up hope, it is an encouragement also that the world that you wish and desire to manifest is close to occurring. When we speak in terms of ‘close to occurring’, we are not talking in linear terms, we are talking in cosmic terms but rest assured, in linear terms, there is a Light at the end of the tunnel.
Know that we ALL work together upon the multi-dimensional realities now, there is great harmony and cooperation. The Lightworkers incarnate in the world are working in the etheric realms and coordinating the groups that exist upon the Earth. Each group has its function, and each is performing admirably this function. It all works together in harmony and in unison, for at the heart of all this effort is the single purpose of the Divine Plan which is to restore the Earth and all of her inhabitants to their Divine heritage, to create Heaven on Earth.
I AM Lord Buddha.
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >

傳導作者:Ann Albers
譯者:Nick Chan

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Be gentle with yourselves. These are intense times upon your planet earth. A mighty force of love is cascading into your planet right now and it is stirring up all that was once stagnant, releasing all that was once stuffed, and pushing up against all the walls of your resistance to love.
This force of love is catalyzing the massive awakening that humanity, collectively, has prayed for. You are re-birthing yourselves, and birth can either be a glorious experience of surrender, or a tough process of pushing past the pains of resistance.
You may feel this birthing in many ways. You may find yourself thinking differently about what you want or who you want to be. You may feel outbursts of emotion – profound love, or sudden tears of anger or frustration. You may have physical conditions suddenly appear to be revealed and healed. These strong waves of love are purging you – mind, body, and soul – of all that no longer serves so you can become and experience more of what you truly desire.
Think of a seed. It lays dormant in the dark cold ground all winter. It is content within its shell until springtime. As the sun warms the soil, and the rain waters seep into the shell, the force and Source of life itself stirs within the seed, impulsing it to sprout. The sprout grows within the confines of its shell until, at long last, its desire for expansion pushes up against the shell. What once protected is now confining. The force of life within that sprout will summon a mighty energy to cast the resistant shell aside, so it can grow into all that it is destined to be.
So too, a caterpillar who was once content to crawl on the ground is suddenly impulsed to attach itself upside down to a plant, spin a cocoon, and surrender to its own process of death and rebirth. The force and Source of life is the impulse that guides it. The Source of life is growing and expanding into something greater within. Eventually, the cocoon that once protected becomes confining. The butterfly must exert a mighty force to reach past the resistance of its former security blanket in order to become all that it is destined to be.
Your mother earth is no different. As she stirs within her own heart and soul, she shakes, and suddenly the crust cracks and hot magma from within her beating heart rises to the surface creating new land, new soil, new life, and new opportunities for all that live upon her. A mighty force is required to overcome the resistance of the crust in order to allow the creation of new land. There would be no life on earth without this process.
A mother feels life stirring within her. Eventually baby and mother receive an impulse, and both must surrender to the contractions to allow for the birthing to occur.
You too are experiencing the impulses of the force and Source of life within yourselves. Many of you are feeling an urge or impulse to try something new. Some of you are feeling urges and impulses to do things you've long put off. Some of you are feelings the urge and impulse to simply rest and relax. Some of you are feeling the impulse to love yourself more by making healthier, happier choices for yourself. You might have an impulse to take a class, clean out your closet, take a nap, change your career, shift your relationships, create better boundaries, to share your heart with love, walk away from a situation with an awareness of how it once served as a protective shell from which you are growing beyond.
Moment by moment, this force and Source of life within impulses you to take the kindest, easiest, healthiest, and happiest next step on your path.
To the degree that you surrender to these natural impulses to create a more loving reality for yourself in each moment, you will feel better. To the degree you resist these natural impulses to create a more loving reality for yourself in the moment, you will feel worse.
While most of you were taught that feelings such as inner conflict, stagnation, and anger are the result of undesirable conditions in the outer world, we'd like to share a more powerful perspective with you:
All negative feelings come from resisting the loving impulses that are trying to guide you towards what you – yourself – have asked for.
The question is not, "does the outside world make it easy for you to feel loved and loving in a given moment" but rather, "Are you allowing yourself to feel loved and loving in a given moment?"
You learned, for example, to blame your inner conflicts on the external world. In reality, all inner conflict results from your mind being conflicted with your heart in a given moment. Give yourself permission to listen to your heart. Suppose you want a new job. You feel you should look for a job, but you want to rest or call a friend. The Source is guiding you to rest, or call the friend. Your mind is telling you to act. Surrender to your heart. Perhaps in your resting you'll relax and hear your guidance. Perhaps in calling your friend you'll get an idea or a tip on how to find the perfect job. Surrender to the force of life guiding you. Choose to trust in the unfolding journey, in your guidance, and in perfect universal timing.
Likewise, many of you have been taught to blame feelings of stagnation on external situations. In truth, stagnation results from you thinking that your feelings don't matter. They do. Care about how you feel. Choose a thought or action that feels a little better each time you can. If you are sad, that might be a good comforting cry. If you are upset, you might need to vent in a safe and healthy way. There is always the next best loving step to take. Drop into your heart and reach for it with your intention. Ask, "Heart how can I best love myself now?" Listening to your own heart's desire to feel better creates movement.
As well, almost all of you have been taught to blame your anger on others or external life situations. You say, "This made me angry," or "They made me angry. Nonetheless, without its human label, "anger" is the same force that causes the seed to sprout past the shell, the butterfly to climb out of the cocoon, and your Mother Earth to erupt in a volcano in order to create new life. It is the forceful push of the birthing contractions, and the push you sometimes need to expand, grow, and give yourself permission to shift your awareness into a kinder and more loving reality.
For example, you get angry at a person driving erratically in traffic. Of course, you don't like this behavior. Of course, you'd prefer kindness and sensitivity, but why the anger? Why not just roll your eyes and go back to enjoying your drive? In this case, the anger is a force saying to you, "Stop giving other drivers power over your peace and your life. You alone have control over your vibration. Take back your mind. Take back your power." Focus back on a wonderful song on the radio, a conversation with a friend, or the peace of the drive and suddenly anger is gone.
You would almost certainly be angry at someone who lied, cheated, betrayed you, stole from you, or abused you. The burst of anger is saying, "Of course you don't want this behavior in your life. Move forward as fast as you can. Stand your ground if you must. Speak your truth if you must. Take action for justice if you must, but after that don't give them another ounce of your precious life, attention, and energy. Let's create better!" Anger is a force propelling you forward into a kinder, more loving reality.
Dear ones if you can look at your feelings this way and realize that all positive feelings indicate a surrender to the loving impulses of the Source, and all negative feelings indicate a resistance to the loving impulses of Source, then you will more quickly move in the direction of your happiness, health, peace, serenity, security, harmony, and resonant connections.
In each moment, no matter who has done, or is doing what in your life, reach for the best feeling thought that you can. Be kind to yourself. Get the help you deserve when you need it. Listen to your body. Put good things in your mind. Accept yourself as you are. Love yourselves dear ones as you wish to be loved, for you are all worthy. Reclaim your God-given power to be happy and to create the life you truly want, one kinder thought at a time.
As you learn to surrender to being kind to yourself, and doing what is right for yourself, then the people who have wronged you, the ones you fear, and the ones you thought had power over you will simply become irrelevant to you as you move forward into your own loving life.
Your vibration is what is relevant. Your joy is what is relevant. Your relationship with the force and Source of life within is what is most relevant of all.
You are nothing less, Dear ones, than the power that creates worlds experiencing itself in countless forms. You are loved. You are guided. Your unique perspective and desires matter. We want for you the best of what you want for yourself.
Surrender to the loving, better-feeling impulses within. This is your guided, grace-filled path to the manifestation of your dreams.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
< 原文及來源:
Nick Chan臉書上的每日光信息中英翻譯
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004491903654 >


